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Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;110(3): 118-122, 20240000. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1572274


n. Los centros de alto volumen tienden a realizar tiroidectomías totales, tanto en patologías malignas y benignas. En este trabajo se analizan las complicaciones y la relación de las enfermedades estudiadas con la patología oncológica. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una revisión de los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente de Tiroidectomía Total (TT) por enfermedad de graves y tiroiditis. Se excluyeron las resecciones tiroideas parciales, subtotales, aquellas que requirieron linfadenectomía cervical y las realizadas por otras afecciones de la glándula entre enero 2010 y enero 2020 en el Servicio de Cirugía General N° 1, Hospital Nacional de Clínicas. Resultados. La histología fue del 64% para enfermedad de Graves, 28% Tiroiditis de Hashimoto y 8% Tiroiditis Linfocitaria (TL). El 100% de las TL presentaron Carcinoma Papilar de Tiroides (CPT) como resultado final de la anatomía patológica. El 25% del examen diferido de la pieza quirúrgica informó (CPT) en EG. Discusión. La complicación posoperatoria que rigió nuestra serie fue el Hipoparatiroidismo, manifestación que se presentó de manera transitoria en el 50% de la población estudiada, perdurando por más de seis meses en solo un caso (6%). Autores como Delbridge y cols. realizan el trasplante sistemático de al menos una paratiroides. La asociación de la neoplasia tiroidea fue elevada en nuestra serie, con una incidencia del 37%. Por lo que la Tiroidectomía debe ser total. Conclusión. La mayoría de los centros de cirugía endocrina del mundo, han difundido ampliamente el uso de la TT, por ser un procedimiento seguro en manos de cirujanos experimentados

n. High volume centers tend to perform total thyroidectomies, both in malignant and benign pathologies. This work analyzes complications and the relationship of diseases studied with oncological pathology. Materials and methods. A review of the patients surgically intervened with total thyroidectomy (TT) due to serious disease and thyroiditis was performed. Partial thyroid resections were excluded, subtotals, those that required cervical lymphadenectomy and those performed by other conditions of the gland between January 2010 and January 2020 in the General Surgery Service No. 1, National Hospital of Clinics. Results. Histology was 64% for serious disease, 28% hashimoto and 8% lymphocyte thyroiditis (TL). 100% of the FTAs presented papillary thyroid carcinoma (CPT) as a final result of the pathological anatomy. 25% of the deferred examination of the surgical piece reported (CPT) in EG. Discussion. The postoperative complication that governed our series was hypoparathyroidism, a demonstration that was presented temporarily in 50% of the population studied, enduring for more than six months in just one case (6%). Authors such as Delbridge et al. They perform the systematic transplant of at least one parathyroid. The Association of Thyroid Neoplasia was high in our series, with an incidence of 37%. So, the thyroidectomy must be total. Conclusion. Most of the world's endocrine surgery centers have widely disseminated the use of TT, for being a safe procedure in the hands of experienced surgeons

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Complications postopératoires , Thyroïdectomie , Thyroïdite/complications , Tumeurs de la thyroïde/chirurgie
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-123026


Riedel's thyroiditis (RT) is a rare chronic inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland. It is characterized by a fibroinflammatory process that partially destroys the gland and extends into adjacent neck structures. Its clinical manifestation can mask an accompanying thyroid neoplasm and can mimic invasive thyroid carcinoma. Therefore, diagnosis can be difficult prior to surgical removal of the thyroid, and histopathologic examination of the thyroid is necessary for a definite diagnosis. The concurrent presence of RT and other thyroid diseases has been reported. However, to our knowledge, the association of RT with acute suppurative thyroiditis and micropapillary carcinoma has not been reported. We report a rare case of concurrent RT, acute suppurative thyroiditis, and micropapillary carcinoma in a 48-year-old patient.

Femelle , Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Antibactériens/usage thérapeutique , Biopsie , Carcinomes/complications , Maladie de Hashimoto/complications , Hormonothérapie substitutive , Lymphadénectomie , Tumeurs de la thyroïde/complications , Thyroïdectomie , Thyroïdite/complications , Thyroïdite suppurée/complications , Thyroxine/usage thérapeutique , Tomodensitométrie , Résultat thérapeutique
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-210920


Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a rare manifestation of hyperthyroidism characterized by muscle weakness and hypokalemia. All ethnicities can be affected, but TPP typically presents in men of Asian descent. The most common cause of TPP in thyrotoxicosis is Graves' disease. However, TPP can occur with any form of thyrotoxicosis. Up to our knowledge, very few cases ever reported the relationship between TPP and painless thyroiditis. We herein report a 25-yr-old Korean man who suffered from flaccid paralysis of the lower extremities and numbness of hands. The patient was subsequently diagnosed as having TPP associated with transient thyrotoxicosis due to painless thyroiditis. The paralytic attack did not recur after improving the thyroid function. Therefore, it is necessary that early diagnosis of TPP due to transient thyrotoxicosis is made to administer definite treatment and prevent recurrent paralysis.

Adulte , Humains , Mâle , Administration par voie orale , Antiarythmiques/usage thérapeutique , Paralysie périodique hypokaliémique/diagnostic , Composés organiques du technétium/composition chimique , Chlorure de potassium/usage thérapeutique , Propranolol/usage thérapeutique , Radiopharmaceutiques , Thyroïdite/complications , Thyréotoxicose/diagnostic
Rev. bras. saúde mater. infant ; 9(2): 207-213, abr.-jun. 2009. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-518141


OBJETIVOS: estudar prevalência de depressão pósparto e sua correlação com alterações tireoidianas maternas. MÉTODOS: estudo observacional descritivo transversal realizado com 292 mulheres entre 31 e 180 dias após o parto, atendidas em unidades de saúde pública da Região Metroplitana de Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil. Analisou-se a amostra segundo características sociodemográficas e clínico-obstétricas. Definiu-se transtorno depressivo pelo escore igual ou superior a 12 na Escala de Depressão Pós-Parto de Edimburgo (EPDS). A avaliação tireoidiana foi realizada por dosagens séricas de hormônio tireo-estimulante (TSH), tiroxina livre (T4 livre) e dos anticorpos anti-peroxidase (TPO). Para avaliação dos resultados utilizamos técnicas de análise descritiva e teste do χ2, adotando nível de significância de 5 por cento. RESULTADOS: 115 mulheres (39,4 por cento) apresentaram escores iguais ou superiores a 12 na EPDS, sendo consideradas deprimidas; 117 (60,6 por cento), com escores inferiores a 12, foram consideradas não deprimidas. A prevalência de depressão pós-parto no grupo com alterações tireoidianas foi de 36 por cento e no grupo sem alterações tireoidianas foi de 40 por cento. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na frequência de depressão entre as pacientes com e sem alterações tireoidianas (χ2=0,131;p=0,717). CONCLUSÕES: a frequência de DPP foi elevada, não sendo observada associação entre depressão pós-parto e alterações tireoidianas.

OBJECTIVES: to investigate the prevalence of post partum depression and its correlation with thyroid dysfunction in mothers. METHODS: a descriptive, cross-cutting observational study carried out among 292 women between the 31st and 180th days post partum, attending public health units in the Metropolitan Region of Vitória, in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The sample was analyzed for socio-demographic and clinical-obstetric characteristics. A depressive disorder was defined by a score greater than or equal to twelve on the Edinburgh Post-Partum Depression Scale (EPDS). The thyroid was assessed using serum dosages of thyroid stimulating hormone, (TSH), free thyroxin (T4 free) and anti-peroxidase antibodies (TPO). Evaluation of the results was carried out using descriptive analysis and the χ2 test, with a level of significance of 5 percent. RESULTS: 115 women (39.4 percent) scored higher than 12 on the EPDS and were thereby deemed to be depressed; 117 (60.6 percent) scoring lower than 12 were considered not to be depressed. The prevalence of post-partum depression in the group with thyroid dysfunction was 36 percent and 40 percent in the group without thyroid dysfunction. There was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of depression between patients with or without thyroid dysfunction (χ2=0.131;p=0.717). CONCLUSIONS: the frequency of PPD was high but no association was observed between post-partum depression and thyroid dysfunction.

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Dépression du postpartum , Thyroïdite/complications
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 72(1/2): 18-22, 2009. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-521596


Apresenta-se o resultado do tratamento homeopático de dois pacientes portadores de nódulos tireoidianos de grande tamanho, com complicações decorrentes do tamanho e da história natural dos tumores. Ambos os pacientes, um do sexo masculino com bócio nodular com projeção retro-esternal, e outra de sexo feminino com um nódulo com hemorragia intranodular, por motivos pessoais se manifestaram contrários às opções de tratamento convencional. O tratamento homeopático com diluições baixas e repetidas induziu rápidas e significativas melhoras, sugerindo que o mesmo pode ser considerado uma terapêutica complementária, eficaz nesta patologia. Esses resultados preliminares sugerem também que outros estudos devem ser realizados em maior escala a fim de verificar a eficácia do tratamento homeopático nesta patologia.

This paper reports the homeopathic treatment of two patients suffering from large size thyroid nodes with complications due to their size and the natural history of these tumors. Both patients, a male with nodular goiter extending behind the sternum, and a female with intranodular hemorrhage opposed conventional treatment on personal grounds. Homeopathic treatment using low and repeated dilutions elicited quick and significant improvements, suggesting that it can be rated as a complementary therapy effective in this disease. These preliminary results also suggest that further and large scale studies need to be performed in order to verify the efficacy of homeopathic treatment in thyroid nodes.

Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Thérapeutique en Homéopathie , Thyroïdite/complications , Thyroïdite/histoire , Thyroïdite/thérapie , Adénomes , Hémorragie
Folha méd ; 118(n.esp): 13-24, jan.-dez. 1999.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-254142


Após a identificação do vírus da hepatite C (HCV), em 1989, diversos estudos vêm demonstrando a "relação" deste agente viral com desordens imunológicas e manifestações, tidas como extra-hepáticas, tornando-se a mais relevante a crioglobulinemia mista. O presente trabalho visa rever estas manifestações do HCV, analisando os dados publicados, citando exemplos pertinentes e resultados de atividades desenvolvidas no ambulatório de Hepatites da Disciplina de Gastroenterologia da Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) - UNIFESP. Serão discutidas amplamente as manifestações bem conhecidas e melhor definidas, tais como a indução de auto-anticorpos (antinúcleo e antimúsculo liso), a crioglubulinemia mista (tipos II e III), o linfoma não-Hodgkin (células B), a glomerulonefrite (membranoproliferativa), a porfiria cutânea tarda e o líquen plano. As manifestações menos freqüentes ou mais polêmicas, tidas ainda com supostas, entre as quais se incluem o diabetes mellitus (tipo 2), a tireoidite (Hashimoto), a sialoadenite a fibrose pulmonar, entre outras, também serão abordadas. Em virtude da grande quantidade de artigos levantados, como conseqüência provavelmente da controvérsia de seus resultados, esta revisão, para fins de publicação, será dividida em duas partes.

Humains , Cryoglobulinémie/complications , Hepacivirus , Hépatite C/complications , Autoanticorps , Glomérulonéphrite membranoproliférative/complications , Lichen plan/complications , Lymphome malin non hodgkinien/complications , Porphyrie cutanée tardive/complications , Syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren/complications , Thyroïdite/complications
Rev. med. Tucumán ; 5(4): 203-10, oct.-dic. 1999. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-282880


Se describe un Síndrome Sicca en una mujer de 53 años de edad, internada en el Hospital Zenón Santillán, asociado a enfermedades del colágeno tales como: Artritis Reumatoidea, Vasculitis Leucocitoclástica y probable Tiroiditis. Los resultados de sus análisis bioquímicos, Rx de glándulas salivales, gammagrafía y la biopsia del labio inferior, confirman el diagnóstico. Se instituyó tratamiento con Bromhexina y gotas de Pilocarpina (medicación no habitual), obteniendo resultados satisfactorios.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Pilocarpine/usage thérapeutique , Bromhexine/usage thérapeutique , Maladies du collagène/physiopathologie , Syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren/diagnostic , Syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren/physiopathologie , Syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren , Polyarthrite rhumatoïde/complications , Thyroïdite/complications , Vascularite leucocytoclasique cutanée/complications , Syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren/traitement médicamenteux
Rev. méd. Chile ; 124(10): 1251-5, oct. 1996. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-185178


We report a 26 years old male with secondary amyloidosis and chronic renal failure who consulted due to rapidly growing goiter associated with coarseness and dysphagia. Serum levels of thyroid hormones and TSH were normal and a neck CT scan showed a big mass in the anterior lateral regions, thet compressed neighboring structures. The patient was subjected to a total thyroidectomy and the pathological study revealed a diffuse fatty and amyloid infiltration of the thyroid gland. There was no evidence of malignancy

Humains , Adulte , Mâle , Thyroïdite/complications , Amyloïdose/complications , Insuffisance rénale chronique/complications , Maladies de la thyroïde/anatomopathologie , Thyroïdectomie
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab;32(4): 105-6, 1988.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-79972


Os autores apresentam um caso de tireoidite agudo supurativa em um paciente de 46 anos que era portador de bócio de longa duraçäo. A infecçäo tireoidiana foi causada por Escherichia coli, um germe muito pouco freqüente nesta situaçäo. O paciente desenvolveu, concomitantemente ao processo infeccioso, manifestaçöes laboratorias de hipotireoidismo primário. Relata-se também o emprego inédito da cintilografia com Ga no diagnóstico desta afecçäo

Adulte d'âge moyen , Humains , Mâle , Escherichia coli , Goitre nodulaire/complications , Hypothyroïdie/complications , Thyroïdite/complications , Maladie aigüe , Thyroïdite/parasitologie