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J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 8(4): 281-287, oct.2022. ilus, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443275


OBJETIVO Las personas mayores y particularmente las mujeres, son propensas a sufrir traumatismo por caídas. El objetivo de esta investigación fue mejorar la estabilidad y funcionalidad de la pisada en personas mayores, implementando un programa de entrenamiento de musculatura intrínseca del pie, y determinar sus efectos en el riesgo de caída como método de prevención. MATERIALES Y METODOS Participaron 33 personas mayores, de género femenino y autovalentes. En las participantes se evaluó el equilibrio y la velocidad de la marcha con la prueba Time up and Go (TUG), y el equilibrio dinámico se evaluó con la Escala de Tinetti (ET). La intervención constó de enteramiento de tipo short-foot de forma diaria, durante 4 semanas. RESULTADOS los tiempos del TUG disminuyeron de manera progresiva al final de la intervención, lo que indica una optimización en la velocidad de la marcha, por lo que, el entrenamiento tuvo resultados beneficios para la transferencia de carga corporal de una posición sedente a bípedo y de bípedo a marcha. En cambio, para el equilibrio y marcha según ET no se detectó una diferencia significativa. CONCLUSIONES Este entrenamiento presenta una mejoría en el ámbito funcional de cambio de posición, pero no reemplaza el ajuste postural de base de sustentación para mantener el centro de masa en su posición central.

OBJETIVE Seniors, particularly women, are at risk for suffering traumatisms from falls. The objective of this study was to improve the balance and walking functionality of seniors by implementing a program to training the intrinsic muscles of the foot. The impacts of this training on preventing fall risk were assessed. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 33 self sufficient, female seniors participated. Balance and the speed of walking were measured using the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, while balance and gait were measured using the Tinetti Balance and Gait Assessment Tool (TT). Intervention consisted in four weeks of daily short foot exercises. RESULTS The TUG test times decreases progressively from the start to the end of the intervention period, indicating an optimization in walking speed. This translates into beneficial results for the transfer of body load from a sedentary to standing to walking position. In contrast, balance and gait evidenced no significant changes per the TT. CONCLUSIONS The implemented training program improved the functional sphere of position change, but this did not replace the postural adjustments needed in the base of support (i.e. the feet) to maintain a well-positioned center of mass

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Traitement par les exercices physiques/méthodes , Force musculaire , Pied/physiologie , Pronation
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378528


Objectives: This study compared the influence of subtalar axis position on foot behavior in a closed kinetic chain in older and younger adults. Methods: The sample included 50 older adults and a control group of 50 younger adults. The variables were initially analyzed for both feet together, and were later analyzed separately, comparing each foot (right and left) between groups. Range of motion was assessed by validated goniometric procedures: the position of subtalar axis was evaluated by the palpation technique, while the Foot Posture Index was used to assess behavior in a closed kinetic chain. Student's t-test / Mann-Whitney test compared the main variables according to sample distribution, while Student's t-test / Wilcoxon test was used for paired samples. A standardized Haberman residuals test was also used to determine the connection between the position of subtalar joint axis and the Foot Posture Index. Results: Data from the right and left feet were similar for all variables. The older group had reduced mobility in the ankle and first metatarsophalangeal joint (5.42º [SD (Standard Deviation), 4.49] and 76.12º [SD, 19.24], respectively) with statistically significant values, (p <0.001), as measured by the Mann-Whitney test for the ankle joint and the t-Sutdent test for the first metatarsophalangeal joint, while the younger group had normal values (11.46º [SD, 6.49] and 97.17º [SD, 13.65], respectively)(p < 0.001). The difference in subtalar axis position was not significant (p = 0.788), with more internal deviations in both groups. There was a significant difference in Foot Posture Index (p = 0.006, by applying the chi-square test), with the normal position more prevalent in the older group and the prone position more prevalent in the younger group. Conclusions: Regarding internal deviations in the subtalar joint axis, the older group had a higher frequency of feet in the normal position, while the younger group had a higher frequency of feet in the prone position which, in this case, agrees with the rotational balance theory. For the normal axis position, a higher frequency of normal position was found in both groups. Regarding external deviations of the subtalar joint axis, neither group followed the pattern expected in rotational balance theory. The most consistent connection in the older group was between external axis position and supine foot position, whereas in the younger group it was between normal axis position and normal foot position.

Objetivos: Este estudo comparou a influência da posição do eixo subtalar no comportamento do pé em cadeia cinética fechada em idosos e adultos jovens. Metodologia: O grupo amostral incluiu 50 idosos e o grupo controle, 50 adultos jovens. As variáveis foram estudadas inicialmente para ambos os pés e comparadas entre os grupos, sendo posteriormente analisadas separadamente, comparando-se cada pé (direito e esquerdo) entre os grupos. A amplitude de movimento articular foi avaliada por procedimentos goniométricos validados; a posição do eixo subtalar foi avaliada pela técnica de palpação; o Foot Posture Index foi utilizado para avaliar o comportamento do pé em uma cadeia cinética fechada. O teste t de Student/teste de Mann-Whitney comparou as principais variáveis de acordo com a distribuição amostral, enquanto o teste t de Student/teste de Wilcoxon foi utilizado para amostras emparelhadas. O teste de resíduais ajustados de Haberman padronizado foi usado para a relação entre a posição do eixo da subtalar e o Foot Posture Index. Resultados: Os dados dos pés direito e esquerdo foram semelhantes para todas as variáveis. O grupo mais velho apresentou mobilidade reduzida no tornozelo e na primeira articulação metatarsofalângica (5,42 [desvio padrão ­ DP, 4,49] e 76,12 [DP, 19,24] graus, respectivamente), enquanto o grupo mais jovem apresentou valores normais (11,46 [DP, 6,49] e 97,17 [DP, 13,65], respetivamente) com valores estatisticamente significativos, (p <0,001), aferidos pelo teste de Mann-Whitney para a articulação do tornozelo e pelo teste t-Sutdent para a primeira articulação metatarsofalângica. A diferença na posição do eixo subtalar não foi significativa (p = 0,788, pela aplicação do teste de Qui-quadrado), com mais desvios internos em ambos os grupos. O Foot Posture Index diferiu significativamente entre os grupos (p = 0,006 pela aplicação do teste de Qui-quadrado), sendo a postura normal mais prevalente no grupo mais velho e a postura pronada mais prevalente no grupo mais jovem. Conclusões: Em relação aos desvios internos do eixo da articulação subtalar, o grupo mais velho apresentou maior frequência de pés na postura normal, enquanto o mais jovem apresentou maior frequência de pés pronados, o que, neste caso, corrobora a teoria do equilíbrio rotacional. Na posição normal do eixo, foi encontrada maior frequência de pés com postura normal em ambos os grupos. Em relação aos desvios externos do eixo da articulação subtalar, nenhum dos grupos seguiu o padrão esperado na teoria do equilíbrio rotacional. A relação mais consistente no grupo mais velho foi entre a posição do eixo externo e a posutra supinada do pé, enquanto no grupo mais jovem se deu entre a posição normal do eixo e a postura normal do pé

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Jeune adulte , Posture/physiologie , Pied/physiologie , Cinétique , Études cas-témoins
Actual. osteol ; 17(2): 78-91, 2021. graf, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1370190


La concepción original del mecanostato como un regulador de la rigidez estructural ósea orientado a mantener un determinado 'factor de seguridad' en todos los esqueletos parece no corresponder por igual a cualquier hueso y para cualquier tipo de estímulo. Hemos descubierto que la estructura cortical diafisaria del peroné humano manifiesta un comportamiento ambiguo del sistema, referido al uso del pie. La diáfisis peronea, además de ser insensible al desuso, se rigidiza, como sería de esperar, por entrenamientos en disciplinas deportivas que rotan o revierten el pie (hockey, fútbol, rugby); pero, llamativamente, se flexibiliza en su mitad proximal por entrenamiento en carrera larga, que optimiza el rendimiento del salto que acompaña a cada paso. La referida rigidización robustecería la región peronea de inserción de los músculos que rotan o revierten el pie, favoreciendo la locomoción sobre terrenos irregulares o 'gambeteando', propia de especies predadoras como los leopardos. La 'inesperada' flexibilización proximal, pese a reducir la resistencia a la fractura por flexión lateral (poco frecuente en el hombre), favorecería la absorción elástica de la energía contráctil de la musculatura inserta, optimizando el rendimiento del salto al correr, condición vital para especies presas como las gacelas. La falta de analogía de estas respuestas de la estructura peronea a distintos entrenamientos, incompatible con el mantenimiento de un factor de seguridad, sugiere su vinculación preferencial con la optimización de aptitudes esqueléticas con valor selectivo. Esto ampliaría el espectro regulatorio del mecanostato a propiedades esqueléticas 'vitales', más allá del control de la integridad ósea. Su manifestación en el hombre, ajena a connotaciones selectivas (quizá resultante del mantenimiento de genes ancestrales), permitiría proponer la indicación de ejercicios orientados en direcciones preferenciales a este respecto, especialmente cuando estas coincidieran con las de las fuerzas que podrían fracturar al hueso. (AU)

The original notion of the mechanostat as a regulator of bone structural rigidity oriented to maintain a certain 'safety factor' in all skeletons does not seem to correspond equally to every bone and for any type of stimulus. We have discovered that the diaphyseal cortical structure of the human fibula shows an ambiguous behavior of the system, with reference to the use of the foot. The peroneal shaft, in addition to being insensitive to disuse, becomes stiffened, as might be expected, by training in sport disciplines that involve rotating or reversing the foot (hockey, soccer, rugby); but, remarkably, it becomes more flexible in its proximal half by long-distance running training, which optimizes the performance of the jump that accompanies each step. The stiffening would strengthen the peroneal region of insertion of the muscles that rotate or reverse the foot, favoring locomotion on uneven terrain or 'dribbling', typical of predatory species such as leopards. The 'unexpected' proximal flexibilization, despite reducing the resistance to lateral flexion fracture (rare in human), would favor the elastic absorption of contractile energy from the inserted muscles, optimizing jumping performance when running, a vital condition for prey species such as gazelles. The lack of analogy of these responses of the peroneal structure to different training, incompatible with the maintenance of a safety factor, suggests its preferential link with the optimization of skeletal aptitudes with selective value. This would expand the regulatory spectrum of the mechanostat to 'vital' skeletal properties, beyond the control of bone integrity. Its manifestation in humans, oblivious to selective connotations (perhaps resulting from the maintenance of ancestral genes), would make it possible to propose the indication of exercises oriented in preferential directions, especially when they coincide with the direction of the forces that could fracture the bone. (AU)

Humains , Animaux , Sports/physiologie , Os et tissu osseux/physiologie , Exercice physique/physiologie , Fibula/physiologie , Pied/physiologie , Football/physiologie , Athlétisme/physiologie , Phénomènes biomécaniques , Fractures osseuses/prévention et contrôle , Fibula/anatomie et histologie , Football américain/physiologie , Hockey/physiologie
Actual. osteol ; 16(1): 26-34, Ene - abr. 2020. ilus, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130074


La expansión modeladora de la geometría cortical de un hueso inducida por su entorno mecánico podría ser difícil de modificar por estímulos ulteriores con diferente direccionalidad. Este estudio, que por primera vez combina datos tomográficos del peroné (pQCT) y dinamométricos de la musculatura peronea lateral, intenta demostrar que, en individuos jóvenes no entrenados, el entrenamiento en fútbol produce cambios geométricos peroneos expansivos, similares a los del rugby, que podrían interferir en los efectos de un entrenamiento ulterior direccionalmente diferente (carrera larga). Confirmando la hipótesis, los resultados indican, con evidencias originales, 1) la relevancia creciente del uso del pie (rotación externa y eversión provocadas por los peroneos laterales) para la determinación de la geometría peronea (incremento del desarrollo de los indicadores de masa y de diseño óseos), evidenciada por la secuencia creciente de efectos: carrera < fútbol < rugby; 2) la predominancia de esos efectos sobre el desarrollo centro-proximal del peroné para resistir a la flexión lateral, y en la región distal para resistir el buckling (principal sitio y causa de fractura del hueso) y 3.) la relevancia de la anticipación de esos efectos para interferir en la manifestación de los cambios producidos por un entrenamiento ulterior (carrera), cuando los del primero (fútbol) afectan la modelación cortical de modo expansivo. Esta última deducción demuestra, en forma inédita, que un cambio modelatorio expansivo tempranamente inducido sobre la estructura cortical ósea 'delimitaría el terreno'para la manifestación de cualquier otro efecto ulterior por estímulos de distinta direccionalidad. (AU)

The modeling-dependent, geometrical expansion of cortical bone induced by the mechanical environment could be hard to modify by subsequent stimulations with a different directionality. The current study aimed to demonstrate that in young, untrained individuals, training in soccer or rugby enhances the geometric properties of the fibula cortical shell in such a way that the geometrical changes could interfere on the effects of a second training in which the loads are induced in a different direction, e.g. long-distance running. The original findings reported herein confirm our hypothesis and support 1) The relevance of the use of the foot (external rotation and eversion produced by peroneus muscles) to determine fibula geometry (improved development of indicators of bone mass and design) as evidenced by the increasing nature of the effects induced by running < soccer < rugby trainings; 2) The predominance of those effects on the ability of the fibula to resist lateral bending in the centralproximal region (insertion of peroneus muscles), and to resist buckling in the distal region (the main cause and site of the most frequent bone fractures), and 3) The interaction of the effects of a previous training with those of a subsequent training with a different orientation of the loads when the former induced a modeling-dependent expansion of the cortex. Our results support the proposed hypothesis with original arguments by showing that a first, expansive effect induced on cortical bone modeling would set the stage the manifestation of any subsequent effect derived from mechanical stimuli. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Exercice physique/physiologie , Fibula/croissance et développement , Course à pied/physiologie , Football/physiologie , Sports/physiologie , Tomographie , Densité osseuse , Fractures osseuses/prévention et contrôle , Force musculaire/physiologie , Dynamomètre pour la mesure de la force musculaire , Fibula/imagerie diagnostique , Os cortical/imagerie diagnostique , Pied/croissance et développement , Pied/physiologie , Pied/imagerie diagnostique , Football américain/physiologie
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 27(1): 16-21, jan.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090412


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a formação do arco longitudinal do pé interfere na distribuição da pressão plantar e na flexibilidade dos músculos posteriores da coxa. O método de estudo foi transversal e as impressões plantares foram obtidas usando o plantígrafo e analisadas segundo o método Viladot. A distribuição plantar e a flexibilidade foram avaliadas pela baropodometria e pelo banco de Wells, respectivamente. Foi observado que crianças com pés cavos apresentam maior flexibilidade quando comparadas às que têm o pé normal (p=0,02); e também que pés cavos apresentam maior pressão, ou seja, maior sobrecarga em calcâneo quando comparados àqueles com o arco plantar normal (p=0,02 membro inferior direito e p=0,03 membro inferior esquerdo). A avaliação do arco longitudinal medial mostra que crianças com pés cavos apresentam maior flexibilidade dos músculos posteriores de membro inferior. Os pés cavos também estão associados com maior descarga de peso em região de calcâneo.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar si la formación del arco longitudinal del pie interfiere con la distribución de la presión plantar y la flexibilidad de los músculos posteriores del muslo. El método de estudio fue transversal y las huellas plantar se obtuvieron utilizando el plantigraph y se analizaron según el método de Viladot. La distribución plantar y la flexibilidad se evaluaron mediante baropodometría y el banco de Wells, respectivamente. Se observó que los niños con pies huecos tienen mayor flexibilidad en comparación con aquellos con pies normales (p=0,02); y también que los pies huecos tienen una mayor presión, es decir, una mayor sobrecarga del talón en comparación con aquellos con arco plantar normal (p=0,02 miembro inferior derecho y p=0,03 miembro inferior izquierdo). La evaluación del arco longitudinal medial muestra que los niños con pies huecos tienen una mayor flexibilidad en los músculos posteriores de la extremidad inferior. Los pies huecos también están asociados con una mayor descarga de peso en la región del talón.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate whether the formation of the longitudinal arch of the foot interferes with the distribution of plantar pressure and the pliability of the posterior thigh muscles. Methodology: a cross-sectional study and the footprints were obtained using the footprinting mat and analyzed according to the Viladot method. Plantar distribution and pliability were assessed by baropodometry and Wells' bank, respectively. Results: It was observed that children with cavus feet present greater pliability when compared to those with normal feet (p=0.02). Also, the cavus feet exhibit higher pressure, that is, a greater heel overload compared to those with normal plantar arch (p=0.02 lower right limb and p=0.03 lower left limb). Conclusions: The evaluation of the medial longitudinal arch shows that children with cavus feet have greater pliability of the lower limb posterior muscles. The cavus feet are also associated with higher pressure in the calcaneal region.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Cuisse/physiologie , Amplitude articulaire/physiologie , Muscles squelettiques/physiologie , Pied/physiologie , Phénomènes biomécaniques/physiologie , Taille , Poids et mesures du corps , Indice de masse corporelle , Études transversales , Mise en charge/physiologie , Équilibre postural/physiologie , Pied creux/physiopathologie
São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo med. j;136(6): 520-524, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-991696


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can affect the feet, thus compromising the patient's gait and autonomy. In this study, we investigated foot disability in RA patients using the Brazilian versions of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire (FHSQ-BR) and Foot Function Index (FFI-BR). DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional, observational study conducted in a tertiary care hospital. METHODS: Two hundred individuals were studied: 100 with RA and 100 controls. Demographic variables and FFI-BR and FHSQ-BR scores were analyzed. In relation to RA patients, data on medications used and on the following clinical variables were collected: Disease Activity Score-28-ESR; erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP) level and rheumatoid factor (RF) level. The groups were compared and the scores and clinical variables were correlated. RESULTS: RA patients' scores in the pain, difficulty and disability domains of the FFI-BR questionnaire were worse (P < 0.0001). The FHSQ-BR showed that there were differences between RA patients and controls in relation to the pain and foot function domains: shoes (P < 0.0001), foot health (P < 0.0001), general health (P=0.0002), physical activity (P < 0.0001), social capacity (P = 0.0006) and vigor (P = 0.01). There were correlations between FFI-BR and DAS-28-ESR scores (rho = 0.45), ESR (rho = 0.27) and CRP (rho = 0.24). According to the FHSQ-BR questionnaire, there was a correlation between DAS-28-ESR and worse foot health (rho = 0.29). CONCLUSION: RA patients' scores in the foot health assessment questionnaires were worse than those of controls. A correlation between inflammatory activity and worse foot function was found.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Jeune adulte , Polyarthrite rhumatoïde/physiopathologie , État de santé , Enquêtes et questionnaires/normes , Pied/physiologie , Brésil , Indice de masse corporelle , Études cas-témoins , Études transversales , Évaluation de l'invalidité , Pied/physiopathologie
Rev. bras. reumatol ; Rev. bras. reumatol;57(1): 30-36, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-844210


ABSTRACT Introduction: Subjects with sensorial losses present balance deficits. Although such condition is often observed among elderly, there is discussion concerning the dependence on sensorial information for body sway control in the elderly without sensorial losses. Purpose: We investigated the effects of foot sensitivity manipulation on postural control during upright standing in young adults and independent elderly (n = 19/group). Methods: Plantar sensitivity was evaluated by esthesiometry, and speed of center of pressure shift data during upright posture were evaluated for each foot using a baropodometer while the subjects were standing with eyes open or closed. The young adult group was evaluated for center of pressure in normal conditions and after plantar sensitivity disturbance, by immersing their feet in water and ice. Results: Young adults did not show alterations in their center of pressure after sensorial perturbation and presented, even under sensorial perturbation, better postural control than elderly subjects. The elderly showed lower foot sensitivity and greater center of pressure oscillation than young adults. Conclusion: Elderly subjects seem to rely more on foot sensitivity for control of body sway than young adults. In the elderly, a clinical intervention to improve foot sensitivity may help in upright posture maintenance.

RESUMO Introdução: Pessoas com perdas sensoriais apresentam déficits de equilíbrio. Embora esse quadro seja comum em idosos, ainda se discute o quanto idosos sem doenças que afetam as vias sensoriais dependem dessa informação para controlar oscilações corporais durante o controle da postura. Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos da perturbação da sensibilidade plantar sobre o controle da postura ereta em adultos jovens e idosos independentes (n = 19/grupo). Métodos: A sensibilidade plantar foi avaliada com estesiômetro e dados de velocidade e deslocamento do centro de pressão durante a postura de pé foram avaliados para cada pé com um baropodômetro, em condições de olhos abertos e fechados. O grupo de adultos jovens foi avaliado quanto ao centro de pressão nas condições normal e pós-perturbação da sensibilidade plantar, pela imersão dos pés em água e gelo. Resultados: Adultos não apresentaram alterações no centro de pressão em resposta à perturbação sensorial e tiveram, mesmo na condição de perturbação sensorial, melhor controle postural do que idosos. Idosos apresentaram menor sensibilidade plantar e maior oscilação do centro de pressão do que os adultos jovens. Conclusão: Idosos pareceram depender mais da sensibilidade plantar para manter o controle postural do que adultos jovens. Em idosos, intervenções clínicas que melhorem a sensibilidade plantar podem auxiliar na tarefa de manter a postura de pé.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Seuils sensoriels/physiologie , Nerf tibial/physiologie , Vieillissement/psychologie , Équilibre postural/physiologie , Pied/physiologie , Phénomènes biomécaniques , Analyse de variance , Basse température , Muscles squelettiques/physiologie , Rétrocontrôle physiologique , Mécanorécepteurs/physiologie
Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 20(1): 87-95, Jan.-Feb. 2016. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-778385


BACKGROUND: The risk factors for the development of plantar fasciitis (PF) have been associated with the medial longitudinal arch (MLA), rearfoot alignment and calcaneal overload. However, the relationships between the biomechanical variables have yet to be determined. OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to investigate the relationships between the MLA, rearfoot alignment, and dynamic plantar loads in runners with unilateral PF in acute and chronic phases. METHOD: Cross-sectional study which thirty-five runners with unilateral PF were evaluated: 20 in the acute phase (with pain) and 15 with previous chronic PF (without pain). The MLA index and rearfoot alignment were calculated using digital images. The contact area, maximum force, peak pressure, and force-time integral over three plantar areas were acquired with Pedar X insoles while running at 12 km/h, and the loading rates were calculated from the vertical forces. RESULTS: The multiple regression analyses indicated that both the force-time integral (R2=0.15 for acute phase PF; R2=0.17 for chronic PF) and maximum force (R2=0.35 for chronic PF) over the forefoot were predicted by an elevated MLA index. The rearfoot valgus alignment predicted the maximum force over the rearfoot in both PF groups: acute (R2=0.18) and chronic (R2=0.45). The rearfoot valgus alignment also predicted higher loading rates in the PF groups: acute (R2=0.19) and chronic (R2=0.40). CONCLUSION: The MLA index and the rearfoot alignment were good predictors of plantar loads over the forefoot and rearfoot areas in runners with PF. However, rearfoot valgus was demonstrated to be an important clinical measure, since it was able to predict the maximum force and both loading rates over the rearfoot.

Humains , Course à pied/physiologie , Fasciite plantaire/physiopathologie , Pied/physiologie , Pression , Études transversales/normes
Clinics ; Clinics;70(11): 743-747, Nov. 2015. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-766146


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the vertical component of the ground reaction force, plantar pressure, contact area of the feet and double-support time using static and dynamic (gait) baropodometry before and after bariatric surgery. METHODS: Sixteen individuals with a body mass index of between 35 and 55 were evaluated before and after bariatric surgery. Thirteen patients (81.3%) were female and three (18.8%) male and their average age was 46±10 (21-60) years. An FSCAN system (version 3848) was used for baropodometric analyses (1 km/h and 3 km/h). The peak plantar pressure and ground reaction force were measured for the rear foot and forefoot. The double-support time and foot contact area were measured during gait. RESULTS: There were reductions in the ground reaction force in the forefoot and rear foot and in the foot contact area in all evaluations and of the double-support time at 3 km/h, as well as a significant reduction in the body mass index at six months post-surgery. The peak pressure did not vary at 1 km/h and at 3 km/h, reductions in peak pressure were observed in the left and right rear feet and left forefoot. CONCLUSIONS: Weight loss after bariatric surgery resulted in decreases in the ground reaction force and contact area of the foot. Plantar pressure was decreased at 3 km/h, especially in the forefoot. There was an increase in rhythm because of a reduction in the double-support time at 3 km/h.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Chirurgie bariatrique , Pied/physiologie , Démarche/physiologie , Orthèses , Pression , Indice de masse corporelle , Phénomènes biomécaniques/physiologie , Avant-pied humain/physiologie , Podologie/méthodes , Perte de poids/physiologie
Rev. bras. reumatol ; Rev. bras. reumatol;55(5): 427-433, set.-out. 2015. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-763235


RESUMOIntrodução:A repetibilidade e a variabilidade da pressão plantar em avaliações da marcha são componentes importantes na avaliação clínica do idoso. Contudo, pouco é conhecido sobre a consistência dos padrões de pressão plantar em idosos.Objetivo:Analisar a variabilidade e repetibilidade da pressão plantar durante da marcha de idosos, considerando valores médios, picos e assimetrias.Métodos:A pressão plantar foi avaliada em quatro diferentes dias em 10 idosos (cinco mulheres), com idade média ± desvio-padrão de 73 ± 6 anos, durante o andar descalço em velocidade preferida. Os dados de pressão plantar foram comparados entre as pisadas em cada dia e entre os diferentes dias de avaliação.Resultados:Dados de pressão média e pico foram similares entre os diferentes dias de avaliação. Os índices de assimetria observados foram similares entre os diferentes dias avaliados.Conclusão:A pressão plantar (média e pico) apresentou um padrão consistente nos idosos. Contudo, os índices de assimetria observados sugerem que idosos estejam sistematicamente expostos a cargas assimétricas durante a locomoção. Essa observação requer futuras investigações, especialmente em relação ao impacto dessas assimetrias na origem de doenças articulares.

ABSTRACTIntroduction:Repeatability and variability of the plantar pressure during walking are important components in the clinical assessment of the elderly. However, there is a lack of information on the uniformity of plantar pressure patterns in the elderly.Objective:To analyze the repeatability and variability in plantar pressure considering mean, peak and asymmetries during aged gait.Methods:Plantar pressure was monitored in four different days for ten elderly subjects (5 female), with mean ± standard-deviation age of 73 ± 6 years, walking barefoot at preferred speed. Data were compared between steps for each day and between different days.Results:Mean and peak plantar pressure values were similar between the different days of evaluation. Asymmetry indexes were similar between the different days evaluated.Conclusion:Plantar pressure presented a consistent pattern in the elderly. However, the asymmetry indexes observed suggest that the elderly are exposed to repetitive asymmetric loading during locomotion. Such result requires further investigation, especially concerning the role of these asymmetries for development of articular injuries.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Pied/physiologie , Marche à pied/physiologie , Phénomènes biomécaniques , Études transversales , Démarche , Pression , Reproductibilité des résultats
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157525


Present study was conducted to compare Visual Reaction Time (VRT) and Auditory Reaction Time (ART) of hand & foot in young adults before and after physical training. VRT & ART in milliseconds was determined with the help of “Response Analyzer” in 87 males and 13 females in the age group 17 to 25 years before and after physical training and compared. Both VRT & ART was significantly decreased in all four limbs after physical training of 6 months.

Adolescent , Adulte , Perception auditive/physiologie , Femelle , Pied/physiologie , Latéralité fonctionnelle/physiologie , Main/physiologie , Humains , Mâle , Éducation physique et entraînement physique/physiologie , Performance psychomotrice/physiologie , Temps de réaction/physiologie , Perception visuelle/physiologie , Jeune adulte
Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. 2013; 18 (4): 75-84
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-148495


There is limited information regarding the effects of knee bracing on plantar pressure variables. The aim of this study was to determine the immediate effects of a supporting patellar brace on plantar pressure variables in healthy females during stance phase of gait 17 women [age: 22.3 +/- 1.31 years] participated in this study. Plantar foot pressure of the subjects was measured by foot scan pressure plate while walking barefoot with and without wearing supporting patellar brace. Dependent t-test was used for data analysis. P 0.05]. The center of pressure displacement [COPx] was more during propulsion phase of gait while using knee brace [P = 0.01]. The results of this study indicated that bracing could influence lower extremity function by delaying peak plantar pressure and consequently provide dynamic stability of the knee joint during stance phase of gait. Further studies are needed to advance our understanding of the effects of bracing on plantar pressure variables during gait

Humains , Femelle , Pied/physiologie , Pression , Patella , Orthèses de maintien
Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 16(6): 523-527, Nov.-Dec. 2012. ilus, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-662698


CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: Os primeiros sinais de comprometimento sensorial plantar decorrente do envelhecimento e de neuropatias periféricas são manifestados na sola dos pés e podem resultar em déficits no controle postural e no equilíbrio. Os testes de sensibilidade cutânea visam a avaliar a densidade da inervação sensorial na pele e têm sido utilizados para avaliação de segmentos distais. Alguns estudos têm aplicado o teste de discriminação de dois pontos (DDP) na sola dos pés e diferenciado idosos com e sem históricos de quedas, porém sua reprodutibilidade ainda precisa ser determinada. OBJETIVO: Verificar a reprodutibilidade intra-avaliador do teste de DDP na sola dos pés em idosos e jovens assintomáticos. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 21 idosos ativos (67±5 anos; 1,56±0,08 m; 65,3±13,7 kg) e 21 jovens ativos (24±3 anos; 1,69±0,09 m; 54,5±9,5 kg). Os participantes realizaram duas sessões de testes com procedimentos experimentais idênticos, com intervalo de 48 horas. Foi avaliada a sensibilidade cutânea da sola do pé direito por meio do teste de DDP. Para avaliar a reprodutibilidade intra-avaliador, foi aplicado o teste de Bland-Altman. RESULTADOS: Idosos e jovens apresentaram variações de 0,71% e 1,53%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Esses valores não excedem dois desvios-padrão, e o teste de DDP foi considerado como uma medida reprodutível para a avaliação da sensibilidade cutânea da sola dos pés de jovens e idosos fisicamente ativos.

BACKGROUND: The first sign of plantar sensory impairment due to aging and peripheral neuropathies are manifested on the soles of the feet and can result in postural control and balance deficits. The aim of cutaneous sensitivity tests is to assess the skin sensory innervation density such as those of the distal segments. In some studies the two-point discrimination test (TPD) have been applied on the soles of the feet and have proven to accurately distinguish elderly with and without falls events. However, the reproducibility of the test still needs to be determined. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to verify the intra-observer reproducibility of the TPD test on the soles of feet in asymptomatic elderly and young individuals. METHOD: The sample was composed of 21 physically active elderly participants (67±5 years; 1:56±0.08 m, 65.3±13.7 kg) and 21 physically active young adults (24±3 years, 1.69±0.09 m, 54.5±9.5 kg). The participants attended two sessions with identical experimental procedures, with an interval of 48 hours between them. The skin sensitivity of the right foot sole was assessed using the TPD test. Intra-observer reproducibility was assessed using Bland-Altman plots. RESULTS: Elderly and young participants showed sensitivity variations of 0.71% and 1.53%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These values did not exceed two standard deviations and the TPD test was considered as a reproducible measure for the assessment of feet cutaneous sensitivity in asymptomatic and physically active young and elderly participants.

Sujet âgé , Humains , Jeune adulte , Pied/physiologie , Évaluation gériatrique/méthodes , Évaluation gériatrique/statistiques et données numériques , Toucher/physiologie , Facteurs âges , Pied/innervation , Examen neurologique/méthodes , Biais de l'observateur , Reproductibilité des résultats
Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;45(9): 806-810, Sept. 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-646325


The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of image resolution manipulation on the photogrammetric measurement of the rearfoot static angle. The study design was that of a reliability study. We evaluated 19 healthy young adults (11 females and 8 males). The photographs were taken at 1536 pixels in the greatest dimension, resized into four different resolutions (1200, 768, 600, 384 pixels) and analyzed by three equally trained examiners on a 96-pixels per inch (ppi) screen. An experienced physiotherapist marked the anatomic landmarks of rearfoot static angles on two occasions within a 1-week interval. Three different examiners had marked angles on digital pictures. The systematic error and the smallest detectable difference were calculated from the angle values between the image resolutions and times of evaluation. Different resolutions were compared by analysis of variance. Inter- and intra-examiner reliability was calculated by intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). The rearfoot static angles obtained by the examiners in each resolution were not different (P > 0.05); however, the higher the image resolution the better the inter-examiner reliability. The intra-examiner reliability (within a 1-week interval) was considered to be unacceptable for all image resolutions (ICC range: 0.08-0.52). The whole body image of an adult with a minimum size of 768 pixels analyzed on a 96-ppi screen can provide very good inter-examiner reliability for photogrammetric measurements of rearfoot static angles (ICC range: 0.85-0.92), although the intra-examiner reliability within each resolution was not acceptable. Therefore, this method is not a proper tool for follow-up evaluations of patients within a therapeutic protocol.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Pied/anatomie et histologie , Pied/physiologie , Biais de l'observateur , Photogrammétrie , Valeurs de référence , Reproductibilité des résultats
Clinics ; Clinics;66(9): 1513-1518, 2011. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-604285


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between body adiposity and postural control in elderly women. INTRODUCTION: Aging and obesity account for a significant portion of healthcare spending. Life expectancy is increasing worldwide, and Rio de Janeiro has the largest proportion of elderly residents of all Brazilian states. METHODS: A total of 45 women underwent bioelectrical impedance analysis, waist circumference measurements, weight and height measurements, and stabilometric tests in eight different stance conditions (opened and closed bases with both eyes opened and closed and right and left tandem and unilateral stances with eyes opened). During unilateral stances, the number of hand or foot contacts was counted. RESULTS: Weight, body mass index, waist circumference, fat percentage, and fat mass showed statistically significant (p,0.05) and positive correlations with the number of contacts made during unilateral stances. The subjects with greater fat mass showed significantly higher anterior-posterior standard deviation and range when their eyes were closed. The sway area was also greater for this group in opened base when their eyes were closed. DISCUSSION: The results relating body adiposity and postural control can be explained by the difficulty of maintaining a greater quantity of body fat mass within the limits of the individual support base, especially while assuming a unilateral stance. CONCLUSION: The subjects with a greater fat mass exhibited poor balance control, indicating that body adiposity level was associated with postural control in the elderly women examined in the present study.

Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Adiposité/physiologie , Indice de masse corporelle , Composition corporelle/physiologie , Pied/physiologie , Équilibre postural/physiologie , Brésil , Études transversales , Impédance électrique , Pression , Statistique non paramétrique , Tour de taille/physiologie
Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 14(4): 296-302, jul.-ago. 2010. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-560711


OBJETIVOS: Verificar possível associação entre ângulo quadriciptal (ÂQ) e distribuição de pressão plantar em jogadores de futebol, comparando-os com indivíduos não praticantes da modalidade. MÉTODOS: Cento e vinte e um participantes do sexo masculino foram selecionados: 50 jogadores de futebol (JF) e 71 sujeitos para o grupo controle (GC). Avaliaram-se concomitantemente o ÂQ, por meio do Software para Avaliação Postural (SAPO), e a pressão plantar, pela plataforma F-Scan/F-Mat System. Para verificar correlação entre o ÂQ e os valores de picos de pressão em quatro segmentos do pé (antepé medial e lateral, médio-pé e retropé), utilizou-se o Coeficiente de Pearson (r) para análises paramétricas. O teste t independente foi empregado para comparar isoladamente essas mesmas variáveis entre os grupos. A normalidade dos dados foi verificada pelos valores de skewness, adotando nível de significância de 5 por cento. RESULTADOS: Encontrou-se correlação negativa e fraca (r=-0,32) somente entre ÂQ e médio-pé direito. Os grupos diferiram quanto ao ÂQ bilateralmente, sendo que o grupo JF teve média de 11,36º, e GC, de 13,80º à direita e de 11,03º contra 13,96º à esquerda, respectivamente. Em relação à pressão plantar, o JF teve maior média de força nas faces laterais do antepé direito (0,77 contra 0,63 kg/cm²) e esquerdo (0,65 e 0,54 kg/cm²), enquanto o GC apresentou maior pico de pressão no médio-pé esquerdo (JF: 0,37 e GC: 0,46 kg/cm²). CONCLUSÕES: Não houve relação entre os valores de ÂQ na distribuição da pressão plantar nos jogadores de futebol. Os atletas apresentaram, porém, ÂQ diminuído e maiores picos de pressão nas faces laterais de ambos os pés, o que sugere alinhamento em varo dos joelhos e distribuição supinada das bases plantares.

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether there is an association between the Q-angle (Q) and the distribution of plantar pressure in football players, and to compare the characteristics of these athletes with non-practitioners of this sport. METHODS: 121 male participants were selected: 50 football practitioners (FP) and 71 non-practitioners (NP). We concurrently evaluated the Q-angle and the plantar pressure through the software of postural assessment (SPA) and the F-Mat System, respectively. To verify the correlation between the Q-angle and peak pressure values in four segments of the foot (medial and lateral forefoot, medium-foot and hind-foot), the Pearson coefficient (r) for parametric analysis was used. The independent t-test was used to compare these variables between the groups. Data normality was verified by the skewness values, adopting a significance level of 5 percent. RESULTS: A negative and weak correlation was found (r=-0.32) between the Q-angle and the plantar pressure in the right medium-foot. The groups differed with regards to the right Q-angle (11.36º in FP versus 13.80º in NP) and the left Q-angle (11.03º in FP versus 13.96º in NP). Plantar pressure was also different between the groups, with FP showing higher mean values for the right side and for the left side of the forefoot (0.77 kg/cm² in FP versus 0.63 kg/cm² in NP, and 0.65 kg/cm² in FP versus 0.54 kg/cm² in NP, respectively). However, mean peak pressure values for the left medium-foot were higher among NP (0.37 kg/cm² in FP versus 0.46 kg/cm² in NP). CONCLUSIONS: There was no evidence of an association between the Q-angle and the distribution of plantar pressure in FP. The athletes showed reduced Q-angle values and higher mean peak pressure values for the right and left aspects of the forefoot, suggesting a varus malalignment and a supine distribution of plantar bases.

Adolescent , Adulte , Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Pied/physiologie , Football américain/physiologie , Muscle quadriceps fémoral/physiologie , Phénomènes biomécaniques , Études transversales , Pression , Jeune adulte
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-98116


Unilateral thoracic sympathectomy in patients with palmar hyperhidrosis causes a skin temperature drop in the contralateral hand. A cross-inhibitory effect by the post-ganglionic neurons innervating hands is postulated as a mechanism of contralateral vasoconstriction. The purpose of our study was to evaluate whether this cross-inhibitory effect also occurs in the feet. Twenty patients scheduled for thoracoscopic sympathicotomy due to palmar hyperhidosis were studied. Right T3 sympathicotomy was performed first, followed by left T3 sympathicotomy. The thenar skin temperatures of both hands and feet were continuously monitored using a thermometer and recorded before induction of anesthesia, during the operation, 4 hr after and 1 week later. Following right T3 sympathicotomy, the skin temperature of the ipsilateral hand gradually increased, however the skin temperature of the contralateral hand gradually decreased. Immediately after bilateral sympathicotomy, the skin temperature differences between hands and feet increased, but these differences decreased 1 week later. Our results show that cross-inhibitory control may exist in feet as well as in the contralateral hand. Thus, the release of cross-inhibitory control following T3 sympathicotomy results in vasoconstriction and decrease of skin temperature on the contralateral hand and feet. One week later, however, the temperature balance on hands and feet recovers.

Mâle , Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Adolescent , Thoracoscopie , Sympathectomie/méthodes , Température cutanée , Hyperhidrose/physiopathologie , Main/physiologie , Pied/physiologie , Régulation de la température corporelle
Indian J Med Sci ; 2002 Nov; 56(11): 553-9
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-68527


In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of antibiotics, primarily tetracycline anlogues, like minocy cline to treat rheumatoid arthritis. However, the mechanism of action of these analogues is not clearly defined. The present study investigates the effects of minocycline and tetracycline on some immunological parameters in Wistar rats and Swiss albino mice. Haemagglutination (HA) titre was employed as parameter of humoral immune response and % leukocyte migration inhibition (% LMI) and footpad thickness tests were used as measures of cell mediated immune response. Both minocycline and tetracycline significantly improved humoral immune response in rats as indicated by an increase in anti-SRBC antibody titre. In the LMI test, depending on the time period of drug administration, there was an increase or a decrease in the % LMI. When drugs were administered on days 1-7 after sensitization, both the compounds caused a significant increase in % LMI. However, the % LMI was significantly decreased when the drugs were administered on days 7-13 of sensitization, indicating variable effects of these agents on the Immune mechanism depending on the time of administration in relation to the development of immune responsiveness. Both minocycline as well as tetracycline produced a significant decrease in the paw volume in the footpad-thickness test which indicates a decrease in lymphokine production/release. The present study thus shows that minocycline and tetracycline exhibit immunomodulatory properties, which may contribute significantly to their beneficial effects in rheumatoid arthritis.

Animaux , Antibactériens/pharmacologie , Production d'anticorps/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Femelle , Pied/physiologie , Immunité/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Immunité cellulaire/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Mâle , Souris , Minocycline/pharmacologie , Rats , Rat Wistar , Valeurs de référence , Tétracycline/pharmacologie
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;6(2): 57-59, mar.-abr. 2000. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-351587


Nosso sistema de amortecimento começa no pé, segue para o tornozelo, perna e par o resto do corpo. A cada passada, todo o peso do corpo recai sobre uma dos membros inferiores. Quando caminhamos ou corremos, o problema é basicamente a repetição do mesmo exercício pro longos períodos, o que exige um sistema eficiente de amortecimento para diminuir os danos causados pelo constante impacto nas articulações e que, muitas vezes, podem se agravar pela alterações na estrutura anatômica do pé. A utilização de calçãdos apropriados ajuda no funcionamento normal do sistema natural de amortecedores. Além disso, uma avaliação do arco plantar e do tipo de pisada poderá contribuir ainda mais para absorver o impacto nas articulações, uma vez que já existem modelos de calçados adaptados às alterações estruturais do pé

Humains , Pied/physiologie , Chaussures , Sports , Marche à pied