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Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1881-1886, dic. 2023. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528804


SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to determine influence of upper limbs on the ball throwing velocity. A total of 10 professional handball players (25.74±4.84 years) participated in this study. All of them were playing in the top Montenegrin professional handball league. The results obtained in this study shows that upper limbs have high influence on ball throwing velocity. This study provides normative data and performance standards for professional handball. Coaches can use this information to determine the type of anthropometric characteristics that are needed for handball. Anthropometric parameters such as arm length, wrist diameter, hand length and arm span are the most relevant aspects related to ball throwing speed, given that these parameters cannot be changed through training, they should be taken into account when discovering talents.

El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la influencia de los miembros superiores sobre la velocidad de lanzamiento de la pelota. En el estudio participaron un total de 10 jugadores profesionales de balonmano (25,74±4,84 años). Todos ellos jugaban en la principal liga profesional de balonmano de Montenegro. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que los miembros superiores tienen una alta influencia en la velocidad de lanzamiento de la pelota. Este estudio proporciona datos normativos y estándares de rendimiento para el balonmano profesional. Los entrenadores pueden utilizar esta información para determinar el tipo de características antropométricas necesarias para el balonmano. Los parámetros antropométricos como la longitud del brazo, el diámetro de la muñeca, la longitud de la mano y la envergadura del brazo son los aspectos más relevantes relacionados con la velocidad de lanzamiento de la pelota, dado que estos parámetros no se pueden cambiar mediante el entrenamiento, deben tenerse en consideración a la hora de descubrir talentos.

Humains , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Anthropométrie , Membre supérieur/anatomie et histologie , Performance sportive , Mouvement , Phénomènes biomécaniques , Cinétique , Kinanthropométrie
Int. j. morphol ; 40(1): 68-74, feb. 2022. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385587


SUMMARY: This study aims to determine the possible differences anthropometric characteristics and body composition profiles of elite taekwondo players with or without medals in European championships. Twenty-one black-belt elite taekwondo athletes (17.4±1.2 years) from the Turkish national team were divided into two groups, namely, medalists (MEC; n =11) and non-medalists (NmEC; n=10) in European championships. Twenty-eight anthropometric measurements including height, body mass, length, circumferences, breadth, and skinfolds were taken following the standard techniques proposed by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). Body composition variables were evaluated by using skinfold thickness measurements. Results demonstrated that anthropometric and body composition, variables did not differ significantly between medalist and non-medalist taekwondo players (p>0.01). Our athletes have a low percentage of body fat and high muscle mass profile. Medalist and non-medalist elite Turkish taekwondo players in the European championships do not differ in terms of anthropometric and body composition components. They have a similar body composition profile suitable for taekwondo players and within acceptable healthy ranges. The present study assists coaches in the formulation of appropriate training programs aiming the development for managing the body composition status of players, which will be associated with high-level performance in taekwondo. Future studies should include body composition and somatotype profile inspection throughout the weight categories.

RESUMEN: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las posibles diferencias antropométricas y perfiles de composición corporal de los peleadores de taekwondo de élite, con o sin medallas en campeonatos europeos. Veintiún atletas de taekwondo de élite de cinturón negro (17,4 ± 1,2 años) del equipo nacional turco se dividieron en dos grupos, medallistas (MEC; n = 11) y no medallistas (NmEC; n = 10). Se tomaron veintiocho medidas antropométricas incluyendo altura, masa corporal, longitud, circunferencias, ancho y pliegues cutáneos siguiendo las técnicas estándar sugeridas por la Sociedad Internacional para el Avance de la Cineantropometría (ISAK). Las variables de composición corporal se evaluaron mediante mediciones del grosor de los pliegues cutáneos. Los resultados demostraron que las variables antropométricas y de composición corporal no difirieron significativamente entre los jugadores de taekwondo medallistas y no medallistas (p> 0,01). Nuestros deportistas tienen un bajo porcentaje de grasa corporal y un alto perfil de masa muscular. Los medallistas y no medallistas de taekwondo turcos de élite en los campeonatos europeos no difieren en términos de components antropométricos y de composición corporal. Tienen un perfil de composición corporal similar adecuado para peleadores de taekwondo y dentro de rangos saludables aceptables. El presente estudio ayuda a los entrenadores en la formulación de programas de entrenamiento apropiados que apunten al desarrollo para manejar el estado de la composición corporal de los peleadores, lo que se asociará con un rendimiento de alto nivel en taekwondo. Los estudios futuros deben incluir la inspección de la composición corporal y el perfil del somatotipo en todas las categorías de peso.

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Composition corporelle , Anthropométrie , Arts martiaux , Turquie , Kinanthropométrie
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 29(4): [1-24], out.-dez. 2021. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369762


O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a associação entre a insatisfação com a imagem corporal, por excesso de peso e pela magreza, e diferentes indicadores antropométricos de obesidade em adolescentes do sul do Brasil. Caracterizou-se com um estudo transversal, realizado na cidade de Criciúma ­ SC, com 575 adolescentes de 11 a 17 anos, de ambos os sexos. A imagem corporal foi avaliada por meio de escala de silhuetas. Os indicadores antropométricos de obesidade Índice de Massa Corporal, Relação Cintura-Estatura, Perímetro da Cintura e Índice de Conicidade foram avaliados conforme protocolo da Sociedade internacional para o Avanço da Cineantropometria. Adolescentes do sexo masculino, de 11 a 13 anos insatisfeitos pela magreza, apresentaram menores chances de ter Relação Cintura-Estatura elevada (RC: 0,1; IC95%: 0,04 - 0,51) e maiores chances de ter Índice de Conicidade elevado (RC: 4,4; IC95%:1,28-15,20) quando comparados com adolescentes satisfeitos com a imagem corporal. Adolescentes do sexo feminino, de 11 a 13 anos insatisfeitas pela magreza, apresentaram menores chances de ter Índice de Massa Corporal (RC: 0,1; IC95%: 0,02 - 0,58) e Índice de Conicidade (RC: 0,2; IC95%: 0,05 - 0,94) elevados e maiores chances de ter Relação Cintura-Estatura elevada (RC: 23,6; IC95%: 3,35-166,85) quando comparadas às adolescentes satisfeitas com a imagem corporal. Concluiu-se que existe associação entre a imagem corporal e indicadores antropométricos de obesidade para adolescentes de 11 a 13 anos, principalmente nos insatisfeitos pela magreza. No sexo masculino, distintos indicadores antropométricos de obesidade abdominal trazem interpretações distintas na associação com a imagem corporal. No sexo feminino, indica distorção da própria imagem corporal, que pode levar as adolescentes a adotarem comportamentos alimentares inadequados, levando à riscos à sua saúde. (AU)

The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between body image dissatisfaction due to overweight and thinness and different anthropometric indicators of obesity in adolescents from southern Brazil. Characterized as a Cross - sectional study conducted in the city of Criciúma - SC, with 575 adolescents aged 11-17 years of both sexes. Body image was assessed by a silhouette scale. Anthropometric indicators of obesity body mass index, waist-to-height ratio, waist circumference and conicity index were evaluated according to the International Society for the Advancement of Kinantropometry protocol. Male adolescents aged 11-13 years dissatisfied due to thinness, were less likely of having high waist-to-height ratio (OR: 0.1; 95% CI: 0.04 - 0.51) and more likely of having elevated conicity index (OR: 4.4; 95% CI: 1.28-15.20) when compared to adolescents satisfied with their body image. Female adolescents aged 11-13 years dissatisfied due to thinness were less likely of having high body mass index (OR: 0.1; 95% CI: 0.02 - 0.58) and conicity index (OR: 0.2; 95% CI: 0.05 - 0.94) and more likely of having high waist-to-height ratio (OR: 23.6; 95% CI: 3.35-166.85) when compared to adolescents satisfied with their body image. Concluded that there is an association between body image and anthropometric indicators of obesity for adolescents aged 11-13 years, especially those dissatisfied due to thinness. In males, different anthropometric indicators of abdominal obesity bring different interpretations in association with body image. In females, it indicates distortion of their own body image, which can lead adolescents to adopt inappropriate eating behaviors, leading to health risks. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Adolescent , Étudiants , Anthropométrie , Adolescent , Apparence corporelle , Maigreur , Taille , Image du corps , Indice de masse corporelle , Symptômes affectifs , Surpoids , Tour de taille , Kinanthropométrie , Insatisfaction corporelle , Maladies métaboliques et nutritionnelles , Obésité
Fisioter. Bras ; 22(2): 180-195, Maio 25, 2021.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284154


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as possíveis relações entre a variável antropométrica comprimento dos membros inferiores e de passada na marcha, com valores naturais e normalizados, em velocidade auto-selecionada e acrescida de 50%, em indivíduos adultos jovens. Foram avaliados 32 sujeitos hígidos adultos entre 18-25 anos. Os deslocamentos corporais nas duas velocidades foram registrados através da técnica de cineantropometria, utilizando o software Skillspector® para quantificar o comprimento da passada entre as médias dos dados normalizadas e não-normalizadas, do segmento direito e do segmento esquerdo. A comparação entre os valores médios das passadas normalizadas e não-normalizadas, nas diferentes velocidades, foi realizada por meio do teste t student (p < 0,05), assim como o grau de associação entre o comprimento da passada e o comprimento do membro inferior, realizada pelo teste de correlação de Pearson (p < 0,05). Sendo assim, nosso estudo constatou uma correlação positiva entre as variáveis estudadas, nas duas velocidades e, uma diferença entre a passada com dados normalizados e não normalizados, em ambas as velocidades. (AU)

The aim of this study was to analyze the possible relationships between the anthropometric variable length of the lower limbs and gait stride, with natural and normalized values, at self-selected speed and increased by 50%, in young adult individuals. 32 healthy adult subjects aged 18-25 years were evaluated. Body movements at both speeds were recorded using the kinanthropometry technique, using the Skillspector® software to quantify the stride length between the normalized and nonnormalized data averages for the right and left segments. The comparison between the mean values of normalized and non-normalized strides, at different speeds, was performed using the Student t test (p < 0.05), as well as the degree of association between stride length and lower limb length, performed by the Pearson correlation test (p < 0.05). Thus, our study found a positive correlation between the variables studied, at both speeds, and a difference between the stride with normalized and non-normalized data, at both speeds. (AU)

Humains , Jeune adulte , Analyse de démarche , Démarche , Anthropométrie , Analyse spatio-temporelle , Kinanthropométrie
Int. j. morphol ; 38(4): 888-893, Aug. 2020. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124871


Nowadays, the study of kinanthropometric parameters is an important tool for both early talent selection and for evaluating the efficacy of a training program. This study aimed to determine the anthropometric characteristics, body composition indicators and somatotype components of individual (athletics, swimming and triathlon), collective (handball and volleyball) and fight (karate and taekwondo) sportsmen and sportswomen from the Valencian Sports Technification Centre. This study involved a total of 62 men and 56 women, they were divided in three subgroups, including individual (athletics, swimming and triathlon), collective (handball and volleyball) and fight (karate and taekwondo) sports. The assessment was carried out according to the one established by the International Society for Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). For men, the highest value of femur breath, ectomorphy and medial calf and front thigh skinfolds are obtained for triathletes, athletics, volleyball and karate, respectively. The highest values of triceps, biceps and abdominal skinfolds, relaxed arm girth, endomorphy and body fat percentage are shown for taekwondo, while the other highest values are obtained with handball. For women, the highest value of ectomorphy is obtained for athletics. The identified kinanthropometric parameters are useful when comparing between sports and sports subgroups for the selection of subjects and to help in their performance assessment.

En la actualidad, el estudio de los parámetros cineantropométricos es una herramienta importante tanto para la selección temprana del talento como para evaluar la eficacia de un programa de capacitación. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las características antropométricas, los indicadores de composición corporal y los componentes somatotípicos de deportistas y deportistas individuales (atletismo, natación y triatlón), colectivos (balonmano y voleibol) y de lucha (karate y taekwondo) del Centro Valenciano de Tecnificación Deportiva. Este estudio involucró a un total de 62 hombres y 56 mujeres, se dividieron en tres subgrupos, que incluyen deportes individuales (atletismo, natación y triatlón), colectivos (balonmano y voleibol) y peleas (karate y taekwondo). La evaluación se realizó de acuerdo con la establecida por la Sociedad Internacional para el Avance de la Cineantropometría (ISAK). Para los hombres, el valor más alto de la respiración del fémur, la ectomorfia y los pliegues de la pantorrilla y el muslo frontal se obtienen para triatletas, atletismo, voleibol y karate, respectivamente. Los valores más altos de tríceps, bíceps y pliegues abdominales, circunferencia relajada del brazo, endomorfia y porcentaje de grasa corporal se muestran para el taekwondo, mientras que los otros valores más altos se obtienen con balonmano. Para las mujeres, el mayor valor de la ectomorfía se obtiene para el atletismo. Los parámetros cineantropométricos identificados son útiles cuando se comparan entre deportes y subgrupos deportivos para la selección de sujetos y para ayudar en su evaluación del rendimiento.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sports , Anthropométrie , Somatotypes , Espagne , Composition corporelle , Kinanthropométrie
Rev. bras. med. trab ; 16(4): 429-435, dez-2018. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-980430


Introdução: Boas relações entre os componentes da aptidão física relacionada à saúde (AFRS) melhoram o desempenho da atividade ocupacional de policiais militares. Objetivo: Verificar a relação entre componentes da AFRS em policiais militares do Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE) e do Batalhão de Policiamento de Trânsito (BPTRAN). Método: Participaram do estudo 47 policiais com idades entre 26 e 49 anos do sexo masculino fracionados em dois grupos: BOPE (n=25) e o BPTRAN (n=22). Foi realizada uma bateria de testes: medidas antropométricas, teste de sentar-e-alcançar no banco de Wells, teste de abdominal de 1 minuto, teste de flexão dos cotovelos e teste vai-e-vem de 20 metros, para avaliar os componentes morfológico, cardiorrespiratório e neuromuscular da AFRS. Resultados: Ambos os grupos obtiveram de moderada à forte correlação negativa significante em relação à circunferência de cintura (CC), índice de massa corpórea (IMC) e percentual de gordura (PG) com a resistência muscular localizada (RML) (r=-0,589; r=-0,404; r=-0,637) e a força muscular dinâmica (FD) (r=0,592; r=-0,416; r=-0,651) (p<0,05). Contudo, houve correlações positivas e negativas significantes entre o consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2 máx) e as variáveis CC, IMC, PG e RML (p<0,05), exceto para flexibilidade no BOPE. Conclusão: Existe uma forte correlação entre os componentes morfológico, cardiorrespiratório e neuromuscular, exceto para a flexibilidade em PMs do BOPE. Tal fato permite afirmar que a AFRS é uma variável global

Background: An adequate relationship among health­related physical fitness (HRPF) components improve the professional performance of military police officers (MOPs). Objective: To investigate the correlation among HRPF components for Special Police Operations (BOPE) and Traffic Police (BPTRAN) Battalion MOPs. Method: The sample comprised 47 male MOPs aged 26 to 49 years old divided in two groups BOPE (N=25) and BPTRAN (n=22). The participants were subjected to a test battery­anthropometric measurements, sit­and­ reach test, 1-minute sit­up test, elbow flexion test, and 20­meter shuttle run test­for evaluation of the HRPF morphological, cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular components. Results: Both groups exhibited moderate­to­strong correlation of waste circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (BFP) with localized muscle resistance (LMR) (r=-0.589; r=-0.404; r=-0.637) and dynamic muscle strength (DMS) (r=0.592; r=-0.416; r=-0.651) (p<0.05). Significant positive and negative correlation was found between maximum oxygen consumption and WC, BMI, BFP and LMR (p<0.05) but not with flexibility for BOPE. Conclusion: There was strong correlation between the HRPF morphological, cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular components, except for flexibility among BOPE MPOs. The study findings allow inferring that HRPF is a global variable

Épuisement professionnel , Santé au travail , Police , Épreuve d'effort/instrumentation , Kinanthropométrie/instrumentation , Épidémiologie Descriptive
Int. j. morphol ; 34(1): 17-22, Mar. 2016. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-780469


The main aim of this study was to identify the morphological characteristics, to determine the tendency in the physical structure, differences and similarities according to categories based on age of the Chilean team of Rhythmic Gymnastics. We performed an anthropometric analysis of 60 gymnasts, fractioned by categories: preschoolers and schoolers (n= 11), junior (n= 28) and senior (n= 21). The anthropometric analysis was determined based on the study of the body composition, through pentacompartimental fractionation method (Kerr), somatotype (Heath & Carter) and the body mass index (Quetelet). The results showed significant differences between preschoolers and schoolers and higher categories (junior and senior) in the general anthropometric variables of body mass, height and BMI. Regarding the body composition, we only found significant differences in the percentage of muscle mass between the preschoolers and schoolers when being compared with the other two categories. In the study of somatotype, the prevalence of ectomorphic categorization was only found in the preschoolers and schoolers (meso-ectomorph), while in the junior category a mesomorph-ectomorph somatotype was observed and a central type in the senior category. We conclude that the morphology of the selected Chilean Rhythmic gymnastics depends on the category, as observed in the anthropometric characteristics related to the body composition and somatotype. Therefore, this factor is not useful in establishing a clearer tendency in the morph structure for this sport at a national level.

El objetivo principal de este estudio fue identificar las características morfológicas para determinar la tendencia de la estructura física, las diferencias y similitudes de acuerdo con las categorías basadas en la edad de la Selección Chilena de Gimnasia Rítmica. Se realizó un análisis antropométrico de 60 gimnastas, fraccionado por categorías: preescolares y escolares (n = 11), junior (n = 28) y senior (n = 21). El análisis antropométrico se determinó en base al estudio de la composición corporal, a través del método de fraccionamiento pentacompartimental (Kerr), del somatotipo (Heath & Carter) y el índice de masa corporal (Quetelet). Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre los niños preescolares y escolares y las categorías superiores (junior y senior) en las variables antropométricas generales de masa corporal, altura e IMC. En cuanto a la composición corporal, sólo encontramos diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de masa muscular entre los preescolares y escolares, cuando se comparan con las otras dos categorías. En el estudio del somatotipo, la prevalencia de la categorización ectomórfica solamente se encontró en los niños preescolares y escolares (meso-ectomorfo), mientras que en la categoría junior se observó un somatotipo mesomorfo-ectomorfo y un tipo central en la categoría senior. En conclusión, la morfología de los seleccionados de gimnasia rítmica chilena depende de la categoría, como se observa en las características antropométricas, relacionados con la composición corporal y el somatotipo. Por lo tanto, este factor no es útil para establecer una tendencia clara en la estructura morfológica para este deporte a nivel nacional.

Humains , Femelle , Enfant , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Facteurs âges , Composition corporelle , Gymnastique , Kinanthropométrie , Indice de masse corporelle , Chili , Somatotypes