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Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 6(3): 96-100, sept. 2019. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1247413


Introduction: Odontogenic mixomas (OMs) are a locally infiltrating slow-growing intraosseous nonmetastasizing tumors of the maxilla and the mandible that have the potential for bone des-truction and cortical expansion, showing high recurrence rates. Their frequency varies around the world, accounting for 3-20% of all odontogenic tumors, ranking third among odontogenic tumors. They predominantly affect young adults, but may occur in various age groups. Report: A 37-year-old female patient who in August 2005 sought treatment at the Maxillofacial Dental Unit at Hospital Higueras, Talcahuano, Chile, for a left maxillary bone lesion. An increase in vo-lume was observed in the left maxillary region in the clinical analysis of the oral cavity. The neo-plasm was sessile and painless, measuring approximately 3 cm, with a greater diameter in the vestibule, firm on palpation and without signs of gangliopathy. Computed cone beam tomogra-phy imaging showed an extensive infiltrating osteolytic lesion in the left maxillary sinus, with noinvolvement of the orbital bone structure. Analysis of incisional biopsy yielded the diagnosis ofOdontogenic Fibromixoma. It was proposed to perform the conservative treatment of the lesion,consisting of enucleation and surgical curettage, obtaining excellent postoperative results and absence of relapse after 11-year follow-up. Conclusion: The present case report provides eviden-ce that supports the conservative surgical approach for the treatment of odontogenic myxomas, which contributes to a better postoperative quality of life for the patient.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Tumeurs du maxillaire supérieur/chirurgie , Tumeurs odontogènes/chirurgie , Fibrome/chirurgie , Fibrome/diagnostic , Biopsie/méthodes , Tomodensitométrie/méthodes , Maxillaire/anatomopathologie
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 40(2): 43-47, maio/ago. 2019. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1006564


O objetivo deste estudo é descrever o diagnóstico e conduta clínica no tratamento do Fibroma Traumático (FT). O FT é uma lesão proliferativa de natureza benigna que surge na cavidade bucal devido à traumas de repetição, que desencadeiam reações inflamatórias em tecido conjuntivo, causando uma hiperplasia tecidual, geralmente assintomática, podendo interferir na mastigação e na fala causando desconforto ao paciente. Sua prevalência é alta, geralmente em mucosa jugal, linha oclusal, mucosa labial, língua e gengiva. O tratamento consiste na excisão cirúrgica e a confirmação do diagnóstico é dado através de envio para exame histopatológico. Paciente do gênero masculino, 46 anos de idade, procurou atendimento por apresentar nódulo único, exofítico, unilateral de aproximadamente 3 cm em seu diâmetro, localizado na mucosa jugal do lado direito, com bordas regulares e indolor a palpação, apresentando há cerca de 12 meses. Foi submetido a remoção cirúrgica total da lesão e encaminhamento ao laboratório para análise histopatológica para confirmação diagnóstica, além de proservação do caso em 7, 30 e 60 dias. Desta forma, foi possível concluir que a excisão cirúrgica da lesão promove maior conforto, melhora na fala e mastigação, além de um bom reparo tecidual, devolvendo assim, condições de saúde a mucosa bucal e mínimas chances de recidiva(AU)

The objective of this study is to describe the diagnosis and clinical management in the treatment of Traumatic Fibroma (FT). FT is a proliferative lesion of benign nature that arises in the buccal cavity due to repetitive traumas, which trigger inflammatory reactions in connective tissue, causing a tissue hyperplasia, usually asymptomatic, that can interfere in chewing and speech causing discomfort to the patient. Its prevalence is high, usually in jugal mucosa, occlusal line, labial mucosa, tongue and gingiva. The treatment consists of surgical excision and confirmation of the diagnosis is given by sending for histopathological examination. A 46-year-old male patient sought care for having a single, exophytic, unilateral nodule of approximately 3 cm in diameter, located on the right side of the jugal mucosa, with regular borders and painless palpation, presenting about 12 months. He was submitted to total surgical removal of the lesion and sent to the laboratory for histopathological analysis for diagnostic confirmation, in addition to case proservation at 7, 30 and 60 days. In this way, it was possible to conclude that the surgical excision of the lesion promotes greater comfort, improvement in speech and chewing, besides a good tissue repair, thus returning health conditions to the oral mucosa and minimal chances of relapse(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Fibrome/chirurgie , Chirurgie stomatologique (spécialité) , Fibrome , Fibrome/diagnostic , Fibrome/thérapie , Hyperplasie , Muqueuse de la bouche/anatomopathologie
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 13(1): 58-63, mar. 2019. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-990065


RESUMEN: El fibromixoma odontogénico (FM) es una infrecuente lesión benigna que muestra un comportamiento invasivo. Considerada una variante del mixoma odontogénico, presenta un origen mesenquimal controvertido y ligera predilección por el sexo femenino. La lesión está asociada a zonas con estructuras dentales adyacentes, siendo su localización más frecuente la región mandibular posterior. El objetivo de este trabajo fue mostrar un caso agresivo de FM en una paciente, localizado en la zona posterior de maxila, destacando su abordaje quirúrgico. Se reporta un caso de una mujer de 52 años, la cual acudió a la consulta por presentar una masa indolora, firme a la palpación en el lado derecho de la maxila. Radiográficamente se observaba como una imagen radiopaca, de márgenes mal definidos que se extendía en el seno maxilar ipsilateral; la tomografía computarizada pudo evidenciar la expansión de las paredes del antro y la fosa nasal, con compromiso del cigomático y el piso de órbita. Se realizó biopsia incisional y el diagnóstico histopatológico fue de FM. El tratamiento de elección consistió en la resección en bloque, mediante abordaje Weber-Fergusson, acompañada de reconstrucción con placa y malla de titanio para garantizar la suspensión del globo ocular; un nuevo estudio histopatológico, confirmó el diagnóstico inicial. Al año del procedimiento quirúrgico no se evidenció recidiva, observando que el material de reconstrucción mantiene su posición, proporcionado estética y funcionabilidad a la paciente.

ABSTRACT: Odontogenic fibromyxoma (FM) is an infrequent benign lesion that shows with invasive characteristics. Considered a variant of the odontogenic myxoma, it presents a controversial mesenchymal origin and is somewhat more frequent in women. The lesion is associated with areas with adjacent dental structures, with its most frequent location in the posterior mandibular region. The objective of this study was to show an aggressive case of FM in a female, located in the posterior area of the maxilla, emphasizing its surgical approach. A case of a 52-year-old woman, who came to the clinic because of a painless, firm mass on the right side of the maxilla. Radiographically, it was seen as a radiopaque image, with poorly defined margins extending in the ipsilateral maxillary sinus; computed tomography showed the expansion of the walls of the antrum and the nasal cavity, with zygomatic compromise and the orbital floor. An incisional biopsy was performed and the histopathological diagnosis was FM. The treatment of choice consisted of block resection, using a WeberFerguson approach, along with reconstruction with a titanium plaque and mesh to guarantee suspension of the eyeball; a new histopathological study, confirmed the initial diagnosis. One year after the surgical procedure, there is no recurrence, and the reconstruction material maintains its position, providing aesthetic and functionality to the patient.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Tumeurs du maxillaire supérieur/chirurgie , Tumeurs odontogènes/chirurgie , Fibrome/diagnostic , Radiographie panoramique , Tumeurs du maxillaire supérieur/imagerie diagnostique , Tumeurs odontogènes/imagerie diagnostique , Tomodensitométrie , Fibrome/imagerie diagnostique
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 4(1): 1115-1118, mar. 2017. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284322


Irritation fibroma are the most common form of reactive lesions found within the oralcavity. These lesions normally attain a small size and show a slow growth rate. This paper reports a case ofgigantic intraoral irritational fibroma with a history of rapid growth. Complete excision was performed andthe specimen was sent for immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining. It was found positive for vimentin, hencereported as irritation fibroma.

Los fibromas irritativos son las forma más común de lesiones reactivas encontradas en la cavidad oral. Estas lesiones normalmente son de pequeño tamaño y muestran una tasa de crecimiento lenta. Este artículo reporta el caso de un fibroma irritativo gigante intraoral con historia de crecimiento rápido. Se realizó la extirpación completa y fue enviado para análisis inmunohistoquímico. Arrojó positivo para Vimentina, por lo tanto, se reportó como fibroma irritativo.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Fibrome/diagnostic , Traumatismes mandibulaires/diagnostic , Immunohistochimie
Rev. ADM ; 73(1): 33-38, ene.-feb.2016. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-781840


El fibroma odontogénico central es una lesión poco común dentro de los tumores odontogénicos. La variante central incrementa esta rara incidencia, representando solamente 1.5 por ciento de éstos. En el presente artículo se reportan dos casos de fibroma odontogénico central en la región maxilar, así como el tratamiento empleado para la resección del mismo y la reconstrucción de la región, mediante técnica de injerto óseo, malla de titanio y osteosíntesis...

Humains , Adulte , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Fibrome/chirurgie , Fibrome/classification , Fibrome/diagnostic , Maxillaire , Tumeurs odontogènes/classification , Distribution de L'âge et du Sexe , Biopsie/méthodes , Service hospitalier d'odontologie , Études de suivi , Fibrome/ultrastructure , Mexique , Procédures de chirurgie maxillofaciale et buccodentaire/méthodes , Radiographie panoramique
Acta ortop. mex ; 29(3): 191-195, ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-773374


El tumor fibromixoma lipoesclerosante óseo (TFMLE) fue descrito inicialmente por Ragsdale en 1986, como una lesión fibroósea polimórfica de hueso con una mezcla de elementos histológicos incluyendo lipoma, fibroxantoma, mixoma, mixofibroma, necrosis grasa, osificación isquémica, áreas de displasia fibrosa y rara vez cartílago o cambios quísticos. La localización más frecuentemente descrita es en la región intertrocantérica del fémur. Es un hallazgo en pacientes asintomáticos o bien estar asociado a fractura. Radiológicamente es una lesión lítica, geográfica, de margen bien definido y habitualmente esclerótico, en algunos casos puede observarse mineralización en el interior de la lesión o un cierto grado de expansión en el contorno. Se ha descrito la estrecha relación del TFMLE con la displasia fibrosa por las características histológicas y la presencia de una mutación Gsα, otra hipótesis de la etiología de la lesión incluye la reacción de la displasia fibrosa a la fatiga por estrés.

The bone liposclerosing myxofibrous tumor (LSMFT) was initially described by Ragsdale in 1986 as a polymorphic fibroosseous bone lesion with a mix of histologic elements that include lipoma, fibroxanthoma, myxoma, myxofibroma, fat necrosis, ischemic ossification, areas of fibrous dysplasia, and infrequent presence of cartilage or cystic changes. The most frequently reported location is the intertrochanteric area of the femur. Radiologically it is a lytic, geographic lesion, with well-defined margins and usually sclerotic. In some cases findings include mineralization inside the lesion or a certain degree of expansion to the contour. The close relationship between LSMFT and fibrous dysplasia has been described based on the histologic characteristics and the presence of the Gsα mutation. Another hypothesis of the etiology of the lesion is the reaction of fibrous dysplasia to stress.

Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Humains , Mâle , Tumeurs osseuses/diagnostic , Tumeurs du fémur/diagnostic , Lipome/diagnostic , Myxome/diagnostic , Tumeurs osseuses/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs du fémur/anatomopathologie , Fibrome/diagnostic , Fibrome/anatomopathologie , Dysplasie fibreuse des os/diagnostic , Dysplasie fibreuse des os/anatomopathologie , Lipome/anatomopathologie , Myxome/anatomopathologie , Xanthomatose/diagnostic , Xanthomatose/anatomopathologie
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 69(1): 30-35, 2015. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-770801


Fibroma é um tumor benigno em que ocorre uma hiperplasia tecidual. Seu nome é característico por apresentar um grande número de células gigantes. O objetivo desse artigo é sequenciar a abordagem de remoção cirúrgica até o encaminhamento para avaliação histológica de dois fibromas, diagnosticados na língua e mucosa gengival em crianças de tenra idade. O prognóstico de cura em caso de presença do fibroma está relacionado à sua correta remoção feita cirurgicamente. Nos casos descritos, a resolução dos tumores foi observada após o período de proservação e cicatrização cirúrgicos.

Fibroma is a benign tumor that occurs the hyperplasia of the tissue. Its name is characteristic for having a large number of giant cells. The purpose of this article is to sequence the approach of surgical removal until referral for histological evaluation of two fibroma diagnosed on the tongue and gingival in children an early age. The prognosis for the cure in case of presence of fibroma is related to its correct removal taken surgically. On the presented cases, the resolution of the tumors was observed after the proservation and healing surgical.

Fibrome/diagnostic , Gencive/traumatismes , Langue/anatomie et histologie
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-184383


Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma is a rare, benign fibroblastic tumor. The lesion has a propensity for local invasion and a high recurrent rate. Therefore, accurate preoperative diagnosis and complete excision are important to prevent the recurrence of the tumor after surgical removal. However, radiographic and magnetic resonance imaging findings of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma have been extremely rarely described in the radiology literature. Thus, we report a rare case of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma affecting the dorsal wrist in a 67-year-old man, describe radiographic and MR findings, and discuss the differential diagnosis of the tumor.

Sujet âgé , Humains , Mâle , Calcinose/diagnostic , Diagnostic différentiel , Fibrome/diagnostic , Imagerie par résonance magnétique/méthodes , Récidive tumorale locale/diagnostic , Tumeurs des tissus mous/diagnostic , Poignet/anatomopathologie
Braz. dent. j ; 24(5): 537-541, Sep-Oct/2013. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-697630


Mucocele is a benign lesion occurring in the buccal mucosa as a result of the rupture of a salivary gland duct and consequent outpouring of mucin into soft tissue. It is usually caused by a local trauma, although in many cases the etiology is uncertain. Mucocele is more commonly found in children and young adults, and the most frequent site is the lower inner portion of the lips. Fibroma, on the other hand, is a benign tumor of fibrous connective tissue that can be considered a reactionary connective tissue hyperplasia in response to trauma and irritation. They usually present hard consistency, are nodular and asymptomatic, with a similar color to the mucosa, sessile base, smooth surface, located in the buccal mucosa along the line of occlusion, tongue and lip mucosa. Conventional treatment for both lesions is conservative surgical excision. Recurrence rate is low for fibroma and high for oral mucoceles. This report presents a series of cases of mucocele and fibroma treated by surgical excision or enucleation and the respective follow-up routine in the dental clinic and discusses the features to be considered in order to distinguish these lesions from each other.

Mucocele é uma lesão comum na mucosa bucal, que resulta da ruptura de um ducto de glândula salivar e consequente derramamento de mucina para o interior dos tecidos moles circunjacentes. Frequentemente este derrame resulta de trauma local, embora em muitos casos a etiologia seja indefinida. É uma lesão não infecciosa benigna, que frequentemente afeta a cavidade bucal de crianças e adultos jovens, localizando-se geralmente na porção interna dos lábios inferiores. Por outro lado, o fibroma é um tipo de tumor benigno do tecido conjuntivo fibroso que pode ser considerado uma hiperplasia reacional do tecido conjuntivo em resposta a traumas e irritação. Geralmente são nodulares, com consistência firme, assintomáticos, coloração semelhante à da mucosa, base séssil, superfície lisa, localizados na mucosa jugal ao longo da linha de oclusão, língua e mucosa labial. O tratamento convencional para ambas as lesões é a excisão cirúrgica conservadora, sendo que sua recorrência é rara para fibromas e alta para as mucoceles. Este trabalho relata casos clínicos de mucocele e fibroma, tratados pela técnica de excisão cirúrgica ou enucleação, bem como descreve a proservação no consultório odontológico. As características importantes para o diagnóstico diferencial dessas lesões são discutidas.

Adulte , Enfant , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Fibrome/diagnostic , Fibrome/chirurgie , Mucocèle/diagnostic , Mucocèle/chirurgie , Diagnostic différentiel , Fibrome/anatomopathologie , Mucocèle/anatomopathologie
Rev. bras. ortop ; 48(2): 200-203, abr. 2013. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-677010


The authors report a case of superficial acral fibromyxioma (SAF) in a 74-year-old male who presented with a painless mass in a periungual dorsoradial region of the right thumb. It is a rare benign neoplasm, which was recently described, that arouse on the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the hands and feet, especially in the proximity to the ungual region of male adults. Surgical treatment was performed with the excision in blocks of the margins of the lesion and fragmentation of the nail and nail matrix, according to the literature recommendation. Although there may be local recurrence in 22% of the cases, the patient presents no symptoms, deformities or functional limitations. In addition, there was no sign of tumor recurrence 18 months after the surgery. We are not aware of a similar case report in the Brazilian literature.

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Antigènes de surface , Fibrome/diagnostic , Main/chirurgie , Pouce/chirurgie
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-108739


Cardiac papillary fibroelastoma (CPF) is a rare and benign primary cardiac neoplasm of unknown prevalence. The incidence of CPF in the left ventricle is lower than that in other parts of the heart. A 65-year-old female was referred to our cardiology department for evaluation of a cardiac mass of the left ventricle. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed a 1.8 x 1.7 cm highly mobile round mass attached by a stalk to the apical inferior wall of the left ventricle with an echolucent area. The mass was successfully removed without any postoperative complications and was identified as a CPF.

Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Biopsie , Procédures de chirurgie cardiaque , Échocardiographie , Fibrome/diagnostic , Tumeurs du coeur/diagnostic , Ventricules cardiaques/anatomopathologie , Tomodensitométrie , Résultat thérapeutique
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 78(6): 460-464, 2013. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-702354


La presencia de "células en anillo de sello" en el tejido ovárico es el marcador histológico clásico del tumor de Krukenberg. Un adenocarcinoma metastásico altamente agresivo y de baja sobrevida. En cambio, los fibromas ováricos son tumores del estroma generalmente benignos. Presentamos un caso muy infrecuente de fibroma celular con presencia de células en anillo de sello y revisamos los criterios para el diagnóstico diferencial con el tumor de Krukenberg.

The presence of signet-ring cells in ovarian tissue is classically described as histological marker of Krukenberg tumor. It is highly aggressive metastatic adenocarcinoma with low survival. In contrast, ovarian fibroid is a stromal tumor usually benign. We present a very rare case of cellular fibroma with presence of signet-ring cells and we review the criteria for differential diagnosis of Krukenberg tumor.

Humains , Adulte , Femelle , Fibrome/diagnostic , Tumeurs de l'ovaire/diagnostic , Tumeur de Krukenberg/diagnostic , Cellules stromales/anatomopathologie , Diagnostic différentiel
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157453


25-year old female presented with swelling on dorsal aspect of proximal third of forearm with difficulty in supination and pronation. Swelling was excised and sent for histopathological examination. Biopsy report showed as - benign spindle cell tumour favouring fibromatosis. Extra adbominal fibromatosis from interosseous membrane of forearm is a rare presentation. Conclusion : Athough it is rare entity differential diagnosis should be kept in mind if there is swelling in proximal third of forearm presented with restriction of supination and pronation. Because these tumours are locally aggressive, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to minimize morbidity.

Adulte , Femelle , Fibrome/diagnostic , Fibrome/anatomopathologie , Fibrome/thérapie , Avant-bras , Humains , Membranes/anatomopathologie , Morbidité , Radius/anatomopathologie , Sarcomes/diagnostic , Sarcomes/anatomopathologie , Sarcomes/chirurgie
RPG rev. pos-grad ; 19(3): 134-138, jul.-set. 2012. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-688844


O Fibroma Ameloblático (FA) é um tumor odontológico benigno misto relativamente raro, cujos componentes epiteliais e ectomesenquimais são neoplásicos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo relatar um caso de FA, tratado de forma cirúrgica. Neste estudo um paciente do gênero feminino, 20 anos, foi encaminhado para avaliação de imagem radiolúcida e multilocular em região de mandíbula esquerda, com primeiro e segundo molares envolvidos na lesão. Após o diagnóstico de FA, o tratamento realizado foi a enucleação do tumor associado a uma ostectomia periférica da loja cirúrgica com broca multilaminada de grosso calibre. Após três anos de acompanhamento clínico e radiográfico não houve sinais de recidiva, obtendo-se, assim, um prognóstico favorável

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Fibrome , Fibrome/diagnostic , Fibrome/thérapie , Chirurgie stomatologique (spécialité) , Thérapeutique
Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2012 Apr-Jun 55(2): 242-244
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-142233


Lipofibromatosis is a rare tumor of infancy, which has been reported about 10 years ago, and since then very few reports have been published. This tumor has been reported in association with congenital anomalies such as macrosyndactyly, but there is no report of multiple congenital anomalies with lipofibromatosis in the English literature as far as our knowledge goes. Herein, we report a case of this tumor associated with syndactyly, bilateral complete cleft lip and palate, trigonocephaly, and atrial septal defect.

Malformations/diagnostic , Malformations/anatomopathologie , Face/anatomopathologie , Fibrome/complications , Fibrome/diagnostic , Fibrome/anatomopathologie , Pied/anatomopathologie , Tête/imagerie diagnostique , Histocytochimie , Humains , Nourrisson , Lipomatose/complications , Lipomatose/diagnostic , Lipomatose/anatomopathologie , Mâle , Microscopie , Tomodensitométrie