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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(3): 287-290, Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-842056


This study aimed to evaluate the ability of a saliva collection device (Salivette®) to measure cortisol levels in saliva samples of domestic cats and to assess the effect of a synthetic analogue of the feline facial pheromone fraction F3 (Feliway®) on cortisol levels. A total of 28 domestic cats from a private high-quality sanctuary were sampled before exposure to the facial pheromone and after 35 days of exposure. Two pheromone devices were placed in the area where the animals ate to guarantee the exposure of all cats. The collecting device yielded a sufficient volume of saliva (≥0.20mL) to allow cortisol measurement. Cortisol measurements ranged from 0.02g/dL to 0.16µg/dL, with a difference between before (42.1%) and after (62.6%) exposure to the pheromone (F=3.2351; p≤0.0002). No difference in cortisol levels was observed between before (x =0.078µg/dL) and after (x =0.066µg/dL) (t=1.79; p=0.08) exposure. However, salivary cortisol levels decreased in 75% (21/28) of the cats after exposure (x 2=12.07; p=0.0005), suggesting that the animals have different susceptibilities to the pheromone or that they spent different lengths of time in the area where the pheromone devices were installed.(AU)

O presente estudo avaliou o uso de um dispositivo de coleta salivar (Salivette®) para mensurar o cortisol salivar de gatos domésticos e avaliar o efeito do análogo sintético do feromônio facial felino - fração F3 (Feliway®) sobre seus níveis de cortisol. Um total de 28 gatos domésticos mantidos em gatil particular tiveram amostras de saliva coletadas antes da exposição ao feromônio facial felino e após 35 dias de exposição. Dois difusores de feromônio foram instalados na área onde os animais se alimentavam, a fim de garantir que todos os gatos fossem expostos. Os dispositivos de coleta salivar permitiram a coleta de volume salivar suficiente (≥0,20 mL) para a mensuração do cortisol. Os níveis de cortisol salivar variaram de 0,02g/dL a 0,16ug/dL, com coeficiente de variação de 42,1% antes e de 62,6% após à exposição ao feromônio (F=3.2351; p≤ 0.0002). Não foi verificada diferença entre os níveis de cortisol salivar nas amostras obtidas antes (x =0,078µg/dL) e após (x =0,066µg/dL) (t=1,79; p=0,08) à exposição. Entretanto, os níveis de cortisol salivar diminuíram em 75% (21/28) dos gatos expostos ao feromônio (x 2=12,07; p=0,0005), sugerindo que os animais apresentam susceptibilidade diferente ao feromônio facial sintético ou que passaram períodos de tempo distintos na área onde os difusores foram instalados.(AU)

Animaux , Chats , Comportement animal , Hydrocortisone/analyse , Phéromones/analyse , Salive/composition chimique , Stress psychologique , Virus de l'immunodéficience féline
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 14(3): 494-499, 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-658130


A espécie Celtis iguanaea (Jacq.) Sargent é popularmente conhecida como esporão de galo ou grão de galo. As folhas são indicadas pelo uso popular para o tratamento de dores no corpo e no peito, para reumatismo, asma, cólicas, má digestão e como diurético; as raízes são utilizadas para infecções urinárias e as cascas para a febre. O presente trabalho objetivou contribuir para o estudo fitoquímico e atividade fitotóxica com enfoque alelopático das cascas de Celtis iguanaea. O extrato etanólico foi submetido à partição com os solventes hexano, clorofórmio e acetato de etila. As substâncias friedelina e epifriedelinol (triterpenos) foram isoladas da fração hexano e identificadas por meio de métodos espectroscópicos de RMN de ¹H e 13C. O extrato bruto na concentração de 0,1 mg mL-1 causou inibição acentuada do hipocótilo em 34,97% e estimulou o crescimento da radícula em 29,64% de plântulas de Lactuca sativa. No ensaio de toxicidade frente à Artemia salina o extrato bruto e frações apresentaram uma CL50 superior a 1000 μg mL-1, indicando que o mesmo não possui efeito tóxico.

The species Celtis iguanaea (Jacq.) Sargent is popularly known as "esporão de galo" or "grão de galo". Its leaves are recommended by the popular use for the treatment of body and chest aches, as well as for rheumatism, asthma, cramps, indigestion and as diuretic; its roots are used for urinary infections and its bark for fever. This study aimed to contribute to the phytochemical investigation of the toxic activity focused on the allelopathic effect of the bark of Celtis iguanaea. The ethanol extract was subjected to solvent partition with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate. The substances friedelin and epifriedelinol (triterpenes) were isolated from the hexane fraction and identified by spectroscopic methods ¹H and 13C NMR. The crude extract at a concentration of 0.1 mg mL-1 caused marked inhibition of hypocotyl in 34.97% and stimulated radicle growth in 29.64% seedlings of Lactuca sativa. In the toxicity test against Artemia salina the crude extract and fractions showed an LC50 higher than 1000 μg mL-1, indicating that it has no toxic effect.

Phéromones/analyse , Extraits de plantes/analyse , Cordia/métabolisme , Triterpènes , Écorce/effets indésirables , Ulmaceae/classification
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 13(4): 447-455, 2011. graf, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-611449


Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de atividade alelopática, antimicrobiana e antioxidante dos extratos orgânicos (hexano, acetato de etila e metanol) das folhas de Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers (Bignoniaceae). Para alelopatia, foi estudado o desenvolvimento de Cucumis sativus (pepino), sendo avaliados o comprimento da raiz principal, o número de raízes secundárias e o comprimento do hipocótilo. Os dois primeiros parâmetros foram afetados por todos os três extratos testados enquanto o comprimento do hipocótilo só não foi afetado pelo extrato acetato de etila. Quanto à atividade antimicrobiana, avaliada pelo ensaio de CIM, o extrato hexânico apresentou inibição moderada frente ao Staphylococcus aureus (0,9 mg mL-1) e forte ao Enterococcus hirae (0,5 mg mL-1). O extrato acetato de etila apresentou forte atividade frente Candida albicans (0,3 mg mL-1) enquanto o extrato metanólico não mostrou-se ativo para os microrganismos testados. Por outro lado, o extrato metanólico apresentou a maior capacidade de seqüestrar radicais livres (Concentração Efetiva 50 por cento-CE50 =102,0 ± 56,9 mg mL-1, com TCE50 = 30 min) no ensaio com DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazila) e o maior teor de compostos fenólicos (116,2 ± 83,0 mg ácido gálico g amostra-1), avaliado pelo ensaio de Folin-Ciocalteau.

This paper presents the results of allelopathic, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of organic extracts (hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol) from the leaves of Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers (Bignoniaceae). Allelopathic activity was assessed based on Cucumis sativus (cucumber) development for the parameters main root length, number of secondary roots and hypocotyl length. All tested extracts affected the first two parameters, while the hypocotyl length was not affected only by the ethyl acetate extract. For antimicrobial activity, assessed by MIC assay, hexane extract showed moderate inhibition for Staphylococcus aureus (0.9 mg mL-1) and strong inhibition for Enterococcus hirae (0.5 mg mL-1). Ethyl acetate extract showed strong activity against Candida albicans (0.3 mg mL-1), whereas methanolic extract was not active against the tested microorganisms. On the other hand, methanol extract showed the most promising radical scavenging capacity (Effective Concentration 50 percent - EC50 = 102.0 ± 56.9 mg mL-1, with TEC50 = 30 min) in DPPH assay (2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hidrazil) and the highest level of phenolic compounds (116.2 ± 83.0 mg acid garlic g sample-1), as indicated by Folin-Ciocalteau assay.

Antibactériens , Antioxydants , Bignoniaceae , Phéromones/analyse , Techniques in vitro , Extraits de plantes , Feuilles de plante , Aberrations des chromosomes , Dosage biologique/méthodes , Tests de micronucleus
Arq. Inst. Biol. (Online) ; 77(3): 477-485, jul.-set. 2010. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1391608


Avaliou-se o efeito de extratos orgânicos de Azadirachta indica. Melia azedarach. Toona ciliata e Trichilia pallida (Rutales: Meliaceae) sobre ovos e ninfas de Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biótipo B. Folhas e ramos foram secos, moídos e submetidos à extração (Soxhlet) em diclorometano e em etanol. Visando estabelecer uma concentração adequada para os estudos subsequentes, foram utilizados ovos oriundos de 40 adultos que foram mantidos por 24h em folíolos de tomateiro em gaiolas de voil. Após 9 dias, contou-se o número de ninfas e pulverizou-se o extrato de folhas de .. pallida em diclorometano em diferentes concentrações (0,32; 0,56; 1,0; 1,8 e 3,2%), além de água e acetona (controles). A mortalidade ninfal foi avaliada após sete dias. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente aleatorizado, com sete tratamentos e quatro repetições. Posteriormente, extratos em diclorometano e em etanol foram pulverizados sobre ovos na concentração selecionada (0,56%), em experimentos distintos para cada solvente. Após nove dias, avaliou-se a mortalidade dos ovos e fez-se nova pulverização, avaliando-se, após sete dias, a mortalidade ninfal. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento com blocos aleatorizados (10 tratamentos e quatro repetições). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de regressão, análise de variância e comparados pelo teste de Tukey. Observou-se maior rendimento dos extratos em etanol em relação aos extratos em diclorometano. Os extratos em diclorometano de folhas e de ramos das meliáceas afetaram significativamente a sobrevivência de ovos e ninfas da mosca-branca. Os extratos em etanol afetaram a fase de ninfa, mas não apresentaram atividade ovicida.

The effect of organic extracts from Azadirachta indica. Melia azedarach. Toona ciliata and Trichilia pallida (Rutales: Meliaceae) on eggs and nymphs of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) B biotype was assessed. Leaves and branches were dried, ground and submitted to extraction (Soxhlet) with dichloromethane and ethanol. To establish an adequate concentration for the subsequent tests, eggs were used originating from 40 adults maintained for 24h on tomato leaves in voile cages. After 9 days, the number of nymphs was determined and the dichloromethane extract from T. pallida leaves was sprayed at different concentrations (0.32, 0.56, 1.0, 1.8 and 3.2%); water and acetone were also used (controls). The nymphal mortality was evaluated after 7 days. An entirely randomized design was used, with 7 treatments and 4 replications. Afterwards, dichloromethane and ethanol extracts were sprayed on eggs at the selected concentration (0.56%), in different experiments. After 9 days, the egg mortality was evaluated and a new spraying was conducted to assess the nymphal mortality after 7 days. These experiments were conducted in a randomized block designed (10 treatments and 4 replications). The data was submitted to regression analysis, analysis of variance and compared by the Tukey test. A higher yield was observed for the ethanol extracts in relation to the dichloromethane extracts. The dichloromethane extracts from leaves and branches from meliaceas significantly affected the survival of the whitefly eggs and nymphs. The ethanol extracts affected the nymphal phase, but did not present ovicidal activity.

Phéromones/analyse , Solanum lycopersicum/parasitologie , Meliaceae/composition chimique , Limonines , Hemiptera , Extraits de plantes/usage thérapeutique
Genet. mol. res. (Online) ; 2(2): 191-199, Jun. 2003.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-417610


In social insects, cuticular hydrocarbons are involved in species, kin, caste and nestmate recognition. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were used to compare the cuticular hydrocarbon composition of workers, males and queens of Melipona bicolor. The cuticular hydrocarbon composition of this species was found to consist mainly of C23, C25:1, C25, C27:1, C27, C29:1 and C29, which are already present in imagoes that have not yet abandoned the brood cell. This composition varied quantitatively and qualitatively between and within the castes and sexes. The newly emerged workers and young queens (virgins) had similar cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, which were different from those of the males. When the females start executing their tasks in the colony, the cuticular hydrocarbon profile differences appear. The workers have less variety, while the queens conserve or increase the number of cuticular hydrocarbon compounds. The queens have more abdominal tegumentary glands than the workers, which apparently are the source of the new cuticular compounds

Humains , Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Abeilles/composition chimique , Hydrocarbures/analyse , Ailes d'animaux/composition chimique , Abeilles/physiologie , Chromatographie en phase gazeuse , Phéromones/analyse , Spectrométrie de masse , Comportement sexuel chez les animaux , Comportement social
Genet. mol. res. (Online) ; 1(2): 106-116, Jun. 2002.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-417646


Acylsugars present in Lycopersicon pennellii are responsible for the high levels of pest resistance often found in this wild tomato taxon. We investigated the inheritance of acylsugar contents in segregating populations of the interspecific tomato cross L. esculentum x L. pennellii and estimated correlations between leaflet acylsugar contents and the levels of mite repellence. Acylsugar contents were quantified with the Sommogy-Nelson colorimetric method in the acessions L. esculentum 'TOM-584' (P(1), low acylsugars), L. pennellii 'LA-716' (P(2), high acylsugars), in the interspecific F(1) (P(1) x P(2)) and in the F(2 )(P(1) x P(2)) generations. Mite resistance was assessed by a repellence test. Broad-sense heritability of acylsugar contents was moderately high (h(2)(b) = 0.476). Frequency distributions in the P(1), P(2), F(1) and F(2) can be explained by the action of a single major locus, with near-complete dominance of the L. esculentum allele for low-acylsugar content over the L. pennellii allele for high content. Indirect selection for high levels of acylsugars in leaflets led to correlated increases in the levels of mite repellency, indicating that acylsugars may be the main factor involved in mite resistance

Animaux , Phéromones/génétique , Insectifuges , Solanum lycopersicum/génétique , Tetranychidae/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Colorimétrie , Croisements génétiques , Phéromones/analyse , Phéromones/pharmacologie , Solanum lycopersicum/composition chimique , Solanum lycopersicum/parasitologie , Lutte biologique contre les nuisibles , Caractère quantitatif héréditaire , Insectifuges/analyse , Insectifuges/pharmacologie
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 86(supl.2): 117-120, 1991. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-623953


An efficient (12 steps, 12% overallyield) and stereoselective total synthesis of (±)-serricornine (1) the sex pheromone of the cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricornine F) is described. The preparation of intermediate 5, which encompasses the proper relative configuration of three contiguous chiral centers of (±)-invictolide, (3), is discussed.

Animaux , Phéromones/analyse , Alcaloïdes , Insectes/physiologie , Facteurs d'initiation eucaryotes , Facteurs d'initiation procaryote , Micronoyaux à chromosomes défectueux