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Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 954-959, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569268


SUMMARY: Our team has modified Sihler's intramuscular nerve staining method to allow for calculation of nerve density. Therefore, this study aimed to show the overall distribution pattern of the thoracic cutaneous nerves to provide a morphological basis for selecting and matching sensory reconstruction during skin flap transplantation. Twelve Chinese adult cadavers were dissected; the thoracic skin was removed, and the modified Sihler's staining method was performed. Centered around the nipple, the chest skin was divided into four regions: medial-superior, lateral-superior, lateral-inferior, and medial-inferior. The thoracic skin was not only innervated by the branches of the 1st to 7th intercostal and supraclavicular nerves, but also by a small number of nerves that directly reached the skin and passed through the pectoralis major muscle. There is a phenomenon of cross overlap between the branches of adjacent intercostal nerves. The branches of the 2nd to 7th intercostal nerves were distributed in the breast, and the branches of the lateral and anterior cutaneous branches were densely distributed around the nipple, forming a grid-like anastomosis. There was no cross-overlapping innervation between the anterior cutaneous branches on both sides. The density of nerve distribution in the four regions of the chest was in the order of the medial-superior, lateral-superior, lateral-inferior and medial-inferior region, respectively. These results may be used to map sensory regions when designing thoracic skin flaps for reconstruction surgery to obtain improved sensory recovery.

Nuestro equipo ha modificado el método de tinción nerviosa intramuscular de Sihler para permitir el cálculo de la densidad nerviosa. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo mostrar el patrón de distribución general de los nervios cutáneos torácicos proporcionando una base morfológica para seleccionar y combinar la reconstrucción sensorial durante el trasplante de colgajo de piel. Se diseccionaron 12 cadáveres de individuos adultos chinos. Se eliminó la piel torácica y se realizó el método de tinción de Sihler modificado, centrada alrededor del pezón, la piel del pecho se dividió en cuatro regiones: medial- superior, lateral-superior, lateral-inferior y medial-inferior. La piel torácica no solo estaba inervada por los ramos de los nervios intercostal y supraclavicular 1º a 7º, sino también por un pequeño número de nervios que llegaban directamente a la piel y pasaban a través del músculo pectoral mayor. Existe un fenómeno de superposición cruzada entre los ramos de los nervios intercostales adyacentes. Los ramos de los nervios intercostales 2º a 7º se distribuyeron en la mama, y los ramos de los ramos cutáneos lateral y anterior se distribuyeron densamente alrededor del pezón, formando una anastomosis en forma de rejilla. No hubo inervación cruzada entre los ramos cutáneos anteriores en ambos lados. La densidad de la distribución nerviosa en las cuatro regiones del tórax estaba en el orden de región medial-superior, lateral-superior, lateral-inferior y medial-inferior, respectivamente. Estos resultados pueden ser útiles para mapear regiones sensoriales al diseñar colgajos de piel torácicos para utilizarlos en cirugía de reconstrucción y obtener así una mejor recuperación sensorial.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Peau/innervation , Coloration et marquage , Thorax/innervation , Lambeaux chirurgicaux/innervation , Cadavre , Agents colorants
ABCS health sci ; 49: e024203, 11 jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555490


INTRODUÇÃO: Cardiac surgery (CS) may be associated with several organic repercussions responsible for the appearance of cardiac risk factors during the postoperative period. These, associated with prolonged hospital length of stay (LoS), may trigger critical manifestations in individuals undergoing this surgical procedure. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationships between postoperative cardiac risk factors, LoS, and changes in functioning state. METHODS: Patients undergoing reconstructive, substitutive, or corrective cardiac surgeries were evaluated. The presence of postoperative cardiovascular risks was assessed using the InsCor score, while LoS and functionality were collected from medical records. RESULTS: One-hundred patients with a mean age of 59.2±12.3 years were included. Significant correlations between functionality and both the hospital and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) LoS (p<0.0001, ρ=0.56; p=0.002, ρ=0.29, respectively), as well as between hospital LoS and the number of comorbidities (p=0.003, ρ=0.28) were found. No significant relationships were observed between the number of postoperative risk factors and LoS. CONCLUSION: Functionality and comorbidities are associated with increased hospital and ICU LoS in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.

INTRODUÇÃO: A cirurgia cardíaca (CC) pode estar associada a diversas repercussões orgânicas responsáveis pelo surgimento de fatores de risco cardíaco no pós-operatório. Estas, associadas ao tempo de internação hospitalar (TIH) prolongado, podem desencadear manifestações críticas em indivíduos submetidos a esse procedimento cirúrgico. OBJETIVO: Investigar a correlação entre os fatores de risco cardíaco pós-operatórios em CC, funcionalidade e o (TIH). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados pacientes submetidos a CC reconstrutivas, substitutivas ou corretivas. A presença de riscos cardiovasculares pós-operatórios foi avaliada pelo escore da InsCor, enquanto o TIH e a funcionalidade foram coletados em prontuários médicos. RESULTADOS: Cem pacientes com idade média de 59,2±12,3 anos foram incluídos. Correlações significativas entre funcionalidade e TIH total e na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) (p<0.0001, ρ=0.56; p=0.002, ρ=0.29, respectivamente), bem como entre o TIH e o número de comorbidades (p=0.003, ρ=0.28) foram encontradas. Não foram observadas correlações significativas entre o número de fatores de risco pós-operatórios e o TIH. CONCLUSÃO: O número de alterações funcionais e o número de comorbidades estão associados ao aumento do TIH total e na UTI em pacientes submetidos à CC.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Période postopératoire , Chirurgie thoracique , Classification internationale du fonctionnement, du handicap et de la santé , Facteurs de risque , Durée du séjour , Études transversales
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-5, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561954


Os tumores de parede torácicas são relativamente inusitados, representando 1 a 2% de todas as neoplasias, e cerca de 5% das neoplasias torácicas. Sarcomas são tumores raros e com apresentação heterogênea. São divididos em dois grandes grupos: tumores ósseos e de partes moles. A ocorrência na parede torácica é rara, representando 8% de todos os sarcomas. O tratamento de escolha é a ressecção com margens ampliadas e, quando ocorre a invasão de estruturas profundas, a toracectomia é indicada. A reconstrução do arcabouço ósseo é realizada com materiais de síntese, proporcionando estabilidade, e é seguida da reconstrução de partes moles com retalhos musculares, musculocutâneos ou locais ao acaso. Os tumores malignos primários da parede torácica correspondem a menos de 1% de todas as neoplasias e incluem grande variedade de lesões ósseas e de tecidos moles. Os condrossarcomas representam 20% dos tumores primários da parede torácica, sendo que 80% têm origem nas costelas e 20% no esterno.

Chest wall tumors are relatively uncommon, representing 1 to 2% of all neoplasms, and approximately 5% of thoracic neoplasms. Sarcomas are rare tumors with heterogeneous presentation. They are divided into two large groups: bone and soft tissue tumors. Occurrence in the chest wall is rare, representing 8% of all sarcomas. The treatment of choice is resection with wide margins and, when invasion of deep structures occurs, thoracotomy is indicated. The reconstruction of the bone framework is carried out with synthetic materials, providing stability, and is followed by the reconstruction of soft tissues with muscular, musculocutaneous, or random local flaps. Primary malignant tumors of the chest wall account for less than 1% of all neoplasms and include a wide variety of bone and soft tissue lesions. Chondrosarcomas represent 20% of primary tumors of the chest wall, with 80% originating in the ribs and 20% in the sternum.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(7): e20230805, jun.2024. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563938


Resumo Fundamento Apesar dos avanços nas modalidades de diagnóstico e tratamento, há necessidade de marcadores preditivos para acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) recorrentes. Objetivos Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a relação entre calcificação do arco aórtico (CAA) e recorrência de AVC em pacientes com AVC durante o acompanhamento de um ano. Métodos Todos os pacientes com AVC que sofreram seu primeiro evento foram avaliados para participação no estudo. Foram registrados pacientes que sofreram AVC recorrentes durante o acompanhamento de um ano. A CAA foi avaliada por radiografia de tórax. Com base na ocorrência de AVC recorrente, os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos. A CAA foi classificada em quatro categorias de acordo com o seu grau, e a presença de CAA foi incluída na análise estatística. A relação entre CAA e AVC recorrente foi avaliada por meio de uma curva característica de operação do receptor. Um nível de significância <0,05 foi considerado aceitável para todas as análises estatísticas. Resultados Um total de 203 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo (46,8% mulheres, média de idade 69±12,3). AVC recorrente foi detectado em 49 pacientes. CAA, hipertensão e fibrilação atrial foram mais frequentes em pacientes com AVC recorrente. Pacientes com AVC recorrente apresentaram menor taxa de filtração glomerular e maior largura de distribuição de glóbulos vermelhos (RDW). Na análise de regressão multivariada, CAA (hazard ratio [HR], 3,544; IC 95%:1,653-7,598, p=0,001) e RDW (HR,1,214; IC 95%:1,053-1,400, p=0,008) foram identificados como preditores independentes de AVC recorrente. Conclusão A presença de CAA (≥ grau 1) e RDW foram significativamente associadas ao desenvolvimento de AVC recorrente dentro de um ano. Esses achados podem ter significado prognóstico no acompanhamento de pacientes com AVC.

Abstract Background Despite advances in diagnostic and treatment modalities, there is a need for predictive markers for recurrent strokes. Objectives This study aimed to investigate the relationship between aortic arch calcification (AAC) and stroke recurrence in stroke patients during a one-year follow-up. Methods All stroke patients who experienced their first event were evaluated for participation in the study. Patients who experienced recurrent strokes during the one-year follow-up were recorded. AAC was assessed by chest radiography. Based on the occurrence of recurrent strokes the patients were divided into two groups. AAC was classified into four categories according to its degree, and the presence of AAC was included in the statistical analysis. The relationship between AAC and recurrent stroke was assessed using a receiver operating characteristic curve. A significance level of <0.05 was deemed acceptable for all statistical analyses. Results A total of 203 patients were included in the study (46.8% female, mean age 69±12.3). Recurrent stroke was detected in 49 patients. AAC, hypertension, and atrial fibrillation were more frequent in patients with recurrent stroke. Patients with recurrent stroke had a lower glomerular filtration rate and a higher red cell distribution width (RDW). In multivariate regression analysis, AAC (hazard ratio [HR], 3.544; 95% CI:1.653-7.598, p=0.001) and RDW (HR,1.214; 95% CI:1.053-1.400, p=0.008) were identified as independent predictors of recurrent stroke. Conclusion The presence of AAC (≥ grade 1) and RDW were found to be significantly associated with the development of recurrent stroke within one year. These findings may have prognostic significance in the follow-up of stroke patients.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(4): e20230245, abr.2024. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557036


Resumo Fundamento: O índice de imuno-inflamação sistêmica (SII), um novo índice inflamatório calculado usando contagens de plaquetas, neutrófilos e linfócitos, demonstrou ser um fator de risco independente para a identificação de doença arterial coronariana de alto risco em pacientes submetidos a intervenção coronária percutânea e cardiovascular e cirurgia com circulação extracorpórea (CEC). A relação entre as taxas de mortalidade relacionadas ao SII e à CEC permanece obscura. Objetivo: Esta pesquisa foi desenhada para investigar o uso do SII para prever mortalidade hospitalar em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca com CEC. Métodos: Quatrocentos e oitenta pacientes submetidos a procedimento cardíaco envolvendo CEC durante 3 anos foram coletados do banco de dados do hospital. Foram comparados os dados demográficos, comorbidades, perfis hematológicos e bioquímico e dados operatórios dos grupos. Análises múltiplas de regressão logística foram feitas para determinar preditores independentes de mortalidade. Os fatores prognósticos foram avaliados por análise multivariada e os valores preditivos de SII, relação neutrófilo-linfócito (NLR) e razão plaqueta-linfócito (PLR) para mortalidade foram comparados. Um valor de p <0,05 foi considerado significativo. Resultados: Dos 480 pacientes, 78 desenvolveram mortalidade hospitalar após cirurgia cardíaca. O SII foi um preditor independente de mortalidade hospitalar (odds ratio: 1,003, intervalo de confiança de 95%: 1,001-1,005, p<0,001). O valor de corte do SII foi >811,93 com sensibilidade de 65% e especificidade de 65% (área sob a curva: 0,690). Os valores preditivos de SII, PLR e NLR foram próximos entre si. Conclusão: Altos escores pré-operatórios do SII podem ser usados para determinação precoce de tratamentos apropriados, o que pode melhorar os resultados cirúrgicos de cirurgia cardíaca no futuro.

Abstract Background: Systemic immune-inflammation index (SII), a new inflammatory index calculated using platelet, neutrophil, and lymphocyte counts, has been demonstrated to be an independent risk factor for the identification of high-risk coronary artery disease in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and cardiovascular surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). The relationship between SII and CPB-related mortality rates remains unclear. Objective: This research was designed to investigate the use of SII to predict in-hospital mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with CPB. Methods: Four hundred eighty patients who underwent a cardiac procedure involving CPB over 3 years, were obtained from the hospital's database. The demographic data, comorbidities, hematological and biochemical profiles, and operative data of the groups were compared. Multiple logistic regression analyses were done to determine independent predictors of mortality. Prognostic factors were assessed by multivariate analysis, and the predictive values of SII, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), and platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) for mortality were compared. A p-value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: Of 480 patients, 78 developed in-hospital mortality after cardiac surgery. SII was an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality (Odds ratio: 1.003, 95% confidence interval: 1.001-1.005, p<0.001). The cut-off value of the SII was >811.93 with 65% sensitivity and 65% specificity (area under the curve: 0.690). The predictive values of SII, PLR, and NLR were close to each other. Conclusion: High preoperative SII scores can be used for early determination of appropriate treatments, which may improve surgical outcomes of cardiac surgery in the future.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 301-307, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558115


SUMMARY: The application effect of transversus abdominis plane block (TAPB) combined with thoracic paravertebral block (TPVB) or erector spinae plane block (ESP) under ultrasound guidance in endoscopic radical resection of esophageal cancer under general anesthesia was studied. From March 2021 to February 2022, patients who underwent endoscopic radical resection of esophageal cancer in our hospital were selected as the research object, and 90 patients were selected as the samples. Patients were divided into groupA and group B according to the difference of blocking schemes. Group A received ESP and Group B received TPVB. The dosage of sufentanil, nerve block time, awakening time and extubation time of the two groups were counted. The postoperative pain, sedation effect, sleep satisfaction and analgesia satisfaction of the two groups were compared, and the complications of the two groups were observed. The nerve block time and extubation time in group A were shorter than those in group B (P0.05). At T2, T3 and T4, the visual analogue scale (VAS) scores of group A at rest and cough were significantly lower than those of group B (P0.05). The satisfaction of sleep and analgesia in group A was higher than that in group B (P0.05). The analgesic effect of ultrasound-guided TAPB combined with ESP is better than that of ultrasound-guided TAPB combined with TPVB, and it can shorten the time of nerve block and extubation, which is worth popularizing.

Se estudió el efecto de la aplicación del bloqueo del plano transverso del abdomen (TAPB) combinado con el bloqueo paravertebral torácico (TPVB) o el bloqueo del plano del erector de la columna (ESP) bajo guía ecográfica en la resección radical endoscópica del cáncer de esófago bajo anestesia general. Desde marzo de 2021 hasta febrero de 2022, en nuestro hospital, se seleccionaron como objeto de investigación pacientes sometidos a resección radical endoscópica de cáncer de esófago, y como muestra se seleccionaron 90 pacientes. Los pacientes se dividieron en el grupo A y el grupo B según la diferencia de esquemas de bloqueo. El grupo A recibió ESP y el grupo B recibió TPVB. Se contaron la dosis de sufentanilo, el tiempo de bloqueo nervioso, el tiempo de despertar y el tiempo de extubación de los dos grupos. Se compararon el dolor posoperatorio, el efecto de la sedación, la satisfacción del sueño y la satisfacción de la analgesia de los dos grupos y se observaron las complicaciones de los dos grupos. El tiempo de bloqueo nervioso y el tiempo de extubación en el grupo A fueron más cortos que los del grupo B (P0,05). En T2, T3 y T4, las puntuaciones de la escala visual analógica (EVA) del grupo A en repo- so y tos fueron significativamente más bajas que las del grupo B (P 0,05). La satisfacción del sueño y la analgesia en el grupo A fue mayor que en el grupo B (P0,05). El efecto analgésico de la TAPB guiada por ecografía combinada con ESP es mejor que el de la TAPB guiada por ecografía combinada con TPVB, y puede acortar el tiempo de bloqueo nervioso y extubación, lo que vale la pena popularizar.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Vertèbres thoraciques/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Oesophagectomie/méthodes , Muscles abdominaux/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Endoscopie/méthodes , Muscles paravertébraux/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Bloc nerveux/méthodes , Échographie , Analgésiques morphiniques/administration et posologie
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 31496, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553549


Introdução: O período de internação os pacientes passam por um longo período de imobilização no leito, acompanhada de complicações e comorbidades que podem ocorrer no período pós-operatório. A fisioterapia aturará prevenindo os efeitos da imobilidade no leito, além de melhorar a independência funcional do paciente. Objetivo: Diante o exposto, o objetivo desse estudo é analisar as repercussões clínicas e funcionais da reabilitação precoce em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia torácica. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa. Critérios de inclusão: ensaios clínicos randomizados, artigos completos, dos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, publicados entre 2012 e 2022. Critérios de exclusão: protocolos de ensaios, ensaios não finalizados, estudos inferiores ao ano de 2012 e outras línguas. Descritores: Cirurgia torácica; Deambulação precoce; Modalidades de Fisioterapia. Com seus respectivos termos na língua inglesa. Resultados: Foram encontrados 51 artigos. Com os critérios estabelecidos foram selecionados 06 artigos. Os estudos dos autores avaliados se mostraram benéficos para a terapia de deambulação precoce combinada e exercícios. Conclusões: Os achados resultam na minimização das alterações de fluxo e volume pulmonar, otimização da mecânica do movimento tóraco-abdominal e aumento da amplitude do movimento dos músculos respiratórios, facilitando a reexpansão pulmonar e melhorando osparâmetros de função pulmonar (AU)>

Introduction: During hospitalization, patients go through a long period of immobilization in bed, accompanied by complications and comorbidities that may occur in the postoperative period. Physical therapy will help prevent the effects of immobility in bed, in addition to improving the patient's functional independence. Objective:Given the above, the objective of this study is to analyze the clinical and functional repercussions of early rehabilitation in patients undergoing thoracic surgery. Methodology:It is a systematic review. Inclusion criteria: randomized clinical trials, complete articles, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, published between 2012 and 2022. Exclusion criteria: trial protocols, unfinished trials, studies smaller than 2012 in other languages. Descriptors: Thoracic surgery; Early ambulation; Physiotherapy modalities. Results:51 articles were found. With the established criteria, 06 articles were selected. The evaluated authors' studies have shown benefit for combined early ambulation therapy and exercise. Conclusions:The findings result in the minimization of changes in lung flow and volume, optimization of the mechanics of thoracoabdominal movement and increased range of motion of the respiratory muscles, facilitating lung re-expansion and improving lung function parameters (AU).

Introducción: A lo largo de la hospitalización, los pacientes pasan por un largo período de inmovilización en cama, acompañado de complicacionesy comorbilidades que pueden presentarse en el postoperatorio. La fisioterapia ayudará a prevenir los efectos de la inmovilidad en cama, además de mejorar la independencia funcional del paciente. Objetivo:Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el objetivo de este estudio es analizar las repercusiones clínicas y funcionales de la rehabilitación temprana en pacientes sometidos a cirugía torácica.Metodología: Esta es una revisión sistemática. Criterios de inclusión: ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, artículos completos, en portugués, inglés y español, publicados entre 2012 y 2022. Criterios de exclusión: protocolos de ensayos, ensayos inconclusos, estudios menores a 2012 y otros idiomas. Descriptores: Cirugía torácica; Deambulación temprana; Modalidades de fisioterapia. Con sus respectivos términosen inglés.Resultados: Se encontraron 51 artículos. Fueron seleccionados 06 artículos, con los criterios establecidos. Los estudios de los autores evaluados han demostrado beneficios para la combinación de terapia de deambulación temprana y ejercicio.Conclusiones: Los hallazgos resultan en la minimización de alteraciones en el flujo y volumen pulmonar, optimización de la mecánica del movimiento toracoabdominal y aumento en el rango de movimiento de los músculos respiratorios, facilitando la reexpansión pulmonar y mejorando los parámetrosde la función pulmonar (AU).

Humains , Chirurgie thoracique , Techniques de physiothérapie , Lever précoce , Changement social
Rev. SOBECC (Online) ; 29: e2429910, Fev. 2024.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1555893


Objetivo: Analisar a atuação do enfermeiro perfusionista na cirurgia cardíaca. Método: Estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvida em ambiente virtual no período de 1 a 30 de junho de 2022. Amostra intencional, não probabilística, constituída de 14 enfermeiros perfusionistas. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: Emergiram duas categorias temáticas: Atuação do enfermeiro perfusionista na circulação extracorpórea e A relevância da interação do enfermeiro com os membros da equipe durante a cirurgia cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea. Os relatos identificaram que o enfermeiro perfusionista realiza inúmeras atribuições que vão desde o histórico de enfermagem, até o preparo e a escolha de materiais, circuitos, dispositivos e maquinários para a condução da circulação extracorpórea. Destaca-se a interação desse profissional com os demais membros da equipe no tocante à comunicação a fim de minimizar riscos e obter resultado cirúrgico positivo para o paciente. Conclusão: A atividade do enfermeiro perfusionista é complexa e necessita de um rigoroso preparo teórico-prático, especializações reconhecidas pelos órgãos competentes, bem como frequentes atualizações mesmo já sendo um profissional experiente. (AU)

Objective: To analyze the role of the perfusionist nurse in cardiac surgery. Method: Exploratory study with a qualitative approach, conducted in a virtual environment from June 1st to June 30th, 2022. The sample consisted of 14 perfusionist nurses, selected intentionally and non-probabilistically. Data were analyzed through Bardin's content analysis. Results: Two thematic categories emerged: the role of the perfusionist nurse in extracorporeal circulation and the relevance of the nurse's interaction with team members during cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation. The reports identi-fied that the perfusionist nurse performs numerous tasks ranging from nursing history to the preparation and selection of materials, circuits, devices, and machinery for extracorporeal circulation. The interaction of this professional with other team members regarding communication stands out, aiming to minimize risks and achieve positive surgical outcomes for the patient. Conclusion: The activity of the perfusionist nurse is complex and requires rigo-rous theoretical-practical preparation, recognized specializations by competent bodies, as well as frequent updates even for experienced professionals

Objetivo: Analizar el papel del enfermero de perfusión en la cirugía cardíaca. Método: Estudio exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo, desarrol-lado en ambiente virtual durante el período del 1 al 30 de junio de 2022. Muestra intencional, no probabilística, compuesta por 14 enfermeros de perfu-sión. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el análisis de contenido de Bardin. Resultados: Surgieron dos categorías temáticas: El papel del enfermero perfusionista en circulación extracorporea y la relevancia de la interacción del enfermero con los miembros del equipo durante la cirugía cardíaca con circulación extracorporea. Los informes identificaron que el enfermero perfusionista desempeña numerosas atribuciones que van desde el historial de enfermería hasta la preparación y elección de materiales, circuitos, dispositivos y maquinaria para la conducción de la circulación extracorporea. Se des-taca la interacción de este profesional con los demás miembros del equipo en lo que respecta a la comunicación para minimizar riesgos y obtener resulta-dos quirúrgicos positivos para el paciente. Conclusión: La actividad del enfermero de perfusión es compleja y requiere una preparación teórico-práctica rigurosa, especializaciones reconocidas por los órganos competentes, así como actualizaciones frecuentes incluso siendo un profesional experimentado

Humains , Rôle de l'infirmier , Procédures de chirurgie cardiaque/soins infirmiers , Chirurgie thoracique/instrumentation , Circulation extracorporelle/soins infirmiers
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 148-154, 20240102. fig
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526866


Introducción. La incidencia reportada de traumatismo cardíaco es baja y su grado de resolución es variable, dependiendo de la causa, el mecanismo de la lesión, el lugar donde ocurra y las características del sistema sanitario. Su incidencia ha aumentado recientemente debido al incremento de los accidentes de tránsito y la violencia, predominando los traumatismos penetrantes asociados a heridas por armas cortopunzantes y de fuego. Los traumatismos cardíacos se acompañan de un alto grado de letalidad. Caso clínico. Mujer de 35 años que consultó a emergencia por trauma torácico penetrante ocasionado por arma blanca y fue intervenida de urgencia por derrame pleural izquierdo, sin mejoría hemodinámica. Fue reevaluada detectándose derrame pericárdico con taponamiento cardíaco, ocasionado por lesión cardíaca. Fue tratada quirúrgicamente con resultados satisfactorios. Resultados. Las manifestaciones clínicas en los traumatismos penetrantes generalmente son graves y fatales, pero en algunos casos puede no comprometer tanto la hemodinamia del paciente. Para consolidar el diagnóstico clínico pueden realizarse variados estudios, siendo la ecografía FAST extendida uno de los más recomendados por su elevada sensibilidad y especificidad. Dependiendo del adelanto tecnológico del centro hospitalario y la estabilidad hemodinámica del paciente, el tratamiento quirúrgico es el más indicado. Conclusión. El conocimiento del trauma cardíaco penetrante resulta de gran importancia, no solo para el médico del servicio de emergencia sino también para el médico general. Un diagnóstico rápido y acertado, unido a un manejo adecuado, pueden ser decisivos para salvar la vida del paciente.

Introduction. The reported incidence of cardiac trauma is low and its degree of resolution is variable depending on the cause, the mechanism of injury, the place where it occurs and the characteristics of the health care system. Their incidence has currently increased due to the increase in traffic accidents and violence, with a predominance of penetrating trauma associated with stab wounds and firearms. Cardiac trauma is accompanied by a high degree of lethality. Clinical case. A 35-year-old female patient, evaluated in the emergency room for penetrating thoracic trauma caused by stab wound. She underwent emergency intervention due to left pleural effusion, but without hemodynamic improvement. She was reevaluated and pericardial effusion with cardiac tamponade caused by cardiac injury was detected. She was treated surgically with satisfactory results. Results.The clinical manifestations generally described in penetrating cardiac trauma are severe and fatal, but in some cases and due to the characteristics of the injury caused, the patient's hemodynamics may not be so compromised. To consolidate the clinical diagnosis, several complementary studies can be performed, with FAST ultrasound being one of the most recommended due to its high sensitivity and specificity. Surgical treatment is still the most indicated, depending on the technological progress of the hospital and the hemodynamic stability of the patient. Conclusions.Knowledge of penetrating cardiac trauma is of great importance, not only for the emergency department physician but also for the general practitioner. A quick and accurate diagnosis, together with adequate management can be decisive in saving the patient's life.

Humains , Plaies pénétrantes , Tamponnade cardiaque , Chirurgie thoracique , Plaies et blessures , Lésions traumatiques du coeur
Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 75-83, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531510


El trauma es la principal causa de muerte de la población en edad productiva. El abordaje del trauma torácico cerrado todavía es un desafío para el médico de urgencias. Aunque no es una entidad frecuente, se asocia con una alta mortalidad y resultados adversos. El diagnóstico del trauma cerrado de aorta torácica (LCAT) requiere un alto índice de sospecha, dado que los signos y síntomas no son específicos de esta enfermedad (dolor torácico, dolor interescapular, disnea, disfagia, estridor, disfonía). Es importante resaltar que la ausencia de inestabilidad hemodinámica no debe descartar una lesión aórtica. Para su diagnóstico imagenológico se debe tener en cuenta que los rayos X de tórax no tienen el rendimiento adecuado, el patrón de referencia es la angiotomografía y el ecocardiograma transesofágico (ETE) constituye una opción diagnóstica. El manejo incluye líquidos endovenosos y antihipertensivos como medida transitoria, manejo quirúrgico definitivo y, en algunos casos, manejo expectante o diferido. Los pacientes inestables o con signos de ruptura inminente deben ser llevados de manera inmediata a cirugía. El manejo quirúrgico temprano ha impactado en la mortalidad. A pesar de los avances en las técnicas quirúrgicas, la técnica quirúrgica abierta documenta mayor tasa de mortalidad que el manejo endovascular, el cual tiene numerosas ventajas al ser poco invasivo. Esta es una revisión narrativa que destaca algunos aspectos clave sobre los mecanismos de lesión, diagnóstico y manejo inicial del trauma cerrado aorta torácica. Por último, se propone un algoritmo de abordaje de trauma de aorta.

Trauma is the leading cause of death in the productive-age population. Addressing blunt chest trauma is still a challenge for the emergency physician. Although it is not a common entity, it is associated with high mortality and adverse outcomes. The diagnosis of blunt thoracic aortic trauma (LCAT) requires a high index of suspicion, given that the signs and symptoms are not specific to this disease (chest pain, interscapular pain, dyspnea, dysphagia, stridor, dysphonia). It is important to highlight that the absence of hemodynamic instability should not rule out aortic injury. For its imaging diagnosis, it must be taken into account that chest X-rays do not have adequate performance; the reference standard is angiotomography and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a diagnostic option. Management includes intravenous fluids and antihypertensives as a temporary measure, definitive surgical management and, in some cases, expectant or deferred management. Unstable patients or patients with signs of imminent ruptura should be taken immediately to surgery. Early surgical management has impacted mortality. Despite advances in surgical techniques, the open surgical technique documents a higher mortality rate than endovascular management, which has numerous advantages as it is minimally invasive. This is a narrative review that highlights some key aspects about the mechanisms of injury, diagnosis and initial management of blunt thoracic aortic trauma. Finally, an algorithm for addressing aortic trauma is proposed.

O trauma é a principal causa de morte na população em idade produtiva. Abordar o trauma torácico contuso ainda é um desafio para o médico emergencista. Embora não seja uma entidade comum, está associada a alta mortalidade e resultados adversos. O diagnóstico de trauma fechado de aorta torácica (TACE) requer alto índice de suspeição, visto que os sinais e sintomas não são específicos desta doença (dor torácica, dor interescapular, dispneia, disfagia, estridor, disfonia). É importante ressaltar que a ausência de instabilidade hemodinâmica não deve descartar lesão aórtica. Para seu diagnóstico por imagem deve-se levar em consideração que a radiografia de tórax não apresenta desempenho adequado; o padrão de referência é a angiotomografia e a ecocardiografia transesofágica (ETE) é uma opção diagnóstica. O manejo inclui fluidos intravenosos e anti-hipertensivos como medida temporária, manejo cirúrgico definitivo e, em alguns casos, manejo expectante ou diferido. Pacientes instáveis ou com sinais de ruptura iminente devem ser encaminhados imediatamente para cirurgia. O manejo cirúrgico precoce impactou a mortalidade. Apesar dos avanços nas técnicas cirúrgicas, a técnica cirúrgica aberta documenta maior taxa de mortalidade do que o manejo endovascular, que apresenta inúmeras vantagens por ser minimamente invasivo. Esta é uma revisão narrativa que destaca alguns aspectos-chave sobre os mecanismos de lesão, diagnóstico e manejo inicial do trauma contuso da aorta torácica. Finalmente, é proposto um algoritmo para tratar o trauma aórtico.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006518


@#Objective    To explore the safety and feasibility of uni-portal video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for the treatment of bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS). Methods    The clinical data of BPS patients with surgical resection in Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital from February 2010 to June 2021 were reviewed. The patients were divided into a VATS group and a thoracotomy group according to the operation method. The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, hospital stay and postoperative complication rate were compared between the two groups. The VATS group was subdivided into a uni-portal VATS group and a multi-portal VATS group for subgroup analysis. Results    Finally 131 patients were enrolled, including 62 males and 69 females with an average age of 39.3±13.2 years. There were 103 patients in the VATS group and 28 patients in the thoracotomy group. A total of 104 patients were diagnosed with left lower BPS, 26 with right lower BPS and 1 with bilateral lower BPS. The main symptom was cough (88 patients, 67.2%). There were 119 patients diagnosed by thoracic enhanced CT before operation. Compared with the thoracotomy group, the operation time was not statistically different (P=0.717), but the blood loss was less, the rate of postoperative complication was lower and hospital stay was shorter in the VATS group (P<0.05). The rate of conversion to open surgery in the uni-portal VATS group and multi-portal VATS group was 11.8% and 13.5%, respectively. Meanwhile, patients in the uni-portal VATS group had shorter operation time and postoperative hospital stay, less blood loss and lower postoperative complication rate than those in the multi-portal VATS group (P<0.05). Conclusion     In order to improve the rate of diagnosis, the lung enhanced CT scan should be selected as an optimal noninvasive method in adult suspected patients (especially those with solid cystic and solid lesions in the lower lobe). Uni-portal VATS is a safe and feasible method for BPS which can be widely promoted.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009218


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical effect of modified suspension reduction method combined with percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic thoracolumbar compression fractures.@*METHODS@#From February 2020 to October 2021, 92 patients with thoracolumbar osteoporotic compression fracture were treated by percutaneous vertebroplasty. According to different treatment methods, they were divided into the observation group and the control group. The observation group was treated with modified suspension reduction and then percutaneous vertebroplasty, while the control group was treated with percutaneous vertebroplasty alone. The observation group (47 cases), including 20 males and 27 females, the age ranged from 59 to 76 years old with an average of (69.74±4.50) years old, fractured vertebral bodies:T10(2 cases), T11(7 cases), T12(19 cases), L1(14 cases), L2(5 cases);the control group(45 cases), including 21 males and 24 females, the age ranged from 61 to 78 years old with an average of (71.02±3.58) years old, fractured vertebral bodies:T10(3 cases), T11(8 cases), T12(17 cases), L1(12 cases), L2(5 cases);The leakage of bone cement were observed, the visual analogue scale (VAS), Oswestry lumbar dysfunction index (ODI), anterior vertebrae height (AVH), Cobb angle of kyphosis and the amount of bone cement injected before and after operation were recorded and compared between the two groups.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up, ranged from 6 to10 with an average of (8.45±1.73) months. Two patients ocurred bone cement leakage in observation group and 3 patients in control group. AVH of observation group increased (P<0.05) and Cobb angle of injured vertebrae decreased (P<0.05). Cobb angle of injured vertebrae and AVH of the control group were not significantly changed (P>0.05). Cobb angle of injured vertebrae of the observation group was lower than that of control group (P<0.05) and AVH was higher than that of the control group (P<0.05). In the observation group, VAS before operation and 1 week, 3 and 6 months after operation respectively were(7.32±1.05) scores, (3.56±1.18) scores, (1.83±0.67) scores, (1.27±0.34) scores, and ODI were(40.12±14.69) scores, (23.76±10.19) scores, (20.15±6.39) scores, (13.45±3.46) scores. In the control group, VAS before operation and 1 week, 3 and 6 months after operation respectively were(7.11±5.26) scores, (3.82±0.68) scores, (1.94±0.88) scores, (1.36±0.52) scores, and ODI were(41.38±10.23) scores, (25.13±14.22) scores , (20.61±5.82) scores, (14.55±5.27) scores . The scores of VAS and ODI after operation were lower than those before operation (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Modified suspension reduction method combined with PVP surgery for osteoporotic thoracolumbar compression fractures has achieved good clinical results, which can effectively relieve lumbar back pain, restore vertebral height, correct kyphosis, improve lumbar function and patients' quality of life.

Mâle , Femelle , Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Ciments osseux/usage thérapeutique , Vertébroplastie/méthodes , Fractures par compression/chirurgie , Qualité de vie , Résultat thérapeutique , Fractures du rachis/chirurgie , Vertèbres lombales/traumatismes , Fractures ostéoporotiques/chirurgie , Cyphose/chirurgie , Études rétrospectives
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009219


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the alteration of thoracic and lumbar physiological curvature in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis(AIS) and the difference of physiological curvature between different types of scoliosis.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was conducted on 305 adolescent patients taken full spine X-ray in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2021. The patients were divided into normal group and scoliosis group. The normal group was composed of 179 patients, 79 males and 100 females, aged 10 to 18 years old with an average of (12.84±2.10) years old, with cobb agle less than 10 degrees. The scoliosis group was composed of 126 patients, 33 males and 93 females, aged 10 to 18 years old with an average of (13.92±2.20) years old. The gender, age, Risser sign, thoracic kyphosis(TK) and lumbar lordosis(LL) in 2 groups were compared, and the TK and LL were also compared between different genders, different degrees of scoliosis and different segments of scoliosis.@*RESULTS@#The female ratio(P=0.001) and age (P<0.001) in scoliosis group were higher than them in normal group; the ratio of low-grade ossification was higher in normal group than in scoliosis group(P=0.038). TK was significantly smaller in scoliosis group than in normal group(P<0.001), but there was no significant difference in LL between the 2 groups(P=0.147). There were no significant difference in TK and LL between male and female. The TK was significantly bigger in mild AIS patients than in moderate AIS patients(P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in LL between mild and moderate patients(P>0.05). The TK and LL in different segments scoliosis were not found significant difference.@*CONCLUSION@#The physiological curvature of thoracic and lumbar spine is independent of gender. The thoracic physiological curvature becomes smaller in AIS patients, but lumbar curvature remains unchanged. The thoracic physiological curvature in mild AIS patients is greater than that in moderate AIS patients, but the lumbar curvature is almost unchanged between mild and moderate scoliosis and is similar with that in normal adolescent. The alteration of thoracic and lumbar physiological curvature in AIS patients may be related to relative anterior spinal overgrowth, and the specific detailed mechanism needs to be further studied.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Enfant , Scoliose/imagerie diagnostique , Études rétrospectives , Vertèbres thoraciques/imagerie diagnostique , Cyphose , Lordose , Vertèbres lombales/imagerie diagnostique , Arthrodèse vertébrale/méthodes
Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 108-113, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017448


Objective To compare the effect of serratus anterior plane block(SAPB)and thoracic para-vertebral block(TPVB)on acute and chronic pain and plasma tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)level after breast cancer modified radical operation.Methods A total of 99 patients with elective breast cancer modified radical operation,aged 35-70 years,American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status(ASA):grade Ⅰ-11,Body Mass Index(BMI):18-25 kg/m2,were randomly divided into three groups:the simple patient-con-trolled intravenous analgesia(PCIA)group(C group),PCIA combined with TPVB group(TC group)and PCI A combined witj SAPB group(SC group).TPVB and SAPB were performed before induction in the TC group and the SC group,and the relevant situation of regional blocking operation was recorded.The Visual Analogue Scales(VAS)scores in rest and activity at 2,4,8,12,24,48 h after operation,effective pressing times of analgesic pump and remedial analgesia situation after operation were recorded.The TNF-α levels be-fore anesthesia and at postoperative 12,48 h,in postoperative 3,6 months were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).Results Compared with the TC group,the block operation time in the SC group was shorter(P<0.05).Compared with the C group,the VAS scores in the state of rest and activity at postoperative 2,4,8,12,24 h in the TC group and SC group were significantly decreased(P<0.05),and the dosage of remifentanil during operation,incidence rates of postoperative nausea and vomiting,effective press-ing times of analgesic pump and rate of remedial analgesia were all decreased(P<0.05).There was no statis-tical difference in the incidence rate of post-mastectomy pain syndrome(PMPS)among the three groups(P>0.05).Compared with the C group,the levels of plasma TNF-α in the TC group and SC group were decreased at postoperative 12,48 h,in postoperative 3,6 months,moreover the VAS score in the patients with PMPS was lower(P<0.05).Compared with the patients without PMPS occurrence,the levels of plasma TNF-α in postoperative 3,6 months in the patients with PMPS were significantly up-regulated(P<0.05).Conclusion By blocking the afference of pain signals caused by peripheral injury and reducing plasma TNF-α level,SAPB or TPVB may relieve the acute and chronic pain degree in the patients with breast cancer modified radi-cal operation.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 542-546,554, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017495


Objective To explore the value of the Physiology and Surgical Severity Score(POSSUM)scoring system in predicting postoperative complications in elderly patients with thoracic surgery,and to ana-lyze its correlation with Clavien-Dindo classification.Methods The data of 182 elderly patients who under-went thoracic surgery in this hospital from October 2019 to March 2023 were retrospectively analyzed.They were divided into the complication group and the non-complication group according to whether there were complications after surgery.The baseline data and POSSUM score of the two groups were analyzed,and the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was drawn to analyze the predictive value of POSSUM for post-operative complications in elderly patients.POSSUM of patients with different Clavien-Dindo classification was compared,and the correlation between POSSUM and Clavien-Dindo classification analyzed.Results The incidence of pulmonary infection was the highest in the complication group,followed by hypoproteinemia.POSSUM in the complication group was higher than that in non-complication group before operation,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The ROC curve showed that the area under curve(AUC)value of POSSUM was 0.829;In the complication group,according to Clavien-Dindo classification,there were 5 cases of grade Ⅰ,47 cases of grade Ⅱ,8 cases of grade Ⅱ Ⅲ,7 cases of grade Ⅳ and 8 cases of grade V,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The correlation analysis showed that POSSUM score was positively correlated with Clavien-Dindo classification(r>0.513,P<0.05).Conclusion The POSSUM scoring system has a high value in predicting postoperative complications in elderly patients with thoracic surgery.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018096


Objective:To explore the clinical efficacy of combined use of artificial bone materials in percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCF).Methods:One hundred and eighty-four consecutive patients with OVCF admitted to Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University from June 2020 to June 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients had single-level fracture and treated with PVP. According to whether artificial bone materials were used, the patients were divided into experimental group ( n=95) and control group ( n=89). The experimental group was treated with bone cement mixed with artificial bone materials, and the control group was treated with bone cement. The following indices were observed in the two groups before surgery and at 3 days, 3 months, 12 months (final follow-up) after surgery: visual analogue scale (VAS) score, Oswestry disability index (ODI), Cobb angle of kyphosis, and the percentage of anterior vertebral height, the amount of bone cement injected, postoperative complications and adjacent vertebral fractures were recorded. Measurement data were expressed as mean±standard deviation ( ± s), and t-test was used for comparison between groups; Chi- test was used for comparison between groups for count data. Results:All patients successfully completed the operation and were followed up for 12-20 months, with a mean follow-up of (14.24±2.51) months. The VAS score at 3 days, 3 months after operation and final follow-up (experimental group: 2.00±0.71, 1.89±0.71, 1.41±0.49; control group: 2.13±0.73, 1.81±0.60, 1.44±0.50) and ODI index at 3 months after operation and the final follow-up [experimental group: (21.56±4.68)%, (23.22±4.11)%; control group: (22.46±3.74)%, (22.39±4.05)%] were significantly improved compared with those before operation [VAS, experimental group: 7.66±0.86, control group: 7.81±0.89; ODI, experimental group: (70.11±8.24)%, control group: (68.97±8.59)%], and the differences were statistically significant ( P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the amount of bone cement injected between the two groups ( P>0.05). There was no significant difference in the Cobb angle of kyphosis and the percentage of anterior vertebral height at each time point ( P>0.05). The incidence of bone cement leakage in the experimental group was 15.8% (15/95), slightly lower than that in the control group [22.5% (20/89)], but the difference was not statistically significant ( P>0.05). As of the final follow-up, the incidence of adjacent vertebral fracture in the experimental group was 8.4% (8/95), which was lower than that in the control group (19.1%, 17/89), and the difference was statistically significant ( P< 0.05). Conclusion:The application of bone cement mixed with artificial bone materials in PVP for OVCF, can achieve good clinical efficacy, and reduce the incidence of adjacent vertebral fractures.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019184


Thoracic paravertebral nerve block(TPVB)is a regional anesthesia technique that pro-vides ipsilateral somatosensory,motor and sympathetic nerves block segmentally by injecting local anesthetics in the paravertebral space.In recent years,there has been an increasing number of studies on the use of TPVB technique for anesthesia and analgesia in pediatric thoracic and upper abdominal surgery,showing good perioperative analgesic efficacy.This article intends to provide a review of the current applica-tion and progress of TPVB technique for pediatric perioperative analgesia in terms of medication regimens,drug diffusion routes,block methods,clinical application,and complications.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022066


BACKGROUND:Vertebral compression fracture is a common disease in the current orthopedic field.However,the occurrence of re-fracture in neighboring vertebrae after surgery is a problem that cannot be ignored,which has a serious impact on the normal life of patients. OBJECTIVE:The aim of this study is to establish four postoperative models with different recovery heights using computed tomography images.By using finite element analysis,we derived the stresses on the neighboring vertebrae at different recovery heights and further explored the importance of postoperative recovery of the height of the injured vertebrae. METHODS:A finite element model of the thoracolumbar spine(T11-L3)was established and validated,on the basis of which four postoperative finite element models of L1 with different recovery heights of 100%,80%,60%,and 40%were constructed,in which the cement capacity varied with the recovery height.The specific models are as follows:Model 1 was the postoperative model with normal recovery height,and the cement capacity was 8.3 mL.Model 2 was the postoperative model in which 20%of the anterior height of the L1 was removed and the posterior convexity angle became 10.41°,and the cement capacity was 6.9 mL.Model 3 was the postoperative model in which 40%of the anterior height of the L1 was removed and the posterior convexity angle became 20.17°,and the cement capacity was 4.7 mL.Model 4 was a postoperative model with 60%of the L1 anterior height removed and the posterior convexity angle changed to 28.85°,with a cement capacity of 3.6 mL.For evaluation of the postoperative model,we applied a moment of 7 Nm and an axial force of 500 N.The followings were recorded and analyzed:peak stresses in the L2 upper endplate and T12 lower endplate;peak stresses in the L2 and T12 cancellous bone. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The highest peak stresses for each condition of the L2 upper endplate,T12 lower endplate,L2 cancellous bone,and T12 cancellous bone occurred in Model 1 and Model 4.In particular,the T12 lower endplate,except for the posterior extension condition,the anterior flexion,left and right lateral bending,and left and right rotation conditions all reached their highest peak stresses in Model 4,with stresses of 50.3,33.1,44.9,34.3,and 31.9 MPa.(2)Based on the peak stresses in the adjacent vertebral endplates and cancellous bone,after excluding Model 1 and Model 4,the minimum peak stresses for most of the conditions appeared in the Model 2,and the minimum peak stresses appeared in the Model 2 in 66.6%of the cases,especially in the upper endplates of the L2 and cancellous bone except for the posterior extension condition,the minimum peak stresses all appeared on the Model 2.(3)Therefore,controlling the recovery height at about 100%and 40%of the original height was a dangerous recovery height,which had a greater impact on the neighboring vertebrae.Controlling the recovery height at about 80%of the original height may be a more ideal choice.With a recovery height of about 80%of the original height,the adjacent vertebrae are subjected to less stress,thus reducing the risk of re-fracture of the adjacent vertebrae in the patient.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022955


Objective To compare the effects of two arc(TA)and dual arc(DA)techniques on the dose distribution to the planning target volume(PTV)and organs at risk(OAR)in volumetric modulated arc therapy(VMAT)for lower mid-thoracic esophageal cancer.Methods Ten patients with lower mid-thoracic esophageal cancer who received radiation therapy at some hospital from July 2020 to June 2022 were selected retrospectively.A TA radiation therapy plan and a DA radiation therapy plan were developed for each patient using the Ray Arc module of RayStation planning system,and the two kinds of radiation plans were compared in terms of dosimetric parameters including D2,D5,D50,D95,D98,homogeneity index(HI),conformity index(CI),beam-on time and total monitor unit for PTV and lung V5,V10,V20,V30 and Dmean and heartV30,V40 and Dmean and spine cord Dmax for OAR.SPSS 22.0 was used for statistical analysis.Results TA and DA radiation therapy plans had no significant differences in PTV CI,HI,D2,D5,D50,D95 and beam-on time(P>0.05),and DA plan had D98 and total monitor unit higher obviously than those of TA plan(P<0.05).In terms of OARs protection,DA plan had heart V30,V40 and Dmean slightly lower than those of TA plan with non-significantly differences(P>0.05),while lung V5,V30 and Dmean and spine cordDmax significantly lower(P<0.05).Conclusion DA technique gains advantages over TA technique in PTV dose distribution and dose to OAR,and the involvement of DA technique in preparing the VMAT plan for esophageal cancer contributes to enhancing the treatment efficacy.[Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2024,45(1):62-66]