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Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 11(3): 561-568, ago.2021. ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292209


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVO: A literatura tem mostrado efeito promissor no fortalecimento dos rotadores internos do ombro em atletas rápidos. No entanto, nenhum estudo anterior demonstrou o efeito da técnica de energia muscular para rotadores externos de ombro em arremessadores rápidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a eficácia do fortalecimento dos músculos dos rotadores internos do ombro e da técnica de energia muscular para os rotadores externos aumentando a velocidade do boliche entre jogadores de críquete. MÉTODOS / DESENHO: Os participantes serão selecionados com base nos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Dados demográficos devem ser coletados. Os participantes escolhidos devem estar na faixa etária entre 18-30 anos, sendo distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Grupo exercício e grupo MET. Os resultados considerados no estudo são Goniômetro universal e velocidade de boliche km \ h. Este é um ensaio clínico randomizado de dois grupos, pré-teste e pós-teste. Os participantes receberão 5 sessões por semana em 2 meses. A amplitude de movimento e a velocidade da bola são as medidas de resultado primárias para o efeito pré e pós-intervenção dos tratamentos. PERSPECTIVAS: Os resultados deste estudo podem fornecer a base para estudar o fortalecimento dos músculos do rotador interno do ombro e MET dos rotadores externos do ombro para serem usados na reabilitação e instalações clínicas que fornecerão ajuda adicional aos jogadores de arremesso para aumentar a velocidade do boliche. O procedimento do estudo é não invasivo, seguro e viável. A eficácia do fortalecimento dos rotadores internos do ombro e da técnica de energia muscular para os rotadores externos do ombro em lançadores rápidos em cada grupo será estabelecida com este estudo. REGISTRO DE ENSAIO: Registro de Ensaios Clínicos - Índia. (CTRI / 2020/06/026046). Número de teste universal - U1111-1257-4649.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The literature has shown the promising effect on shoulder internal rotators strengthening on fast bowlers. However, no previous study has demonstrated the effect of muscle energy technique for shoulder external rotators on fast bowlers. This study aims to analyze the efficacy of shoulder internal rotators muscles strengthening and muscle energy technique for external rotators enhancing the bowling in speed among fast bowlers in cricket. METHODS/DESIGN: Participants will be screened based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Demographic data shall be collected. Participants taken shall be in the age group between 18-30 years, be randomly assigned into two groups: exercise group and MET group. Outcomes considered in the study are Universal Goniometer and Bowling speed km\h. This is a two-group, pre-test, post-test randomized clinical trial. Participants will receive 5 sessions per week within 2 months. The range of motion and speed of the ball is the primary outcome measures to the pre and post-intervention effect of the treatments. PERSPECTIVES: Results from this study can provide the basis for studying the strengthening of the shoulder internal rotator muscles and MET of shoulder external rotators in rehabilitation and clinical setups, which will provide additional help to the bowlers increase bowling speed. The procedure of the study is noninvasive, safe, and feasible. The efficacy of shoulder internal rotator strengthening and muscle energy technique for shoulder external rotators on fast bowlers in each group will be established with this study. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical Trials Registry- India. (CTRI/2020/06/026046). Universal Trial Number- U1111-1257-4649.

Épaule , Gryllidae
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(2): 539-542, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1248931


Atualmente, tem-se discutido a utilização de insetos na alimentação animal devido ao seu potencial para substituir as fontes tradicionais de proteína utilizadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a composição nutricional de larvas de Tenebrio molitor e de grilos do gênero Gryllus assimilis. Os teores de energia bruta (kcal/kg), proteína bruta (g/kg), extrato etéreo (g/kg), cinza (g/kg), FDN (g/kg) e FDA (g/kg) encontrados nas larvas de Tenebrio molitor foram de 7.188,6, 490,2, 335,4, 36,8, 71,8, e 64,0 respectivamente; nos grilos (Gryllus assimilis), os valores foram de 5.942,6, 541,3, 75,2, 49,1, 277,8, e 193,0 respectivamente. Os macros e microminerais quantificados foram fósforo, potássio, sódio, cálcio, magnésio, ferro, manganês, zinco e cobre. Nas larvas de Tenebrio molitor, os valores encontrados foram de 8,56 g/kg, 8,39 g/kg, 1,39 g/kg, 0,44 g/kg, 2,3 g/kg, 48,4 mg/kg, 15 mg/kg, 189 mg/kg e 18 mg/kg respectivamente. Para os grilos (Gryllus assimilis), os teores encontrados foram respectivamente de 8,30 g/kg, 11,6 g/kg, 1,10 g/kg, 3,88 g/kg, 0,82 g/kg, 96,8 mg/kg, 23,7 mg/kg, 18,3 mg/kg e 21,7 mg/kg. Larvas de Tenebrio molitor e grilos do gênero Gryllus assimilis podem ser alternativas para reduzir o uso de fontes de proteína vegetal na alimentação animal.(AU)

Animaux , Tenebrio , Gryllidae , Protéines alimentaires/analyse , Insectes comestibles , Aliment pour animaux/analyse , Larve , Valeur nutritive
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786645


In this study we take a closer look at the diseases that afflicted Japanese police officers who were stationed in a remote mountainous region of Taiwan from 1921 to 1944. Samples were taken from the latrine at the Huabanuo police outpost, and analyzed for the eggs of intestinal parasites, using microscopy and ELISA. The eggs of Eurytrema sp., (possibly E. pancreaticum), whipworm and roundworm were shown to be present. True infection with Eurytrema would indicate that the policemen ate uncooked grasshoppers and crickets infected with the parasite. However, false parasitism might also occur if the policemen ate the uncooked intestines of infected cattle, and the Eurytrema eggs passed through the human intestines. These findings provide an insight into the diet and health of the Japanese colonists in Taiwan nearly a century ago.

Animaux , Bovins , Humains , Asiatiques , Régime alimentaire , Oeufs , Test ELISA , Sauterelles , Gryllidae , Intestins , Microscopie , Ovule , Parasites , Police , Taïwan , Toilettes
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 6(1): 43-52, 2019. 27 cmilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1025512


La prevalencia de desnutrición en niños en Guatemala es constante y se ha mantenido alta por años. Tomando en cuenta esta problemática se planteó un modelo de alimentación complementaria a base de yogur enriquecido con harinas de alto valor proteico en niños de edad preescolar en el suroccidente de Guatemala. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron yogur con harina de Acheta domesticus (grillo), yogur con harina de Brosimum alicastrum Swartz (ramón) y un grupo control. Se evaluó el peso, talla y velocidad de crecimiento durante cuatro meses brindando 125 mL de yogur cinco días por semana. La ganancia media (desviación estándar) de peso en kg fue de 3.21 (1.84), 2.22 (1.14) y 1.67 (0.64) para A. domesticus, B. alicastrum y grupo control, respectivamente. Mostrando la mezcla de yogur con harina de A. domesticus diferencia significativa frente al control (p < .05), por el contrario, no se encontró diferencia significativa (p > .05) cuando se comparó con yogur con harina de B. alicastrum. Para el incremento en talla en cm los resultados fueron 4.61 (1.13), 4.25 (1.54) y 3.07 (1.84) para A. domesticus, B. alicastrum y grupo control, respectivamente, mostrando ambas diferencias significativas frente al control (p < .05). Se determinaron los costos por dosis los cuales fueron US$0.56 (A. domesticus) y US$0.36 (B. alicastrum). Se concluye que el yogur con harina de A. domesticus fue el que presentó mejor respuesta en las variables de estudio.

The prevalence data on malnutrition of children in Guatemala are constant. Taking into account this problem, a yogurt-based supplementary feeding model was proposed, enriched with high-protein flours in pre-school children in southwestern Guatemala. The treatments evaluated were yogurt with Acheta domesticus flour (cricket), yogurt with Brosimum alicastrum Swartz flour (ramon) and control group. The weight, height and growth rate were evaluated during four months providing 125 mL of yogurt five days per week. The weight gain in kg was 3.21 (1.84), 2.22 (1.14) and 1.67 (0.64) for A. domesticus, B. alicastrum and control group respectively, showing significant difference (p < .05). The costs per dose were determined, which were US $ 0.56 (A. domesticus) and US $ 0.36 (B. alicastrum). The study concludes that yogurt with A. domesticus flour was the one that presented the best response in the study variables.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Yaourt/analyse , Aliment enrichi/analyse , Gryllidae , Aliment enrichi/économie , Malnutrition/prévention et contrôle , Farine
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(4): 1033-1040, july/aug. 2018. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-967264


There is few information about troponin gene expression by starvation in insect skeletal muscle and digestive tracts. The objective of this study was to perform molecular cloning of troponin I from the two-spotted cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus (GrybiTnI) and determine its expression patterns in three different skeletal muscles and digestive tracts during starvation. GrybiTnI was translated into a protein encoding 198 amino acids with a theoretical isoelectric point of 9.78 and a molecular weight of 23671.46 Da. The GrybiTnI has both the TnC-binding site and actin/TnC-binding site shown in the typical TnI amino acid sequences. Homology analysis revealed that GrybiTnI exhibited high similarity at the amino acid level to those of other insects already reported; 89~77% identity with those of other insects. Expression of GrybiTnI by starvation did not change in dorsal wing flight muscle and dorsal ventral flight muscle, but showed up-expression in dorsal longitudinal flight muscle. In the digestive tracts, the up-expression of GrybiTnI by starvation was observed only in the hindgut but not in the rest parts including Malpighian tubules. Re-feeding following starvation restored those expressions about the level before starvation in the dorsal longitudinal flight muscle and hindgut. In conclusion, troponin modulates gene expression not only to muscle elements but also to physiological changes such as strains.

Existe pouca informação sobre a expressão gênica da troponina por inanição no músculo esquelético de insetos e no trato digestório. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar clonagem molecular da troponina I do grilo africano, Gryllus bimaculatus (GrybiTnI) e determinar seus padrões de expressão em três diferentes músculos esqueléticos e tratos digestivos durante a inanição. GrybiTnI foi traduzido em uma proteína codificando 198 aminoácidos com um ponto isoelétrico teórico de 9,78 e um peso molecular de 23671,46 Da. O GrybiTnI tem o local de ligação a TnC e o local de ligação a actina/TnC mostrado nas sequências de aminoácidos TnI típicas. A análise de homologia revelou que GrybiTnI exibiu alta similaridade no nível de aminoácidos em relação àqueles de outros insetos já relatados; 89~77% de identidade com os de outros insetos. A expressão de GrybiTnI pela inanição não se alterou no músculo de vôo da asa dorsal e no músculo de vôo ventral dorsal, mas mostrou expressão positiva no músculo de vôo longitudinal dorsal. Nos tratos digestivos, a expressão positiva de GrybiTnI por inanição foi observada apenas no intestino grosso, mas não nas partes de repouso, incluindo os túbulos de Malpighi. A realimentação após a inanição restaurou as expressões aproximadamente ao nível antes da inanição no músculo de vôo longitudinal dorsal e no intestino grosso. Em conclusão, a troponina modula a expressão gênica não apenas em elementos musculares, mas também em alterações fisiológicas, como as cepas.

Inanition , Troponine , Gryllidae , Clonage moléculaire , Expression des gènes , Muscles squelettiques , Tube digestif
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 85: e0442017, 2018. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-996741


Entomopathogenic nematodes are effective in controlling soil insects and they are used in agricultural systems. The virulence of entomopathogenic nematodes on crickets (Gryllus L.) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) was evaluated under different conditions in order to select populations for application in the field. Virulence tests with Heterorhabditis amazonensis RSC05, H. amazonensis MC01, Steinernema carpocapsae All (Weiser) and H. amazonensis GL were performed. Evaluations were then made of the concentrations of infective juveniles (100, 200, 400 and 600 infective juveniles per insect); feeding preference with or without choice; and field tests using traps to evaluate insect sampling. All isolates were found to cause mortality in Gryllus sp., and H. amazonensis MC01 and S. carpocapsae All were selected; an increase in concentration resulted in increased insect mortality. Regarding the feeding preference tests, after 16 h there was no feeding in any of the treatments. In treatments with a chance of choice, it was verified that the crickets fed, independently of the presence of the nematodes. In the field tests, 19 live crickets were found in the traps, and, after application of entomopathogenic nematodes in aqueous suspension, 2 live crickets were found. Results suggested that H. amazonensis MC01 was promising in the control of Gryllus sp. under the tested conditions.(AU)

Os nematoides entomopatogênicos (NEPs) são eficazes contra insetos de solo e têm sido usados em sistemas agrícolas. A ação de NEPs sobre grilos (Gryllus L.) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) foi avaliada em condições de laboratório e campo, a fim de selecionar populações para aplicação em área de cultivo. Foram realizados testes de virulência com Heterorhabditis amazonensis RSC05, H. amazonensis MC01, Steinernema carpocapsae All (Weiser) e H. amazonensis GL, assim como verificadas a adequação da concentração de juvenis infectantes (100, 200, 400 e 600 juvenis infectantes por inseto) e a preferência alimentar sem chance de escolha e com chance de escolha, além do teste de campo utilizando armadilhas para amostragem dos insetos. Verificou-se que todos os isolados causaram mortalidade em Gryllus sp. selecionando-se H. amazonensis MC01 e S. carpocapsae All e que o aumento na concentração de juvenis infectantes resultou em mortalidade crescente dos insetos. Com relação aos testes de preferência alimentar, observou-se que, após 16 horas, não houve alimentação em nenhum dos tratamentos. Nos tratamentos com chance de escolha, constatou-se que houve alimentação dos grilos, independentemente da presença ou não de nematoides. Nos testes de campo, antes da aplicação de juvenis infectantes, foram encontrados 19 grilos vivos nas armadilhas, e após a aplicação dos NEPs em suspensão aquosa foram encontrados 2 grilos vivos. Dessa forma, concluiu-se que H. amazonensis MC01 foi promissor no controle de Gryllus sp. nas condições testadas.(AU)

Virulence , Gryllidae , Lutte biologique contre les nuisibles/méthodes , Nematoda , Jardinage , Insectes
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(supl.1): 289-296, feb. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-753740


Male Tettigoniidae emit sound to attract conspecific females. The sound is produced by stridulation. During stridulation the forewings open and close, but it is during the closing stroke that the scraper contacts the file teeth to generate the predominant sound components, which are amplified by adjacent wing cells specialized in sound radiation. The sounds usually exceed the sonic boundary and might occur above 40 kHz, reaching extreme ultrasonic frequencies of 150kHz in some species. Here we test the hypothesis that Tettigoniidae species should prefer microhabitats that favour efficient signal transmission, i.e. that there is a relationship of sound frequency with the vertical distribution of the species (from ground to canopy) at Gorgona National Natural Park, Colombia. We sampled 16 trees and four different altitudinal levels between 1 and 20m above the understory vegetation. We placed collecting blankets separated by vertical distances of 5m, and knocked insects down using the technique known as fogging. We found no correlation between vertical distribution and carrier frequency, but there was a preference for open spaces (below the canopy and above the understory) in species using extreme ultrasound. This is the first quantitative description of the vertical distribution in neotropical species of the family Tettigoniidae and its relationship to the calling song frequency. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 1): 289-296. Epub 2014 February 01.

Los machos de Tettigoniidae producen sonido frotando las alas anteriores para atraer a sus hembras coespecíficas con fines reproductivos (mecanismo conocido como estridulación). Un borde esclerotizado (o raspador) en el ala derecha es frotado sobre una vena modificada con dientecillos en el ala izquierda. Durante la estridulación las alas abren y cierran, pero es durante el cierre que el raspador contacta los dientecillos de la lima y produce vibraciones que son amplificadas por celdas adyacentes especializadas para radiar sonido. Sonidos que superen los 20 000Hz, se consideran ultrasónicos, en los Tettigoniidae, la mayoría de los cantos superan el umbral sónico y pueden ocurrir a más de 40 000Hz, con casos extremos de hasta 148 000Hz. La esencia de este trabajo es el estudio de esta gama espectacular de frecuencias de la familia Tettigoniidae y su relación con la distribución vertical de los individuos en las especies que habitan en Gorgona. Se muestrearon 16 árboles a cuatro niveles diferentes de altitud entre 1 y ~20m sobre el sotobosque, instalando sabanas colectoras a intervalos de 4-5m. Los insectos se colectaron mediante el método de nebulización térmica. El análisis indica que no hay correlación entre la distribución vertical de las especies y la frecuencia del canto. Sin embargo se observó una preferencia por espacios abiertos en especies que cantan a frecuencias extremas. Este estudio representa la primera descripción cuantitativa de la distribución vertical de Tettigoniidae Neotropicales y su relación con la frecuencia del canto.

Orthoptera/classification , Gryllidae/anatomie et histologie , Sauterelles/anatomie et histologie , Acoustique , Colombie , Répartition des animaux , Bruit
Biol. Res ; 44(1): 69-74, 2011. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-591866


Respiration and energy metabolism are key processes in animals, which are severely constrained by the design of physical structures, such as respiratory structures. Insects have very particular respiratory systems, based on gas diffusion across tracheae. Since the efficiency of the tracheal respiratory system is highly dependent on body shape, the pattern of morphological variation during ontogeny could have important metabolic consequences. We studied this problem combining through-flow respirometry and geometric morphometrics in 88 nymphs of the sand cricket, Gryllus firmus. After measuring production in each individual, we took digital photographs and defined eight landmarks for geometric morphometric analysis. The analysis suggested that ontogenic deformations were mostly related to enlargement of the abdomen, compared to thorax and head. We found that (controlling for body size) metabolic variables and especially resting metabolism are positively correlated with a shape-component associated to an elongation of the abdomen. Our results are in agreement with the mechanics of tracheal ventilation in orthopterans, as gas circulation occurs by changes in abdominal pressures due to abdominal contractions and expansions along the longitudinal axis.

Animaux , Femelle , Mâle , Métabolisme énergétique/physiologie , Gryllidae/anatomie et histologie , Gryllidae/métabolisme , Phénomènes physiologiques respiratoires , Calorimétrie indirecte , Gryllidae/croissance et développement , Nymphe/anatomie et histologie , Nymphe/croissance et développement , Nymphe/métabolisme
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 80(4): 647-655, Dec. 2008. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-497111


We describe here two new species of the genus Phalangopsis Serville, 1831 from the Brazilian Amazon Forest. The male genitalia and the female copulatory papilla were described, and a combination of diagnostic characteristics was given to separate both new species from the other described species. The principal morphological characteristics of this genus were discussed.

Aqui foram descritas duas espécies novas do gênero Phalangopsis Serville, 1831 da Floresta Amazônica brasileira. A genitália masculina e a papila copulatória feminina são descritas, bem como uma combinação de características diagnósticas para separar ambas as novas espécies das outras espécies descritas. As principais características morfológicas foram discutidas.

Animaux , Femelle , Mâle , Gryllidae/anatomie et histologie , Brésil , Gryllidae/classification , Arbres
Neotrop. entomol ; 37(4): 420-425, July-Aug. 2008. ilus, mapas
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-492703


The genus Laranda has six described species and is confined to South and Southeast of Brazil. We describe a new species and discuss the biology and distribution of the genus. The new species can be distinguished from its known congeners by the following characteristics: absence of yellow spots on pronotum and base of posterior tibiae; female copulatory papilla: sclerotization in dorsal view forming opposing acute angles, apical lobes narrow and small; male genitalia: pseudepiphallic median process short and wide; pseudepiphallic paramere with apex incurved and ectophallic fold surpassing apex of the parameres. The genus is distributed within the Atlantic Forest biome; the new species is found on tree trunks, as well as on forest leaf litter.

O gênero Laranda possui seis espécies descritas e está confinado ao Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Neste trabalho é descrita uma nova espécie, e a biologia e a distribuição do gênero são discutidas. A nova espécie pode ser distinguida das demais espécies do gênero pelas seguintes características: ausência de manchas amarelas no pronoto e base das tíbias posteriores; papila copulatória da fêmea: esclerotização em vista dorsal formando ângulos agudos opostos e lobos apicais estreitos e pequenos; genitália do macho: processo mediano do pseudepifalo curto e largo; parâmero pseudepifálico com ápice curvado e dobra ectofálica ultrapassando o ápice dos parâmeros. O gênero se distribui dentro do bioma Mata Atlântica; a nova espécie é encontrada sobre troncos de árvores, bem como sobre serrapilheira florestal.

Animaux , Femelle , Mâle , Gryllidae/classification , Brésil , Système génital de la femme/anatomie et histologie , Système génital de l'homme/anatomie et histologie , Caractères sexuels , Spécificité d'espèce , Arbres
Genet. mol. biol ; 28(4): 843-848, Dec. 2005. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-450988


Few theoretical and experimental studies have analyzed the genetic basis of body size dimorphism. Since the evolutionary response to selection depends of the genetic variance in a population it is to be expected that traits under selection would have smaller genetic variance than traits not affected by selection. The evolution of sexual size dimorphism is affected by the genetic correlation between females and males, with the most dimorphic traits showing smaller genetic correlations between the sexes. As result of the differences in the intensity of sexual selection between the sexes, it is expected that the levels of genetic variance would be larger in females than males. I analyzed the genetic additive variance underlying six traits of Acheta domesticus, and the genetic correlations between females and males. The most dimorphic trait with the smallest genetic correlation between the sexes was forewing length, this trait showing genetic variance only in females. It may be that sexual selection acting on male traits has depleted the genetic variance not only in male traits but also for those female traits that have a large genetic correlation with male traits. It is also possible that the evolution of sexual dimorphism in A. domesticus could be constrained as a result of the large genetic correlation between the sexes

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Gryllidae/génétique , Caractères sexuels , Mensurations corporelles , Variation génétique
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 76(2): 297-300, jun. 2004.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-386570


A evolução das freqüências dominantes no canto dos grilos Eneopterinae foi estudada em relação à sua filogenia. Dois caracteres são otimizados na árvore filogenética, o primeiro corresponde às freqüências de vibração da harpa (Fda) e o segundo é devido à vibração das outras áreas tegminais (Fdb). Fda mostrou-se ser relativamente estável na sub-família. Seu estado ancestral, de valor baixo, é mudado uma única vez para um valor alto, responsável pelos sons agudos em [Cardiodactylus (Lebinthus-Agnotecous)]. Um componente agudo Fdb é adicionado ao grave ancestral Fda em Eneoptera guyanensis, produzindo uma modulação de freqüência. O aparecimento de altos valores de Fd neste primeiro grupo é acompanhado por uma taxa alta de cladogênese, o que sustenta a hipótese de radiação adaptativa para altas freqüências sonoras. A eficiência dos sons agudos é discutida em relação à ecologia comportamental das espécies.

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Gryllidae , Phylogenèse , Vocalisation animale , Évolution biologique , Science des ultrasons
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-272837


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To identify and analyse the different species, same species in different regions and confusion species.</p><p><b>METHOD</b>Near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectrometry was used.</p><p><b>RESULT</b>Clustering analysis showed that clustering relations were far among different Gryllotalpa species and close among the same species from different regions, and there were close relations among the same species from near regions and between Teleogryllus emmus and G. orientalis.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectrometry method can be used in classification and identification of Gryllotalpa.</p>

Animaux , Analyse de regroupements , Contamination de médicament , Gryllidae , Chimie , Classification , Matière médicale , Chimie , Classification , Pharmacognosie , Spécificité d'espèce , Spectroscopie proche infrarouge
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 557-560, 2003.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-224208


Since the Gordius worm is a parasite of crickets and several arthropods, cases of humans infected with this worm have been rare and accidental. A Gordius worm was obtained from a three-year-old girl who consulted a local clinic in Gwangju, Kyunggi-do, Korea. She lived in a rural area, and had eaten an insect that looked like a cricket. She expelled the worm in vomitus 15 minutes later; in fact, she expelled two worms, but one was discarded. The worm had a grayish white color and an intact outer surface. It was 16 cm in length and 0.6 cm wide. The posterior end of the worm was spirally enrolled and furcated into two caudal lobes, which were nearly cylindrical but showed a somewhat concave medio- ventral surface. The cloacal aperture was round and situated anterior to the point of bifurcation of the lobes. The cloacal aperture was encircled by a dark ring, which was a little removed from the aperture. The crescent fold was reddish brown, and no hairs were noticed over the entire body surface. The worm had the morphological features of a male Gordius. Accidental human cases involving the Gordius worm are rare and this is the first such case in Korea.

Animaux , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Administration par voie orale , Gryllidae/parasitologie , Helminthes , Vomissement/parasitologie
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 97(5): 655-656, July 2002. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-321212


Gryllophila cephalobulata n. sp. (Nematoda, Thelastomatidae) a parasite of the mole cricket Neocurtilla claraziana (Orthoptera, Gryllotalpidae) isolated in Buenos Aires Province, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by cuticle annulated all along the length of the body; the first ring has 4 lobules, the second one has 14 lobules, the others rings are simple, the stoma is short and has 4 small teeth, the genital papillae are arranged in 5 pairs, of which 3 pairs are preanal and 2 pairs are postanal. The tail appendage of the male is long and filiform

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Gryllidae , Nematoda , Argentine , Nematoda
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 97(3): 325-327, Apr. 2002. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-307979


Neyraiella distinctus n. sp. was found parasitizing nymphs of the cricket Gryllodes laplatae Sauss in City Bell, Argentina. This species was characterized by having the excretory pore in the posterior end of the basal bulb, vulva protruding with one lip well developed in the 1/3 end of the body, anus of the female with wings, male with a single spicule without any sculpture, gubernaculum and bursa are absent, six pairs of genital papillae arranged in two preanal pairs, one adanal pair and three postanal pairs, and the tail appendage in both sexes was short and conic

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Gryllidae , Oxyurida , Argentine , Oxyurida
Bol. chil. parasitol ; 56(1/2): 42-44, ene.-jun. 2001. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-300168


Cameronia laplate n.sp. found in City Bell, Argentina, parasitizing crickets is described and illustrated. The new species is distinguished from other members of the genus cameronia by the distribution pattern of the genital papillae in the male. It differs from all congeners mainly in having two pairs preanal y two pairs postanal papillae

Animaux , Femelle , Mâle , Gryllidae , Nematoda , Argentine , Intestins , Nematoda , Interactions hôte-parasite
Genet. mol. biol ; 22(3): 333-6, Sept. 1999. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-272839


A espécie Gryllus assimilis L. apresenta 2n= 29,XO (macho) e 2n= 30,XX (fêmea), porém em alguns indivíduos coletados na cidade de Rio Claro, Säo Paulo, Brasil, foram encontrados dois cariótipos distintos: o cariótipo básico e outro rearranjado, com 2n= 28,XO e 2n= 29,XX. O rearranjo foi interpretado como sendo autossômico e heterozigoto, caracterizado pela translocaçäo envolvendo dois pares de homólogos submetacêntricos: o par 10, que possivelmente tem um dos elementos com uma inversäo pericêntrica, e o par 6, que possui em seu braço curto duas constriçöes secundárias, diferenciando satélites em suas extremidades.

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Variation génétique , Gryllidae , Caryotypage , Brésil , Chromosomes , Insectes
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 93(6): 763-6, Nov.-Dec. 1998. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-223879


Cephalobium magdalensis n.sp. (Rhabditida: Diplogasteridae) found in Magdalena, Buenos Aires, and Cruznema lincolnensis n. sp (Rhabditida: Rhabditidae) found in Lincoln, Buenos Aires, parasitizing the cricket Gryllodes laplatae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) are described and illustrated. C. magdalensis n. sp. is characterized by having the excretory pore between the pseudobulb and the basal bulb and seven pairs of postanal papillae in the male. C. lincolnensis n.sp. can be distinguished by having meanly two pairs of preanal papillae, one pair of adanal papillae and six pairs of postanal papillae in the male.

Animaux , Gryllidae/parasitologie , Rhabditida/anatomie et histologie , Argentine , Rhabditida/classification