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Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986009


Objective: To analyze the status of prevention and treatment of occupational diseases among mining and manufacturing industries in China in 2019, provide the scientific basis for the formulation and revision of policies and standards of prevention and treatment of occupational diseases. Methods: In May 2022, Collecting data of a project named Surveillance of Occupational Hazards in the Workplace in 2019 through the National Surveillance System for Occupational Hazards in the workplace. Compare the status of prevention and treatment of occupational diseases in 63 563 enterprises of mining and manufacturing industries among different dimensions. Results: The training rate of managers was 76.17% and that of occupational health managers was 76.97%. The rate of reporting of occupational diseases hazardous items was 67.58%, the rate of launching of the detection of occupational hazards was 57.16%, and the rate of launching of occupational health examination was 62.42%. Excluding the distribution rate of dust mask, the installation rate of various occupational prevention facilities and the distribution rate of gas mask and hearing protector were less than 80%. The differences in all the indicators among different areas, enterprise scales, economic types were statistically significant (P<0.05) . Conclusion: There are still some enterprises which are relatively weak in the ability of the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases in China. Measures such as special support, guidance and strengthen supervision should be taken towards those enterprises toimprove the awareness of prevention and treatment of occupational diseases and the level of that.

Humains , Exposition professionnelle , Maladies professionnelles/prévention et contrôle , Secteur secondaire , Lieu de travail , Chine/épidémiologie , Santé au travail
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(1): 47-54, jun, 2022. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1381292


El síndrome del edificio enfermo, se refiere a un conjunto de síntomas generales en mucosa (ocular y/o respiratoria) y piel que presentan los ocupantes de edificaciones con calidad ambiental deficientes, exponiendo a sus ocupantes a factores de riesgos físicos, mecánicos, químicos, biológicos y psicosociales, que puede afectar negativamente la salud y productividad de las personas. Con el propósito de determinar la frecuencia de los síntomas de los ocupantes de una industria manufacturera del Perú, se realizó estudio transversal aplicándose a 237 trabajadores, estratificados por áreas laborales, el cuestionario sugerido por el Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Seguridad en el Trabajo, además de evaluar la condición ambiental mediante la determinación de bioaerosoles cultivables y contables. Los resultados mostraron prevalencia superior al 20% en síntomas como: sequedad en ojos y garganta, picor en garganta congestión nasal, dolor de cabeza y debilidad general. Se tomaron, cuantificaron y caracterizaron 164 muestras de bioaerosoles, los microrganismos encontrados con mayor porcentaje fueron, Aspergillus sp. 54,68% (68) en el área administrativa, mientras que en las áreas de producción y almacén predomino Penicillium sp. con 87,10% (108) y 62,21% (77) respectivamente. Otros géneros encontrados en mayor porcentajes, en las tres áreas fueron: Trichoderma, Acremonium, Monilia, Cladosporium, entre otros. Los hallazgos se correlacionan con lo reportado en diversas investigaciones, la presencia de mencionados hongos, sugiere que existe una inadecuada calidad ambiental y aunada a la prevalencia obtenida en cuanto a sintomatología, se puede clasificar la edificación objeto de estudio con el Síndrome del edificio enfermo(AU)

Sick building syndrome refers to a set of general mucosal (ocular and/or respiratory) and skin symptoms presented by occupants of buildings with poor environmental quality, exposing their occupants to physical, mechanical, chemical, biological and psychosocial, which can negatively affect the health and productivity of people. In order to determine the frequency of the symptoms of the occupants of a manufacturing industry in Peru, a cross-sectional study was carried out, applying to 237 workers, stratified by work areas, the questionnaire suggested by the National Institute of Hygiene and Safety at Work, in addition to to evaluate the environmental condition by determining cultivable and countable bioaerosols. The results showed a prevalence greater than 20% in symptoms such as: dry eyes and throat, itchy throat, nasal congestion, headache and general weakness. 164 samples of bioaerosols were taken, quantified and characterized, the microorganisms found with the highest percentage were Aspergillus sp. 54.68% (68) in the administrative area, while in the production and storage areas, Penicillium sp. with 87.10% (108) and 62.21% (77) respectively. Other genera found in higher percentages in the three areas were: Trichoderma, Acremonium, Monilia, Cladosporium, among others. The findings correlate with what has been reported in various investigations, the presence of these fungi suggests that there is an inadequate environmental quality and, together with the prevalence obtained in terms of symptoms, the building under study can be classified with the Sick Building Syndrome(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Études transversales , Syndrome du bâtiment malsain/étiologie , Syndrome du bâtiment malsain/épidémiologie , Pollution de l'air/effets indésirables , Aspergillose pulmonaire/épidémiologie , Pérou/épidémiologie , Asthme , Rhinite , Céphalées , Otomycose , Secteur secondaire
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935744


Objective: To understand the distribution and characteristics of suspected occupational chronic lead poisoning reported online by Jiangsu Province, and to track the final diagnosis of suspected cases. Methods: The suspected occupational chronic lead poisoning cases in Jiangsu Province reported online from 2014 to 2018 were collected as the survey objects. Based on the reporting of the Occupational Disease Report Card from January 1, 2014 to November 5, 2019, the distribution characteristics and reporting institutions of suspected cases and final confirmed cases were analyzed. Results: From 2014 to 2018, 312 cases of suspected occupational chronic lead poisoning were reported online in Jiangsu Province. There were significant differences in the number of online reported cases of occupational chronic lead poisoning, online reported cases of suspected occupational chronic lead poisoning and confirmed cases of suspected occupational chronic lead poisoning in different years (P<0.05) , especially in 2015. Among the suspected occupational lead poisoning cases reported online, 236 cases (75.6%) were male, mainly distributed in the manufacturing industry, and 246 cases (79.1%) were operators. All the suspected occupational chronic lead poisoning cases reported online were concentrated in private enterprises, 229 cases (73.4%) in small and medium-sized enterprises. The top three cities were Suqian with 111 cases (35.6%) , Yangzhou with 79 cases (25.3%) and Huai'an with 50 cases (16.0%) . From 2014 to 2018, 19 suspected cases of occupational chronic lead poisoning were finally confirmed in Jiangsu Province, with a diagnosis rate of 6.1%. Conclusion: The majority of suspected occupational chronic lead poisoning cases reported online in Jiangsu Province are men, manufacturing and small and medium-sized enterprises, and the final diagnosis rate of suspected occupational chronic lead poisoning cases reported online is low.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Chine/épidémiologie , Villes , Plomb , Intoxication par le plomb/épidémiologie , Secteur secondaire , Maladies professionnelles/épidémiologie
Rev. crim ; 64(1): [109-132], 2022.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369487


Durante décadas, la violencia ha afectado el desarrollo económico, político y social de Colombia. En este trabajo evaluamos los efectos de los delitos violentos contra las personas y la propiedad privada sobre el comportamiento de la inversión neta de la industria manufacturera en los departamentos de Colombia durante el período 2000-2013. Este trabajo se basa en los modelos propuestos por Acevedo y Mora (2009) y Acevedo y García (2015) y emplea información estadística de la Encuesta Anual de Manufactura y diversas formas de violencia (secuestros, robos y homicidios) obtenidas de la base de datos de la Revista Criminalidad para los 32 departamentos y Bogotá, D. C. Para ello se emplea un modelo de datos panel y se usa la bondad del ajuste como criterio para seleccionar los modelos que mejor se ajustan a los datos. La evidencia empírica muestra que la violencia medida por el número de secuestros, más que los homicidios y robos, es el fenómeno que más ha afectado la inversión en Colombia. Específicamente, un aumento del 1% en el número de secuestros reduce la inversión neta en un 0,04%. Estos resultados mostraron que Bolívar, Caquetá, Cesar, Meta y Tolima fueron los departamentos más afectados por la violencia en Colombia durante el período.

Violence , Conflits armés , Secteur secondaire
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(2): 335-342, 2022. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1391353


El Perú se considera un país potencia en cuanto a la exportación textil de la alpaca, cuya fibra natural es muy fina, ligera y con alto valor a nivel mundial. Para el año 2019, la exportación total de fibra de alpaca en Perú llegó a un total de 23 países, incluyendo mercados en Europa, Asia y Norteamérica. La tendencia en el comercio exterior incluyendo las empresas textiles de alpaca, se ha dirigido a garantizar el cuidado del medio ambiente y la inocuidad de los productos respecto a la salud humana. Se realizó un estudio desde el paradigma post-positivista, con enfoque cualitativo y el método hermenéutico, para interpretar la situación de exportación y sanitación internacional en empresas peruanas productoras de prendas de alpaca en Huancayo y Lima. Se obtuvo información a partir de cuatro informantes voluntarios de cada empresa acerca de aspectos relacionados con exportación de las prendas de alpaca: competitividad, promoción, proveedores, producción, calidad de producto, valor agregado, calidad de servicio, mercados destino, demanda y herramientas de inteligencia comercial, entre otros. Asimismo, se indagó sobre la concepción y cumplimiento del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional. Las empresas evaluadas, emplean excelente materia prima, garantizan un control de calidad de sus productos ofreciendo textiles competitivos que se distribuyen en diversos mercados internacionales, emplean herramientas de comercialización que favorecen la identificación de regulaciones arancelarias y la capacitación de su personal. No obstante, muestran carencias en el cumplimiento del RSI, requiriendo adoptar medidas que garanticen la salud pública al comercializar sus productos(AU)

Peru is considered a powerful country in terms of alpaca textile exports, whose natural fiber is very fine, light and highly valued worldwide. For the year 2019, the total export of alpaca fiber in Peru reached a total of 23 countries, including markets in Europe, Asia and North America. The trend in foreign trade, including alpaca textile companies, has been aimed at guaranteeing care for the environment and the safety of products with respect to human health. A study was carried out from the post-positivist paradigm, with a qualitative approach and the hermeneutical method, to interpret the export situation and international sanitation in Peruvian companies that produce alpaca garments in Huancayo and Lima. Information was obtained from four volunteer informants from each company about aspects related to the export of alpaca garments: competitiveness, promotion, suppliers, production, product quality, added value, service quality, destination markets, demand and marketing tools. commercial intelligence, among others. Likewise, the conception and compliance with the International Health Regulations were inquired about. The evaluated companies use excellent raw material, guarantee quality control of their products by offering competitive textiles that are distributed in various international markets, use marketing tools that favor the identification of tariff regulations and the training of their personnel. However, they show deficiencies in compliance with the RSI, requiring the adoption of measures that guarantee public health when marketing their products(AU)

Textiles , Camélidés du Nouveau Monde , Export des Produits , Règlement sanitaire international , Pérou , Amélioration du niveau sanitaire , Vêtements , Secteur secondaire
Rev. Ocup. Hum. (En línea) ; 22(1): 28-41, 2022. mapas, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357747


El análisis de datos cuantitativos de siniestralidad laboral es importante para orientar la gestión preventiva en la República del Ecuador. Se presenta un estudio ecológico exploratorio de la incidencia de lesiones por accidente de trabajo no mortales y con incapacidad temporal, en ocupaciones manuales de las industrias manufacturera y de construcción en 23 provincias del país, para el período comprendido entre 2014 y 2019. Como fuente se utilizaron los registros oficiales de trabajadoras y trabajadores afiliados al régimen general de seguridad social. Se apli- có el programa estadístico SPSS versión 21.0 y Tableau versión 3.0; se agruparon las provincias del Ecuador en cuartiles según el valor de la tasa de incidencia de las lesiones por cada 1.000 personas afiliadas, considerando año y actividad económica. Las tasas de incidencia mues- tran patrones similares para los dos sectores económicos y un decrecimiento progresivo en el período analizado, con valores semejantes en 2019. Los valores más altos se presentan en las provincias de Azuay, Guayas, Pichincha y Tungurahua. Se concluye que existen importantes di- ferencias geográficas, lo que demanda estrategias de prevención y disminución de accidentes de trabajo con participación de los equipos interdisciplinarios relacionados, incluyendo terapeutas ocupacionales.

Analyzing quantitative data on occupational accidents is essential to guide preventive management in the Republic of Ecuador. An exploratory ecological study of the incidence of non-fatal and temporary incapacity occupational injuries in manual occupations in the manufacturing and construction industries in 23 provinces is presented for the period 2014-2019. Official registers of workers registered in the general social security system were used as a source. The statistical software SPSS version 21.0 and Tableau version 3.0 were applied; Ecuador provinces were grouped into quartiles according to the value of the incidence rate of injuries per 1,000 registered persons, considering the year and economic activity. Incidence rates show similar patterns for the two economic sectors and a progres- sive decrease over the period analyzed, with similar values in 2019. The highest values are found in Azuay, Guayas, Pichincha and Tungurahua provinces. It is concluded that there are significant geographical differences, which calls for strategies to prevent and reduce occupational accidents with the participation of related interdisciplinary teams, including occupational therapists.

A análise de dados quantitativos sobre acidentes de trabalho é importante para orientar a gestão preventiva na República do Equador. Um estudo ecológico exploratório da in- cidência de acidentes de trabalho não fatais e de invalidez temporária é apresentado em ocupações manuais nas indústrias de manufatureira e de construção em 23 províncias do país, para o período entre 2014 e 2019. Como fonte, foram utilizados os registros oficiais dos trabalhadores filiados ao regime geral de previdência social. Os programas estatísticos SPSS (versão 21.0) e Tableau (versão 3.0) foram aplicados; as províncias do Equador foram agrupadas em quartis, de acordo com o valor da taxa de incidência de lesões por 1.000 afiliados, considerando ano e atividade econômica. As taxas de incidência apresentam padrões semelhantes para os dois setores econômicos e uma diminuição progressiva no pe- ríodo analisado, com valores semelhantes em 2019. Os maiores valores encontram-se nas províncias de Azuay, Guayas, Pichincha e Tungurahua. Conclui-se que existem diferenças geográficas importantes, que demandam estratégias de prevenção e de redução dos aciden- tes de trabalho com a participação de equipes interdisciplinares relacionadas, incluindo terapeutas ocupacionais.

Accidents du travail , Industrie de la construction , Secteur secondaire , Équateur , Blessures professionnelles , Analyse de données
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; Rev. bras. epidemiol;24: e210005, 2021. tab
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156021


RESUMO: Objetivo: Estimar a incidência e a tendência temporal dos acidentes de trabalho típicos na indústria têxtil e de confecção de Santa Catarina no período de 2008 a 2017. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico retrospectivo baseado nos dados da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS). A tendência temporal foi analisada por meio do cálculo da mudança média anual e da regressão logística. Resultados: Houve tendência de queda na incidência de acidentes de trabalho em Santa Catarina no período estudado (8,8%). Observaram-se as maiores taxas de acidentes no ano de 2008 entre homens (12,6%), trabalhadores com faixa de idade entre 40 e 49 anos (6,7%), negros (7,4%), pessoas com menos de 12 anos de estudo (5,0%), com remuneração média de 3 a 7 salários mínimos (7,0%), com até quatro anos de tempo de emprego (6,9%), trabalhadores da fabricação de produtos têxteis (10,3%), estabelecimentos de médio porte (100 a 499 trabalhadores) (7,9%) e nas regiões da Grande Florianópolis (7,0%) e Vale do Itajaí (6,8%). Conclusões: O risco de acidente de trabalho típico caiu significativamente ao longo do período. Contudo futuros estudos são necessários para analisar novas relações que possam apontar outros fatores associados. Espera-se que este estudo possa contribuir para subsidiar ações de prevenção, promoção, proteção e reabilitação da saúde dos trabalhadores desse setor produtivo.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To estimate the incidence and time trend of typical work accidents in the textile and clothing industry in Santa Catarina from 2008 to 2017. Methods: This was a retrospective epidemiological study based on data from the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS). The time trend was analyzed by calculating the average annual change and logistic regression. Results: There was a downward trend in the incidence of occupational accidents in Santa Catarina during the period studied (8.8%). The highest incidence occurred in 2008 among men (12.6%), workers aged between 40 and 49 years (6.7%), black people (7.4%), people with less than 12 years of education (5.0%), with an average income of 3 to 7 minimum wages (7.0%), with up to 4 years of employment (6.9%), workers in the manufacture of textile products (10, 3%), medium-sized establishments (that is, between 100 and 499 workers; 7.9%) and in the regions of Greater Florianópolis (7.0%) and Vale do Itajaí (6.8%). Conclusions: The risk for typical occupational accidents dropped significantly over the period studied. However, future studies are needed to analyze new relationships that may point to other associated factors. It is hoped that this study can contribute to support measures for the prevention, promotion, protection and rehabilitation of the health of workers in this production sector.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Textiles , Accidents du travail/statistiques et données numériques , Vêtements , Secteur secondaire , Brésil/épidémiologie , Incidence , Études rétrospectives
NOVA publ. cient ; 18(spe35): 101-105, jul.-dic. 2020.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149473


Resumen La pandemia global por COVID-19 ha generado un sin número de alertas y cambios en las formas de habitar y de consumo. La triada medio ambiente-salud-individuo vuelve a ser protagonista en este escenario, en donde se aprecian graves fracturas en los sistemas de salud pública, hábitat y seguridad alimentaria. Como factor transversal a esos elementos, la contaminación ambiental se convirtió en un efecto facilitador de la pandemia pues la transmisión por contacto entre humanos a través de aerosoles representa la vía de contagio. Esta situación obligó al distanciamiento y confinamiento preventivo, medida que logró hacer evidente la pobreza, la inequidad y la desigualdad que se vive globalmente. Por otro lado, los cambios en la movilidad y la frecuencia de producción en industrias de manufactura trajo una reducción en los gases de efecto invernadero.

Abstract The global pandemic due to COVID-19 has generated countless alerts and changes in the ways of living and consuming, the environment, health and individual triad is once again the protagonist in this scenario where serious fractures in the public health systems, habitat and food security are seen. As a transverse factor to these elements, environmental contamination became a facilitating effect of the pandemic and transmission by contact between humans through aerosols represents the route of contagion, this situation forced the distancing and preventive confinement, this measure to makes evident the poverty, inequality and inequity that is experienced globally, on the other hand the changes in mobility and the frequency of production in manufacturing industries brought a reduction in greenhouse gases.

Humains , COVID-19 , Écosystème , Pandémies , Secteur secondaire , Approvisionnement en nourriture
Occup. health South. Afr. (Online) ; 18(26): 153-161, 2020.
Article de Anglais | AIM | ID: biblio-1268093


Background: Stress has become a part of everyday life for most employees. Studies have shown the negative effect that stress has on employee wellbeing. Stress management intervention (SMI) programmes are commonly implemented by organisations to reduce work-related stressors, as well as to assist employees to cope with and minimise the impact of stress. Objectives: We aimed to explore the causes of stress at a vehicle manufacturing company, and the perceptions of employees about the effectiveness of an SMI programme. Methods: A qualitative interpretive approach was followed, using a case study design. The research was conducted at a vehicle manufacturing company in Pretoria, South Africa; eleven purposively sampled permanent white- and blue-collared employees who had participated in an SMI programme were included. Data were collected from personal interviews and a focus group discussion. The data were analysed using the ATLAS.ti software. Results: Some of the causes of stress in the workplace, identified by the participants, were company ethics and culture, interpersonal conflict, management style, deadlines, workload, type of job, job profiles, job insecurity, incompetence of employees, lack of resources, and remuneration. Most participants (90.9%) evaluated the SMI as being very effective. Conclusion: The causes of stress amongst workers are multifactorial. Effective SMIs can assist to alleviate stress and to equip employees with skills to manage stress. This promotes a healthy workforce and increases productivity. If SMIs are not implemented effectively, there might be loss in productivity, increased absenteeism, and deteriorating health in the workforce

Secteur secondaire , Maladies professionnelles , Stress professionnel , Perception sociale , République d'Afrique du Sud
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777608


BACKGROUND@#Musculoskeletal symptoms often occur in more than one anatomical site. The present study aimed to define specific patterns of multisite musculoskeletal disorders and examine how these patterns are related to common psychological problems.@*METHODS@#Using the data from an interview-based health survey of 358 samples of the industrial manufacturing male employees, we derived major patterns of musculoskeletal complaints using latent class analysis and investigated its association with psychological problems score extracted from depression, anxiety, and stress measured by Depression/Anxiety/Stress Scale (DASS-21). Musculoskeletal disorders were assessed by Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ). The statistical analysis was carried out by Mplus 8.@*RESULTS@#Complaints in the lower back (42.1%) and neck (30.7%) had the highest prevalence, and in the hip (15.0%) and ankle (12.2%) the lowest. Three major patterns of musculoskeletal disorders were extracted using latent class analysis. Class 1 (12.9%) was characterized by a high rate of complaints in upper musculoskeletal sites, such as the neck, shoulder, and joints; class 2 (38.2%) was identified by a higher rate of complaints in the lower and upper back; and class 3 (48.9%) was marked by low rates of complaints in all musculoskeletal sites. After adjustment for confounding variables and specifying class 3 as the reference, it turned out that there was a statistically significant association between the psychological problems score and the chance of being in class 1 (OR = 2.47, 95% CI 1.66-3.68), but not a significant association with the chance of being in class 2 (OR = 1.51, 95% CI 0.83-2.72).@*CONCLUSION@#Musculoskeletal disorders can be summarized in the latent class-derived patterns in the adult study population and provide additional prognostics. Common psychological problems are significantly associated with the type of musculoskeletal disorder patterns. The findings in this study could be useful for dealing with prevention and treatment programs.

Adulte , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Anxiété , Épidémiologie , Études transversales , Dépression , Épidémiologie , Enquêtes de santé , Iran , Épidémiologie , Analyse de structure latente , Secteur secondaire , Maladies ostéomusculaires , Classification , Épidémiologie , Psychologie , Maladies professionnelles , Classification , Épidémiologie , Psychologie , Prévalence , Stress psychologique , Épidémiologie
Cienc. Trab ; 20(61): 14-18, abr. 2018. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-952559


Resumen: Distintas modalidades de prevención para disminuir la incidencia de Trastornos musculoesqueléticos (TME) han sido propuestas, sin embar go, no existe evidencia nacional sobre la valoración que hacen los trabajadores sobre las acciones implementadas por las empresas. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la percepción de los trabajadores sobre el beneficio del ejercicio en el puesto de trabajo (EPT) para prevenir TME. Método: Bajo el contexto de un estudio de evaluación de efectividad del ejercicio en la prevención de TME en trabajadores manu factureros, se le aplicó una encuesta de percepción a la totalidad de los trabajadores (n = 109). Resultados: Un 92.3% de los trabajadores con sidera importante realizar EPT y el 82.8% lo asocia a una conducta saludable, destaca un alto nivel de satisfacción en la práctica grupal de los ejercicios (96%) y estar de acuerdo con implementarla como estra tegia de prevención permanente. Conclusión: Los trabajadores otorgan gran importancia a la aplicación de EPT, independiente de su modali dad, los cuales tienden a relacionarse con la percepción positiva respec to a los efectos beneficiosos para su salud. La aplicación de esta moda lidad de ejercicios tiene una alta aceptabilidad por los trabajadores, facilitando su implementación y logro de objetivos.

Abstract: Different forms of prevention to reduce the incidence of musculoskel etal disorders (MSDs) have been proposed, however, there is no national evidence on the assessment made by workers on the actions implemented by companies. The purpose of this study was to assess workers' perception of the benefit of exercise in the workplace to prevent MSDs. Method: In the context of an evaluation study of exercise effectiveness in the prevention of MSDs in manufacturing workers, a perception survey was applied to all workers (n = 109). Results: 92.3% of the workers considered it important to exercise in the workplace and 82.8% associated it with a healthy behavior, they reported a high level of satisfaction in the group practice of the exer cises (96%) and agree to implement it as a permanent prevention strategy. Conclusion: The workers give high importance to the appli cation of exercise in the workplace, regardless of their modality, which tend to relate to positive perception and beneficial effects for their health.. The application of this type of exercise has a high acceptabil ity by workers, facilitating its implementation and achievement of objectives.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Exercice physique/physiologie , Maladies ostéomusculaires/prévention et contrôle , Secteur secondaire , Groupes professionnels/psychologie , Perception , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Lieu de travail
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 34(7): e00114017, 2018. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-952424


Resumo: O atual processo de intensificação do trabalho se insere no contexto das transformações produtivas, no Brasil, a partir dos anos 1990, acarretando mudanças na produção social do desgaste operário e do perfil epidemiológico dos trabalhadores. Incapacidade para o trabalho por acidente e doença é um importante indicador do desgaste operário, sendo de interesse da área da saúde. O estudo objetiva analisar o processo de intensificação do trabalho e saúde da perspectiva do processo saúde-doença a partir da percepção dos trabalhadores de uma montadora automobilística da Região do ABC, em São Paulo, quando indagados acerca dos obstáculos ao retorno ao trabalho daqueles com restrição laboral por acidente ou doenças, comumente denominados de "compatível". Realizamos seis visitas à fabrica e vinte entrevistas com operários da produção. Os dados foram coletados entre março de 2010 e novembro de 2014. Os resultados revelam, na figura social do "compatível", uma fratura exposta pelo processo de produção, expressa nas práticas de intensificação do trabalho, caracterizada pelo ritmo intenso, adensamento do trabalho, prolongamento da jornada e gestão por estresse; ao mesmo tempo, apontam para a tendência de exclusão do trabalhador "compatível" da empresa. A pesquisa contribui para avançar na busca do conhecimento acerca da intensificação do trabalho e saúde, esperamos ter trazido subsídios para novas investigações na perspectiva da determinação do processo saúde-doença, com a incorporação da experiência dos trabalhadores.

Abstract: Today's intensification of labor is part of the industrial transformations under way in Brazil since the 1990s, involving changes in the social production of auto workers' strain and epidemiological profile. Accident- and disease-related absenteeism is an important indicator of auto workers' strain, with relevance to the health field. The study aims to analyze the intensification of labor and its health implications from the perspective of the health-disease process, based on workers' perceptions at an automobile assembly plant in the ABC Industrial Belt of São Paulo. Workers were asked about the obstacles to returning to work following work-related accidents or diseases (commonly referred to as "compatible" workers). We conducted six visits to the plant and 20 interviews with assembly line workers. Data were collected from March 2010 to November 2014. The results depict the social figure of the "compatible" worker, a "compound fracture" in the production process, expressed as the intensification of labor, characterized by an intense work pace, denser work, extended workdays, and heavy stress, while simultaneously pointing to a trend toward laying off "compatible" workers. The study contributes to the search for knowledge on the intensification of labor and its health implications. We hope to have produced backing for further research on determination of the health-disease process, based on the incorporation of workers' experience.

Resumen: El actual proceso de intensificación del trabajo se inserta en el contexto de las transformaciones productivas en Brasil, acaecidas a partir de los años noventa, y que acarrearon cambios en la producción social, en el desgaste del obrero y el perfil epidemiológico de los trabajadores. La incapacidad para el trabajo por accidente y enfermedad es un importante indicador del desgaste del trabajador, siendo un área de interés para la salud. El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el proceso de intensificación del trabajo y su repercusión en la salud, desde la perspectiva del proceso salud-enfermedad, a partir de la percepción de los trabajadores de una ensambladora automovilística de la Región del ABC, en São Paulo. Realizamos encuestas, a obreros con restricciones laborales por accidente o enfermedades, denominados comúnmente "compatibles", sobre sus obstáculos para el retorno al trabajo. Realizamos seis visitas a la fábrica y veinte entrevistas a obreros del área de producción. Los datos fueron recogidos entre marzo de 2010 y noviembre de 2014. Los resultados revelan, en la figura social del "compatible", una fractura expuesta por el proceso de producción, expresada en las prácticas de intensificación del trabajo, caracterizada por el ritmo intenso, densificación del trabajo, prolongación de la jornada y gestión del estrés; al mismo tiempo, apuntan hacia la tendencia de exclusión del trabajador "compatible" de la empresa. La investigación contribuye al avance en la búsqueda del conocimiento sobre la intensificación del trabajo y sus efectos sobre la salud. Esperamos servir de apoyo de nuevas investigaciones, desde la perspectiva del proceso salud-enfermedad, con la incorporación de la experiencia de los trabajadores.

Humains , Automobiles , Santé au travail/tendances , Santé au travail/statistiques et données numériques , Charge de travail/statistiques et données numériques , Reprise du travail/tendances , Secteur secondaire , Maladies professionnelles/épidémiologie , Sécurité sociale/tendances , Facteurs temps , Brésil/épidémiologie , Accidents du travail/tendances , Facteurs de risque , Congé maladie/tendances , Syndicats
Horiz. enferm ; 29(1): 42-55, 2018. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1222412


La alta prevalencia de accidentes de trabajo está directamente relacionada con el estrés laboral, el turno nocturno, el uso inadecuado o insuficiente de equipos de protección personal, el nivel educativo, manejo de sustancias químicas y el consumo de alcohol, sumado a factores de riesgo ergonómico tales como el ruido, movimientos repetitivos y temperaturas elevadas, que traen consigo una mayor incidencia de accidentes, destacando las caídas de personas al mismo o distinto nivel, caída de objetos, aplastamiento y atrapamiento de miembros. Con todo lo anterior, el presente trabajo pretende mostrar un panorama actualizado de los factores que intervienen en la ocurrencia de accidentes de trabajo en el ramo de manufactura, siendo este, un sector con alta incidencia de accidentes registrados en el mundo. Se revisaron manuscritos publicados en Cochrane Library, Tripdatabase, Embase, Medlinevía PubMedy Cuiden. La búsqueda arrojó 10 textos, 5 de ellos corresponden a revisiones sistemáticas, dos a su vez emplean el meta-análisis, tres estudios de tipo transversal, uno observacional y un análisis de cohorte. Los factores psicosociales y ergonómicos son las exposiciones perjudiciales para la salud más frecuentes en la población trabajadora de la industria de manufactura, lo anterior a consecuencia de la demanda de actividades como el manejo de cargas, operar máquinas, herramientas y ensamble. Riesgos emergentes son descritos en relación con la creación de nuevos empleos, la globalización de mercados y la inclusión de tecnología en los centros de trabajo.

The high prevalence of occupational accidents is directly associated to work stress, night shifts, inadequate or insufficient personal protection equipment, educational level and alcohol consumption. In addition, to the risk factors which are present at work centers, such as: ergonomic, noise and handling of chemicals. All of the latter, generate a high incidence of accidents, like prevailing falls, flattening and entrapment of limbs. With all of this, the following document reflects the current factors which influence occupational accidents in the manufacturing area. Systematic review studies which were published in English and Spanish that evaluate the association of risk factors in manual labors were reviewed. As well as, published texts from the databases of the Cochrane Library, Tripdatabase, Embase, PubMed and Cuiden. Ten studies were found. Ten documents, five of which were a systematic review, two were meta-analysis, three were transsectional studies, one observational and another, a cohort analysis. The most frequent and harmful factors that injure workers are the psychosocial and ergonomic factors. The creation of new jobs, global marketing and the inclusion of new technology in the work centers are related to new emerging risk factors.

Humains , Accidents du travail , Facteurs de risque , Secteur secondaire , Conditions de Travail , Stress professionnel , Soins infirmiers en santé du travail
Horiz. enferm ; 28(2): 25-37, 2017. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1179367


PROPÓSITO: Identificar las prevalencias de violencia de pareja (VP) en mujeres mexicanas trabajadoras de maquiladoras, así como determinar la relación entre los indicadores de VP y características sociodemográficas (edad, horas de trabajo, número de hijos y escolaridad). METODOLOGÍA: El estudio tuvo diseño descriptivo correlacional. Mediante un muestreo no probabilístico se seleccionó una muestra de 185 trabajadoras de dos empresas maquiladoras de Nuevo Laredo, México. Se utilizó una cédula de datos sociodemográficos y las escalas HITS y CTS2. RESULTADOS: El 34.1% de las participantes fueron solteras, el 65.9% refirió tener educación básica y laboraron un promedio de 8.89 horas al día. El 49.5% refirió haber experimentado algún tipo de VP alguna vez en la vida, siendo la violencia psicológica (42.2%) la más reportada. Las prevalencias de VP fueron mayores en las participantes de 30 a 39 años de edad. Se identificaron relaciones positivas significativas entre las puntuaciones de VP con la edad (rs = .19, p ≤.01) y la violencia recibida (rs =.15, p ≤ .05). También se relacionó el número de hijos con la violencia recibida (rs= .19, p ≤ .01) y la violencia ejercida (rs = .26, p ≤ .01). CONCLUSIÓN: La VP es un problema altamente prevalente. Más de la mitad de las trabajadoras de maquiladoras han sufrido algún tipo de VP, especialmente psicológica. También se identificó que mayor edad y número de hijos se relacionaron con mayores puntajes de VP, de modo que podrían constituir factores de riesgo que ameritan más.

AIM: To identify the prevalence of intimate partner violence(VP) in Mexican women workers of maquiladoras, as well as to determine the relationship between VP indicators and socio-demographic characteristics (age, hours of work, number of children and levelof education). METHODS: The study was descriptive correlational. Through a non-probabilistic sampling method, asample of 185 female workers was selected from two maquiladora companies in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. A sociodemographic data record and the HITS and CTS2 scales were used. RESULTS: 34.1% of the participants were single, 65.9% had basic education, and worked an average of 8.89 hours per day. 49.5% reported having experienced any type of VP at some point in their lives, with psychological violence (42.2%) being the most reported. The prevalence of VP was higher in the participants from 30 to 39 years old. Significant positive relationships between VP indicators with age (rs= .19, p≤.01) andreceived violence (rs= .15, p≤ .05) were identified. There was also a significant relationship between number of children with the received violence (rs= .19, p≤ .01), and violence perpetrated against their partner (rs= .26, p≤ .01). CONCLUSION: Intimate violence is a problem withhigh prevalence. More than half of the maquiladora workers have suffered some type of VP, especially psychological. In addition, higher ageand number of children were associated with higher VP scores, so that they could constitute risk factors that warrant further investigation.

Humains , Femelle , Violence Contre les Femmes , Secteur secondaire , Violence envers le partenaire intime , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Mexique
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; Arch. latinoam. nutr;66(1): 43-51, mar. 2016. tab
Article de Espagnol | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1023193


Poco se sabe sobre el impacto del sobrepeso y la obesidad en la calidad de vida (CV), casi siempre se asocia a enfermedades crónicas. El propósito del presente estudio fue evaluar los patrones de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) y algunos comportamientos de salud en relación con el índice de masa corporal (IMC), en una muestra de trabajadores de la industria manufacturera en Jalisco, México, que no contaban con alguna enfermedad manifiesta. Se utilizó un diseño transversal con una muestra de 392 trabajadores de la industria manufacturera, 200 (51%) proceden de industrias pequeñas, 118 (30%) de la industria mediana y 74 (19%) de la industria grande. De los 392 trabajadores encuestados, la mayoría era mujer (65.1%), soltera (72%), en su mayor parte trabajadoras de producción (91%); el decremento de la actividad física, la disminución de los componentes mentales del SF-36 y el incremento de la percepción de problemas de salud se ven relacionados con el incremento IMC, en ambos sexos, con una asociación lineal significativa en el deterioro de la función física y la percepción de salud en mujeres en contaste con los hombre. En conclusión, existen comportamientos en salud, así como un deterioro físico e incremento en la percepción de malestares de salud asociados al incremento de IMC en los trabajadores de la industria manufacturera, con diferencias significativas por género(AU)

Little is known about the impact of overweight and obesity related quality of life (Qol)), almost always associated with chronic diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the patterns health related quality of life (HRQoL) and some health behaviors in relation to body mass index (BMI) in a sample of manufacturing workers who did not have any overt disease. A cross-sectional study was used with a sample of 392 manufacturing workers, 200 (51%) come from small industries, 118 (30%) of the industry median and 74 (19%) of the largest industry. Of the 392 workers surveyed, most were female (65,1%), single (72%), for the most part of production workers (91%); the decrease in physical activity, decreased mental components of the SF-36 and the increase in the perception of health problems are related to increased BMI for both gender, with a significant linear association in the impaired function and perceived physical health in women told the men. Scores on the mental components of the SF-36 did not differ by BMI categories in both sexes. In conclusion, there are health behaviors and physical deterioration and increase in the perception of health ailments associated to increased BMI on workers in the manufacturing industry, with significant differences by gender(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Qualité de vie , Maladies cardiovasculaires , Obésité/complications , Santé au travail , Secteur secondaire
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;75(4,supl.2): 3-9, Dec. 2015.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-769602


This article presents an analysis of the process of industrialization and urbanization of the Sinos Valley in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, starting from the establishment of leather goods and footwear manufacturing in the region during the 19th century when tanneries and factories producing footwear and/or components for footwear began to appear, and with special attention to aspects related to the environmental impact on the Sinos river hydrographic basin. The article is based on both bibliographic and documentary research and also draws on biographical narratives of workers with links to the leather goods and footwear industry obtained using ethnographic method. It was found that contemporary environmental conflicts emerge from within a memory of work and an environmental memory in which the factories, the unplanned urbanization, and the utilization of water and other natural resources form a chain of significance. Significance that precludes any form of fragmented analysis that isolates any of these aspects from the others: the economic, socio-historic, cultural, political, or the environmental.

Resumo O artigo aborda o processo de industrialização e urbanização do Vale do Rio dos Sinos/Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil, desde a implantação da indústria coureiro-calçadista na região, no século XIX, com o surgimento dos curtumes e das fábricas de calçados e/ou componentes para calçados, destacando, em especial, os aspectos ligados ao impacto ambiental na Bacia Hidrográfica dos Sinos. Faz-se uso de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, além da exposição de narrativas biográficas de trabalhadores ligados à indústria coureiro-calçadista, obtidas por meio do método etnográfico. Verifica-se que os conflitos ambientais contemporâneos emergem do interior de uma memória do trabalho e de uma memória ambiental, nas quais a fábrica, a ocupação urbana desordenada, o uso da água e dos demais recursos naturais formam um encadeamento de sentido que impede qualquer análise fragmentada que isole um destes aspectos: o econômico, o socio-histórico, o cultural, o político, o ambiental.

Histoire du 19ème siècle , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Histoire du 21ème siècle , Développement industriel/histoire , Urbanisation/histoire , Brésil , Surveillance de l'environnement , Secteur secondaire , Rivières , Tannage , Industrie textile
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-350533


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To provide data for the occupational health supervision by analyzing the occupational health status in manufacturing industry in Guangzhou, China.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>The occupational health investigation was performed in 280 enterprises randomly selected from 8 industries based on industry stratification. According to the occupational health standards, 198 out of the 280 enterprises were supervised and monitored. Sample testing was performed in 3~5 workplaces where workers were exposed to the highest concentration/intensity of occupational hazard for the longest time. Comparative analyses of the overproof rates of hazard were performed among enterprises, workplaces, and testing items from different industries.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The concentrations of occupational hazard in 42.93% (85/198) of enterprises and 22.96% (200/871) of workplaces were above the limit concentration. The most severe hazards were the noises in shipbuilding and wooden furniture industries and the welding fumes in shipbuilding industry. Less than 30% of enterprises were able to provide occupational health examination and periodic test reports of occupational hazard in workplaces. The rate of the workers with abnormal occupational health examination results and the need for reexamination reached 6.63% (832/12 549), and they were mostly from shipbuilding, wooden furniture, and chemical industries.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The occupational health supervision should be strengthened in enterprises, and hazard from noises and dusts should be selectively controlled or reduced. The publication of relevant data and information of occupational health in enterprises should be promoted to enhance social supervision.</p>

Humains , Industrie chimique , Chine , Poussière , Architecture d'intérieur et mobilier , Secteur secondaire , Bruit au travail , Exposition professionnelle , Santé au travail , Soudage , Lieu de travail
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-312092


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To investigate noise hazard and its influence on hearing loss in workers in the automotive component manufacturing industry.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Noise level in the workplace of automotive component manufacturing enterprises was measured and hearing examination was performed for workers to analyze the features and exposure levels of noise in each process, as well as the influence on hearing loss in workers.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>In the manufacturing processes for different products in this industry, the manufacturing processes of automobile hub and suspension and steering systems had the highest degrees of noise hazard, with over-standard rates of 79.8% and 57.1%, respectively. In the different technical processes for automotive component manufacturing, punching and casting had the highest degrees of noise hazard, with over-standard rates of 65.0% and 50%, respectively. The workers engaged in the automotive air conditioning system had the highest rate of abnormal hearing ability (up to 3.1%).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>In the automotive component manufacturing industry, noise hazard exceeds the standard seriously. Although the rate of abnormal hearing is lower than the average value of the automobile manufacturing industry in China, this rate tends to increase gradually. Enough emphasis should be placed on the noise hazard in this industry.</p>

Humains , Automobiles , Chine , Surdité due au bruit , Épidémiologie , Tests auditifs , Secteur secondaire , Bruit au travail , Exposition professionnelle , Professions , Lieu de travail
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-309508


<p><b>INTRODUCTION</b>In Singapore, the notification of workplace accidents and occupational diseases is a legal requirement under the Workplace Safety and Health (Incident Reporting) Regulations. This review is to identify back injury cases with physical work stresses and propose recommendations for preventive measures.</p><p><b>MATERIALS AND METHODS</b>Cases involving back injuries notified to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012 were reviewed. Using predefined criteria, cases with physical work stresses were identified and the associated variables analysed.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>A total of 1124 notifications involving back injuries were received from 2011 to 2012; 579 cases (52%) were identified to have physical work stresses, of which 447 cases (77%) were males and 375 (64%) of them were between the ages of 21 to 40 years. The commonest physical work stresses were carrying (35%), awkward postures (22%) and lifting (20%). Majority of the cases came from the following sectors: construction (14%), accommodation and food services (12%), transport and storage (12%), manufacturing (10%) and wholesale and retail trade (10%).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>We identified the main physical work stresses in the back injury cases as carrying, awkward postures and lifting. The common industries involved were construction, accommodation and food services, and transport and storage sectors. This is useful for programmes aimed at reducing physical work stresses which can lead to improved work and health outcomes for our workers.</p>

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Traumatismes du dos , Épidémiologie , Commerce , Industrie de la construction , Industrie alimentaire , Lombalgie , Épidémiologie , Secteur secondaire , Blessures professionnelles , Épidémiologie , Singapour , Épidémiologie , Transports , Mise en charge
Iran Occupational Health. 2013; 9 (4): 80-88
de Persan | IMEMR | ID: emr-133100


Hypertension [HTN] is a common disease with various complications for health. A number of studies suggested that some organic solvents can affect blood pressure and usually workers in work environments expose to mixtures of solvents. We decided to survey the effects of a mixture of organic solvents on blood pressure in workers of a car manufacturing company. In a cross-sectional study, systolic and diastolic blood pressure [SBP and DBP] of 179 workers of a car manufacturing plant was measured. Workers in the repair location as non-exposure group and workers in the paint location as exposure group were compared in terms of systolic and diastolic blood pressure [SBP and DBP] and prevalence of hypertension and pre-hypertension. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in the variables, age, employment duration, smoking and other confounding factors [p>0.05]. The mean values of SBP and DBP was significantly higher in exposure group than non-exposure group [p<0.001]. After logistic regression analysis with adjustment of confounding variables, prevalence of pre-hypertension and hypertension was significantly higher in exposure group than non-exposure group [p<0.05]. Further, in this study there was a significant association between hypertension and variables such as age, smoking, body mass index, regular exercise and shift work [p<0.05]. Our results suggested that, exposure to mixture of organic solvents can increase prevalence of hypertension in car manufacture workers. Therefore, more attention should be paid to such workers by prevention and periodic monitoring of blood pressure.

Humains , Secteur secondaire , Hypertension artérielle/épidémiologie , Santé au travail , Solvants/toxicité , Automobiles , Études transversales