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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 80(5): 487-494, ago. 2020. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287201


Resumen La enfermedad de Gaucher (EG) es causada por una deficiencia genética de la glucocerebrosidasa (GCasa) que provoca acumulación de glucocerebrósido en hígado, bazo y médula ósea. La terapia temprana de reemplazo enzimático revierte citopenias, visceromegalias y previene lesiones óseas irreversibles, por lo cual el diagnóstico precoz es fundamental. Los algoritmos diagnósticos en uso apuntan a manifestaciones hematológicas clásicas. Los síntomas óseos están presentes en 25-32% de los pacientes pero no suelen despertar sospecha de EG. Diseñamos un programa educativo sobre la afectación ósea de la EG y un algoritmo focalizado en la presentación con manifestaciones óseas para facilitar su diagnóstico precoz (proyecto BIG: Bone Involvement in Gaucher Disease). El objetivo del trabajo es describir el proyecto BIG y los resultados de su aplicación en nuestra consulta. Entre marzo de 2017 y diciembre de 2018 se recibieron 38 muestras de sangre seca de pacientes con alguna manifestación ósea sospechosa de EG para cuantificar la actividad de GCasa. Una muestra no cumplía los criterios de inclusión y en 3 de las 37 restantes se observó actividad deficiente de GCasa. El diagnóstico de EG se confirmó por medición de GCasa en leucocitos en dos niñas con manifestaciones óseas de 4 y 2 años de evolución, respectivamente, sin citopenia ni visceromegalia clínicamente evidentes. En el otro paciente con baja actividad la medición en leucocitos fue normal. Los casos detectados muestran la efectividad de un programa educacional de difusión y la utilidad de un algoritmo de detección precoz basado en síntomas óseos que facilitaría el diagnóstico de EG.

Abstract Gaucher disease (GD) is caused by a genetic deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase (GCase) leading to the accumulation of glucocerebroside in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. The early diagnosis allows a prompt enzyme replacement therapy reversing cytopenias and visceromegaly and preventing irreversible bone lesions. Current diagnostic algorithms are based on well-recognized hematological manifestations. Although bone symptoms are present in 25-32% of the patients, they are not usually suspected as associated with Gaucher disease at clinical presentation. We designed an educational program aimed to give advice on the skeletal involvement in GD and a new diagnostic algorithm that considers bone symptoms to facilitate its early diagnosis (BIG project: Bone Involvement in Gaucher Disease). The study aims at describing the BIG project and the results of its application in our clinic in various cities in Argentina. Within the frame of this project, between March 2017 and December 2018, 38 dry blood spot samples from patients with bone manifestations suspected of having GD were submitted to quantification of GCase activity. One sample did not meet the inclusion criteria. Deficient GCase activity was detected in three of the remaining 37 samples. The diagnosis of GD was confirmed in two girls who presented bone manifestations of 4 and 2 years of evolution, respectively, without hematological alterations. The third patient with low enzyme activity had normal leukocyte GCase. The two newly diagnosed cases of GD show the efficacy of our dual strategy aimed to facilitate the early diagnosis of this rare disease.

Humains , Femelle , Maladie de Gaucher/diagnostic , Glucosylceramidase , Argentine , Diagnostic précoce , Thérapie enzymatique substitutive
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 77(2): 73-79, Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-983882


ABSTRACT Mutations of the GBA gene have been reported in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) from a number of different countries, including Brazil. In order to confirm this pattern in a sample of PD patients from northern Brazil, we conducted a case-control study of the occurrence of the two most common mutations of the GBA gene (c.1226A>G; p.N370S and c.1448T>C; p.L444P) in a group of 81 PD patients and 81 control individuals, using PCR-RFLP, confirmed by the direct sequencing of the PCR products. In the patient group, three patients (3.7%) were heterozygous for the GBA c.1226A>G; p.N370S mutation, and three (3.7%) for GBA c.1448T>C; p.L444P Neither mutation was detected in the control group (p =0.0284). Patients with the c.1448T>C; p.L444P mutation showed a tendency to have an earlier disease onset, but a larger sample number is required to confirm this observation. Our results suggest an association between the GBA c.1226A>G; p.N370S and c.1448T>C; p.L444P mutations and the development of PD in the population of patients from the Northern Brazil.

RESUMO Mutações no gene GBA têm sido reportadas em pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP) em diferentes países, incluindo o Brasil. Com o objetivo de confirmar esse padrão em uma amostra de pacientes com DP provenientes do Norte brasileiro, foi conduzindo esse estudo caso-controle investigando a frequência das duas mutações mais comuns do gene GBA (c.1226A>G; p.N370S e c.1448T>C; p.L444P) em um grupo de 81 pacientes com DP e 81 controles, usando PCR-RFLP e confirmado pelo sequenciamento direto de produtos de PCR. No grupo experimental, três pacientes (3,7%) foram heterozigotos para a mutação c.1226A>G; p.N370S e três (3,7%), para a mutação c.1448T>C; p.L444P Nenhuma das duas mutações foi detectada no grupo controle (p =0,0284). Pacientes com a mutação c.1448T>C; p.L444P demonstraram uma tendência a apresentar os sintomas mais precocemente, porém um número amostrai maior é necessário para confirmar essa observação. Nossos resultados sugerem uma associação entre essas duas mutações no gene GBA e o desenvolvimento de DP na população de pacientes do norte Brasileiro.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Maladie de Parkinson/génétique , Glucosylceramidase/génétique , Mutation/génétique , Polymorphisme de restriction , Brésil , Études cas-témoins , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Études transversales , Facteurs de risque , Âge de début , Études d'associations génétiques
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 38(3): 280-284, jul.-set. 2018. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014095


La enfermedad de Gaucher, es un trastorno autosómico recesivo de depósito lisosomal que se caracteriza por deficiencia de la beta-glucocerebrosidasa que lleva a la acumulación de glucosilceramida principalmente en células del sistema fagocítico mononuclear causando afectaciones sistémicas. Se presenta paciente varón de 20 años que cursa con dolor crónico en hipocondrio izquierdo con episodios de sangrados desde hace 3 años y sensación de alza térmica, al examen físico se identificó ictericia y esplenomegalia masiva, sin afectación neurológica. Como apoyo al diagnóstico se mostró osteoporosis severa, pancitopenia y como hallazgo inesperado la presencia de trombosis de vena porta con transformación cavernomatosa complicada con biliopatía portal simulando un tumor de klatskin, los estudios de médula y enzimáticos eran compatibles con enfermedad de Gaucher, por lo cual recibió tratamiento con imiglucerasa realizando seguimiento. Es un caso poco frecuente, de gran interés, heterogeneidad en sus manifestaciones clínicas e inéditas por su complicación, constituyendo un desafío llegar a su diagnóstico de esta enfermedad huérfana.

Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder characterized by deficiency of beta-glucosidase that would lead to the accumulation of glucosylceramide mainly in cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system causing systemic effectations. We present a patient of twenty years who is suffering from chronic pain in the left hypochondrium with episodes of bleeding for 3 years and sensation of thermal rise, physical examination revealed jaundice and massive splenomegaly, without neurological involvement. Severe osteoporosis, pancytopenia, and the presence of portal vein thrombosis with cavernomatous transformation complicated by portal biliopathy simulating a klatskin tumor, marrow and enzymatic studies were compatible with Gaucher disease, were shown as unexpected findings. he received treatment with imiglucerase, following up. It is a rare case, of great interest, heterogeneity in its clinical manifestations and unpublished by its complication, constituting a challenge to reach its diagnosis of this orphan disease.

Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Veine porte/malformations , Veine porte/anatomopathologie , Maladies des canaux biliaires/étiologie , Maladie de Gaucher/complications , Hémangiome caverneux/complications , Hémorragie gastro-intestinale/étiologie , Hypertension portale/complications , Veine porte/imagerie diagnostique , Veines rénales/anatomopathologie , Veines rénales/imagerie diagnostique , Splénectomie , Veine liénale/anatomopathologie , Veine liénale/imagerie diagnostique , Conduits biliaires intrahépatiques/anatomopathologie , Conduits biliaires intrahépatiques/imagerie diagnostique , Tomodensitométrie , Dilatation pathologique/étiologie , Thérapie enzymatique substitutive , Vésicule biliaire/vascularisation , Maladie de Gaucher/diagnostic , Maladie de Gaucher/traitement médicamenteux , Glucosylceramidase/usage thérapeutique , Hypertension portale/imagerie diagnostique , Veines mésentériques/anatomopathologie , Veines mésentériques/imagerie diagnostique
Brasília; CONITEC; maio 2017.
non conventionnel de Portugais | LILACS, BRISA | ID: biblio-906919


INTRODUÇÃO: Em dezembro de 2016, a ANVISA publicou a ampliação da faixa etária de uso da alfataliglicerase para crianças a partir de 4 anos de idade com diagnóstico de Doença de Gaucher. Anteriormente, a alfataliglicerase tinha registro apenas para adultos. A DOENÇA: A doença de Gaucher (DG) é a mais comum das glicoesfingolipidoses e a primeira a ter tratamento específico com terapia de reposição enzimática (TRE). É uma doença autossômica recessiva, causada pela atividade deficiente da enzima betaglicocerebrosidase, que compromete o metabolismo lipídico, resultando em acúmulo de glicocerebrosídio nos macrófagos (1-9); a beta-glicocerebrosidase é codificada pelo gene GBA1, localizado no cromossomo 1p21. As principais manifestações clínicas da DG decorrem do acometimento hematológico (anemia, plaquetopenia), visceral (hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia) e esquelético (dor óssea, osteopenia), além do acometimento neurológico presente em algumas formas da doença. Segundo dados do Ministério da Saúde, há 670 pacientes com DG em tratamento no Brasil, sendo que aproximadamente 96% fazem uso de TRE e 4% de inibição de síntese de substrato (ISS). A identificação da doença em seu estágio inicial e o encaminhamento ágil e adequado para o atendimento especializado dá à Atenção Básica um caráter essencial para um melhor resultado terapêutico e prognóstico dos casos. O diagnóstico precoce da DG depende de um alto grau de suspeição, por parte de médicos generalistas, diante de casos de atraso de crescimento e desenvolvimento de hepatoesplenomegalia, por exemplo. ALFATALIGLICERASE: A alfataliglicerase foi aprovada para tratamento dos pacientes adultos com DG em 2012 pela Food and Drug Administration (FDA), e, em 2013, pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Em 2014 a FDA aprovou o uso para pacientes pediátricos, e em 2016 a ANVISA autorizou o uso da alfataliglicerase para pacientes a partir dos 4 anos de idade. A eficácia e a segurança da alfataliglicerase foram estudadas em um ensaio clínico multicêntrico, duplo-cego e randomizado, com duração de 9 meses, que incluiu 32 pacientes com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos (29 pacientes completaram todas as etapas do estudo) (24). Um grupo de pacientes recebeu 30 U/kg/infusão de alfataliglicerase a cada duas semanas (grupo A, com 16 pacientes) e o outro, 60 U/kg/infusão a cada duas semanas (grupo B, também com 16 pacientes). Os critérios de inclusão englobavam a presença de esplenomegalia e trombocitopenia e ausência de tratamento prévio com TRE ou ISS. O desfecho primário foi o volume do baço e os desfechos secundários, o nível de hemoglobina, a contagem de plaquetas e o volume do fígado. Observou-se em ambos os grupos, melhora do volume esplênico (média de redução de 26,9% no grupo A e de 38% no grupo B), do volume hepático e dos níveis de hemoglobina. Em relação à contagem plaquetas, houve um aumento estatisticamente significativo no grupo B. Os eventos adversos mais comuns foram hipersensibilidade, cefaleia e prurido, com frequência similar nos grupos de 30 e 60 U/kg/infusão. Oito por cento dos pacientes apresentaram reações de hipersensibilidade. Aproximadamente 6% desenvolveram anticorpos IgG à alfataliglicerase, mas não foi observada associação entre o desenvolvimento de anticorpos e as reações de hipersensibilidade. Dois estudos de extensão avaliaram a eficácia e a segurança de alfataliglicerase em longo prazo (36 meses e 5 anos de acompanhamento), nos pacientes do estudo pivotal. Os resultados demonstraram melhoria contínua dos parâmetros da doença durante o período avaliado, sem novas implicações quanto a segurança, contribuindo para geração de dados clínicos adicionais de eficácia e segurança deste medicamento. RECOMENDAÇÃO DA CONITEC: Os membros da CONITEC presentes na 53ª reunião ordinária do plenário do dia 09/03/2017, deliberaram por unanimidade recomendar a incorporação da alfataliglicerase para o uso pediátrico na Doença de Gaucher. Foi assinado o Registro de Deliberação nº 246/2017. DECISÃO: A PORTARIA Nº 25, DE 20 DE JULHO DE 2017 Torna pública a decisão de ampliar o uso da alfataliglicerase para uso pediátrico na Doença de Gaucher no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS.

Humains , Thérapie enzymatique substitutive , Glucosylceramidase/usage thérapeutique , Évaluation de la Santé/économie , Système de Santé Unifié , Brésil
Medical Sciences Journal of Islamic Azad University. 2017; 27 (2): 105-116
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-189651


Background: Gaucher's disease is an autosomal recessive disease which is the result of mutations in the P glucocerebrosidase gene. The aim of this study was to evaluate activity level of ACE enzyme Iranian patients with Gaucher's disease type I, and also polymorphism I/D in intron 16 of ACE gene, as a marker in diagnosis and monitoring of disease

Materials and methods: The experiments were performed on 29 patients [mean age of 10.04 years] and 60 healthy subjects [mean age of 7.31 years]. Procedures included DNA extraction from blood, detection of polymorphism I/D by PCR and evaluation of activity level of ACE enzyme

Results: The mean of ACE activity was 231.07 U/L which was increased 4 times than normal status [56.03 U/L]. Evaluation of polymorphism I/D of the 29 patients showed t6 [20.7%] II, 9 [31%] DD and 14[48.3%]ID[p<0.05]

Conclusion: According to the results, the measurement of the ACE activity levels can be used as cofactors in diagnosis and as well as an important factor in the monitoring of treatment. Polymorphism I/D with respect to the role of the ACE activity can be effective in increasing the specificity of the experiments

Humains , Enfant , Peptidyl-Dipeptidase A/sang , Introns , Glucosylceramidase , Polymorphisme génétique , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne
MedUNAB ; 20(2): 201-206, 2017.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-995497


Introducción: La enfermedad de Gaucher es un trastorno metabólico por deficiencia o ausencia de enzima ß-Glucosidasa Ácida. El diagnóstico se sospecha clínicamente, pero requiere confirmación mediante medición, en leucocitos (estándar de oro) o en sangre seca sobre papel de filtro, de la actividad de la enzima ß-Glucosidasa Ácida. Objetivo: Evaluar la validez de la medición de la actividad de la enzima ß-Glucosidasa Ácida en sangre seca en papel de filtro, comparada con el estándar de oro, para el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Gaucher en pacientes con sospecha clínica. Metodología: Se hizo una revisión sistemática de literatura. Se construyó y validó una pregunta PICO. Se usó una estrategia de búsqueda genérica con base en los términos clave (Gaucher Disease y Dried Blood Spot Analysis). Dos evaluadores independientes revisaron, evaluaron la calidad y extrajeron la información de los artículos. Resultados: Descartando los duplicados, se obtuvieron 47 artículos. Se evaluaron los textos completos de cuatro, y tres de ellos fueron excluidos al aplicar criterios de inclusión y exclusión. El artículo incluido tuvo una calidad excelente y mostró que la actividad enzimática de la glucocerebrosidasa en sangre seca tuvo sensibilidad de 82.3% y especificidad de 94.0% con un punto de corte de 0.0-2.75 y sensibilidad de 88.2% y especificidad de 88.5% con un punto de corte de 0.0-4.4. Conclusiones: La medición enzimática de la ß-Glucosidasa Ácida en sangre seca es una excelente prueba para diagnóstico inicial de enfermedad de Gaucher. Sin embargo, no es una prueba concluyente. [Vera-Cala LM, Serrano-Gómez SE, Córtes A, Estrada I, Gáfaro A. Validez de la prueba de actividad enzimática de la glucocerebrosidasa para el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Gaucher, revisión sistemática. MedUNAB 2017; 20(2): 201-206].

Introduction: The Gaucher disease is a metabolic disorder due to deficiency or absence of acid ß-glucosidase enzyme. The diagnosis is clinically suspected, but requires confirmation by measuring the activity of acid ß-glucosidase enzyme in leukocytes (gold standard) or in dried blood on filter paper. Objective: To assess the validity of the measurement of acid ß-glucosidase enzyme activity in dried blood on filter paper compared to the standard of gold, for the diagnosis of Gaucher disease in patients with clinical suspicion. Methodology: A systematic review of literature was carried out. A PICO question was constructed and validated. A generic search strategy was used based on the key terms (Gaucher Disease and Dried Blood Spot Analysis). Two independent evaluators reviewed and assessed the quality, and extracted information from the articles. Results: Discarding the duplicates, 47 articles were obtained. Four complete texts were evaluated, and three of them were excluded when applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. The article that was included had an excellent quality and showed that the enzymatic activity of glucocerebrosidase in dried blood had a sensitivity of 82.3%, a specificity of 94.0% with a cut-off of 0.0-2.75, a sensitivity of 88.2% and specificity of 88.5% with a cut-off point of 0.0-4.4. Conclusions: The enzymatic measurement of acid ß-glucosidase in dried blood is an excellent test for an initial diagnosis of Gaucher disease; however, it is not a conclusive proof. [Vera-Cala LM, Serrano-Gómez SE, Córtes A, Estrada I,Gáfaro A. Validity of the Enzymatic Activity Test of Glucocerebrosidase for the Diagnosis of Gaucher Disease, a Systematic Review. MedUNAB 2017; 20(2): 201-206].

Introdução: A doença de Gaucher é um transtorno metabólico devido a deficiência ou ausência de enzima de ß-Glucosidase. O diagnóstico é clinicamente suspeitado, mas requer confirmação medindo, em leucócitos (padrão-ouro) ou em sangue seco em papel de filtro, a atividade de enzima de ß-Glucosidase. Objetivo: Avaliar a validade da medida da atividade de enzima de ß-Glucosidase em sangue seco em papel de filtro, em comparação com o padrão-ouro, para o diagnóstico de doença de Gaucher em pacientes com suspeita clínica. Metodologia: Foi feita uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Uma questão PICO foi construída e validada. Uma estratégia de pesquisa genérica foi utilizada com base nos títulos-chave (Doença de Gaucher e Análise de Pontos de Sangue Seco). Avaliaram dois avaliadores independentes, avaliaram a qualidade e extraíram informações dos artigos. Resultados: Descartando as duplicatas, foram obtidos 47 artigos. Os textos completos de quatro foram avaliados e três deles foram excluídos ao aplicar critérios de inclusão e exclusão. O artigo incluído teve uma excelente qualidade e mostrou que a atividade enzimática da glucocerebrosidase em sangue seco teve sensibilidade de 82.3% e especificidade de 94.0% com um corte de 0.0-2.75 e sensibilidade de 88. 2% e especificidade de 88.5% com ponto de corte de 0.0-4.4. Conclusões: A medida enzimática da ß-glucosidase ácida em sangue seco é um excelente teste para o diagnóstico inicial de doença de Gaucher. No entanto, não é uma prova conclusiva. [Vera-Cala LM, Serrano-Gómez SE, Córtes A, Estrada I, Gáfaro A. Validade do teste de atividade enzimática da glucocerebrosidase para o diagnóstico da doença de Gaucher, revisão sistemática. MedUNAB 2017; 20(2): 201-206].

Maladie de Gaucher , Sensibilité et spécificité , Diagnostic , Dépistage sur goutte de sang séché , Glucosylceramidase , Leucocytes
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 1072-1077, 2016.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-290123


<p><b>BACKGROUND</b>Gaucher's disease (GD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a deficiency of acid β-glucosidase (glucocerebrosidase [GBA]) that results in the accumulation of glucocerebroside within macrophages. Many mutations have been reported to be associated with this disorder. This study aimed to discover more mutations and provide data for the genetic pattern of the gene, which will help the development of quick and accurate genetic diagnostic tools for this disease.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Genomic DNA was obtained from peripheral blood leukocytes of the patient and Sanger sequencing is used to sequence GBA gene. Sequence alignments of mammalian β-GBA (GCase) and three-dimensional protein structure prediction of the mutation were made. A construct of this mutant and its compound heterozygous counterpart were used to measure GCase in vitro.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>GCase is relatively conserved at p.T219A. This novel mutation differs from its wild-type in structure. Moreover, it also causes a reduction in GCase enzyme activity.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>This novel mutation (c.655A>G, p.T219A) is a pathogenic missense mutation, which contributes to GD.</p>

Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Humains , Mâle , Maladie de Gaucher , Génétique , Glucosylceramidase , Chimie , Génétique , Modèles moléculaires , Mutation faux-sens , Structure tertiaire des protéines , Analyse de séquence d'ADN
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-213689


PURPOSE: Gaucher disease (GD) is the most common lysosomal storage disease caused by beta-glucocerebrosidase (GBA) deficiency. Oral substrate reduction therapy with miglustat (Zavesca®) was approved for the treatment of adults with GD type 1, for whom enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is unsuitable or not a therapeutic option. In this study, we report the effect of miglustat (Zavesca®) in three Korean GD patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinical findings comprising age at diagnosis, presenting signs, laboratory findings at diagnosis, GBA activity and mutations, and clinical courses of the three patients were reviewed. RESULTS: Miglustat was administered to three patients who reported allergic reactions during intravenous imiglucerase infusions. One patient withdrew after 15 months of miglustat administration owing to continuous elevation of disease biomarker levels (chitotriosidase, acid phosphatase, and angiotensin-converting enzyme). Poor adherence to medication was suspected but was denied by the patient. In the other two patients, platelet count and levels of hemoglobin and other biomarkers remained stable during miglustat administration. However, they suffered from severe diarrhea and weight loss, which led to miglustat discontinuation after 1 and 12 months of administration. CONCLUSION: Our study shows that although miglustat is suggested to GD patients as an alternative treatment to ERT, significant adverse reactions may lead to discontinuation of miglustat. In addition, it is difficult to monitor the drug adherence.

Adulte , Humains , Acid phosphatase , Marqueurs biologiques , Diagnostic , Diarrhée , Thérapie enzymatique substitutive , Maladie de Gaucher , Glucosylceramidase , Hypersensibilité , Maladies lysosomiales , Numération des plaquettes , Perte de poids
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-57313


Lysosomal dysfunction is a common pathological feature of neurodegenerative diseases. GTP-binding protein type A1 (GBA1) encodes beta-glucocerebrosidase 1 (GCase 1), a lysosomal hydrolase. Homozygous mutations in GBA1 cause Gaucher disease, the most common lysosomal storage disease, while heterozygous mutations are strong risk factors for Parkinson's disease. However, whether loss of GCase 1 activity is sufficient for lysosomal dysfunction has not been clearly determined. Here, we generated human neuroblastoma cell lines with nonsense mutations in the GBA1 gene using zinc-finger nucleases. Depending on the site of mutation, GCase 1 activity was lost or maintained. The cell line with GCase 1 deficiency showed indications of lysosomal dysfunction, such as accumulation of lysosomal substrates, reduced dextran degradation and accumulation of enlarged vacuolar structures. In contrast, the cell line with C-terminal truncation of GCase 1 but with intact GCase 1 activity showed normal lysosomal function. When alpha-synuclein was overexpressed, accumulation and secretion of insoluble aggregates increased in cells with GCase 1 deficiency but did not change in mutant cells with normal GCase 1 activity. These results demonstrate that loss of GCase 1 activity is sufficient to cause lysosomal dysfunction and accumulation of alpha-synuclein aggregates.

Humains , Lignée cellulaire , Activation enzymatique/génétique , Techniques de knock-out de gènes , Ordre des gènes , Locus génétiques , Glucosylceramidase/génétique , Lysosomes/métabolisme , Mutation , Agrégation pathologique de protéines/génétique , Liaison aux protéines , Doigts de zinc , alpha-Synucléine/composition chimique
Journal of Reproduction and Infertility. 2015; 16 (1): 53-57
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-160003


Gaucher disease is a lysosomal storage disorder due to deficiency of glucocerebrosidase enzyme. In this study, a case of enzyme-treated woman during her pregnancy was reported. A 27-year old woman with type I Gaucher disease was managed for pregnancy until delivery. She underwent elective splenectomy at age 26 years and was treated with 19-38 units/kg of imiglucerase. A conservative approach with close monitoring of both mother and baby was planned. In the 39th week of pregnancy, a healthy male baby of 3180 g was delivered via cesarean section. Apart from mild hematological complications, the pregnancy, the delivery and the puerperium were uneventful. In this case report, the issue of therapy and risk assessment in pregnancy in patients with type I Gaucher disease was discussed

Humains , Femelle , Thérapie enzymatique substitutive , Grossesse , Splénectomie , Glucosylceramidase
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-51984


PURPOSE: Borage oil (BO) and safflower oil (SO) are efficacious in reversing epidermal hyperproliferation, which is caused by the disruption of epidermal barrier. In this study, we compared the antiproliferative effect of dietary BO and SO. Altered metabolism of ceramide (Cer), the major lipid of epidermal barrier, was further determined by measurement of epidermal levels of individual Cer, glucosylceramide (GlcCer), and sphingomyelin (SM) species, and protein expression of Cer metabolizing enzymes. METHODS: Epidermal hyperproliferation was induced in guinea pigs by a hydrogenated coconut diet (HCO) for 8 weeks. Subsequently, animals were fed diets of either BO (group HCO + BO) or SO (group HCO + SO) for 2 weeks. As controls, animals were fed BO (group BO) or HCO (group HCO) diets for 10 weeks. RESULTS: Epidermal hyperproliferation was reversed in groups HCO + BO (67.6% of group HCO) and HCO + SO (84.5% of group HCO). Epidermal levels of Cer1/2, GlcCer-A/B, and beta-glucocerebrosidase (GCase), an enzyme of GlcCer hydrolysis for Cer generation, were higher in group HCO + BO than in group HCO, and increased to levels similar to those of group BO. In addition, epidermal levels of SM1, serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT), and acidic sphingomyelinase (aSMase), enzymes of de novo Cer synthesis and SM hydrolysis for Cer generation, but not of Cer3-7, were higher in group HCO + BO than in group HCO. Despite an increase of SPT and aSMase in group HCO + SO to levels higher than in group HCO, epidermal levels of Cer1-7, GlcCer-A/B, and GCase were similar in these two groups. Notably, acidic ceramidase, an enzyme of Cer degradation, was highly expressed in group HCO + SO. Epidermal levels of GlcCer-C/D and SM-2/3 did not differ among groups. CONCLUSION: Dietary BO was more prominent for reversing epidermal hyperproliferation by enhancing Cer metabolism with increased levels of Cer1/2, GlcCer-A/B, and SM1 species, and of GCase proteins.

Animaux , Borago , Carthamus tinctorius , Ceramidases , Cocos , Régime alimentaire , Épiderme , Glucosylceramidase , Cochons d'Inde , Guinée , Hydrogène , Hydrolyse , Métabolisme , Huile de carthame , Serine C-palmitoyltransferase , Sphingomyeline phosphodiesterase
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-224776


Gaucher disease is a lysosomal storage disease for which enzyme replacement therapy has proven to be effective. A switch-over clinical trial was performed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Abcertin(R) (ISU Abxis, Seoul, Korea) in subjects with type 1 Gaucher disease who were previously treated with imiglucerase. Five Korean patients with type 1 Gaucher disease were enrolled. Previous doses of imiglucerase ranged from 30 to 55 U/kg every other week. The same dose of Abcertin(R) was administered to all patients for 24 weeks. Primary efficacy endpoints were changes in hemoglobin levels and platelet counts, and the secondary efficacy endpoints included changes in liver and spleen volumes, serum biomarkers, skeletal status and bone mineral density (BMD). During the study period, no statistically significant changes were observed in all parameters including hemoglobin levels and platelet counts, liver and spleen volumes, skeletal status and BMD. Abcertin(R) administration was continued in three patients for another 24 weeks as an extension of the study. Hemoglobin levels and platelet counts were maintained in all three patients. In conclusion, the efficacy and safety of Abcertin(R) are similar to those of imiglucerase, and Abcertin(R) is an effective therapeutic agent for patients with type 1 Gaucher disease (Clinical Trial Registry No. NCT02053896 at

Adolescent , Adulte , Enfant , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Produits pharmaceutiques biosimilaires/effets indésirables , Thérapie enzymatique substitutive/effets indésirables , Maladie de Gaucher/sang , Glucosylceramidase/effets indésirables , Protéines recombinantes/effets indésirables
Bogotá; IETS; oct. 2014.
non conventionnel de Espagnol | LILACS, BRISA | ID: biblio-875828


INTRODUCCIÓN: La enfermedad de Gaucher es ocasionada por deficiencia o ausencia de enzima Glucocerebrosidasa. Esta deficiencia favorece la acumulación del sustrato glucocerebrósido en los lisosomas de macrófagos (células de Gaucher) y monocitos, causando daño celular y disfunción orgánica. Existen tres tipos, según la ausencia (I) o presencia (II y III) de afección neurológica. En Colombia actualmente hay 139 enfermos con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Gaucher (Asociación Colombiana de Pacientes con Enfermedad Lisosomal - ACOPEL, Informe verbal 2014). La sospecha clínica se confirma midiendo actividad enzimática de Glucocerebrosidasa en leucocitos o sangre seca. En individuos con EG, la actividad enzimática está entre 0%-15% de su actividad normal. El tratamiento con terapia de reemplazo enzimático suele ser eficaz. No hay tratamiento para daño cerebral. Esta evaluación hace parte del esfuerzo del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de actualizar las tecnologías disponibles para el diagnóstico de enfermedades huérfanas como parte del proceso de actualización del plan obligatorio de salud. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la validez diagnóstica de la prueba de actividad enzimática de la glucocerebrosidasa en sangre seca y en leucocitos, en pacientes sospechosos de la enfermedad de Gaucher. METODOLOGÍA: Búsqueda sistemática y exhaustiva de literatura (MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, CDSR y DARE), según estándares de la Colaboración Cochrane. Usando criterios QUADAS-2, dos revisores independientes evaluaron la calidad de la literatura. La información básica de los artículos seleccionados e incluidos se extrajo usando un formato estándar diseñado en Excel®. RESULTADOS: Se realizaron 5 búsquedas encontrándose 75 referencias, una vez se removieron los duplicados quedaron 47 referencias. Se excluyeron 46 artículos obtenidos de la búsqueda. Los resultados están basados en el estudio de validez diagnostica de Stroppiano y cols., que tuvo una calidad de 16/18. Este estudio reportó una sensibilidad del 88,2% (IC 95% 72.9­100%), especificidad del 88,5% (IC 95% 85.5­91.5%), valor predictivo positivo 23.4% y valor predictivo negativo de 99.5% para un punto de corte ajustado de 4.4, para la actividad enzimática de glucocerebrosidasa en sangre seca comparada con la prueba en leucocitos. CONCLUSIONES: La evidencia sobre la medición enzimática de glucocerebrosidasa en sangre seca es escasa, sin embargo el único artículo encontrado es de alta calidad, de acuerdo con la escala QUADAS-2. Esta evidencia nos permitió establecer que la prueba tiene muy buen desempeño como método diagnóstico inicial, pero no es concluyente debido a la alta proporción de falsos positivos. Esta prueba es de utilidad por su facilidad en la toma y transporte, pero sus resultados deben confirmarse con la medición de la actividad enzimática de la glucocerebrosidasa en leucocitos.(AU)

Humains , Maladie de Gaucher/diagnostic , Glucosylceramidase/analyse , Analyse coût-bénéfice , Colombie
Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 74(3): 210-216, sep. 2014. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-740395


Presentamos paciente de 33 años, II gesta, I aborto, con enfermedad de Gaucher tipo I, diagnosticado hace 28 años. Recibió terapia de reemplazo enzimático. A las 38 semanas de gestación se realizó cesárea obteniendo recién nacido femenino. En el Instituto de Investigaciones Genéticas de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo. Se analizaron 6 muestras de ácido desoxirribonucleico, correspondientes a afectada, hija y madre de afectada y 3 controles. En esta paciente no hubo complicaciones durante el embarazo, la recién nacida no presentó defectos congénitos, puerperio complicado con anemia y trombocitopenia. La asignación de genotipos permitió adecuado asesoramiento genético.

We present a 33 year-old female. Gravida II, abortion I, with type I Gaucher disease diagnosed 28 years before, receiving treatment with enzyme replacement therapy during pregnancy. At 38 weeks gestation a female infant was delivered by cesarean section. In Genetic Research Institute of the Faculty of Medicine. University of Zulia. Maracaibo. 6 samples of desoxyribonucleic acid corresponding to affected, daughter and mother of affected, and 3 controls were analyzed. In this pacient there was no complications during pregnancy, there were no malformations at birth, post partum with anemia and thrombocytopenia. The assignment of genotypes allowing adequate genetic counseling.

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , ADN , Malformations , Complications de la grossesse/diagnostic , Maladie de Gaucher/diagnostic , Maladie de Gaucher , Glucosylceramidase/déficit , Anatomopathologie moléculaire , Thrombopénie , Techniques de génotypage/instrumentation , Complications de la grossesse , Facteurs de risque , Génotype , Thérapie enzymatique substitutive
Brasília; CONITEC; 2014. tab.
non conventionnel de Portugais | LILACS, BRISA | ID: biblio-875286


CONTEXTO: A Doença de Gaucher (DG) é uma doença autossômica recessiva, do grupo das doenças lisossômicas de depósito. É causada pela deficiência da enzima glicocerebrosidase, que auxilia no metabolismo de lipídios, e resulta no acúmulo de glicocerebrosídeos nos macrófagos, afetando órgãos e tecidos do corpo. O tipo 1 (forma não neuronopática) corresponde a 95% dos casos de DG e apresenta uma incidência de 1:10.000 a 1:20.000. O tipo 3 é a forma neuronopática crônica e afeta crianças e adolescentes; a incidência descrita é menor que 1:100.000. TRATAMENTO: As duas estratégias de tratamento específico, recomendadas pelo Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas (PCDT) da DG, publicado em 2011, incluem Terapia de Reposição Enzimática (TRE) ­ imiglucerase, alfavelaglicerase e alfataliglicerase, e Inibição da Síntese de Substrato (ISS) ­ miglustate. No PCDT, esses medicamentos estão indicados para os tipos 1 e 3 da doença. A TECNOLOGIA: A alfataliglicerase é uma forma recombinante ativa da enzima lisossomal humana, ß-glucocerebrosidase, expressada em um sistema de células geneticamente modificadas da raiz da planta de cenoura. EVIDÊNCIAS CIENTÍFICAS: A evidência atualmente disponível sobre eficácia e segurança da alfataliglicerase para tratamento da DG é baseada em um ensaio clínico randomizado, realizado em pacientes virgens de tratamento (idade > 18 anos), nos quais duas doses de alfataliglicerase foram comparadas, durante 9 meses: 30U/Kg de peso corpóreo/infusão (n=15) e 60U/Kg de peso corpóreo/infusão (n=16). Ao final do estudo, houve reduções estatisticamente significativas nos volumes esplênico e hepático nos dois grupos de tratamento, quando comparados aos valores do início do estudo. Não houve nenhum evento adverso grave nos pacientes dos dois grupos de tratamento. DELIBERAÇÃO FINAL: Os membros da CONITEC presentes na 27ª reunião do plenário do dia 06/08/2014 deliberaram, por unanimidade, recomendar a alfataliglicerase como Terapia de Reposição Enzimática para tratamento de pacientes adultos com Doença de Gaucher. Para a atualização do Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas da Doença de Gaucher, a CONITEC ainda manteve as seguintes considerações: 1) para casos novos de Doença de Gaucher, a TRE de primeira escolha para o tratamento de pacientes adultos será a alfataliglicerase, e a imiglucerase deve ser recomendada para tratamento dos pacientes pediátricos; 2) para pacientes com Doença de Gaucher que já estão em uso da Terapia de Reposição Enzimática no SUS, a escolha entre manter ou trocar o medicamento ficará a cargo do médico de acordo com a evolução do paciente. DECISÃO: PORTARIA Nº 37, de 26 de setembro de 2014 - Torna pública a decisão de incorporar a alfataliglicerase para o tratamento da doença de Gaucher no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS.

Humains , Maladie de Gaucher/traitement médicamenteux , Glucosylceramidase/administration et posologie , Système de Santé Unifié , Brésil , Analyse coût-bénéfice/économie
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 72(4): 273-282, ago. 2012. graf, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-657516


La enfermedad de Gaucher, por su escasa frecuencia, está incluida dentro de las llamadas enfermedades huérfanas. En 1991 se creó el Registro Internacional de Gaucher y en 1992 se incorporaron los primeros pacientes de Latinoamérica. En el año 2008 se creó el Grupo Latinoamericano para la Enfermedad de Gaucher (GLAEG) cuyos principales objetivos son fomentar la realización de consensos regionales, difundir el ingreso de pacientes al registro internacional y aumentar el conocimiento sobre la enfermedad para lograr mejorar la atención y la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Hasta abril del 2010 ingresaron 5828 pacientes de todo el mundo, 911 (15.6%) son de Latinoamérica. Este es el primer informe global de la enfermedad en la Región: hay un predominio del sexo femenino, la forma clínica más frecuente es el tipo I (95%); al diagnóstico la mayoría son <20 años (68%). Las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes al diagnóstico son esplenomegalia (96%) y anemia (49%), el 80% presentó hallazgos radiológicos de compromiso óseo. En nuestra Región, la gran mayoría de los pacientes (89%) ha recibido alguna vez terapia de reemplazo enzimática con imiglucerasa logrando, con un seguimiento prolongado (hasta10 años), las metas terapéuticas que muestran la gran eficacia de la terapia. Si bien el porcentaje de pacientes con terapia es alto, las suspensiones de tratamiento son frecuentes. Las principales deficiencias en nuestra Región son: la carencia de evaluaciones viscerales volumétricas, de densitometría y de estudios moleculares en algunos pacientes. El principal problema es el subdiagnóstico.

Gaucher disease -due to its low frequency- is considered an orphan disease. In 1991 the International Gaucher Registry was created and in 1992 the first patients from Latin America were enrolled. In 2008 the Latin American Group for Gaucher Disease was initiated. Its main objectives are to promote regional consensus, to stimulate the enrolment of patients into the International Gaucher Registry and the enhancement of knowledge on this disease, and to achieve better care and quality of life of patients in our Region. Until April 2010, 5828 patients have been enrolled all around the world, 911 (15.6%) from Latin America. This is the first comprehensive report of the disease in the Region. In our population there is a predominance of females, the most common clinical form is the type I (95%) and the age at diagnosis is before 20 years in 68% of patients. The most frequent clinical manifestations at diagnosis are splenomegaly (96%) and anemia (49%). Eighty percent of patients had radiographic findings of bone involvement. In our Region, the vast majority of patients (89%) had received enzyme replacement therapy with imiglucerase; with a long follow-up (up to 10 years) they have achieved the therapeutic goals, showing the great effectiveness of therapy. While the percentage of patients with therapy is high, discontinuations are common. The main deficiencies in our Region are: the lack of visceral volumetric evaluations and densitometries as well as molecular analysis for some patients. The main problem is the under-diagnosis of patients.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Maladie de Gaucher/diagnostic , Maladies rares , Anémie/étiologie , Thérapie enzymatique substitutive , Maladie de Gaucher/épidémiologie , Maladie de Gaucher/thérapie , Glucosylceramidase/usage thérapeutique , Amérique latine/épidémiologie , Maladies rares/diagnostic , Maladies rares/épidémiologie , Maladies rares/thérapie , Répartition par sexe , Splénomégalie/étiologie , Santé mondiale/statistiques et données numériques
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-143245


PURPOSE: Gaucher disease is caused by a beta-glucocerebrosidase (GBA) deficiency. The aim of this study is to investigate the clinical and genetic characteristics according to subtypes of Gaucher disease in the Korean population. METHODS: Clinical findings at diagnosis, GBA mutations, and clinical courses were reviewed in 20 patients diagnosed with Gaucher disease. RESULTS: Eleven patients were diagnosed with non-neuronopathic type, 2 with acute neuronopathic type, and 7 with chronic neuronopathic type. Most patients presented with hepatosplenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, and short stature. In the neuronopathic group, variable neurological features, such as seizure, tremor, gaze palsy, and hypotonia, were noted at age 8.7+/-4.3 years. B cell lymphoma, protein-losing enteropathy, and hydrops fetalis were the atypical manifestations. Biomarkers, including chitotriosidase, acid phosphatase, and angiotensin-converting enzyme, increased at the initial evaluation and subsequently decreased with enzyme replacement treatment (ERT). The clinical findings, including hepatosplenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, and skeletal findings, improved following ERT, except for the neurological manifestations. L444P was the most common mutation in our cohort. One novel mutation, R277C, was found. CONCLUSION: Although the clinical outcome for Gaucher disease improved remarkably following ERT, the outcome differed according to subtype. Considering the high proportion of the neuronopathic form in the Korean population, new therapeutic strategies targeting the central nervous system are needed, with the development of a new scoring system and biomarkers representing clinical courses in a more comprehensive manner.

Humains , Acid phosphatase , Marqueurs biologiques , Système nerveux central , Études de cohortes , Maladie de Gaucher , Glucosylceramidase , Hexosaminidases , Anasarque foetoplacentaire , Lymphome B , Hypotonie musculaire , Manifestations neurologiques , Paralysie , Entéropathie exsudative , Crises épileptiques , Thrombopénie , Tremblement