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Rev. crim ; 64(2): 77-88, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418088


El conflicto armado en Colombia se ha caracterizado por la presencia de grupos al margen de la ley, quienes utilizan las minas antipersona como unas de sus armas principales. El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en evaluar estadísticamente los casos relacionados con las víctimas de minas antipersona en Colombia entre 1990 y 2020. El proceso investigativo se generó a partir de los datos suministrados por la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para la Paz, y se empleó un análisis de correspondencia múltiple y distribución de frecuencia. Se encontró que el 60.5% de las estadísticas relacionadas con las minas antipersona se asocian a personal militar vinculado a las Fuerzas Militares, además que en el 19.7% de los incidentes con dichas armas la persona afectada pierde su vida, y también que el 10.2% de los casos reportados corresponden a menores de edad. Igualmente, se halló que en los departamentos de Antioquia, Meta, Nariño y Caquetá se presentaron el mayor número de hechos. Se concluye que el país debe dar su máximo esfuerzo para erradicar del territorio las minas que aún están sembradas, y trabajar junto con la Comunidad Internacional y los exguerrilleros reintegrados a la sociedad con el fin de promover un país libre de minas.

The armed conflict in Colombia has been characterized by the presence of illegal groups, who use landmines as one of their main weapons. The objective of this research was to statistically evaluate the cases related to landmine victims in Colombia between 1990 and 2020. The research process was generated from data provided by the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace, and a multiple correspondence and frequency distribution analysis was used. It was found that 60.5% of the statistics related to antipersonnel mines are associated with military personnel linked to the Armed Forces, and that in 19.7% of the incidents involving these weapons the affected person loses his or her life, and also that 10.2% of the reported cases correspond to minors. It was also found that the departments of Antioquia, Meta, Nariño and Caquetá had the highest number of incidents. It is concluded that the country must make its maximum effort to eradicate the mines that are still planted in the territory, and work together with the international community and the ex-guerrillas reintegrated into society in order to promote a mine-free country.

O conflito armado na Colômbia tem sido caracterizado pela presença de grupos armados ilegais, que utilizam minas terrestres como uma de suas principais armas. O objetivo desta pesquisa era avaliar estatisticamente os casos relacionados às vítimas de minas terrestres na Colômbia entre 1990 e 2020. O processo de pesquisa foi gerado a partir de dados fornecidos pelo Alto Comissariado para a Paz, e foi utilizada uma análise de correspondência múltipla e distribuição de freqüência. Constatou-se que 60,5% das estatísticas relacionadas às minas antipessoais estão associadas a militares ligados às Forças Armadas, e que em 19,7% dos incidentes envolvendo essas armas, a pessoa afetada perde a vida, e que 10,2% dos casos relatados correspondem a menores. Também foi constatado que os departamentos de Antioquia, Meta, Nariño e Caquetá tiveram o maior número de incidentes. Conclui-se que o país deve fazer o máximo para erradicar as minas que ainda estão plantadas no território e trabalhar junto com a comunidade internacional e os ex-guerrilheiros reintegrados à sociedade para promover um país livre de minas.

Humains , Terrorisme , Violence , Colombie , Conflits armés , Explosifs , Armes , Jurisprudence
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(2): e1032, 2021. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341418


Introducción: En el año 2002 un artefacto explosivo improvisado estalló sobre la población civil afrocolombiana refugiada en una iglesia y generó una masacre. Los sobrevivientes presentaron importantes afectaciones en la salud, sin un estudio completo hasta la fecha. Objetivo: Establecer el perfil de salud auditiva en la comunidad de sobrevivientes a la masacre de Bojayá, Chocó. Métodos: A partir de evaluaciones clínicas audiológicas con anamnesis, otoscopia, audiometría, logoaudiometría e impedanciometría en 61 personas supervivientes, se efectuó un estudio descriptivo incluyendo variables sociodemográficas, factores de riesgo, signos y síntomas auditivos, y diagnósticos audiológicos. Resultados: Un 72,13 por ciento de los participantes fueron mujeres. Además de la exposición al estallido de artefacto explosivo improvisado, que les afectó tanto en recinto cerrado (78,69 %), como en exteriores adyacentes (3,28 por ciento) o ubicaciones más distantes; los principales factores de riesgo auditivo encontrados fueron la infección de oído previa (26,87 por ciento). Un 70,49 por ciento sufría de tinnitus y 14,75 por ciento de vértigo. El 81,97 por ciento de sobrevivientes (n = 50) presentaron alteraciones en su audición, sin estudio previo. Un 81 por ciento de quienes se encontraron con algún grado de hipoacusia, reportaban el antecedente de exposición al estallido dentro del espacio cerrado de la iglesia. Conclusiones: El perfil de salud auditiva de la comunidad de sobrevivientes a la masacre de Bojayá, Chocó, se caracterizó por la presencia de dificultades auditivas, tinnitus, otalgia, vértigo, antecedentes de trauma acústico y perforaciones timpánicas. El principal diagnóstico encontrado fue hipoacusia conductiva bilateral(AU)

Introduction: In 2002 an improvised explosive device exploded over a church with Afro-Colombian civilians sheltering there, generating a massacre. The survivors presented important health problems without a complete study to date. Objective: To establish the hearing health profile in the community of survivors of the Bojayá Massacre, Chocó. Methods: Based on clinical audiological evaluations with anamnesis, otoscopy, audiometry, speech audiometry and impedance in 61 survivors, a descriptive study was carried out including sociodemographic variables, risk factors, auditory signs and symptoms, and audiological diagnoses. Results: 72.13 percent of the participants were women. In addition to exposure to the explosion of an improvised explosive device, which affected indoors (78.69 percent), and in adjacent outdoors (3.28 percent) or more distant locations, the main auditory risk factors found were previous infection of ears (26.87 percent). 70.49 percent suffered from tinnitus and 14.75 percent from vertigo. 81.97 percent of survivors (n=50) presented alterations in their hearing, without previous study. 81 percent of those who encountered some degree of hearing loss reported a history of exposure to the blast within the closed space of the church. Conclusions: The hearing health profile of the community of survivors of the Bojayá massacre, Chocó, was characterized by the presence of hearing difficulties, tinnitus, earache, vertigo, a history of acoustic trauma, and tympanic perforations. The main diagnosis found was bilateral conductive hearing loss(AU)

Humains , Audiométrie vocale , Acouphène , Profil de Santé , Otalgie , Explosions , Explosifs , Surdité de transmission , Surdité due au bruit , Caractéristiques de l'habitat , Survivants , Identité de genre
Rev. crim ; 63(1): 61-76, 20/04/2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1247627


El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo general determinar el grado de afectación que presenta la prueba Griess (a y b), al interior del cañón del arma de fuego tipo escopeta, marca Benelli, modelo Súper Nova, con la trasmisión de los contaminantes aceite, agua lluvia, diésel y gasolina. Surge la necesidad de indagar si los contaminantes establecidos pueden afectar la realización del procedimiento descrito en el numeral 4.1 de la guía 2DCGU-0024 "realizar procedimientos balísticos a las armas (de fuego, neumáticas, de gas, fisto, detonadoras, eléctricas, entre otras) e ingreso a los sistemas de identificación balística". La metodología utilizada fue de tipo experimental, para ello se realizó una cantidad importante de ensayos, se manipularon las soluciones A y B del reactivo de GRIESS. Como resultado se evidenció que los agentes contaminantes transferidos al interior del cañón (aceite 4 tiempos, diésel y gasolina) no afectan los resultados para la identificación de nitritos producto de la combustión durante el fenómeno del disparo, caso contrario ocurre con el agua lluvia, ya que se observa que esta afecta la elaboración de la prueba, teniendo en cuenta que sin entrar en contacto con la pólvora deflagrada, arroja como resultado una coloración rosada tenue, que indica de forma preliminar que es positiva para la presencia de nitritos.

This study's general objective was to determine the degree of impact a GRIESS test (a and b) may have on the inside of a Benelli Supernova shotgun barrel by transmitting contaminants, such as oil, rain water, diesel and gasoline. The need arose to research whether or not the established contaminants can affect performing the procedure described in clause 4.1 of guide 2DC-GU-0024 on "performing ballistic testing on weapons (firearms, pneumatic, gas, black powder, detonating, electrical, etc.) and entering ballistic identification systems." The methodology was experimental. A high number of tests were carried out, manipulating components A and B of the GRIESS reagent. As a result, it was observed that contaminating agents transferred within a barrel (4-stroke engine oil, diesel and gasoline) do not affect the results of identifying nitrates resulting from combustion during firearm discharge. The opposite occurs with rain water, since it was observed that is affects preparing evidence, taking into account that it yields a light pink coloration as a result without coming into contact with combusted gunpowder, which preliminarily indicates that it tested positive for the presence of nitrites.

O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi determinar o grau de afetação que o teste de GRIESS (a e b) apresenta, dentro do cano da arma de fogo tipo espingarda, marca Benelli, modelo Super Nova, com a transmissão dos contaminantes: óleo, água da chuva, diesel e gasolina. Surge a necessidade de investigar se os contaminantes estabelecidos podem afetar o desempenho do procedimento descrito no numeral 4.1 do guia 2DC-GU-0024 "realizar procedimentos balísticos em armas (armas de fogo, pneumáticas, gás, fisto, detonantes, elétricos, entre outros) e acesso a sistemas de identificação balística". A metodologia utilizada foi experimental, nesse sentido, foi realizado um número significativo de testes, e as soluções A e B do reagente de GRIESS foram manipuladas. Como resultado, ficou evidente que os agentes contaminantes transferidos para o interior do cano (óleo 4 tempos, diesel e gasolina) não afetam os resultados para a identificação de nitritos produto da combustão durante o fenômeno de queima. O contrário ocorre com a água da chuva, pois observa-se que isso afeta o preparo do teste, visto que, sem entrar em contato com a pólvora deflagrada, produz uma leve coloração rosa, o que preliminarmente indica que é positivo para a presença de nitritos.

Humains , Armes à feu , Poudre à Feu , Explosifs
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-739044


PURPOSE: The Iri station explosion that occurred in 1977 was a major social disaster in Korea, caused by a fire in a train equipped with explosives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the social disaster adaptation experiences of railroad workers. METHODS: This study was based on qualitative research using phenomenological methodology. Participants were six railroad workers who experienced the Iri station explosion. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with individual workers from March to June, 2018. The data analysis method was based on Colaizzi's approach. RESULTS: Experiences of railroad workers were categorized into 12 themes and the following 6 theme clusters: (1) Anxiety due to the extreme vibration and crash, (2) Terror regarding the horrible situation that one cannot face, (3) Anger about the cause of the explosion and a sense of relief about survival, (4) Confusion regarding different rumors, (5) Various efforts to return to daily life, and (6) Trauma that continues to exist. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study recommend that railroad organizations and managers should pay attention to enhance disaster preparedness and develop organizational disaster coping guidelines for members. The results of this study can help us to better understand the various aspects of the Iri station explosion of 1977.

Colère , Anxiété , Catastrophes , Explosions , Explosifs , Incendies , Corée , Méthodes , Recherche qualitative , Voies ferrées , Statistiques comme sujet , Vibration
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 43(2): 87-95, abr. 2014. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-717035


Introducción: En Colombia es frecuente el uso de minas antipersonal (MAP) y artefactos explosivos improvisados (AEI) como recurso armado para batallar sin necesidad de que haya combate directo. En el Departamento de Antioquia, se presenta el mayor número de sucesos asociados con la detonación de este tipo de técnicas bélicas. No hay estudios sobre los efectos psicológicos que aparecen como consecuencia de los accidentes con MAP y AEI en población militar. Objetivo: Establecer el perfil psicológico en un grupo de militares víctimas de MAP y AEI y un grupo control de militares no víctimas a partir del análisis de cuatro variables emocionales (depresión, ansiedad, ira y estrés). Métodos: La investigación se desarrolló según un diseño de casos y controles. Es un estudio cuantitativo, comparativo, descriptivo y transversal. Participantes: una muestra de 80 militares adscritos a la Séptima División del Ejército Nacional de Colombia con sede en Medellín, Antioquia. Se conformó un grupo de casos con 30 militares y un grupo de controles con 50 militares. Resultados: Las variables ansiedad estado, ansiedad rasgo, ira estado e ira rasgo presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos grupos. Las variables depresión y estrés no presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos grupos. No se presentó depresión, ansiedad o estrés en ninguno de los dos grupos. Se presentaron niveles clínicamente significativos de ira en ambos.

Introduction: Antipersonnel Mines (MAP) and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) are frequently used in Colombia as an armed resource without the need for direct combat. The Department of Antioquia has the highest number of events associated with the detonation of such battle techniques. There are no studies on the psychological effects that appear as a result of accidents with Antipersonnel Mines and IEDs in the military population. Objective: To establish the psychological profile of a group of military victims of MAP and AEI, and a control group of soldiers who were not victims from the analysis of four emotional variables (depression, anxiety, anger and stress). Methods: The research was conducted using a case-control design in a .quantitative, comparative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Participants: A sample of 80 soldiers assigned to the Seventh Division of the National Army of Colombia at Medellin, Antioquia. The sample included a group of 30 military cases and 50 soldiers as controls. Results: The anxiety state, trait anxiety, state anger, and trait anger variables showed statistically significant differences between groups. There were no significant differences in the variables depression and stress between groups variables. There was no depression, anxiety, or stress in either of the two groups, but there were clinically significant levels of anger in both groups.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Artéfacts , Personnel militaire , Anxiété , Accidents , Groupes témoins , Études transversales , Colombie , Dépression , Émotions/éthique , Explosifs
PAFMJ-Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. 2014; 64 (4): 645-647
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-167586


Penile amputation is a catastrophe and the goal should be to restore adequate mass, sensation and functionality of penis considering penile prosthesis where necessary. A case of a 25 year soldier who had penile amputation due to improvised explosive device blast injury is reported

Humains , Mâle , Amputation traumatique , Explosions , Explosifs , Traumatismes par explosion , Personnel militaire ,
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-325742


Penetrating cerebral injuries caused by foreign bodies are rare in civilian neurosurgical trauma, although there are various reports of blast or gunshot injuries in warfare due to multiple foreign bodies like pellets and nails. In our case, a 30-year-old man presented to neurosurgery clinic with signs and symptoms of right-sided weakness after suicide bomb attack. The skull X-ray showed a single intracranial nail. Small craniotomy was done and the nail was removed with caution to avoid injury to surrounding normal brain tissue. At 6 months'follow-up his right-sided power improved to against gravity.

Adulte , Humains , Mâle , Explosifs , Traumatismes pénétrants de la tête , Chirurgie générale , Crâne , Plaies et blessures , Suicide
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-114023


A large amount of energetic materials including propellants, high explosives, pyrotechnics are subjected to disposal either due to expiry of their useful life or rejection in the manufacturing process. The environmental regulations do not allow the hazardous materials for open burning / detonation in view of the health hazard involved in these operations. The present paper describes the hazard potential of energetic materials and associated hazardous chemicals. It also deals with global technological status for remedial measures of hazardous chemicals along with their merits and demerits.

Conservation des ressources naturelles , Santé environnementale , Surveillance de l'environnement/méthodes , Pollution de l'environnement , Conception d'appareillage , Explosifs/composition chimique , Produits dangereux/analyse , Déchets dangereux , Incinération , Déchets industriels , Élimination des déchets , Sels , Gestion des déchets/instrumentation
Rev. direito sanit ; 3(3): 9-22, nov. 2002.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-383315


O Brasil é um dos únicos países no mundo que convivem com o pagamento de adicional de salários para trabalhadores que desenvolvem atividades em condições insalubres e perigosas. A caracterização desses adicionais é feita mediante perícia técnica a cargo de engenheiro ou médico do trabalho, que nem sempre traduzem a realidade dos ambientes de trabalho e que terminam por prejudicar a confiança pelos magistrados nesses experts. O objetivo deste trabalho foi inspirado no resultado de provas periciais de avaliação de adicional de periculosidade, por trabalho envolvendo a fabricação e comercialização de fertilizantes, netre estes nitratos de amônio e potássio por empresa localizada no município de Olinda-PE, Brasil. A ocorrência de pareceres técnicos distintos por peritos diferentes me vários processos levou o autor a estudar com profundidade o assunto e a defender com ênfase o seu parecer, prolatando as questões técnicas que envolvem o assunto.

Explosifs , Engrais , Conditions de Travail
Brasília méd ; 37(1/2): 19-23, 2000. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-301113


Objetivo: Descrever e analisar as lesões por fogos de artifício em pacientes atendidos no Hospital Regional da Asa Norte, Brasília, Distrito Federal. Material e métodos: Os autores realizaram um estudo descritivo das lesões por fogos de artifício, em acidentados atendidos no Serviço de Emergência da Unidade de Cirurgia Plástica do Hospital Regional da Asa Norte, no período de junho de 1998 a janeiro de 1999, em uma série consecutiva de casos. Resultados: Foram atendidos 78 casos, dos quais 73 do sexo masculino; a média de idade foi de 29 anos (variando de 4 a 72 anos). Sessenta e quatro pacientes foram atendidos nas primeiras seis horas. Cinquenta e seis pacientes receberam alta imediatamente após o tratamento. Quanto ao local das lesões, 73 pacientes apresentaram comprometimento de uma ou ambas as mãos, 12 da face, 11 do tronco, sete dos membros inferiores e 23 mostraram lesões associadas. Quanto ao tipo de lesão, 32 pacientes apresentaram apenas queimaduras, 27 perda de substância e ou fratura do segmento acometido e 19 amputação parcial ou total dos dedos. A ingestão alcoólica, o baixo nível de instrução e a idade superior a 13 anos, foram fatores associados aos acidentes significativamente mais graves. Não houve mortes de pacientes objeto do estudo. Conclusão: Os acidentes com fogos de artifício estão associados a lesões variadas e, algumas vezes, muito graves, levando a sequelas irreparáveis

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Amputation chirurgicale , Traumatismes par explosion , Brûlures , Explosifs , Blessures de la main , Fractures orbitaires
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 16(2): 30-49, ene.-jun. 1999. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-323940


El presente artículo muestra algunos elementos teóricos y una aplicación de la técnica de modelación ARIMA en eventos epidemiológicos. Esta aplicación consistió en un análisis de series de tiempo para predecir la mortalidad por ataque con arma de fuego y explosivos con base en la información obtenida en la ciudad de Medellín durante los años de 1987 a 1996

Études épidémiologiques , Explosifs , Armes à feu , Mortalité
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-107546


The incidence of death due to firearms and explosives is extremely low in Korea. Forensic pathologists are rarely experienced this kind of injuries by autopsy in Korea. It is important for them to realize characteristics of gunshot wounds and explosive injuries. Firearm and explosive injuries exhibit different characteristics under different settings, and one can utilize these characteristics in reconstructing the scene in actual cases. The author summarized basic mechanisms and general features of gunshot wounds and explosive injuries. Deaths due to hand grenade were especially presented with statistical data in Korean Army.

Traumatismes de l'abdomen , Autopsie , Explosifs , Armes à feu , Main , Incidence , Corée , Plaies par arme à feu
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-91607


This report is based on a statistical analysis of the records of 116 cases of perforating eye injuries among 39,721 patients who visited the eye department of the National Medical Center from 1971 to 1981. The results were as follows: 1. The incidence of perforating eye injuries was 0.3% of 39,721 patients and 8.7% of the ocular trauma. 2. Of patients with perforating eye injuries, 76.7% were male and 23.3% female. Perforated injuries peaked in the age group 10-19 years, with about 50% of the perforations incurred by patients in the age group 10-29 years. 3. Of perforating eye injuries, 51.7% were found in the right eye, whereas 43.1% were in the left eye. 5.2% had injuries in both eyes. 4. The corneal perforations were 60.3% of the injuries, while the scleral were 25%, and the corneoscleral 14.7%. 5. Of perforating injuries, 16.4% were caused by intraocular foreign bodies, 78.9% of which were magnetic 89.5% of the patients were males. 6. Of perforating eye injuries, 32.8% occurred in the fall and 13.8% in September. 7. The most common material(23.3%) which caused perforating injuries was metal or iron particles. 15.5% of perforating injuries were caused by broken glass, 9.5% by explosives, and 7.8% by wood splinters. 8. Associated ocular manifestations were as follows: subconjunctival hemorrhage 42.2%, prolapse of uveal tissue 37.9%, conjunctival laceration 29.3%, traumatic hyphema 27.6%, tra umatic cataract 25.9% and traumatic uveitis 17.2%. 9. Of perforating eye injuries, 57.4% were treated by surgical procedure, such as primary closure, iridectomy, replacement of the prolapsed iris, lens extraction and removal of intraocular foreign bodies. In 13.9% of injured eyes removal of the eye-ball was performed. 10. Only 19.8% of the injuries were restored to 0.6 or better and 64.0% to 0.1 or less. 11. The location of the perforation was not correlated with visual prognosis. Relatively good vision was restored in scleral perforation cases, while corneal perforations resulted in the worst vision(statistically not significant). 12. The restored visual acuity was better in occupational injuries than in nonoccupational ones(statistically not significant). 13. Better results were obtained in the cases involving magnetic intraocular foreign bodies than in those with non-magnetic ones(statistically not significant). 14. The more complications occurred, the worse vision became. 15. The cases(38) of restoration of visual acuity considered to be poor(< or =0.1) breakdown as fo llows(by cause): phthisis bulbi(18.6%), traumatic cataract(10.5%), corneal opacity(81.0%), and vitreous opacity(3.5%).

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Cataracte , Perforation cornéenne , Explosifs , Lésions traumatiques de l'oeil , Corps étrangers , Verre , Hémorragie , Hyphéma , Incidence , Iridectomie , Iris , Fer , Lacérations , Blessures professionnelles , Pronostic , Prolapsus , Uvéite , Acuité visuelle , Bois
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-91609


The 362 industrial eye injuries among the 14374 out-patient who visited to Dept. of Ophthalmology, Wonju Christian Hospital, Yonsei University, College of Medicine from Jan. 1975 to Dec. 1980 were statistically evaluated. 1. Industrial eye injuries occupied 2.52% of all eye injuries. 2. The majority of industrial eye injuries was due to flying particles including dust and stones(28.04%), explosives(24.66%) which resulted in corneal foreign bodies(10.27%). 3. The final visual acuity of 82 eyes(21.98%) was 20/400 or less. And 36 eyes(9.65%) were absolutIy blinded. 4. The trade-distribution of industrial eye injuries was as follows; Stope mm(36.82%), Assistant(11.15%), Miscellaneous service (7.09%), 38.53% of industrial eye injuries of Stope men was injured by explosives.

Humains , Mâle , Diptera , Poussière , Explosifs , Lésions traumatiques de l'oeil , Ophtalmologie , Patients en consultation externe , Acuité visuelle