Deletion on the short arm of chromosome 18 is a rare disorder characterized by intellectual disability, growth retardation, and craniofacial malformations (such as prominent ears, microcephaly, ptosis, and a round face). The phenotypic spectrum is wide, encompassing a range of abnormalities from minor congenital malformations to holoprosencephaly. We present a case of a 2-year-old girl with ptosis, a round face, broad neck with low posterior hairline, short stature, and panhypopituitarism. She underwent ventilation tube insertion for recurrent otitis media with effusion. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed an ectopic posterior pituitary gland and a shallow, small sella turcica with poor visualization of the pituitary stalk. Cytogenetic and chromosomal microarray analysis revealed a de novo deletion on the short arm of chromosome 18 (arr 18p11.32p11.21[136,227–15,099,116]x1). She has been treated with recombinant human growth hormone (GH) therapy since the age of 6 months after diagnosis of GH deficiency. Her growth rate has improved without any side effects from the GH treatment. This case expands the phenotypic spectrum of 18p deletion syndrome and emphasizes the positive impact of GH therapy on linear growth in this syndrome characterized by growth deficiency. Further studies are required to define the genotype-phenotype correlation according to size and loci of the deletion in 18p deletion syndrome and to predict prognosis.
Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Femelle , Humains , Bras , Encéphale , Chromosomes humains de la paire 18 , Cytogénétique , Diagnostic , Oreille , Études d'associations génétiques , Hormone de croissance , Holoprosencéphalie , Hormone de croissance humaine , Déficience intellectuelle , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Analyse sur microréseau , Microcéphalie , Cou , Otite moyenne sécrétoire , Hypophyse , Neurohypophyse , Pronostic , Selle turcique , VentilationRÉSUMÉ
RESUMO Objetivos: 1 primário: Relatar um caso de neuro-hipófise ectópica (NE) associada à deficiência do hormônio GH (DGH) que foi diagnosticado e se encontra sendo acompanhado no ambulatório de endocrinologia pediátrica do Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal de São Paulo. 2 secundário: Compreender o que a ectopia da neuro-hipófise pode acarretar, e entender a importância de se fazer o diagnóstico bem como o tratamento precoce. Método: Foi realizado um relato de caso de paciente com diagnóstico de neuro-hipófise ectópica realizado no Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal de São Paulo, e que ainda hoje é acompanhado no ambulatório de endocrinologia pediátrica do serviço. Discussão: A NE é uma condição rara caracterizada pela localização ectópica do lobo posterior da hipófise, anormalidades da haste hipofisária e está associada a manifestações clínicas relacionadas à DGH e menos frequentemente outras deficiências hormonais múltiplas. A prevalência é de 30% a 40% de NE nos pacientes com DGH. Já na população geral, sem evidências de endocrinopatia, a prevalência de NE é estimada em 0,006%, reforçando que não se trata de uma alteração comum na população hígida. A presença de NE é altamente indicativa de disfunção hipotalâmica. A patogênese da disfunção hipofisária nos casos de NE ainda é incerta. Etiologia traumática ou isquêmica, presente em casos de insultos perinatais e/ou em partos pélvicos, têm sido consideradas em casos de hipopituitarismo congênito. Identificar os fatores envolvidos na DGH da NE consiste em um grande desafio, pois apenas uma pequena parte dos casos tem as alterações genéticas definidas. A presença de casos familiares de NE com DGH, associados à ausência de intercorrências neonatais, reforçam a possibilidade de defeitos na embriogênese hipofisária. O prognóstico é favorável se o diagnóstico e tratamento forem prontamente realizados. Palavras chave: Neuro-hipófise ectópica, hormônio GH, hipopituitarismo, baixa estatura.
Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Neurohypophyse , Hormone de croissanceRÉSUMÉ
La diabetes insípida central es una enfermedad rara del hipotálamo y de la neurohipófisis, y muy inusualmente se halla en el adulto con diabetes mellitus 2. Se manifiesta por un síndrome poliúrico polidípsico, que debe diferenciarse de la diabetes mellitus mal controlada. Ante la similitud de ambas entidades, y lo infrecuente de su coexistencia, se dificulta su sospecha. Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 72 años de edad, con diabetes mellitus 2 y pobre control de la misma (hiperglucemias de ayuno mayores a 180 mg/dl) que cursó un síndrome poliúrico de larga data. La hipernatremia y la osmolalidad plasmática elevadas, junto a una osmolalidad urinaria baja llevaron a la sospecha de diabetes insípida, que posteriormente se confirmó con la prueba de deshidratación y la administración de desmopresina s.c. Con un aumento del 61% de la osmolalidad urinaria calculada una hora post desmopresina s.c. fue diagnosticada como diabetes insípida del tipo central. La resonancia magnética nuclear mostró una mancha brillante con neurohipófisis normal, contribuyendo al diagnóstico de la forma idiopática.
Central diabetes insipidus is a rare disease of the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis. It is very unusually found in the adult with type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is manifested by a polydipsic polyuric syndrome, which must be distinguished from the poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus. Given the similarity of both entities and the unusual nature of their coexistence, their suspicion is difficult. The case of a 72-year-old male with type 2 diabetes mellitus with poor insulin control (fasting hyperglycemia greater than 180 mg/dl) who had a long-standing polyuric syndrome is here presented. Hypernatremia and plasma osmolality elevated together with a low urinary osmolality led to the suspicion of diabetes insipidus, which was subsequently confirmed by the dehydration test and the administration of desmopressin sc. With 61% increase in the calculated urinary osmolarity one hour post desmopressin s.c., diabetes insipidus of central type was diagnosed. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance showed a bright spot with normal neurohypophysis, contributing to the diagnosis of the idiopathic form.
Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Diabète insipide central/complications , Diabète insipide central/diagnostic , Diabète de type 2/complications , Diabète de type 2/diagnostic , Diagnostic différentiel , Concentration osmolaire , Neurohypophyse , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Acide gadopentétique , Diabète insipide central/urine , Diabète insipide central/sang , Diabète de type 2/urine , Diabète de type 2/sangRÉSUMÉ
A 19-year-old man presented with bitemporal hemianopsia and was found to have a large sellar and suprasellar tumor, resembling a pituitary macroadenoma. Emergency transsphenoidal approach was attempted because of rapid visual deterioration with headache. However, the approach was complicated and stopped by uncontrolled hemorrhage from the tumor. After conventional cerebral angiography and recognition of an unusual pathology, transcranial approach was achieved to prevent permanent visual loss. The final pathological diagnosis was pituicytoma with epithelioid features. Pituicytoma is a rare low-grade tumor (WHO Grade I) of pituicytes involving the sellar and suprasellar region, and originating from special glial cells of the neurohypophysis. Because of the high vascularity, the firm consistency, and invasion to surrounding neurovascular structures, a pituicytoma should be included in the differential diagnosis of a mass in the sellar and suprasellar area if the tumor shows high enhancement with vascular components. We report a case of rare pituicytoma mimicking a pituitary macroadenoma with massive hemorrhage to disturb surgery.
Humains , Jeune adulte , Angiographie cérébrale , Diagnostic , Diagnostic différentiel , Urgences , Céphalée , Hémianopsie , Hémorragie , Névroglie , Anatomopathologie , NeurohypophyseRÉSUMÉ
Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS) involves the occurrence of a thin or absent pituitary stalk, hypoplasia of the adenohypophysis, and ectopic neurohypophysis. Diagnosis is confirmed using magnetic resonance imaging. Patients with PSIS have a variable degree of pituitary hormone deficiency and a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. The clinical course of the disease in our patient is similar to that of a syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion. This is thought to be caused by failure in the suppression of vasopressin secretion due to hypocortisolism. To the best of our knowledge, there is no case report of a patient with PSIS presenting with hyponatremia as the first symptom in Korean children. Herein, we report a patient with PSIS presenting severe recurrent hyponatremia as the first symptom, during adolescence and explain the pathophysiology of hyponatremia with secondary adrenal insufficiency.
Adolescent , Enfant , Humains , Insuffisance surrénale , Retard de diagnostic , Diagnostic , Hyponatrémie , Hypopituitarisme , Syndrome de sécrétion inappropriée d'ADH , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Hypophyse , Adénohypophyse , Neurohypophyse , VasopressinesRÉSUMÉ
Los pituicitomas son tumores infrecuentes de la región selar y supraselar, originados de la neurohipófisis, que suelen ser confundidos con otros tumores al compartir características imaginológicas. Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 36 años de edad, con un pituicitoma en la región selar, que fue diagnosticado como un adenoma hipofisario debido a los hallazgos clínicos e imaginológicos preoperatorios y se realiza una revisión de la literatura.
The Pituicytomas are rare tumors of the sellar and suprasellar region originated of the neurohypophysis and are usually confused with other tumors when sharing imagining features. It is reported a case of a 36 years old woman with pituicytoma in the sellar region that was diagnosed as a pituitary adenoma due to the presurgical clinical and imaging findings and, it is revised the literature.
Humains , Adulte , Femelle , Endoscopie/méthodes , Galactorrhée , Hyperprolactinémie , Neurohypophyse/anatomopathologie , Prolactinome/chirurgie , Prolactinome/diagnostic , Imagerie par résonance magnétique/méthodes , Immunohistochimie/méthodes , Tumeurs de l'hypophyse/chirurgie , Tumeurs de l'hypophyse/diagnostic , Tumeurs de l'hypophyse/épidémiologie , Radiochirurgie , Selle turcique/traumatismes , Tomodensitométrie/méthodesRÉSUMÉ
Several heterozygous GLI2 gene mutations have been reported in patients with isolated GH deficiency (IGHD) or multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (MPHD) with or without other malformations. The primary aim of this study was to analyze the presence of GLI2 gene alterations in a cohort of patients with IGHD or MPHD and ectopic/absent posterior pituitary. The coding sequence and flanking intronic regions of GLI2 gene were amplified and directly sequenced from gDNA of 18 affected subjects and relatives. In silico tools were applied to identify the functional impact of newly found variants (Polyphen2, SIFT, Mutation Taster). We identified two novel heterozygous missense variations in two unrelated patients, p.Arg231Gln and p.Arg226Leu, located in the repressor domain of the protein. Both variations affect highly conserved amino acids of the Gli2 protein and were not found in the available databases. In silico tools suggest that these variations might be disease causing. Our study suggests that the GLI2 gene may be one of the candidate genes to analyze when an association of pituitary hormone deficiency and developmental defects in posterior pituitary gland. The highly variable phenotype found suggests the presence of additional unknown factors that could contribute to the phenotype observed in these patients.
Mutaciones heterocigotas en el gen GLI2 fueron previamente comunicadas como causa de déficit aislado de hormona de crecimiento (IGHD) o déficit múltiple de hormonas hipofisarias (MPHD), con o sin otras malformaciones. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la presencia de alteraciones en el gen GLI2 en un grupo de pacientes con IGHD o MPHD acompañado de neurohipófisis ectópica o ausente. La secuencia codificante y las regiones intrónicas flanqueantes del gen GLI2 fueron amplificadas y secuenciadas de manera directa a partir de ADN genómico extraído de sangre periférica proveniente de 18 sujetos afectados y sus familiares. Se utilizaron herramientas informáticas para predecir el impacto funcional de las nuevas variantes encontradas (Polyphen2, SIFT, Mutation Taster). Identificamos dos nuevas variantes heterocigotas con pérdida de sentido en dos pacientes no relacionados, p.Arg231Gln y p.Arg226Leu, localizadas en el dominio represor de la proteína. Estas variantes afectan aminoácidos altamente conservados en la secuencia proteica de GLI2 y no se encuentran informadas en las bases de datos disponibles. Las herramientas informáticas utilizadas sugieren que estas variantes pueden ser la causa del desarrollo de la enfermedad. Nuestro resultados indican que el gen GLI2 es uno de los genes candidatos a estudiar cuando existe una asociación entre déficit de hormonas hipofisarias y alteraciones en el desarrollo de la neurohipófisis. Se sugiere la existencia de otros factores adicionales que podrían contribuir a la variabilidad del fenotipo observado.
Humains , Mâle , Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Hormones hypophysaires/déficit , Hormone de croissance humaine/déficit , Mutation faux-sens , Facteurs de transcription Krüppel-like/génétique , Phénotype , Argentine , Adénohypophyse/malformations , Neurohypophyse/malformations , Introns , Protéine à doigts de zinc Gli2 , Hétérozygote , Microcéphalie/diagnosticRÉSUMÉ
Primary granulomatous hypophysitis is a rare inflammatory disorder of the pituitary gland and patients commonly present with symptoms of sellar compression and hypopituitarism. A 48-year-old woman was admitted due to headache and fatigue. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a 21 x 18 x 13-mm round sellar mass with a thickened pituitary stalk. The endocrinological examination revealed panhypopituitarism and diabetes insipidus. Suspecting hypophysitis, the patient was given steroid and hormone replacement therapy. Six months later, she continued to complain of severe headaches and nausea. Computed tomography showed no significant change in the sellar mass. Subsequently, transsphenoidal surgery was performed. The pathological examination revealed granulomatous changes with multinucleated giant cells and primary granulomatous hypophysitis was diagnosed. Her headache resolved, but the pituitary functions did not improve. This is the first reported case in Korea of primary granulomatous hypophysitis with dysfunction of anterior and posterior pituitary gland, including the stalk, without optic chiasm compression.
Femelle , Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Diabète insipide , Diabète insipide central , Fatigue , Cellules géantes , Céphalée , Hormonothérapie substitutive , Hypopituitarisme , Corée , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Nausée , Chiasma optique , Hypophyse , NeurohypophyseRÉSUMÉ
Estudos em modelos animais transgênicos possibilitaram o conhecimento de parte dos genes envolvidos na embriogênese hipofisária e da etiologia genética do hipopituitarismo em humanos. Entretanto, a etiologia da maior parte dos casos de hipopituitarismo congênito, principalmente os associados à neuro-hipófise ectópica (NE), ainda é pouco definida. Mutações no gene PROP1 são a causa genética mais comum de hipopituitarismo descritas até o momento, mas estão sempre associadas à neuro-hipófise tópica. Estudos destinados a esclarecer o mecanismo molecular da mutação do gene Prop1 em camundongos demonstraram a participação da via de sinalização Notch e de seus componentes, dentre eles, o gene Hes1. O HES1 é um gene que codifica um fator de transcrição que participa de estágios precoces do desenvolvimento hipofisário e está envolvido com a morfogênese da neuro-hipófise. A avaliação do camundongo com nocaute em homozigose deste gene acarreta uma hipoplasia da adeno-hipófise e ausência da neuro-hipófise; e sua expressão constitutiva está associada ao hipopituitarismo. Como a NE é um achado comum no hipopituitarismo congênito e o gene HES1 pode estar relacionado a sua fisiopatologia, a região codificadora do gene HES1 foi avaliada em 192 pacientes com hipopituitarismo congênito. A variante alélica c.578G > A (p.G193D) em heterozigose foi encontrada em um paciente com hipopituitarismo congênito associado à NE. A avaliação da predição in silico do efeito funcional da variante pela ferramenta MutationTaster sugere que a troca do aminoácido glicina, altamente conservado entre os mamíferos, por ácido aspártico, seja deletéria. No estudo da segregação familiar, quatro irmãos aparentemente normais apresentam a mesma variante, sendo que dois deles possuem alterações discretas na imagem da hipófise. Em conclusão, esta é uma nova variante alélica descrita no gene HES1, ausente em grandes bancos de dados e controles saudáveis da população brasileira, mas presente em irmãos não...
Studies of transgenic animal models have allowed for the discovery of genes involved in human pituitary embryogenesis and the genetic etiology of hypopituitarism. However, the genetic causes of most cases of congenital hypopituitarism, especially those associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary, remain poorly defined. Mutations in the gene PROP1 are the most common genetic causes of hypopituitarism described to date, and are always associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Studies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of Prop1 mutations in mice have demonstrated the involvement of the Notch signaling pathway, including its downstream target Hes1. The HES1 gene encodes a transcription factor that participates in early stages of pituitary development and is involved in posterior pituitary morphogenesis. Hes1 knockout mice exhibit a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and absence of a posterior pituitary. Conversely, constitutive expression of Hes1 is associated with hypopituitarism. Since an ectopic posterior pituitary is commonly found in congenital hypopituitarism and the HES1 gene may be related to its pathophysiology, the coding region of gene HES1 was screened in 192 patients with congenital hypopituitarism. A heterozygous allelic variant c.578G >A (p.G193D) was identified in a patient with congenital hypopituitarism associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Assessment by MutationTaster, a bioinformatic tool for in silico prediction of functional effect of missense variants, suggests that substitution of glycine (a highly conserved amino acid in this position among mammals) for aspartic acid is deleterious. In the genetic study of family members, we identified four apparently normal siblings with the same variant, two of which have discrete changes in their pituitary MRI. In conclusion, we described a new allelic variant in the gene HES1, absent in large databases and healthy Brazilian controls, but present in the unaffected...
Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Facteurs de transcription à motif basique hélice-boucle-hélice , Nanisme hypophysaire , Développement embryonnaire , Hypophyse/embryologie , Hypopituitarisme/congénital , Hypopituitarisme/génétique , Neurohypophyse/malformations , Facteurs de transcriptionRÉSUMÉ
Ingestion of puffer fish can result in severe and potentially lethal intoxication, referred to as tetrodotoxin intoxication. Tetrodotoxin is a potent neurotoxin well known for its ability to ability neuromuscular function. Tetrodotoxin is a specific and potent blocker of axonal sodium channel; it may block sodium channels in the axon of the neurons of the neurohypophysis, thereby inhibiting the release of vasopressin and causing diabetes insipidus neurotoxin. To our knowledge, previous report on diabetes insipidus causing tetrodotoxin is the only one case in Singapore. A married couple (69-year-old man and 57-year-old woman) ingested two green rough-backed puffer fish (Lagocephalus lunaris). They complained of paresthesia on perioral area and extremity and developed not only grade IV intoxication but also an increased urine output (4455 ml/day and 5035 ml/day), elevated serum sodium (157.4 mEq/L and 166.7 mEq/L) and elevated serum osmolality (324 mosmol/kg and 339 mosmol/kg), which suggested the development of diabetes insipidus. The administration of desmopressin nasal spray was successful in normalizing urine volume. Both were discharged on 20th and 18th hospital day, respectively, without any complications.
Axones , Desmopressine , Diabète insipide , Consommation alimentaire , Membres , Neurones , Concentration osmolaire , Paresthésie , Neurohypophyse , Sodium , Canaux sodiques , Tétraodontiformes , Tétrodotoxine , VasopressinesRÉSUMÉ
Metastasis from breast cancer to other parts of the body is very common, but the spread of the tumor to pituitary gland, especially to infandibulum, is a rare presentation. At the time of pituitary metastasis, a majority of the patients have clinical and radiological evidence of the disease. It seems that the posterior area of the gland is the most common site of metastasis, probably due to highly rich blood supply through the hypophyseal artery. The present report introduces a case of a 55-years-old woman presented with diabetes insipidus resulting from metastasis of the tumor to pituitary infandibulum, which is a rare site for metastasis, without significant complaint resulting from metastasis to other part of the body, or other primary diseases. Further evaluation revealed that in spite of previous reports, which metastasis usually happens in end stage of cancer, the patients had primary breast cancer. In subsequent evaluations of the case, hypofunction of adenohypophysis was also detected
Humains , Femelle , Métastase tumorale , Neurohypophyse/anatomopathologie , Diabète insipide , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , MammographieRÉSUMÉ
We report a case of Turner syndrome associated with idiopathic central diabetes insipidus in a 12-year-old girl, who presented with polyuria and polydipsia after a year. The patient was very short and and centrally obese, and was initially diagnosed with Turner syndrome, hyperlipidema, and diabetes mellitus. A water deprivation test revealed central diabetes insipidus, and sellar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a thickening of the pituitary stalk, with normal high signal intensity in the posterior pituitary gland. Replacement therapy with desmopressin was initiated, and follow-up sellar MRI findings after two years showed spontaneous regression of the thickened pituitary stalk. There are only few reports of concomitant Turner syndrome with central diabetes insipidus worldwide. Further observation is needed in order to disclose the cause of central diabetes insipidus in patients having Turner syndrome.
Enfant , Humains , Desmopressine , Diabète insipide central , Diabète , Études de suivi , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Hypophyse , Neurohypophyse , Polydipsie , Polyurie , Syndrome de Turner , Privation hydriqueRÉSUMÉ
We report a case of Turner syndrome associated with idiopathic central diabetes insipidus in a 12-year-old girl, who presented with polyuria and polydipsia after a year. The patient was very short and and centrally obese, and was initially diagnosed with Turner syndrome, hyperlipidema, and diabetes mellitus. A water deprivation test revealed central diabetes insipidus, and sellar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a thickening of the pituitary stalk, with normal high signal intensity in the posterior pituitary gland. Replacement therapy with desmopressin was initiated, and follow-up sellar MRI findings after two years showed spontaneous regression of the thickened pituitary stalk. There are only few reports of concomitant Turner syndrome with central diabetes insipidus worldwide. Further observation is needed in order to disclose the cause of central diabetes insipidus in patients having Turner syndrome.
Enfant , Humains , Desmopressine , Diabète insipide central , Diabète , Études de suivi , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Hypophyse , Neurohypophyse , Polydipsie , Polyurie , Syndrome de Turner , Privation hydriqueRÉSUMÉ
Pituitary stalk interruption and ectopic neurohypophysis seen on magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) are often associated with either isolated growth hormone (GH) deficiency or combined anterior pituitary hormone deficiency, but their pathogenesis is not clear and the clinical data regarding these anatomical defect is limited. We experienced a 23-year-old male with the absence of secondary sexual characteristics and this was accompanied with pituitary stalk dysgenesis and ectopic neurohypophysis. He received growth hormone for a year when he was 12 years old due to his short stature. Sella MRI showed no visible pituitary stalk with minimal high signal change, suggesting ectopic neurohypophysis. The combined pituitary stimulation test revealed blunted responses of growth hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. For the hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, the patient was given testosterone intramuscularly and he gradually developed secondary sexual characteristics. We concluded that the hypogonadism and growth hormone deficiency in this patient was caused by hypopituitarism due to pituitary stalk dysgenesis and ecopic nuerohypophysis.
Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Hormone folliculostimulante , Hormone de croissance , Hypogonadisme , Hypopituitarisme , Hormone lutéinisante , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Hypophyse , Neurohypophyse , TestostéroneRÉSUMÉ
Introdução: Alterações em genes relacionados com a secreção de GH ou a organogênese hipofisária foram identificadas em pacientes com deficiência de hormônio do crescimento (DGH) congênita. Entretanto, poucos casos de DGH têm sua etiologia esclarecida. O GHRH é um candidato óbvio para explicar a deficiência isolada de GH (DIGH). Na literatura, os estudos de análise do GHRH não conseguiram identificar mutações, porém são antigos e utilizaram uma metodologia com limitações. A maioria dos pacientes com deficiência hipotálamo-hipofisária múltipla (DHHM) apresenta neuroipófise ectópica sugerindo a importância do estudo de genes que atuam no início do desenvolvimento hipofisário, com expressão inclusive no infundíbulo. O GLI2 é um fator de transcrição na sinalização Sonic Hedgehog, envolvido com o início da embriogênese hipofisária, expresso na bolsa de Rathke primordial e no diencéfalo ventral. Previamente, mutações no GLI2 foram encontradas em pacientes com holoprosencefalia, e também alterações hipofisárias. Objetivos: Analisar o GHRH em 151 pacientes com DIGH (42 brasileiros e 109 encaminhados de centros internacionais) e analisar o GLI2 em 180 pacientes brasileiros com DIGH ou DHHM por PCR e sequenciamento automático dos genes; e descrever o fenótipo dos pacientes com mutações identificadas. Resultados: No GHRH foram identificadas seis variantes em heterozigose com previsão benigna pelas análises in silico. A análise do GLI2 identificou três mutações novas em heterozigose com códon de parada prematuro (p.L788fsX794, p.L694fsX722 e p.E380X), e geração de proteínas truncadas, com perda do domínio responsável pela ativação transcricional. A mutação p.L788fsX794 foi identificada numa paciente com baixa estatura, polidactilia, epilepsia e hipoglicemias. Apresentava deficiência de GH, TSH, ACTH, prolactina, LH e FSH. Na investigação familiar foi diagnosticada DIGH em dois tios e DHHM numa prima. Estes familiares, além de sua mãe e outros parentes maternos também...
Introduction: Alterations in genes related to GH secretion and pituitary organogenesis have been identified in patients with congenital GH deficiency (GHD). However, in only few cases of GHD the etiology has been established. GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) is an obvious candidate to explain isolated GH deficiency (IGHD). Previous reports in the literature did not identify mutations in GHRH, however, the methodology used was limited. Most patients with combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) have an ectopic posterior pituitary lobe (EPP) suggesting the study of genes involved in early pituitary development and also expressed in the infundibulum. GLI2 is a transcription factor in Sonic hedgehog signaling expressed in the primordial Rathkes pouch and ventral diencephalon during early pituitary development. Previously, GLI2 mutations were found in patients with holoprosencephaly and pituitary abnormalities. Aim: Analyse GHRH in 151 patients with IGHD (42 Brazilian and 101 from international centers) and GLI2 in 180 Brazilian patients with IGHD or CPHD by PCR and automatic sequencing, and describe the phenotype of patients with mutations. Results: In GHRH, six heterozygous variants that are benign according to in silico analysis were identified. GLI2 study revealed three novel heterozygous mutations leading to premature stop codons (p.L788fsX794, p.L694fsX722 e p.E380X) and truncated proteins, without the transcriptional activator domain. p.L788fsX794 was identified in a girl with short stature, polydactyly, epilepsy and hypoglycemia. She had GH, TSH, ACTH, prolactina, LH and FSH deficiencies. Two uncles had IGHD and one cousin CPHD. These relatives, the mother and other maternal relatives had polydactyly and carried the mutation. p.L694fsX722 was identified in a boy with short stature due to GHD who also had cleft lip and palate. His healthy father also carried the mutation. p.E380X was identified in an infant with delayed development, hypoglycemia, polyuria...
Humains , Hypophyse/embryologie , Hypopituitarisme/ethnologie , Hormone de libération de l'hormone de croissance/génétique , Hormone de croissance/déficit , Hormone de croissance/génétique , Neurohypophyse/malformations , Facteurs de transcription , Doigts de zincRÉSUMÉ
A deficiência de hormônio do crescimento (DGH) tem incidência estimada entre 1/4.000 a 1/10.000 nascidos vivos e pode ser isolada ou associar-se a outras deficiências hormonais. Como não há exame padrão-ouro, o seu diagnóstico baseia-se em critérios antropométricos associados a pico diminuído de GH após testes de estímulos farmacológicos. Mais recentemente, a presença de ectopia do lobo posterior hipofisário (ELP) à ressonância nuclear magnética de hipófise (RNMH) tem sido considerada marcador de DGH e mutações em genes associados à embriogênese hipofisária têm sido descritas nesse pacientes. O objetivo do trabalho foi descrever as características clínicas, moleculares e radiológicas de uma coorte de portadores de DGH, acompanhada num mesmo centro de referência (Centro de Diabetes e Endocrinologia da Bahia), entre dezembro de 1998 e dezembro de 2009. Métodos: todos os pacientes realizaram avaliação da função hipofisária e RNMH. O estudo foi dividido em duas partes. Na primeira, foram incluídos apenas pacientes com DGH e ELP (n=130), sendo realizada a caracterização fenotípica da população. Além disso, mutações nos genes HESX1, LHX4 e OTX2 foram avaliadas em 104 pacientes, pelos métodos de PCR e SSCP ou PCR e sequenciamento. Na segunda parte do estudo, foi comparada a resposta terapêutica no primeiro ano de tratamento com hormônio do crescimento nos pacientes com (n=58) e sem (n=26) ELP. Resultados: No subgrupo de pacientes com ELP observou-se grande variabilidade fenotípica. Deficiência hormonal hipofisária combinada foi descrita em 61,5% dos pacientes, sendo mais frequente naqueles nos quais a haste hipofisária não foi visualizada. Malformações cerebrais ocorreram em 9,2% dos pacientes. Trinta pacientes apresentaram mutações, não descritas anteriormente, em genes associados à embriogênese hipofisária, sendo 26 no LHX4 e cinco no HESX1. Mutações no OTX2 não foram identificadas nessa população. A segunda parte do estudo evidenciou que a velocidade de crescimento durante o tratamento com GH foi similar nos pacientes com e sem ELP. Conclusões: o estudo, que avaliou a maior casuística de pacientes com DGH associada à ELP já descrita, confirma a heterogeneidade fenotípica da população, além da baixa prevalência de mutações na mesma. Além disso, ao contrário de estudos prévios, demonstra que a presença de ELP não se associou a melhor resposta ao tratamento com GH.
Humains , Gènes homéotiques/génétique , Hormone de croissance/métabolisme , Mutation/génétique , Neurohypophyse , Hormonothérapie substitutive/méthodesRÉSUMÉ
Lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis is a neuroendocrine disorder characterized by autoimmune inflammation of the pituitary stalk and neurohypophysis. Clinical findings such as acute onset central diabetes insipidus and the regression of characteristic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings allow for the possible diagnosis of this disease. Three cases of lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis have been previously reported in Korea. Here we report a case in a 66-year-old woman, along with a review of previously reported occurrences in Korea. A woman presented with abrupt-onset central diabetes insipidus. Sella MRI showed thickening of the pituitary stalk and loss of high T1 signals that are associated with a normal neurohypophysis. Basal pituitary hormone levels were normal with the exception of growth hormone, which was low. The patient refused transsphenoidal pituitary biopsy and we thus chose to continue close clinical and radiologic follow-up after desmopressin nasal spray application. The need for desmopressin decreased slightly over time and MRI obtained after 6 months showed regression of the pituitary stalk lesion.
Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Biopsie , Desmopressine , Diabète insipide , Diabète insipide central , Études de suivi , Hormone de croissance , Inflammation , Corée , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Hypophyse , NeurohypophyseRÉSUMÉ
Acute encephalopathies can be defined as an acute central nervous system (CNS) insult, due to an underlying pathology. The clinical symptoms almost always include an acute state of confusion and cognitive impairment. Toxic encephalopathies can occur acutely or chronically depending on the toxic drugs and other substances as well as the individual metabolism of the drug. The organs acutely affected include the heart, lung and kidneys. However, the brain, spinal cord and sympathetic nerves can be affected chronically. If the toxic substance passes through the bloodbrain barrier into the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary gland, the result can be diabetes insipidus. If the substance affects the anterior pituitary gland, the result can include hormone dysfunction, impaired immune function and altered cognition or personality. We report a patient that developed acute toxic encephalopathy after the prescribed dose of oxycodone was exceeded.
Humains , Encéphale , Système nerveux central , Cognition , Diabète insipide , Coeur , Hypothalamus , Rein , Poumon , Syndromes neurotoxiques , Oxycodone , Adénohypophyse , Neurohypophyse , Moelle spinaleRÉSUMÉ
Lymphocytic hypophysitis is a clinically rare disease, and it has been known to be an autoimmune disease which mainly affects pregnant women at the end of gestation or right after delivery. The authors experienced a case of lymphocytic hypophysitis in a 29-year-old pregnant woman with rapid progressing visual disturbance. Sella MRI showed a mass-like lesion of hypophysis and hypertrophy of pituitary stalk with evidences of hypopituitarism. Cesarean section was done and then TSA was performed. The pathologic diagnosis was lymphocytic hypophysitis. After TSA, visual acuity was improved and visual field defect was recovered. She was given thyroid hormone replacement therapy because of transient partial hypopituitarism for 6 months after surgery. One must consider the probability of lymphocytic hypophysitis, if there are alteration of visual acuity and visual field defect which aggravate rapidly during pregnancy due to mass effect, decreased serum hormonal levels shown in hypopituitarism and sella MRI findings of hypertrophy of pituitary stalk and enlargement of pituitary gland.