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Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 15(3): [163-171], sept. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1510792


Ejecutar procesos efectivos de búsqueda de casos de tuberculosis es crucial para acele-rar el paso hacia su eliminación. El empeoramiento de las condiciones económicas mun-diales y nacionales no nos permite aplicar extensivamente las tecnologías rápidas mo-leculares idóneas de diagnóstico. Consideramos sensato entonces aplicar algoritmos alternativos que satisfagan las necesidades nacionales presentes hasta que las condi-ciones permitan la cobertura completa de las tecnologías moleculares recomendadas. Sugerimos introducir la radiografía digital para todos los algoritmos, utilizar mejor la microscopía de fluorescencia LED y la óptica convencional ya probadas. En conclusión, es preciso que este enfoque de trabajo, que procura optimizar la efectividad y eficiencia del programa, se introduzca en la práctica cotidiana hasta que lo idóneo sea permisible

Executing effective tuberculosis case-finding processes is crucial to accelerate the path towards elimination of the disease. The worsening of global and national economic conditions do not allow us to extensively apply rapid molecular diagnostic technolo-gies. We consider it sensible and necessary to apply alternative algorithms that meet the current national needs, until conditions allow full coverage of the recommended molecular technologies. We suggest introducing digital X-rays for all algorithms, bet-ter use of LED fluorescence microscopy and conventional optics already appropriate-ly tested. In conclusion, it is necessary that this approach that seeks to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of the Cuban program be introduced into daily practice until the ideal is permissible

Humains , Tuberculose/diagnostic , Santé publique , Facteurs économiques , Microscopie électronique , Radiographie thoracique , Amélioration d'image radiographique , Cuba , Techniques de diagnostic moléculaire/méthodes
Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1101-1106, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514325


La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la morfología externa de la raíz de primeros premolares superiores en la existencia de sobreestimación radiográfica durante la preparación para poste. Con este fin se realizó un estudio transversal in vitro, donde 60 premolares superiores uniradiculares fueron instrumentadas con fresas Gates Glidden y Pesso de calibre 1, 2 y 3. Seguidamente se obtuvieron imágenes radiográficas digitales de cada pieza dentaria mediante un aparato posicionador a una distancia constante en sentido vestíbulo lingual, asimismo se realizaron imágenes tomográficas volumétricas de las muestras. En ambas técnicas imagenológicas se midió el espesor a mesial y distal de las piezas. La sobreestimación fue calculada mediante la diferencia de la medida tomográfica menos la radiográfica. Los resultados indicaron que en ambas paredes radiculares hubo diferencia significativa entre las medidas radiográficas y tomográficas (p<0,05), encontrándose en la pared distal diferencias altamente significativas (p<0,001); además se evidenció que la sobreestimación radiográfica fue mayor en la pared distal. El estudio concluyó que existe sobreestimación radiográfica en premolares superiores durante la preparación para poste de un 20,42 % en promedio, siendo la pared distal la estructura que presenta mayor sobreestimación.

SUMMARY: he investigation´s objective was to determine the influence of external morphology of the root of upper first premolars in the existence of radiographic overestimation during preparation for post. An in vitro cross-sectional study was carried out, where 60 single-rooted upper premolars were instrumented with burs. Gates Glidden and Pesso of caliber 1, 2 and 3, then, digital radiographic images of each dental piece were obtained by means of a positioning device at a constant distance in the buccolingual direction; volumetric tomographic images of the samples were also performed. In both imaging techniques, the mesial and distal thickness of the pieces was measured. The overestimation was calculated by the difference of the tomographic measurement minus the radiographic one. The results indicated that in both root walls there was a significant difference between the radiographic and tomographic measurements (p<0.05), with highly significant differences being found in the distal wall (p<0.001); In addition, it was evidenced that the radiographic overestimation was greater in the distal wall. The study concluded that there is radiographic overestimation in upper premolars during post preparation of 20.42% on average, with the distal wall being the structure that presents the greatest overestimation.

Humains , Prémolaire/imagerie diagnostique , Préparation de dent , Cavité pulpaire de la dent/imagerie diagnostique , Tomodensitométrie à faisceau conique , Prémolaire/anatomie et histologie , Amélioration d'image radiographique , Études transversales , Restauration coronoradiculaire , Préparation de canal radiculaire , Cavité pulpaire de la dent/anatomie et histologie
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 11-16, jul.2023. graf, ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523879


ABSTRACT The transition from analog to digital radiology has expanded the capabilities of radiological imaging but has also made it possible to increase the radiation dose received by patients. Image quality in radiology is determined by factors such as radiographic techniques (kVp and mAs), which directly impact the dose and image quality. This study focuses on pediatric radiological exams considering their greater radiosensitivity and longer life expectancy. The study aimed to investigate the correlation between image quality and applied radiographic techniques using the CDRAD contrast-detail phantom. The results showed a direct linear relationship between the increase in kVp and the corresponding increase in image quality. Nonetheless, there was a significant variation in image quality between current-time products ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 mAs, in contrast to the nearly linear relationship observed within the 2.5 and 10 mAs range

RESUMEN La transición de la radiología analógica a la digital ha ampliado las capacidades de las imágenes radiológicas, pero ha también permitió aumentar la dosis de radiación que reciben los pacientes. La calidad de la imagen en radiología está determinada por factores como las técnicas radiográficas (kVp y mAs), que impactan directamente en la dosis y la calidad de la imagen. Este estudio se centra en exámenes radiológicos pediátricos considerando su mayor radiosensibilidad y mayor espe ranza de vida. El estudio está dirigido a investigar la correlación entre la calidad de la imagen y las técnicas radiográficas aplicadas utilizando el detalle de contraste CDRAD fantasma. Los resultados mostraron una relación lineal directa entre el aumento de kVp y el correspondiente aumento de calidad de la imagen. No obstante, hubo una variación significativa en la calidad de la imagen entre los productos actuales que van desde 0,5 a 2,5 mAs, en contraste con la relación casi lineal observada dentro del rango de 2,5 y 10 mAs.

Pédiatrie/instrumentation , Amélioration d'image radiographique/instrumentation , Fantômes en imagerie , Dose de rayonnement , Technologie radiologique/instrumentation
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 25-35, jul.2023. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523954


RESUMEN Los estudios radiológicos son fundamentales en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de diversas patologías. Su calidad depende de múltiples variables, entre las que destacan, los parámetros de adquisición, interpretación, entre otros. Se propone una metodología estandarizada, sencilla, de fácil interpretación, permitiendo la evaluación regular de la calidad de las imágenes, dando indicios de la propiedad del trabajo en el centro de salud y poder realizar comparaciones entre centros y autores, a partir de los criterios anatómicos establecidos por la Unión Europea, definiendo el parámetro de calidad de la imagen (CI), representadas en una escala de Likert para el análisis de frecuencia, demostrando que puede ser una herramienta de utilidad para la evaluación reiterada de los centros de radiología. Evaluando 140 proyecciones postero anterior y 85 laterales de tórax, con una muestra de 225 estudios, realizados en un centro de salud, ubicado en la ciudad de Mérida, República Bolivariana de Venezuela, escogiendo estas proyecciones, ya que, representan el 32% de los estudios de radiología convencional. Permitiendo la comparación entre proyecciones y autores, obteniéndose para la proyección postero anterior un CI de 5,07 ± 1,53 criterios de los ocho establecidos, normalizado un CI de 0,62 ± 0,19; las imágenes excelentes solo representan el 22,78%. Comparado con un CI de 4,91 ± 1,17 criterios de los seis establecidos, normalizado un CI de 0,82 ± 0,19, e imágenes excelentes en un 64,71% para la proyección lateral. Se observa las notorias diferencias entre la calidad de las imágenes clínicas en hombres y mujeres para ambas proyecciones

ABSTRACT Radiological studies are essential in the diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies. Their quality depends on multiple variables, among which the acquisition and interpretation parameters, among others, stand out. A standardized methodology is proposed, simple, of easy interpretation, allowing the regular evaluation of the quality of the images, giving indications of the property of the work in the health center and being able to make comparisons between centers and authors, from the anatomical criteria established by the European Union, defining the parameter of image quality (IQ), represented on a Likert scale for frequency analysis, demonstrating that it can be a useful tool for the repeated evaluation of radiology centers. Evaluating 140 postero anterior and 85 lateral projections of the thorax, with a sample of 225 studies, performed in a health center, located in the city of Merida, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, taking these projections, since they represent 32% of the conventional radiology studies. Allowing the comparison between projections and authors, obtaining for the postero anterior projection an IQ of 5.07 ± 1.53 criteria of the eight established, normalized an IQ of 0.62 ± 0.19; the excellent images only represent 22.78%. Compared with an IQ of 4.91 ± 1.17 criteria of the six established, normalized IQ of 0.82 ± 0.19, and excellent images in 64.71% for the lateral projection. It is observed the notorious differences between the quality of clinical images in men and women for both projections

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Dose de rayonnement , Radiographie thoracique/méthodes , Amélioration d'image radiographique/méthodes , Venezuela
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 75-82, jul.2023. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524804


El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer y mantener activo un programa de control de calidad semanal en un sistema de mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM) con tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT) para optimizar la relación dosis-calidad de imagen en el tamizaje mamográfico y en el diagnóstico de las patologías de la mama, así como determinar la sensibilidad y especificidad en el periodo 2019-2022. Las imágenes mamográficas fueron obtenidas con el maniquí del Colegio Americano de Radiología (ACR) como parte del programa de control de calidad y con el uso de un dosímetro se determinó la dosis glandular media (DGM). También se midieron otras variables que afectan calidad de imagen y dosis. La imagen optimizada tiene el potencial de reducir la tasa de mortalidad por cáncer de mama debido a que el cáncer de mama es un problema de salud pública en los países en vías de desarrollo. Los resultados generales en el periodo del estudio se ilustran con graficas e intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC, 95%), además los valores numéricos se expresan en términos del error estándar de la media con 95% de confianza. Para mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM): mAs = 160 ± 3.74, kVp = 28, dosis glandular media (DGM) = 1.69 ± 0.02 mGy, razón señal-ruido (SNR) = 62.20 ± 0.67, razón contraste-ruido (CNR) = 12.16 ± 0.15 y para tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT): mAs = 61.42 ± 1.14, kVp = 29, dosis glandular media (DGM) = 1.54 ± 0.01 mGy. Los valores de las diferentes variables fueron determinados de acuerdo a la metodología del fabricante (Hologic, 2011). Los valores de la sensibilidad y la especificidad fueron para mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM) sensibilidad 91% y especificidad 94% y para tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT) sensibilidad 94% y especificidad 97%. Los resultados de dosis y calidad de imagen en ambas modalidades mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM) y tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT) muestran que el programa de control de calidad se mantuvo operativo durante el estudio manteniendo una relación optimizada entre dosis y calidad de imagen

The objective of this study was to establish and maintain active a weekly quality control program in a full-field digital mammography (FFDM) system with digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) to optimize the dose-image quality relationship in mammographic screening and in diagnosis of breast pathologies, as well as determining sensitivity and specificity in the period 2019-2022. Mammographic images were obtained with the American College of Radiology (ACR) phantom as part of the quality control program and the mean glandular dose (DGM) was determined with a dosimeter. Other variables that affect image quality and dose were also measured. Optimized imaging (image quality-dose) has the potential to reduce the breast cancer mortality rate because breast cancer is a public health problem in developing countries. The general results in the study period are illustrated with graphs and 95% confidence intervals (CI, 95%), in addition the numerical values are expressed in terms of the standard error of the mean with 95% confidence, For full field digital mammography (FFDM): mAs = 160.3 ± 3.74, kVp = 28, mean glandular dose (DGM) = 1.69 ± 0.02 mGy, signalto-noise ratio (SNR) = 62.20 ± 0.67, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) = 12.16 ± 0.15 and for tomosynthesis digital breast (DBT): mAs = 61.42 ± 1.14, kVp = 29, mean glandular dose (DGM) = 1.54 ± 0.01 mGy. The values of the different variables were determined according to the manufacturer's methodology. Mammography facility sensitivity and specificity values were determined using pathology results during the study. For FFDM mode they were sensitivity 91% and specificity 94% and for DBT mode they were sensitivity 94% and specificity 97%. The dose and image quality results in both full field digital mammography (FFDM) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) modalities show that the quality control program remained operational during

Tumeurs du sein/imagerie diagnostique , Mammographie/instrumentation , Mammographie/méthodes , Dose de rayonnement , Maladies du sein/imagerie diagnostique , Amélioration d'image radiographique/méthodes
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971315


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the malfunction and maintenance process of Carestream digital X-ray machine DRX-NOVA for reference.@*METHODS@#The fault of Carestream digital X-ray machine DRX-NOVA in 2011-2021 was summarized, the fault types were classified, and the maintenance process was summarized.@*RESULTS@#Fault types can be divided into three categories, each of which has its own characteristics and specific solutions.@*CONCLUSIONS@#It is necessary to master the principle of equipment to repair all kinds of equipment failures. Repair the machine should be careful, comprehensive consideration of the cause of the failure. To correctly understand and analyze the operation of the machine under normal conditions, we can accurately analyze the cause of failure, so that we can really solve the problem.

Rayons X , Radiographie , Amélioration d'image radiographique , Panne d'appareillage
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010253


OBJECTIVE@#Using a common DR chest radiography system to realize a long bone stitching technology.@*METHODS@#Introduce the role of long bone stitching technology in medical diagnosis and treatment, and the principle of long bone stitching technology to make a long bone stitching radiographic device, and combine with the chest radiography system to take the long bone stitching image experiment.@*RESULTS@#The hospitals of class Ⅱ (or more lower levels) can realize the long bone stitching technology using a common DR chest radiography system.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Using this technology can save the hospital costs, reduce the burden on patients, achieve good social and economic benefits.

Humains , Amélioration d'image radiographique , Radiographie , Hôpitaux , Technologie
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010264


This study introduced a time-delay exposure system independent of the mobile digital radiography equipment. The system consisted of lithium battery, delay control circuit, micro electric motor and related auxiliary facilities. When the starting time was reached through the delay circuit, the motor pushed out the rod to squeeze the exposure button and completed the exposure. The accessories used in this system were easy to purchase and cheap. At the same time, the technology was mature and had good compatibility. The exposure success rate was high and the exposure effect was satisfactory. This time-delay exposure system had good practicability and popularization value.

Amélioration d'image radiographique , Technologie , Alimentations électriques
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e210180, 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1448796


ABSTRACT Objective: To establish cephalometric norms in primary dentition among males and females using novel customized Comprehensive Cephalometric Growth (CCG) Analysis. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on 67 subjects with a mean age of 5.5 yrs. Digital lateral cephalometric radiographs were obtained using Planmeca Pro One. The digital images were then transferred to Nemoceph software. Craniofacial Growth (CCG) Analysis was configured in the software with five sub-groups. This sub-grouping was done such that related components were grouped together and comprehensively; it would provide an assessment of every component of the craniofacial region that could be affected either by treatment maneuver or growth process. The same was used for the cephalometric analysis and to determine the cephalometric norms in the primary dentition. Results: Certain linear measurements were higher among males when compared to females. However, most measurements remained similar among males and females during this age group. The CCG analysis provided a comprehensive knowledge of the craniofacial parameters during the growth process. Conclusion: The cephalometric norms during primary dentition thus established using Comprehensive Craniofacial Growth analysis would provide the data for early diagnosis and treatment planning in interceptive orthodontic treatment procedures.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Dent de lait/anatomie et histologie , Anthropométrie/instrumentation , Céphalométrie/instrumentation , Difformités dento-faciales , Amélioration d'image radiographique/instrumentation , Diagnostic précoce
Coluna/Columna ; 22(1): e262409, 2023. tab, graf, il
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421317


ABSTRACT Objectives: Evaluate the reliability and reproducibility of the kyphosis measurement in thoracolumbar spine traumatic fractures by different assessment methods in different types of fractures. Methods: Fifteen fractures of the thoracolumbar spine, previously classified into types A, B, and C according to Magerl's classification, were evaluated. The value of kyphosis was measured using five different methods: (1) Cobb angle; (2) Gardner's method; (3) back wall method; (4) angle of adjacent endplates; and (5) wedge angle. The measurements were performed by five independent observers and repeated five times with a minimum interval of two weeks between each evaluation. Results: Intraobserver reliability was excellent among the five observers, evidencing good reproducibility of the methods. The five methods used also showed great intraobserver reliability in the global analysis, with methods one and four being more consistent. Conclusion: Although there is no universal agreement on measuring kyphosis in thoracolumbar fractures, our study concluded that method 1 (Cobb angle) and method 4 (adjacent endplate angle) presented the best interobserver reliabilities. Furthermore, the use of digitized radiographs and a simple computer program allowed the performance of highly reliable and reproducible measurements by all methods, given the high intraobserver reliability. Level of Evidence II; Comparative study.

Resumo: Objetivos: Avaliar a confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade da mensuração da cifose nas fraturas traumáticas da coluna toracolombar por diferentes métodos de avaliação nos diferentes tipos de fraturas. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 15 fraturas na coluna toracolombar previamente classificadas em tipo A, B e C de acordo com a classificação de Magerl. Em cada caso, foi medido o valor da cifose através de cinco diferentes métodos: (1) ângulo de Cobb; (2) método de Gardner; (3) método das paredes posteriores; (4) ângulo das placas terminais adjacentes; e (5) ângulo de cunha. As mensurações foram realizadas por cinco avaliadores independentes e repetidas cinco vezes com intervalo mínimo de duas semanas entre cada avaliação. Resultados: A confiabilidade intraobservador mostrou-se excelente entre os cinco avaliadores, evidenciando boa reprodutibilidade dos métodos. Os cinco métodos utilizados também apresentaram grande confiabilidade intraobservador na análise global, sendo mais consistentes o método 1 e o método 4. Conclusão: Apesar de não haver concordância universal em como medir a cifose nas fraturas toracolombares, nosso estudo concluiu que o método 1 (ângulo de Cobb) e o método 4 (ângulo das placas terminais adjacentes) apresentaram as melhores confiabilidades interobservadores. Além disso, o uso de radiografias digitalizadas e um programa computadorizado simples permitiram a realização de medidas altamente confiáveis e reprodutíveis por todos os métodos, visto pela elevada confiabilidade intraobservador. Nível de evidência II; Estudo Comparativo.

Resumen: Objetivos: Evaluar la fiabilidad y reproducibilidad de mensuración de cifosis en fracturas traumáticas de la columna toracolumbar por diferentes métodos de valoración en diferentes tipos de fracturas. Métodos: Se evaluaron quince fracturas de columna toracolumbar, previamente clasificadas en los tipos A, B y C según la clasificación de Magerl. En cada caso, el valor de la cifosis se midió utilizando cinco métodos diferentes: (1) ángulo de Cobb; (2) método de Gardner; (3) método de la pared posterior; (4) ángulo de placas de extremo adyacentes; y (5) ángulo de cuña. Las mediciones fueron realizadas por cinco evaluadores independientes y repetidas cinco veces con un intervalo mínimo de dos semanas entre cada evaluación. Resultados: La confiabilidad intraobservador fue excelente entre los cinco evaluadores, evidenciando una buena reproducibilidad de los métodos. Los cinco métodos utilizados también mostraron una gran fiabilidad intraobservador en el análisis global, siendo el método 1 y el método 4 más consistentes. Conclusión: Aunque no existe un acuerdo universal sobre cómo medir la cifosis en las fracturas toracolumbares, nuestro estudio concluyó que el método 1 (ángulo de Cobb) y el método 4 (ángulo de la placa terminal adyacente) presentaron las mejores confiabilidades entre observadores. Además, el uso de radiografías digitalizadas y un programa informático simple permitieron realizar mediciones altamente fiables y reproducibles por todos los métodos, dada la alta fiabilidad intraobservador. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudio Comparativo.

Humains , Rachis , Amélioration d'image radiographique , Fractures du rachis
Odovtos (En línea) ; 24(3)dic. 2022.
Article de Anglais | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1406166


Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the use of digital dental radiology in Brazil, by focusing on the use of image receptors, imaging exams and digital image enhancement tools, also assessing the methods of professional image transfer. Questionnaires were distributed in person on dental meetings and digitally via messaging (WhatsApp®) and mailings list. The sample of this cross-sectional study consisted of 478 questionnaires. Most participants were woman (n=315, 65.9%), with average age of 33.8±9.2 years. Descriptive and frequency analysis was performed. Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were used (α=0.05). Most dentists worked at shared dental clinics (34.7%) and use digital image receptors (51.1%), but a representative percentage (48.9%) still exclusively use radiographic films. Photostimulable phosphor plate is the most used digital image receptor. Among extraoral exams, panoramic radiography (PAN) is the most used. Regarding dental specialties, oral radiologists and oral and maxillofacial surgeons mostly use cone-beam computed tomography (p<0.001). Most dentists who use digital systems make use of digital image enhancement tools (87.8%), mainly contrast, zoom, brightness and measurements. The most common method of professional image transfer (professional-professional and professional-patiens) is by email, with few dentists using online app and social media (26%). Therefore, while most Brazilian dentists use digital imaging systems, a significant percentage still exclusively use radiographic films. The most extraoral imaging exams used is PAN. Regarding image enhancement tools, brightness and contrast adjustments, zoom and measurements are the most applied. Finally, dentists generally use email for professional image transfer.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar uso de la radiología dental digital en Brasil, centrándose en uso de receptores de imagen, exámenes de imágenes y herramientas de mejora de imagen digital, evaluando también los métodos de transferencia de imagen profesional. Cuestionarios se distribuyeron de forma presencial en reuniones odontológicas y de forma digital a través de mensajería (WhatsApp®) y lista de correo. Muestra de este estudio transversal estuvo compuesta por 478 cuestionarios. Mayoría de los participantes eran mujeres (n=315, 65,9%), con edad promedio de 33,8±9,2 años. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y de frecuencias. Se utilizaron las pruebas Chi-cuadrado y exacta de Fisher (α=0,05). La mayoría de los odontólogos trabajaban en clínicas dentales compartidas (34,7%) y utilizan receptores de imágenes digitales (51,1%), pero un porcentaje representativo (48,9%) todavía utiliza exclusivamente películas radiográficas. Placa de fósforo fotoestimulable es el receptor de imagen digital más utilizado. Entre los exámenes extraorales, la radiografía panorámica (PAN) es la más utilizada. En cuanto a las especialidades odontológicas, los radiólogos orales y los cirujanos orales y maxilofaciales utilizan mayoritariamente la tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (p<0,001). Mayoría de los odontólogos que utilizan sistemas digitales utilizan herramientas de mejora de imagen digital (87,8%), principalmente contraste, zoom, brillo y medidas. Método más común de transferencia de imágenes profesionales (profesional-profesional y profesional-pacientes) es por correo electrónico, con pocos dentistas que utilizan aplicaciones en línea y redes sociales (26%). Por lo tanto, mientras que la mayoría de dentistas brasileños utilizan sistemas de imágenes digitales, un porcentaje significativo aún utiliza exclusivamente películas radiográficas. Examen de imagen extraoral más utilizado es el PAN. En cuanto a las herramientas de mejora de imagen, los ajustes de brillo y contraste, el zoom y las medidas son las más aplicadas. Finalmente, los dentistas generalmente usan el correo electrónico para la transferencia de imágenes profesionales.

Amélioration d'image radiographique/tendances , Systèmes d'information de radiologie , Brésil , Imagerie diagnostique
Rev. bras. ortop ; 57(1): 120-127, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365755


Abstract Objectives Glenoid component failure is the main cause of total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) revision, and component design seems to influence the failure rate. The aim of the present study was to clinically and radiographically (through X-rays and computed tomography scan) evaluate the results of TSA using a minimally cemented glenoid component. Methods Total should arthroplasties performed using the minimally cemented Anchor Peg (DuPuy Synthes, Warsaw, IN, USA) glenoid component between 2008 and 2013 were evaluated. University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) scores were calculated, and standardized plain film and computed tomography images were obtained, at a minimum follow-up of 24 months. The presence of bone between the fins of the central component peg, which indicates its integration, was assessed on the images, as well the presence of radiolucent lines around the glenoid component. Results Nineteen shoulders in 17 patients were available for evaluation. According to the UCLA score, clinical results were satisfactory in 74% of cases and fair in 21% of cases. One patient had a poor result. Component integration was found in 58% of patients (total in 42% and partial in 16%). Radiolucent lines were observed in 52% of cases. No relationship was detected between component integration and clinical results. Conclusion Satisfactory clinical results were achieved in most patients undergoing TSA using a minimally cemented glenoid component. Radiolucent lines around the glenoid component are common, but do not interfere with the clinical results. Level of evidence IV; Case series; Treatment study.

Resumo Objetivos A falha do componente glenoidal é a principal causa de revisão da artroplastia total do ombro (ATO) e sua frequência parece ser influenciada pelo design do componente. O objetivo deste estudo foi a avaliação clínica e radiográfica (através de raios X e tomografia computadorizada) dos resultados da ATO com componente glenoidal minimamente cimentado. Métodos O presente trabalho analisou ATOs realizadas com componente glenoidal Anchor Peg (DuPuy Synthes, Warsaw, IN, EUA) minimamente cimentado entre 2008 e 2013. Por um período mínimo de acompanhamento de 24 meses, escores segundo critérios da University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) e imagens padronizadas de radiografia simples e tomografia computadorizada foram analisadas. A presença de osso entre as aletas do pino do componente central, que é um indicador de sua integração, foi avaliada nas imagens, bem como a presença de linhas radiotransparentes ao redor do componente glenoidal. Resultados Dezenove ombros de 17 pacientes foram avaliados. De acordo com o escore da UCLA, os resultados clínicos foram satisfatórios em 74% dos casos e moderados em 21% dos casos. O resultado foi ruim em um paciente. A integração de componentes foi observada em 58% dos pacientes, sendo total em 42% e parcial em 16% dos casos. Linhas radiotransparentes foram observadas em 52% dos pacientes. Nenhuma relação entre a integração de componentes e os resultados clínicos foi detectada. Conclusão A maioria dos pacientes submetidos à ATO com componente glenoidal minimamente cimentado apresentou resultados clínicos satisfatórios. Linhas radiotransparentes ao redor do componente glenoidal são comuns, mas não interferem nos resultados clínicos Nível de evidência IV; Série de caso; Estudo terapêutico.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Épaule , Défaillance de prothèse , Tomographie , Amélioration d'image radiographique , Arthroplastie prothétique
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2022. 89 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1381765


Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar o efeito de 04 filtros de realce de imagem - Multi CDT NR1 e BAR1 - do software e-Vol DX (e-Vol DX, CDT, Brasil) e os filtros 1x e 2x do software Ondemand3D (CyberMed, Seoul, Republic of Korea), na quantificação de artefatos gerados por implantes dentários em imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC). Foram utilizadas imagens de TCFC de um phantom de mandíbula, adquiridas com variação do material do implante (titânio (Ti) e dióxido de zircônio (ZrO2)), região do implante (incisivo, canino, pré-molar e molar), tamanho do voxel (0,25 mm e 0,30mm) e posição do phantom no FOV (central, anterior, posterior, direita e esquerda). No software ImageJ em corte axial previamente definido, e usado como referência em cada um dos volumes estudados, em imagens com e sem a aplicação dos filtros, foi realizado a quantificação dos artefatos por um radiologista devidamente calibrado (ICC 0,97). Foram definidos grupos experimentais para as análises estatísticas das variáveis 02 a 02, sempre aliadas à variável filtro e seus efeitos na quantificação dos artefatos. Os testes de Shapiro-Wilk e de Bartlett, foram utilizados para avaliar a normalidade e homoscedasticidade. Para estudo das diferenças significativas entre os grupos foram utilizados os testes de ANOVA e Tukey (paramétricos), Kruskal-Wallis seguido de Conover-Iman (não paramétricos). Os resultados evidenciaram que o Ti apresentou menor quantificação em comparação ao ZrO2, nos 02 softwares. A menor quantificação de artefatos foi obtida no software e-Vol DX, filtro BAR 1, Ti e ZrO2. Não houve diferença significativa em relação ao tamanho do voxel para os materiais estudados (p=0,975 e p=0,901), posição do implante (p>0.05) e variações de posição no FOV (p>0.05). O Filtro Multi não apresentou diferenças significativas em relação às imagens sem filtro. Para os filtros do OnDemad3D, não houve diferença entre uso e não uso, independentemente do tamanho do voxel (p>0,05). Em conclusão o filtro BAR 1 apresentou-se como uma promissora ferramenta na redução dos artefatos oriundos de implantes dentários. (AU)

This study aimed to compare the effect of 04 image enhancement filters - Multi CDT NR1 and BAR1 - of the e-Vol DX software (e-Vol DX, CDT, Brazil) and the 1x and 2x filters of the Ondemand3D software (CyberMed, Seoul, Republic of Korea), in the quantification of artifacts generated by dental implants in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. CBCT images of a mandible phantom were used, acquired with variation of the implant material (titanium (Ti) and zirconium dioxide (ZrO2)), implant region (incisor, canine, premolar and molar), voxel size (0.25 mm and 0.30 mm) and phantom position in the FOV (central, anterior, posterior, right and left). In the ImageJ software, in a previously defined axial section, and used as a reference in each of the volumes studied, in images with and without the application of filters, the quantification of the artifacts was performed by a properly calibrated radiologist (ICC 0.97). Experimental groups were defined for the statistical analysis of variables 02 to 02, always combined with the filter variable and its effects on the quantification of artifacts. The Shapiro-Wilk and Bartlett tests were used to assess normality and homoscedasticity. To study the significant differences between the groups, the ANOVA and Tukey tests (parametric), Kruskal-Wallis followed by Conover-Iman (non-parametric) were used. The results showed that Ti presented lower quantification compared to ZrO2, in the 02 softwares. The lowest quantification of artifacts was obtained using the e-Vol DX software, BAR 1, Ti and ZrO2 filters. There was no significant difference regarding voxel size for the materials studied (p=0.975 and p=0.901), implant position (p>0.05) and position variations in the FOV (p>0.05). The Multi Filter did not present significant differences in relation to the unfiltered images. For OnDemad3D filters, there was no difference between use and non-use, regardless of voxel size (p>0.05). In conclusion, the BAR 1 filter presented itself as a promising tool in the reduction of artifacts from dental implants (AU)

Amélioration d'image radiographique , Implants dentaires , Artéfacts , Tomodensitométrie à faisceau conique , Interface os-implant
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 10(1): 1-8, feb. 24, 2021. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282719


Purpose: This study was designed to evaluate the diagnostic value of digital Bitewing (BW) radiographs with and without horizontal tube shift in detecting Residual excess cement (REC) on the proximal and non-proximal surfaces of implant restorations. Material and Methods: Eight mandibular models were fabricated with two implants placed on each side in the premolar and first molar positions. Excess cement was applied to either proximal or non-proximal surfaces of the restorations intentionally during the process of crown cementation. BW radiographs with and without applying horizontal tube shift were acquired. Three maxillofacial radiologists were asked to determine the presence and location of REC in the radiographs. Sensitivity and specificity of the radiographic technique were assessed according to the restoration surface that contained REC. Results: Sensitivity of BW radiographs was 100% for the detection of REC on the proximal surfaces and 41-18, 80% on the non-proximal surfaces. Specificity of the technique was 85.71%-100% for the proximal surfaces and 75-94. 12% for the non-proximal areas. Specificity of the radiographic method was generally greater than its sensitivity for the non-proximal surfaces while in the proximal areas, the two variables had quite similar values. Conclusion: Digital BW radiography is generally more useful for detection of REC on the proximal surfaces. Higher specificity of this technique for the bucco-lingual surfaces suggests more reliability of the negative diagnoses in the non-proximal areas.

Objetivo: Evaluar el valor diagnóstico de las radiografías digitales bitewing (BW), con y sin desplazamiento horizontal del tubo, para detectar el exceso de cemento residual (ECR) en las superficies proximales y no proximales de las restauraciones con implantes. Material y Métodos: Se fabricaron ocho modelos mandibulares con dos implantes colocados a cada lado en las posiciones premolar y primer molar. El exceso de cemento se aplicó intencionalmente en las superficies proximales o no proximales de las restauraciones durante el proceso de cementación de la corona. Se adquirieron radiografías BW con y sin aplicación de desplazamiento horizontal del tubo. Se pidió a tres radiólogos maxilofaciales que determinaran la presencia y ubicación de ECR en las radiografías. La sensibilidad y la especificidad de la técnica radiográfica se evaluaron según la superficie de restauración que contenía ECR. Resultados: La sensibilidad de las radiografías de BW fue del 100% para la detección de ECR en las superficies proximales y del 41,18-80% en las superficies no proximales. La especificidad de la técnica fue 85-71, 100% para las superficies proximales y 75-94, 12% para las áreas no proximales. La especificidad del método radiográfico fue generalmente mayor que su sensibilidad para las superficies no proximales, mientras que en las áreas proximales, las dos variables tuvieron valores bastante similares. Conclusión: La radiografía digital BW es generalmente más útil para la detección de ECR en las superficies proximales. La mayor especificidad de esta técnica para las superficies buco-linguales sugiere una mayor confiabilidad de los diagnósticos negativos en las áreas no proximales.

Humains , Amélioration d'image radiographique/méthodes , Radiographie rétrocoronaire/méthodes , Ciments dentaires , Techniques in vitro , Implants dentaires , Couronnes
Braz. dent. sci ; 24(2): 1-10, 2021. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1177598


Objective: TThis study aimed to assess the knowledge level of Iranian dental practitioners about digital radiography (DR) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a researcher-designed questionnaire was administered among 180 general dentists and specialists. The questionnaire had three main domains of demographic information, fifteen questions about knowledge of DR (advantages, disadvantages, physical properties) and twenty six questions about knowledge of CBCT (indications, applications, advantages, route of knowledge acquisition). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: Of 180 participants, 76 (42.2%) were females. The minimum, maximum and mean± standard deviation scores obtained in DR were 4, 14, and 9.031 ± 1.85 and in CBCT were 0,26 and 18.56 ± 4.81, respectively. In the CBCT domain, the participants had maximum knowledge about "low radiation dose" (72.8%) and minimum knowledge about the "role of CBCT in determination of bone density" (45%). In DR domain, the participants had maximum knowledge about "no need for radiographic films" (75.6%) and minimum knowledge about "not requiring manual processing" (15.6%). Overall, participants had higher level of knowledge about CBCT than DR. An inverse correlation was noted between age and work experience with the number of correct answers. However, no significant difference was noted in the knowledge level of males and females regarding CBCT or DR (p = 0.233 and p = 0.227, respectively). Conclusions: further education seem imperative for dentists in this respect for more efficient diagnosis and treatment planning, minimize patient radiation dose and save time and cost. (AU)

Objetivos: Avaliar o nível de conhecimento de dentistas iranianos sobre radiografia digital (RD) e tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC). Materiais e métodos: Neste estudo transversal, um questionário, elaborado por pesquisadores, foi aplicado a 180 dentistas clínicos geral e especialistas. O questionário tinha três domínios principais de informação demográfica, quinze questões sobre conhecimento de RD (vantagens, desvantagens, propriedades físicas) e vinte e seis questões sobre conhecimento de CBCT (indicações, aplicações, vantagens, protocolo de aquisição). Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva, teste t e coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Resultados: Dos 180 participantes, 76 (42,2%) eram do sexo feminino. Os escores mínimo, máximo e média ± desvio padrão obtidos na RD foram 4, 14 e 9,031 ± 1,85 e na CBCT foram 0, 26 e 18,56 ± 4,81, respectivamente. No domínio CBCT, os participantes tinham conhecimento máximo sobre "baixa dose de radiação" (72,8%) e conhecimento mínimo sobre o "papel da CBCT na determinação da densidade óssea" (45%). No domínio RD, os participantes possuíam conhecimento máximo sobre "não há necessidade de filmes radiográficos" (75,6%) e conhecimento mínimo sobre "não requer processamento manual" (15,6%). No geral, os participantes tinham maior nível de conhecimento sobre CBCT do que RD. Foi observado correlação inversa entre idade e experiência de trabalho com o número de acertos. No entanto, nenhuma diferença significativa foi observada no nível de conhecimento de homens e mulheres sobre TCFC ou RD (p = 0,233 e p = 0,227 respectivamente). Conclusão: Parece imperativo para os dentistas iranianos, mais educação nesse aspecto para diagnóstico e planejamento de tratamento mais eficientes, minimizar a dose de radiação para paciente, economizar tempo e custos. (AU)

Humains , Amélioration d'image radiographique , Dentistes , Tomodensitométrie à faisceau conique
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(3): 400-404, dez 5, 2020. tab, fig
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357905


Introdução: a mamografia é o exame padrão ouro para o diagnóstico de patologias mamárias, permitindo o rastreamento e o diagnóstico precoce do câncer de mama. Em 2015, foi elaborado pela European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) um protocolo internacional para testes de controle de qualidade em equipamentos. Objetivo: o objetivo foi avaliar a qualidade da imagem mamográfica de um sistema de radiografia computadorizada (CR) para mamografia, por meio do teste de razão contraste-ruído (CNR) e CNR relativa (CNRrel), com tensões, combinações alvo/filtro e espessuras diferentes. Metodologia: a metodologia seguiu o protocolo EFOMP, utilização de mamógrafo com detector de imagem CR e placas de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA). Os fatores de exposição foram de 25, 28 e 32 kV, com seleção do mA.s de acordo com espessura das placas de PMMA. As combinações alvo/filtro foram de Mo/Mo, Mo/Rh e W/Rh. Resultados: concluiu-se que quanto menor a tensão, maior a CNR. Assim, as tensões de 25 kV a 28 kV apresentaram maior qualidade em nível de contraste da imagem, indicadas para mamas de menor densidade. Dessa forma, as espessuras menores das placas de PMMA geraram maior contraste na imagem, o que foi apresentado também nos resultados da CNRrel. A combinação de Mo/Mo, recomendada para mamas de menor densidade, também gerou maior contraste em relação aos outros alvos/filtros, reiterado no teste de CNRrel. Todos os valores de CNRrel medidos mostraram-se dentro dos valores limites esperados. Conclusão: pode-se observar com este estudo que mesmo diante de tensões e combinações alvo/filtro diferentes, a resposta da CNR foi proporcional à espessura do objeto irradiado para mamografia com sistema CR.

Introduction: mammography is a gold standard radiological examination for the diagnosis of breast pathologies, allowing screening and early diagnosis of breast cancer. In 2015, researchers from the European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) prepared a protocol used internationally for quality control tests on equipment. Objective: the aim was to evaluate the quality of mammographic image of a computerized radiography system (CR) for mammography upon the contrast to noise-ratio (CNR) test and relative CNR (CNRrel), with peak voltages, target/filter combinations and different thicknesses. Methodology: the methodology followed the EFOMP protocol, use of a mammograph with CR image detector and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) plates. The exposure factors were 25, 28 and 32 kV, with selection of the mA.s according to the thickness of the PMMA plates. The target/filter combinations used were Mo/Mo, Mo/Rh, W/Rh. Results: it was concluded that the lower the peak voltage, the higher the CNR. Thus, the voltages from 25 kV to 28 kV presented higher quality in the contrast level of the image, indicated for lower density breasts. In this way, the smaller thicknesses of PMMA plates generated greater contrast in the image, also presented in the CNRrel results. The Mo/Mo combination, recommended for lower density breasts, also generated greater contrast in relation to the other targets/ filters, reiterated in the CNRrel results. All measured CNRrel values were within the expected relative CNR limits. Conclusion: it can be observed with this study that even in the face of different peak voltages and target/filter combinations, the CNR response was proportional to the thickness of the irradiated object for mammography with CR system.

Humains , Femelle , Mammographie , Amélioration d'image radiographique
J. bras. nefrol ; 42(1): 8-17, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098345


ABSTRACT Introduction: Digital radiography (DRx) may provide a suitable alternative to investigate mineral and bone disorder (MBD) and loss of bone density (BD) in rodent models of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The objective of this study was to use DRx to evaluate BD in CKD rats, and to evaluate the correlation between DRx findings and serum MBD markers and bone histomorphometry. Methods: Uremia was induced by feeding Wistar rats an adenine-enriched diet (0.75% for 4 weeks/0.10% for 3 weeks); outcomes were compared to a control group at experimental weeks 3, 4, and 7. The following biochemical markers were measured: creatinine clearance (CrC), phosphate (P), calcium (Ca), fractional excretion of P (FeP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23), and parathyroid hormone (PTH). DRx imaging was performed and histomorphometry analysis was conducted using the left femur. Results: As expected, at week 7, uremic rats presented with reduced CrC and higher levels of P, FeP, and ALP compared to controls. DRx confirmed the lower BD in uremic animals (0.57±0.07 vs. 0.68 ± 0.06 a.u.; p = 0.016) compared to controls at the end of week 7, when MBD was more prominent. A severe form of high-turnover bone disease accompanied these biochemical changes. BD measured on DRx correlated to P (r=-0.81; p = 0.002), ALP (r = -0.69, p = 0.01), PTH (r = -0.83, p = 0.01), OS/BS (r = -0.70; p = 0.02), and ObS/BS (r = -0.70; p = 0.02). Conclusion: BD quantified by DRx was associated with the typical complications of MBD in CKD and showed to be viable in the evaluation of bone alterations in CKD.

RESUMO Introdução: A radiografia digital (RxD) pode representar uma alternativa adequada para investigar o distúrbio mineral e ósseo (DMO) e a perda de densidade óssea (DO) em modelos de roedores da doença renal crônica (DRC). O objetivo deste estudo foi utilizar a RxD para avaliar a DO em ratos com DRC, e avaliar a correlação entre os achados da RxD e marcadores séricos de DMO e histomorfometria óssea. Métodos: A uremia foi induzida pela alimentação de ratos Wistar com dieta enriquecida com adenina (0,75% por 4 semanas/0,10% por 3 semanas); os resultados foram comparados com um grupo controle nas semanas experimentais 3, 4 e 7. Os seguintes marcadores bioquímicos foram medidos: clearance de creatinina (CCr), fosfato (P), cálcio (Ca), fração excretada de P (FeP), fosfatase alcalina (ALP), fator de crescimento de fibroblastos-23 (FGF-23) e paratormônio (PTH). A imagem da RxD foi obtida e a análise histomorfométrica foi realizada com o fêmur esquerdo. Resultados: como esperado, na semana 7, os ratos urêmicos apresentaram redução do CCr e níveis mais altos de P, FeP e ALP em comparação aos controles. A RxD confirmou a menor DO em animais urêmicos (0,57 ± 0,07 vs. 0,68 ± 0,06 u.a.; p = 0,016) em comparação aos controles no final da semana 7, quando a DMO foi mais proeminente. Uma forma grave de doença óssea de alta renovação celular acompanhou essas mudanças bioquímicas. A DO, medida na RxD foi correlacionada a P (r = -0,81; p = 0,002), ALP (r = -0,69, p = 0,01), PTH (r = -0,83, p = 0,01), OS/BS (r = -0,70 p = 0,02) e Ob.S/BS (r = -0,70; p = 0,02). Conclusão: A DO quantificada por RxD esteve associada às complicações típicas da DMO na DRC e mostrou-se viável na avaliação de alterações ósseas na DRC.

Animaux , Mâle , Rats , Ostéodystrophie rénale/complications , Ostéodystrophie rénale/imagerie diagnostique , Urémie/complications , Amélioration d'image radiographique/méthodes , Densité osseuse , Insuffisance rénale chronique/complications , Insuffisance rénale chronique/imagerie diagnostique , Hormone parathyroïdienne/sang , Phosphates/sang , Ostéodystrophie rénale/sang , Urémie/induit chimiquement , Urémie/sang , Adénine/effets indésirables , Marqueurs biologiques/sang , Remodelage osseux , Rat Wistar , Modèles animaux de maladie humaine , Phosphatase alcaline/sang , Insuffisance rénale chronique/sang
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942764


This paper is a summary of the three types of faults that have occurred in the recent years in the Carestream DR7500:hardware failure, software failure, and communication failure. The specific cases of three types of faults are introduced in a case-by-case basis.

Panne d'appareillage , Maintenance , Amélioration d'image radiographique
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 57(4): e172323, 2020. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1348174


Being able to study anatomical structures of wildlife species for science and clinical practice is of great importance. We aimed to describe the normal gross osteology of the common adult capybara Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766), using macerated bone specimens and high-resolution digital radiography. The complete axial and appendicular skeleton was further compared with previously reported anatomical findings. For this purpose, we used three adult capybara cadavers (two females and one male), with a mean bodyweight of ±50 kg. Some H. hydrochaeris-specific morphological characteristics, especially in the skull region, show evidence of adaptation to aquatic life, such as an elongated head shape, with eyes, ears, and nose, located dorsally, to stay above water. Additionally, the entire bone structure demonstrates the size and weight support of the largest rodent and its adaptation with respect to foraging and locomotion behaviors. As a semi-aquatic herbivore, classified as cursorial (having limbs adapted for running), the authors believe it should be reclassified as cursorial-swimming/diving. Moreover, we argue to consider a differentiation between H. hydrochaeris silvestris to H. hydrochaeris synanthrope, due to substantial weight variation, in some cases > 100%. This inevitably has an impact on the development of bone structure, thus influencing habitual adaptation, and consequently, its clinical implications and animal handling. Radiography exams helped in the identification of bone structures, which otherwise were not observed in anatomical specimens, such as ossa sesamoidea, including the ossiclelunulae. Likewise, the radiographs were particularly helpful in overall better comprehension of the intubation and catheterization procedures. We believe this work can contribute as a reference to anatomical studies for students and professionals acting in clinic, surgery, and research.(AU)

Ser capaz de estudar estruturas anatômicas dos animais da fauna para fins científicos e prática clínica é de grande importância. Objetivamos descrever a osteologia geral normal de capivaras adultas Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766), usando amostras de ossos macerados e radiologia digital de alta resolução. O esqueleto axial e apendicular foi posteriormente comparado a achados anatômicos reportados anteriormente. Para esse fim, nós utilizamos de três cadáveres de capivaras adultas (duas fêmeas e um macho) com peso médio de cerca de 50 kg. cada. Algumas características morfológicas de cavidade específicas, especialmente na região do crânio, evidenciam a adaptação à vida aquática, como o formato alongado da cabeça, com olhos, orelhas e nariz localizados dorsalmente, para permanência sobre a água. O completo desenvolvimento morfológico ósseo é evidência de tamanho e suporte de peso do maior roedor, assim como de seus hábitos de alimentação e locomoção, sendo um herbívoro semiaquático, classificado como cursório (tendo membros adaptados à corrida), caso em que os autores acreditam deveria ser reclassificado como cursorial-natação/mergulho. Além disso, argumentamos que deve ser considerada uma diferenciação entre H. hydrochaeris silvestris e H. hydrochaeris sinantropo, devido ao fato da variação substancial de peso, em alguns casos> 100%, inevitavelmente terá um impacto no desenvolvimento da estrutura óssea, influenciando, assim, a adaptação habitual e, consequentemente, suas implicações clínicas e manejo animal. A radiografia auxiliou na correlação e identificação de estruturas ósseas que não observadas em espécimes anatômicos, como o osso sesamóide, incluindo o ossículo lunar. Ademais, as radiografias foram particularmente úteis para uma melhor compreensão geral de procedimentos de intubação e cateterização. Acreditamos que este trabalho possa contribuir como referência de estudos anatômicos para estudantes e profissionais atuantes em clínica, cirurgia e pesquisa.(AU)

Animaux , Rodentia/anatomie et histologie , Amélioration d'image radiographique/méthodes , Ostéologie/méthodes
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 34: e082, 2020. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1132687


Abstract This study aims to assess the influence of high-density material on the radiographic diagnosis of proximal caries in digital systems with automatic exposure compensation, and to evaluate the effect of subjective adjustment of brightness and contrast to undertake this diagnostic task. Twenty bitewing radiographs of forty posterior human teeth with non-cavitated carious lesions, confirmed by micro-CT, were obtained with two digital systems. A porcelain-fused-to-metal crown attached to a titanium implant was inserted into the exposed area, and all the radiographs were repeated. Five radiologists assessed the radiographs and diagnosed proximal carious lesions. Afterwards, the observers were asked to adjust image brightness and contrast, based on their subjective perception, and to reassess the images. Thirty percent of each experimental group was reassessed to test intraobserver reproducibility, totaling 208 images per observer. Intraobserver and interobserver agreements ranged from fair to substantial. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and area under the ROC curve were calculated and compared for each radiographic system, using ANOVA (α = 0.05). Overall, presence of high-density material and adjustment of brightness and contrast did not significantly influence the radiographic diagnosis of proximal caries (p ≥ 0.05). Regarding Digora Optime, adjustment of brightness and contrast significantly increased (p < 0.05) the diagnostic accuracy of proximal carious lesions in the presence of high-density material. In conclusion, the presence of high-density material in the X-rayed region does not influence radiographic diagnosis of proximal caries. However, when it is present in the X-rayed area, subjective adjustment of brightness and contrast is recommended for use with the Digora Optime digital system.

Humains , Radiographie numérisée dentaire , Caries dentaires , Amélioration d'image radiographique , Biais de l'observateur , Reproductibilité des résultats , Courbe ROC