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Rev. méd. Maule ; 39(1): 52-57, mayo. 2024. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562987


Infective endocarditis (IE) is an infection of the inner lining of the heart, especially the heart valves, and carries high morbidity and mortality. It can manifest itself acutely or subacutely, the latter being more insidious. Diagnosis is challenging, especially in early stages, requiring high clinical suspicion using modified Duke criteria. Treatment involves antimicrobials and in certain cases cardiac surgery is essential. The clinical case presents a patient with a history of aortic valve replacement, who develops acute symptoms. Although the diagnosis of endocarditis is achieved, a por physical examination delays starting optimal treatment. Early diagnosis is crucial to avoid adverse outcomes. Post-hospital discharge follow-up is essential to identify possible long-term complications.

La endocarditis infecciosa es una infección del revestimiento interno del corazón, especialmente de las válvulas cardíacas, con alta morbimortalidad. Se manifiesta como aguda o subaguda, siendo esta última más insidiosa. El diagnóstico es desafiante, especialmente en etapas tempranas, requiriendo sospecha clínica en pacientes con fiebre, factores de riesgo cardiacos o no cardiacos y el uso de los criterios de Duke- International Society of Cardiovascular Infectious Diseases. El tratamiento implica antimicrobianos y en ciertos casos es imprescindible la cirugía cardiaca. Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente con antecedentes de reemplazo valvular aórtico, que desarrolla síntomas agudos. Aunque se logra el diagnóstico de endocarditis, un examen físico poco exhaustivo causa retraso en el inicio del tratamiento óptimo. Un diagnóstico temprano es crucial para evitar resultados adversos. Es esencial la vigilancia estrecha post alta hospitalaria debido a complicaciones a largo plazo.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Endocardite/diagnostic , Endocardite/thérapie , Valvulopathies/diagnostic , Infarctus splénique , Endocardite/épidémiologie , Valvulopathies/chirurgie
Rev. cuba. med ; 62(3)sept. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530133


Introducción: El infarto esplénico es una de las enfermedades que se presentan secundarias al fallo de aclimatación. En la literatura revisada se relaciona con la presencia de un rasgo sicklémico y desde la década del 50 se tienen reportes de casos a nivel mundial. Objetivo: Describir un caso de infarto esplénico por exposición a la altura. Presentación del caso: Se expuso un paciente que presentó un infarto esplénico después de su exposición a la altura, el cual fue intervenido quirúrgicamente y se presentaron un grupo de complicaciones en el posoperatorio. En la literatura internacional esta enfermedad se relaciona con la presencia de la hemoglobina S, lo cual no concuerda con nuestro paciente, a pesar de no ser el estudio de elección. Sus antecedentes pudieron contribuir a la ocurrencia de esta complicación. Las complicaciones que aparecieron en el posoperatorio coincidieron con las comentadas por otros autores. Conclusiones: El infarto esplénico por exposición a la altura es una complicación que debe tenerse en cuenta cuando se presenta un paciente a su llegada a este ecosistema, aparece con dolor abdominal, donde la inmediatez en la conducta es fundamental para evitar complicaciones de mayor gravedad(AU)

Introduction: Splenic infarction is one of the diseases that occur secondary to failure of acclimatization. In the reviewed literature, it is related to the presence of a sicklemic trait and since the 1950s there have been case reports worldwide. Objective: To describe a case of splenic infarction due to exposure to high altitude. Case report: We report the case of a patient who had a splenic infarct after exposure to high altitude. This patient, who underwent surgery, had a group of complications during the postoperative period. The international literature associates this disease with the presence of hemoglobin S, which does not coincide with the case of our patient, despite not being the study of choice. His history could have contributed to the occurrence of this complication. Those that appeared in the postoperative period did agree with those commented by other authors. Conclusions: Splenic infarction due to exposure to altitude is a complication that must be taken into account when a patient has abdominal pain. Immediacy in behavior is essential to avoid more serious complications(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Infarctus splénique/diagnostic , Acclimatation
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 32(1): 5525-5528, mar. 2021. imag
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1426968


El bazo errante es una patología poco común, en la cual el bazo se encuentra fuera de su ubicación habitual, como consecuencia de una laxitud anormal o ausencia de ligamentos, lo cual predispone a torsión e infarto; es más frecuente en niños menores de 10 años y en mujeres en la tercera década de la vida. A menudo, los pacientes consultan por una masa abdominal asintomática, o síntomas gastrointestinales subagudos e incluso abdomen agudo. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante imágenes y su manejo es quirúrgico. El caso examinado corresponde a una paciente de sexo femenino de 11 años de edad, diagnosticada con torsión e infarto esplénico mediante ecografía y tomografía axial computarizada (TAC); se realiza manejo quirúrgico sin complicaciones

Wandering spleen is a rare pathology in which the spleen is not in its usual location, secondary to abnormal laxity or absence of ligaments, predisposing to torsion and infarction, more frequent in children under 10 years of age and women in the third decade of life. Patients often consult for an asymptomatic abdominal mass or subacute gastrointestinal symptoms and even acute abdomen. Diagnosis is made through images and its management is surgical. In this case, an 11-year-old female patient is presented, diagnosed with splenic torsion and infarction by computerized axial tomography (CT) and ultrasound. Surgical management is performed without complications

Rate , Maladies de la rate , Infarctus splénique , Splénomégalie
Infectio ; 24(4): 262-265, oct.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1114880


Resumen Introducción: El infarto esplénico ocurre cuando la arteria esplénica o alguna de sus ramas quedan ocluidas, ya sea por émbolos distantes o por trombosis in situ. Dentro de la literatura mundial hay muy pocos casos documentados de infarto esplénico asociado a infección por Citomegalovirus, por lo que este podría considerarse el primero en Colombia. Presentación del Caso: Se trata de una paciente femenina de 53 años quien fue atendida en una institución de tercer nivel de la Ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia, por cuadro de dolor abdominal, a quien se le realizó una tomografía abdominal contrastada que demostró en el bazo una lesión hipodensa en cuña correspondiente con infarto esplénico por lo cual se realizaron estudios complementarios evidenciando como único dato positivo la positividad de la IgM para Citomegalovirus, descartándose eventos de h ipercoagulabilidad. Discusión: El infarto esplénico es una condición infrecuente que normalmente se presenta con síntomas variables e inespecíficos, dentro de las enfermedades infecciosas que corresponden con aproximadamente el 30% de los diagnósticos de Infarto esplénico, la infección por Citomegalovirus únicamente ha sido reportada en muy pocos casos. Se presenta el caso de una mujer joven con infarto esplénico como diagnóstico final de dolor abdominal en quien se descartaron causas de hipercoagulabilidad y se confirma la infección aguda por Citomegalovirus, lo cual se ha descrito muy poco en la literatura y puede considerarse el primer caso reportado en Colombia.

Abstract Introduction: Splenic infarction occurs when the splenic artery or any of its branches are occluded, either by distant emboli or by thrombosis in situ. Within the world literature, there are very few documented cases of splenic infarction associated with Cytomegalovirus infection, so this could be considered the first in Colombia. Case Presentation: This is a 53-year-old female patient who was treated at a third-level institution in the City of Bogotá, Colombia, for symptoms of abdominal pain, who underwent a contrasted abdominal tomography that she demonstrated in the spleen. a hypodense wedge lesion corresponding to splenic infarction, for which reason complementary studies were carried out, showing the positivity of IgM for Cytomegalovirus as the only positive data, ruling out events of hypercoagulability. Discussion: Splenic infarction is an infrequent condition that normally presents with variable and nonspecific symptoms. Among infectious diseases that correspond to approximately 30% of the diagnoses of splenic infarction, Cytomegalovirus infection has only been reported in very few cases. The case of a young woman with splenic infarction is presented as the final diagnosis of abdominal pain in whom causes of hypercoagulability were ruled out and acute infection by Cytomegalovirus was confirmed, which has been described very little in the literature and can be considered the first reported case In colombia.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Infarctus splénique , Cytomegalovirus , Infections , Rate , Artère splénique , Douleur abdominale , Colombie , Études de cas unique comme sujet
Rev. venez. cir ; 73(1): 10-13, 2020. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1283939


La gastrectomía vertical laparoscópica es actualmente la cirugía bariátrica más empleada a nivel mundial. Aunque es un procedimiento seguro y efectivo pueden ocurrir complicaciones mayores. En el presente trabajo reportamos el caso de un infarto y absceso esplénico como una rara complicación de esta técnica, que requirió finalmente de esplenectomía como tratamiento definitivo. Caso clínico: Mujer de 22 años con obesidad grado I, a quien se le practicó gastrectomía vertical laparoscópica con buena evolución intrahospitalaria y egreso a las 48 horas. Al 4to día posoperatorio consultó por fiebre, dolor abdominal, taquipnea y taquicardia. Mediante tomografía computada de abdomen se diagnosticó infarto esplénico parcial. Recibió tratamiento médico con remisión inicial de los síntomas, los cuales reaparecieron a la 3era semana. Se reinició el tratamiento médico, esta vez sin respuesta, y con evolución al absceso esplénico. Se decidió esplenectomía como tratamiento definitivo logrando la recuperación completa de la paciente. Conclusión: El infarto esplénico es una complicación infrecuente de la gastrectomía vertical. Su tratamiento inicial es médico, reservando la esplenectomía para los casos que no responden(AU)

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is currently the most performed bariatric surgery worldwide. Although it is an effective and safe procedure major complications can occur. In the present manuscript we report a case of splenic infarct and abscess as a rare complication of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, finally requiring a splenectomy as a definitive treatment. Case report: A 22 years old woman with grade I obesity underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with good hospital evolution and 48 hours discharge. On the 4th postoperative day she return because fever, abdominal pain, tachypnea and tachycardia. By means of a computed tomography a splenic infarct was diagnosed. She received medical treatment with initial remission of symptoms, which reappear at the third week. Medical treatment was restarted, this time without success, and with progression to splenic abscess. We decided a splenectomy as definitive treatment achieving a complete patient recovery. Conclusion: Splenic infarction is a rare complication after sleeve gastrectomy. The treatment is non surgical, reserving the splenectomy for the non responded cases(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Infarctus splénique/étiologie , Laparoscopie/effets indésirables , Chirurgie bariatrique/effets indésirables , Gastrectomie/effets indésirables , Splénectomie , Infarctus splénique/chirurgie , Infarctus splénique/diagnostic , Laparoscopie/méthodes , Chirurgie bariatrique/méthodes , Gastrectomie/méthodes , Obésité/chirurgie
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(4): 387-392, ago. 2019. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1054942


El infarto esplénico es una entidad rara en la edad pediátrica que, cuando se encuentra, se asocia a otros factores predisponentes, como enfermedades oncológicas, hematológicas o infecciosas. Su presentación es asintomática o sintomática con dolor abdominal, fiebre y esplenomegalia. No existe consenso sobre cuál es la mejor opción de tratamiento, y se decide, en la mayoría de los casos, un manejo conservador o quirúrgico de acuerdo con las características individuales del paciente. Se presenta el caso de un paciente escolar que acude por un cuadro de dolor abdominal agudo y fiebre con diagnóstico de infarto esplénico masivo sin etiología aparente que fue manejado de manera conservadora, con evolución favorable. Es importante considerar este padecimiento como causa de dolor abdominal asociado a esplenomegalia y destacar la relevancia de esta presentación de caso, ya que se presenta sin relación con enfermedades subyacentes.

Splenic infarction is a rare entity in the paediatric age that, when found, is associated with other predisposing factors such as oncological, haematological or infectious diseases. It is whether asymptomatic or symptomatic with abdominal pain, fever and splenomegaly. There is no consensus on which is the best treatment option, in most cases deciding conservative or surgical management according to individual patient characteristics. We present the case of a patient with acute abdominal pain and fever with a diagnosis of massive splenic infarction without apparent aetiology that was managed conservatively with favourable evolution. It is important to consider this condition as a cause of abdominal pain associated with splenomegaly.

Humains , Mâle , Enfant , Infarctus splénique/diagnostic , Splénomégalie , Pédiatrie , Infarctus splénique/traitement médicamenteux , Douleur abdominale , Fièvre
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 71(3): 257-260, jun. 2019. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058266


INTRODUCCIÓN: El bazo errante, es una entidad clínica poco común. Su espectro clínico varía desde enfermedad asintomática hasta complicaciones asociadas y su manejo es predominantemente quirúrgico. CASO CLÍNICO: Hombre, con cuadro clínico de dolor y masa abdominal palpable, con hallazgos tomográficos sugestivos de patología con asiento en retroperitoneo, con obstrucción intestinal secundaria; por laparotomía se identifica de forma incidental bazo ectópico solo fijado a través de pedículo vascular torsionado y signos de hipertensión portal, realizándose esplenectomía. CONCLUSIONES: La torsión esplénica es la complicación más frecuente del bazo errante, una entidad bastante rara con muy pocos casos publicados en Colombia.

BACKGROUND: The wandering spleen is an uncommon clinical entity. Its clinical spectrum varies from asymptomatic disease to associated complications and its management is predominantly by surgery. CLINICAL CASE: Man with clinical picture of pain and palpable abdominal mass, with tomographic findings suggestive of pathology with retroperitoneal seating, with secondary intestinal obstruction; by laparotomy incidentally, an ectopic spleen is identified, only fixed through a torsioned vascular pedicle and signs of portal hypertension, performing splenectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Splenic torsion is the most frequent complication of the errant spleen, a very rare entity with very few cases published in Colombia.

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Anomalie de torsion/chirurgie , Rate flottante/chirurgie , Splénectomie , Infarctus splénique/étiologie , Splénomégalie , Anomalie de torsion/complications , Anomalie de torsion/imagerie diagnostique , Tomodensitométrie , Douleur abdominale/étiologie , Rate flottante/complications , Rate flottante/imagerie diagnostique
Clinical Endoscopy ; : 289-293, 2018.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-714591


Gastric remnant necrosis after a subtotal gastrectomy is an extremely uncommon complication due to the rich vascular supply of the stomach. Despite its rareness, it must be carefully addressed considering the significant mortality rate associated with this condition. Patients vulnerable to ischemic vascular disease in particular need closer attention and should be treated more cautiously. When gastric remnant necrosis is suspected, an urgent endoscopic examination must be performed. We report a case of gastric remnant necrosis following a subtotal gastrectomy and discuss possible risk factors associated with this complication.

Humains , Endoscopie , Gastrectomie , Moignon gastrique , Ischémie , Mortalité , Nécrose , Facteurs de risque , Infarctus splénique , Estomac , Maladies vasculaires
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-714238


Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection can be presented with various clinical manifestations and different levels of severity when infected. Infectious mononucleosis, which is most commonly caused by EBV infection in children and adolescents, is a clinical syndrome characterized by fatigue, malaise, fever, sore throat, and generalized lymphadenopathy. But rarely, patients with infectious mononucleosis may present with gastrointestinal symptoms and complicated by gastritis, splenic infarction, and splenic rupture. We encountered a 16-year-old girl who presented with fever, fatigue, and epigastric pain. Splenic infarction and EBV-associated gastritis were diagnosed by using esophagogastroduodenoscopy and abdominal computed tomography. Endoscopy revealed a generalized hyperemic nodular lesion in the stomach, and the biopsy findings were chronic gastritis with erosion and positive in situ hybridization for EBV. As splenic infarction and acute gastritis are rare in infectious mononucleosis and are prone to be overlooked, we must consider these complications when an infectious mononucleosis patient presents with gastrointestinal symptom.

Adolescent , Enfant , Femelle , Humains , Biopsie , Endoscopie , Endoscopie digestive , Infections à virus Epstein-Barr , Fatigue , Fièvre , Gastrite , Herpèsvirus humain de type 4 , Hybridation in situ , Mononucléose infectieuse , Maladies lymphatiques , Pharyngite , Infarctus splénique , Rupture de rate , Estomac
Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine [The]. 2018; 71 (3): 2664-2666
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-192514


Sickle cell trait is highly prevalent in Saudi Arabia. However, most of the patient are asymptomatic, only few present with symptoms of the complications of the disease. We report a case of 24-year-old male who presented to the hospital with history of dull left upper quadrant, nausea and vomiting while he was on the airplane. Investigation showed a picture of sickle cell trait with hemoglobin S of 40%. Peripheral blood smear was within normal. CT scan of the abdomen confirmed the presence of splenic infraction. This case emphasized on the need to increase the level of threshold to recognize the rare complications of sickle cell trait and how to manage them appropriately

Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Infarctus splénique , Altitude , Nausée , Vomissement , Douleur abdominale , Voyage aérien
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742289


Babesiosis, caused by Babesia microti and B. divergens, is transmitted by Ixodid ticks. Symptoms of babesiosis vary from a mild flu-like illness to acute, severe, and sometimes fatal and fulminant disease. In Korea, 7 imported babesiosis cases and 1 endemic case have been reported. We report 2 cases of severe babesiosis initially mistaken as malaria. The first patient was complicated by shock and splenic infarction, the other co-infected with Lyme disease. As the population traveling abroad increases every year, physicians should be aware of babesiosis which mimics malaria, co-infection with other diseases, and its complications.

Animaux , Humains , Babesia microti , Babésiose , Co-infection , Corée , Maladie de Lyme , Paludisme , République de Corée , Choc , Infarctus splénique , Tiques
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-721499


We present a patient with scrub typhus complicated with a splenic infarction. A 40-year-old man visited the emergency medical center complaining of fever for the previous week. He had no past medical history, but reported engaging in outdoor activities. Examination revealed a maculopapular rash on his trunk and an eschar on his epigastrium. Abdominal computed tomography was performed to examine the cause of the tenderness on the left upper quadrant of his abdomen, which revealed a splenic infarct. The patient was diagnosed with scrub typhus based on the results of blood polymerase chain reaction testing, and genetic sequencing confirmed the presence of Orientia tsutsugamushi Boryong. His symptoms improved following doxycycline treatment.

Adulte , Humains , Abdomen , Doxycycline , Urgences , Exanthème , Fièvre , Orientia tsutsugamushi , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Fièvre fluviale du Japon , Infarctus splénique
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-722004


We present a patient with scrub typhus complicated with a splenic infarction. A 40-year-old man visited the emergency medical center complaining of fever for the previous week. He had no past medical history, but reported engaging in outdoor activities. Examination revealed a maculopapular rash on his trunk and an eschar on his epigastrium. Abdominal computed tomography was performed to examine the cause of the tenderness on the left upper quadrant of his abdomen, which revealed a splenic infarct. The patient was diagnosed with scrub typhus based on the results of blood polymerase chain reaction testing, and genetic sequencing confirmed the presence of Orientia tsutsugamushi Boryong. His symptoms improved following doxycycline treatment.

Adulte , Humains , Abdomen , Doxycycline , Urgences , Exanthème , Fièvre , Orientia tsutsugamushi , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Fièvre fluviale du Japon , Infarctus splénique
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-33298


Predisposing factors for venous thrombosis can be identified in the majority of patients with established venous thromboembolism (VTE). However, an obvious precipitant may not be identified during the initial evaluation of such patients. In the present case, a 47-year-old female presented to the emergency department of our hospital after ingesting multiple drugs. She had no VTE-related risk factors or previous episodes, nor any family history of VTE. After admission to the intensive care unit sudden hypoxemia developed, and during the evaluation cerebral, renal, and splenic infarctions with pulmonary embolisms were diagnosed. However, the sources of the emboli could not be identified by transthoracic echocardiography or computed tomography angiography. Protein C deficiency was identified several days later. We recommend that hypercoagulable states be taken into consideration, especially when unexplained thromboembolic events develop in multiple or unusual venous sites.

Femelle , Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Angiographie , Hypoxie , Causalité , Échocardiographie , Service hospitalier d'urgences , Infarctus , Unités de soins intensifs , Déficit en protéine C , Embolie pulmonaire , Facteurs de risque , Infarctus splénique , Thrombophilie , Thromboembolisme veineux , Thrombose veineuse
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-28883


Acute cholecystitis as a complication of malarial disease is a rare condition, especially with Plasmodium vivax infection. A 62 year-old-female was admitted via emergency room (ER) due to high fever (40.3degrees C) and epigastric pain. Initial abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) scan showed edematous gallbladder with stone, which suggested acute calculous cholecystitis. Emergency percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage (PTGBD) was done with systemic antibiotic therapy. The clinical course, however, unusually worsened with hypotension and intensive care unit (ICU) management was done. Four days after admission multi-focal splenic infarction was developed and Plasmodium vivax infection was diagnosed afterward. The clinical symptoms and laboratory results, including fever and epigastric pain, improved dramatically after anti-malarial treatment and cholecystectomy was done. The resected gallbladder (GB) specimen shows vasculitis pattern with capillary red blood cell (RBC) engorgement, which suggests the cause of cholecystitis was due to Plasmodium vivax rather than GB stone.

Vaisseaux capillaires , Cholécystectomie , Cholécystite , Cholécystite aigüe , Drainage , Urgences , Service hospitalier d'urgences , Érythrocytes , Fièvre , Vésicule biliaire , Hypotension artérielle , Unités de soins intensifs , Plasmodium vivax , Plasmodium , Infarctus splénique , Échographie , Vascularite
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-770874


Predisposing factors for venous thrombosis can be identified in the majority of patients with established venous thromboembolism (VTE). However, an obvious precipitant may not be identified during the initial evaluation of such patients. In the present case, a 47-year-old female presented to the emergency department of our hospital after ingesting multiple drugs. She had no VTE-related risk factors or previous episodes, nor any family history of VTE. After admission to the intensive care unit sudden hypoxemia developed, and during the evaluation cerebral, renal, and splenic infarctions with pulmonary embolisms were diagnosed. However, the sources of the emboli could not be identified by transthoracic echocardiography or computed tomography angiography. Protein C deficiency was identified several days later. We recommend that hypercoagulable states be taken into consideration, especially when unexplained thromboembolic events develop in multiple or unusual venous sites.

Femelle , Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Angiographie , Hypoxie , Causalité , Échocardiographie , Service hospitalier d'urgences , Infarctus , Unités de soins intensifs , Déficit en protéine C , Embolie pulmonaire , Facteurs de risque , Infarctus splénique , Thrombophilie , Thromboembolisme veineux , Thrombose veineuse
Med. lab ; 21(5/6): 267-272, 2015. ilus, tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-907776


Resumen: presentamos el caso de un hombre mestizo de 51 años, habitante de Medellín, Colombia,con dolor agudo repentino en hipocondrio izquierdo. La tomografía contrastada de abdomen reveló la presencia de múltiples zonas de infarto esplénico. Después de una evaluación exhaustiva se descartó enfermedad cardioembólica, infecciones y trombofilia. Se solicitó una electroforesis de hemoglobina que demostró la condición de portador del rasgo falciforme. Este es uno de los pocos reportes en la literatura de un paciente con rasgo falciforme e infarto esplénico no asociado con la exposición a grandes alturas.

Abstract: we report a 51-year-old mestizo man from Medellin, Colombia, with the sudden onset of left upper abdominal pain. Computed tomography showed splenic infarction. A comprehensive patient evaluation not revealed cardioembolic disease, infections, or thrombophilia. Hemoglobin electrophoresisestablished the diagnosis of sickle cell trait. This is one of the few reports in the literature of non-altitude-related splenic infarction in a patient with sickle cell trait.

Humains , Hémoglobine S , Infarctus , Trait drépanocytaire , Infarctus splénique
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-60462


Left-sided portal hypertension and consequent gastric varices can occur in patients with isolated splenic vein thrombosis. It is a rare but clinically significant and curable cause of gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Our patient, a 20-year-old woman, with left flank pain was diagnosed with having idiopathic splenic vein thrombosis with resultant splenic infarction. Thorough workups for the possible etiologies of splenic vein thrombosis were all negative. After six months of anticoagulation, follow-up computed tomography revealed formation of gastric varices; one month following the discovery, she developed gastrointestinal bleeding. Splenectomy was performed, resulting in the resolution of gastric varices.

Femelle , Humains , Jeune adulte , Varices oesophagiennes et gastriques , Douleur du flanc , Études de suivi , Hémorragie gastro-intestinale , Hémorragie , Hypertension portale , Splénectomie , Infarctus splénique , Veine liénale , Thrombose