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Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(3): 46-50, jul.-set. 2022. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1400137


Objetivo: As fraturas do complexo zigomático-maxilar (CZM) constituem as principais fraturas do terço médio da face. O diagnóstico é complexo, por envolver uma área alternente sensorial e nobre da face. Portanto o tratamento não visa apenas devolver os contornos ósseos, mas também preservar as funções oculares. No presente caso paciente apresentou severo trauma facial associado a TCE com afundamento do frontal e teto de órbita. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 33 anos, vítima de queda da própria altura. No exame físico notou-se FCC extenso em região frontal, se estendendo para a região supra-orbital esquerda, blefaroedema periorbital esquerdo, com oclusão palpebral e distopia ocular. Escoriações em face e afundamento em região fronto parietal esquerda e perda de consciência. O diagnóstico apontou para fratura do complexo zigomático-maxilar associada a afundamento do osso frontal. Paciente submetido à osteossíntese das fraturas com por meio da ferida e complementado com acesso subciliar e caldwel luc. Foi alcançada boa reabilitação estética e funcional. Conclusão: Portanto, a redução aberta com fixação funcional estável com placas e parafusos segue sendo o padrão ouro para o tratamento de fraturas complexas do CZM. Sendo imperativo uma adequada redução e o reestabelecimento do continente orbitário... (AU)

Objective: Fractures of the zygomatic-maxillary complex are the main fractures of the middle third of the face. The diagnosis is complex, as it involves an alternating sensory and noble area of the face. Therefore, the treatment is not only aimed at restoring bone contours but also preserving ocular functions. In the present case, the patient presented severe facial trauma associated with TBI with frontal and orbital sinking. Case Report: Male patient, 33 years old, victim of a fall from standing height. Physical examination revealed extensive CCF in the frontal region, extending to the left supraorbital region, left periorbital blepharoedema, with eyelid occlusion and ocular dystopia. Excoriations on the face and sinking in the left fronto-parietal region and loss of consciousness. The diagnosis pointed to fracture of the zygomatic-maxillary complex associated with frontal bone sinking. Patient undergoing osteosynthesis of fractures through the wound and complemented with subciliary access and caldwell luc. Good aesthetic and functional rehabilitation were achieved. Conclusion: Therefore, open reduction with stable functional fixation with plates and screws remains the gold standard for the treatment of complex ZMC fractures. An adequate reduction and reestablishment of the orbiting continent is imperative... (AU)

Objetivo: Las fracturas del complejo cigomático maxilar son las principales fracturas del tercio medio de la cara. El diagnóstico es complejo, ya que involucra una zona sensorial y noble alternada de la cara. Por lo tanto, el tratamiento no solo está dirigido a restaurar los contornos óseos sino también a preservar las funciones oculares. En el presente caso, el paciente presentó trauma facial severo asociado a TCE con hundimiento frontal y orbitario. Caso Clínico: Paciente masculino, 33 años, víctima de caída desde altura de pie. A la exploración física destacaba FCC extensa en región frontal, con extensión a región supraorbitaria izquierda, blefaroedema periorbitario izquierdo, con oclusión palpebral y distopía ocular. Excoriaciones en la cara y hundimiento en la región fronto-parietal izquierda y pérdida del conocimiento. El diagnóstico apuntó a fractura del complejo cigomático-maxilar asociada a hundimiento del hueso frontal. Paciente con osteosíntesis de fractura a través de herida y complemento acceso subciliar y calwell luc. Se logró una buena rehabilitación estética y funcional. Conclusión: Por lo tanto, la reducción abierta con fijación funcional estable con placas y tornillos sigue siendo el estándar de oro para el tratamiento de fracturas CCM complejas. Es imperativo una adecuada reducción y restablecimiento del continente en órbita... (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Fractures du zygoma , Réduction de fracture ouverte , Ostéosynthèse interne , Mandibule/chirurgie , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Accidents domestiques , Traumatismes maxillofaciaux
Araçatuba; s.n; 2020. 75 p. tab.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1402517


O trauma buco maxilo facial (TBMF) relacionado à prática esportiva tem aumentado nos últimos anos, portanto é fundamental investigar os esportes de maior ocorrência, a saúde bucal dos atletas e a adoção de medidas preventivas. O objetivo neste estudo foi verificar a prevalência de trauma buco-maxilo-facial (BMF) em atletas; a relação com a modalidade esportiva praticada, bem como conhecimento e uso de protetores bucais, hábitos de higiene bucal, hábitos sociais e de hidratação. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo, envolvendo 647 atletas praticantes de diferentes esportes em um município do Brasil. Os participantes responderam a um questionário que abordava como desfecho primário a ocorrência de trauma na região da cabeça e pescoço durante atividades esportivas e o conhecimento e uso de protetores bucais. As seguintes variáveis também foram investigadas: esporte praticado, região afetada, escovação, uso do fio dental, consumo de refrigerantes, bebidas alcoólicas, tabagismo, hidratação e a respiração durante a prática esportiva. Do total, 148 atletas (22,87%) sofreram TBMF e os esportes de maior ocorrência foram o basquetebol e o futebol. Houve associação significativa entre ocorrência de TBMF e desconhecimento sobre protetores bucais (p=0,0042) e modalidade esportiva (p<0,0001). A boca foi o local mais acometido (30,40%), a cotovelada foi a principal causa (32,54%). O protetor bucal era conhecido por 538 atletas (83,15%), no entanto, apenas 169 (26,12%) utilizavam, sendo 13 (7,69%) deles personalizados. Verificou-se que 313 atletas (48,53%) respiravam pela boca durante a prática esportiva, 381 (58,89%) não ingeriam refrigerantes, 618 (95,52%) não fumavam e 98 (15,15%) consumiam bebidas alcoólicas ao menos duas vezes por semana. A maioria dos atletas (n=554; 85,63%) ingeria apenas água, enquanto 138 (21,33%) consumiam energéticos durante o exercício. O fio dental não era usado por 212 (32,77%) atletas e 606 (93,67%) escovavam os dentes 2 a 3 vezes ao dia. A maioria dos atletas conhecia os protetores bucais, no entanto, poucos faziam uso. Grande parte dos atletas apresentava respiração bucal durante a prática esportiva e embora todos realizassem a escovação dentária, uma parcela considerável não fazia uso de fio dental. O consumo de refrigerante, bebidas alcoólicas e cigarros foi baixo(AU)

Buccomaxillofacial trauma (TBMF) related to sports practice has increased in recent years, so it is essential to investigate the sports with the highest occurrence of TBMF, the oral health of athletes and the adoption of preventive measures. The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of buccomaxillofacial trauma (BMF) in athletes; the relationship with the sport practiced, as well as knowledge and use of mouthguards, oral hygiene habits, social habits and hydration. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive study, involving 647 athletes practicing different sports in a municipality in Brazil. Participants answered a questionnaire that addressed the occurrence of trauma in the head and neck during sports activities and the knowledge and use of mouthguards as the primary outcome. The following variables were also investigated: sport practiced, affected region, brushing, flossing, consumption of soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, smoking, hydration and breathing during sports practice. Of the total, 148 athletes (22.87%) suffered TBMF and the most frequent sports were basketball and football. There was a significant association between the occurrence of TBMF and lack of knowledge about mouthguards (p=0.0042) and sports (p <0.0001). The mouth was the most affected site (30.40%), the elbow was the main cause (32.54%). The mouthguard was known by 538 athletes (83.15%), however, only 169 (26.12%) used it, 13 (7.69%) of whom were personalized. It was found that 313 athletes (48.53%) breathed through the mouth during sports, 381 (58.89%) did not drink soft drinks, 618 (95.52%) did not smoke and 98 (15.15%) consumed drinks alcoholic at least twice a week. Most athletes (n = 554; 85.63%) drank only water, while 138 (21.33%) consumed energy drinks during exercise. The dental floss was not used by 212 (32.77%) athletes and 606 (93.67%) brushed their teeth 2 to 3 times a day. Most athletes knew about mouthguards, however, few used them. Most of the athletes had mouth breathing during sports practice and although all of them performed tooth brushing, a considerable portion did not use dental floss. The consumption of soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes was low(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Hygiène buccodentaire , Lésions traumatiques de la face , Athlètes , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Bouche/traumatismes , Protecteurs buccaux , Brossage dentaire , Plaies et blessures , Exercice physique , Santé buccodentaire , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Traumatismes du cou , Dispositifs d'hygiène buccodentaire à usage domestique , Respiration par la bouche , Protecteurs buccaux/statistiques et données numériques
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 40(3): 38-44, set.-dez. 2019. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1102224


O objetivo desse estudo foi revisar a literatura e enfatizar os aspectos relacionados ao manejo preventivo e terapêutico da osteorradionecrose dos maxilares. Realizou-se revisão bibliográfica não sistemática, descritiva e qualitativa nas plataformas de pesquisa Scielo, Pubmed e Medline, utilizando os descritores, osteoradionecrosis/osteoradionecrose e/ou radiotherapy/radioterapia e/ou jaw/arcada maxilares. Os critérios de inclusão foram: artigos publicados em inglês, espanhol ou português, pesquisas clínicas ou relatos de casos abordando tratamento com radioterapia de cabeça e pescoço e artigos publicados entre 1980-2018, excluindo da pesquisa trabalhos experimentais em animais, artigos publicados na forma de nota técnica ou carta ao editor e artigos baseados em opinião de especialistas. Baseando-se nos critérios de pesquisa, foram selecionados 56 artigos. A radioterapia é eficaz e amplamente utilizada como terapia nas neoplasias malignas de cabeça e pescoço, entretanto produz efeitos colaterais, sendo a osteorradionecrose uma das mais graves. Na maioria dos casos, progride lentamente, tornando-se extensa e dolorosa, suas manifestações tardias compreendem infecção e fratura óssea patológica. Nas últimas décadas, várias opções profiláticas ou terapêuticas foram consideradas no manejo da osteorradionecrose, sendo as mais relatadas: medidas de suporte, antibioticoterapia/antibioticoprofilaxia, pentoxifilina e tocoferol, oxigênio hiperbárico e ressecção cirúrgica com enxerto ósseo. A adequação do meio bucal e cirurgias orais antes de iniciar a radioterapiaainda é o tratamento ideal para prevenir a osteorradionecrose. A antibioticoterapia e/ou antibioticoprofilaxia sistêmica, anti-sépticos locais, pentoxifilina e tocoferol e oxigênio hiperbárico são os tratamentos mais relatados na literatura e que buscam minimizar a incidência da osteorradionecrose após procedimentos cirúrgicos odontológicos em pacientes submetidos a tratamentos de radioterapia(AU)

The purpose of this paper was to review the literature and to emphasize the aspects related to the preventive and therapeutic management of osteorradionecrosis of the jaws. Methods: A nonsystematic, descriptive and qualitative bibliographic review was performed on the Scielo, Pubmed and Medline research platforms, using the descriptors, osteoradionecrosis/osteoradionecrose and/or radiotherapy/radioterapia and/or jaw/maxilares. The inclusion criteria were: articles published in English, Spanish or Portuguese, clinical research or reports of cases approaching of treatment with head and neck radiotherapy and articles published between 1980- 2018, excluding from the research experimental study on animals, articles published in the form of technical note or letter to the editor and articles based on expert opinion. Results: Based on the search criteria, 56 articles were selected. Radiotherapy is effective and widely used as a therapy for malignant head and neck neoplasias, however it produces side effects, being osteoradionecrosis the most severe one. In most cases, it progresses slowly, becoming extensive and painful; its late manifestations comprise infection and pathological bone fracture. In the last decades, several prophylactic or therapeutic options have been considered in the management of osteoradionecrosis, being reported: supportive measures, antibiotic therapy/prophylaxis, pentoxifylline, tocopherol, hyperbaric oxygen and surgical resection with bone graft. Conclusion: The suitability of the oral cavity and oral surgery before starting the radiation therapy is still an ideal treatment to prevent osteoradionecrosis. Antibiotic therapy/prophylaxis, local antiseptics, pentoxifylline, tocopherol and hyperbaric oxygen are the most commonly reported treatments in the literature and seek to minimize the incidence of osteoradionecrosis after dental surgical procedures in patients undergoing radiation therapy(AU)

Ostéoradionécrose , Ostéoradionécrose/prévention et contrôle , Ostéoradionécrose/thérapie , Tumeurs de la tête et du cou , Maxillaire/traumatismes
Rev. inf. cient ; 97(1): i:175-f:182, 2018. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-995978


Se presentó el caso de una paciente de 31 años de edad atendida en el Departamento de Patología bucal de la Universidad de San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Ecuador, con historia de dolor de más de dos años de duración en el maxilar derecho luego de una extracción dentaria. Se abordaron aspectos de la semiotecnia diagnóstica y el tratamiento. Se realizó una revisión actualizada de la literatura científica sobre el tema(AU)

It was presented a case of 31-year-old female patient admitted at the Department of Oral Pathology at the University of San Gregorio of Portoviejo, Ecuador, with a history of pain of more than two years in the right maxilla after a tooth extraction. Aspects of diagnostic, semiotic and treatment are exposed. An updated review of the scientific literature on the subject is made(AU)

Femelle , Adulte , Extraction dentaire , Douleur chronique/thérapie , Maxillaire/traumatismes
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 7(1): 44-53, 2017. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol , Portugais | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1007933


Objetivo: Evaluar los cambios dimensionales de los arcos dentales primarios tratados con plano inclinado anterior como método de corrección de la mordida cruzada anterior. Métodos: Se trataron 10 pacientes con edades entre 3 y 5 años afectados con mordida cruzada anterior completa, se colocó un plano inclinado anterior elaborado en acrílico, que estuvo en posición en promedio 8.5 semanas. Se obtuvieron modelos de estudio en 3 momentos T0: antes del tratamiento; T1: 6 meses después de iniciado el tratamiento, y T2: al final del primer año de tratamiento y se evaluaron los cambios en las dimensiones de los arcos dentales. Resultados: En el 100% de los pacientes se corrigió la mordida cruzada anterior, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para las variables evaluadas con la terapéutica empleada. Conclusiones: El plano inclinado anterior produjo cambios dentales evidentes en un periodo corto de tiempo, sin recidivas y mejorando las dimensiones de los arcos dentales, especialmente el arco superior.

Objetivo: Avaliar as alterações dimensionais dos arcadas dentárias primárias tratados com plano inclinado como método de correção da mordida cruzada anterior. Métodos: 10 pacientes foram tratados com idades entre 3 e 5 sofrimento com mordida cruzada anterior completa, um plano inclinado em acrílico, que estava em posição de, em média, 8,5 semanas foi colocado. Modelos de estudo foram obtidos em 3 vezes T0: antes do tratamento; T1: 6 meses após o início do tratamento, e T2: o final do primeiro ano de tratamento e avaliadas alterações nas dimensões das arcadas dentárias. Resultados: Em 100% dos pacientes a mordida cruzada anterior foi corrigida, foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas para as variáveis avaliadas com o emprego terapêutico. Conclusões: O plano inclinado gerou alterações dentárias evidentes em pouco tempo, sem recaídas e melhorando as dimensões dos arcos dentários, principalmente da arcada superior.

Objective: To evaluate the dimensional changes of the primary dental arches treated with lower inclined bite plane as a method of correction of the anterior crossbite. Methods: Ten patients aged 3 to 5 years with complete anterior crossbite were treated with a lower inclined bite plane elaborated in acrylic. The average time of the plane position was 8.5 weeks. Dental casts were obtained in 3 moments T0: before treatment; T1: 6 months after starting treatment, and T2: at the end of the first year of treatment and changes in dimensions of dental arches were evaluated. Results: In 100% of patients the anterior crossbite were corrected, statistically significant differences for the variables evaluated with the therapeutic employed were found. Conclusions: The lower inclined bite plane generated evident dental changes in a short time, without relapses and improving the dimensions of the dental arches, especially the upper arch.

Humains , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Malocclusion dentaire , Occlusion dentaire , Denture , Maxillaire/traumatismes
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-780561


Aim Describe the location of traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa that develop after the installation of complete dentures, as well as to quantify the number of post-operative controls that are required. A descriptive study was conducted by examining 84 patients who attended the dental center of Universidad de Los Andes, San Bernardo, during the period from July 2012 to July 2013. A sample of 120 edentulous patients was obtained. After the fabrication and installation of the complete dentures, at least 3 post-operative controls were performed and the location of oral lesions was recorded. Documentation of the association between the patient's clinical variables and the appearance of oral lesions during the first 3 controls was performed using a logistic regression. Results For maxillary dentures, 5 post-operative visits were made and 6 controls for mandible dentures. In the upper jaw the anatomical areas of higher incidence of traumatic injuries were: canine fossa (23.9%), average bridle (23.1%), and distobuccal sulcus (20.1%). In the lower jaw, the highest number of lesions were recorded on the anterior lingual flank (16.5%), anterior and posterior lingual flank (13.4%), and distobuccal sulcus (12.8%). A significant association was observed between subjects who reported consumption of cholesterol-lowering medications and the development of traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa (OR: 0.25 and 95% CI: 0.055-0.939). The installation of complete dentures does not determine that the treatment has ended. Post-operative controls are needed to assess areas of erythema and ulceration.

Objetivo Describir la ubicación y frecuencia de las lesiones traumáticas de la mucosa oral que se generan después de la instalación de las prótesis dentales completas, y cuantificar el número de controles postoperatorios necesarios. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, examinando a 84 pacientes que asistieron al centro dental de la Universidad de Los Andes, durante el período comprendido entre de julio de 2012 y julio del de 2013. Se obtuvo una muestra de 120 pacientes edéntulos. Después de la fabricación e instalación de las dentaduras completas se realizaron por lo menos 3 controles postoperatorios y la localización de las lesiones orales fue registrada. La documentación de la asociación entre las variables clínicas de los pacientes y la aparición de lesiones orales durante los 3 primeros controles fue realizado por medio de una regresión logística. Resultados Para prótesis maxilar 5 visitas de controles postoperatorios fueron realizados y 6 para mandibulares. En el maxilar superior las zonas de mayor incidencia de lesiones traumáticas fueron: fosa canina (23,9%), flanco medio (23,1%) y distovestibular del surco (20,1%). En la mandíbula se registraron mayor frecuencia de las lesiones en el flanco lingual anterior (16,5%), anterior y posterior (13,4%) y distovestibular del surco (12,8%). Una asociación significativa se observó entre los sujetos que reportaron consumo de medicamentos reductores del colesterol y el desarrollo de las lesiones traumáticas de la mucosa oral (o: 0,25 e IC: 0,055-0,939). La instalación de las prótesis dentales completas no determina que el tratamiento haya terminado. Los controles postoperatorios son necesarios para evaluar las áreas de eritema y ulceración.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Ulcère buccal/étiologie , Prothèse dentaire complète/effets indésirables , Muqueuse de la bouche/traumatismes , Langue/traumatismes , Études transversales , Bouche édentée/rééducation et réadaptation , Traumatismes mandibulaires/étiologie , Maxillaire/traumatismes
Araçatuba; s.n; 2016. 56 p. ilus, tab.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-875119


Os traumas acidentais e intencionais, principalmente as agressões, são preocupações da sociedade contemporânea, não somente pelo dano causado e suas possíveis sequelas, mas também pelo Impacto no serviço de saúde. As regiões mais acometidas são a cabeça e o pescoço. As lesões bucomaxilofaciais têm grande importância, tanto pela incidência, como pelo fato de que, se não forem reparadas de maneira adequada podem evoluir e ter graves sequelas estéticas e funcionais. Objetivou-se neste estudo realizar um levantamento dos aspectos epidemiológicos das lesões corporais que atingiram o complexo bucomaxilofacial, registradas em laudos periciais. Realizou-se i um estudo analítico-descritivo, no Instituto Médico Legal de um município de médio porte do Estado de São Paulo, que atende 30 cidades da região. Foram analisados 14.218 prontuários, referentes aos atendimentos do período de 2011 a 2013 e incluídos na pesquisa 2.196, os quais apresentaram lesões bucomaxilofaciais. Foram verificadas as características sociodemográficas do periciado (gênero, idade e etnia); características da lesão (localização e tipo); motivo da ocorrência (agressão, acidentes de trânsito e acidentes em geral); e observações adicionais contidas na conclusão do laudo pericial. Os dados foram analisados empregando-se teste de qui-quadrado ou por meio de teste de qui-quadrado da razão de verossimilhança (G2), sendo definido o uso do coeficiente V de Cramer para quantificação da associação. Observou-se que a prevalência das lesões (15,45%) foi relevante e proporcionalmente mais elevada nas agressões (75,95%), ocorrendo principalmente em homens (75,83%), adultos (75,82%) e leucodermas (75,86%). Os acidentes de trânsito demonstraram crescente evolução de casos com lesões graves. Houve associação significativa quantificada pelo coeficiente V de Cramer entre motivo da ocorrência e idade (p<0,01), e gênero (p<0,0001). Os casos periciados tiveram prevalência do agente etiológico contundente (87,15%); e foram classificados como leve (84,60%). O perfil epidemiológico das lesões bucomaxilofaciais registradas em laudos periciais revelou que as agressões e os acidentes de trânsito foram os principais causadores. Homens adultos foram envolvidos com maior frequência nos eventos e lesões leves e de tecidos moles foram as mais prevalentes. As ocorrências das lesões provenientes de agressões e acidentes de transito estiveram associadas ao gênero, ao tipo de agente etiológico, ao dano e à resultante. A gravidade das lesões esteve associada ao tipo de agente etiológico(AU)

Accidental and intentional traumas, especially aggression, are the contemporar's society's concerns, not only by the damage caused and its possible consequences, but also for the impact on Health's Service. The most affected are head and neck. Maxillofacial injuries are of great importance, both for its occurrence and for the fact that if not properly repaired it can come to evolve and result in serius esthetic and functional sequelae. This study aimed to perform a survey of Epidemiological aspects of body injuries which reached the maxillofacial complex, recorded in expert reports. It was performed an analytical- descriptive study at the Legal Medical Institute located in an average size country in the state of São Paulo, which serves 30 cities in the region. It had been analyzed 14.218 records; relating calls from 2011 to 2013, and 2196 that showed maxillofacial injuries were included in the survey. Individual's sociodemographic characteristics (such as gender, age and ethnicity); lesion's characteristics (location and type); reason for the occurrence (assault, traffic acidentes and acidentes in general); and additional notes along the expert's report conclusion were verified. Data were analyzed using the chi- square test or chi-square likelihood ratio test medium (G2), being defined the use of the coefficient V Cramer paragraph for the association's quantification. It was noticed that the predominance of trauma was relevant and proportionally higher in agression (75.95%), occuring mostly in men (75.83%); Adults (75.82%) and Caucasian 1 (75.86%). The Traffic Accidents showed increasing evolution in cases presenting critical, injuries. There was a significant association quantified by V Cramer coefficient between j reason for the occurrence and age (p <0.01), and between reason for the occurrence and gender (p <0.0001). The examined cases presented prevalence of blunt etiologic agent (87,15%); and they were classified as mild (84.60%). Epidemiological profile of maxillofacial injuries recorded in expert reports showed that aggression and traffic accidents were the main causes. Adult men were involved more frequently in events and minor injuries and soft tissue were the most prevalent. Occurrences of injuries from aggressions and traffic accidents were associated with gender, type of etiologic agent, the damage and the resultanting. The severity of injuries was associated with the type of etiologic agent(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Odontologie légale , Traumatismes maxillofaciaux , Expertise , Lésions traumatiques de la face , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Bouche/traumatismes
Acta odontol. venez ; 51(2)2013. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-706227


Granuloma Piogénico (GP) es una lesión reactiva producida por un crecimiento excesivo del tejido conectivo, es frecuente en la mucosa bucal muy especialmente en el tejido gingival. Se trata de una patología de crecimiento rápido, sangrante y se asocia a la presencia de irritantes locales, microtraumatismos, entre otros factores. Tiene importante predilección por el género femenino entre la segunda y quinta década de la vida. Lesiones como malformaciones vasculares, lesión periférica de células gigantes y sarcoma de Kaposi son sus principales diagnósticos diferenciales y el tratamiento de elección es la escisión quirúrgica. A continuación se presenta un caso clínico poco común debido a las características clínicas de la lesión y la edad del paciente, pues se trata de un infante del género masculino de 5 años de edad, que acudió a la Facultad de Odontología de la UCV, referido por su odontólogo general, debido a la presencia de una lesión tumoral en el sector posterior derecho maxilar, adyacente a la cara distal del 55 de 2.5cm de tamaño. Se realizó la escisión quirúrgica de la lesión posterior a la evaluación de los exámenes preoperatorios y fue analizada histopatológicamente, donde se confirmó el diagnóstico inicial de GP

Pyogenic Granuloma (PG), is a reactive lesion caused by an excessive connective tissue growth and it frequently appears on oral mucosa, especially the gingiva. The PG present fast growth, bleeding propensity and it is associated, among other factors, to local irritation and minor trauma. It has predilection for female patients between second and fifth decade of life. The main differential diagnosis can be made with lesions such as: vascular malformations, peripheral giant-cell lesion and Kaposi's sarcoma. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice. This article presents a case report of an uncommon lesion regarding its rare clinical features and age of the patient. A 5 year old male patient who attended the Facultad de Odontología of Universidad Central de Venezuela, referred by his dental practitioner, presented a tumor-like lesion. The lesion was 2.5 cm in size and located on posterior right maxilla next to distal surface of 55. Surgical excision was performed after full laboratory test evaluation. The histopathology findings confirmed initial diagnose of PG

Humains , Mâle , Enfant , Granulome pyogénique/chirurgie , Granulome pyogénique/diagnostic , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Odontologie
Acta odontol. venez ; 51(2)2013. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-706228


El Fibromixoma Odontogénico es una variante del Mixoma Odontogénico. Se describe como una lesión intraósea agresiva derivada del tejido conjuntivo embrionario asociada con la odontogénesis1 constituida principalmente por grandes cantidades de tejido fibroso celular maduro. Su origen es controvertido, aparece en el esqueleto facial, afectando con mayor frecuencia a la mandíbula2. A continuación se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de sexo femenino de 36 años de edad que presentó un aumento de volumen a nivel del ápice de diente 1.6 ,en la que se realizó un curetaje logrando la completa resección de la lesión, el resultado del informe patológico da el diagnóstico de Fibromixoma de origen Odontogénico

The Odontogenic Fibromyxoma is a variant of the Odontogenic Myxoma. It is described as an agressive intraoseous lesion that derives from the embrionary connective tissue associated with the odontogenesis, constituted by great amounts of celular mature fibrous tissue. It has a controverted origin, appears in the facial skeleton affecting more frecuently the mandible. We present a case of a 36 year old female who consulted with an increase of volume in relation to the 1.6 theet where we practiced a curetaje obtaining a complete resection of the lesion, the results of the patologic inform gives the diagnostic of odontogenic fibromyxoma

Femelle , Fibromatose gingivale/diagnostic , Fibromatose gingivale/anatomopathologie , Mandibule , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Myxome/diagnostic , Myxome/anatomopathologie , Odontologie
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 49(2): 175-183, abr.-jun. 2012.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-639767


El quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA) es una lesión benigna rara en huesos maxilares, su mayor frecuencia es en huesos largos del esqueleto y columna vertebral. Algunos autores especulan que el origen sea por trauma, mala formación o un neoplasma. El aspecto radiográfico puede mostrar desde una imagen difusa hasta una imagen bien definida, muy semejante a las otras lesiones de los maxilares volviendo el diagnóstico diferencial amplio. Con la destrucción del córtex óseo puede todavía formar una imagen reaccional del periostio en forma de rayos de sol, característico de una lesión maligna. En este estudio, se presenta caso de paciente femenino, 17 años de edad, que buscó el Servicio de Cirugía y Traumatología Buco maxilofacial del Hospital São Vicente de Paulo-RS, que presentó dolor y aumento de volumen en la mandíbula. Informó que hace cerca de un año empezó a sentir malestar en la región junto al ángulo mandibular derecho, lo cual fue progresivamente aumentando de volumen. El aspecto radiográfico acordaba una lesión maligna. Después de la confirmación histopatológica de QOA, el tratamiento seleccionado para el caso fue quirúrgico conservador, con legrado de la cavidad ósea, y fue mantenido en control posoperatorio de rutina con 6 y 18 meses. En las radiografías panorámicas realizadas se verifica la neoformación ósea y cura del caso(AU)

The aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a benign and rare lesion in maxillary bones, is more frequent in largo bones of skeletal and spinal column. Some authors speculate about that its origin be traumatic, malformation of neoplasm. The radiographic appearance may to show from a diffuse image up to a well defined image very similar to the other maxillary lesions turning wide the differential diagnosis. With destruction of the bon cortex it is possible to create a reaction image of periosteum in sunbeams characteristic of malignant lesion. This is the case of a female patient aged 17 seeking help in the Bucco-maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology Service of the São Vicente de Paulo Hospital _ RS, presenting with pain and an increased mandibular volume. She manifested that around one year she began to feel a discomfort next to he right mandibular angle, which was progressively increasing the volume. The radiographic appearance resembled a malignant lesion. After the histopathology verification of ABC, treatment choosed for this case was of type conservative surgical with bone cavity curettage and was maintained under systemic postoperative control for 6 and 18 months. In the taken panoramic radiographies is verified the bone neoformation and the cure of case(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Kystes osseux anévrismaux/chirurgie , Kystes osseux anévrismaux/imagerie diagnostique , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Radiographie panoramique/méthodes , Diagnostic différentiel
Braz. oral res ; 26(2): 119-125, Mar.-Apr. 2012. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-622907


The aim of the present study was to identify risk factors for facial fractures in patients treated in the emergency department of a hospital. The medical charts of 1121 patients treated in an emergency ward over a three-year period were analyzed. The independent variables were gender, age, place of residence (urban or rural area) and type of accident. The dependent variables were fractured mandible, zygoma, maxilla, nasal bone and more than one fractured facial bone. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square test (a < 0.05), univariate and multivariate Poisson distributions and the logistic regression analysis (p < 0.20). Maxillofacial trauma was recorded in 790 charts (70.5%), with 393 (35.1%) charts reporting facial fractures. Motorcycle accidents were found to be the main risk factor for mandibular fractures (PR = 1.576, CI = 1.402-1.772) and simultaneous fractures of more than one facial bone (OR = 4.625, CI = 1.888-11.329) as well as the only risk factor for maxillary bone fractures (OR = 11.032, CI = 5.294-22.989). Fractures of the zygomatic and nasal bones were mainly associated with accidents involving animals (PR = 1.206, CI = 1.104-1.317) and sports (OR = 8.710, CI = 4.006-18.936), respectively. The determinant for the majority of facial fractures was motorcycle accidents, followed by accidents involving animals and sports.

Adolescent , Adulte , Enfant , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Os de la face/traumatismes , Fractures osseuses/étiologie , Traumatismes mandibulaires/étiologie , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Répartition par âge , Chutes accidentelles/statistiques et données numériques , Accidents de la route/statistiques et données numériques , Traumatismes sportifs/épidémiologie , Traumatismes sportifs/étiologie , Brésil/épidémiologie , Loi du khi-deux , Facteurs épidémiologiques , Service hospitalier d'urgences/statistiques et données numériques , Fractures osseuses/épidémiologie , Traumatismes mandibulaires/épidémiologie , Prévalence , Études rétrospectives , Répartition par sexe , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Violence/statistiques et données numériques
Rev. chil. cir ; 62(4): 391-394, ago. 2010. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-565366


We report a 72 years old male that received wooden fragments in the face, thrown by a wood grinding machine. At presentation, he had multiple facial and cervical wounds and a foreign body that passed from the left zygomatic region to the right retromaxilar region. A CAT sean showed that the foreign body crossed from the left zygomatic are to the pterigomaxillary fossa, crossing it and exiting from the mandibular notch. The patient was operated, a Lefort I osteotomy was performed and the foreign body removed. He was discharged seven days later with left frontal and right orbital pareses.

Los cuerpos extraños (CE) son frecuentes como secuela de trauma en la región de cabeza y cuello, variando considerablemente en cuanto a composición, localización y tamaño. Hay pocos reportes de CE que penetren en la fosa ptérigomaxilar, siendo más común encontrarlos en relación al área orbitaria. Este reporte describe un caso de CE de madera, transfixiante, involucrado en ambas fosas ptérigomaxilares en un paciente masculino de 72 años, y las técnicas quirúrgicas y complementarias usadas para su remoción.

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Corps étrangers/chirurgie , Corps étrangers/étiologie , Maxillaire/chirurgie , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Accidents du travail , Bois , Plaies pénétrantes
J. appl. oral sci ; 18(4): 343-345, July-Aug. 2010. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-557102


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate cases of dental trauma treated at the specialized center of Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, during a period of 2 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 647 patients were evaluated and treated between 2003 and 2005. Data obtained from each patient were tabulated and analyzed as to gender, age, etiology, time elapsed after the injury, diagnosis (type of trauma), and affected teeth. RESULTS: The results revealed that male individuals aged 7 to 13 years presented the highest prevalence of injury, and falling was the main causal factor. In most cases, the time elapsed between the accident and the first care ranged from 4 to 24 h. A total of 1,747 teeth were affected, with higher incidence of concussion/subluxation and coronal fracture, followed by lateral luxation and avulsion. The permanent maxillary central incisors were the most commonly affected teeth. CONCLUSION: The frequency and causes of dentoalveolar trauma should be investigated for identification of risk groups, treatment demands and costs in order to allow for the establishment of effective preventive measures that can reduce the treatment duration and costs for both patients and oral health services.

Adolescent , Adulte , Enfant , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Femelle , Humains , Nourrisson , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Traumatismes dentaires/épidémiologie , Facteurs âges , Chutes accidentelles/statistiques et données numériques , Accidents de la route/statistiques et données numériques , Brésil/épidémiologie , Études épidémiologiques , Incidence , Incisive/traumatismes , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Prévalence , Études rétrospectives , Facteurs sexuels , Facteurs temps , Extrusion dentaire/épidémiologie , Couronne dentaire/traumatismes , Fractures dentaires/épidémiologie , Racine dentaire/traumatismes , Violence/statistiques et données numériques , Jeune adulte
Rev. bras. otorrinolaringol ; 74(5): 652-656, set.-out. 2008. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-499836


O acesso cirúrgico à região de base do crânio é sempre difícil principalmente pelas estruturas anatômicas nobres associadas. A osteotomia maxilar proporciona visão direta à região de clivus e coluna cervical, além de apresentar uma menor morbidade em relação aos diversos acessos descritos na literatura. OBJETIVO: Avaliar 11 casos submetidos à osteotomia transmaxilar, descrevendo técnica cirúrgica, resultados e complicações pós-operatórias. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: O estudo retrospectivo de onze pacientes foi submetido à cirurgia transmaxilar para acesso à região do tronco encefálico. Registros quanto à oclusão dentária, hemorragia trans e pós-operatória, necrose óssea e alterações de tecido mole foram estudados. Todos seguiram o mesmo protocolo cirúrgico e acompanhamento médio de dois anos. RESULTADOS: Após o tratamento todos os pacientes apresentaram melhora do quadro clínico e nenhum dano neurológico, hemorragia trans e pós-operatória ou intercorrências maiores foram identificadas. Dentre as complicações, em dois pacientes ocorreu fratura incompleta da maxila, dois apresentaram laceração da mucosa nasal e um apresentou como complicação tardia uma fístula bucossinusal. CONCLUSÃO: A osteotomia transmaxilar possibilitou adequado acesso a região de clivus para descompressão do tronco encefálico com baixo índice de complicações nesta série de casos.

Surgical access to the skull base is always difficult, especially because of the noble anatomic structures present there. Maxillary osteotomy provides direct view to the clivus region and the neck spine, and it also bears less morbidity when compared to the many other accesses described in the literature. AIM: to assess 11 patients submitted to transmaxillary osteotomy, describing the surgical technique and postoperative results and complications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study involving eleven patients submitted to transmaxillary approach to the brainstem. We studied dental occlusion, trans and postoperative bleeding, bone necrosis and soft tissue alterations. All followed the same surgical protocol and were followed up for two years. RESULTS: after treatment, all the patients improved in their clinical status and had no neurological complication, trans and postoperative hemorrhage or major complications were seen. Among the complications, two patients had incomplete maxilla fracture, two had laceration of their nasal mucosa and one had, as late complication, an oral-sinusal fistula. CONCLUSION: Transmaxillary osteotomy provided proper access to the clivus for brainstem decompression with low rate of complications in this series.

Adolescent , Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Maxillaire/chirurgie , Ostéotomie/méthodes , Complications postopératoires , Base du crâne/chirurgie , Fosse crânienne postérieure/chirurgie , Études de suivi , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Ostéotomie/normes , Études rétrospectives , Jeune adulte
Int. j. morphol ; 26(3): 681-688, Sept. 2008. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-556732


Los bifosfonatos son potentes inhibidores de los osteoclastos, son drogas usadas principalmente para el tratamiento de mieloma múltiple y en metástasis óseas de tumores sólidos como el cáncer de mama. En el año 2003 fue relatado el primer caso de osteonecrosis de los maxilares (ONM) asociado al uso de bifosfonatos, sin embargo aun no se ha establecido una relación causa efecto de estas drogas sobre la ONM. La incidencia en tiempos anteriores en relación al uso de bifosfonatos era muy baja, siendo que hoy día alcanza 10 por ciento o más en las patologías mencionadas tratadas con estas drogas. Este artículo tiene por objetivo alertar sobre una posible complicación en pacientes que hacen uso de bifosfonatos, a través de la revisión de la literatura y la presentación de un caso clínico.

Bisphosphonates are strong osteoclastic inhibitor activities, being these drugs usually for treatment of multiple myeloma and bone metastases of solid tumors like breast cancer. The osteonecrosis of the maxillary bones was first described in 2003. The relation of these medicines and maxillary bone osteonecrosis still uncertain. The incidence of this bone necrosis was very low before biphosphonates using. Nowadays this complication reach at least 10 percent of patients in these therapy using. The present work mean to alert for possible complication in biphosphonates using patients, thru a literature review and a clinical case presentation.

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Diphosphonates/effets indésirables , Diphosphonates/usage thérapeutique , Maxillaire , Maxillaire/physiopathologie , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Ostéonécrose/chirurgie , Ostéonécrose/complications , Ostéonécrose/induit chimiquement , Ostéonécrose/thérapie , Amoxicilline/administration et posologie , Amoxicilline/usage thérapeutique , Clindamycine/administration et posologie , Clindamycine/usage thérapeutique , Métamizole sodique/administration et posologie , Métamizole sodique/usage thérapeutique , Métastase tumorale/thérapie , Métronidazole/administration et posologie , Métronidazole/usage thérapeutique , Ostéomyélite/complications , Ostéomyélite/thérapie
Rev. Soc. Bras. Cir. Craniomaxilofac ; 11(3,supl): 19-19, jun. 2008.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-523553


Introdução: A displasia fibrosa óssea(DFO) é uma lesão pseudoneoplásica benigna de etiologia ainda desconhecida, que aparece sob três padrões clínicos característicos, ocasionalmente superpostos. Há a forma monostótica, que atinge um único osso, a poliostótica, acomentendo vários ossos, mas nunca todos, e a poliostótica associada às pigmentações cutâneas tipo café com leite e anormalidades endócrinas, especialmente na puberdade precoce, devido ao acometimento dos ossos da face e crânio, geralmente causando deformidade, é doença de particular interesse pelo otorrinolaringologista. Será descrito um caso de portador de DFO monostótica, com diagnóstico confirmado pelo exame anatomopatológico. Relato de caso: Paciente de quarenta anos de idade, sexo masculino, cor branca, natural do Estado de Santa Catarina, procurou o Serviço de otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Crânio-maxilo-facial do Hospital Angelina Caron, em setembro de 2006, tendo como queixa principal, um aumento da hemiface direita, que iniciou aos doze anos de idade com evolução lenta, apresentando no momento dificuldade para adaptar a prótese dentária superior. O exame clínico nos mostrou um paciente hígido, sem patologia de base com aumento da hemiface direita na região de maxila e zigoma direitos. O exame tomográfico evidenciou aumento da densidade e volume ósseo envolvendo a hemimaxila, osso zigomático e seio maxilar direitos, com abaulamento superior de soalho orbitário direito justificando o diagnóstico de displasia fibrosa óssea monostótica. Em fevereiro de 2007, o paciente foi submetido a cirurgia para reparação funcional, onde foi realizada osteoplastia de rebordo alveolar de maxila direita por acesso intrabucal. O material removido foi enviado para exame histopatológico, confirmando o diagnóstico inicial de displasia fibrosa monostótica...

Humains , Lésions traumatiques de la face , Dysplasie fibreuse des os , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Tumeurs à cellules géantes/anatomopathologie
JPDA-Journal of the Pakistan Dental Association. 2008; 17 (2): 92-99
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-88465


To determine the pattern of dental trauma to maxillary permanent incisors with relation to age and overjet. A complete history and examination findings of 100 patients, aged between 7 and 17 years, presenting with trauma to permanent anterior teeth were recorded on a specifically designed proforma. Extraoral and intraoral examinations were performed and radiographs were taken when indicated. Andreasen and Andreasen's Classification [1993] was applied for the classification of dental injury, Overjet of the subjects were also recorded and classified accordingly. Hundred patients with one hundred and twenty nine traumatized teeth were observed and recorded. The average age considered was 12 years. It was noted that boys [62%], were more often involved with trauma as compared to girls [38%]. The maxillary central incisors were found to be the most affected teeth [84%], The most common cause of injuries was fall [59%]. Uncomplicated crown fracture cases were more frequently observed [31%]. Compared to patients with normal overjet, trauma was significantly higher in patients with increased overjet [P = 0.001]. Boys suffered more trauma than girls with a ratio of about 1.6:1. Children with increase overjet were two times more prone to dental trauma with normal overjet

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Répartition par âge , Répartition par sexe , Malocclusion dentaire/classification
Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 52(2): 62-65, 2007. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-784070


Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente que acudió a laUnidad de Estomatología y Cirugía Bucomaxilofacial del Hospital de Clínicas de La Paz, por presentar múltiples lesiones tumorales en regiones gingivodentarias de arcadas dentarias superior e inferior, ocasionándo le asimetría facial. Cuadro clínico de 3 años de evolución aproximadamente; recibiendo tratamiento quirúrgico endos oportunidades para exéresis del tumor y estudio histopatológico, reportándo se fibromas de irritación; el mismo recidivo encorto tiempo. Acude a nuestra Unidad donde se realiza biopsia excisional bajo anestesia general y estudio histopatológico,mismo que reporta Plasmocitoma extramedular. La baja frecuencia de esta entidad tumoral motiva su presentación y revisión bibliográfica.

Summary We present thecase of a patient who consulted with the Unit of Stomatology and Bucomaxilofacial Surgery of the Hospital de Clínicas in La Paz. The patient refrred multiple tumors lesions in regions gingivodentarias in jaws, of approximately 3 years evolution; it was subjected to surgery in two opportunities reporting “Irritation of fi bromas”.The patient was submitted to an excision biopsy under general anaesthesia for the respective histopathological examination.The result show ed extremedullary plasmocytoma. Given the low frecuencig of this malignant tumor.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Tumeurs de la mâchoire/diagnostic , Plasmocytome/anatomopathologie , Plasmocytome/diagnostic , Littérature de revue comme sujet
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 5(2): 67-74, abr.-jun. 2005. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-872961


Os estudos epidemiológicos fornecem informações ao clínico, facilitando o diagnóstico e dando condições de prevenir determinadas patologias. Este é um estudo epidemiológico das lesões ósseas diagnosticadas no Departamento de Patologia Bucal da Faculdade de Odontologia da PUCRS, durante um período de 29 anos,levando em conta gênero, idade e cor do paciente, além da localização anatômica da lesão. As doenças osteogênicas representaram 4,21 por cento do total de diagnósticos, dentre as quais 23,07 por cento eram neoplásicas e 76,92 por cento não. A maioria dessas lesões ocorreu no gênero feminino, na cor branca, na mandíbula e em pacientes com média de 34,17 anos de idade.

Humains , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Os et tissu osseux/traumatismes
JAMC-Journal of Ayub Medical College-Abbotabad-Pakistan. 2003; 15 (2): 8-11
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-62348


This study was carried out to determine the aetiology, pattern and management of maxillofacial injuries at PIMS, Islamabad. This descriptive study was conducted at Plastic Surgery Department, PIMS Islamabad from 1st February 1998 to 30th April 2002. All the adult patients presenting with maxillofacial injures were included where as patients less than 12 years of age and only facial lacerations were excluded. Similarly isolated nasal bone fractures were also excluded because these patients were routinely managed by ENT department. Age, sex, presentation, aetiology, associated injuries and treatment modalities undertaken in these patients were recorded. In 164 patients 254 fractures were noted. Most were male [86%], ranging in age from 13'71 years with a male to female ratio of 6:1 respectively. The most frequent [48%] cause noticed was road traffic accidents followed by assault. Mandible was the commonest to be involved in such injuries followed by maxilla. Most of the patients [32%] had associated facial injuries. Various treatment modalities were practiced. Maxillofacial fractures should be managed by open reduction and internal fixation as early as possible

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Traumatismes maxillofaciaux/chirurgie , Prise en charge de la maladie , Traumatismes maxillofaciaux/étiologie , Maxillaire/traumatismes , Traumatismes mandibulaires