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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(3): 338-342, sept. 2022. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1409943


Resumen La neuropatía laríngea es una condición de hipersensibilidad, hiperreactividad e hiper-función laríngea secundaria a un desequilibrio entre las aferencias y eferencias laríngeas. La respuesta individual y exagerada frente a diversos gatillantes específicos puede generar síntomas como tos crónica, parestesia laríngea, carraspera, disfonía, estridor, sensación de globus faríngeo, movimiento paradojal de las cuerdas vocales (también conocido como disfunción cordal) y/o laringoespasmo. Existe abundante literatura sobre neuropatía laríngea en adultos, sin embargo, en niños es limitada. El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer un caso de neuropatía laríngea en la edad pediátrica y la importancia de su consideración en el enfrentamiento de estos pacientes. Se presenta caso clínico de un paciente de 13 años, con antecedente de cirugía cardiaca reciente, evoluciona con disfonía severa evidenciándose aparente inmovilidad cordal bilateral con resultados discordantes entre nasofibrolaringoscopía y electromiografía laríngea. Posteriormente presenta mejorías en su voz, sin embargo, se agregan otros síntomas laringológicos como carraspera, globus faríngeo y estridor no explicados por causas anatómicas. Se expone la evaluación y abordaje otorrinolaringológico-fonoaudiológico para el caso. Se concluye que el diagnóstico de neuropatía laríngea requiere un alto índice de sospecha clínica ante signos laringológicos sugerentes, debiendo descartarse causas orgánicas y estructurales. El abordaje otorrinolaringológico-fonoaudiológico constituye el pilar terapéutico asociado al uso de neuromoduladores en casos seleccionados.

Abstract Laryngeal neuropathy is a condition of hypersensitivity, hyperresponsiveness and laryngeal hyperfunction secondary to an imbalance between laryngeal afferent and efferent information. The individual and exaggerated response to diverse specific triggers can lead to symptoms such as chronic cough, laryngeal paresthesia, throat clearing, dysphonia, stridor, globus pharyngeus, vocal cord dysfunction, and/or laryngospasm. There is plentiful literature on laryngeal neuropathy in adults, however, in children, it is limited. Here, we present a case report of laryngeal neuropathy in the pediatric age and discuss the importance of its consideration in the approach of these patients. A case of a 13-year-old patient, recently intervened with cardiac surgery that evolves with severe dysphonia is presented. Nasofibrolaryngoscopy shows apparent bilateral vocal fold immobility with discordant results in laryngeal electromyography. Later, his voice improves but other laryngological symptoms appeared, such as throat clearing, globus pharyngeus and stridor, not explained by anatomical causes. The otolaryngological-speech therapy evaluation and approach for the case is exposed. We conclude that for the diagnosis of laryngeal neuropathy, a high index of clinical suspicion is required in the presence of suggestive laryngological symptoms, and organic and structural causes must be previously ruled out. The otorhinolaryngological-logopedic approach constitutes the mainstay of treatment associated with the use of neuromodulators in selected cases.

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Maladies du larynx/diagnostic , Maladies du larynx/thérapie , Plis vocaux/physiopathologie , Bruits respiratoires , Toux/diagnostic , Dysphonie/diagnostic , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/physiopathologie , Sensation de boule dans la gorge/diagnostic
Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 4(1): 62-72, 2022. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1391372


Introduction. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching conditions changed around the world from in-person classes to online classes, which also determined changes on teachers' working conditions. Method: Exploratory cross-sectional study with the aim of determining the association between two voice symptoms (vocal fatigue and throat pain) with home working conditions during online classes in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Professors answered an online survey including 27 questions about four components: sociodemographic factors, characteristics of home working, quarantine characteristics, and health conditions (including voice functioning). Results: 177 college professors from Argentina, Colombia, and Chile participated in this study. First, incidence of vocal fatigue, during online classes in times of COVID-19 pandemic, represented around 50%. Although throat pain had a smaller incidence, it was also important (35%). Second, days in quarantine, number of classes per week, people living with during quarantine, and history of vocal fatigue before quarantine were important associated factors of vocal fatigue. Third, important associated factors of throat pain were number of classes per week, level of stress, years of experience, and history of throat pain before quarantine. Conclusion: Similar to pre-COVID-19, vocal fatigue and throat pain were frequently reported voice symptoms among college professors. Associated factors of these symptoms included years of experience, number of classes per week, stress, people living with during quarantine due to COVID-19, and history of voice symptoms. Workplace Health Promotion programs should include activities that facilitate a healthy occupational voice use during and post-COVID-19 pandemic, considering the implications of online teaching on teachers' health and safety

Introducción: Debido a la pandemia del COVID-19, las condiciones de ense-ñanza-aprendizaje cambiaron alrededor del mundo, pasando de clases presen-ciales a clases virtuales, lo que también determinó cambios en las condiciones de trabajo docente. Métodos: Estudio transversal exploratorio que tuvo como propósito determinar la asociación entre dos síntomas de voz (fatiga vocal y dolor de garganta) con las con-diciones de trabajo docente durante las clases virtuales en tiempos de COVID-19. Los profesores diligenciaron una encuesta virtual que incluyó 27 preguntas sobre los siguientes cuatro componentes: factores sociodemográficos, características del tra-bajo en casa, características de la cuarentena, y condiciones de salud (incluyendo funcionamiento vocal). Resultados: 177 profesores universitarios de Argentina, Colombia y Chile parti-ciparon en este estudio. Primero, la incidencia de la fatiga vocal durante las clases virtuales en tiempos de COVID-19 representó alrededor del 50%. Aunque el dolor de garganta tuvo una menor incidencia, también fue importante (35%). Segundo, los días en cuarentena, número de clases por semana, personas con las que vivió durante la cuarentena, y los antecedentes de fatiga vocal antes de la cuarentena estuvieron estadísticamente asociados a la fatiga vocal. Tercero, los factores asociados al dolor de garganta fueron el número de clases semanales, los niveles de estrés, los años de experiencia y los antecedentes de dolor de garganta antes de la cuarentena.Conclusión: Similar a hallazgos previos al COVID-19, la fatiga vocal y el dolor de garganta son síntomas vocales frecuentemente reportados en docentes universitarios. Factores asociados de estos síntomas incluyen años de experiencia, número de clases semanales, estrés, personas con las que vivió durante la cuarentena y antecedentes de estos síntomas vocales antes del trabajo en casa. Los Programas de Promoción de la Salud en los Lugares de Trabajo deben incluir actividades que faciliten el uso ocupacional saludable de la voz durante y después del COVID-19, considerando las implicaciones de la enseñanza virtual en la salud y seguridad de los profesores.

Humains , Voix , Pharyngite/complications , Corps enseignant , Pharynx , Pharyngite , Lieu de travail , Dysfonction des cordes vocales , COVID-19 , Facteurs sociodémographiques
Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 3(1): 22-32, 2021. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1393168


Introducción: existen diferentes factores de riesgo que pueden llegar a generar alteraciones vocales en los profesores en el ejercicio de su labor. Esta investigación busca establecer la relación entre el conocimiento de los factores de riesgo vocal y la presencia de síntomas asociados a enfermedad vocal en profesores universitarios. Método: se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional descriptivo con un diseño trans-versal con 200 profesores seleccionados bajo criterios de exclusión y exclusión. Se aplicó una encuesta online de conocimiento de los factores de riesgo vocal y la subes-cala física del Índice de Incapacidad Vocal (VHI). Para el análisis estadístico se usó Stata 14. Resultados: se encontró que los docentes presentan conocimiento de los factores de riesgo vocal y la presencia de síntomas es leve. La relación entre estas dos variables fue negativa, es decir, a mayor conocimiento vocal menor presencia de síntomas. Conclusiones: a pesar de encontrarse relación entre las variables de estudio, el nivel de significancia es bajo. Las investigaciones que indagan el conocimiento de los factores de riesgo vocal son reducidas, por lo que se recomienda continuar investi-gando esta temática

Introduction: there are different risk factors that can generate vocal alterations in teachers in the exercise of their work. This research seeks to establish the relationship between knowledge of vocal risk factors and the presence of symptoms associated with vocal disease in college teachers. Method: a descriptive observational study was carried out with a cross-sectional design with 200 teachers selected under exclusion and exclusion criteria. An online survey of knowledge of vocal risk factors and the physical subscale of the Vocal Disa-bility Index (VHI) were applied. Stata 14 was used for statistical analysis.Results: it was found that teachers present knowledge of vocal risk factors and the presence of symptoms is mild. The relationship between these two variables was ne-gative, that is, the higher the vocal knowledge, the lower the presence of symptoms.Conclusions: despite finding a relationship between the study variables, the level of significance is low. The investigations that research the knowledge of the vocal risk factors are limited. Therefore, it is recommended to continue investigating this topic.

Humains , Troubles de la voix/diagnostic , Troubles de la voix/prévention et contrôle , Dysphonie/diagnostic , Signes et symptômes , Troubles de la voix/rééducation et réadaptation , Facteurs de risque , Savoir , Corps enseignant , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/diagnostic
Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 3(1): 61-86, 2021. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1393175


Introducción. Los ejercicios de tracto vocal semiocluido (ETVSO) son herramien-tas utilizadas en la rehabilitación fisiológica de la voz. Los ETVSO son ejercicios vocales producidos por la semioclusión del tracto vocal, a través de una serie de posturas que buscan alargar y/o ocluir el tracto vocal, generando un cambio en el patrón vibratorio de los pliegues vocales, grado de aducción y el patrón respiratorio. Los ETVSO pueden dividirse, según el tipo de semioclusión, en sostenida, transitoria y oscilatoria, así como en ejercicios de mayor resistencia a menor resistencia.Objetivo. Describir los diferentes tipos de ejercicios de tracto vocal semiocluido, el tipo de semioclusión, el grado de resistencia y sus efectos en los pliegues vocales, patrón respiratorio y configuración del tracto vocal. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura en las bases de datos PubMed, Medline y Science Direct, usando los siguientes términos: "Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Postures", "tract vocal semiocclude" y "ejercicios de tracto vocal semiocluido". Se utilizaron operadores booleanos "AND" y "OR" para especificar la búsqueda.Resultados. Los beneficios de estos ejercicios impactan positivamente en variables aerodinámicas, en la función glótica y en la configuración del tracto vocal. Conclusiones. Los ejercicios de tracto vocal semiocluido son una familia de ejerci-cios vocales producidos por semioclusión sostenida, transitoria y oscilatoria del tracto vocal, a través de una serie de posturas que buscan alargar y/o ocluir el tracto vocal, cuyos beneficios impactan positivamente los pliegues vocales y el tracto vocal

Introduction. Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTE) are tools used in physiologic voice rehabilitation. Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises are vocal exer-cises produced by the semi-occlusion of the vocal tract through a series of postures that seek to lengthen and/or occlude the vocal tract, generating a change in the vibratory pattern of vocal folds, degree of vocal folds adduction, and the respira-tory pattern. SOVTE can be divided, according to the type of semi-occlusion, into sustained, transient and oscillatory, as well as exercises with high and low degree of airflow resistance.Objective. To describe the different types of semi-occluded vocal tract exercises, the type of semi-occlusion, the type of resistance, and their effects on the vocal folds, respiratory pattern, and configuration of the vocal tract.Methodology. A literature review was performed in the PubMed, Medline, and Science Direct databases, using the following terms: "Semi-occluded vocal tract pos-tures", "Semi-occluded vocal tract" and "Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises". Boo-lean operators "AND" and "OR" were used to specify the search.Results. The benefits of these exercises positively impact aerodynamic variables, glottal function, and configuration of the vocal tract.Conclusions. The semi-occluded vocal tract exercises are a family of vocal exerci-ses produced by the sustained, transitory, and oscillatory semi-occlusion of the vocal tract, through a series of postures that seek to lengthen and/or occlude the vocal tract, whose benefits positively impact on vocal folds and vocal tract.

Orthophonie , Voix/physiologie , Éducation de la voix , Rééducation des troubles de la parole et du langage , Plis vocaux , Exercice physique , Troubles de la voix , Dysfonction des cordes vocales , Thérapie des troubles du langage
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 39(3): 765-773, 2020.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378555


Introdução: A tuberculose (TB) acomete especialmente os pulmões, no entanto, também se tem conhecimento das formas extrapulmonares. Dentre essas, buscamos relatar um caso raro de TB mediastinal localizada em trajeto de nervo laríngeo recorrente (NLR), a qual se manifestou com paralisia de prega vocal (PPV). Relato de Caso: Paciente masculino, 58 anos, apresentando quadro de disfonia. Histórico de exérese de testículo esquerdo e anatomopatológico evidenciando orquiepididimite crônica granulomatosa sugestiva de etiologia tuberculosa. Ex-tabagista e ex-etilista. Realizou, há 15 anos, um tratamento por 6 meses para TB pulmonar. Contactante de paciente bacilífero há três anos. A videolaringoscopia identificou PPV esquerda paramediana. A tomografia computadorizada (TC) de pescoço evidenciou linfonodos calcificados no mediastino superior, fossas supraclaviculares e espessamento de corda vocal à direita. A TC de Tórax apresentou conglomerados sequelares linfonodais calcificados no mediastino e sequela de processo granulomatoso crônico tipo TB em ápices pulmonares. Sorologia de HIV não reagente. Baciloscopia negativa, com amostra insuficiente. Cultura de escarro negativa. Discussão: A PPV esquerda encontrada na videolaringoscopia e TC de pescoço e os achados de TB mediastinal indicaram acometimento do NLR esquerdo pelo processo granulomatoso em seu trajeto, sendo esse, uma reativação de TB ganglionar mediastinal. Fora realizado esquema básico de tratamento para TB, com posterior resolução do quadro de disfonia. Embora a TB torácica seja uma condição comum, a rouquidão devido à PPV é uma complicação raramente associada. Conclusão: Salientamos a importância de estender a investigação ao mediastino na vigência de PPV unilateral, uma vez que a disfunção do NLR pode justificar o quadro.

Introduction: tuberculosis (TB) affects most commonly the lungs; nevertheless, extrapulmonary forms are also known. With that in mind, we intend to report a rare case of mediastinal TB located on the path of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN), manifesting itself with vocal fold paralysis (VFP). Case report: male patient, 58 years old, presenting dysphonia. History of exeresis of the left testicle and anatomopathological showing chronic granulomatous orchiepididimitis, suggestive of tuberculous etiology. Former smoker, ex-alcoholic. Previous treatment for six months due to pulmonary TB, 15 years ago. Bacilli patient contactant for three years. Videolaryngoscopy identified paramedian left VFP. Computed tomography (CT) of the neck showed calcified lymph nodes in the upper mediastinum, supraclavicular fossa, and thickening on the right vocal cord. Chest CT showed calcified lymph node sequels in the mediastinal and Chronic Granulomatous TB-type sequel in pulmonary apices. Non-reactive HIV serology. Negative baciloscopy, insufficient sample. Negative sputum culture. Discussion: the finding of left VFP in videolaryngoscopy and neck CT, associated with the findings of mediastinal TB, indicated that the left RLN's involvement occurred due to the granulomatous process in its path, meaning a reactivation of mediastinal ganglionic TB. A simple treatment schedule for TB had been conducted, with subsequent resolution of the dysphonia. Even though thoracic TB is a common condition, hoarseness due to VFP is a rarely associated complication. Conclusion: we stress the importance of extending the investigation to the mediastinum in case of unilateral VFP since a dysfunction of the RLN is a possible justification of the case.

Mâle , Nerf laryngé récurrent , Tuberculose laryngée , Dysfonction des cordes vocales , Médiastin
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 3(4): 337-362, out.dez.2019. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381334


Antes de rotular um paciente como tendo asma grave, é crucial confirmar o diagnóstico da doença e de sua gravidade, além de excluir diagnósticos diferenciais de condições que podem se assemelhar ou se confundir com a asma, tais como: tuberculose, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, disfunção de corda vocal, apneia do sono, bronquiectasia, entre outras. Neste guia são abordados, além dos diagnósticos diferenciais, dados de história clínica e exames laboratoriais que permitem classificar o paciente com relação à evolução da doença (controlado ou não controlado) e, assim, possibilitar a instituição do esquema terapêutico mais apropriado. São apresentadas alternativas terapêuticas disponíveis para a abordagem clínica desses pacientes, incluindo os imunobiológicos.

Prior to labeling a patient as having severe asthma, a crucial step is to confirm the diagnosis and severity as well as to exclude conditions that may resemble or be mistaken for asthma such as tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, vocal cord dysfunction, sleep apnea, bronchiectasis, among others. In addition to differential diagnoses, this guide addresses clinical history data and laboratory tests that classify the patient regarding disease progression (controlled or uncontrolled asthma), allowing the establishment of an adequate therapeutic plan. Therapeutic options available for the treatment of these patients are detailed, including biologics.

Humains , Asthme , Syndromes d'apnées du sommeil , Thérapeutique , Tuberculose , Dilatation des bronches , Broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive , Dysfonction des cordes vocales , Qualité de vie , Association , Sociétés médicales , Hormones corticosurrénaliennes , Diagnostic , Diagnostic différentiel , Allergie et immunologie , Anticorps antibactériens , Anticorps monoclonaux
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 1181-1186, 2019.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762066


PURPOSE: To examine correlations among rating scales and findings suggestive of tracheal aspiration and pharyngeal residue between fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) and videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) in dysphagia patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied patients referred to our hospital for dysphagia assessment. Three raters judged the residue severity and laryngeal penetration or tracheal aspiration of FEES and VFSS. The raters applied the Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS) for tracheal aspiration and pixel-based circumscribed area ratio and Yale Pharyngeal Residue Severity for post-swallow residue in VFSS and FEES, respectively. Anatomy-physiologic findings during FEES associated with tracheal aspiration were also analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 178 participants were enrolled in our study. In correlation analysis, PAS (r=0.74), vallecula retention (r=0.76), and pyriform sinus retention (r=0.78) showed strong positive correlations between FEES and VFSS. Intra-rater agreement between VFSS and FEES was good for PAS (κ=0.65) and vallecula (κ=0.65) and pyriform sinus retention (κ=0.69). Among 72 patients who showed subglottic shelf residue, a suspected finding of aspiration, in FEES, 68 had concomitant tracheal aspiration during VFSS. Both vocal fold hypomobility and glottic gap during phonation were significantly associated with findings suggestive of tracheal aspiration during FEES (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Quantitative and reliable aspiration and post swallow residue rating scales showed strong positive correlations and good agreement between VFSS and FEES.

Humains , Déglutition , Troubles de la déglutition , Endoscopes , Frais et honoraires , Radioscopie , Phonation , Sinus piriforme , Dysfonction des cordes vocales , Plis vocaux , Poids et mesures
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 125-130, 2019. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010076


Introduction: Vocal cord dysfunction is characterized by unintentional paradoxical vocal cord movement resulting in abnormal inappropriate adduction, especially during inspiration; this predominantly manifests as unresponsive asthma or unexplained stridor. It is prudent to be well informed about the condition, since the primary presentation may mask other airway disorders. Objective: This descriptive study was intended to analyze presentations of vocal cord dysfunction in a tertiary care referral hospital. The current understanding regarding the pathophysiology and management of the condition were also explored. Methods: A total of 27 patients diagnosed with vocal cord dysfunction were analyzed based on demographic characteristics, presentations, associations and examination findings. The mechanism of causation, etiological factors implicated, diagnostic considerations and treatment options were evaluated by analysis of the current literature. Results: There was a strong female predilection noted among the study population ( n = 27), which had a mean age of 31. The most common presentations were stridor (44%) and refractory asthma (41%). Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease was the most common association in the majority (66%) of the patients, with a strong overlay of anxiety, demonstrable in 48% of the patients. Conclusion: Being aware of the condition is key to avoid misdiagnosis in vocal cord dysfunction. Fiberoptic laryngoscopy is the diagnostic gold standard to demonstrate paradoxical vocal cord adduction during an attack. A multidisciplinary approach should be adapted for the management, which should be specific and tailored for individual patients (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Plis vocaux/physiopathologie , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/diagnostic , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/physiopathologie , Asthme , Spirométrie , Diagnostic différentiel , Reflux laryngopharyngé , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/thérapie , Laryngoscopie
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 13(2): 48-55, mar. 2018. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-915484


Exercise-induced dyspnea is a common pediatric question but difficult to address since usually symptoms are described ambiguously by the child or parents. Most of times dyspnea is secondary to poor training but sometimes may be due to an underlying condition like exercise-induced bronchoconstriction or vocal cord dysfunction. To provide clinicians with a practical approach about exercise-induced dyspnea we have review pathogenesis and clinical characteristics of respiratory diseases and proposed an algorithm for study.

Frecuentemente nos vemos enfrentados a evaluar un niño con síntomas vagos asociados al ejercicio que el mismo paciente o sus padres describen como ahogo o sensación de pecho apretado. La mayoría de las veces se trata de cansancio atribuible al ejercicio normal que solo refleja pobre condicionamiento físico del individuo; sin embargo, este cansancio puede ser desproporcionado al esfuerzo, lo que obliga a considerar enfermedades comunes como asma o poco comunes como disfunción de cuerdas vocales. El objetivo de esta revisión es actualizar el conocimiento aquellas enfermedades respiratorias que forman parte del diagnóstico diferencial de la disnea asociada al ejercicio y proponer un algoritmo de estudio que permita un acercamiento práctico según causas de origen.

Humains , Enfant , Asthme à l'effort/physiopathologie , Obstruction des voies aériennes/physiopathologie , Dyspnée/physiopathologie , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/physiopathologie , Asthme à l'effort/diagnostic , Asthme à l'effort/thérapie , Obstruction des voies aériennes/diagnostic , Obstruction des voies aériennes/thérapie , Dyspnée/diagnostic , Dyspnée/thérapie , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/diagnostic , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/thérapie
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1005140


INTRODUCCIÓN: La terapia vocal con tubos de resonancia, pertenece al grupo de ejercicios de tracto vocal semiocluido. Este método busca generar cambios de impedancia y de patrones vibratorios de los pliegues vocales a través de la modificación de la longitud, del diámetro y la profundidad de los tubos utilizados. El objetivo del trabajo es presentar los resultados obtenidos luego de diez sesiones de terapia vocal, utilizando tubos de resonancia en dos pacientes con diagnóstico de sulcus vocalis bilateral...

INTRODUCTION: Vocal therapy with resonance tubes, belongs to the Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract (SOVT) exercises. This method, seeks to generate changes in impedance and the vibratory pattern of vocal folds through the modification of the long, diameter and depth of the tube . The objective of the article is to present the results obtained after 10 sessions of vocal therapy, using resonance tubes as a therapeutic resource, in 2 patients diagnosed with bilateral sulcus vocalis...

INTRODUÇÃO: A terapia vocal com tubos de ressonância, pertence aos exercícios do Trato Vocal Semi-Ocluído (SOVT). Este método, busca gerar mudanças na impedância e no padrão vibratório das pregas vocais através da modificação do comprimento, diâmetro e profundidade do tubo. O objetivo do artigo é apresentar os resultados obtidos após 10 sessões de terapia vocal, utilizando tubos de ressonância como recurso terapêutico, em 2 pacientes diagnosticados com sulco vocal bilateral...

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Dysphonie/rééducation et réadaptation , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/diagnostic , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/rééducation et réadaptation , Traitement par les exercices physiques/méthodes , Phonoaudiologie/méthodes
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 37(3): 93-97, Sept. 2017. ilus.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087559


Introducción: el edema de Reinke es la acumulación de fluidos en la capa externa de la lámina propia de las cuerdas vocales. Produce disfonía y raras veces obstrucción respiratoria. Las etiologías más frecuentes son el tabaquismo, el reflujo gastroesofágico y el mal uso y abuso vocal. Objetivos: determinar, mediante tratamiento quirúrgico, la tasa de resolución de la disnea inspiratoria severa provocada por edema de Reinke bilateral de cuerdas vocales. Diseño: estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo. Material y métodos: revisión de las historias clínicas electrónicas de todos los pacientes que consultaron y fueron tratados por disnea inspiratoria severa provocada por edema de Reinke bilateral de las cuerdas vocales, en el servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, entre febrero de 2007 y abril de 2015. Resultados: fueron tratados 4 pacientes de sexo femenino que consultaron por disnea inspiratoria severa. Fumaban más de 30 cigarrillos por día. La técnica quirúrgica consistió en resecar todo el edema polipoideo en forma bilateral, preservando el borde libre de las cuerdas vocales. Conclusiones: el edema de Reinke obstructivo es una patología infrecuente. La tasa de resolución de la disnea inspiratoria severa en las cuatro enfermas tratadas fue del100%. La resección total del edema y de la mucosa excedente, preservando un pequeño sector para que recubra el borde libre de la cuerda vocal (cordectomía vs. cordotomía), fue la técnica quirúrgica preferida. (AU)

Introduction: the Reinke edema is an accumulation of fluid in the outer layer of the lamina propria of the vocal cords. Causes dysphonia and rarely produces respiratory obstruction. Objectives: to determine the rate of resolution of the severe inspiratory dyspnea caused by bilateral Reinke edema of vocal cords with surgical treatment. Design: descriptive and retrospective study. Material and methods: review of the electronic medical records of all patients who consulted and were treated for severe inspiratory dyspnea caused by bilateral Reinke edema of the vocal chords in the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires between February 2007 and April 2015. Results: four women were treated, consulted for severe inspiratory dyspnea. Smoked more than 30 cigarettes per day. The surgical technique consisted in to resect all the bilateral polypoid edema, while preserving the free edge of the vocal cords. Conclusions: the obstructive Reinke edema is an infrequent pathology. The rate of resolution of the severe inspiratory dyspnea in the four patients treated was 100%. The total resection of the edema and mucosa excess, preserving a small sector to cover the free edge of the vocal cord (cordectomy vs cordotomy) was the preferred surgical technique. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Oedème laryngé/chirurgie , Oedème laryngé/anatomopathologie , Signes et symptômes respiratoires , Trouble lié au tabagisme/complications , Reflux gastro-oesophagien/complications , Oedème laryngé/étiologie , Oedème laryngé/physiopathologie , Oedème laryngé/imagerie diagnostique , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Hormones corticosurrénaliennes/usage thérapeutique , Dyspnée/chirurgie , Dyspnée/diagnostic , Inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons/usage thérapeutique , Dysphonie , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/complications , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/thérapie
Rev. méd. Chile ; 145(6): 808-811, June 2017. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-902549


Paradoxical vocal cord motion or vocal cord dysfunction is a descriptive term for an inappropriate adduction of the vocal cords during respiration, which can cause respiratory obstruction and stridor. It is associated with psychiatric conditions in the great majority of cases. We report a 23 year-old high performance female athlete, referred for a recurrent bilateral paralysis of the vocal cords, with a history of four intensive care unit admissions for severe dyspnea and stridor, which were treated several times with intubation and with tracheostomy on two occasions. Myasthenia gravis was suspected and she was treated with pyridostigmine and prednisone. She was discharged but despite the treatment, she presented new episodes of stridor and was readmitted six months later. This time the pharmacological treatment was suspended. The neurological study disclosed a normal brain magnetic resonance, normal cerebrospinal fluid analysis and a normal electromyography. A conversion disorder was suspected and the patient was successfully treated with psychotherapy.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Bruits respiratoires/étiologie , Trouble de conversion/complications , Dyspnée/étiologie , Bruits respiratoires/diagnostic , Procédures superflues , Trouble de conversion/diagnostic , Trouble de conversion/psychologie , Dyspnée/diagnostic , Retard de diagnostic , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/diagnostic , Dysfonction des cordes vocales/étiologie
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-183276


Bilateral vocal cord palsy (BVCP) is a rare complication of thyroid surgery, and it is confusing and frustrating for both patients and medical staff. We found postoperative vocal cord dysfunction using a McGrath videolaryngoscope from a patient with stridor and dyspnea after thyroidectomy performed with intraoperative recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring. Soon after, the patient was diagnosed with BVCP by an ENT otolaryngologist using a laryngeal fiberscope. The patient underwent exploration and received a permanent tracheostoma. The possibility of false negative findings from intraoperative nerve monitoring should considered if there is suspicion of BVCP in a high risk patient after thyroidectomy. The McGrath video-laryngoscope can be useful for early discovery of postoperative vocal cord dysfunction.

Humains , Dyspnée , Corps médical , Nerf laryngé récurrent , Bruits respiratoires , Glande thyroide , Thyroïdectomie , Dysfonction des cordes vocales , Paralysie des cordes vocales , Plis vocaux
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-66369


An irritable larynx syndrome is characterized by a sudden episodic dyspnea and dysphonia that is difficult to diagnose, and patients are often treated unnecessarily and/or too much. A correct diagnosis can be made by monitoring the larynx closing in the reversed direction during inhalation and posterior chink with videolaryngoscopy and by measuring a decrease in air flow volume during inhalation with a lung function test. Patients can be effectively treated with thorough differential diagnosis. Medications targeting precipitating factors, physical therapy sessions to improve abnormal larynx movement, counseling to reduce patients'anxiety rising from dyspnea, and etc. can effectively alleviate symptoms.

Humains , Thérapie comportementale , Assistance , Diagnostic , Diagnostic différentiel , Dysphonie , Dyspnée , Inspiration , Larynx , Facteurs précipitants , Tests de la fonction respiratoire , Dysfonction des cordes vocales
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-66371


Hoarseness is a postoperative complication of thyroidectomy, mostly due to damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN). Hoarseness may also be brought about via vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) due to injury of the vocal cords from manipulations during anesthesia, as well as from psychogenic disorders and respiratory and upper-GI related infections. The clinician or surgeon should 1) document assessment of the patient's voice once a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery ; 2) examine vocal fold mobility, or refer the patient to a clinician who can examine vocal fold mobility 3) examine vocal fold mobility, or refer the patient to a clinician who can examine vocal fold mobility, once a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery 4) educate the patient about the potential impact of thyroid surgery on voice once a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery ; 5) inform the anesthesiologist of the results of abnormal preoperative laryngeal assessment in patients who have had laryngoscopy prior to thyroid surgery ; 6) take steps to preserve the external branch of the surperior laryngeal nerve(s) when performing thyroid surgery ; 7) document whether there has been a change in voice between 2 weeks and 2 months following thyroid surgery ; 8) examine vocal fold mobility or refer the patient for examination of vocal fold mobility in patients with a change in voice following thyroid surgery ; 9) refer a patient to an otolaryngologist when abnormal vocal fold mobility is identified after thyroid surgery ; 10) counsel patients with voice change or abnormal vocal fold mobility after thyroid surgery on options for voice rehabilitation.

Humains , Anesthésie , Dysphonie , Enrouement , Nerfs laryngés , Laryngoscopie , Complications postopératoires , Nerf laryngé récurrent , Réadaptation , Glande thyroide , Thyroïdectomie , Dysfonction des cordes vocales , Plis vocaux , Voix
Audiol., Commun. res ; 20(4): 355-360, out.-dez. 2015. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-770547


RESUMO Objetivo: Caracterizar e mensurar a autopercepção vocal de pacientes pré e pós-tratamento fonoaudiológico, por meio do protocolo de Índice de Desvantagem Vocal (IDV). Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com utilização do banco de dados de pacientes atendidos em um setor de Fonoaudiologia. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 23 pacientes, sendo 16 (69,6%) do gênero feminino e sete (30,4%) do gênero masculino. A média de idade foi de 58 anos, a média do tempo de terapia foi de três meses e o número de sessões foi de 11 atendimentos. Dentre os tipos de disfonia encontrados, a orgânica foi a mais frequente (47,8%), seguida da funcional (30,7%) e da organofuncional (21,7%). A mediana do escore total do protocolo apresentou diminuição no período pré-intervenção, em relação ao período pós-intervenção, significando menor desvantagem vocal. Além disso, 80% das questões do protocolo apresentaram diferença significativa, quando comparadas pré e pós-fonoterapia da voz. Conclusão: Houve diferença na percepção da voz após a intervenção fonoaudiológica, indicada por meio da redução dos escores nos itens do IDV. Os achados demonstraram a importância do uso do protocolo IDV na prática clínica, auxiliando o profissional fonoaudiólogo no direcionamento do tratamento e no entendimento do comportamento vocal de pacientes disfônicos. Sugere-se futuras pesquisas, tendo em vista a eficácia do instrumento.

ABSTRACT Purpose: Characterize and measure the voice self-perception of patients pre and post speech therapy treatment using the Índice de Desvantagem Vocal (IDV) protocol, adapted from the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) protocol. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using a database of patients seen in a speech therapy service. Results: The sample comprised 23 patients, 16 (69.6%) of whom female and seven (30.4%) male. The mean age was 58 years and the mean therapy duration was three months with 11 sessions. Among the types of dysphonia found, organic was the most frequent (47.8%) followed by functional (30.7%) and organic-functional (21.7%). The protocol's total score median decreased prior to intervention compared to the post-intervention period, which means a lower voice handicap. Moreover, 80% of the protocol's questions significantly differed when compared pre and post speech therapy. Conclusion: A difference was found in voice perception after speech therapy intervention, indicated by lower scores in the IDV items. The findings show the importance of using the IDV protocol in clinical practice to help the speech therapist target the treatment and understand the voice behavior of dysphonic patients. Further research is suggested given the instrument's efficacy.

Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Dysphonie , Orthophonie , Troubles de la voix , Dysfonction des cordes vocales
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-183725


The diagnosis of anaphylaxis is often based on reported symptoms which may not be accurate and lead to major psychosocial and financial impacts. We describe two adult patients who were diagnosed as having recurrent anaphylaxis witnessed by multiple physicians based on recurrent laryngeal symptoms. The claimed cause was foods in one and drugs in the other. We questioned the diagnosis because of absent documentation of objective findings to support anaphylaxis, and the symptoms occurred during skin testing though the test sites were not reactive. Our initial skin testing with placebos reproduced the symptoms without objective findings. Subsequent skin tests with the suspected allergens were negative yet reproduced the symptoms without objective findings. Disclosing the test results markedly displeased one patient but reassured the other who subsequently tolerated the suspected allergen. In conclusion, these 2 patients' symptoms and evaluation were not supportive of their initial diagnosis of recurrent anaphylaxis. The compatible diagnosis was Munchausen stridor which requires psychiatric evaluation and behavior modification, but often rejected by patients.

Adulte , Humains , Allergènes , Anaphylaxie , Thérapie comportementale , Diagnostic , Hypersensibilité médicamenteuse , Hypersensibilité alimentaire , Hypersensibilité , Placebo , Bruits respiratoires , Tests cutanés , Dysfonction des cordes vocales
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-632471


@#Vocal fold paralysis is an otolaryngologic disorder that is more prevalent in the adult population. Its occurrence in children has been documented in the literature. We report a case of congenital bilateral vocal fold paralysis and discuss the issues surrounding its ultimate diagnosis and management.

Humains , Femelle , Dysfonction des cordes vocales , Paralysie , Tomodensitomètre , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Électromyographie
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-7915


Vocal cord dysfunction is a recently described entity in which paradoxical adduction of the vocal cords produces airflow obstruction at the level of the larynx. Recurrent wheezing results, which may imitate asthma. Inspiratory closure of the cords can also cause stridor, commonly misdiagnosed as an upper airway obstruction of undefined cause. The acute presentation is often dramatic and has led to inappropriate treatment, including intubation, tracheotomy, or high doses of steroids. We present the case of a 9 yr old boy with allergic rhinitis who was referred to us for the evaluation of wheezing and dyspnea which did not respond to asthma management. Pulmonary function tests had abnormal inspiratory phases and laryngoscopy revealed typical adduction of the vocal cord during inspiration. Psychological tests suggested anxiety and tension with repressed aggression. There have been no further episodes, possibly due to counseling and education of relaxed throat breathing as well as avoidance of inhaled medication.

Humains , Mâle , Agressivité , Obstruction des voies aériennes , Anxiété , Asthme , Assistance , Dyspnée , Éducation , Intubation , Laryngoscopie , Larynx , Pharynx , Tests psychologiques , Respiration , Tests de la fonction respiratoire , Bruits respiratoires , Rhinite , Spirométrie , Stéroïdes , Trachéotomie , Dysfonction des cordes vocales , Plis vocaux
Korean Journal of Medicine ; : S902-S907, 2004.
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-8800


Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD), a condition that frequently mimics or confounds asthma, is characterized by a paradoxical adduction of the vocal cords on inspiration. The apposition of the vocal cords produces airflow obstruction sufficient to cause wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and cough. Misdiagnosis as asthma has led to inappropriate treatment, most notably with high-dose corticosteroids. Herein we report two cases of VCD who presented with chronic cough and episodic breathlessness, respectively. Flow-volume loops on spirometry were abnormal, with evidence of variable extrathoracic airway obstruction, manifested as flat or truncated inspiratory loops. Laryngoscopy or bronchoscopy demonstrated paradoxical adduction with posterior "chinking" of the vocal cords on inspiration. One case also had asthma and depressive illness. After the diagnosis of VCD, the clinical manifestations resolved with speech therapy and/or psychotherapy. VCD should be suspected in patients with asthma-like symptoms. An early diagnosis avoids unnecessary aggressive management.

Humains , Hormones corticosurrénaliennes , Obstruction des voies aériennes , Asthme , Bronchoscopie , Toux , Diagnostic , Erreurs de diagnostic , Dyspnée , Diagnostic précoce , Laryngoscopie , Psychothérapie , Bruits respiratoires , Orthophonie , Spirométrie , Thorax , Dysfonction des cordes vocales , Plis vocaux