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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e03316, 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345530


Abstract Behavioral lab bioassays involving termites must be promptly performed to allow intended observations prior to death from dissecation, typical of these soft-bodied insects. To this end, topic markers have been proposed as an alternative to histological stains which, while not always toxic are inevitably lengthy to apply. Among recommended topic markers, gouache is easy to apply, dries out quickly, but it is known affect termites in the long run, being suitable only to short-term bioassays. Its alternative, colored glue, is also easy to apply, but it takes long to dry and it is too dense and heavy, being thus prone to affect termite walking patterns. Here we tested a mix of gouache and colored glue aiming to combine the qualities of both into a suitable topical marker for Cornitermes cumulans termites. Similar patterns of survival presented by marked and unmarked termites ruled out concerns about toxicity of this mixture. Such results were consistent across distinct group densities evidencing that the mixture does not interfere with, nor it is affected by, crowding effects. Because crowding regulates interindividual interactions and these underlie most behaviors, the mixture can be thought to be suitable to behavioral studies. We argue that this 1:2 glue:gouache mixture is an excellent alternative to mark termites for lab bioassays. Being atoxic, cheap, easy to apply, and non-invasive, this mixture may happen to be useful not only for termites but also in bioassaying other similarly soft-bodied insects.

Resumo Bioensaios comportamentais em laboratório com cupins devem ser realizados rapidamente a fim de garantir observações antes da morte por dissecação, típico desses insetos de corpo mole. Para este fim, marcadores tópicos têm sido propostos como uma alternativa para marcadores histológicos que, embora nem sempre tóxico, possuem uma aplicação demorada. Entre os marcadores tópicos recomendados, tinta guache é de fácil aplicação, rápida secagem, porém afeta os cupins em bioensaios longos, sendo adequado apenas para bioensaios curtos. Sua alternativa, cola colorida, também é de fácil aplicação mas leva muito tempo para secar e é muito denso e pesado, afetando os padrões de caminhamento dos cupins. No presente estudo, nós testamos uma mistura de tinta guache e cola colorida objetivando combinar as qualidades de ambos os marcadores tópicos em um marcador tópico adequado para Cornitermes cumulans. Padrões similares de sobrevivência entre cupins marcados e controle indicam a ausência de toxicidade na mistura de tinta guache e cola colorida. Tais resultados são consistentes em grupos de densidades distintas, o que comprova que a mistura não interfere, nem sofre efeitos de aglomeração. Uma vez que a aglomeração regula as interações inter-individuais e afetam a maioria dos comportamentos, a mistura pode ser adequada para estudos comportamentais. Nós argumentamos que a mistura de tinta guache e cola (1:2) é uma excelente alternativa como marcador tópico em cupins para bioensaios em laboratório. Sendo atóxico, barato, fácil de aplicar e não invasivo, esta mistura pode ser útil não só para os cupins, mas também em bioensaios com outros insetos de corpo mole.

Animaux , Blattes , Isoptera , Dosage biologique , Laboratoires
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-8, 2023. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468959


Fertilization with dehydrated sewage sludge can speed up the recovery process of degraded areas due to nutrients concentration, favoring the development of pioneer plants such as Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) and the emergence of insects. This study aimed the evaluation of chewing, pollinating insects, predators, their ecological indices and relationships on A. auriculiformis plants fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge. The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments (with and without dehydrated sewage sludge) and 24 repetitions. The prevalence of chewing insects Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae), and Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), defoliation, and ecological indices of abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera were observed on fertilized A. auriculiformis. Acacia auriculiformis plants, with a superior number of branches/tree, revealed greater abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera, species richness of pollinating insects, defoliation, numbers of Parasyphraea sp. and T. collaris. The ones with larger leaves/branches displayed greater abundance of species richness of Coleoptera and Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Therefore, the use of A. auriculiformis plants, fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge, is promising in the recovery of degraded areas due to the ecological indices increase of chewing and pollinators insects and spiders in the analyzed area.

A fertilização com lodo de esgoto desidratado pode acelerar o processo de recuperação de áreas degradadas devido à concentração de nutrientes, favorecendo o desenvolvimento de plantas pioneiras tais como Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) e de seus insetos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e predadores e seus índices e relações ecológicas em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado, em área degradada, durante 24 meses. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizados com dois tratamentos (com e sem adubação com lodo de esgoto desidratado) e 24 repetições (uma repetição = uma planta). O maior número de insetos mastigadores Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae) e Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), de desfolha, e do índice ecológico abundância de Coleoptera e de Orthoptera foram maiores em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas do que nas não fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado. Plantas de A. auriculiformis, com maior quantidade de galhos/árvore, apresentaram maiores abundâncias de Coleoptera e Orthoptera, riqueza de espécies de insetos polinizadores, desfolha e números de Parasyphraea sp. e T. collaris, e as com maior folhas/galho os de riqueza de espécies de Coleoptera e Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Por tanto, a utilização de A. auriculiformis, adubada com lodo de esgoto desidratado, é promissora na recuperação de áreas degradadas devido ao aumento dos índices ecológicos de insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e aranhas na área.

Animaux , Acacia/croissance et développement , Acacia/physiologie , Blattes/croissance et développement , Coléoptères/croissance et développement , Sauterelles/croissance et développement , Boues Activées/analyse
Braz. j. biol ; 80(1): 73-80, Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089279


Abstract Stresses can be caused by multiple biotic and abiotic factors and their effects can affect both the biology and the immune system of insects. American cockroach - Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Blattaria: Blattidae) -besides being an excellent model species, has great medical importance because it can act as a mechanical vector of several pathogens. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of starvation, dehydration and both stresses on weight, and total and differential haemocyte count in P. americana adults. Each specimen was isolated in glass flasks containing or not food and/or water. They were weighed periodically. Another group received water for 24 h after the end of stress period. In the immunologic bioassay, we counted their haemocytes after the final weighing. All stresses reduced the insect weight, especially when the stresses were combined. Females of the control group gained weight and males had it unaltered. Different stress conditions and time did not influence on total haemocyte count. Insects without food and water had the proportion of prohaemocytes increased and plasmatocytes decreased. This study can serve as a basis of further studies of bioecology, behaviour and the ability of resisting insecticides, besides serving as a model to studies in other insect species.

Resumo Os estresses podem ser causados por múltiplos fatores bióticos e abióticos e seus efeitos podem afetar tanto a biologia como o sistema imune dos insetos. A barata-americana - Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Blattaria: Blattidae) - além de ser uma excelente espécie modelo, tem grande importância médica, pois pode atuar como vetor mecânico de diversos patógenos. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a influência da inanição, desidratação e ambos os estresses sobre o peso e o número total e diferencial de hemócitos em adultos de P. americana. Cada espécime foi isolado em frascos de vidro contendo ou não alimento e/ou água. Eles foram pesados periodicamente. Outro grupo recebeu água por 24 h após o término do período de estresse. Nos ensaios imunológicos, foram contados os seus hemócitos após a última pesagem. Todos os estresses reduziram o peso dos insetos, especialmente quando os estresses foram combinados. As fêmeas do grupo controle ganharam peso e os machos tiveram seu peso inalterado. As diferentes condições de estresse e tempo não influenciaram no número total de hemócitos. Os insetos sem alimento e água tiveram a proporção de pró-hemócitos aumentada e a de plasmatócitos reduzida. Esse estudo pode servir como base para estudos posteriores de bioecologia, comportamento e da habilidade de resistir aos inseticidas químicos, além de servir como modelo para estudos em outras espécies de insetos.

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Periplaneta , Blattes , Insecticides , Régime alimentaire , Système immunitaire
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 3(4): 393-400, out.dez.2019. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381346


A asma é uma das doenças crônicas mais prevalentes no mundo, sendo que 50% a 80% dos pacientes apresentam o fenótipo alérgico. A asma resulta da interação entre predisposição genética e exposição ambiental. Os aeroalérgenos perenes, especialmente os ácaros da poeira doméstica, são considerados um dos responsáveis pelo aumento da prevalência da asma em todo mundo. O controle ambiental é uma das medidas necessárias para o tratamento e controle da asma.

Asthma is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases worldwide, and 50 to 80% of affected patients have the allergic phenotype. Asthma results from the interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental exposure. Perennial aeroallergens, especially household dust mites, are considered one of the reasons for the increase in the prevalence of asthma worldwide. Environmental control is a necessary measure to treat and control asthma.

Humains , Asthme , Surveillance de l'environnement , Prévention des Maladies , Mites (acariens) , Patients , Thérapeutique , Rhinite allergique saisonnière , Prévalence , Blattes , Maladie environnementale , Poussière , Allergie et immunologie , Champignons
Asia Pacific Allergy ; (4): e17-2019.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750176


BACKGROUND: The prevalence of allergy among Surabaya school children is currently unknown. OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of the common allergic sensitization and allergic diseases among school children and undergraduate students in suburban of Surabaya by epidemiologic data collection. METHODS: A multistage simple random sampling was done to select 5 primary schools, 8 secondary schools (4 of junior high schools and senior high schools, respectively), and 1 university from 5 districts in Surabaya city. Out of 550 invited respondents, 499 (128 primary school, 221 secondary school, and 150 undergraduate) respondents gave their consent. A complete personal history, allergic symptoms, environmental exposure of common allergens was obtained from interview and the physical examinations were performed. Skin prick test (SPT) was done using 45 different allergen extracts. Total serum IgE and specific IgE radioallergosorbent test levels were measured for respondents with allergic manifestations. RESULTS: There was an increasing SPT positivity among study respondents, from primary school, secondary school, to undergraduate students (21.90%, 28.95%, to 45.30% respectively). Cockroach (42.85%) and fungi/mold spore (42.85%) were the most common allergens in primary school children. House dust mites was the most common allergen in secondary school (63.16%) and undergraduate students (58.82%). Urticaria and rhinitis were the commonest allergic diseases manifestation. History of atopy was positive in 60.79% of the allergic respondents. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of allergic sensitization among school children and undergraduate students in Surabaya suburb areas were increased compared to previous estimates in 1998. While house dust mites are known as important allergens, surprisingly cockroach was the common allergen among the younger school children.

Enfant , Humains , Allergènes , Blattes , Collecte de données , Pays développés , Exposition environnementale , Études épidémiologiques , Hypersensibilité , Immunoglobuline E , Indonésie , Examen physique , Prévalence , Pyroglyphidae , Test RAST , Rhinite , Peau , Spores , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Urticaire
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008367


The contamination of aflatoxin B_1,B_2,G_1,G_2,M_1 and M_2 in Eupolyphaga Steleophaga was determined by immunoaffinity column clean-up and HPLC-FLD with post-column photochemical derivatization. Chromatographic separations were carried out using a Cloversil C_(18) column( 4. 6 mm×250 mm,5 μm) that were eluted in isocratic with methanol-acetonitrile-water( 20 ∶ 20 ∶ 60) as the mobile phase. The excitation wavelength and the emission wavelength of fluorescence detector were maintained at 360 nm and 450 nm,respectively. The flow rate was 0. 8 m L·min~(-1),and the column temperature was 30 ℃ . The sample was prepared using the immunoaffinity column,then the recovery was measured with 75. 47%-101. 8% with RSD values lower than 6. 7%. A total of 20 batches of Eupolyphaga Steleophaga samples were assayed. According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia( 2015 edition,part 1),the aflatoxin B_1 limit should be less than 5 μg·kg~(-1),and the sum of aflatoxins( AFB_1,AFB2,AFG_1,AFG_2) should be less than 10 μg·kg-1. Therefore,the positive rate of the 20 samples was 50. 0%,and 7 batches of samples exceeded the standard,and the over-standard rate was as high as 70. 0%. Among them,aflatoxins B_1,B_2,G_1,G_2,M_1,and M_2 were detected in three batches( SD-1,AH-1,AH-3),and aflatoxins B_1,B2,G1,G2,and M1 were detected in one batch( AH-7). The results showed that the newly developed method in this work is suitable for the simultaneous determination of six aflatoxins in Eupolyphaga Steleophaga,and also suggested that it should be of high values to take the contamination with aflatoxins into concerns.

Animaux , Aflatoxines/analyse , Chromatographie d'affinité , Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance , Blattes/composition chimique
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 2(3): 297-301, jul.set.2018. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380891


Asma e rinoconjuntivite alérgicas são doenças que apresentam alta prevalência mundial. Os aeroalérgenos estão entre os principais fatores desencadeantes de sintomas em indivíduos sensibilizados. Há centenas de alérgenos inalantes envolvidos neste processo; porém, os provenientes de insetos, embora frequentes, têm sido pouco valorizados na prática clínica. Esta revisão busca demonstrar, a partir de estudos relevantes, a importância deste tema.

Allergic asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis are highly prevalent diseases worldwide. Aeroallergens are among the major triggers of symptoms in sensitized individuals. There are hundreds of inhalant allergens involved in this process; however, the ones from insects, though frequent, have been underestimated in clinical practice. This review seeks to demonstrate, based on relevant studies, the importance of this subject.

Humains , Animaux , Asthme , Allergènes , Blattes , Culicidae , Signes et symptômes , Facteurs précipitants , Prévalence , Hypersensibilité , Insectes
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 38(supl.2): 80-86, ago. 2018. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-974009


Introducción. Los ácaros son una importante fuente de alérgenos en el trópico, pero poco se han estudiado otras fuentes potenciales de alérgenos prevalentes en la zona, como los insectos. Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre la exposición y la sensibilización alérgica a cucarachas, mosquitos y hormigas, y su interacción con la sensibilización a los ácaros. Materiales y métodos. Se incluyeron pacientes con pruebas de alergia para Blatella germanica, Aedes aegypti, Solenopsis invicta, Blomia tropicalis, Dermatophagoides farinae y D. pteronyssinus. Se determinó la sensibilización mediada por inmunoglobulina E (IgE) mediante pruebas intraepidérmicas. Para la exposición a los insectos en las casas, se utilizaron trampas para insectos rastreros y voladores. Resultados. Se incluyeron 186 pacientes, de los cuales 73 (39,2 %) presentaron sensibilidad a uno de los insectos (cucarachas: 21 %, mosquitos: 29 %, hormigas: 26,3 %). De estos, 71 (97,2 %) presentaron sensibilización a los ácaros, en tanto que de los 148 pacientes sensibilizados a algún ácaro, solo el 47,9 % lo estaba a algún insecto. Se evaluaron 104 casas: en el 74 %, se encontraron cucarachas, en el 22%, hormigas, y en el 52 %, mosquitos. En los pacientes sensibilizados a los insectos, el número de insectos por casa tuvo una relación directa con el tamaño del habón aparecido durante la prueba cutánea: cucaracha, r=0,781 (p<0,001), mosquito, r=0,811 (p<0,001), hormiga, r=0,840 (p<0,001). Conclusión. La sensibilización a los insectos es frecuente en la población alérgica del trópico y está fuertemente asociada con la sensibilización a los ácaros.

Introduction: Mites are an important source of allergens in the tropics. Other potential sources of allergens prevalent in the region such as insects have been poorly studied. Objective: To determine the relationship between exposure and allergic sensitization to cockroaches, mosquitos, ants and the interaction with mite sensitization. Materials and methods: We included patients with allergy tests for Blatella germanica, Aedes aegypti, Solenopsis invicta, Blomia tropicalis, Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus. IgE sensitization was evaluated by intraepidermal tests. Exposure to insects in houses was evaluated using traps for crawling and flying insects. Results: A total amount of 186 patients were included; 73 (39.2%) of them were sensitized to an insect (cockroaches: 21%, mosquitoes: 29%, ants: 26,3%), 71 (97.2%) also had sensitization to mites. Of the 148 patients sensitized to mites, only 47.9% were sensitized to an insect. In total, 104 houses were evaluated: 74% had cockroaches, 22% ants, and 52% mosquitoes. Among insect-sensitized patients, the number of insects at home was directly related to the size of the weal generated during the skin test: Cockroaches, r=0.781, p<0.001; mosquitoes, r=0.811, p<0.001, and ants, r=0.840, p<0.001. Conclusion: Sensitization to insects is frequent in allergic populations of the tropics and is strongly associated with sensitization to mites.

Hypersensibilité , Fourmis , Blattes , Mites (acariens) , Culicidae
Asia Pacific Allergy ; (4): e10-2018.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750123


BACKGROUND: Asthma and allergic rhinitis are a global health burden. Inhalant allergens worsen the symptoms and clinical manifestations of asthma and allergic rhinitis. Skin prick test is the gold standard for diagnosing allergen sensitization but is associated with some limitations. In contrast, in vitro serum-specific immunoglobulin E (SSIgE) test is convenient and is not associated with an anaphylactic risk. OBJECTIVE: The present study compared the accuracy of the SSIgE test by using microfluidic array enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with that of the skin prick test for diagnosing inhalant allergen sensitization in patients with asthma and/or allergic rhinitis. METHODS: This diagnostic study included patients with asthma and/or allergic rhinitis. Of these, 100 patients underwent the SSIgE test for diagnosing sensitization to house dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, and Blomia tropicalis), dog dander, cat dander, and cockroach allergen. All the patients also underwent the skin prick test for diagnosing allergen sensitization. The sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and likelihood ratio (LR) of the SSIgE test were evaluated for each allergen. RESULTS: Sensitivity of the SSIgE test for diagnosing house dust mite sensitization was 48%–77%, with the highest sensitivity (77%) observed for diagnosing D. farinae sensitization. Specificity of the SSIgE test for diagnosing house dust mite sensitization was 64%–95%, with the highest specificity (95%) observed for diagnosing B. tropicalis sensitization. Although the SSIgE test showed high specificity and LR+ for diagnosing cockroach allergen sensitization, it showed low sensitivity (12%). Moreover, the SSIgE test showed high specificity (89%) but low sensitivity (3%) for diagnosing dog dander sensitization and high specificity (88%) but low sensitivity (10%) for diagnosing cat dander sensitization. CONCLUSION: The SSIgE test using microfluidic array ELISA shows moderate accuracy for diagnosing house dust mite sensitization and low accuracy for diagnosing cockroach allergen and dog and cat dander sensitization.

Animaux , Chats , Chiens , Humains , Allergènes , Asthme , Blattes , Squames , Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus , Test ELISA , Santé mondiale , Hypersensibilité , Immunoglobuline E , Immunoglobulines , Techniques in vitro , Indonésie , Microfluidique , Pyroglyphidae , Rhinite , Rhinite allergique , Sensibilité et spécificité , Peau , Tests cutanés
Asia Pacific Allergy ; (4): e17-2018.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750138


BACKGROUND: The global prevalence of allergic rhinitis, asthma, and atopic dermatitis has risen significantly over the last 2 decades. Allergic sensitization to aeroallergen is a major risk factor in developing the allergic disease. The prevalence of aeroallergen sensitization varies in different regions and countries. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of common aeroallergen sensitization and the atopic status among adult patients. METHODS: A cross-sectional, retrospective study. The data were collected from medical records and database of the result of skin prick test of patients who had the allergic symptoms or chronic urticaria in adult allergy clinic, Ramathibodi hospital from January 2004 to December 2015. RESULTS: A total of 1,516 of patients (female, 1,118 [73.7%]) were enrolled. The mean ages of participants were 41.34 (standard deviation, ±16.5) years. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of patients were diagnosed with allergic rhinitis, 19.7%, 3.2%, and 9.2% with asthma, atopic dermatitis, and chronic urticaria respectively. In the chronic urticaria group, 57.4% underwent the positive skin prick test to common aeroallergens. Mites were responsible for the most common inhaled allergen sensitization in this study as 50.1% of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, 32% of Dermatophagoides farinae, and 31.5% of house dust. Cockroach was the second most common aeroallergen sensitization as 32.3% followed by grass pollen, Bermuda (21.1%) and timothy (13.6%). The animal dander, cat and dog, occupied 12.9 and 10% respectively. CONCLUSION: Mites were the most common cause of aeroallergen sensitization in all patients followed by cockroach, grass pollen, and animal dander. However, Bermuda sensitization has increased significantly in the last 6 years.

Adulte , Animaux , Chats , Chiens , Humains , Allergènes , Asthme , Bermudes , Blattes , Squames , Eczéma atopique , Dermatophagoides farinae , Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus , Poussière , Hypersensibilité , Dossiers médicaux , Mites (acariens) , Poaceae , Pollen , Prévalence , Études rétrospectives , Rhinite , Rhinite allergique , Facteurs de risque , Tests cutanés , Peau , Thaïlande , Urticaire
Asia Pacific Allergy ; (4): e25-2018.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750151


BACKGROUND: There is a large global variation in sensitization patterns to aeroallergens due to differences in climate, urbanization, and lifestyle. Knowledge of the most common inhalant allergens is important for appropriate prevention and management of allergic rhinitis (AR). OBJECTIVE: This study aims to provide data on aeroallergen sensitization patterns and associated comorbid diseases of adult Filipinos with AR. METHODS: Medical records of adult Filipinos seen in an Otolaryngology-Allergy Clinic from January 2011 to 2016 were reviewed. Inclusion criteria used was presence of clinically defined AR and positive skin test to at least one aeroallergen in the test panel. Demographics, comorbid conditions, and results of skin prick test were determined. Standard descriptive statistics were used for analysis. RESULTS: One hundred ninety-one adult patients were included in this study. Mean age was 38.8 years, and majority lived in an urban area (71.2%). Most patients exhibited polysensitization (97.4%). All exhibited sensitization to indoor and 86.9% to outdoor allergens. The most common indoor allergens were Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (97.4%), Dermatophagoides farinae, (95.8%), cockroach (80.1%), and molds (72.8%). Bermuda (67%), Johnson grass (58.7%), and Acacia (58.2%) were the most common outdoor allergens. Urticaria (18.8%), dermatitis (16.8%), and asthma (11.5%) were the most common associated comorbid disease. Twelve percent of patients had more than one associated comorbid disease. Asthma + urticaria followed by asthma + dermatitis were the most common co-morbid combinations. One patient had three comorbid diseases: asthma + urticaria + rhinosinusitis. CONCLUSION: Compared to earlier studies, aeroallergen sensitization patterns of Filipinos remain unchanged. This study also identifies for the first time, the associated comorbid diseases of AR in this population. Understanding these factors can guide treatment strategies to reduce disease burden.

Adulte , Humains , Acacia , Allergènes , Asthme , Bermudes , Climat , Blattes , Démographie , Dermatite , Dermatophagoides farinae , Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus , Champignons , Mode de vie , Dossiers médicaux , Poaceae , Rhinite allergique , Peau , Tests cutanés , Urbanisation , Urticaire
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-758819


Bovine abortion, diarrhea, and respiratory disease complexes, caused by infectious agents, result in high and significant economic losses for the cattle industry. These pathogens are likely transmitted by various vectors and reservoirs including insects, birds, and rodents. However, experimental data supporting this possibility are scarce. We collected 117 samples and screened them for 44 bovine abortive, diarrheal, and respiratory disease complex pathogens by using Dembo polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which is based on TaqMan real-time PCR. Fifty-seven samples were positive for at least one pathogen, including bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine enterovirus, Salmonella enterica ser. Dublin, Salmonella enterica ser. Typhimurium, and Neospora caninum; some samples were positive for multiple pathogens. Bovine viral diarrhea virus and bovine enterovirus were the most frequently detected pathogens, especially in flies, suggesting an important role of flies in the transmission of these viruses. Additionally, we detected the N. caninum genome from a cockroach sample for the first time. Our data suggest that insects (particularly flies), birds, and rodents are potential vectors and reservoirs of abortion, diarrhea, and respiratory infectious agents, and that they may transmit more than one pathogen at the same time.

Animaux , Bovins , Oiseaux , Blattes , Virus de la diarrhée virale bovine , Diarrhée , Diptera , Réservoirs de maladies , Vecteurs de maladies , Enterovirus , Entérovirus bovin , Génome , Insectes , Neospora , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Réaction de polymérisation en chaine en temps réel , Rodentia , Salmonella enterica , Facteurs de virulence
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716017


PURPOSE: We aimed to investigate the prevalence and allergen sensitization of allergic rhinitis (AR) in preschool children. We assessed the relationship of AR, allergen sensitization, and air pollutants. METHODS: Between 2012 and 2016 in Jincheon, skin prick testing and questionnaire survey were performed on 2,958 children. AR have diagnosed on the basis of current symptoms and sign of AR on the Korean International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire and 1 or more proven allergen sensitization. RESULTS: A total of 2,052 children completed survey and skin prick testing, and were included in the analysis. The prevalence of AR symptom within last 12 months and AR were 27.0% and 10.9%, respectively. During study, both prevalences were increased from 20.1% and 8.6%, respectively in 2012 to 29.1% and 12.8%, respectively in 2016. The total inhalant allergen sensitization rate was 32.6%. The most common inhalant allergen was Dermatophagoides farinae (23.1%), followed by Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (22.5%), tree pollens (5.3%), weed pollens (5.2%), fungi (4.7%), dog hair (4.5%) cat fur (3.6%), grass pollens (1.1%), and cockroach (0.8%). Although there was no difference tree or weed pollen sensitization, pollen seasonal prevalence of current AR symptoms is highest in spring (80%) versus autumn (52.3%). Seasonal PM10 (particulate matter with a median aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 µm in diameter) and SO2 (sulfur dioxide) levels were correlated with the prevalence of seasonal AR symptoms. Pollen seasonal current AR symptoms were significantly related to seasonal pollen sensitization, but not inhalant allergens including dust mites. CONCLUSION: There was a rapid increasing prevalence of AR in preschool children in the areas of urbanization and industrialization. Pollen seasonal current AR symptoms have a close relationship with PM10 and seasonal pollen sensitization.

Animaux , Chats , Enfant , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Chiens , Humains , Polluants atmosphériques , Allergènes , Asthme , Blattes , Dermatophagoides farinae , Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus , Poussière , Champignons , Poils , Hypersensibilité , Mites (acariens) , Poaceae , Pollen , Prévalence , Rhinite allergique , Saisons , Peau , Arbres , Urbanisation
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 1222-1231, 2018.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719241


PURPOSE: Cockroach exposure is a pivotal cause of asthma. Tight junctions are intercellular structures required for maintenance of the barrier function of the airway epithelium, which is impaired in this disease. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) digest extracellular matrix components and are involved in asthma pathogenesis: MMP1 is a collagenase with a direct influence on airway obstruction in asthmatics. This study aimed to investigate the mechanism by which German cockroach extract (GCE) induces MMP1 expression and whether MMP1 release alters cellular tight junctions in human airway epithelial cells (NCI-H292). MATERIALS AND METHODS: mRNA and protein levels were determined using real-time PCR and ELISA. Tight junction proteins were detected using immunofluorescence staining. Epithelial barrier function was measured by transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER). The binding of a transcription factor to DNA molecules was determined by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, while the levels of tight junction proteins and phosphorylation were determined using Western blotting. RESULTS: GCE was shown to increase MMP1 expression, TEER, and tight junction degradation. Both an inhibitor and small interfering RNA (siRNA) of MMP1 significantly decreased GCE-induced tight junction disruption. Furthermore, transient transfection with ETS1 and SP1 siRNA, and anti-TLR2 antibody pretreatment prevented MMP1 expression and tight junction degradation. An extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor also blocked MMP1 release, ETS1/SP1 DNA binding, and tight junction alteration. CONCLUSION: GCE treatment increases MMP1 expression, leading to tight junction disruption, which is transcriptionally regulated and influenced by the ERK/MAPK pathway in airway epithelial cells. These findings may contribute to developing novel therapeutic strategies for airway diseases.

Humains , Obstruction des voies aériennes , Asthme , Blattellidae , Technique de Western , Blattes , Collagenases , ADN , Impédance électrique , Test de retard de migration électrophorétique , Test ELISA , Cellules épithéliales , Épithélium , Matrice extracellulaire , Technique d'immunofluorescence , Matrix metalloproteinase 1 , Matrix metalloproteinases , Phosphorylation , Phosphotransferases , Protein kinases , Réaction de polymérisation en chaine en temps réel , ARN messager , Petit ARN interférent , Protéines de la jonction serrée , Jonctions serrées , Facteurs de transcription , Transfection
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 1(1): 7-22, jan.mar.2017. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380289


A asma e a rinite alérgica são doenças frequentes e acometem parcela significativa da população, sobretudo crianças. Frequentemente a asma e a rinite coexistem e tem sido documentado que a presença de rinite potencialmente aumenta a gravidade da asma e impacta negativamente na qualidade de vida. Entre os agentes desencadeantes/agravantes dessas doenças são apontados: aeroalérgenos (ácaros do pó domiciliar, fungos, alérgenos de baratas, epitélio de animais, polens e ocupacionais), poluentes intradomiciliares e extradomiciliares (fumaça de tabaco, material particulado liberado pela cocção/aquecimento ­ gás de cozinha, fogão a lenha) e irritantes (odores fortes, arcondicionado). O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar as medidas recomendadas para reduzir a exposição de pacientes sensíveis a esses agentes. Realizou-se busca em base de dados MEDLINE, SciELO e LILACS empregando-se os descritores: environmental control, mite, cockroach, fungi, furry pets, pollen, irritants, smoking, indoor pollution, cooking. Foram revisados os principais estudos e elaborou-se um documento em que são discutidas as relações entre exposição e aparecimento de sintomas, assim como as medidas apontadas como tendo potencial para evitar a exacerbação/ agravamento das doenças alérgicas respiratórias.

Asthma and allergic rhinitis are highly prevalent diseases and they affect a significant share of the population, especially children. Very often, asthma and rhinitis coexist, and the presence of rhinitis has been shown to potentially increase the severity of asthma, with a negative impact on quality of life. Among the triggering or aggravating agents of these conditions it is possible to list: aeroallergens (house dust mites, fungi, cockroach allergens, animal epithelium, pollens and occupational allergens), indoor and outdoor pollutants (tobacco smoke, particulate matter released by cooking/heating ­ cooking gas, wood stoves), and irritants (strong odors, air conditioning). The aim of this study was to identify measures recommended to reduce the exposure of patients sensitive to these agents. A search was conducted on the MEDLINE, SciELO, and LILACS databases, using the following keywords: environmental control, mite, cockroach, fungi, furry pets, pollen, irritants, smoking, indoor pollution, cooking. The main studies were reviewed, and a report was prepared in which the relationships between exposure and the onset of symptoms are discussed, and measures with a potential to prevent exacerbation/ aggravation of allergic respiratory diseases are presented.

Humains , Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Chats , Chiens , Lapins , Asthme , Allergènes/effets indésirables , Surveillance de l'environnement , Rhinite allergique , Pollen , Qualité de vie , Pollution par la fumée de tabac , Blattes , Climatisation , Animaux de compagnie , Champignons , Mites (acariens) , Dioxyde d'azote , Odorisants
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 1(1): 65-74, jan.mar.2017. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380311


Objetivo: Avaliar o conhecimento de pais ou responsáveis por pacientes sobre medidas de controle ambiental no manejo da asma e da rinite alérgica, bem como a implementação destas medidas. Métodos: Estudo transversal, descritivo, que incluiu pacientes entre 5 e 18 anos, com asma e/ou rinite alérgica, sensibilizados a alérgenos inalatórios domésticos. Os entrevistados responderam questionário sobre sensibilização alérgica, medidas de controle ambiental e exposição ao tabagismo passivo. Resultados: Foram incluídos 122 pais ou responsáveis. Embora 97% acreditassem que seu filho tinha uma doença alérgica, apenas 43% conseguiam relacionar os sintomas da doença à presença de alérgenos. O percentual de pais capaz de referir os alérgenos para os quais seus filhos estavam sensibilizados foi de 88% para ácaros, 56% para fungos, 41% para baratas e gatos, e 40% para cães. Medidas para controle de ácaros foram adotadas por 83% das famílias, com exceção das capas antiácaros, utilizadas por 39%. Entre donos de cães e gatos, 57% não permitiam que seus animais entrassem na casa; 21% dedetizavam a casa contra baratas. Entre os familiares tabagistas, 14% pararam de fumar. Conclusões: A maioria dos entrevistados reconheceu que seu filho tinha uma doença alérgica, mas grande parte não relacionou os sintomas da doença à exposição a alérgenos. Grande percentagem dos entrevistados cujos filhos eram sensibilizados a fungos, baratas, gatos e cães não soube referir este resultado. Os entrevistados aplicavam medidas gerais para controle de alérgenos, mas a maioria não implementava algumas medidas com benefício comprovado para uma estratégia abrangente de controle ambiental.

Objective: To assess the knowledge of patients' caregivers on environmental control measures in the management of asthma and allergic rhinitis, as well as their adherence to such measures. Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive study included patients aged between 5 and 18 years with a diagnosis of asthma and/ or allergic rhinitis and sensitivity to indoor inhaled allergens. Caregivers answered a questionnaire on allergen sensitization, environmental control measures, and exposure to secondhand smoke. Results: A total of 122 parents/guardians were recruited. Even though 97% of the caregivers believed that their children had an allergic disease, only 43% were able to relate disease symptoms with the presence of allergens. The percentage of caregivers who were able to list the allergens to which their child was sensitive resulted in 88% of correct answers for house dust mites, 56% for fungi, 41% for cockroaches and cats, and 40% for dogs. Moreover, 83% of the families adopted general house dust mite control measures, but only 39% used allergen-proof mattress and pillow covers. Among the families who had pets, 57% kept the pets outdoors; chemical control of cockroaches was adopted by 21% of the families. Among the caregivers who smoked, only 14% quit the habit. Conclusions: Even though the majority of caregivers were aware of the allergic status of their child, most of them did not understand the relationship between allergic disease symptoms and exposure to allergens. Furthermore, a large percentage of caregivers failed to recognize their children's sensitization to fungi, cockroaches, cats, and dogs. Caregivers applied general allergen control measures in their homes, but the majority did not implement some specific measures with proven benefit as part of a broad environmental control strategy.

Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Asthme , Surveillance de l'environnement , Rhinite allergique , Parents , Allergènes , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Blattes , Animaux de compagnie , Fumeurs , Champignons , Mites (acariens)
Epidemiology and Health ; : 2017007-2017.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786811


Various allergens are implicated in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases in different regions. This study attempted to identify the most common allergens among patients with allergies based on the results of skin prick tests in different parts of Iran. Relevant studies conducted from 2000 to 2016 were identified from the MEDLINE database. Six common groups of allergen types, including animal, cockroach, food, fungus, house dust mite, and pollen were considered. Subgroup analysis was performed to determine the prevalence of each type of allergen. The Egger test was used to assess publication bias. We included 44 studies in this meta-analysis. The overall prevalence of positive skin test results for at least one allergen was estimated to be 59% in patients with allergies in various parts of Iran. The number of patients was 11,646 (56% male and 44% female), with a mean age of 17.46±11.12 years. The most common allergen sources were pollen (47.0%), mites (35.2%), and food (15.3%). The prevalence of sensitization to food and cockroach allergens among children was greater than among adults. Pollen is the most common allergen sensitization in cities of Iran with a warm and dry climate; however, sensitization to house dust mites is predominant in northern and southern coastal areas of Iran.

Adulte , Animaux , Enfant , Humains , Mâle , Allergènes , Climat , Blattes , Champignons , Hypersensibilité , Iran , Mites (acariens) , Pollen , Prévalence , Biais de publication , Pyroglyphidae , Peau , Tests cutanés
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-648853


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In this study, we evaluated differences in the prevalence of allergic rhinitis, asthma, atopic dermatitis and specific immunoglobuline E (IgE) value for some respiratory antigens in Korean adults. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: The study was conducted using data from the 5th National Health and Nutrition Survey (2010-2012). All subjects who were aged 19 years or older completed questionnaires on asthma, atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis. The subjects were first divided into male and female, and then into age groups of 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, ≥70 each. The lifetime and current prevalence rates for allergic rhinitis, asthma, and atopic dermatitis were calculated for each age group. The total and specific IgE level for Dermatophagoides farinae (DF), cockroach, and dog dander were also calculated. RESULTS: Final participants of 17542 were analyzed for the prevalence rate among the total of 25534 participants. The mean IgE level was calculated from 2028 subjects from the final participants. In asthma, the lifetime prevalence and current prevalence increased with age, but decreased with atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis. Total IgE level increased with age, but IgE level of DF reached its peak at 20-29 years, and then decreased rapidly thereafter. There was no clear trend for cockroach and dog dander. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of allergic diseases in adults varies widely by age group. Asthma has a low prevalence after age 20 and gradually increases after age 50. Atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis are the most prevalent in their 20s and gradually decrease thereafter.

Adulte , Animaux , Chiens , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Asthme , Blattes , Squames , Eczéma atopique , Dermatophagoides farinae , Immunoglobuline E , Immunoglobulines , Corée , Méthodes , Enquêtes nutritionnelles , Prévalence , Rhinite allergique