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Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 20(4): 637-642, fev 11, 2022. tab, fig
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359524


Introdução: a Epidermólise Bolhosa hereditária (EB) é uma doença rara, caracterizada por formações de bolhas na pele e nas mucosas que sofrem mínimos traumas ou aparecem espontaneamente. As principais divisões de EB são Epidermólise Bolhosa Simples, Epidermólise Bolhosa Juncional, Epidermólise Bolhosa Distrófica e a Síndrome de Kindler. As manifestações bucais geralmente encontradas nos pacientes com EB são as bolhas no epitélio oral, microstomia, anquiloglossia, doença periondontal, hipoplasia do esmalte, cárie dentária, atrofia da maxila e prognatismo mandibular, variando para cada tipo da doença. Objetivo: relatar as manifestações bucais dos portadores de Epidermólise Bolhosa residentes no município de Barra da Estiva. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo transversal, quantitativo e descritivo que foi desenvolvido no município de Barra da Estiva ­ BA com a população de portadores de Epidermólise Bolhosa, através da realização de anamnese e exame clínico. Estatística descritiva foi utilizada para tabular os dados coletados. Resultados: foram analisados 5 portadores de Epidermólise Bolhosa, a maioria do sexo masculino (60%), com média de idade de 5,6 anos. As manifestações bucais encontradas foram bolhas orais (100%), anquiloglossia (100%), língua despapilada (100%), hipoplasia de esmalte (80%), cárie (40%) e abertura de boca limitada em média de 28,6 mm. Conclusão: os portadores de Epidermólise Bolhosa apresentaram manifestações orais características da doença, tendo como consequências maiores dificuldades para realizar higienização bucal e tratamento odontológico, sendo necessário conhecimento prévio dos cirurgiões-dentistas para o atendimento desses pacientes.

Introduction: inherited Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a rare disease, characterized by blistering of the skin and mucous membranes that suffer minimal trauma or appear spontaneously. The main divisions of EB are Simple Epidermolysis Bullosa, Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa, Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa and Kindler Syndrome. The oral manifestations usually found in patients with EB are blisters in the oral epithelium, microstomy, ankyloglossia, periodontal disease, enamel hypoplasia, dental caries, atrophy of the jaw and mandibular prognathism, varying for each type of disease. Objective: to report the oral manifestations of Epidermolysis Bullosa patients living in the municipality of Barra da Estiva. Methods: cross-sectional study, quantitative and descriptive that was developed in the municipality of Barra da Estiva-BA with the population of people with Epidermolysis Bullosa, through anamnesis and clinical examination. Descriptive statistics was used to tabulate the data collected. Results: 5 children with Epidermolysis Bullosa were analyzed, most male (60%), with an average age of 5,6 years. Oral manifestations found were oral blisters (100%), anquiloglossia (100%), loss of papillae of the tongue (100%), enamel hypoplasia (80%), tooth decay (40%) and mouth opening limited to the average of 28.6 mm. Conclusion: epidermolysis Bullosa children presented oral manifestations common to the disease, leading to difficulties in performing oral hygiene and dental treatment, requiring prior knowledge of dental surgeons for the care of these patients.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Manifestations buccales , Cloque , Épidermolyse bulleuse , Hypoplasie de l'émail dentaire , Microstomie , Démographie , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Études d'évaluation comme sujet
Rev. bras. queimaduras ; 19(1): 37-42, 2020.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361386


OBJETIVO: Esse estudo teve como propósito verificar, por meio da fotogrametria computadorizada, a eficácia do uso da órtese oral como auxiliar na terapia fonoaudiológica. MÉTODO: Após a documentação fotográfica, cada paciente foi submetido a terapia fonoaudiológica, por meio da terapia miofuncional orofacial, associada ao uso da órtese oral, confeccionada segundo Borges et al. (2011). Ao término do tratamento, foi realizado novo registro fotográfico, em seguida, a mensuração da dimensão vertical (distância entre lábio superior/inferior) e horizontal (distância entre comissuras direita/esquerda), com o uso do programa Corel Draw X3. RESULTADOS: As médias da abertura bucal aumentaram da avaliação inicial para a avaliação final, tendo aumentado 5,1 mm no sentido horizontal (67,3 mm para 72,4 mm) e 13,9 mm no sentido vertical (de 32,7 mm para 46,6 mm). Essas diferenças se revelam significativas para as avaliações (p <0,05). CONCLUSÃO: O uso da órtese oral associado a terapia fonoaudiológica demonstrou ser eficaz como mais um instrumento na prevenção da microstomia.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to through computerized photogrammetry, the efficacy of oral orthosis as an aid in speech therapy. METHODS: After the photographic documentation, each patient underwent speech therapy, through orofacial myofunctional therapy, associated with the use of an oral orthosis, made according to Borges et al. (2011). At the end of the treatment, a new photographic record was taken, then the vertical dimension measurement (distance between upper lip) and horizontal (distance between corners right/left), using the program Corel Draw X3. RESULTS: The mean mouth opening increased from the initial evaluation to the final evaluation, increasing 5.1 mm in the horizontal direction (67.3 mm to 72.4 mm) and 13.9 mm in the vertical direction (from 32.7 mm to 46.6 mm). These differences are significant for the evaluations (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The use of oral orthosis associated with speech therapy proved to be effective as another tool in the prevention of microstomia.

Humains , Brûlures/rééducation et réadaptation , Photogrammétrie/instrumentation , Phonoaudiologie/méthodes , Microstomie/thérapie , Rééducation buccale/méthodes , Orthèses/ressources et distribution , Études longitudinales , Thérapie myofonctionnelle/instrumentation
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 558-563, 2018.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979653


@#It is difficult to make impression and fabricate conventional dentures for patients with microstomia and flat ridge. This is a case report of 53-year-old female with limited mouth opening (25 mm) who had been wearing denture for 7 years and which was recently broken. Close mouth with suction impression method was used. Proper diagnosis and appropriate set of procedures and methods were needed for this patient. The conventional complete denture fitted with closed mouth method for this condition resulted in retentive and stable denture which was inserted and removed easily.

Microstomie , Prothèse dentaire complète
Annals of Dermatology ; : 210-214, 2017.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-25583


The Abbé-Estlander flap surgery is a cross-lip procedure that is valuable in repairing a defect on the lower lip using a full-thickness flap, consisting of the skin, muscle and mucosa, from the upper lip. As usefulness and practicality of the flap in reconstruction of lower lip surgical defects in Asian ethnicity have not been documented, the authors present a case of successful lower lip reconstruction with a staged, Abbé-Estlander lip switching flap with commissuroplasty as an illustrative example. A 71-year-old male has presented with an ulcerating lip nodule in the middle one third of the lower lip, measuring about 1.5×2 cm across its long and short axes. Wide excision of the tumor was followed by delineation of the triangular Abbé-Estlander flap from the upper lip, in which the medial hinge point of the base was chosen as the pedicle. Then, the flap elevation was carried out from the lateral commissure and then was transferred into the lower lip defect. Three weeks later, commissuroplasty was performed to correct the rounding at the new commissure. The patient is currently performing his daily activities with no apparent compromise in orbicularis oris strength or oral continence. Given the size of the primary defect and the flap-to-defect ratio of size, the degree of microstomia was acceptable. Even with other myriad of reconstructive options at surgeons' disposal, the Abbé-Estlander lip-switching flap is a reliable, and less morbid method of lower lip reconstruction for Asian surgical candidates. The authors illustrate an exemplary case in which a relatively large lower lip defect was successfully repaired using an upper lip flap of a significantly smaller size in an Asian subject of advanced age, without any remarkable long term sequelae which have traditionally been associated with the trans-oral lip switching flap technique.

Sujet âgé , Humains , Mâle , Asiatiques , Tumeurs de la lèvre , Lèvre , Méthodes , Microstomie , Muqueuse , Peau , Ulcère
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-633448


BACKGROUND: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rare, connective tissue  disease  with  multisystem involvement.This is due to immunological processes,vascular endothelial cell injury  and extensive activation of fibrolast that commonly affects the skin and other internal organs such as the esophagus, lungs, heart, and kidneys. SSc has one of the highest mortality among  the  autoimmune  rheumatic  diseases,  hence  the  emphasis  on  the  early  recognition  and  management  to  prevent significant progression of the disease. CASE: A 22-year-old  female  presented  with  a  one-year history of multiple hard and hypopigmented patches on the face, neck, trunk and upper extremities. Further examination revealed mask-like facies, microstomia, frenulum sclerosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, pitted scars on the digital pulp of hands  and  sclerodactyly.Baseline  blood  chemistry,chest radiograph and electrocardiography  were  all  negative  for systemic involvement. Autoantibodies were positive for dsDNA, SS-A/Ro and Scl-70. Skin biopsy revealed sclerosing dermatitis, which was consistent with SSc. OUTCOME: The  patient  was  initially  started  with  oral prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/day and was increased to 0.75 mg/kg/day for eight weeks. Prednisone was slowly tapered to 5.0 mg/day and methotrexate 15.0 mg/week was included in  the  management for eight weeks which resulted in decreased joint pains, halted the progression of skin induration, decreased in pruritus and palmar edema. CONCLUSION: The characteristic dermatological findings of SSc are not only important signs to dermatologists, but these serves as diagnostic clues for clinicians from other disciplines as well. In our case, the presence of the autoantibody Scl-70 indicated the potential risk of pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary arterial hypertension that accounts with high mortality.Hence,physicians should be aware of the possible risk of organ damage,even when asymptomatic because there is a high risk of disease progression. The importance of early recognition and a multidisciplinary approach lead to the good outcome in this case.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Autoanticorps , Prednisone , Méthotrexate , Cicatrice , Microstomie , Sclérose , Maladie de Raynaud , Fibrose pulmonaire , Hypertension pulmonaire , Oedème , Rhumatismes , Sclérodermie systémique , Sclérodermie diffuse
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-629095


Prosthodontic rehabilitation and management of microstomia patient presents challenges at all stages during prosthesis fabrication; from making primary impressions to the prostheses insertion. These patients have reduced mouth opening, and hence it can be extremely challenging to make impressions and to fabricate dentures using the conventional methods. The present case report describes prosthodontic management of a partially dentate patient with microstomia that developed secondary to surgical resection and radiation therapy of head and neck cancer. A simplified novel approach has been advocated using the patient’s existing metal removable partial denture as a key in master cast preparation.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960121


@#<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>BACKGROUND: </strong>Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rare, connective tissue  disease  with  multisystem involvement.This is due to immunological processes,vascular endothelial cell injury  and extensive activation of fibrolast that commonly affects the skin and other internal organs such as the esophagus, lungs, heart, and kidneys. SSc has one of the highest mortality among  the  autoimmune  rheumatic  diseases,  hence  the  emphasis  on  the  early  recognition  and  management  to  prevent significant progression of the disease. <br /><strong>CASE:</strong> A 22-year-old  female  presented  with  a  one-year history of multiple hard and hypopigmented patches on the face, neck, trunk and upper extremities. Further examination revealed mask-like facies, microstomia, frenulum sclerosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, pitted scars on the digital pulp of hands  and  sclerodactyly.Baseline  blood  chemistry,chest radiograph and electrocardiography  were  all  negative  for systemic involvement. Autoantibodies were positive for dsDNA, SS-A/Ro and Scl-70. Skin biopsy revealed sclerosing dermatitis, which was consistent with SSc. <br /><strong>OUTCOME:</strong> The  patient  was  initially  started  with  oral prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/day and was increased to 0.75 mg/kg/day for eight weeks. Prednisone was slowly tapered to 5.0 mg/day and methotrexate 15.0 mg/week was included in  the  management for eight weeks which resulted in decreased joint pains, halted the progression of skin induration, decreased in pruritus and palmar edema. <br /><strong>CONCLUSION:</strong> The characteristic dermatological findings of SSc are not only important signs to dermatologists, but these serves as diagnostic clues for clinicians from other disciplines as well. In our case, the presence of the autoantibody Scl-70 indicated the potential risk of pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary arterial hypertension that accounts with high mortality.Hence,physicians should be aware of the possible risk of organ damage,even when asymptomatic because there is a high risk of disease progression. The importance of early recognition and a multidisciplinary approach lead to the good outcome in this case.</p>

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Autoanticorps , Prednisone , Méthotrexate , Cicatrice , Microstomie , Sclérose , Maladie de Raynaud , Fibrose pulmonaire , Hypertension pulmonaire , Oedème , Rhumatismes , Sclérodermie systémique , Sclérodermie diffuse
Article | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960108


BACKGROUND: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rare, connective tissue  disease  with  multisystem involvement.This is due to immunological processes,vascular endothelial cell injury  and extensive activation of fibrolast that commonly affects the skin and other internal organs such as the esophagus, lungs, heart, and kidneys. SSc has one of the highest mortality among  the  autoimmune  rheumatic  diseases,  hence  the  emphasis  on  the  early  recognition  and  management  to  prevent significant progression of the disease. CASE: A 22-year-old  female  presented  with  a  one-year history of multiple hard and hypopigmented patches on the face, neck, trunk and upper extremities. Further examination revealed mask-like facies, microstomia, frenulum sclerosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, pitted scars on the digital pulp of hands  and  sclerodactyly.Baseline  blood  chemistry,chest radiograph and electrocardiography  were  all  negative  for systemic involvement. Autoantibodies were positive for dsDNA, SS-A/Ro and Scl-70. Skin biopsy revealed sclerosing dermatitis, which was consistent with SSc. OUTCOME: The  patient  was  initially  started  with  oral prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/day and was increased to 0.75 mg/kg/day for eight weeks. Prednisone was slowly tapered to 5.0 mg/day and methotrexate 15.0 mg/week was included in  the  management for eight weeks which resulted in decreased joint pains, halted the progression of skin induration, decreased in pruritus and palmar edema. CONCLUSION: The characteristic dermatological findings of SSc are not only important signs to dermatologists, but these serves as diagnostic clues for clinicians from other disciplines as well. In our case, the presence of the autoantibody Scl-70 indicated the potential risk of pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary arterial hypertension that accounts with high mortality.Hence,physicians should be aware of the possible risk of organ damage,even when asymptomatic because there is a high risk of disease progression. The importance of early recognition and a multidisciplinary approach lead to the good outcome in this case.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Autoanticorps , Prednisone , Méthotrexate , Cicatrice , Microstomie , Sclérose , Maladie de Raynaud , Fibrose pulmonaire , Hypertension pulmonaire , Oedème , Rhumatismes , Sclérodermie systémique , Sclérodermie diffuse
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-155115


Although it is a rare developmental malformation, van der Woude syndrome is the most common form of syndromic orofacial clefting, accounting for approximately 2% of all cleft cases. The lower lip pits with or without a cleft lip or palate is characteristic of the syndrome. Findings, such as hypodontia, limb deformities, popliteal webs, ankylogossia, ankyloblepheron, and genitourinary and cardiovascular abnormalities, are rarely associated with the syndrome. This paper reports a rare case of van der Woude syndrome in a 10-year-old male patient with a single median lower lip pit and a repaired bilateral cleft lip and cleft palate that were associated with microstomia, hypodontia, and clubbing of the left foot with syndactyly of the second to fifth lesser toes of the same foot.

Enfant , Humains , Mâle , Anodontie , Malformations cardiovasculaires , Bec-de-lièvre , Fente palatine , Malformations , Membres , Pied , Lèvre , Microstomie , Palais , Syndactylie , Orteils
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 4(5): 340-350, oct.2015. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-783358


Difficulty in dental management is one of the factors that characterize the patient that requires special care in dentistry. One of the clinical conditions that make dental treatment particularly complex is microstomia. Microstomia is defined as a small and insufficient oral aperture that will hinder diagnosis and dental treatment. Although there have been reports of patients with diseases and syndromes that cause microstomia, the available literature offers only a limited number of reviews on this topic. The aim of this paper is to present a review of the etiology, clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of microstomia. In addition, to describe the therapeutic adaptations to be applied in dental procedures in patients with microstomia, emphasizing the importance of a preventive approach in this group of patients...

La dificultad en el manejo odontológico es uno de los factores que definen al paciente que requiere cuidados especiales en odontología. Una de las situaciones clínicas que más dificulta el tratamiento dental es la microstomia. La microstomia se define como una apertura bucal pequeña e insuficiente que va a dificultar el diagnóstico y el tratamiento bucodental. Aunque se han descrito casos clínicos de pacientes con enfermedades y síndromes que cursan con microstomia, no hay muchas revisiones del tema en la literatura. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una revisión sobre la etiología, la clínica, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la microstomia. Así como, describir las adaptaciones terapéuticas que se deben aplicar en los procedimientos dentales en el paciente con microstomia, recalcando la importancia de un enfoque preventivo en este grupo de pacientes...

Humains , Microstomie/diagnostic , Microstomie/étiologie , Microstomie/thérapie
Rev. bras. queimaduras ; 12(3): 182-186, jul.-set. 2013. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-752802


Las cicatrices post-quemaduras de labio superior, originadas en quemaduras de espesor parcial profundo suelen provocar importantes secuelas estéticas y funcionales al perder la elasticidad y complacencia de la piel sana por placas cicatrizales rígidas e hipertróficas. Estas secuelas, de por si, suelen provocar la limitación de la apertura bucal. La condición fundamental para la reparación de esta secuela consiste en devolver la elasticidad normal al área cicatrizal. Por eso para la cobertura de áreas funcionales y móviles es ideal el aporte de piel sana mediante la realización de colgajos que permitan lograr un buen resultado funcional y aceptable aspecto lo estético. En el caso del labio superior la presencia de pelo, en el varón permite un rudimentario bigote, que permitiría ocultar al paciente otras cicatrices y/o asimetrías del área. Las posibilidades existentes para reemplazar la unidad completa de labio superior aportando pelo para el bigote no son tantas especialmente en el paciente com secuelas de quemadura peribucal. El colgajo de cuero cabelludo resulta muy grueso con alta densidad pilosa y rígido para la movilidad fina que requiere el labio superior, resultando en un pobre resultado estético y funcional. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con una microstomía severa cuya reparación, además de la comisuroplastía, se realizó con un colgajo interóseo posterior a distancia, como novedad, aportando buena elasticidad y naturalidad en la densidad pilosa.

The post-burn scars upper lip, originated in deep partial thickness burns usually cause significant aesthetic and functional sequelae to lose elasticity and healthy skin complacency by rigid plates and hypertrophic scarring. These consequences, in itself, often cause the limitation of mouth opening. The fundamental condition for the repair of this sequel is to restore normal elasticity scar area. So for functional area coverage and mobile is ideal healthy skin input by conducting flaps to achieve an acceptable good functional and aesthetic aspect. In case the presence of the upper lip hair in the male enables a crude mustache, which would hide the patient other scars and / or asymmetries in the area. The options available to replace the complete unit providing upper lip hair for the mustache are not many especially in patients with perioral burn sequelae. The scalp flap is very thick and densely hairy mobility rigid for the thin upper lip required, resulting in a poor aesthetic and functional result. We report the case of a patient with a severe microstomia whose repair work and the commissuroplasty, was performed with a posterior interosseous flap remote, as new, providing good elasticity and natural in hair density.

Humains , Brûlures , Lèvre , Microstomie
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 26(3): 433-438, July-Sept. 2011. ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-608201


BACKGROUND: Several techniques that have been described for reconstructing the lower lip often produce microstomia, commissure distortion, functional impairment, and decreased sensitivity. A technique for preserving neuromuscular tissue during a single-stage lip reconstruction is reported in this study. This technique involves the use of the vermilion myomucosal advancement flap with or without the mentolabial skin flap. METHODS: This study analyzed 17 male patients with squamous cell carcinoma. The mean patient age was 54.8 years, and incidence of lip defects after resection ranged from 20 percent to 85 percent. RESULTS: Infection, nerve damage, or the requirement for surgical revision was not observed in any patient during the follow-up period of three months. Three patients had microstomia with slight posterior enlargement of the lip. All patients had good sensitivity and adequate sphincter continence. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the vermilion myomucosal flap with or without the mentolabial skin flap resulted in a minimal risk of microstomia or functional incompetence. This procedure is performed in a single surgical stage and has good aesthetic and functional results for reconstruction of up to 80 percent of the lower lip.

INTRODUÇÃO: Várias técnicas têm sido descritas para a reconstrução do lábio inferior, muitas vezes produzindo microstomia, distorção da comissura, incapacitação funcional ou diminuição da sensibilidade. Neste trabalho, é relatada uma técnica com preservação de tecido neuromuscular para reconstrução labial em um único estágio, através do uso de retalho de avanço miomucoso do vermelhão, com ou sem retalho de pele mentolabial. MÉTODO: Foram analisados 17 pacientes do sexo masculino, portadores de carcinoma de células escamosas, com média de idade de 54,8 anos, com defeitos labiais pós-ressecção de 20 por cento a 85 por cento. RESULTADOS: Durante um período de 3 meses de seguimento pós-operatório, nenhum paciente apresentou infecção, lesão nervosa ou necessitou de revisão cirúrgica. Três pacientes apresentaram microstomia, com alargamento discreto posterior do lábio. Todos os pacientes apresentaram boa sensibilidade e continência esfincteriana adequada. CONCLUSÕES: O uso do retalho miomucoso de vermelhão com ou sem retalho de pele mentolabial resultou em risco mínimo de microstomia ou incompetência funcional, sendo realizado em estágio cirúrgico único, além de demonstrar bons resultados estéticos e funcionais para a reconstrução de até 80 por cento do lábio inferior.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Histoire du 21ème siècle , Conservation de tissu , Carcinome épidermoïde , , , Cellules épithéliales , Lambeaux tissulaires libres , Lèvre , Microstomie , Conservation de tissu/méthodes , Carcinome épidermoïde/chirurgie , /méthodes , Cellules épithéliales/anatomopathologie , Lambeaux tissulaires libres/chirurgie , Lèvre/malformations , Lèvre/chirurgie , Microstomie/anatomopathologie
Rev. bras. queimaduras ; 10(1): 35-38, jan.-mar. 2011.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-750375


A retração nos lábios pode determinar variados graus de microstomia, possibilitando alterações nas funções estomatognáticas. Inicialmente é indicado o tratamento conservador com o uso de splints orais (órteses), capazesde aplicar forças que possam parar ou inverter esse processo. O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar a abordagem fonoaudiológica em um caso de de face, com retração das comissuras oral em evolução para microstomia, associando as técnicas específicas de terapia ao uso de órteses, visando à funcionalidade do sistema estomatognático.

The lips retraction may provide various degrees of microstomia, reduction in oral opening, allowing changes in the stomatognathic functions, difficultiesin dental procedures and aesthetic deformities. Initially, it is indicated theconservative treatment through the use of oral splints (orthoses) capable of applying forces which could halt or reverse the situation. The objectiveto present paper is the speech therapy approach in a case of face burn with oral commissures retraction evolving to microstomia, associating specific therapy techniques to the orthoses use, aiming the stomatognathic system functionality.

Humains , Brûlures , Face , Microstomie , Système stomatognathique
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 24(4): 559-562, out.-dez. 2009. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-545153


Queimaduras elétricas em lábios são raras (5,6% – 7% dos casos de queimadura elétrica),mesmo em crianças, sendo o sexo masculino duas vezes mais atingido. Por serem incomuns,são de difícil e contraditório manejo no atendimento inicial e no tratamento das sequelas.No presente trabalho é descrito um caso de queimadura elétrica em lábio em uma pacientede 2 anos. Foi submetida a tratamento cirúrgico 10 dias após a queimadura e apresentouresultado estético e funcional satisfatório após 8 meses de evolução.

Electric burn injuries in lips are rare (5.6% – 7% are the range of occurrences), even inchildren, never the less statistics shows that male patients are two times more likely to sufferthis burns. Due to the fact, that this cases are uncommon they often have difficult andcontradictory first aid protocols, as well as in the following treatment. This text reports atwo-year-old-female patient who had a lip burn injury. The patient had suffered a surgicalproceeding 10 days after the burn took place and also had presented a satisfactory functionalevolution, 8 months later.

Humains , Femelle , Enfant , Brûlures électriques , Bouche/traumatismes , Enfant , Lèvre/chirurgie , Lèvre/traumatismes , Microstomie , Procédures de chirurgie opératoire , Méthodes , Patients , Techniques et procédures diagnostiques
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139779


Microstomia is defined as an abnormally small oral orifice which can be due to various factors. Microstomia is a definite prosthodontic hindrance to carry out the different treatment successfully. To rehabilitate a patient with microstomia, successfully, the methods and designs incorporated in the prosthesis have to be modified. In the past, various techniques have been tried, incorporating certain biological and scientific methods to rehabilitate patients with microstomia. This article reviews the previously described treatment modalities in case of patients with microstomia.

Technique de prise d'empreinte/instrumentation , Conception d'appareil de prothèse dentaire , Prothèse dentaire complète , Humains , Mâchoire édentée/rééducation et réadaptation , Microstomie/complications
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139751


Making impressions in microstomia patients is often cumbersome. A modification of standard impression procedure is often necessary while treating such patients. This article describes the fabrication of a custom sectional impression tray with interlocking type of a handle for definitive impression procedures in a microstomia patient.

Technique de prise d'empreinte/instrumentation , Modèles dentaires , Conception de prothèse dentaire/méthodes , Humains , Maxillaire , Microstomie
IJCN-Iranian Journal of Child Neurology. 2009; 3 (3): 51-54
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-134366


The Freeman-Sheldon syndrome is a rare congenital myopathy and dysplasia, in which fibrotic contractures of the facial muscles result in the characteristic "whistling face". Difficulties with intubation may be attributed in part to microstomia and micrognathia. In addition to other deformities, limb myopathy results in ulnar flexion contractures of the hand and equinovarus/valgus deformities of the feet. Intravenous access may be difficult because of limb deformities and thickened subcutaneous tissues. Limbs may be encased in plaster casts or splints limiting the available sites for venepuncture. The authors report with a review of literature the case of an infant with Freeman-Sheldon syndrome, which his characteristics was mentioned above

Humains , Mâle , Contracture , Muscles de la face , Microstomie , Micrognathisme , Membres , Pied bot varus équin congénital , Dysostose craniofaciale , Syndrome , Main , Hypertélorisme , Blépharophimosis
Rev. bras. queimaduras ; 8(2): 75-78, Maio - Ago 2009.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368278


O tratamento da microstomia é frequentemente um desafio no dia-a-dia do tratamento das sequelas de queimaduras. De maneira geral, as técnicas utilizadas são complexas, com resultados muitas vezes insatisfatórios e com alta taxa de recidiva. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar um caso grave de microstomia em uma criança de 2 anos, que teve sua resolução alcançada de forma simples, prática e econômica em contrapartida aos métodos tradicionais que muitas vezes são caros, complexos e pouco práticos.

The microstomia treatment is still a challenge in the day by day of the burn sequelae treatment. Usually, the techniques are complex, with poor results and high incidence of recurrence. This study presents a severe case of microstomia in a 2 years old child. The solution was simple, and cheap, in comparison to the traditional surgical methods, usually expensive, complex and low acessibility in a small Center.

Humains , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Orthèses/ressources et distribution , Brûlures/complications , Microstomie/étiologie , Microstomie/thérapie
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-51534


Microstomia, an abnormally small oral orifice, can manifest as a sequela of burns involving the oral and perioral tissues due to contraction of the tissues and hypotonia of the circumoral musculature. Regardless of the etiology, scar contracture results in deformities that produce esthetic and functional impairment. Changes in the circumoral anatomy prevent optimal dental care and maintenance of good oral hygiene. The anatomic changes may detrimentally alter eating, speech, and mandibular motion. Prosthetic treatment involves providing physical resistance to scar contracture by maintaining the oral commissures in their normal relationship by means of a splint. This article describes a method to fabricate a dynamic commissural splint and describes its use in two cases.

Brûlures/complications , Enfant , Cicatrice/étiologie , Contracture/étiologie , Conception d'appareillage , Lésions traumatiques de la face/complications , Humains , Mâle , Microstomie/étiologie , Attelles