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Indian J Cancer ; 2023 Jun; 60(2): 245-247
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221790


We present the case report of a 58?year?old man with recurrent chondroid syringoma, which was histopathologically confirmed, who underwent exenteration surgery of the right eye. Furthermore, the patient was receiving postoperative radiation therapy, and presently there is no local and/or distant evidence of disease in the patient

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222218


Chondroid syringomas are similar to mixed parotid tumors and present in both benign and malignant forms. Malignant chondroid syringoma (MCS) is a rare skin tumor that has a predilection for extremities, particularly in young women. It is even rarer to present as a scalp tumor with very few reported cases in the literature. We present a middle-aged woman, with a history of increasing fatigability of her right arm for the past 3 months who, on examination, was found to have scalp swelling and matted right posterior triangle lymph nodes. The working diagnosis on her was a large sebaceous cyst with secondary in the neck from an occult primary/non-Hodgkin抯 lymphoma. Preliminary fine-needle aspiration was inconclusive. Imaging followed by wide excision of the tumor and the nearby occipital node was done. The final histopathological diagnosis was MCS with secondary in the lymph node. These tumors are aggressive and metastasize early. Radical surgery is the only hope of cure as adjuvant treatment is yet to be standardized

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(1): 80-88, jan.mar.2022. ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368240


Introdução: O siringomas são tumores anexais benignos com caraterísticas histopatológicas decorrentes dos ductos écrinos, em forma de pápulas amareladas ou cor da pele, de 1-3 mm, comumente na região periorbitária inferior, podendo causar problemas cosméticos importantes. O objetivo do tratamento é melhorar a aparência, através da destruição completa do tumor usando métodos minimamente invasivos e inclusa cirurgia. Existem na literatura múltiplas opções de tratamento com vários graus de sucesso, porém pouco se conhece sobre a eficácia. Em geral, a remoção completa não é bem-sucedida, e têm sido descritos efeitos colaterais, sendo a recorrência o mais frequente. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa de literatura, de publicações científicas no período de 2014-2019. Resultados: Após revisar 45 artigos, e identificar os publicados nos últimos cinco anos que tiveram registro de número de pacientes, descrição de tratamento, escalas de avaliação dos resultados e acompanhamento, foram selecionados seis artigos. Do número total de seis artigos, foram encontrados: uma revisão sistemática, e cinco estudos retrospectivos, sendo um comparativo. Foi designado um número para cada artigo analisado, e coletados o número de pacientes incluídos, tratamento realizado, escalas de avaliação e resultados, complicações e conclusões. Conclusões: Os siringomas periorbitários ainda são um desafio terapêutico, e até agora nenhum tratamento demostrou ser consistentemente eficaz. O laser CO2 continua sendo a primeira escolha de tratamento quando usado fracionado, e a eletrocoagulação intralesional representa uma segunda alternativa com resultados moderados e menor risco de complicações. Novos tratamentos como Laser Erbium Laser Erbium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet, Neodymium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet e monoterapia com toxina botulínica A poderiam ser boas alternativas. Estudos prospetivos comparativos são necessários.

Introduction: Syringomas are benign adnexal tumors with histopathological characteristics arising from the eccrine ducts, in yellowish or skin-colored papules, 1-3 mm, commonly in the lower periorbital region, which can cause important cosmetic problems. The goal of treatment is to improve appearance by destroying the tumor using minimally invasive methods and including surgery. There are multiple treatment options in the literature with varying degrees of success, but little is known about their effectiveness. Complete removal is unsuccessful, and side effects have been described, recurrence being the most frequent. Methods: This is a narrative review of the literature of scientific publications in the period 2014-2019. Results: After reviewing 45 articles and identifying those published in the last five years that had a record of the number of patients, treatment description, scales of evaluation of results and follow-up, six articles were selected. Of the total number of six articles, we found: a systematic review and five retrospective studies, one being a comparative one. A number was assigned to each article analyzed, and the number of patients included, treatment performed, assessment scales and results, complications and conclusions were collected. Conclusions: Periorbital syringomas are still a therapeutic challenge, and so far, no treatment is consistently effective. The CO2 laser remains the first choice of treatment when used fractionally, and intralesional electrocoagulation represents a second alternative with moderate results and a lower risk of complications. New treatments such as Laser Erbium Laser Erbium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet, Neodymium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet and botulinum toxin A monotherapy could be good alternatives. Comparative prospective studies are needed.

Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 67(4): 00014, oct.-dic 2021. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361107


RESUMEN Los siringomas son tumores anexiales benignos raramente encontrados a nivel vulvar. Se comunica un caso y se realiza una revisión bibliográfica ante la presentación de una mujer de 33 años con múltiples lesiones papulares en labios mayores, de larga data, con diagnóstico anatomopatológico y tratamiento mediante escisión quirúrgica bajo sedación y vaporización con láser CO2.

ABSTRACT Syringomas are benign adnexal tumors rarely reported at the vulvar area. A case is reported and a literature review is performed for the presentation of a 33-yearold woman with multiple papular lesions in labia majora, of long standing, with anatomopathologic diagnosis and treatment by surgical excision under sedation and CO2 laser vaporization.

Rev. chil. dermatol ; 36(1): 11-15, 2020. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381083


INTRODUCCIÓN: Los siringomas son tumores benignos derivados de la porción intraepidérmica de los conductos sudoríparos ecrinos. Ocasionalmente pueden iniciar de forma súbita como siringomas eruptivos o localizarse en sitios atípicos que retrasan el diagnóstico por años. La dermatoscopía tiene un rol incipiente en diferenciar siringomas de su extenso diagnóstico diferencial. MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo descriptivo de serie de casos de siringomas de localización atípica. Los datos fueron extraídos de fichas clínicas electrónicas. Todos incluyen dermatoscopía y correlación histopatológica. RESULTADOS: Cinco pacientes. Cuatro hombres y una mujer entre 40 y 79 años de edad con siringomas atípicos: cuatro casos eruptivos y un caso de siringomas vulvares. DISCUSIÓN: Proponemos la dermatoscopía basada en nuestros hallazgos como una herramienta útil con estructuras ovales amarillas y una pseudo-red café clara difusa en su superficie. Estas estructuras amarillas se pueden correlacionar con la proliferación ductal ecrina y el denso estroma en la histopatología. CONCLUSIÓN: Enfatizamos que se debe considerar esta entidad en el diagnóstico diferencial de dermatosis papulares y conocer sus manifestaciones clínicas para optimizar la sospecha diagnóstica.

INTRODUCCTION: Syringomas are common benign tumors, probably of origin derived from the intraepidermal portion of the eccrine sweat ducts. Occasionally they may develop suddenly and extensively as eruptive syringomas or be located in atypical sites delaying the diagnosis for years. Dermoscopy has an incipient role in differentiating syringomas from their extensive differential diagnosis. METHODS: Retrospective descriptive case-series study of atypical location syringomas. Data extraction from clinical history from electronic files. They all include dermoscopy and histopathological correlation. RESULTS: Five patients: Four men and one woman between 40 and 79 years old, with atypical syringomas diagnosis: four eruptive and one vulvar syringomas. DISCUSSION: We propose dermoscopy, based on our findings, as a useful tool to this entity, with its oval yellow structures and a diffuse light-brown network-like structure on its surface. These yellow enlargements may be correlated with the ductal eccrine proliferation and the dense stroma seen in the histopathology. CONCLUSION: We emphasize that they should be considered in the differential diagnosis of papular dermatosis, as they tend to be underdiagnosed, and to know their clinical manifestations to optimize the diagnostic suspicion.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Tumeurs cutanées/diagnostic , Tumeurs des glandes sudoripares/diagnostic , Syringome/diagnostic , Tumeurs cutanées/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs des glandes sudoripares/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs de la vulve/diagnostic , Études rétrospectives , Syringome/anatomopathologie , Dermoscopie , Diagnostic différentiel
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185395


Syringoma is derived from the Greek word syrinx meaning pipe or tube. It is a benign tumour composed of sweat ducts that is usually multiple. They are fairly common tumours that occur most commonly in women. Rarely, the condition can be familial1. Usually, they present as soft, flesh coloured to slightly yellow papules on the lower eyelids of healthy individuals. They can also affect the scalp, forehead, neck, abdomen and extremities. Hereby reporting a case of disseminated syringoma in a female patient

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-196225


Chondroid syringoma (CS) also known as mixed tumor of the skin, is a rare benign adnexal tumor accounting for < 0.098%. Epithelial cells arranged in cords and tubules set in myxoid or chondroid stroma. Differentiation such as osteoid, sebaceous or mature adipocytes can be seen rarely. Hyaline cell rich is a rare variant of CS composed of cells with eosinophilic hyaline cytoplasm and plasmacytoid features. CS can have benign, atypical and malignant variants. The term atypical mixed tumor is recommended for those tumors which have histological features of malignancy such as infiltrative margin, satellite tumor nodules and tumor necrosis but without proven metastasis. Very few case reports of hyaline cellrich benign CS have been reported in the past, but to the best of our knowledge, possibly it is the first case of atypical hyaline cellrich CS of the little finger in a 65 year-old female showing divergent differentiation.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187093


Background: Adnexal tumors of skin are uncommon in routine practice and may cause diagnostic problems clinically. Presence of Multiple tumors can be considered as marker for visceral malignancy e.g. multiple trichilemmoma-breast malignancy. Adenexal tumors of the skin are classified into four groups. Aim: To correlate skin adenexal tumors with age, sex and location and incidence in the Department of Pathology, Gandhi Hospital, Hyderabad. Materials and methods: Total number of cases was 136, during study period from April 2007 to March 2017 (ten years) in present study. All slides stained with routine Hematoxylin and Eosin and special stains accordingly. Results: Total number of Adenexal tumors were 136; benign tumors were 134 (98.4%), malignant tumors were 02 (1.6%), Largest group was sweat gland tumors (42.1%) e.g. chondroid syringoma, eccrine poroma, syringo cystadenoma papilleferum, hair follicle tumors (35.4%) e.g. trichoepithelioma, pilomatricoma and sebaceous adenoma and sebaceous carcinoma. Undifferentiated and others (21%) e.g. benign trichogenic tumors were also noted. Conclusion: The incidence of benign skin adenexal tumors was more as compared with the malignant tumors. Malignant tumors were seen predominantly in elderly

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716115


No abstract available.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-122515


Syringoma is the most common type of benign intraepidermal eccrine sweat gland tumor in Korea, and is usually found in women in their forties. It presents mostly as a localized lesion, preferring the lower eyelid, cheek, or forehead, and rarely invades the vulval area, and in the case of children, vulvar invasion is even more rare. Tranilast is an antihistamine used for atopic dermatitis and asthma, and has recently been used for the treatment of keloid. A few previous studies have reported both localized and generalized forms of syringoma being effectively resolved with tranilast. Herein, we report a rare and interesting case of milium-like syringoma, which manifested on the vulval area of 10-year old girl that was successfully treated with tranilast.

Enfant , Femelle , Humains , Asthme , Joue , Eczéma atopique , Paupières , Front , Chéloïde , Corée , Glandes sudoripares , Syringome , Vulve
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-203541


Syringomas are common benign neoplasms that are derived from the intradermal eccrine duct and frequently manifest in adult females as 1~3-mm flesh-colored papules on the face, especially on the lower eyelid. There are two hypotheses about their pathogenesis: ductal obstruction by keratin plugs and reactive eccrine proliferation following an inflammatory condition. The patient was a 66-year-old man with multiple erythematous papules and nodules on both periorbital areas after 7-day sorafenib (Nexavar®) treatment. A skin biopsy of the Rt. periorbital lesion revealed multiple cysts and tadpole-shaped tubular structures in the dermal layer. Inflammatory cell infiltration was seen throughout the dermis. Based on the clinical features and histological findings, we diagnosed the patient with syringoma-like eccrine duct proliferation. The indications for and use of Sorafenib have increased recently. Although sorafenib-associated cutaneous side effects have increased, no cases of syringoma-like eccrine duct proliferation have been reported to date. Here we report a case of sorafenib-induced syringoma-like eccrine duct proliferation in a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma.

Adulte , Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Biopsie , Carcinome hépatocellulaire , Derme , Paupières , Peau , Syringome
An. bras. dermatol ; 92(5,supl.1): 101-103, 2017. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-887066


Abstract Collision or contiguous tumors, defined as two or more distinct tumors occurring at one site, are often an unexpected finding and may represent a diagnostic challenge, as clinical and histological presentations do not always coincide. Various combinations of collision tumors have been described with respect to melanocytic lesions, with the most frequently reported being the combination of nevus and basal cell carcinoma. We present an unusual case on the nose involving a melanoma in situ and a clinically-inapparent syringoma, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first report of this combination.

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Tumeurs cutanées/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs des glandes sudoripares/anatomopathologie , Syringome/anatomopathologie , Mélanome/anatomopathologie , Biopsie , Immunohistochimie , Tumeurs primitives multiples
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 15(5): 0-0, set.-oct. 2016.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-845234


Introducción: El Siringoma Condroide o tumor mixto es una neoplasia habitualmente benigna que constituye 0,01 por ciento de los tumores primarios de la piel. Es una entidad análoga al tumor mixto (Adenoma Pleomorfo) de glándulas salivales. El diagnóstico es exclusivamente histopatológico. Objetivo: Presentar una paciente con un diagnóstico poco común de Siringoma Condroide benigno, donde se destaca como diagnóstico diferencial entre los tumores de la piel en cabeza y cuello. Presentación de caso: Presentamos el caso de una paciente femenina, de 45 años de edad, quien acude a consulta por presentar un nódulo subcutáneo en la región geniana derecha, que apareció como un pequeño aumento de volumen debajo de la piel, que fue creciendo gradualmente, asintomático, redondeado, bien delimitado, móvil, de consistencia entre suave y firme, de varios meses de evolución, como única lesión. Clínicamente se interpretó como un quiste epidérmico. Su diagnóstico anatomopatológico fue el de Siringoma Condroide benigno o Tumor mixto de la piel. Conclusiones: Resulta un caso interesante debido a la baja frecuencia de presentación de esta lesión. Es importante tener presente esta entidad en el diagnóstico diferencial de los tumores de la piel en cabeza y cuello. A pesar de ser un tumor benigno es necesario el seguimiento del paciente, pues, aunque es muy raro, se han descrito casos con un comportamiento maligno(AU)

Introduction: Chondroid syringoma or mixed tumour is usually a benign neoplasia, constituting 0.01 percent of primary tumours of the skin. This is analogous to mixed tumour (Pleomorphic adenoma) of salivary gland. The diagnosis is only histopathologically. Objective: To present a patient with a diagnosis not very common of chondroid syringoma, where it is highlighted as differential diagnosis among the head and neck skin tumours. Case presentation: Is presented a case of a female patient; 45 years old, that arrived to the consulting room showing a subcutaneous nodule on the right genial region, it appeared as an asymptomatic slow-growing small mass, rounded, well bounded, mobile of soft and firm consistence, of several months of evolution, as a single lesion. The diagnosis was a chondroid syringoma or skin mixed tumour. Conclusions: It is an interesting case because it has a low frequency. It is important bear in mind this entity in the differential diagnosis of head and neck skin tumours. Despite being a benign tumour it is necessary to monitor patients, because even though it is uncommon, some cases have been reported with a malignant behaviour(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Adénome pléomorphe/diagnostic , Adénome pléomorphe/anatomopathologie , Adénome pléomorphe/épidémiologie , Présentations de cas , Tumeurs des glandes salivaires/étiologie , Diagnostic différentiel
Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2016 July-Sept 59(3): 362-364
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-179580


Chondroid syringoma (CS) is a rare benign tumor of the sweat gland. It generally presents as a painless, slowly growing, subcutaneous swelling, typically located on the head and neck region. The majority of the cases develop in middle aged and elderly males. We present a case of CS located over the right thumb of a 25‑year‑old male. The diagnosis was made initially by cytological evaluation and later confirmed by histopathological examination. There was no recurrence on two year follow up after the complete surgical excision of the tumor.

Rev. ADM ; 73(2): 88-91, mar.-abr. 2016. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-789839


Paciente masculino de 81 años de edad que acudió a consulta con un cirujano dentista por presentar una lesión nodular, asintomática, firme y móvil en el labio superior del lado derecho. El sujeto refi rió tener la lesión desde la infancia, pero notó crecimiento lento en el último año. El diagnóstico clínico indicaba un adenoma pleomorfo, por lo que el individuo se sometió a biopsia escisional bajo anestesia local. El espécimen se envió a estudio histopatológico. La evolución del paciente fue satisfactoria, sin reincidencia de la lesión. El examen microscópico reveló la presencia de una neoplasia bien delimitada constituida pormúltiples estructuras ductales pequeñas en la dermis. Estos ductos se encontraban revestidos por dos hileras de células epiteliales planas y contenían cantidades variables de material amorfo en la luz. El estroma presentaba diferenciación condroide.

An 81-year-old male patient consulted a dental surgeon due to his presenting a fi rm, mobile, asymptomatic nodular lesion on the upper lip. The patient stated that he had had the mass since childhood but that it had grown slowly over the course of the previous year. The clinical diagnosis was pleomorphic adenoma, for which reason the patient underwent an excisional biopsy under local anesthesia. The specimen was sent for histopathological examination. The patient’s progress was satisfactory and there was no recurrence of the lesion. Micro-scopic examination revealed the presence of a well-defi ned neoplasm consisting of multiple small ductal structures located in the dermis. These ducts were lined with two rows of fl attened epithelial cells and contained varying amounts of amorphous material in the lumen. The stroma exhibited chondroid differentiation.

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Adénome pléomorphe/diagnostic , Adénome pléomorphe/ultrastructure , Tumeurs de la lèvre/classification , Biopsie/méthodes , Service hospitalier d'odontologie , Mexique , Procédures de chirurgie maxillofaciale et buccodentaire
An. bras. dermatol ; 90(3,supl.1): 239-241, May-June 2015. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-755785



Syringoma is a benign, adnexal tumor of the eccrine sweat gland ducts. Eruptive syringomas are a rare variant, occurring before or during puberty in most cases. A 57-year-old man was observed in our department, with a 10-year history of multiple brownish papules (1-4mm in diameter), localized on the neck, shoulders, trunk and axillae. The clinical diagnosis was cutaneous mastocytosis. Histopathological examination from a papule in the trunk was compatible with the diagnosis of syringoma. The patient was treated with isotretinoin, without any improvement. The clinical diagnosis of eruptive syringoma is diffi cult and histological examination is crucial for its diagnosis. Long-term morbidity is not associated with syringomas; they are treated for cosmetic reasons with unsatisfactory results.


Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Tumeurs cutanées/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs des glandes sudoripares/anatomopathologie , Syringome/anatomopathologie , Âge de début , Biopsie , Diagnostic différentiel , Derme/anatomopathologie , Mastocytose cutanée/anatomopathologie
Invest. clín ; 56(1): 60-65, mar. 2015. ilus, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841067


The case of a 34-year-old woman, who consulted because she observed the appearance of numerous yellow-white asymptomatic papules on the vulva, is presented. Clinical diagnosis of syringoma of vulva was established. The pathological and immunohistochemical studies confirmed the diagnosis. Vulvar syringoma usually occurs as a multiple flesh-colored or brownish papules on both sides of labia majora of women in their third decade. Its diagnosis should be considered when the patient complaints of vulvar pruritus and/or sweating.

Se presenta un caso de una paciente de 34 años de edad quien consultó por presentar la aparición de numerosas pápulas de color blanco-amarillentas en la vulva. El diagnóstico clínico de siringoma de vulva fue realizado. Los estudios de patología y de inmunohistoquimica confirmaron el diagnóstico. El siringoma vulvar usualmente se presenta como múltiples pápulas del color de la piel o marrones en ambos labios mayores en mujeres en su tercera década de la vida. Su diagnóstico debe ser considerado en pacientes que se quejan de prurito y/o sudoración vulvar

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Tumeurs de la vulve/anatomopathologie , Syringome/anatomopathologie , Immunohistochimie