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Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 133(3): 30-40, sept. 2020. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425294


Se explica el origen de los términos cirugía plástica y rinoplastia, así como los inicios de la especialidad y de esta cirugía nasal. Se exponen cuáles fueron las necesidades que atendieron y qué lugar ocuparon la reparación y la reconstrucción en la historia y la filosofía de la medicina. La cirugía plástica se instaló como la disciplina quirúrgica encargada de buscar la recuperación de la identidad perdida. (AU)

The origin of the terms of "plastic surgery" and "Rhinoplasty" is explained, as well as the beginning of the specialty and this nasal surgery. It explains what his need was and how he filled that gap, the repair and reconstruction in the history and philosophy of medicine. It was installed as the surgical discipline in charge of seeking the recovery of the lost identity. (AU)

Histoire ancienne , Histoire médiévale , Histoire du 15ème siècle , Histoire du 16ème siècle , Histoire du 17ème siècle , Histoire du 18ème siècle , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Rhinoplastie/histoire , /histoire , Philosophie médicale , Histoire de la médecine
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 16(3): 382-386, jul.-set. 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-646375


Introduction: Lateral osteotomies play an important role in rhinoplasty and can be performed with different techniques. Objective: To compare the results of narrowing of the nasal dorsum and base through 2 types of lateral osteotomy: continuous and microperforating. Method: We selected 74 patients undergoing rhinoplasty: 37 patients underwent lateral continuous osteotomy and the other 37 underwent microperforating osteotomy, all performed by the same surgeon. We analyzed frontal photography from the pre- and post-operative (6 months) periods, evaluating the width of the nasal dorsum and base. This was a retrospective study. Results and Conclusion: Using Student's t-test, statistical analysis concluded that there was a statistically significant difference in the post-operative narrowing of the nasal dorsum and base following both osteotomy techniques, and there was no statistically significant difference between the 2 techniques...

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Ecchymose , Ostéotomie/méthodes , Photographie , Période postopératoire , Rhinoplastie/histoire , Rhinoplastie/méthodes , Procédures de chirurgie opératoire
ACM arq. catarin. med ; 36(supl.1): 103-105, jun. 2007. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-509576


Introdução: o pai da reconstrução nasal foi Sushuta Samhita que criou a técnica do retalho frontal (retalho indiano) para reparação do nariz amputado como punição ao crime de adultério. (Índia,1000-2000a.C). Objetivos: o estudo visa uma auto-avaliação da técnica de reconstrução nasal com retalho frontal e análise dos resultados obtidos em nosso serviço. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo de nove casos de reconstrução nasal com retalho frontal realizados no Núcleo de Cirurgia Plásticado HUda Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina de Setembro de 2002 a Dezembro de 2006. Resultados: das nove reconstruções nasais com retalho frontal, uma evoluiu com necrose distal do retalho, uma com necrose total e os sete demais com boa evolução. Atualmente os nove pacientes já foram submetidos ao segundo tempo cirúrgico com secção do pedículo e transposição da região proximal do mesmo para região frontal. Discussão: as indicações de reconstrução nasal parciais dacorrem de múltiplas causas, dentre elas, principalmente após ressecção de tumores e após traumas. Normalmente as reconstruções são realizadas em mais de uma etapa até o refinamento e melhor resultado final. No estudo, dos nove casos, oito foram após tratamento de tumores nasais e um após trauma. Em dois casos fez-se necessário o uso do retalho nasogeniano para reconstituição do forro nasal, e, em um caso foi necessário o uso de enxerto de cartilagem conchal para molde do nariz. Foram utilizados pelo menos dois tempos cirúrgicos para reconstrução nasal. Conclusão: a reconstrução nasal visa o restabelecimento de sua unidade estética o mais próximo do natural. Isto posto, em virtude de sua cor e textura, a pele da região frontal consiste na melhor área doadora para retalhos utilizados na reconstrução nasal.

Background: the father of the nasal reconstruction was Sushuta Samhita who created the technique of the forehead flap for mending of nose amputated as a punish mentto the crime ofadultery.(Índia1000-2000b.C) Objectives: the study aims at an auto - evaluation of the technique of the nasal reconstruction with the forehead flap and also an analysis of the results obtained in our service. Methods: It was carried out a retrospective study of nine cases of nasal reconstruction with the forehead flap, which has been made in the Nucleus of Plastic Surgery of the HU of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Results: one of the nine nasal reconstruction with forehead flap evolved with distal necrosis of the flap, one with total necrosis and the other seven had good evolve. At present, the nine patients have already been in the surgical second stage with the section of the pedicle. Discussion: the partial indications of nasal reconstruction result from multiple causes, among them, mainly after resection of tumors and after traumas. Usually the reconstruction is carried out in more than one stage up to the refinement and better final result. In the study, eight cases were made after a treatment of nasal tumours and one case after a trauma. In two cases it was necessary to use the nasolabial flap to reconstruction of the inner of the nose. One case was necessary to use a cartilage conchal graft to shape the nose. At least, two surgical stages were used to reconstruction nasal. Conclusion: among the possibilities of nasal reconstruction the one which was carried out with the forehead flap is the most suitable because of managing to restore the unity of aesthetic nasal near the natural appearance.

Humains , Rhinoplastie , Lambeaux chirurgicaux , Lambeaux chirurgicaux/classification , Rhinoplastie/statistiques et données numériques , Rhinoplastie/histoire , Rhinoplastie
Folha méd ; 106(5): 181-8, maio 1993. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-170355


Most of the basic contributions for modern rhinology took place during the 1880-1910 period. As well as for rhinology, almost all of the technical worders that characterizes the world of today are developments of discoveries or inventions from this time. According to Cottle, it was a "Glden Period" of rhinology. It coincided with a climax of outstanding achievements in almost all of the fields of human activity, encompassing the so-called "Gründerzeit" in Germany, and "Belle Époque" in France. In fact, by the end of the XIXth century and the beginning of the XXth, the western civilization reached the zenith of a period of important and decisive transformations (1814-1914). The most relevant rhinological achievements as well as the basic events that influenced that period environment and the medical art & techinology are reminded and briefly commented

Humains , Rhinoplastie/histoire , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Technologie/histoire
Folha méd ; 102(5): 179-81, maio 1991. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-176689


It is presented a summary of the historical evolution of tip and columella surgical reconstruction

Humains , Chirurgie plastique/histoire , Nez/chirurgie , Rhinoplastie/histoire
Folha méd ; 102(5): 183-6, maio 1991. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-176690


Nasal polyps wqere know in antiquity and descriptions of the various methods were mentioned by early medical writers. The Ancient Egyptians knew about them. Hippocrates described 5 types with special treatment for each. Cautery and application of caustics were used. Knives were used early on and described by Galen. Over the years different designs of forceps were employed to pull them out. Snares were introduced in the 19th Century. Galvanic electricity was applied; cocaine and adenaline were in common use in the latter part of the 19th Century. Katakura (1794) in Japan and Siging (1617) in China were the first to record removal of nasal polyps in their respective countries

Humains , Polypes du nez/chirurgie , Rhinoplastie/histoire
Folha méd ; 102(3): 55-9, mar. 1991.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-176674


The outcome of septorhinoplasties in children is not only a question of adequate techniques to handle the healthy and damaged nasal structures. The short review of the history of septorhinoplasty shows that, at present, we have no adequate solutions to influence the growing nasal cartilages in a satisfactory way by any type of technique or special approach

Humains , Enfant , Enfant , Rhinoplastie/histoire
Folha méd ; 102(3): 61-4, mar. 1991. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-176675


Sinus surgery probably originates from the time of the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt. Instruments were used to remove the brain through the nose as a part of the mummification proces. The interest in the pathology of the maxillary sinus started to rise in the 17th century. Antral trephination for suppuration was the most comom maxillary sinus operation in that period. An oroantral fistula was often created by the extraction of a molar to drain the infected maxillary sinuscaily. Later on the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus was opened through the canine fossa and was kept open for irrigation. Caldwell (1883), Scanes-Spicer (1884) and later Luc in 1887 closed fossa incision after an intranasal astrostomy and the removal of the infected mucosa. This so-called Caldwell-Luc procedure is still the most commonly used maxillary sinus operation today. After the introduction of the endoscopy in the beginning of this century endonasal surgery has been developed in the last decades into one of the important surgical procedures for maxillary sinus infections today

Humains , Sinusite maxillaire/chirurgie , Sinus maxillaire/chirurgie , Sinus de la face/chirurgie , Rhinoplastie/histoire
Folha méd ; 102(3): 65-9, mar. 1991. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-176676


The A. points out the most important contributions of Samuel J. Crowe in the field of sinusitis and paranasal sinuses surgery

Sinus de la face/chirurgie , Rhinoplastie/histoire , Sinusite/chirurgie
Folha méd ; 102(3): 75-80, mar. 1991. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-176678


In a study on the history of the frontal sinus surgery - prepared for a Round-Table on "The History of Rhinology" (XIII Congress of the European Rhinologic Society, London, 1990) - the authorrs point out the important South American contributions

Humains , Sinus frontal/chirurgie , Rhinoplastie/histoire , Amérique du Sud
In. Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica. Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro do Contorno Facial. s.l, Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica, set. 1983. p.203-5, ilus.
Monographie de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-67346


O autor apresenta uma revisäo bibliográfica do histórico da cirurgia de reconstruçäo nasal. Dá enfoque pessoal ao tema, valendo-se de sua experiência clínica com 11 retalhos frontais, ponderando sobre a validade atual das cirurgias de reconstruçäo nasal e sua filososfia

Humains , Histoire ancienne , Histoire médiévale , Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 16ème siècle , Histoire du 17ème siècle , Histoire du 18ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Histoire du 15ème siècle , Rhinoplastie/histoire , Lambeaux chirurgicaux , Nez/chirurgie