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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(2): 158-165, jun. 2023. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515474


Introducción: El colesteatoma del conducto auditivo externo (CCAE) es una estructura quística revestida por epitelio escamoso estratificado queratinizado que tiene la capacidad de invadir y erosionar localmente al hueso temporal. Su incidencia es de 0,19 a 0,3/100.000 habitantes siendo 60 veces menos frecuente que el de oído medio. Objetivo: Describir las características epidemiológicas, clínicas, imagenológicas y tratamiento de los pacientes diagnosticados con CCAE en el Servicio de Otorrinolaringología Hospital del Salvador. Material y Método: Se presenta una serie de ocho casos clínicos recopilados durante el período 2017 y 2021. Se realizó revisión de fichas clínicas, biopsias y tomografías computadas de oídos (TC oídos). Se describen los hallazgos y tratamiento efectuado. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 65,6 años, correspondiente a 5 mujeres y 3 hombres con presencia de tabaquismo y diabetes en la mitad de los casos. Los síntomas y signos más frecuentes fueron otalgia e hipoacusia seguido de otorrea. 7 pacientes se presentaron con tímpano íntegro y el compromiso de la pared inferior del conducto se evidenció en 6 de 8 pacientes. La TC oídos mostró erosión ósea del conducto, con o sin compromiso de estructuras adyacentes, en todos los casos y el diagnóstico histológico fue efectuado en el 100% de los pacientes. Se privilegió el tratamiento conservador mediante curaciones óticas periódicas asociado a ácido salicílico al 3% y/o antibióticos tópicos en 6/8 pacientes. Conclusiones: El CCAE es una entidad poco frecuente sin signos ni síntomas patognomónicos por lo que el diagnóstico histológico junto con el estudio imagenológico es perentorio. El tratamiento conservador es una alternativa terapéutica válida que ofrece buenos resultados en pacientes con adecuada adherencia al tratamiento y posibilidad de seguimiento estricto.

Introduction: External ear canal cholesteatoma (EECC) is a cystic structure lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium that has the ability to locally invade and erode the temporal bone. Its incidence is 0.19 to 0.3 / 100,000 habitants, being 60 times less frequent than that of the middle ear. Aim: To describe the epidemiological, clinical, imaging and treatment characteristics of patients diagnosed with EECC in the Hospital del Salvador ENT department. Material and Methods: A series of eight clinical cases collected during the period 2017 and 2021 is presented. A review of clinical records, biopsies and computed tomography of the ear (ear CT) was carried out. The findings and treatment carried out are described. Results: The average age was 65.6 years corresponding to 5 women and 3 men with the presence of smoking and diabetes in half of the cases. The most frequent symptoms and signs were earache and hearing loss followed by otorrhea. 7 patients presented with an intact eardrum and compromise of the inferior wall of the canal was evidenced in 6 of 8 patients. Ears CT showed bone erosion of the canal with or without compromise of adjacent structures in all cases and the histological diagnosis was made in 100% of the patients. Conservative treatment with periodic ear dressings associated with 3% salicylic acid and / or topical antibiotics was favored in 6/8 patients. Conclusion: EECC is a rare entity without pathognomonic signs or symptoms, therefore the histological diagnosis together with the imaging study is peremptory. Conservative treatment is a valid therapeutic alternative that offers good results in patients with adequate adherence to treatment and the possibility of strict follow-up.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Cholestéatome/diagnostic , Cholestéatome/épidémiologie , Conduit auditif externe/imagerie diagnostique , Tomographie , Chili/épidémiologie , Épidémiologie Descriptive
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986944


Objective: This study was to investigate the main characteristics and related factors of wideband absorbance (WBA) in children with normal hearing and to obtain age-specific reference range of WBA. Methods: 384 children between 0-12 years old (615 ears) who visited the Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University from October 2019 to February 2021 were enrolled, including 230 males (376 ears) and 154 females (239 ears), with totally 306 left ears and 309 right ears. Wideband tympanometry (WBT) was performed and normative WBA data were analyzed by SPSS 24.0 statistical software. Repeated measures and multivariate analysis of variance were applied to the data from 16 points at 1/3-octave frequencies (226, 324, 408, 500, 667, 841, 1 000, 1 297, 1 682, 2 000, 2 670, 3 364, 4 000, 5 339, 6 727 and 8 000 Hz) to evaluate the effects of frequency, age, external auditory canal pressures, gender and ear on WBA. Results: According to the WBT frequency-absorbance curve, the subjects were divided into seven groups: 1-month old group, 2-month old group, 3-month old group, 4-5 month old group, 6-24 month old group,>2-6 year old group and>6-12 year old group. The WBA of normal-hearing children underwent a series of developmental changes with age at both ambient pressure and tympanometric peak pressures. WBA results for 1-month group and 2-month old group exhibited a multipeaked pattern, with the peaks occurring around 2 000 and 4 897 Hz, and a notch around 3 886 Hz. WBA results for 3-month group and 4-5 month old group exhibited a single broad-peaked pattern, with the peak occurring between 2 000-4 757 Hz. The WBA of 1-month old group to 4-5 month old group decreased gradually at low frequency (226-408 Hz) and 6 727 Hz, and increased at middle to high frequency (2 670-4 000 Hz). The WBA of 6-24 month old group were significantly lower than that of 2-month old group to 4-5 month old group at all frequencies except 3 364 and 4 000 Hz. WBA results for 6-24 month old group,>2-6 year old group and>6-12 year old group exhibited a single-peaked pattern, and the peak frequency of WBA moved to the lower frequency successively. From 6-24 month old group to>6-12 year old group, the WBA gradually increased at low to middle frequencies (667-2 670 Hz) and 8 000 Hz, and decreased at middle to high frequencies (3 364-5 339 Hz). Among the 16 frequencies of all age groups, the difference between WBA under ambient pressure and tympanometric peak pressure were -0.09-0.06, and 43.75%-81.25% frequency points had statistically significant difference, which was mainly manifested in that WBA under ambient pressure were lower than that under tympanometric peak pressure at 226-1 682 Hz. There was no significant ear effect on all of the age groups. Similarly, there was no significant gender effect except for 3-month old group and 4-5 month old group. Conclusions: The WBA of normal-hearing children measured at ambient pressure and tympanometric peak pressure varied across the frequencies with age from 1 month to 12 years old, and different frequencies followed different change patterns (increase vs. decrease) in WBA. There was also significant external auditory canal pressures effect on all of the age groups. The establishment of age-specific reference range of WBA for 0-12 years old normal-hearing children in this study would be useful for clinical practice of determining normative data regarding WBT.

Mâle , Femelle , Humains , Enfant , Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Études transversales , Tests d'impédance acoustique/méthodes , Oreille , Valeurs de référence , Conduit auditif externe
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011056


Necrotizing otitis externa is a progressive infectious disease involving the external auditory canal and even the skull base, which can lead to serious complications and even death if not treated in time. In this paper, the latest advances in etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment were reviewed based on previous literature, providing reference for clinical diagnosis, treatment and future research.

Humains , Otite externe/thérapie , Base du crâne/anatomopathologie , Conduit auditif externe/anatomopathologie , Tête
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 22(1): 1-7, 2023. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444907


La exóstosis del conducto auditivo externo (ECAE), también conocida como oído de surfista, es una alteración del tejido óseo del oído externo, principalmente causada debido a la sobrexposición al frío. Considerando que los practicantes de deportes acuáticos como el surf y bodyboard de las costas del pacífico sur se exponen a aguas con temperaturas entre 12-16 °C, se busca determinar, en este estudio, la prevalencia y grado de ECAE en practicantes de surf y bodyboard de las localidades de Reñaca y Concón durante el año 2018. Se realizó una evaluación del CAE mediante video-otoscopía a 67 personas (134 oídos) practicantes de surf y bodyboard de las playas de Reñaca y Concón, y se les aplicó un cuestionario respecto a sus hábitos de práctica. Como resultado, se observó una prevalencia de ECAE del 77,6%, siendo el 61,2% ECAE bilateral y el 16,4% ECAE unilateral. Se pudo determinar, además, que el 62,3%de los participantes no usa protecciones. A partir de estos hallazgos, es posible concluir que existe una alta prevalencia de la ECAE en practicantes de surf y bodyboard en las costas centrales chilenas, lo que debería alertar tanto a la población practicante como a profesionales de la salud auditiva con el fin de promover una vida saludable en esta población.

External auditory canal exostosis (ECAE), also known as surfer's ear, is an alteration of the bone tissue of the external ear, mainly caused due to overexposure to cold. Considering that those who practice water sports such as surfing and bodyboarding on the Pacific coast are exposed to waters with temperatures between 12-16 °C,. We seek to determine, in this study, the prevalence and degree of ECAE in surfers and bodyboarders from the coast of the south of Pacific Ocean, Reñaca and Concón, during the year 2018. An evaluation of the ECAE was carried out by means of video-otoscopy in 67 people (134 ears) who practiced surfing and bodyboarding from the beaches of Reñaca and Concón, and a questionnaire was used to collect information about their practice habits. As a result, a prevalence of ECAE of 77.6% was observed, with 61.2% bilateral ECAE and 16.4% unilateral ECAE. It was also possible to determine that 62.3% of the participants do not use protections. Based on these findings, it is possible to conclude that there is a high prevalence of ECAE in surfers and bodyboarders on the central Chilean coasts, which should alert both the practicing population and hearing health professionals to promote a healthy life in this population.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Jeune adulte , Exostoses/épidémiologie , Sports nautiques , Indice de gravité de la maladie , Chili , Exostoses/diagnostic , Exostoses/prévention et contrôle , Prévalence , Études transversales , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Conduit auditif externe
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(3): 259-262, 2023. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522103


El pegamento basado en cianoacrilato posee una gran capacidad de adherencia a los tejidos, representando un problema cuando se encuentra en el oído externo debido a sus características anatómicas particulares. Se presenta un caso clínico de cuerpo extraño de cianoacrilato que ocluye el conducto auditivo externo y el tímpano, alterando la audición. Se describen los hallazgos y los intentos de extracción utilizando las alternativas terapéuticas descritas en la literatura, sin obtener resultados positivos, debiendo recurrir a la extracción quirúrgica. Además, se presentan detalles del procedimiento y los resultados. El paciente recupera la audición y la normalidad anatómica.

Cyanoacrylate-based glue has a great capacity for adhering to tissue, which is a problem when it is placed in the ear canal due to the anatomy of this structure. A clinical case of a cyanoacrylate foreign body occluding the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane is presented. The therapeutics alternatives described in the literature used in the case failed, so, it was surgically removed by drilling the glue. Details of the procedure and results are presented. The patient recovers the hearing and anatomical normality.

Humains , Adulte , Cyanoacrylates/effets indésirables , Conduit auditif externe/chirurgie , Corps étrangers/chirurgie , Corps étrangers/étiologie
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 11(3): 348, dic. 2022. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1416665


Introducción: La fístula salival es la comunicaciónde la glándula salival o el conducto parotídeo hacia la piel,debido a una lesión traumática del parénquima o del conducto deexcreción; no suele ser una complicación frecuente en parotiditisaguda. El objetivo de este trabajo es destacar la presentaciónatípica de un caso de parotiditis bacteriana asociado a fistulasalival hacia el conducto auditivo externo y cavidad oral, y aparálisis facial periférica. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de15 años de edad, quien consulta por otalgia y otorrea derechaasociado a aumento de volumen en región parotídea ipsilateralde 5 días de evolución. Al examen físico se evidencia, caraasimétrica con desviación de comisura labial hacia la izquierda ycierre palpebral completo sin esfuerzo, con aumento de volumende parótida derecha con signos de flogosis, otorrea purulentaderecha . solución de continuidad en tercio medio de pisode conducto auditivo externo. Ecosonograma de piel y partesblandas, reveló cambios inflamatorios en glándula parótida concolección de 112 cc., Los hallazgos tomográficos de oído medioy mastoides corroboraron hallazgos del ecosonograma. se realizódrenaje quirúrgico del absceso y se trató con Clindamicina600 mg vía endovenosa cada 6 horas y Penicilina Cristalina200 mg/kg/ peso cada 6 horas y su evolución fue satisfactoria.Conclusión:Los abscesos parotídeos pueden presentarse demanera atípica o en raras ocasiones con drenaje a través delconducto auditivo externo(AU)

Introduction: Salivary fistula is the communicationof the salivary glands or the parotid duct to the skin, due toa traumatic injury to the parenchyma or the excretion duct; Itis not usually a frequent complication in acute parotitis. the eobjective of this work is to highlight the atypical presentation of acase of bacterial parotitis associated with salivary fistula towardsthe external auditory canal and oral cavity, and peripheralfacial paralysis. Clinical case: A 15-year-old male patient, whoconsulted due to otalgia and right otorrhea associated with anincrease in volume in the ipsilateral parotid region of 5 days ofevolution. On physical examination, an asymmetrical face withdeviation of the lip corner to the leth and complete palpebralclosure without effort, with increased volume of the rightparotid gland with signs of phlogosis, right purulent otorrhea and continuity solution in the middle third of the external auditory canal are evident. Ultrasound of the skin and so the tissues revealed inflammatory changes in the parotid glands with a collection of 112 cc. yhe tomographic findings of the middle ear and mastoids corroborated the findings of the echosonogram; Surgical drainage of the abscess was performed and he was treated with clindamycin 600 mg intravenously every 6 hours and crystalline penicillin 200 mg/kg/weight every 6 hours, and his evolution was satisfactory. Conclusion: Parotid abscesses can present atypically or rarely with drainage through the external auditory canal(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Parotidite , Fistule salivaire , Conduit auditif externe , Glande parotide , Examen physique , Clindamycine , Abcès , Oreille , Tissu parenchymateux
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(3): 366-370, sept. 2022. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409948


Resumen El quiste epidérmico es una lesión benigna y común de la piel. Se desarrolla por un bloqueo de la unidad pilosebácea, con la consecuente proliferación de células epiteliales y secuestro de queratina. El 7% se desarrollan en cabeza y cuello, sin embargo, son infrecuentes en canal auditivo externo. Su patrón de crecimiento es lento y progresivo durante años, siendo asintomáticos. Al aumentar de tamaño causan sintomatología variable, acorde a su localización; en el canal auditivo tienen un comportamiento obstructivo que genera síntomas como otalgia e hipoacusia. Se presenta caso de una paciente de 69 años, con acúfeno e hipoacusia progresiva derecha. Durante la otoscopia se observó una neoformación obstructiva del 100% de la luz del conducto. Se realizaron estudios de imagen que reportaron tumoración de características quísticas de conducto auditivo derecho, bien circunscrita, sin erosión ósea. Para el diagnóstico definitivo, se realizó resección quirúrgica y biopsia reportando quiste epidérmico. Durante el seguimiento posoperatorio sin hallazgos de recidiva.

Abstract The epidermal cyst is a common and benign lesion of the skin. It develops due to a blockage of the pilosebaceous unit, with the consequent proliferation of epithelial cells and keratin sequestration. Seven percent develop in the head and neck; however, they are infrequent in the external auditory canal. Its growth pattern is slow and progressive over the years, being asymptomatic. As they increase in size, they cause variable symptoms, according to their location. In the ear canal they have an obstructive behavior that generates symptoms such as earache and hearing loss. A case of a 69-year-old female with tinnitus and progressive right hearing loss is presented. At otoscopy, a 100% obstructive neoformation of the canal lumen was observed. Imaging studies showed a well circumscribed, cystic tumor of the right ear canal, without bone erosion. For the definitive diagnosis, a resection and biopsy were performed, reporting an epidermal cyst. During follow up there was no recurrence of tumor.

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Conduit auditif externe/imagerie diagnostique , Maladies des oreilles/imagerie diagnostique , Kyste épidermique/imagerie diagnostique , Tumeurs de l'oreille/imagerie diagnostique , Conduit auditif externe/chirurgie , Maladies des oreilles/chirurgie , Maladies des oreilles/anatomopathologie , Kyste épidermique/chirurgie , Kyste épidermique/anatomopathologie
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 8(3): 199-205, jul.2022. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442832


La pared del conducto auditivo externo (CAE) parte de la formación del hueso timpánico; integrándose posteriormente a la porción petrosa del hueso temporal. El agujero timpánico o foramen de Huschke corresponde a un defecto en la osificación en donde existe fusión incompleta de porciones anteriores y posteriores del anillo timpánico dejando una abertura que comunica el CAE hacia anterior. Su presencia es normal hasta los 5 años de edad, tiempo en que se debiese obliterar. Su incidencia es baja (3-24%), pero la persistencia en adulto, conlleva sintomatología inespecífica caracterizada por otalgia, dolor en articulación temporomandibular (ATM), tinnitus, hipoacusia o manifestaciones complejas como descarga salival en CAE durante la masticación. Clínicamente puede complicar procedimientos de infiltración y artroscopias de ATM. Rara vez ocasiona, en pacientes mayores de 50 años, herniación de la cabeza del cóndilo mandibular. Su diagnóstico puede ser clínico por medio de otoscopia, donde se observa protuberancia de tejido en pared anterior del CAE, que aumenta de tamaño con la boca cerrada. También puede ser imagenológico con una tomografía computarizada. El tratamiento incluye desde medidas conservadoras para manejo del dolor e inflamación, hasta quirúrgicas con la implantación de injertos, placas o prótesis para cerrar la estructura o para reemplazar el cóndilo mandibular. El presente estudio pretende aportar incidencia dentro del área de estudio. Se analiza por observación directa, cráneo seco, completo, masculino, edad entre 12 a 15 años (según morfología del cóndilo mandibular y erupción dental). Se observa agujero de Huschke, bilateral, ambos permeables de diámetro 4 mm en ambos casos, determinados con regla milimetrada. La relevancia del defecto se asocia a la práctica clínica de otorrinolaringólogos, cirujanos maxilofaciales y odontólogos, ya sea como diagnóstico diferencial asociado a los síntomas inespecíficos, como para procedimientos más invasivos en la zona tales como infiltraciones o artroscopias de ATM

The wall of the external auditory canal (EAC) starts from the formation of the tympanic bone; later it is integrated to the petrous portion of the temporal bone. The tympanic foramen or foramen of Huschke corresponds to a defect in ossification where there is incomplete fusion of the anterior and posterior portions of the tympanic ring leaving an opening that communicates the EAC to its anterior aspect. Its presence is normal until 5 years of age, when it should be absolutely obliterated. Its incidence is low (3-24%), but its persistence in adults leads to non specific symptoms characterized by otalgia, pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), tinnitus, hearing loss, or complex manifestations such as salivary discharge in the CAE during mastication. Clinically, it may complicate TMJ infiltration and arthroscopy procedures. It rarely causes herniation of the mandibular condyle head in patients older than 50 years. Its diagnosis can be clinical by means of otoscopy, where tissue protrusion is observed in the anterior wall of the CAE, which increases in size when the mouth is closed. It can also be imaging with computed tomography. Treatment includes from conservative measures to treat pain and inflammation, to surgical measures with the implantation of grafts, plates or prosthesis to close the structure or to replace the mandibular condyle. The present study aims to provide incidence within the study area. It is analyzed by direct observation, dry skull, complete, male, age between 12 to 15 years (according to mandibular condyle morphology and dental eruption). Huschke's foramen was observed, bilateral, both permeable, diameter 4mm in both cases, determined with a millimeter ruler. The relevance of the defect is associated with the clinical practice of otolaryngologists, maxillofacial surgeons and dentists, either as a differential diagnosis associated with nonspecific symptoms, or for more invasive procedures in the area such as infiltrations or TMJ arthroscopies.

Humains , Mâle , Enfant , Adolescent , Malformations crâniofaciales/épidémiologie , Conduit auditif externe/malformations , Crâne , Incidence , Observation/méthodes
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(2): 184-189, jun. 2022. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389854


Resumen La fractura aislada del mango del martillo es una entidad clínica poco habitual, pero frecuentemente subdiagnosticada. Lo fundamental es la sospecha clínica. El diagnóstico se confirma con la otoscopia neumática o la otomicroscopia con maniobra de Valsalva, en la cual se observa una movilidad anormal del mango del martillo. El rasgo de fractura se puede demostrar con tomografía computada de alta resolución o cone beam. Existen diferentes opciones de tratamiento como interposición de cartílago o uso de prótesis de reemplazo osicular así como cemento óseo. El cemento ionomérico vidrioso autocurado, muy utilizado en odontología, se ha usado en distintas cirugías otológicas con buenos resultados y biocompatibilidad. A nuestro saber no se ha usado en esta patología por lo que presentamos esta serie de tres casos en los cuales se ha usado esta novedosa técnica con buenos resultados clínicos.

Abstract Isolated fracture of the manubrium of the malleus is a rare clinical entity. Clinical suspicion is paramount. The usual clinical presentation is acute otalgia followed by tinnitus and fluctuating hearing loss after a brisk introduction and withdrawal of a finger into the external auditory canal. On physical examination, the eardrum looks normal on otoscopy. Only in pneumatic otoscopy or otomicroscopy with Valsalva an abnormal motility of the manubrium could bee seen. High-resolution computed tomography (CT) or cone beam CT is able to show the fracture line. Several treatment options have been proposed, such as interposition of bone or cartilage between the manubrium and the incus, total or partial ossicular replacement prosthesis; and the use of bone cement. Glass ionomer luting cement, with wide use in dentistry, has been used in several otological procedures with good biocompatibility and results, however, to our best knowledge, it has not been used to repair this type of fractures, so we present this novel material in three cases.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Cément dentaire , Fractures osseuses/imagerie diagnostique , Malléus/chirurgie , Malléus/traumatismes , Ciments osseux , Manoeuvre de Vasalva , Otoscopie , Conduit auditif externe , Otalgie , Tomodensitométrie à faisceau conique , Perte d'audition/étiologie
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(2): 190-194, jun. 2022. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389855


Resumen El plasmocitoma extramedular es una neoplasia de células plasmáticas poco frecuente, que se ubica en 80% a 90% de los casos en la cabeza o cuello. Esta neoplasia representa menos del 1% de toda la patología maligna de cabeza y cuello. Dada la poca frecuencia de la patología y la escasez de casos publicados, esta entidad presenta una gran dificultad clínica y terapéutica. El diagnóstico se basa en el análisis histológico con inmunohistoquímica de la muestra obtenida, y el tratamiento varía según la ubicación, donde se puede realizar radioterapia o cirugía. En este artículo presentamos el caso de una paciente de 56 años, con antecedentes de otorrea de larga data en oído derecho, al examen físico presentaba un tumor que obstruía todo el conducto auditivo externo. Se realizó exéresis tumoral y la biopsia evidenció un plasmocitoma.

Abstract Extramedullary plasmacytoma is a rare plasma cell neoplasm, affecting 80% to 90% of the head or neck. This neoplasm represents less than 1% of all malignant head and neck pathology. Given the infrequency of the pathology and the scarcity of published cases, this entity presents great clinical and therapeutic difficulty. Diagnosis is based on histology and immunohistochemistry and treatment varies depending on the location, where radiation therapy or surgery can be performed. In this article, we present the case of a 56-year-old patient with a history of long-standing otorrhea in the right ear. Physical examination presented a tumor that obstructed the entire external auditory canal. Tumor excision was performed, and the biopsy revealed a plasmacytoma.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Plasmocytome/chirurgie , Plasmocytome/anatomopathologie , Plasmocytome/imagerie diagnostique , Tumeurs de l'oreille/chirurgie , Tumeurs de l'oreille/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs de l'oreille/imagerie diagnostique , Plasmocytes , Spectroscopie par résonance magnétique , Tomodensitométrie , Diagnostic différentiel , Oreille , Conduit auditif externe
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(2): 161-167, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374716


Abstract Introduction: Squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal is a rare entity. Previous studies have suggested predictors for tumor recurrence. However, most of the prognostic factors were from the clinicopathological aspect. Objective: This study aims to analyze the correlation between pre-operative peripheral inflammation markers and survival outcomes, in order to identify prognostic biomarkers for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed patients diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal who underwent surgery at our institute. The pre-operative circulating inflammatory markers, such as the neutrophil, lymphocyte, platelet, and monocyte counts were measured and their ratios including neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio and lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio were calculated. The prognostic value of the measured hematologic parameters in relation to the survival outcomes was also evaluated. Results: A total of 83 patients were included, of which 26 patients showed tumor recurrence and 57 without recurrence. Neutrophil counts and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio were closely connected with tumor stage. In the patients with recurrence, neutrophil counts, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio were elevated (p< 0.0001, p< 0.0001 and p = 0.001), while lymphocyte counts and lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio were decreased (p = 0.013 and p = 0.016, respectively). The receiver operating curve analysis indicated that pre-operative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio is a potential prognostic marker for recurrence of squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal (area under curve = 0.816), and the cut-off points was 2.325. Conclusions: Pre-operative neutrophil and lymphocyte counts, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, lymphocyte-to-monocyte are significantly correlated with tumor recurrence in patients with external auditory canal squamous cell carcinoma. Furthermore, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio may be unfavorable prognostic factors of this disease.

Resumo Introdução: O carcinoma espinocelular do meato acústico externo é uma doença rara. Estudos anteriores sugeriram preditores de recorrência do tumor. Entretanto, a maioria dos fatores prognósticos se originou do aspecto clínico-patológico. Objetivo: Analisar a correlação entre marcadores inflamatórios periféricos pré-operatórios e os desfechos de sobrevida e identificar biomarcadores prognósticos para pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular do meato acústico externo. Método: Analisamos retrospectivamente pacientes com diagnóstico de carcinoma espinocelular do meato acústico externo submetidos à cirurgia em nosso instituto. Os marcadores inflamatórios circulantes pré-operatórios, como as contagens de neutrófilos, linfócitos, plaquetas e monócitos, foram medidos e as suas relações calculadas, inclusive as relações neutrófilos/linfócitos, plaquetas/linfócitos e linfócitos/monócitos. O valor prognóstico dos parâmetros hematológicos medidos em relação aos desfechos de sobrevida também foi avaliado. Resultados: Foram incluídos 83 pacientes, entre os quais 26 apresentaram recorrência tumoral e 57 não apresentaram. A contagem de neutrófilos e a relação neutrófilo/linfócito estavam intimamente associadas ao estágio do tumor. Nos pacientes com recorrência, a contagem de neutrófilos, a relação neutrófilos/linfócitos e a relação plaquetas/linfócitos eram elevadas (p < 0,0001, p > 0,0001 e p = 0,001), enquanto a contagem de linfócitos e a relação linfócitos/monócitos estavam diminuídas (p = 0,012 ep = 0,016, respectivamente). A análise da curva, Receiver Operating Characteristic, indicou que a relação neutrófilos/linfócitos pré-operatória era um potencial marcador prognóstico para a recorrência de carcinoma espinocelular do meato acústico externo (Área sob a curva = 0,816) e o ponto de corte foi de 2,325. Conclusão: A contagem pré-operatória de neutrófilos e linfócitos, as relações neutrófilos/linfócitos, plaquetas/linfócitos e linfócitos/monócitos estão significativamente correlacionadas com a recorrência do tumor em pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular do meato acústico externo. Além disso, a relação neutrófilos/linfócitos pode ser um fator prognóstico desfavorável dessa doença.

Humains , Carcinome épidermoïde/anatomopathologie , Récidive tumorale locale/anatomopathologie , Pronostic , Lymphocytes , Marqueurs biologiques , Études rétrospectives , Numération des lymphocytes , Conduit auditif externe/anatomopathologie , Inflammation/anatomopathologie , Granulocytes neutrophiles/anatomopathologie
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936217


Objective: To investigate whether the contralateral normal external auditory canal (EAC) skin graft can maintain the ear canal health after EAC reconstruction in unilateral congenital aural atresia (CAA) cases. Methods: A Zelen design randomized controlled study was used to collect unilateral CAA patients for EAC reconstruction prospectively (clinical trial registration number: ChiCTR2000032103). The patients were randomly divided into the control group and the trial group. The trial group used the contralateral normal EAC skin graft group (transplant part of the contralateral normal EAC skin to repair the atresia side for unilateral CAA patients), the control group all used scalp blade thick skin. We observed the EAC health and hearing results of the two groups after EAC reconstruction. Results: A total of 13 cases were enrolled from July 2020 to August 2021. There were eight patients in the trial group, including six males and two females, with an average age of 22.3 years (14-36 years). There were two patients with CAA on the left and six patients on the right. The average follow-up time was 8.8 months (4-14 months). There were five patients in the control group, all cases were male with an average age of 16.2 years (12-20 years). There were four patients with CAA on the left and one patient on the right. The average follow-up time was 7.0 months (2-14 months). In the trial group, eight cases of reconstructed EAC epithelium were healthy, one patient had cicatricial stenosis of EAC opening and lateralization of the tympanic membrane. The other patient had cicatricial stenosis of reconstructed EAC, this case also had scar hyperplasia of the contralateral EAC opening but recovered after soft packing and triamcinolone acetonide injection treatment. The healthy side EAC of the rest trial group had no scarring stenosis or local bone hyperplasia during long-term follow-up. In the control group, one patient was lost to follow-up and the other four patients had dry ears of reconstructed EAC, but easily to form crusts and needed to be cleaned repeatedly, one patient had lateralization of the tympanic membrane, the EAC epithelium was not healthy for long-term follow-up. The incidence of complications related to EAC reconstruction was lower than previous studies (χ²=5.55, P=0.018), and the average postoperative Air-Bone Gap increased (18.8±10.0)dB. Conclusion: By optimizing the EAC reconstruction technology, the health of the reconstructed EAC is improved compared with the previous study. After active intervention and treatment, there should be no scarring stenosis or local bone hyperplasia on the contralateral side EAC.

Adolescent , Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Oreille/chirurgie , Conduit auditif externe/chirurgie , Études rétrospectives , Transplantation de peau , Tympanoplastie
Int. j. morphol ; 39(6): 1669-1672, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385544


SUMMARY: Surgical operations regarding to skull base are challenging and reliable anatomical landmarks are required. There is a lack of knowledge on anatomical variations in this region. The aim of this study was to determine the safe extracranial landmarks for surgical approach to the skull base. In this study, 23 adult dry skulls were evaluated: the age and sex of the specimens were unknown. All measurements were taken from external surface of inferior aspect of the skull by using digital calipers accurate to 0.01 mm. In right and left sides; the distances between the external acoustic meatus (EAM) and the following anatomical landmarks were measured: articular tubercle (AT); anterior margin of squamous suture (ASS); superior margin of squamous suture (SSS); posterior margin of squamous suture (PSS); end point of styloid process (SP); midpoints of pterygomaxillary fissure (PMF); foramen ovale (FO); foramen spinosum (FS); and of carotid canal (CC).The distances of the external acoustic meatus to the anatomical structures on the right and left sides were: EAM-SP; 24.24±3.19 mm, 23.16±3.17 mm; EAM-PMF; 46.56±4.51mm, 46.25±3.96 mm; EAM-FO; 27.57±2.87 mm, 28.70±2.85 mm; EAM-FS; 22.53±3.19 mm, 22.72±3.47 mm; EAM-CC; 17.35±3.56 mm, 17.19±3.39 mm; EAM-AT; 19.31±3.79 mm, 18.95±3.42 mm; EAM-ASS; 43.14±4.80 mm, 46.82±4.61 mm; EAM-SSS; 49.17±4.74 mm, 48.83±3.34 mm and EAM-PSS; 36.15±4.24 mm, 35.39±4.25 mm, respectively. We think that the findings obtained from this study related to external acoustic meatus can be an important reference for surgical anatomy and surgical procedures in skull base.

RESUMEN: Las cirugías relacionadas con la base del cráneo son un desafío, las cuales requieren puntos de referencia anatómicos confiables. Existe una falta de conocimiento sobre las variaciones anatómicas en esta región. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los puntos de referencia extracraneales seguros para el abordaje quirúrgico de la base del cráneo. En este estudio se evaluaron 23 cráneos secos adultos: se desconocía la edad y el sexo de los ejemplares. Las medidas se tomaron de la superficie externa de la cara inferior del cráneo utilizando calibradores digitales con una precisión de 0,01 mm. En lados derecho e izquierdo se midieron las distancias entre el meato acústico externo (MAE) y los siguientes puntos de referencia anatómicos: tubérculo articular (TA); margen anterior de la sutura escamosa (MASE); margen superior de sutura escamosa (MSSE); margen posterior de sutura escamosa (MPSE); punto final del proceso estiloides (PFPE); puntos medios de la fisura pterigomaxilar (PMFP); foramen oval (FO); foramen espinoso (FE); y del canal carotídeo (CC). Las distancias del meato acústico externo a las estructuras anatómicas de los lados derecho e izquierdo fue- ron: MAE-PFPE; 24,24 ± 3,19 mm, 23,16 ± 3,17 mm; MAE-PMFP; 46,56 ± 4,51 mm, 46,25 ± 3,96 mm; MAE-FO; 27,57 ± 2,87 mm, 28,70 ± 2,85 mm; MAE-FE; 22,53 ± 3,19 mm, 22,72 ± 3,47 mm; MAE-CC; 17,35 ± 3,56 mm, 17,19 ± 3,39 mm; MAE-TA; 19,31 ± 3,79 mm, 18,95 ± 3,42 mm; MAE-MASE; 43,14 ± 4,80 mm, 46,82 ± 4,61 mm; MAE-MSSE; 49,17 ± 4,74 mm, 48,83 ± 3,34 mm y MAE-MPSE; 36,15 ± 4,24 mm, 35,39 ± 4,25 mm, respectivamente. Creemos que los hallazgos obtenidos de este estudio relacionados con el meato acústico externo pueden ser una referencia importante para la anatomía quirúrgica y los procedimientos quirúrgicos en la base del cráneo.

Humains , Adulte , Base du crâne/anatomie et histologie , Conduit auditif externe/anatomie et histologie , Repères anatomiques
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 68(3): 212-222, sep.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1389157


RESUMEN Dentro de los agentes patógenos en los procesos otíticos bacterianos, se destacan microorganismos como Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabi-lis, Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium spp., Enterococcus spp. y Streptococcus spp., para los cuales se ha descrito resistencia frente a los antibióticos empleados para combatirlos. En Colombia son pocos los reportes acerca de la resistencia antibiótica de microorganismos causantes de otitis. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los agentes bacterianos más frecuentemente aislados en infecciones otíticas de caninos remitidas a un laboratorio veterinario de Medellín durante el 2019 y su resistencia a antibióticos. Para llevarlo a cabo, se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal retrospectivo. Se analizaron los resultados de los antibiogramas realizados a partir de cultivos bacterianos en muestras óticas remitidas a un laboratorio de referencia de la ciudad de Medellín. Además, se efectuó un análisis de frecuencias para la muestra total. Se encontró que los principales microorganismos bacterianos aislados fueron Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabili y Staphylococcus aureus. La gentamicina fue el medicamento que mayor porcentaje de resistencia presentó y la cefalexina el que menos resistencia presentó. Se pudo concluir que el Staphylococcus pseudintermedius está presente en más del 60% de los casos de otitis bacteriana. Adicionalmente, se observó una variación de la resistencia presentada por los microorganismos en el tiempo. Estos presentaron mayor resistencia ante los antibióticos aminoglucósidos.

ABSTRACT Among the pathogens in bacterial otic processes, microorganisms such as Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Corynebac-terium spp., Enterococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp. stand out, for which resistance to antibiotics has been described employed to combat them. In Colombia there are few reports about the antibiotic resistance of microorganisms that cause otitis. For that reason, the purpose of this study was to determine the bacterial agents most frequently isolated from canine ear infections and their resistance to antibiotics from samples of ear secretions sent to a veterinary laboratory in Medellín during 2019. In order to do that, an cross-sectional, retrospective descriptive study was done. The results of the antibiograms performed from bacterial cultures obtained from ear samples sent to a reference laboratory in the city of Medellín were analyzed. A frequency analysis was carried out for the total sample. It was found that the main isolated bacterial microorganisms were Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Pseudomona auriginosa, Proteus mirabili and Staphylococcus aureus. Gentamicin was the drug with the highest percentage of resistance and cephalexin the one with the least resistance. It was possible to conclude that Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is linked in more than 60% of cases of bacterial otitis and the resistance presented by microorganisms varies over time. The group of aminoglycosides antibiotics was the one which microorganisms are manifesting more percentage of resistance.

Bactéries , Résistance microbienne aux médicaments , Chiens , Conduit auditif externe , Infection persistante , Antibactériens , Facteurs R/pharmacologie , Gentamicine , Céfalexine , Études rétrospectives
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 81(4): 563-565, dic. 2021. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389808


El sebaceoma es un tumor cutáneo poco frecuente que presenta diferenciación sebácea, y se localiza en piel de cabeza y cuello. Puede asociarse con la presencia de tumores malignos, asociación conocida como síndrome de Muir-Torre, por lo que ante su diagnóstico se deben descartar. Su localización en la piel del conducto auditivo externo es muy infrecuente. Presentamos nuestra experiencia en el manejo de esta patología en un varón de 78 años de edad que presentaba una lesión nodular sólida en el conducto auditivo externo izquierdo con pérdida de audición y otorrea como síntomas asociados. Se recomienda la exéresis completa de la lesión, como tratamiento de elección con fines tanto diagnósticos como terapéuticos.

Sebaceoma is a rare benign cutaneous tumor with sebaceous differentiation and it is typically located on the skin of the head and neck. This pathology made appear in association with malignant tumors (known as Muir-Torre syndrome) and must be ruled out. The location in the external auditory canal is very unusual. We present our experience in managing this pathology in a 78-year-old man who complains of hearing loss and otorrhea and presents a solid nodule in the left external auditory canal. Complete surgical removal was performed, as the choice treatment for diagnosis and therapeutic care.

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Tumeurs des glandes sébacées/anatomopathologie , Conduit auditif externe/anatomopathologie , Carcinome épidermoïde/anatomopathologie , Tomodensitométrie/méthodes
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 5(2): 203-207, abr.jun.2021. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398933


Allergy to persimmon (Diospyros kaki ) has been only rarely reported. The antigenic composition of the fruit is not entirely known. Thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs) have been described as allergens in pollens and various fruits, such as kiwi and banana, but not in persimmon. We report the case of a 22-year-old man, with persistent moderate-to-severe allergic rhinitis, sensitized to house dust mites. The patient describes an episode of oral mucosa and ear canal pruritus, followed by diffuse urticaria, which rapidly evolved to dysphonia, dyspnea, and dizziness, after eating raw persimmon. A few months later he developed similar cutaneous symptoms accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal colic, and hypotension immediately after the intake of banana. The prick-prick test with raw persimmon and banana were positive, as well as the serum specific IgE to the extract of these fruits. The ImmunoCAP ISAC_112i test demonstrated a positive specific IgE against Act d 2 (kiwi thaumatin), which is homologous to banana TLP (Mus a 4). Serum IgE inhibition test with "sponge" of Diospyros kaki ImmunoCAP (f301) showed partial inhibition (40%) of IgE to Act d 2. This raises the suspicion that a TLP is at least partially responsible for the referred sensitization. This patient is sensitized to Diospyros kaki and Musa acuminata. An anaphylactic reaction to consumed persimmon, presumably as a result from cross-allergy with banana thaumatin was diagnosed in our patient. Thaumatin has not been previously described as an allergen of persimmon with cross-reactivity with banana, and in vitro with Act d 2 (kiwi TLP).

A alergia ao caqui (Diospyros kaki ) tem sido raramente documentada, não sendo a composição antigênica da fruta totalmente conhecida. Proteínas semelhantes à taumatina (TLPs) foram descritas como alergênicos em pólens e várias frutas, como no kiwi e banana, mas não no caqui. Apresenta-se o caso de um doente de 22 anos, com rinite alérgica persistente moderadagrave, sensibilizado a ácaros do pó doméstico. O doente refere episódio de prurido na mucosa oral e canal auditivo, seguido de urticária generalizada, que rapidamente evoluiu para disfonia, dispneia e tontura, após ingestão de caqui. Poucos meses depois, desenvolveu sintomas cutâneos semelhantes, acompanhados de náuseas, vómitos, cólica abdominal e hipotensão imediatamente após ingestão de uma banana. O teste cutâneo por picada com caqui e banana em natureza foram positivos, bem como o doseamento de IgE específica. O teste ImmunoCAP ISAC_112i identificou a presença de IgE específica para Act d 2 (taumatina do kiwi), homóloga da TLP da banana (Mus a 4). O estudo de inibição ImmunoCAP ISAC com "esponja" de Diospyros kaki (f301) produziu uma inibição parcial (40%) da ligação de IgE a Act d 2, permitindo presumir que uma proteína semelhante à taumatina é, pelo menos, parcialmente responsável pela referida sensibilização. Este doente encontra-se sensibilizado a Diospyros kaki e Musa acuminata. Uma anafilaxia ao caqui ingerido, presumivelmente resultante de reatividade cruzada com a taumatina da banana foi diagnosticada. Não estão descritas na literatura TLPs como alergênicos do caqui com reatividade cruzada com a banana e com Act d 2 in vitro (TLP do kiwi).

Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Diospyros , Musa , Consommation alimentaire , Rhinite allergique , Fruit , Hypersensibilité , Anaphylaxie , Mites (acariens) , Prurit , Signes et symptômes , Urticaire , Vomissement , Immunoglobuline E , Tests intradermiques , Allergènes , Colique , Conduit auditif externe , Muqueuse de la bouche , Nausée
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942526


Objective: To elucidate the clinical manifestations of temporal bone tympanic plate fracture and the correlation between treatment time after injury and its prognosis, and to discuss the importance of early treatment of tympanic fracture. Methods: Retrospective analysis was carried out on the clinical data of 15 patients(17 ears)with temporal bone tympanic plate fracture from March 2006 to July 2019. The course of disease was less than 1 month (initial stage) in 7 cases (7 ears), 1 month to 6 months (middle stage) in 2 cases (3 ears), and 6 months or more (late stage) in 6 cases (7 ears). The symptoms, signs, CT findings, pure tone audiometry results, surgical methods and clinical efficacy of each group were summarized. Results: Most patients with temporal bone tympanic plate fracture were referred to otology department by maxillofacial surgery. Fracture occured indirectly with the chin or zygomatic region as the direct stress point. Thirteen of the 15 patients had mental region wounds or scars, and 14 patients had external acoustic canal bleeding immediately after injury. In the initial-stage group, hearing was mostly unchanged, while in the middle and late-stage groups, hearing loss was mainly caused by conduction factors. In the initial stage group, 6 cases/7 cases were cured by external acoustic canal packing; External acoustic canal stenosis or atresia occurred in 2 cases in the middle-stage group and were cured by external acoustic canal plasty. All the 6 patients in the late-stage group had external acoustic canal stenosis or atresia, among whom 5 patients with external acoustic canal cholesteatoma were cured by external acoustic canal plasty, and the other one patient with middle ear cholesteatoma was cured by modified radical mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty after external acoustic canal plasty for three times. Conclusions: Temporal bone tympanic plate fracture is a special type of temporal bone fracture. In the early stage of temporal bone tympanic fracture, bleeding of the external acoustic canal is the main symptom, and hearing is normal mostly. Advanced conductive deafness may result from external acoustic canal stenosis and/or cholesteatoma formation later. Bleeding of the external acoustic canal and irregular bulge of the anterior wall of the external acoustic canal with mental region wound are important signs for early diagnosis of temporal bone fracture. Temporal bone tympanic fracture should be paid attention to, early detection and timely treatment can avoid external acoustic canal stenosis and atresia.

Humains , Cholestéatome de l'oreille moyenne/chirurgie , Conduit auditif externe , Mastoïde , Mastoïdectomie , Études rétrospectives , Os temporal/imagerie diagnostique , Résultat thérapeutique , Tympanoplastie
Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1676-1680, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134497


RESUMEN: La dehiscencia timpánica o Foramen de Huschke (FH) se considera un rasgo craneal morfológico menor, hipostósico, no estocástico, transitorio, ubicado en laplaca timpánica del hueso temporal, cuya expresión se considera fisiológica hasta los 5 años de edad, denominándose como persistente su presencia a mayor edad. La mención de este rasgo en la literatura anatómica se presenta de manera escasa, debido a una muy baja presencia en poblaciones modernas, situación que cambia al estudiar poblaciones arqueológicas. El propósito de este estudio es describir la expresión del foramen de Huschke en una población arqueológica de Chile central. Fueron analizados 27 huesos temporales obtenidos de los restos óseos de la población del Monumento Arqueológico Cementerio Tutuquén, los cuales están depositados en el Museo Regional de Rancagua, Chile. Se evaluó presencia y ubicación del foramen, sexo, temporalidad y rango etáreo para cada muestra incluida. El FH se presentó en un 77,78% de los temporales, siendo 47,62% restos masculinos, 28,57% femeninos y 23,81% de sexo indeterminado. La totalidad de los restos de niños y subadultos presentaron FH, mientras que en adultos su expresión disminuye hasta un 68,42%. La ubicación fue un 38,10% en cuadrante inferomedial, 33,33% superolateral, 23,81% superomedial, 4,71% central. No se encontraron FH de ubicación inferolateral. El único temporal observable del período 10.000 AP (antes del presente, 1950) presentó FH, mientras que, en el período 7.000 AP se presentó en 6/7 temporales y en 14/19 temporales del período 1.000 AP. Los datos aportados complementan el conocimiento anatómico del proceso de osificación del hueso timpánico y la expresión de la dehiscencia timpánica como rasgo morfológico menor desde el estudio de poblaciones arqueológicas.

SUMMARY: The tympanic dehiscence or Foramen of Huschke (FH) is considered a transient minor, hypostosic, non-stochastic cranial feature, located in the tympanic plate of the temporal bone. Its expression is considered physiological until the age of five, and its presence is constant after that. This characteristic is seldom mentioned in anatomical literature since it is infrequent in modern populations. However, there is a difference when archaeological populations are studied. The purpose of this study is to describe the expression of the Huschke foramen in an archaeological population of central Chile. For this analysis, 27 temporal bones were obtained from human skeletal remains of the Tutuquén Cemetery Archaeological Monument. Presence and location of the foramen, sex, time period and age range were evaluated for each sample. The FH occurred in 77.78% of the temporal bones, with 47.62% male, 28.57% female and 23.81% of undetermined sex. All children and subadults presented FH, while in adults it decreased to 68.42%. The location was 38.10% in the inferomedial quadrant, 33.33 % superolateral, 23.81% superomedial, 4.71% central, and no FH was found at the inferolateral position. The only temporal bone identified in the 10,000 BP (before the present 1950) presented FH, while in the 7,000 BP period, it presented in 6/7 temporal bones and in the 1000 BP period, it was found in 14/ 19 temporal bones. The data provided complements anatomical knowledge of the tympanic bone ossification process, and in archaeological population studies, tympanic dehiscence presents as a lesser morphological characteristic.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Os temporal/anatomie et histologie , Conduit auditif externe/anatomie et histologie , Archéologie , Chili
Prensa méd. argent ; 106(4): 203-207, 20200000. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1367969


La queratosis folicular invertida es una neoplasia benigna poco frecuente originada en el epitelio folicular a nivel del infundíbulo. Si bien no posee una clínica característica ni patognomónica, suele presentarse como una lesión solitaria, asintomática, de crecimiento lento, en la cara. El diagnóstico de certeza se realiza con el estudio histopatológico, que evidencia una proliferación de células basaloides y de células escamosas queratósicas con remolinos escamosos, que se extienden a la dermis. El tratamiento de elección es la extirpación quirúrgica, con buen pronóstico y escasa tendencia a la recurrencia. La localización en conducto auditivo externo es extremadamente infrecuente (en la literatura revisada hemos encontrado sólo tres casos comunicados) y representa un desafío tanto diagnóstico como terapéutico. Se presenta un paciente con una queratosis folicular invertida localizada en conducto auditivo externo izquierdo de 5 años de evolución que comprometía significativamente su calidad de vida por la sintomatología (dolor, otorrea, hipoacusia) y que evolucionó satisfactoriamente con el tratamiento instaurado (extirpación quirúrgica y posterior topicación de la zona con ácido tricloroacético 50%)

Inverted follicular keratosis is a rare benign neoplasm originating from the infundibulum of the follicular epithelium. Although it does not have a characteristic or pathognomonic clinic, it usually presents as a solitary, asymptomatic, slow-growing lesion on the face. The certain diagnosis is made with the histopathological study, which shows a proliferation of basaloid cells and squamous keratotic cells with squamous eddies, which extend to the dermis. The treatment of choice is surgical removal, with a good prognosis and little tendency to recur. Localization in the external auditory canal is extremely rare (in the reviewed literature we have found only three reported cases) and represents both a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. We present a patient with an inverted follicular keratosis located in the left external auditory canal of 5 years of evolution that significantly compromised his quality of life due to the symptoms (pain, otorrhea, hearing loss) and that evolved satisfactorily with the established treatment (surgical excision and subsequent topication of the area with 50% trichloroacetic acid).

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Acide trichloro-acétique/usage thérapeutique , Diagnostic différentiel , Conduit auditif externe/anatomopathologie , Maladie de Darier/chirurgie , Maladie de Darier/thérapie