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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255714, 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529210


Uma das demandas centrais das pessoas em situação de rua é a dificuldade de acesso a trabalho e renda, o que tanto pode levá-las a essa circunstância como dificultar sua saída das ruas. Nessa direção, em parceria com o Movimento Nacional da População em Situação de Rua em Natal, Rio Grande do Norte (MNPR/RN), Brasil, realizamos projeto de extensão com os objetivos de fortalecer as ações de geração de renda para os militantes do referido movimento e para o movimento em si e de promover a organização coletiva e política dos militantes do MNPR/RN em torno da pauta trabalho. Baseamo-nos na Economia Solidária para elaborar ações de geração de renda e fortalecimento político, e na Psicologia Social do Trabalho para informar sobre as intervenções realizadas pela equipe extensionista. Como estratégia de ação, foram realizados cinco bazares solidários em 2019, os quais envolveram militantes do MNPR/RN e extensionistas em reuniões preparatórias, arrecadação de materiais e efetivação dos bazares. Avaliou-se que os bazares foram uma ótima estratégia para a arrecadação de fundos para o movimento e a geração de renda imediata para os militantes envolvidos, mas que não garantiram a médio e longo prazo a renda dessas pessoas. Também possibilitaram o fortalecimento da autonomia, da participação ativa como trabalhadores e trabalhadoras e do aprendizado mútuo sobre princípios da Economia Solidária.(AU)

One of the main demands of people living on the streets is the difficulty in accessing work and income, which can either lead them to this circumstance or make it difficult for them to leave the streets. In this direction, in partnership with the National Movement of Homeless Population in Natal, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Movimento Nacional População de Rua - MNPR/RN), we carried out an extension project with the objectives of strengthening the actions to generate income for the militants of the referred movement and for the movement itself and to promote the collective and political organization of the MNPR/RN militants around the work agenda. We start with the Solidarity Economy for the elaboration of actions to generate income and political strengthening, and from the Social Psychology of Work to inform about the interventions carried out by the extension team. As an action strategy, five solidarity bazaars were held in 2019, involving MNPR/RN militants and extension workers in preparatory meetings, collection of materials, and holding the bazaars. The bazaars were considered an excellent strategy for raising funds for the movement and generating immediate income for the activists involved, but that they could not guarantee the income of these people in the medium and long term. It also allowed for the strengthening of autonomy, active participation as a female or male worker, and mutual learning on the principles of Solidarity Economy.(AU)

Una de las principales demandas de las personas en situación de calle es la dificultad para acceder al trabajo y a los ingresos, lo que puede llevarlos a esta situación o dificultarles su salida de la calle. En este sentido, en colaboración con el Movimiento Nacional de Población en Situación de Calle en Natal/RN (MNPR/RN), realizamos un proyecto de extensión con los objetivos de fortalecer las acciones de generación de ingresos para los activistas del referido movimiento y para el movimiento en sí y de promover la organización colectiva y política de los activistas del MNPR/RN en torno a las normas del trabajo. Partimos de la economía solidaria para desarrollar acciones de generación de ingresos y de fortalecimiento político, y desde la Psicología Social del Trabajo para informar de las intervenciones que realiza el equipo de extensión. Como estrategia de acción, en el 2019 se realizaron cinco ferias solidarias, en las cuales participaron activistas y grupos de extensión del MNPR/RN en reuniones preparatorias, recolección de materiales y realización de las ferias. Se consideró que las ferias son una excelente estrategia para recaudar fondos para el movimiento y generar ingresos inmediatos para los activistas involucrados, pero no pueden garantizar los ingresos de estas personas a mediano y largo plazo. También permiten fortalecer la autonomía, la participación activa como trabajador y trabajadora, y el aprendizaje mutuo sobre los principios de la economía solidaria.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Psychologie sociale , Travail , , Économie , Solidarité , Revenu , Pauvreté , Prejugé , Soins de santé primaires , Psychologie , Politique publique , Qualité de vie , Repos , Retraite , Sécurité , Autosoins , Concept du soi , Changement social , Conditions sociales , Désirabilité sociale , Isolement social , Planification sociale , Problèmes sociaux , Sciences sociales , Services sociaux et travail social (activité) , Socialisation , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Sociologie , Stéréotypes , Chômage , Violence , Comportement et mécanismes comportementaux , Caractéristiques de la population , Image du corps , Brésil , Famille , Substances illicites , Hygiène , Santé mentale , Faim , Lieu de travail , Relations communauté-institution , Vie privée , Délivrance de titres et certificats , Abri , Capitalisme , Démocratie , Déshumanisation , Don de cadeaux , Violations des droits de l'homme , Régime alimentaire , Éducation , Niveau d'instruction , Disparités de l'état de santé , Marché du travail , Adoption par l'Utilisateur , Commerce des Produits , Conflit familial , Stigmate social , Participation sociale , Hyperalcoolisation rapide , Discrimination sociale , Marginalisation sociale , Facteurs sociologiques , Lettrisme , Ségrégation sociale , Survie (démographie) , Échec universitaire , Gestion de soi , Liberté , Négligence de soi , Droit à la santé , Droit au travail , Hospices , Liberté de circulation , Insécurité alimentaire , Instabilité en matière de logement , Disparités en matière de santé, minorités et populations vulnérables , Accès à des aliments sains , Environnement domestique , Facteurs sociodémographiques , Vulnérabilité sociale , Citoyenneté , Conditions de Travail , Politique de santé , Vacances , Logement , Droits de l'homme , Individuation , Relations interpersonnelles , Syndicats , Activités de loisirs , Professions
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e263291, 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529215


Este artigo tem como objetivo produzir uma análise histórica sobre as intersecções entre Psicologia e sexualidade desviantes da norma no Brasil, de fins do século XIX a meados da década de 1980. Esta temporalidade foi escolhida por abarcar o surgimento das pesquisas científicas sobre sexualidade e desvios sexuais, a consolidação dos estudos psicológicos sobre a temática e o processo mais recente de despatologização da homossexualidade. Em termos teóricos e metodológicos, foram adotados os pressupostos da História Social da Psicologia e da historiografia das homossexualidades no Brasil. Desse modo, buscou-se compreender como as ideias, concepções e práticas psicológicas foram mudando ao longo do tempo, em conexão com as transformações socioculturais e políticas que ocorreram durante o século XX. Para isto, foram utilizadas fontes primárias e secundárias de pesquisa com vistas à produção de interpretações sobre as conexões entre as ideias, os atores e os eventos narrados. Argumenta-se, ao longo do artigo, que as ideias e práticas psicológicas estão intrinsecamente conectadas aos contextos socioculturais e políticos de seu tempo, sendo os movimentos dinâmicos e os conflitos presentes nesses contextos fatores determinantes para a sua constituição.(AU)

This article aims to produce a historical analysis of the intersections between Psychology and sexualities that deviate from the norm in Brazil, from the late 19th century to the mid-1980s. This period was chosen because it encompasses the emergence of scientific research on sexuality and sexual deviations, the consolidation of psychological studies on the subject and the most recent process of de-pathologization of homosexuality. Theoretically and methodologically, the assumptions of the Social History of Psychology and the historiography of homosexualities in Brazil were adopted. Therefore, we sought to understand how psychological ideas, conceptions and practices have changed over time, in connection with the sociocultural and political transformations that occurred throughout the 20th century. For this, primary and secondary sources of research were used to produce interpretations about the connections between the ideas, the actors and the narrated events. It is argued, throughout the article, that the psychological ideas and practices are intrinsically connected to the sociocultural and political contexts of their time, being the dynamic movements and conflicts present in these contexts determining factors for their constitution.(AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis histórico de las intersecciones entre la Psicología y las sexualidades desviadas de la norma en Brasil desde finales del siglo XIX hasta mediados de la década de 1980. Esta temporalidad fue elegida por abarcar el surgimiento de las investigaciones científicas sobre sexualidad y desvíos sexuales, la consolidación de los estudios psicológicos sobre el tema y el más reciente proceso de despatologización de la homosexualidad. En el marco teórico y metodológico, se adoptaron los presupuestos de la Historia Social de la Psicología y de la historiografía de las homosexualidades en Brasil. De esta manera, se pretende comprender cómo las ideas, concepciones y prácticas psicológicas han cambiado a lo largo del tiempo, en conexión con las transformaciones socioculturales y políticas ocurridas durante el siglo XX. Para ello, se utilizaron las fuentes de investigación primarias y secundarias con miras a generar interpretaciones sobre las conexiones entre las ideas, los actores y los eventos narrados. Se argumenta, a lo largo de este artículo, que las ideas y las prácticas psicológicas están intrínsecamente conectadas a los contextos socioculturales y políticos de su tiempo, y los movimientos dinámicos y los conflictos presentes en estos contextos fueron los factores determinantes para su constitución.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Brésil , Homosexualité , Sexualité , Histoire , Orgasme , Paraphilies , Anatomopathologie , Pédophilie , Développement de la personnalité , Troubles de la personnalité , Principe de plaisir-déplaisir , Psychologie , Développement psychosexuel , Politique publique , Rationalisation , Religion et sexualité , Refoulement , Sadisme , Sexe , Comportement sexuel , Troubles du développement sexuel , Infractions sexuelles , Contrôle social formel , Environnement social , Sociétés , Apprentissage par évitement , Sublimation (psychologie) , Tabou , Thérapeutique , Travestisme , , Voyeurisme , Thérapie comportementale , Violence sexuelle chez l'enfant , Attitude , Cure , Caractère , Christianisme , Capacité mentale , Harcèlement sexuel , Coït , Corps humain , Homosexualité féminine , Conflit psychologique , Participation communautaire , Diversité culturelle , Féminisme , Hétérosexualité , Manifestations neurocomportementales , Dysfonctionnements sexuels psychogènes , Crime , Caractéristiques culturelles , Culture (sociologie) , Rapports sexuels protégés , Thérapies corps-esprit , Mécanismes de défense , Déshumanisation , Caractéristiques humaines , Intention , Développement moral , Émotions , Agenda de la Recherche en Santé , Forums de Discussion , Études des Populations en Santé Publique , Eugénisme , Exhibitionnisme , Plaisir , , Santé sexuelle , Homophobie , Racisme , Marginalisation sociale , Médicalisation , Personnes transgenres , Statut moral , Minorités sexuelles , Activisme politique , Diversité des Genres , Asexualité , Sexualité non Divulguée , Révélation de la Sexualité , Norme des Genres , Aveugles aux Questions de Genre , Androcentrisme , Liberté , Théorie freudienne , Respect , Identité de genre , Traumatisme sexuel , Hospices , Fonctionnement psychosocial , Rôle de genre , Cadre intersectionnel , , Promotion de la santé , Développement humain , Droits de l'homme , , Anatomie , Troubles du contrôle des impulsions , Inceste , Instinct , , Libido , Masochisme , Masturbation , Troubles mentaux , Méthodes , Moral , Sens moral , Troubles névrotiques
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e244329, 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422404


Este artigo relaciona o paradigma manicomial, relativo à assistência psiquiátrica, à compreensão e ao manejo do campo da saúde mental, ao paradigma proibicionista, referente ao porte, uso e à circulação de drogas, como duas séries de políticas e práticas sociais que operam a guerra de raças que está na base do Estado brasileiro. Com isso, propomos uma investigação arqueogenealógica acerca do emaranhado de condições de emergência das práticas e objetos de saber-poder mobilizados por esses dois paradigmas, atentando ao caráter político das verdades que as sustentam. Dedicamo-nos especialmente ao período entre o final do século XIX e o começo do XX ao interrogar as dinâmicas de forças que constituem as práticas sociais e seus efeitos de subjetivação, produzidos pela sujeição de corpos por meio de uma diversidade de mecanismos morais, disciplinares, eugênicos, higienistas e biopolíticos que articulam os anseios de modernização e produtividade do Estado brasileiro à gestão dos problemas de saúde e segurança do país, colocando a pobreza, o vício e a doença como desdobramento da sua constituição racial. Concluímos, por fim, que o conflito de raças aparece como fundo intrínseco que se atualiza no cerne e a partir dos campos problemáticos da saúde mental e das drogas, colocando como saída dos impasses sociais e políticos eliminar ou pelo menos diluir, via miscigenação ou submissão para integração, o elemento físico e cultural do negro do Brasil.(AU)

This article puts in relation the asylum paradigm, associated to psychiatric care, to the understanding and management of the mental health field, to the prohibitionist paradigm, that refers to the possession, use and circulation of drugs, as two series of social policies and practices that operate racial war that is in the base of the Brazilian State. So on, we propose an archeogenealogical investigation about the emergency conditions of the practices and objects of knowledge-power organized by these two paradigms, paying attention to the political character of the truths that support them. Looking especially at the period between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, we questioned the dynamics of forces that constitute social practices and their effects of subjectivation, produced by the subjection of bodies through moral, disciplinary, eugenic, hygienist and biopolitics mechanisms that articulate the modernization and productivity aspirations of the Brazilian State to the management of the country's health and safety problems, understanding poverty, addiction and disease as consequences of its racial constitution. We conclude that the conflict of races is an intrinsic background that is updated at the heart of the problematic fields of mental health and drugs. Considering this, the solution for social and political impasses is the elimination or at least dilution, through miscegenation or submission for integration, of the physical and cultural element of black people in Brazil.(AU)

Este artículo relaciona el paradigma asilar de atención psiquiátrica, comprensión y manejo del campo de la salud mental, con el paradigma prohibicionista, referente a al uso y circulación de drogas, como dos series de políticas y prácticas sociales que operan la guerra racial que está en el fundamento del Estado brasileño. Así, proponemos una investigación arqueogenealógica sobre las condiciones de emergencia de prácticas y objetos de saber-poder movilizados por estos dos paradigmas, prestando atención al carácter político de las verdades que los sustentan. Nos dedicamos especialmente al período entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX buscando la dinámica de fuerzas que constituyen a las prácticas sociales y sus efectos de subjetivación, producidos por la sujeción de los cuerpos a través de una diversidad de mecanismos morales, disciplinarios, eugenésicos, higienistas y biopolíticos que articulan las aspiraciones de modernización y productividad del Estado brasileño a la gestión de los problemas de salud y seguridad del país, comprendiendo la pobreza, la adicción y la enfermedad como resultado de su constitución racial. Finalmente, concluimos que el conflicto racial aparece como un trasfondo intrínseco que se actualiza en el cerne y desde los campos problemáticos de la salud mental y de las drogas, tomando como soluciones a los impasses sociales y políticos nacionales, la eliminación o al menos la dilución, a través del mestizaje o de la sumisión para fines de integración, del elemento físico y cultural del negro en Brasil.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Substances illicites , Santé mentale , Santé publique , , Prejugé , Psychologie , Psychologie sociale , Agitation psychomotrice , Aliénation sociale , Problèmes sociaux , Services sociaux et travail social (activité) , Syndrome de sevrage , , Dopamine , Zones de pauvreté , Thérapie cognitive , Droits civiques , Services de santé communautaires , Troubles liés à une substance , Comportement dangereux , Agressivité , Assistance à la Santé Mentale , Racisme , Médicalisation , Violence ethnique , Ségrégation sociale , Liberté , Hospices , Hallucinations , Hospitalisation , Arts du langage
Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 19(2)ago. 2021. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1337822


Paraguay habilitó albergues sanitarios para que guarden cuarentena las personas venidas del exterior, como medida para evitar la propagación de casos de COVI-19. El objetivo fue describir las características epidemiológicas de los casos de COVID-19 diagnosticados en los albergues sanitarios en el Gran Asunción desde el 7 de marzo al 30 de setiembre. Estudio descriptivo, transversal, temporalmente retrospectivo. El muestreo fue no probabilístico de casos consecutivos. Las variables de los casos confirmados fueron, sexo, edad y distritos. Fueron utilizados datos de acceso abierto del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social. Para análisis estadístico de las variables fueron incluidas frecuencias, expresadas como porcentajes, para lo cual fue utilizado el programa Excel. Se diagnosticaron 390 casos en el Gran Asunción. El mayor número de casos se registró en agosto (118 casos). El 69,2% (270) de los casos en el Gran Asunción fue del sexo masculino, relación hombre/mujer de 2,3. El 34,9% (136) tenía edades entre 20 a 29 años, (promedio 33.8±16,14, IC95% 2,2- 65,5). El 80% (310) del total se presentó en menores de 50 años. Las ciudades con mayor cantidad de casos fueron Asunción (46,2%, 180) y los Distritos de Luque (8,7%, 34); Ñemby (6,4%, 25) y Capiatá (5,1%,20). Las características epidemiológicas presentadas son las esperadas, dado el perfil sociodemográfico de estas ciudades

Paraguay opened sanitary shelters to quarantine people arriving from abroad, as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 cases. The objective was to describe the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 cases diagnosed in sanitary shelters in Greater Asunción from March 7 to September 30. It was a descriptive, cross-sectional, temporally retrospective study, with non - probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases. The variables of confirmed cases in quarantine facilities were sex, age and departments. Open access data from the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare were used. For statistical analysis of the variables, frequencies, expressed as percentages, were included and the Excel program was used for it. Three hundred and ninety cases were diagnosed in Greater Asunción. The highest number of cases was in August (118 cases), 69.2% (270) of the cases in Greater Asunción were male, with a male/female ratio of 2.3, 34.9% (136) ranged from 20 to 29 years old, (mean 33.8 ±16.14, 95% CI 2.2-65.5). Eighty percent (310) of the cases occurred in the population under 50 years of age. The locations that presented the highest number of cases were Asunción (46.2%, 180) and the Districts of Luque (8.7%, 34); Ñemby (6.4%, 25) and Capiatá (5.1%, 20). The epidemiological characteristics presented were expected given the socio demographic profile of these cities

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Santé publique , COVID-19/diagnostic , COVID-19/épidémiologie , Paraguay , Hospices
Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 19(1)abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1337628


Los migrantes son más susceptibles a las enfermedades infecciosas, por las malas condiciones sanitarias donde viven. El objetivo fue describir las condiciones sanitarias del albergue "COPACO" del Bañado Norte en el 2018. Estudio descriptivo, transversal y temporalmente prospectivo. Fueron georreferenciados, ubicación y cantidad de grifos, sanitarios, desechos no biológicos, y medidas las distancias entre el agua potable y los desechos. Se evaluó el acceso y calidad del agua potable almacenada y fueron encuestadas las familias para conocer las enfermedades más prevalentes. Las referencias fueron las establecidas en el Manual ESFERA. Fueron contabilizadas 481 familias (2,405 personas); censados 22 baños químicos, 25 grifos, 5 puestos de ducha y 4 puntos de acumulación de desechos. El rango de distancia entre los baños y los 4 grifos más cercanos fue de 1 a 78 m, promedio 28 m. La distancia promedio entre el acúmulo de basura y los 4 grifos más cercanos fue de 21,1 m, rango 1 a 35 m. Cada grifo fue utilizado por 96 personas, 60% (9) de las familias almacenaban agua. Un baño móvil, con retrete y sin ducha era utilizado por 109 personas. Los baños eran unisex (mixtos) y carecían de fuente de agua y se improvisaron 5 puestos para ducharse, de utilización familiar. Fueron encuestadas 15 familias (3,1%). El promedio de estadía 33,3 días, 3 familias acusaron padecer de vómito, fiebre, diarrea y dolor dental. Los resultados pueden orientar a las autoridades sobre las futuras acciones a realizar para salvaguardar la salud de la población migrante

Migrants are more susceptible to infectious diseases, due to the poor sanitary conditions they live in. The objective of this work was to describe the sanitary conditions of the "COPACO" shelter in Bañado Norte (North Slum) in 2018. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional and temporally prospective study. The location and quantity of taps, toilets, non-biological waste were georeferenced, and the distances between drinking water and garbage were measured. Access and quality of stored drinking water were evaluated and families were surveyed to find out the most prevalent diseases. The references were those established in the SPHERE handbook. The number of families counted were 481 (2,405 people), 22 chemical toilets, 25 taps, 5 shower stalls and 4 garbage accumulation points were registered. The distance range between the toilets and the 4 closest taps was 1 to 78 m, average 28 m. The average distance between the garbage accumulation points and the 4 closest taps was 21.1 m, the range was 1 to 35 m. Each tap was used by 96 people, while 60% (9) of the families store water. A portable bathroom, with a toilet and without a shower, was used by 109 people. The bathrooms were unisex (mixed) and lacked a water source and 5 stalls were improvised for showering, for family use. Fifteen families were surveyed (3.1%). The average stay in the facilities was 33.3 days, and 3 families reported suffering from vomiting, fever, diarrhea and dental pain. The results can guide authorities on future actions to be taken to safeguard the health of the migrant population

Humains , Santé publique , Profils Sanitaires , Zones de pauvreté , Hospices
ABCS health sci ; 46: e021215, 09 fev. 2021. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343332


INTRODUCTION: The baby motor development happens naturally with the complex interaction of the body, performing tasks in its context. When the body suffers negative external influence, such as the use of drugs by the mother during pregnancy, and develops in an environment different from home, such as shelters, it is questionable how the motor development would be. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the motor development of babies living in welfare shelters, children of crack users during pregnancy; to verify if there is an association of motor delay in these babies; and to describe the environment in which they were inserted. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study, with a convenience sample. There were 29 babies between three and 16 months old. Twenty-two of them were exposed to crack during pregnancy (Crack Group) and the remaining seven were not (Non-Crack Group). All were living in a specific shelter. To assess broad motor development, the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) was used. The Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development - Infant Scale (AHEMD-IS) was used to assess home environment opportunities. RESULTS: In the crack group, the developmental delay was confirmed in 36.4% cases and suspected in 18.2%. Most babies in the crack group were typical (45.5%). There was no statistically significant association between crack group and developmental delay, nor with age and sex. CONCLUSION: The development of babies in the crack group was similar to the non-crack group and the opportunities in the environment were reasonable for the baby development.

INTRODUÇÃO: O desenvolvimento motor do bebê acontece naturalmente com interação complexa do seu corpo, realizando tarefas em seu contexto. Quando este corpo sofre algum tipo de influência externa negativa, como o uso de drogas durante a gestação da sua mãe e ele se desenvolve em um ambiente diferente de sua casa, como em abrigos, questiona-se como está esse desenvolvimento motor. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desenvolvimento motor de bebês moradores de abrigos assistenciais, filhos de usuárias de crack durante a gestação, verificar se existe associação de atraso motor nestes bebês, bem como, descrever o ambiente em que estavam inseridos. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com amostra por conveniência. Foram 29 bebês entre três e 16 meses. Eram 22 filhos de usuárias de crack durante a gestação (Grupo Crack) e sete cujas mães não fizeram uso da droga (Grupo Não-Crack), todos moradores de um abrigo específico. Para avaliar o desenvolvimento motor amplo foi utilizada a Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) e para a avaliação das oportunidades do ambiente domiciliar, foi utilizada a Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development ­ Infant Scale (AHEMD-IS). RESULTADOS: Em 36,4% dos bebês do crack apresentaram atraso em seu desenvolvimento, 18,2% suspeita e a maioria era bebê típico (45,5%), portanto, não houve associação estatisticamente significativa de bebês crack com o atraso no desenvolvimento, tampouco com faixa etária e sexo. CONCLUSÃO: Os bebês do grupo Crack não eram mais atrasados do que o grupo Não-crack e as oportunidades do ambiente eram razoáveis para o desenvolvimento dos bebês.

Humains , Nourrisson , Développement de l'enfant , Crack , Usagers de drogues , Santé infantile , Activité motrice , Études transversales , Hospices
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878689


Objective To share the outpatient clinic practice of hospice and palliative care at the Department of Geriatrics,Peking Union Medical College Hospital.Methods We conducted a retrospective analysis on the consecutive clinic data of doctor N in Geriatric Outpatient Clinic,Peking Union Medical College Hospital from January 1,2016 to December 31,2019.The patients aged 85 years and older,as well as those with end stage malignant tumor,non-tumor dysfunction due to chronic diseases or primary diseases without effective treatment were defined as patients with palliative care need.The basic information,symptoms,consultation purposes and treatments of these patients were collected.Results Among the 2502 visits during the study period,1388 patients with palliative care needs were admitted and recorded,with an average age of(69.7±13.5)years(8-105 years),among which 73.3% were patients over 60 years old and 712(51.3%)were males.Among these patients,63.4% visited specifically to seek for palliative care service and 87.2% of the visits were due to distress caused by advanced malignant tumors.Of the 221 patients with non-tumor diseases,frailty and neurodegenerative diseases were the leading life-threating cause.Of the 5483 symptoms recorded,pain(21.2%),anorexia(13.1%),fatigue(11.6%),constipation(6.9%),insomnia(4.6%),and abdominal distension(4.6%)were the six common symptoms.In the 2502 visits,26.2% of the patients had mutiple visits,and 50.3% of the patients with multiple visits had more than three visits;38.6% of patients visited the clinic themselves,and 65.7% of visits were attended by two or more family members(including the patients).The average duration of visit was(19.6±8.5)min(2-85 min),and 13.5%,53.0%,25.6% and 7.9% of the patients completed the consultation within 10,11-20,21-30 and over 30 min,respectively.Conclusion There is strong demand of palliative care in the outpatient clinic of Department of Geriatrics in Peking Union Medical College Hospital and it is feasible to provide palliative care service for patients with serious diseases in geriatric outpatient clinics.

Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Établissements de soins ambulatoires , Accompagnement de la fin de la vie , Établissements de soins palliatifs , Soins palliatifs , Études rétrospectives
Inmanencia (San Martín, Prov. B. Aires) ; 8(1): 150-153, 2021. ilus.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1179173


El modelo de atención de los cuidados paliativos ha demostrado evidencia prometedora de efectividad en la salud pública. El enfoque responde a la necesidad de equidad de atención independientemente de la edad, los antecedentes, el diagnóstico o la causa de muerte. El aumento de la población que requiere atención paliativa ha generado en el mundo nuevos desafíos para responder a las múltiples necesidades actuales. En esta nueva realidad surge una propuesta basada en la integración sin fisuras de cuatro componentes que interactúen en forma coordinada: cuidado paliativo especializado, cuidado paliativo generalista, comunidades compasivas y el enfoque cívico de la atención al final de la vida. En este marco Pallium Latinoamérica en convenio con la Fundación New Health desarrolla el programa "Buenos Aires, Ciudad Compasiva, Todos con vos". Somos una ONG conformada por un grupo interdisciplinario de la salud, que con la dirección del Dr. Gustavo De Simone ha inaugurado el primer pabellón compasivo de los hospitales del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, ubicado en el Pabellón C, del Hospital de Gastroenterología "Dr. Carlos Bonorino Udaondo". Se ha adherido a la carta orgánica de propósitos de las Comunidades Compasivas con la "Declaración de principios de Ciudades que cuidan con compasión". Ha creado una Comisión de referentes expertos de la comunidad y diversas actividades que dan respuesta a las necesidades de su organización local y comunitaria. Entre otras: el Espacio Vital, dispositivo complementario de los tratamientos médicos, ¿y otros talleres como "Le dieron el alta… y ahora qué?", y "Reciclo con amor" con la inclusión de alumnos de primer grado de un establecimiento educativo de la comunidad, actividades que se reseñan a continuación

Humains , Soins palliatifs , Organisation Communautaire , Empathie , Établissements de soins palliatifs
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 28: e49901, jan.-dez. 2020.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1123419


Objetivo: identificar elementos da Síndrome de terminalidade a partir do cruzamento de termos registrados pelos enfermeiros no cuidado ao fim de vida em idosos com demência avançada. Método: estudo observacional, retrospectivo, da ferramenta metodológica mapeamento cruzado. Foram coletados registros dos últimos 10 dias de vida de 38 prontuários de pessoas com demência avançada. Resultados: foram identificados 97 termos de respostas humanas, e através do mapeamento cruzado, foram elencados 22 diagnósticos de enfermagem, desses 11 diagnósticos de enfermagem apresentaram relevância estatística em 50% ou mais dos pacientes e oito diagnósticos de enfermagem apresentaram-se relevantes estatisticamente quando avaliados de acordo com a prevalência nas 380 observações. A Síndrome de terminalidade foi verificada em todas 380 avaliações, em média 7,5 diagnósticos da síndrome foram observados. Conclusão: a alta prevalência da Síndrome de terminalidade sustenta a inclusão do diagnóstico de enfermagem na Taxonomia II da NANDA-I, dado que os enfermeiros já a observam e a registram em sua prática(AU)

Objective: to identify elements of Terminal Syndrome by cross-referencing terms recorded by nurses providing end-of-life care for elderly people with advanced dementia. Method: in this retrospective, observational study, using a cross-mapping methodological tool, records of the last 10 days of life were collected from 38 medical records of people with advanced dementia. Results: 97 human-response terms were identified, and by cross-mapping, 22 nursing diagnoses were listed; of these, 11 nursing diagnoses displayed statistical importance in 50% or more of the patients, while eight nursing diagnoses were statistically important when assessed by prevalence in the 380 observations. Terminal Syndrome was found in all 380 evaluations, averaging 7.5 diagnoses of the syndrome. Cases were observed Conclusion: the high prevalence of Terminal Syndrome supports the inclusion of this nursing diagnosis in the NANDA-I Taxonomy II, as nurses already observe and record in practice(AU)

Objetivo: identificar elementos del síndrome terminal mediante términos de referencia cruzada registrados por enfermeras que brindan atención al final de la vida a personas mayores con demencia avanzada. Método: en este estudio observacional retrospectivo, utilizando una herramienta metodológica de mapeo cruzado, se recolectaron registros de los últimos 10 días de vida de 38 historias clínicas de personas con demencia avanzada. Resultados: Se identificaron 97 términos de respuesta humana y, mediante mapeo cruzado, se enumeraron 22 diagnósticos de enfermería; de estos, 11 diagnósticos de enfermería mostraron importancia estadística en el 50% o más de los pacientes, mientras que ocho diagnósticos de enfermería fueron estadísticamente importantes cuando se evaluaron por prevalencia en las 380 observaciones. El síndrome terminal se encontró en las 380 evaluaciones, con un promedio de 7,5 diagnósticos del síndrome. Se observaron casos Conclusión: la alta prevalencia de Síndrome Terminal apoya la inclusión de este diagnóstico de enfermería en la Taxonomía II de NANDA-I, ya que las enfermeras ya observan y registran en la práctica(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Diagnostic infirmier , Accompagnement de la fin de la vie , Démence , Soins infirmiers en centre de soins palliatifs , Brésil , Dossiers de soins infirmiers/classification , Études rétrospectives , Terminologie normalisée des soins infirmiers , Établissements de soins palliatifs
Santiago de Chile; Chile. Ministerio de Salud; mayo. 2020. 5 p.
non conventionnel de Espagnol | LILACS, MINSALCHILE, BRISA | ID: biblio-1509999


ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO El objetivo de este resumen es entregar evidencia científica respecto a la distancia a mantener entre personas en albergues por desastre, en el contexto de la pandemia por Coronavirus 2019. METODOLOGÍA Este resumen fue realizado a través de una búsqueda de evidencia en el Living Evidence Map COVID-19 creado por el Departamento ETESA/SBE y complementado con una búsqueda en Pubmed y literatura gris. RESULTADOS Se utilizaron 7 publicaciones -En documentos elaborados por Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indican que la distancia entre camas o cunas y las caras de los residentes debe ser de 6 pies o 2 metros. Otro documento elaborado por Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) que orienta respecto a la prevención de infecciones en general en refugios por desastres, establece 3 pies o 1 metro aproximadamente como distancia necesaria para prevenir enfermedades infecciosas. -Por otro lado, se indica que las camas deben estar dispuestas de modo que se alterne pies y cabezas de las personas que duermen contiguamente. -Las personas con sospecha o diagnóstico de COVID-19 deben ser aisladas preferentemente en piezas individuales, en caso de que no sea posible se debe poner una barrera temporal como cortinas, además se debe asegurar una buena ventilación de la habitación. En caso de que no se puedan cumplir estas medidas, se recomienda disminuir la capacidad de los refugios o derivar los casos sospechosos o confirmados a otros lugares. -Un estudio de Japón donde se evaluaron 354 Centros de Evacuación tras el terremoto del 2014, se observó que en los centros con mayor número de residentes era más difícil mantener una distancia de al menos 1 metro entre personas. En el 58,6% de los centros de menos de 50 personas se pudo mantener la distancia de 1 metro, mientras que en los centros de más de 100 personas fue posible sólo en el 18,8% de los casos. Además, este estudio señala que tres factores tuvieron una influencia en el nivel de saneamiento y salud: tamaño del centro de evacuación; el estado del suministro de agua y la asignación de personas a cargo.

Abri d'urgence , Distanciation physique , , Chili , Abri , Hospices
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972002


Background and Objective@#Palliative care is a human right. In the local setting, only a few data have been published regarding its practice among healthcare workers. This study aimed to determine the gaps and potential barriers in palliative care services among resident physicians.@*Methodology@#A cross-sectional study design using a 27-item interview-based questionnaire was conducted from July to September 2019 among resident trainees in seven departments of four hospitals in Manila, Philippines. The data gathered were tallied using Microsoft Excel and analyzed using STATA Statistical Software with p-value of 0.05 as statistically significant.@*Results@#A total of 200 physicians participated in the study. Majority of the respondents referred patients to palliative care services, primarily for symptom control and home care upon the diagnosis of a terminal illness. Sixty percent of respondents correctly identified patients eligible for hospice care. The 3 services rated as most important in palliative care were pain control, symptom control and psychological support. Most of the respondents perceived that palliative care is underutilized, and yet they felt that attending doctors know when referral to such is appropriate. The discrepancy is due to their lack of knowledge on the nature of its scope of care and eligibility criteria. The common barriers for referral to palliative care were “no time to refer secondary to rapid demise of the patient”, “difficulty in accurately predicting death”, and “lack of time to discuss issues of dying and hospice care”. These presumed barriers contradicted the respondents’ perceived practices in advance care planning, particularly on confirming the goals of treatment with the patient and family.@*Conclusion@#The prevailing illiteracy on palliative care that poorly translates to actualization is alarming as it deprives many patients of their right to a dignified and quality of life given their limited days. The inexcusable lack of awareness must be the impetus to a massive knowledge drive to impact clinical practice.

Établissements de soins palliatifs , Médecins
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(4): 1203-1210, out.-dez. 2019.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056264


Resumen Esta nota de investigación expone perspectivas metodológicas, fuentes documentales, inscripción historiográfica y reflexiones que surgen de la investigación en curso, titulada "Del Hospício de Pedro II al Hospital Nacional de Alienados: cien años de historias (1841-1944)". Un grupo de investigadores y estudiantes asociados al proyecto han analizado la historia de la primera institución psiquiátrica de Brasil en el periodo comprendido entre la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y mediados del siglo XX. También están comprometidos con el ideal de contribuir a la organización y conservación de los fondos documentales de esta institución. Aquí presentamos el carácter innovador del proyecto, especialmente por sus perspectivas metodológicas en combinación con enfoques de preservación de documentos históricos.

Abstract This research note lays out methodological approaches, documentary sources, historiographical inscription and reflections that arose from an ongoing research study entitled "From the Hospício de Pedro II to the Hospital Nacional de Alienados: a hundred years of records (1841-1944)." A group of researchers and students involved in the project have analyzed the history of the first psychiatric institution in Brazil for the period from the second half of the nineteenth century through the mid-twentieth century. They are also committed to the ideal of contributing to the organization and conservation of the documentary sources of this institution. Here we present the innovative nature of the project, especially due to its methodological approaches in combination with its focus on preserving historical documents.

Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Psychiatrie/histoire , Archives administratives hospitalières , Historiographie , Hôpitaux psychiatriques/histoire , Prisons/histoire , Brésil , Établissements de soins palliatifs/histoire
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(supl.1): 129-145, out.-dez. 2019.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056277


Resumo No Brasil oitocentista evidenciou-se a emergência de instituições assistenciais. Por meio delas, os estados provinciais projetaram membros das elites políticas e econômicas nomeando-os grandes benfeitores. Homens de notoriedade local desempenharam papel na construção de determinados espaços asilares por meio de práticas que ratificaram seu prestígio social não apenas entre seus pares e para sua época, mas também para a memória e a história das instituições às quais estavam vinculadas. O artigo problematiza a construção de três instituições assistenciais no Ceará: Asilo de Mendicidade, Colônia Orfanológica Cristina e Asilo de Alienados São Vicente de Paula, cuja tônica discursiva e ações filantrópicas estavam inseridas no cenário da grande seca de 1877-1879.

Abstract In the nineteenth century, Brazil witnessed the emergence of the first welfare institutions. These became the platforms for provincial states to raise the status of their political and economic elite, naming them great benefactors. Men of local repute played active roles in building certain institutional spaces, employing practices that reinforced their social prestige not just among their peers and for their time, but also for the memory and history of the institutions with which they were involved. The building of three welfare institutions in the province of Ceará is problematized: Asilo de Mendicidade, Colônia Orfanológica Cristina, and Asilo de Alienados São Vicente de Paula, whose discourse and philanthropic actions were entangled with the great drought of 1877-1879.

Humains , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Oeuvres de bienfaisance , Enfant orphelin , Hospices , Manie , Brésil , Histoire du 19ème siècle
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741215


PURPOSE: This study was performed to investigate the current status of pediatric palliative care provision and how it is perceived by the palliative care experts. METHODS: A descriptive study was conducted with 61 hospice institutions. From September through October 2017, a questionnaire was completed by experts from the participating institutions. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0. RESULTS: Among 61 institutions, palliative care is currently provided for pediatric cancer patients by 11 institutions (18.0%), all of which are concentrated in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi and Gyengsang provinces; 85.2% of all do not plan to provide specialized pediatric palliative care in the future. According to the experts, the main barriers in providing pediatric palliative care were the insufficient number of trained specialists regardless of the delivery type. Experts said that it was appropriate to intervene when children were diagnosed with cancer that was less likely to be cured (33.7%) and to move to palliative care institutions when their conditions worsened (38.2%); and it was necessary to establish a specialized pediatric palliative care system, independent from the existing institutions for adult patients (73.8%). CONCLUSION: It is necessary to develop an education program to establish a nationwide pediatric palliative care centers. Pediatric palliative care intervention should be provided upon diagnosis rather than at the point of death. Patients should be transferred to palliative care institutions after intervention by their existing pediatric palliative care team at the hospital is started.

Adulte , Enfant , Humains , Diagnostic , Éducation , Établissements de soins palliatifs , Soins palliatifs , République de Corée , Séoul , Spécialisation , Soins terminaux
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741217


PURPOSE: In this study, the hospice nursing research trend in 1998~2017 was investigated by analyzing research articles on hospice nursing. METHODS: Literature search was performed with keywords of ‘nursing’ and ‘hospice on an academic research information service. Also reviewed were all articles published in the Korean Journal of Nursing Science and its 8 subcategory journals, the Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care and the Korean Hospice Association from 1998 through 2017, except thesis papers. RESULTS: In 2013~2017, 79 articles (31.0%) were relevant, up over 7% from 61 articles (23.9%) in 2008~2012. The most studied field was psychology (92 papers, 36.2%) in the Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care. Enrolled in most papers were patients with end-stage cancer (75, 29.5%), which is overwhelmingly high. Most studies used quantitative methods (183, 72.0%). Recognition was the most studied theme (62, 24.4%), and 16 of them focused on recognition of death (6.3%). Intervention studies totaled 34 (13.4%), and most of them (7, 2.8%) were conducted for palliative education. CONCLUSION: Most hospice nursing studies were quantitative studies, conducted with patients, and hospice nursing intervention programs were similar to each other. Thus, more studies with hospice patients and their families are needed. And more experimental and qualitative studies are needed to build an evidence-based nursing study environment. Considering how most studies examined psychological factors, physiological factors such as pain, a major issue in hospice care, should be analyzed in experimental studies to construct a pain intervention program for hospice patients.

Humains , Éducation , Soins infirmiers factuels , Soins infirmiers en centre de soins palliatifs , Accompagnement de la fin de la vie , Établissements de soins palliatifs , Services d'information , Recherche en soins infirmiers , Soins , Soins palliatifs , Psychologie
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741219


The first hospice care center in Korea dates back to the East West Infirmaries (Dongseodaebiwon in the Korean language) of the Goryeo period in the early 11th century. It has been 50 years since hospice care was introduced in Korea. Initially hospice care was provided in the private sector, including those with a religious background, and its development was slow. In the 1990s, related religious organizations and academic associations were established, and then, a full-swing growth phase was ushered in as the Korean government institutionalized hospice care in the early 2000s. As a result, enhanced quality of hospice care service could be provided, which meant better pain management and higher quality of life for late stage cancer patients and their families. Still, the nation lacked a realistic reimbursement system which was needed to for financial stability of the affected patients. However, the national health insurance scheme began to cover hospice palliative expenses in 2015. In 2016, the Act on Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment for Patients in Hospice and Palliative Care or at the End of Life was legislated, allowing terminally-ill patients to refuse meaningless life-sustaining treatments. As the range of diseases subject to hospice palliative care was expanded, more challenges and issues need to be addressed by the service providers.

Humains , Accompagnement de la fin de la vie , Établissements de soins palliatifs , Corée , Programmes nationaux de santé , Gestion de la douleur , Soins palliatifs , Secteur privé , Qualité de vie
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786296


PURPOSE: The Act on Hospice and Palliative Care and Decisions on Life-sustaining Treatment for Patients at the End of Life was enacted in 2016 and has taken effect since 2018 February. The content of this act was based on Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) in the United States and we modified it for terminal cancer patients registering hospice. The object of this study is to investigate preference and implementation rate for modified Korean POLST (MMK-POLST) items in hospice ward.METHODS: From February 1, 2017 to April 30, 2019, medical records regarding MMK-POLST were retrospectively analyzed for all patients hospitalized in the hospice ward of Gyeongsang National University Hospital.RESULTS: Of the eligible 387 total cohorts, 295 patients filled out MK-POLST. MK-POLST has been completed in 133 cases (44.1%) by the patient themselves, 84 cases (28.5%) by the spouse, and 75 cases (25.4%) by their children, respectively. While only 13 (4.4%) out of 295 MK-POLST completed patients refused the parenteral nutrition and 5 patients (1.7%) for palliative sedation, the absolute majority of 288 (97.6%) patients did not want cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and ventilators and 226 people (76.9%) for pressor medications. Kappa values for the matched strength of MK-POLST implementation were poor for all items except CPR, ventilators and palliative sedation.CONCLUSION: Hospice patients refused to conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ventilators and pressor agents. In contrast, antibiotics, parenteral nutrition and palliative sedation were favored in the majority of patients.

Enfant , Humains , Planification anticipée des soins , Directives anticipées , Antibactériens , Réanimation cardiopulmonaire , Études de cohortes , Accompagnement de la fin de la vie , Établissements de soins palliatifs , Dossiers médicaux , Soins palliatifs , Nutrition parentérale , Études rétrospectives , Conjoints , Soins terminaux , États-Unis , Respirateurs artificiels
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786297


PURPOSE: Hospice volunteers are serving an invisible yet pivotal role in the hospice and palliative care team. This study investigated how effectively a continuing education program could enhance hospice volunteers' competency.METHODS: A total of 20 hours (four hours per week) of training was provided to 30 hospice volunteers who participated in the continuing education for hospice volunteers. Efficiency of the education was analyzed with an exploratory mixed-methods design. For quantitative analysis, the volunteers were asked, before and after the training, about their attitudes towards hospice care, what makes a meaningful life, self-efficacy and satisfaction with their volunteer service. Descriptive statistics, paired t-tests, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were performed using SPSS Window 20.0. For qualitative research, participants were placed in three groups for a focus group interview, and data were analyzed by content analysis.RESULTS: A quantitative study result shows that this training can significantly affect hospice volunteers' attitudes and improve their self-efficacy. A qualitative study result shows that participants wanted to receive continuous education from the physical/psychosocial/spiritual aspects to better serve end-of-life patients and their family members even though they have to spare significant time for the volunteer service. They wanted to know how to take good care of patients without getting themselves injured and how to provide spiritual care.CONCLUSION: The continuing education program reflecting volunteers' requests is strongly needed to improve their competency. An effective continuing education requires continuous training and support in areas where hospice volunteers are interested in. A good alternative is to combine web-based and hands-on training, thereby allowing hospice volunteers freely take training that suits their interest.

Humains , Éducation , Formation continue , Groupes de discussion , Accompagnement de la fin de la vie , Établissements de soins palliatifs , Bénévoles hospitaliers , Soins palliatifs , Recherche qualitative , Bénévoles