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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 34798, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553615


Introdução: A saúde bucal é um aspecto que não deve ser subestimado pelos pacientes, principalmente se considerar que as infecções odontogênicas podem levar a quadros graves, incluindo complicações cervicotorácicas, como Mediastinite e cervicofaciais, como Angina de Ludwig. Para tanto, é imprescindível que os profissionais da odontologia saibam reconhecer os principais sinais e sintomas dessas infecções, sua evolução, conhecer as complicações associadas e qual o manejo adequado. Objetivo: Assim, é objetivo deste trabalho, relatar, discutir um caso clínico de uma infecção odontogênica grave que acarretou em complicação cervical, com trajeto em direção ao mediastino, necessitando manejo multidisciplinar, e explorar os principais aspectos desse quadro e a conduta necessária, que exige, no mínimo, intervenção cirúrgica, antibioticoterapia e manutenção das vias aéreas. Relato de caso: O caso trata de um paciente com infecção odontogênica, iniciada como uma pericoronarite do dente 38 semieruptado, que evoluiu para a área cervical, demandando imediata drenagem nesta região pois encaminhava-se para uma mediastinite. Após a drenagem cervical e antibioticoterapia e, assim que houve redução do trismo, foi removido o dente 38, evoluindo para a cura.Conclusões:As infecções odontogênicas, principalmente as que acometem os espaços fasciais e cervicais profundos, são potencialmente graves e devem ter suas principais manifestações clínicas entre os domínios de conhecimento dos profissionais Bucomaxilofaciais, pois necessitam de diagnóstico preciso, manejo rápido e tratamento adequado e precoce, considerando a velocidade com que podem evoluir (AU).

Introduction: Oral healthis an aspect that should not be underestimated by patients, especially considering that dental infections can lead to serious symptoms, including cervicothoracic complications, such as Mediastinitis and cervicofacial complications, such as Ludwig's Angina. Therefore, it is essential that dental professionals know how to recognize the main signs and symptoms of these infections, their evolution, know the associated complications and appropriate management.Objective: Thus, this work aims to report and discuss a clinical case of a serious odontogenic infection that resulted in a cervical complication, with a path towards the mediastinum, requiring multidisciplinary management, and to explore the main aspects of this condition and the necessary conduct, which requires, at least, surgical intervention, antibiotic therapy and airway maintenance.Case report: The case concerns a patient with odontogenic infection, which began as pericoronitis of semi-erupted tooth 38, which progressed to the cervical area, requiring immediate drainage in this region as it was heading towards mediastinitis. After cervical drainage and antibiotic therapy and, as soon as the trismus was reduced, tooth 38 was removed, progressing towards healing.Conclusions: Odontogenic infections, especially those that affect the fascial and deep cervical spaces, are potentially serious and should have their main clinical manifestations among the domains of knowledge ofOral and Maxillofacial professionals, as they require accurate diagnosis, rapid management and adequate and early treatment, considering the speed at which they can evolve (AU).

Introducción: La salud bucal es un aspecto que los pacientes no deben subestimar, especialmente considerando que las infecciones odontógenas pueden derivar en afecciones graves, incluidas complicaciones cervicotorácicas, como la mediastinitis, y complicaciones cervicofaciales, como la angina de Ludwig.Para ello, es fundamental que los profesionales odontológicos sepan reconocer las principales señalesy síntomas de estas infecciones, su evolución, conocer las complicaciones asociadas y el manejo adecuado.Objetivo: Así,el objetivo de este trabajo es reportar y discutir un caso clínico de infección odontogénica grave que resultó en una complicación cervical, con trayecto hacia el mediastino, que requirió manejo multidisciplinario, y explorar los principales aspectos de esta condicióny las medidas necesarias, que requiere, como mínimo, intervención quirúrgica, terapia con antibióticos y mantenimiento de las vías respiratorias.Reporte de caso: El caso se trata de un paciente con una infección odontogénica, que comenzó como pericoronaritis del diente 38 semi-erupcionado, la cual progresó hacia la zona cervical, requiriendo drenaje inmediato en esta región ya que se encaminaba para una mediastinitis.Después del drenaje cervical y la terapia antibiótica y, una vez reducido el trismo, se extrajo el diente 38, evolucijjonando hacia la cura.Conclusiones: Las infecciones odontogénicas, especialmente aquellas que afectan los espacios fasciales y cervicales profundos, son potencialmente graves y deben tener sus principales manifestaciones clínicas entre los dominios del conocimiento de los profesionales Orales y Maxilofaciales, pues requieren de un diagnóstico certero, un manejo rápido y un tratamiento adecuado y temprano, considerando la velocidad a la que pueden evolucionar (AU).

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Drainage/instrumentation , Contrôle de l'infection dentaire , Angine de Ludwig/anatomopathologie , Médiastinite , Ostéomyélite , Radiographie dentaire/instrumentation , Tomodensitométrie/instrumentation , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(4): 48-51, out.-dez. 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1562244


A Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial (CTBMF) é uma especialidade da Odontologia que tem como objetivo o diagnóstico e o tratamento das doenças, traumatismos, lesões e anomalias, congênitas e adquiridas, do aparelho mastigatório e anexos, e estruturas crânio-faciais associadas. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, realizado a partir das vivências dos alunos envolvidos no projeto. O projeto promove discussões sobre agravos de saúde comuns na comunidade via palestras nos ambulatórios de cirurgia da FOP/UPE, atua através de postagens nas redes sociais sobre temas de grande importância em cirurgia bucal e de reuniões com aulas ministradas que provêm fundamentação teórica para capacitação dos alunos. Resultados: Desde sua fundação, a LABMF promove ações ambulatoriais para promover troca de conhecimentos sobre a CTBMF, desmistificar e instruir a população sobre exodontias e a importância do autoexame bucal. Atua com mutirões para atender a população em espera, e promove encontros científicos, proporcionando integração com outras faculdades. Conclusão: O projeto proporciona ao aluno a oportunidade de aprofundar seus conhecimentos em CTBMF e a desenvolver e aprimorar competências relacionadas à educação em saúde, liderança, comunicação, e outros. Ainda, provém retorno à população geral, repassando informações e conhecimentos pertinentes à sua saúde, tornando-os multiplicadores do saber... (AU)

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology (CTBMF) is a specialty of Dentistry that aims to diagnose and treat diseases, traumas, injuries, and anomalies, congenital and acquired, of the masticatory system and appendages, and craniofacial structures associated. Methodology: Descriptive study, experience report type, carried out based on the experiences of the students involved in the project. The project promotes discussions about common health problems in the community via lectures at the FOP/UPE surgery outpatient clinics, works through posts on social media on topics of great importance in oral surgery, and meetings with classes taught that provide theoretical foundations for training professionals. students. Results: Since its foundation, LABMF has promoted outpatient actions to promote the exchange of knowledge about CTBMF, demystify and educate the population about extractions and the importance of oral self-examination. It works with joint efforts to assist the waiting population and promotes scientific meetings, providing integration with other faculties. Conclusion: The project provides students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in CTBMF and to develop and improve skills related to health education, leadership, communication, and others. Furthermore, it provides feedback to the general population, passing on information and knowledge relevant to their health, making them multipliers of knowledge... (AU)

La Cirugía y Traumatología Oral y Maxilofacial (CTBMF) es una especialidad de la Odontología que tiene como objetivo diagnosticar y tratar enfermedades, traumatismos, lesiones y anomalías, congénitas y adquiridas, del sistema masticatorio y apéndices, y estructuras craneofaciales asociadas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, tipo relato de experiencia, realizado a partir de las vivencias de los estudiantes involucrados en el proyecto. El proyecto promueve discusiones sobre problemas de salud comunes en la comunidad a través de charlas en los ambulatorios de cirugía de la FOP/ UPE, trabaja a través de publicaciones en redes sociales sobre temas de gran importancia en cirugía bucal y encuentros con clases impartidas que brindan fundamentos teóricos a la formación de profesionales. Resultados: Desde su fundación, LABMF ha impulsado acciones ambulatorias para promover el intercambio de conocimientos sobre el CTBMF, desmitificar y educar a la población sobre las extracciones y la importancia del autoexamen bucal. Trabaja en conjunto para atender a la población en espera y promueve encuentros científicos, brindando integración con otras facultades. Conclusión: El proyecto brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de profundizar sus conocimientos en CTBMF, y desarrollar y mejorar habilidades relacionadas con la educación para la salud, el liderazgo, la comunicación y otros. Además, retroalimenta a la población en general, transmitiéndole información y conocimientos relevantes para su salud, convirtiéndola en multiplicadora de conocimientos... (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , École dentaire , Étudiant dentisterie , Chirurgie stomatologique (spécialité) , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(4): 5-5, out.-dez. 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1562249


O manejo multiprofissional na Cirurgia Ortognática minimamente invasiva envolve a colaboração de diversos profissionais para proporcionar uma abordagem abrangente e personalizada ao paciente e consequentemente uma recuperação pós-operatória mais célere. A integração eficiente dos profissionais assegura uma abordagem holística "princípio da cirurgia segura", maximizando os resultados e a experiência do paciente durante todas as fases da Cirúrgia Ortognática minimamente invasiva... (AU)

Multidisciplinary management in minimally invasive Orthognathic Surgery involves the collaboration of several professionals to provide a comprehensive and personalized approach to the patient and consequently a faster postoperative recovery. The efficient integration of professionals ensures a holistic "safe surgery principle" approach, maximizing results and patient experience throughout all phases of minimally invasive Orthognathic Surgery... (AU)

El manejo multidisciplinar en Cirugía Ortognática mínimamente invasiva implica la colaboración de varios profesionales para proporcionar un abordaje integral y personalizado del paciente y en consecuencia una recuperación postoperatoria más rápida. La integración eficiente de profesionales garantiza un enfoque holístico del "principio de cirugía segura", maximizando los resultados y la experiencia del paciente en todas las fases de la cirugía ortognática mínimamente invasiva... (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Équipe soignante , Interventions chirurgicales mini-invasives , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(4): 6-7, out.-dez. 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1562345


Entrevista com o Dr. Jonathas Claus, especialista em Técnicas Inovadoras e perspectivas futuras na Odontologia Maxilofacial.

Chirurgie stomatologique (spécialité) , Chirurgie orthognathique , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(1): 47-52, jan.-abr. 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1427917


A odontologia reabilitadora tem como um dos seus ramos a especialidade de Prótese Bucomaxilofacial (PBMF), que visa restaurar ou substituir estruturas perdidas na região facial e no sistema estomatognático artificialmente, podendo ser ou não removidos pelo paciente. O presente trabalho objetiva revisar a leitura a respeito da reabilitação com PBMF e a sua aplicabilidade na clínica odontológica. Os indivíduos com alguma perda de estrutura na região de cabeça e pescoço, devido a traumas físicos e/ou químicos, defeitos congênitos, doenças autoimunes, neoplasias, infecções e parasitas, são pacientes para os quais há a indicação da reposição da parte ausente. As reconstruções podem ser perdas intraorais (área da maxila, mandíbula), extraorais (oculopalpebral, ocular, nasal, facial extensa e auricular) ou conjugadas. Esse é um trabalho multidisciplinar, com especialistas de áreas abrangentes e todos os especialistas trabalham de forma conjunta. Pode-se concluir que, embora seja uma das especialidades mais nobres da odontologia, ainda é muito desconhecida por parte dos estudantes e profissionais das áreas da saúde e são próteses absolutamente fundamentais para a reabilitação e qualidade de vida dos indivíduos que tem a necessidade do uso da prótese PBMF(AU)

Rehabilitating dentistry has as one of its branches the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthesis (PBMF), which aims to restore or replace structures lost in the facial region and in the stomatognathic system artificially, which may or may not be removed by the patient. The present study aims to review the reading about rehabilitation with PBMF and its applicability in dental clinic. Individuals with some loss of structure in the head and neck region, due to physical and/or chemical trauma, birth defects, autoimmune diseases, neoplasms, infections and parasites, are patients in whom there is an indication for replacement of the absent part. Reconstructions can be intraoral (maximal area, mandible), extraoral (oculopalpebral, ocular, nasal, extensive facial and auricular) or conjugated losses. It is a multidisciplinary work, with specialists from the comprehensive areas and that all specialists work together. It can be concluded that although it is one of the noblest specialties of dentistry, it is still very unknown to students and health professionals, and they are absolutely fundamental prostheses for the rehabilitation and quality of life of individuals who need the use the PBMFprosthesis(AU)

Tête/malformations , Prothèse maxillofaciale , Cou/malformations , Qualité de vie , Réadaptation , Maladies auto-immunes , Malformations , Système stomatognathique/traumatismes , Reconstruction mandibulaire , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Tumeurs
Article de Français | AIM | ID: biblio-1519744


INTRODUCTION: La pratique de la dentisterie implique un risque d'exposition à des microorganismes responsables de nombreuses maladies telles que l'Hépatite, la COVID-19, le VIH-SIDA. OBJECTIFS: Contribuer à l'étude des risques de contamination infectieuse des praticiens. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale de type descriptive d'une durée de quatre mois allant de juin à septembre 2022. RÉSULTATS: Parmi les 100 praticiens interrogés, les chirurgiens-dentistes ont été les plus représentés avec un taux de 63%. Moins de la moitié des praticiens soit 46% avaient une expérience professionnelle compris entre 5 et 10 ans. Parmi nos enquêtés, 62% connaissaient les techniques de prévention d'hygiène. 76% ont été vaccinés contre la COVID-19 et 49% ont été vaccinés contre l'Hépatite B et 65% ont affirmé avoir été piqués ou coupés par un objet souillé. CONCLUSION: Il ressort de cette étude la nécessité de sensibiliser les praticiens sur les mesures de prévention contre les infections au cabinet dentaire.

INTRODUCTION: The practice of dentistry involves a risk of exposure to microorganisms responsible for many diseases such as Hepatitis, COVID-19, HIV-AIDS. OBJECTIVE: Contribute to the study of the risks of infectious contamination of practitioners. METHODOLOGY: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study lasting four months from June to September 2022. RESULTS: Among the 100 practitioners questioned, dental surgeons were the most represented with a rate of 63%. Less than half of the practitioners, or 46%, had professional experience of between 5 and 10 years. Among our respondents, 62% knew the hygiene prevention techniques. 76% had been vaccinated against COVID-19 and 49% had been vaccinated against Hepatitis B and 65% said they had been bitten or cut by a soiled object. CONCLUSION: This study shows the need to educate practitioners on preventive measures against infections in the dental office.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Infections à VIH , Transmission de maladie infectieuse , Cabinets dentaires , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , COVID-19 , Dentistes , Hépatite
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(1): 1-8, may. 11, 2022. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399824


Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the agreement between oral and maxillofacial radiologists (OMFR) and oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMFS) for the detection of bifid mandibular canal (BMC) and accessory mental foramen (AMF) using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Material and Methods: This retrospective study involved 22 examiners (11 OMFR and 11 OMFS) who independently assessed 30 CBCT volumes from patients (n = 60 hemi-mandibles) under preoperative radiographic evaluation for implant placement. The examiners scored the presence of BMC and AMF in each hemimandible. The interexaminer agreements were assessed using Fleiss' kappa statistics. Results: For intra-examiner agreement, 40% of the sample was reevaluated. The interexaminer agreement between OMFR and OMFS was slight (0.12) for the detection of BMC and fair (0.24) for AMF. The agreement among OMFR for detection of BMC was fair (0.22), and it was slight among OMFS (0.15). The agreement among OMFR for detection of AMF was substantial (0.61), and among OMFS it was fair (0.22). Agreements between OMFR and OMFS were slight for BMC and fair for AMF, independently of the years of experience. Intraexaminer agreement ranged from 60% to 90% among OMFR and from 55% to 90% among OMFS. Conclusion: A slight and a fair agreement between OMFR and OMFS was found for the detection of BMC and AMF, respectively. In general, OMFR obtained higher agreement among themselves, mainly for detection of AMF.

Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la con-cordancia entre los radiólogos orales y maxilofaciales (ROMF) y los cirujanos orales y maxilofaciales (COMF) para la detección del canal mandibular bífido (CMB) y el foramen mentoniano accesorio (FMA) mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico. CBCT). Material y Métodos: Este estudio retrospectivo involucró a 22 examinadores (11 ROMF y 11 COMF) que evaluaron de forma independiente 30 volúmenes CBCT de pacientes (n = 60 hemimandíbulas) bajo evaluación radiográfica preoperatoria para la colocación de implantes. Los examinadores puntu-aron la presencia de CMB y FMA en cada hemimandíbula. Los acuerdos entre examinadores se evaluaron utilizando las estadísticas kappa de Fleiss. Resultados: Por concordancia intraexaminador se reeva-luó el 40% de la muestra. El acuerdo entre examinadores entre ROMF y COMF fue ligero (0,12) para la detección de CMB y regular (0,24) para FMA. La concordancia entre ROMF para la detección de CMB fue regular (0,22) y leve entre COMF (0,15). El acuerdo entre ROMF para la detección de FMA fue sustancial (0,61), y entre COMF fue justo (0,22). Los acuerdos entre ROMF y COMF fueron leves para CMB y justos para FMA, independientemente de los años de experiencia. La concordancia entre examinadores varió del 60 % al 90 % entre ROMF y del 55 % al 90 % entre COMF. Conclusión: Se encontró un acuerdo leve y justo entre ROMF y COMF para la detección de CMB y FMA, respec-tivamente. En general, se obtuvo mayor acuerdo entre ROMF, principalmente para la detección de FMA.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Radiologues , Foramen mentonnier/imagerie diagnostique , Canal mandibulaire/imagerie diagnostique , Brésil , Reproductibilité des résultats , Études rétrospectives , Tomodensitométrie à faisceau conique , Variation anatomique , Mandibule/imagerie diagnostique
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 42(3): 45-49, set.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1291672


Os ferimentos por arma de fogo (FAF) são um grande problema de saúde pública. Na face, a mandíbula é o local de maior incidência, sendo a região de corpo mandibular a mais atingida e as lesões aos tecidos moles frequentemente a ela associadas. Em alguns casos, tais ferimentos apresentam-se de difícil resolução, sobretudo, em casos de fraturas cominutivas e lesões de tecidos moles com alta complexidade. Isso torna o atendimento desses pacientes um desafio para cirurgiões buco-maxilo-faciais. Desta forma, o objetivo deste artigo é relatar um caso de FAF em terço inferior da face, com comprometimento de tecidos moles e mandíbula, pela equipe de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Bucomaxilofacial do Hospital Geral do Estado - Bahia. Paciente de 28 anos de idade, sexo feminino, vítima de FAF em terço inferior da face, por disparo acidental de espingarda. Ao exame clínico, pode-se observar ferimento perfuro-contuso em região de mandíbula e fratura cominutiva de corpo e ângulo mandibular à direita. A paciente foi submetida à cirurgia para remoção de fragmentos ósseos/corpos estranhos, fixação dos cotos com placa de reconstrução 2.4mm e sutura dos planos, em mesmo tempo cirúrgico, reestabelecendo a função da mandíbula. Portanto, devido à fisiopatologia variável dos FAF na mandíbula, não se indica um único padrão de tratamento para as fraturas cominutivas. Além disso, é indispensável o emprego de protocolos de limpeza cirúrgica imediata e antibioticoterapia nos casos com alto grau de cominuição, bem como, sugere-se realizar o tratamento definitivo o mais breve possível(AU)

Firearm injuries (FIs) are a major public health problem. On the face, the mandible is the place with the highest incidence of this trauma, with the mandibular body region being the most affected and the lesions to the soft tissues frequently associated with it. In some cases, such injuries are difficult to resolve, especially in cases of comminuted fractures and soft tissue injuries with high complexity. This makes the care of these patients a challenge for oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Thus, the objective of this article is to report a case of care for a FAF victim in the lower third of the face, with soft tissue and mandible involvement, by the Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology team at the Hospital Geral do Estado - Bahia. 28-year-old female patient, victim of FAF in the lower third of the face, due to acidental shotgun firing. On clinical examination, a perforated-blunt wound can be seen in the mandible region and comminuted fracture of the body and angle of the mandible on the right. The patient underwent surgery to remove bone fragments / foreign bodies, fix the stumps with a 2.4 mm reconstruction plate and suture the planes, at the same surgical time, reestablishing the function of the mandible. Therefore, due to the variable pathophysiology of FAF in the mandible, a single treatment pattern is not indicated for comminuted fractures. In addition, it is essential to use immediate surgical cleaning protocols and antibiotic therapy in cases with a high degree of comminution, as well as, it is suggested to carry out the definitive treatment as soon as possible(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Plaies par arme à feu , Traumatismes des tissus mous , Fractures comminutives , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Fractures osseuses , Fractures de la mâchoire , Mandibule , Antibactériens
Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 24(6): 324-333, 06/2021. graf., tab., foto
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1344059


Class III malocclusion is a relevant public health problem. The management of severe skeletal class III malocclusion in non-growing patients requires properly planned and well-executed orthognathic surgery by a team of at least an orthodontist and a maxillofacial surgeon. For these cases, there are two approaches to the surgery. One of them is the conventional three-stage method, which includes preoperative orthodontic treatment, orthognathic surgery, and postoperative orthodontic treatment. The other is the surgery-first orthognathic approach, which is performed without pre-surgical orthodontic treatment and should present some advantages compared to the conventional technique. However, at present, evidence on the management of class III malocclusion still needs to be expanded. In this paper, we present the management of a case of severe skeletal class III malocclusion by surgery-first orthodontic approach, based on the experience of the Tamil Nadu Government Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, India.

La maloclusión clase III es un problema de salud pública importante. El tratamiento de la maloclusión clase III esquelética grave en pacientes que no están en crecimiento, requiere una cirugía ortognática planificada de forma apropiada y bien ejecutada, por un equipo de al menos un ortodoncista y un cirujano maxilofacial. Para estos casos, existen dos enfoques para la cirugía: el método convencional de tres etapas, que incluye tratamiento de ortodoncia preoperatorio, cirugía ortognática y tratamiento de ortodoncia posoperatorio; y el abordaje primario de cirugía ortognática, que se realiza sin tratamiento de ortodoncia prequirúrgico y debe presentar algunas ventajas en comparación con la técnica convencional. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, las pruebas sobre el abordaje de la maloclusión clase III aún deben ampliarse. En este artículo, presentamos el abordaje de un caso de maloclusión clase III esquelética grave mediante el abordaje inicial con cirugía ortognática, basado en la experiencia del Hospital y Colegio Odontológico del Gobierno de Tamil Nadu, Chennai, India.

Chirurgie orthognathique , Malocclusion dentaire , Malocclusion de classe III , Rapport de recherche , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Orthodontistes
RFO UPF ; 26(1): 23-30, 20210327. tab, ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1428576


Objetivo: conhecer o perfil demográfico e as características que levam à solicitação de tomografia computa-dorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) pelos especialistas em Cirurgia e Traumatologia Bucomaxilofacial (CTBMF) do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, para diagnóstico e planejamento cirúrgico de terceiros molares inferiores (3MI) impactados. Métodos: foram enviados questionários eletrônicos para todos os especialistas em CTBMF do RS. O questionário compreendia perguntas demográficas, clínicas e imaginológicas. O teste Qui-Quadra-do foi utilizado para verificar a associação entre as variáveis. Resultados: 115 questionários foram respondi-dos.O exame mais solicitado foi a panorâmica (95%). A TCFC foi solicitada por 50 especialistas (30 utilizam software). Localização do canal mandibular, dilaceração radicular e reabsorção do segundo molar são os aspectos mais avaliados na TCFC (P < 0,05); já o contato da raiz com o canal mandibular foi dito ser avaliado nos dois exames. Complicações permanentes foram relatadas por 21 especialistas, associadas a profissionais com maior tempo de graduação e/ou especialização (P < 0,05), mas não com o tipo de exame solicitado (P > 0,05). Na percepção dos especialistas, a TCFC tem papel importante em casos de alta complexidade. Con-clusão: a panorâmica ainda é o exame mais utilizado para avaliação de 3MI impactados pelos especialistas em CTBMF do RS, porém a TCFC tem sido solicitada para complementação do diagnóstico e planejamento e como meio de segurança jurídica do profissional.(AU)

Objective: to recognize the demographic profile and the characteristics that lead to the request of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) by Oral & Maxillofacial (OMF) Surgeons in the state of RS for the diagnosis and surgical planning of impacted lower third molars (3LM). Methods: electronic questionnaires were sent to all OMF surgeons in RS. The questionnaire comprised demographic, clinical, and imaging questions. The chi-square test was used to verify the association between variables. Results: 115 questionnaires were answered. The most requested exam was the panoramic (95%). CBCT was requested by 50 specialists (30 use software). Localization of the mandibular canal, root dilaceration, and resorption of the second molar are the most evaluated aspects in the CBCT (P <0.05); the contact of the root with the mandibular canal was said to be evaluated in both exams. Permanent complications were reported by 21 OMF surgeons, and were related to the time of graduation and/or specialization (P < 0.05), but not to the type of exam (P > 0.05). In the OMF surgeons' perception, the CBCT has an important role in cases of high complexity. Conclusion: panoramic radiograph still is the most used exam for the assessment of impacted 3LM by OMF surgeons in RS, however, CBCT has been requested to complement the diagnosis and treatment plan, and as a means of professional legal security.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Dent enclavée/imagerie diagnostique , Tomodensitométrie à faisceau conique/statistiques et données numériques , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux/statistiques et données numériques , Dent de sagesse/imagerie diagnostique , Brésil , Radiographie panoramique , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Canal mandibulaire/imagerie diagnostique
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962304


ABSTRACT@#The study aimed to quantify the impact of lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic on new case referrals to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) service. The researchers retrospectively reviewed all new referrals received during a government-imposed 47-day lockdown period and a similar period pre-lockdown as a control group. The main outcome was the differences in the number of new case referrals between the two periods. The contributing clinical and demographic factors were also explored. Appropriate bivariate statistics were computed and the level of significance was set at 0.05 for all tests. A total of 309 referrals were received during the study period. There was a reduction of new referrals due to the lockdown from five to two cases per day. There was a statistically significant reduction of cases referred from outpatient and emergency departments. There was also a statistically significant difference with regard to home address distance to the centre. Medically compromised and orofacial infection referrals were not affected by lockdown. The lockdown imposed due to the pandemic has significantly impacted the pattern of new OMS referrals. Referrals for orofacial infections, the medically compromised and inpatients were minimally affected by lockdown.

Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Quarantaine , COVID-19
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1180852


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the influence of oral and maxillofacial trauma on the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and to determine the efficiency of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) as a diagnostic tool for detecting PTSD in patients with Oral and Maxillofacial injuries. Material and Methods: PTSD was assessed one month postoperatively by the diagnostic instrument, IES-R, to arrive at a provisional diagnosis. A structured clinician-administered PTSD Scale then assessed the patients for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5th edition (CAPS-5) to establish a final diagnosis. The assessment of the severity of PTSD was done based on various types of oral and maxillofacial injuries. Results: The IES-R scale provisionally diagnosed 54 subjects with PTSD, out of which 42 were diagnosed to have PTSD by the CAPS-5 scale. Subjects with injuries involving the 'orbital complex,' those presenting with a perceptible scar in the maxillofacial region and with multiple avulsed/ luxated anterior teeth, showed a higher affinity to develop PTSD, and this was statistically significant. Conclusion: Higher levels of PTSD in patients with injuries to the maxillofacial region warrants correct diagnosis and detection, and hence the maxillofacial surgeon plays a vital role in this regard. The IES-R is a useful diagnostic tool to detect PTSD early.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Troubles de stress post-traumatique/étiologie , Diagnostic précoce , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Traumatismes maxillofaciaux/diagnostic , Loi du khi-deux , Études transversales/méthodes , Inde/épidémiologie
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1293379


Introducción: La Cirugía y Traumatología Buco-Máxilofacial (CyTBMF) es una especialidad de la Odontología. La Región Sanitaria 1 (RS1), Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires) tiene una Unidad de CyTBMF en el Hospital Interzonal General "Dr. José Penna" de Bahía Blanca. Se estudiaron cuatro patologías Buco-Máxilofaciales severas (PBMFS): traumatología, cáncer bucal, infección bucal severa y el niño nacido Fisurado Labio Alvéolo Palatino. Objetivo: Realizar un diagnóstico de accesibilidad de pacientes sin obra social. Métodos: Estudio híbrido con diseño descriptivo, encuesta a Secretarios de Salud de la RS1, relevamiento de protocolos de derivación y estudio ambispectivo. Resultados: En 2018, el 59,1% de los casos recibidos en la UCYTBMF fueron del Hospital Penna y el 40,9% fueron derivados. En 2019, el porcentaje fue 65,8% y 34,2%, respectivamente. Se registraron demoras en la solicitud de turno, desde el momento del trauma o diagnóstico: en 2018 fueron 2/22 (9,1%), atribuibles a la búsqueda de Tratamiento Adecuado; en 2019 fueron 11/38 (28,9%) por Acceso al Servicio. Conclusiones: El conocimiento de protocolos y contactos formales es endeble. Se recomienda optimizar el flujo de derivación hacia el Hospital " Dr. José Penna", y asegurar la contrarreferencia.

Introduction: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) is a specialty of Dentistry. Health Region 1 (RS1, Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires State) has a OMS Unit at the Interzonal General Hospital "Dr. José Penna" from Bahía Blanca. Four severe oral and maxillofacial pathologies were studied: trauma; oral cancer; severe oral infection; and the child born Cleft Lip and Palate. Objective: of the work was to evaluate the accessibility of patients with public health coverage. Methods: Hybrid study with descriptive design (survey of RSI Health Secretaries, survey of referral protocols) and ambispective study. Results: In 2018, 59.1% of the cases received at the OMS Unit were from Hospital "Dr. Jose Penna", and 40.9% were derived. In 2019, the percentage was 65.8% and 34.2%, respectively. Delays were recorded in the shift request, from the moment of the trauma or diagnosis: in 2018 they were 2/22 (9.1%), attributable to the search for Adequate Treatment; in 2019 they were 11/38 (28.9%) for Access to Service. Conclusions: the knowledge of protocols and formal contacts is weak. It is recommended to optimize the referral flow to Hospital "Dr. José Penna", and to ensure the counter-reference.

Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Accessibilité des services de santé , Santé publique , Odontologie
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 25(4): 68-74, July-Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1133672


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the skill of orthodontists and oral/maxillofacial surgeons (OMFS) in providing a prognosis of mandibular third molars spontaneously erupted, through follow-up panoramic analysis. Methods: 22 orthodontic patients treated without extraction, presenting spontaneously erupted mandibular third molars (n = 44) were analyzed through panoramic serial radiographs. The first panoramic radiograph was obtained just after orthodontic treatment (PR1), in patients aging from 13 to 19 years. A second panoramic radiograph (PR2), was obtained in average two years later. The radiographs were randomly analyzed by 54 specialists, 27 orthodontists and 27 OMFS, to obtain the opinion about the approach to be adopted to these teeth in PR1. Then, another opinion was collected by adding a serial radiograph (PR1+2). Results: The concordance of the answers was moderate for OMFS (Kappa 0.44; p< 0.0001) and significant for orthodontists (Kappa 0.39; p< 0.0001). In the analysis of the first radiograph (PR1) of the spontaneously erupted molars, OMFS indicated extraction in 44.5% of cases, while orthodontists indicated in 42%, with no difference between groups (p= 0.22). In PR1+2 analysis, orthodontists maintained the same level of extraction indication (45.6%, p= 0.08), while surgeons indicated more extractions (63.2%, p< 0.0001). Conclusions: Orthodontists and OMFS were not able to predict the eruption of the third molars that have erupted spontaneously. Both indicated extractions around half of the third molars. A follow-up analysis, including one more radiograph, did not improve the accuracy of prognosis among orthodontists and worsened for OMFS.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a habilidade de ortodontistas e cirurgiões bucomaxilofaciais (CBMF) em propor um prognóstico para terceiros molares inferiores. Métodos: Foram analisados 22 pacientes tratados ortodonticamente sem extração, cujos terceiros molares inferiores irrompidos espontaneamente (n= 44) foram avaliados por meio de radiografias panorâmicas seriadas. A primeira radiografia foi obtida logo após o tratamento ortodôntico (RX1), entre 13 e 19 anos de idade. A segunda radiografia (RX2) foi avaliada dois anos depois, em média. As radiografias foram analisadas aleatoriamente por 54 especialistas, 27 ortodontistas e 27 CBMFs, para obter sua opinião sobre a abordagem a ser adotada na RX1. Em seguida, outra opinião foi coletada adicionando-se a segunda radiografia seriada (RX1+2). Resultados: A concordância das respostas foi moderada para os CBMFs (Kappa = 0,44; p< 0,0001) e significativa para os ortodontistas (Kappa = 0,39; p< 0,0001). Após analisar apenas a primeira radiografia (RX1) dos molares antes deles irromperem espontaneamente, os CBMFs indicaram extração em 44,5% dos casos; enquanto os ortodontistas, em 42%, sem diferença entre os grupos (p= 0,22). Na análise de RX1+2, os ortodontistas mantiveram o mesmo nível de indicação de extração (45,6%, p= 0,08), enquanto os cirurgiões passaram a indicar mais extrações (63,2%, p< 0,0001). Conclusões: Ortodontistas e CBMFs não foram capazes de predizer a erupção de terceiros molares por meio da análise de uma única radiografia panorâmica, indicando extrações em cerca da metade dos terceiros molares examinados. Uma análise de acompanhamento, incluindo mais uma radiografia, não melhorou a precisão do prognóstico entre os ortodontistas, e piorou entre os CBMFs.

Humains , Dent enclavée/imagerie diagnostique , Dent de sagesse/chirurgie , Dent de sagesse/imagerie diagnostique , Éruption dentaire , Extraction dentaire , Radiographie panoramique , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Orthodontistes , Mandibule/imagerie diagnostique , Molaire
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto) ; 53(2)jul. 2020. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358308


RESUMO: Modelo de estudo: Relato de Caso. Importância do problema: As fraturas panfaciais recebem essa denominação quando os terços faciais apresentam fraturas concomitantes. Com frequência, essas lesões estão relacionadas a danos importantes aos tecidos moles, cominuição e perda de segmentos ósseos e/ou dentários, que podem gerar má oclusão e graves deformidades faciais, visto que etiologia de tal condição se deve à acidentes de alta dissipação de energia. O tratamento das fraturas panfaciais com o uso de fixação interna rígida permite restaurar as funções mastigatórias, bem como os contornos faciais. Comentários: O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar a reconstrução de uma fratura panfacial, envolvendo a mandíbula e com elevado grau de cominuição do complexo zigomático orbitário e do arco zigomático, em uma paciente do sexo feminino, em que acesso hemicoronal e retromandibular foram escolhidos para reconstrução e reestruturação do complexo facial. Conclusão: O correto manejo das fraturas panfaciais, é um dos grandes desafios do cirurgião buco maxilo facial, visto o nível de dificuldade para reestabelecer de maneira satisfatória as condições estéticas e funcionais existentes previamente ao trauma. Diferentes sequências de tratamento vêm sendo propostas, podendo ser utilizadas com sucesso após análise adequada do caso clínico e correta indicação. (AU)

ABSTRACT: Study model: Case Report. Importance of the problem: Panfacial fractures receive this designation when the facial thirds have concomitant fractures. Frequently, these lesions are related to important soft tissue damage, comminution, and loss of bone and/or dental segments, which may lead to malocclusion and severe facial deformities, since the etiology of such condition is due to accidents of high energy dissipation. The treatment of the panfacial fractures with the use of rigid internal fixation allows restoring the masticatory functions, as well as the facial contours. Comments: This study aimed to report the reconstruction of a panfacial fracture, involving the mandible and with a high degree of comminution of the zygomatic or zygomatic arch, in a female patient, whose hemicoronal and retromandibular access were chosen for reconstruction and restructuring of the facial complex. Conclusion: The correct management of panfacial fractures is one of the greatest challenges of the maxillofacial surgeon, given the level of difficulty to satisfactorily reestablish the aesthetic and functional conditions existing before the trauma. Different treatment sequences have been proposed to be used successfully after adequate analysis of the clinical case and correct indication. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Os zygomatique , Os de la face , Lésions traumatiques de la face , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Ostéosynthèse interne , Malocclusion dentaire , Mandibule
Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;156(1): 22-26, ene.-feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249865


Resumen Introducción: Las clasificaciones de Pell y Gregory y de Winter son básicas en la categorización de terceros molares; la clasificación de Sánchez Torres es usada en México, pero no había sido evaluada previamente. Objetivo: Evaluar el grado de acuerdo en la valoración radiográfica de terceros molares mandibulares impactados, con el empleo de tres clasificaciones: Pell y Gregory, Winter y Sánchez Torres. Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de concordancia interobservador, que incluyó a 10 cirujanos orales y maxilofaciales y 10 residentes en formación, quienes registraron la categorización radiográfica de terceros molares mandibulares (izquierdos y derechos) de acuerdo con las clasificaciones de Pell y Gregory, Sánchez Torres y Winter. Se evaluó el grado de acuerdo entre observadores mediante la prueba de kappa de Fleiss. Resultados: La clasificación de Pell y Gregory obtuvo el menor grado de acuerdo (kappa = 0.05 y 0.185), seguida de la clasificación de Sánchez Torres (kappa = 0.125 y 0.326); el mejor valor lo obtuvo la clasificación de Winter, con kappa = 0.28 y 0.636 para cirujanos orales y maxilofaciales y residentes en formación, respectivamente. Conclusión: La clasificación de Winter mostró un grado de acuerdo aceptable (moderado) para categorizar terceros molares mandibulares en los residentes en formación.

Abstract Introduction: Pell & Gregory and Winter classifications are basic in third molar categorization; Sánchez-Torres classification is used in Mexico, but it has not been previously evaluated. Objective: To assess the degree of agreement in the radiographic evaluation of impacted mandibular third molar with the use of three classifications: Pell & Gregory, Winter and Sánchez-Torres. Method: Observational, descriptive, inter-observer degree of agreement study that included 10 oral and maxillofacial surgeons and 10 training residents, who recorded the radiographic categorization of third mandibular molars (left and right) according to Pell and Gregory, Sánchez-Torres and Winter classifications. Inter-observer degree of agreement was assessed with Fleiss' kappa test. Results: Pell and Gregory classification obtained the lowest degree of agreement (kappa = 0.05 and 0.185), followed by Sánchez-Torres classification (kappa = 0.125 and 0.326); Winter had the best agreement, with kappa = 0.28 and 0.636 for oral and maxillofacial surgeons and training residents, respectively. Conclusion: The Winter classification showed an acceptable (moderate) degree of agreement to classify mandibular third molars by training residents.

Humains , Dent enclavée/classification , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Dent de sagesse/imagerie diagnostique , Dent enclavée/imagerie diagnostique , Biais de l'observateur , Internat et résidence , Mandibule , Mexique
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 19(3): 15-20, jul.-set. 2019. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1253800


Introdução: Identificar qual projeção do mento é ideal para compor um rosto harmônico, de acordo com a opinião de leigos e cirurgiões buco-maxilo-faciais (BMF), relacionando as variáveis: sexo, etnia(raça) e região de origem(local). Metodologia: Participaram do estudo 386 leigos e 198 cirurgiões BMF. Este estudo foi realizado por meio de um formulário que continha dezoito imagens da face com diferentes projeções do mento: nove do sexo masculino e nove do sexo feminino, tendo o público escolhido a imagem que mais o agradou. Resultados: Em relação à avaliação da imagem masculina, as categorias: grupo(leigos/cirurgiões), sexo masculino e feminino, regiões (Nordeste e Sudeste) e raça, os entrevistados leigos escolheram um mento retraído em relação à linha vertical verdadeira, semelhante à escolha dos cirurgiões. Em relação à imagem feminina, para as mesmas categorias do sexo masculino, as projeções protruídas de mento foram mais escolhidas, tanto para os leigos como para os cirurgiões. Entretanto, as subcategorias leigos da região Sudeste, leigos de raça branca e leigos do sexo masculino escolheram uma imagem feminina com projeções de mento mais retraída. Conclusões: A harmonia facial pode ser considerada subjetiva, pois engloba padrões pessoais de beleza; assim, os cirurgiões devem estar atentos às peculiaridades dos pacientes... (AU)

Introduction: To identify which projection of the chin is ideal for compose a harmonic face according to the opinion of laypeople and oral maxillofacial surgeons, relating the variables: gender, ethnicity (race) and region of origin (local). Methodology: 386 lay people and 198 surgeons participated in the study. This study was carried out by means of a form. This form contained eighteen images of faces with different projections of the chin: nine males and nine females. So, the audience chose the image that most pleased them. Results: In relation to the evaluation of the male image. The categories: group (laymen/ surgeons), male and female, regions (northeast and southeast) and race, lay interviewee chose a retracted chin in relation to the true vertical line, similar to the surgeons' choice. In relation to the female image, for the same male categories, the protruding projections of the chin were more chosen, both for the laymen and for the surgeons. However, for the lay subcategories of the Southeast region, white laymen and male laymen, both chose a female image with more retracted chin projections. Conclusions: The facial harmony can be considered subjective since it includes personal standards of beauty, so surgeons must be attentive to the peculiarities of the patients... (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Menton , Dentisterie esthétique , Face , Chirurgie orthognathique , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Image du corps , Esthétique
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 19(2): 19-22, abr.-jun. 2019. ilus
Article de Espagnol | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1253997


Introdução: A preservação do nervo facial (NF) é uma das principais preocupações do cirurgião durante o tratamento aberto das fraturas mandibulares, uma vez que uma lesão nessa estrutura anatômica pode causar sequelas estéticas e funcionais permanentes. A existência de variações anatômicas (anastomoses e ramificações incomuns) aumenta o risco de danos no NF, mesmo nas mãos de cirurgiões experientes. O neuromonitoramento intraoperatório tem-se mostrado um grande aliado para evitar lesões nos ramos nervosos que podem estar envolvidos na área cirúrgica. Considerando a escassez desse assunto na literatura referente à cirurgia maxilo-facial, objetivamos demonstrar o uso da técnica de neuromonitoração do NF durante o acesso submandibular para o tratamento da fratura bilateral do ângulo mandibular. Relato de caso: No presente relato de caso, as abordagens cirúrgicas de ambos os lados não apresentaram danos permanentes ao NF. Esse resultado assim como a literatura sugerem que o neuromonitoramento intraoperatório proporciona maior segurança durante a realização de abordagens cirúrgicas, nas quais os ramos do nervo facial estão envolvidos, reduzindo, assim, o risco de sequelas nervosas. Considerações Finais: Esse recurso pode ser de grande auxílio no treinamento hospitalar ao longo do processo de formação de cirurgiões bucomaxilofaciais... (AU)

Introduction: Facial nerve (FN) preservation is one of the surgeon's major concerns during the open treatment of mandibular fractures since an injury to this anatomical structure can cause permanent aesthetic and functional sequelae. The existence of anatomical variations (anastomosis and unusual branching) increases the risk of FN damage even in the hands of experienced surgeons. Intraoperative neuromonitoring has proven to be a great ally to avoid injury to the nerve branches that may be involved in the surgical area. Considering the scarcity of this subject in the maxillofacial surgery literature, we aimed to demonstrate the use of the FN neuromonitoring technique during the submandibular approach for the treatment of bilateral mandibular angle fracture. Case report: In the present case report, the surgical approaches of both sides presented no permanent damage to the FN. Results: This result, as well as previous literature, suggests that intraoperative neuromonitoring provides greater safety during the performance of surgical approaches in which the facial nerve branches are involved and thus, reduces the risk of nerve sequelae. Final considerations: This resource can be of special assistance in teaching hospitals throughout the training process of maxillofacial surgeons... (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Lésions traumatiques du nerf facial , Nerf facial , Monitorage neurophysiologique peropératoire , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Fractures mandibulaires , Chirurgie stomatologique (spécialité) , Plaies et blessures , Fractures osseuses
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-761318


Antiresorptive drugs (ARDs), such as bisphosphonates or denosumab, that prevent bone resorption are widely used in patients with osteoporosis or with cancer that has metastasized to the bones. Although osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) is a well-documented complication of ARD use, the benefits ARDs outweigh the complication. Thus, research has focused on finding ways to prevent or reduce the risk of developing ONJ. Dentists, as part of a multi-professional team, have a critical role in preventing ONJ. However, many dentists tend to hesitate to provide dental care to patients with ONJ, or tend to think that it is a problem to be dealt with by oral surgeons. This review gives an overview of ARD-related ONJ and provides the guidelines for dental care in patients taking ARDs to lower the risk of developing ONJ.

Humains , Agents de maintien de la densité osseuse , Résorption osseuse , Dénosumab , Soins dentaires , Dentistes , Diphosphonates , Mâchoire , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Ostéonécrose , Ostéoporose
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766314


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to use four sets of success criteria to evaluate the outcomes of arthrocentesis treatment with hyaluronic acid injection in patients with internal derangement (ID) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 40 patients diagnosed with unilateral Wilkes stage III TMJ dysfunction. Clinical parameters, including maximum mouth opening (MMO) and pain during function, were evaluated preoperatively, 6 months, and 1 year after TMJ arthrocentesis. Outcomes were assessed and compared using four sets of success criteria from the following: the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS; MMO ≥35 mm and visual analogue scale [VAS] score ≤3), Murakami et al.'s criteria (MMO >38 mm and VAS score 50% pain reduction), and patient self-reports (self-evaluation of treatment as successful or unsuccessful). RESULTS: Significant improvements in MMO and pain reduction during function were observed between the preoperative period and 6 months and 1 year postoperatively (P < 0.01). The success rates of treatment determined using AAOMS (52.5%), Emshoff and Rudisch criteria (57.5%), and self-reported patient criteria (40.0%) were similar. Application of the Murakami et al. criteria reported the lowest success rate (12.5%). CONCLUSION: The AAOMS and Emshoff and Rudisch criteria are consistent with patient expectations and can be used to assess treatment efficacy.

Humains , Arthrocentèse , Acide hyaluronique , Bouche , Chirurgiens buccaux et maxillo-faciaux , Période préopératoire , Troubles de l'articulation temporomandibulaire , Articulation temporomandibulaire , Résultat thérapeutique