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Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826542


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the genetic basis for a couple with normal phenotype but repeated pregnancies with fetuses affected by osteogenesis imperfecta.@*METHODS@#Whole exome sequencing (WES) was carried out on fetal specimens and parental DNA to detect potential pathologic variants. Suspected variants were verified by Sanger sequencing. Semen sample of the husband was collected for the extraction of genome DNA, and whole genome amplification (WGA) was performed for single sperms isolated from the sample.@*RESULTS@#WES has identified a heterozygous c.1378G>A (p.G460S) variant of the COL1A2 gene in the fetus, which was predicted to be pathogenic but not detected in peripheral blood samples of both husband and wife. The heterozygotic variant was detected in semen DNA from the husband. Among 15 spermatozoa, 4 were found to harbor the variant.@*CONCLUSION@#The fetus was diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta, and the gonadal mosaicism probably accounted for the repeated abnormal pregnancies. Possibility of gonadal mosaicism should be considered when counseling couples with normal phenotype and genotype but recurrent abnormal pregnancies and/or births of children with similar phenotypes and genetic variants.

Adulte , Enfant , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Grossesse , Collagène de type I , Génétique , Foetus , Troubles gonadiques , Génétique , Mosaïcisme , Mutation , Ostéogenèse imparfaite , Diagnostic , Génétique , Diagnostic prénatal ,
Cambios rev. méd ; 18(2): 72-79, 2019/12/27. graf., tab.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099677


INTRODUCCIÓN. En el paciente crítico ha existido un conglomerado de situaciones dadas por alteración de las hormonas acorde al comportamiento del eje hipotalámi-co-hipofisario- gonadal, entender su rol es fundamental. OBJETIVO. Describir las alteraciones de las hormonas sexuales en el paciente críticamente enfermo desde un enfoque fisiológico y clínico. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, de revisión bibliográfica y análisis sistemático de 84 artículos científicos y selección de muestra de 27 en MedLine, The Cochrane Library Plus, LILACS y Web of Science; en español e inglés y variables: hormonas esteroides gonadales, enfermedad crítica, endocrinología, estrés, gónadas y disfunción, periodo 1998-2017. CONCLUSIÓN. Las alteraciones detectadas fueron un mecanismo para la producción de hormonas esteroideas hacia la síntesis predominante de cortisol y soportar el alto estrés meta-bólico de los pacientes. Las citocinas pro inflamatorias fueron importantes en éstos cambios. La polifarmacia fue un factor adicional poco ponderado de la alteración endocrina sexual.

INTRODUCTION. In the critical patient there has been a conglomerate of situations given by alteration of the hormones according to the behavior of the hypothalamic-pi-tuitary-gonadal axis, understanding their role is fundamental. OBJECTIVE. Describe the alterations of sex hormones in the critically ill patient from a physiological and clinical approach.MATERIALS AND METHODS.Observational, literature review and systematic analysis of 84 scientific articles and sample selection of 27 in MedLine, The Cochrane Library Plus, LILACS and Web of Science; in Spanish and English and variables: gonadal steroid hormones, critical illness, endocrinology, stress, gonads and dysfunction, period 1998-2017. CONCLUSION. The alterations detected were a mechanism for the production of steroid hormones towards the predominant syn-thesis of cortisol and withstand the high metabolic stress of the patients. Pro inflam-matory cytokines were important in these changes. Polypharmacy was an additional unweighted factor of sexual endocrine disruption.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Stress physiologique , Hormones thyroïdiennes , Maladie grave , Endocrinologie , Aménorrhée , Troubles gonadiques , Oligospermie , Progestérone , Phénomènes physiologiques des appareils urinaire et reproducteur , Troubles sexuels d'origine physiologique , Hormones sexuelles stéroïdiennes , Testostérone , Hydrocortisone , Convalescence , Cytokines , Hypercorticisme , Faiblesse musculaire , Modulateurs sélectifs des récepteurs des oestrogènes , Sédation profonde , Asexualité , Axe hypothalamohypophysaire , Unités de soins intensifs
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 39(1): 12-18, mar. 2019. ilus., tab.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1021819


El síndrome de Turner (ST) resulta de la ausencia completa o parcial del segundo cromosoma sexual en fenotipos femeninos. Tiene una incidencia de 1:2000- 2500 nacidas vivas. Recién en la última década se ha puesto atención a la salud de las adultas con ST. La mortalidad es 3 veces superior respecto de la población general debido al riesgo de disección aórtica por anomalías cardiovasculares estructurales y aterosclerosis vinculada a hipertensión arterial, diabetes, dislipidemia y obesidad. También presentan elevada prevalencia de enfermedades autoinmunitarias. Objetivo: evaluar la calidad del seguimiento clínico de pacientes adultas con ST, comparando los controles de salud preconformación y posconformación del Registro y de la Unidad Interdisciplinaria. En el año 2017 fuimos convocados para integrar el Programa de Enfermedades Raras del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. A partir de la creación del Registro Institucional y del equipo multidisciplinario obtuvimos mejoría significativa en los controles por las especialidades de cardiología, endocrinología y otorrinolaringología, en los controles bioquímicos del metabolismo lipídico, hidrocarbonado, hepatograma, TSH y anticuerpos para celiaquía e imágenes cardiovasculares y densitometría ósea. En conclusión, el seguimiento sistematizado e institucional, mediante el Registro y la creación de la Unidad Interdisciplinaria de Síndrome de Turner, permitió encontrar las falencias del sistema de atención y optimizar el seguimiento de esta población. (AU)

Turner syndrome (TS) results from the complete or partial absence of the second sex chromosome in female phenotypes. It has an incidence of 1: 2000-2500 girls born alive. Only in the last decade has been paid attention to the health of adults women with TS. Mortality is 3 times higher than in the general population due to the risk of aortic dissection cause to structural cardiovascular anomalies and atherosclerosis related to hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia and obesity. They also have a high prevalence of autoimmune diseases. Until nowadays in Argentina do not exist a national registry of this disease that complies with the international follow-up recommendations for these patients. We proposed to develop the institutional register at 2014 and a multidisciplinary team was created to care and follow up girls and women with TS during 2015. It was indexed to Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires' Rare Diseases Program since 2017. After the creation of the institutional registry and the multidisciplinary team we obtained a significant improvement in cardiology, endocrinology and otorhinolaryngology schedule visits, in lipids and hydrocarbon metabolism, liver, thyroid and celiac diseases biochemical controls and in the performance of cardiovascular MNR and bone densitometry. In conclusion, the systematized and institutional follow-up, through the registry and the creation of the Interdisciplinary Unit of Turner Syndrome, allowed us to find the flaws of the care system and to optimize the follow up of this population. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Qualité de vie , Syndrome de Turner/prévention et contrôle , Post-cure/statistiques et données numériques , /étiologie , Maladies auto-immunes/épidémiologie , Syndrome de Turner/complications , Syndrome de Turner/étiologie , Syndrome de Turner/mortalité , Syndrome de Turner/épidémiologie , Post-cure/méthodes , Malformations cardiovasculaires/complications , Hormone de croissance humaine/usage thérapeutique , Diabète , Athérosclérose/complications , Dyslipidémies/complications , Oestrogènes/usage thérapeutique , Troubles gonadiques/étiologie , Hypertension artérielle/complications , Infertilité féminine/étiologie , Obésité/complications
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785725


BACKGROUND: The modified Ferriman-Gallwey (mFG) score is the gold standard for the clinical evaluation of hirsutism. However, racial variations in terminal hair growth limit this tool. This study aimed to determine the mFG cut-off score among Filipino women and its association with biochemical hyperandrogenism.METHODS: A total of 128 Filipino women were included in this prospective cross-sectional study and were divided into two groups: a polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) group (n=28) and a non-PCOS group (n=100). The participants underwent mFG score determination, ovarian ultrasound conducted by a single sonographer, and hormone testing. The mFG cut-off score was determined based on the 95th percentile of the non-PCOS group. Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship between mFG score and biochemical hyperandrogenism.RESULTS: Although the mFG score was generally low in both the PCOS and non-PCOS groups, the former exhibited a higher mean score than the latter (4.3±3.0 vs. 2.0±2.2, P<0.001). Normal values for the total mFG score ranged from 0 to 7. Using a cut-off score of 7, a higher proportion of hirsute women (mFG score ≥7) was observed in the PCOS group versus the non-PCOS group (17.9% vs. 5.0%, P=0.025). Elevated calculated free testosterone (FT) was also found to be significantly associated with hirsutism (odds ratio, 6.2; 95% confidence interval, 1.2 to 32.4 pmol/L; P=0.030).CONCLUSION: A score of 7 and above constitutes hirsutism in this population of Filipino women. Hirsute women are more likely than non-hirsute women to have elevated calculated FT.

Femelle , Humains , Études transversales , Troubles gonadiques , Poils , Hirsutisme , Hyperandrogénie , Modèles logistiques , Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques , Études prospectives , Valeurs de référence , Testostérone , Échographie
Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab ; 54(4): 196-203, dic. 2017. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-957986


Los niños con restricción del crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU) presentan en la vida posnatal una serie de alteraciones metabólicas y hormonales, y tienen predisposición al desarrollo de obesidad, hipertensión arterial, enfermedad cardiovascular, resistencia a la insulina y diabetes tipo 2. La exposición a un ambiente intrauterino desfavorable en fases críticas del desarrollo puede tener un efecto deletéreo sobre la gónada en formación. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica y puesta al día sobre la posible asociación entre RCIU y alteraciones de la función gonadal en niños y adolescentes de ambos sexos. Para facilitar la actualización, se dividió por etapas en: 1, prenatal; 2, posnatal y prepuberal; 3, puberal, y 4, adulta. La mayoría de los niños que nacen muy prematuros o con muy bajo peso al nacer hacen una transición sin obstáculos desde la infancia a la edad adulta con respecto a la salud reproductiva. Sin embargo, en los varones se puede observar criptorquidia, hipospadias, cáncer testicular y menor fertilidad, y en las niñas, pubertad y menarca temprana, hiperandrogenismo y síndrome de ovario poliquístico. Existen datos controvertidos y se necesitan más estudios para aclarar la relación entre el RCIU y la función hipotálamo-hipófiso-gonadal.

Low birth weight due to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with an increased risk of obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes during postnatal life. Exposure to an unfavourable intrauterine environment in critical phases of development may have a deleterious effect on the forming gonad. The objective was to carry out a bibliographic review and update on the possible association between IUGR and alterations of gonadal function in children and adolescents of both sexes. To facilitate the update, this was divided into stages: 1, prenatal; 2, postnatal and pre-pubertal; 3, puberal, and 4, adult. Most children born preterm or with low birth weight make a normal transition from childhood to adulthood with respect to reproductive health. However, cryptorchidism, hypospadias, testicular cancer and lower fertility could be observed in boys, and early puberty and menarche, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovarian syndrome in girls. However, the data are controversial, and further studies are needed to clarify the relationship between IUGR and pituitary gonadal function.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Nourrisson petit pour son âge gestationnel/croissance et développement , Retard de croissance intra-utérin/physiopathologie , Troubles gonadiques/étiologie , Puberté précoce/embryologie , Hyperandrogénie/embryologie , Cryptorchidie/embryologie , Hypospadias/embryologie
J. bras. patol. med. lab ; 49(2): 130-133, Apr. 2013. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-678242


Two rare cases of intragonadal epidermoid inclusion cysts are described. Their etiology remains controversial and a possible hypothesis is monodermal abortive teratomas, with no mesodermal and endodermal components. As the ultrasound test results were inconclusive, it became difficult to rule out the possibility of neoplasm. Therefore, patients were submitted to radical therapy. The definitive diagnosis for both cases was provided by the anatomopathological examination.

Trata-se de dois casos raros de cistos de inclusão epidérmica intragonadais, cuja etiologia permanece controversa, sendo uma hipótese a de teratomas monodérmicos abortivos, sem componentes mesodérmicos e endodérmicos. Devido a resultados inespecíficos dos exames ultrassonográficos, torna-se difícil afastar a possibilidade de neoplasia e o tratamento padrão permanece sendo, portanto, a terapia radical. O diagnóstico definitivo, em ambos os casos, foi firmado pelo exame anatomopatológico.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Kyste épidermique/diagnostic , Troubles gonadiques , Ovaire/anatomopathologie , Testicule/anatomopathologie
Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 72(1): 42-51, mar. 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-664594


Demostrar el papel de los análogos agonistas de hormona liberadora de gonadotropinas en la reserva ovárica de pacientes hemato-oncológicas del Servicio de Hematología del Hospital Universitario de Caracas durante el año 2010, en tratamiento con regímenes de quimioterapia. Estudio de la variable reserva ovárica, mediante la cuantificación periódica de: ritmo menstrual, concentraciones de FSH, volumen ovárico, número de folículos antrales e incidencia de embarazo. Se administró acetato de leuprolide (11,25 mg) cada 3 meses vía intramuscular; se realizaron mediciones trimestrales de las concentraciones de FSH y se practicaron ecosonogramas pélvico o transvaginal cada 6 meses. Posterior al cumplimiento de los análogos de la hormona liberadora de gonadotropinas, se observó la aparición de amenorrea en las pacientes. Las concentraciones de FSH se mantuvieron estables, y siguieron la misma distribución (prueba de Levene p 0,2466) los volúmenes ováricos y el número de folículos antrales se mantienen estables, se rechaza la hipótesis de normalidad del grupo de diferencias al 5 por ciento de significancia. No se registraron embarazos. La reserva ovárica se preserva durante el tratamiento continuo con análogos

To demonstrate the role gonadotropin releasing hormone analogues in ovarian reserve in hematology patients in the hematology service at the Hospital Universitario de Caracas in 2010, treated with chemotherapy regimens. Study of ovarian reserve variable by periodic quantification of: menstrual rhythm, concentrations of FSH, ovarian volume, antral follicle number and incidence of pregnancy. Leuprolide acetate was administered (11.25 mg) intramuscularly every 3 months, were measured quarterly and FSH concentrations were performed pelvic or transvaginal ecosonograms every 6 months. After aGnRH administration, we observed the occurrence of amenorrhea in patients. FSH concentrations were stable, and followed the same distribution (Levene test p 0.2466) ovarian volume and antral follicle numbers were stable, we reject the hypothesis of normality of group differences at 5 percent significance. There were no pregnancies. Ovarian reserve is preserved during continuous treatment with analogs

Humains , Femelle , Acétates , Acétates/usage thérapeutique , Tumeurs hématologiques/diagnostic , Tumeurs hématologiques/traitement médicamenteux , Traitement médicamenteux/effets indésirables , Troubles gonadiques/complications , Troubles gonadiques/anatomopathologie
Arab Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2011; 4 (6): 95-104
de Arabe | IMEMR | ID: emr-110403


Physiologic levels of prolcatin play a vital role in sexual life in men. hyperprolactinemia, although rare in male individuals, can cause sexual and gonadal dysfunction which eventually inhibits all aspects of sexual behavior. In contrast to those conducted in women, there is only a limited number of trials conducted in men regarding the matter in question, and most of the clinical trials were carried out in hyperprolactinemic men with prolactinomas, while only few studies involved idiopathic hyperprolactinemic men. we conducted this trial which aimed at evaluating sexual function particularly libido and potency, seminal parameters, and related hormones in 20 subjects suffering from hyperprolactinemia, with prolactin levels at least double normal values, compared to 20 healthy men. We also investigated the benefits of treating those patients for three months with cabergoline. We found reduced libido as well as erectile dysfunction in all patients [100%], and blood analyses reported gonadal insufficiency in 5 patients [25%], asthenospermia in 11 [55%], as well as reduced sperm concentration and motility, although being within normal range, compared to control group. Treatment with cabergoline normalized prolactin levels, improved libido and potency significantly in all patients, and restored gonadal function in patients who complained from gonadal insufficiency at study entry. In conclusion, hyperprolactinemia interferes with some seminal parameters and sexual hormones. Treatment with cabergoline for three months could restore normal sexual function, as well as semen and blood parameters

Humains , Mâle , Ergolines , Troubles gonadiques/traitement médicamenteux , Troubles gonadiques/étiologie , Libido , Dysfonctionnement érectile , Asthénozoospermie , Analyse du sperme
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 21(5): 733-739, sept. 2010. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-999272


Se revisan los trastornos más comunes del sistema endocrino que se detectan en la consulta no especializada. Se hace énfasis en: a) Trastornos tiroideos tales como hipo o hipertiroidismo, nódulos de la tiroides y la importancia de la enfermedad de la tiroides durante el embarazo, b) la enfermedad adrenal en la hipertensión y el enfoque de la incidentaloma suprarrenal c) hiperparatiroidismo primario y la deficiencia de vitamina D d) Trastornos gonadal y la importancia de la detección precoz de la enfermedad hormonal, tanto en la disfunción ovárica y testicular

We review the most common disorders of the endocrine system that are detected in non-specialist consultation. Emphasis is placed on: a) thyroid disorders such as hypo-or hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules and the importance of thyroid disease during pregnancy, b) adrenal disease in hypertension and the approach to the adrenal incidentaloma c) metabolic disorders such as primary hyperparathyroidism and vitamin Ddeficiency d) gonadal disorders and the importance of early detection of hormonal disease in both ovarian and testicular dysfunction

Humains , Maladies endocriniennes/diagnostic , Maladies de la thyroïde/diagnostic , Carence en vitamine D/diagnostic , Maladies des surrénales/diagnostic , Diagnostic précoce , Hyperparathyroïdie primitive/diagnostic , Troubles gonadiques/diagnostic
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 53(8): 983-988, nov. 2009.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-537035


A disfunção do eixo gonadotrófico é frequentemente observada em pacientes infectados pelo HIV. A patogênese é multifatorial e está relacionada à duração da infecção pelo HIV, aos efeitos citopáticos diretos do vírus, ao uso de drogas gonadotóxicas, às infecções oportunistas, às neoplasias, à desnutrição, entre outros fatores. Em homens, a redução dos níveis de testosterona está associada à perda de massa e de força muscular, à redução da densidade mineral óssea, à lipodistrofia, à depressão, à astenia, à fadiga e à disfunção sexual. Em pacientes infectados pelo HIV com hipogonadismo, inúmeros estudos têm comprovado os efeitos benéficos da reposição de testosterona sobre o perfil metabólico e a distribuição da gordura corporal, com aumento da massa corporal magra, além de promover melhora da qualidade de vida, reduzir a perda de massa óssea e reduzir os índices de depressão. Assim, esta revisão teve como objetivo trazer uma breve atualização sobre o presente tema, abordando dados epidemiológicos, mecanismos fisiopatológicos e estratégias terapêuticas para as principais anormalidades do eixo gonadotrófico masculino associadas à infecção pelo HIV e ao seu tratamento.

Gonadotrophic axis dysfunction is commonly observed in HIV-infected patients. The pathogenesis is multifactorial and related to duration of HIV infection, direct cytopathic effects of viruses, use of drugs, opportunistic infections, malignancies, and malnutrition, among other factors. In men, reduced levels of testosterone is associated with loss of muscle mass and strength, decreased bone mineral density, lipodystrophy, depression, asthenia, fatigue and sexual dysfunction. In HIV-infected patients with hypogonadism, numerous studies have shown the beneficial effects of testosterone replacement on the metabolic profile and distribution of body fat, with increased body mass weight, and promote better quality of life, reduce the bone mass loss and the rates of depression. Thus, this review aimed to present a brief update of epidemiologic data, pathophysiology aspects and treatment strategies for the major abnormalities of male gonadotrophic axis associated with HIV infection and its treatment.

Humains , Mâle , Troubles gonadiques/étiologie , Infections à VIH/complications , Androgènes/usage thérapeutique , Troubles gonadiques/traitement médicamenteux , Troubles gonadiques/physiopathologie , Gynécomastie/étiologie , Infections à VIH/physiopathologie , Infections à VIH/thérapie , Lipodystrophie associée au VIH/complications , Hyperprolactinémie/étiologie , Hypogonadisme/traitement médicamenteux , Hypogonadisme/étiologie , Testostérone/usage thérapeutique
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-203387


Long-term survivors of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) during childhood and adolescence are at risk of developing endocrine complications. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term endocrine complications and their associated risk factors among such patients. We reviewed the data from 111 patients (59 males and 52 females) who underwent HSCT at the mean age of 8.3+/-4.1 yr. Thirty patients (27.0%) had growth impairment, and seven (21.2%) out of 33 patients who attained final height reached final height below 2 standard deviation (SD). The final height SD score of the patients conditioned with total body irradiation (TBI) was significantly lower than that of the patients conditioned without TBI (-1.18+/-1.14 vs. -0.19+/-0.78, P=0.011). Thirteen patients (11.7%) developed hypothyroidism (11 subclinical, 2 central) 3.8+/-1.8 (range 1.6-6.2) yr after HSCT. Nineteen (65.5%) out of 29 females had evidence of gonadal dysfunction, and 18 (64.3%) out of 28 males had evidence of gonadal dysfunction. The risk for gonadal dysfunction was significantly higher in females conditioned with busulfan/cyclophosphamide (P=0.003). These results suggest that the majority of patients treated with HSCT during childhood and adolescence have one or more endocrine complications. Therefore, multiple endocrine functions should be monitored periodically after HSCT until they reach adult age.

Adolescent , Adulte , Enfant , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Femelle , Humains , Nourrisson , Mâle , Taille , Maladies endocriniennes/étiologie , Troubles gonadiques/étiologie , Troubles de la croissance/étiologie , Transplantation de cellules souches hématopoïétiques/effets indésirables , Maladies de la thyroïde/étiologie , Conditionnement pour greffe/effets indésirables , Irradiation corporelle totale/effets indésirables
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-263042


The paper reviewed the clinical manifestation and potential mechanism of gonadal injury of Tripterygium wilfordii and the progression of its relative Chinese medicine therapy. The therapeutic effect of T. wilfordii is certain, but its adverse effect is obvious. Therefore, it is very important to investigate the relative therapy for the exploration of rationality and regularity of drug compatibility.

Humains , Médicaments issus de plantes chinoises , Pharmacologie , Utilisations thérapeutiques , Troubles gonadiques , Traitement médicamenteux , Gonades , Plaies et blessures , Médecine traditionnelle chinoise , Tripterygium , Chimie
São Paulo; s.n; 2009. [138] p. ilus, tab.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-587186


Introdução: O termo distúrbios do desenvolvimento gonadal (DDG) inclui condições congênitas nas quais o desenvolvimento gonadal é atípico. Estudos feitos em camundongos observaram que alguns genes como o Cbx2 e o Tcf21 interferem na fase inicial do desenvolvimento gonadal, afetando tanto gônadas XX quanto XY. O gene Dhh, por sua vez, codifica o fator de transcrição Dhh, produzido pelas células de Sertoli, que é fundamental para a diferenciação das células de Leydig em gônadas XY. Nos ovários, o gene FOXL2 atua na foliculogênese, sendo fundamental para a formação dos ovários. Objetivos: Analisar clinicamente e pesquisar anormalidades nos genes CBX2, TCF21, DHH e FOXL2 em pacientes portadores de distúrbios do desenvolvimento gonadal 46, XY e 46, XX. Material e Métodos: Foram estudados 60 pacientes (41 com DDG 46, XY e 19 com DDG 46, XX). A análise molecular foi realizada a partir da amplificação gênica por PCR e sequenciamento direto. Resultados: Várias alterações alélicas foram encontradas nos quatro genes, algumas ainda não descritas na literatura. Uma alteração intrônica no gene DHH foi encontrada em um paciente com DDG 46, XY e não foi encontrada em nenhum dos 360 alelos normais estudados (g.IVS2 +29G>A). Estudamos essa variante através da extração do RNA do testículo do paciente afetado, mas não encontramos alteração no RNA; portanto ela parece não ser uma mutação. No gene TCF21, a variante encontrada foi identificada em controles normais. No gene CBX2, das treze alterações encontradas, uma não foi identificada em 206 alelos normais, e há troca de aminoácidos (p.C132R / g.394 T>C). Trata-se de uma variante que pode ter relação com o fenótipo do paciente, portador de DDG 46, XY. No gene FOXL2, das três alterações encontradas, uma não foi identificada em 206 alelos normais; contudo, não há troca de aminoácidos (p.A181A / g.543 C>T). Conclusão: Esse estudo sugere que mutações nos genes CBX2, TCF21, FOXL2 e DHH são causas raras de distúrbios do desenvolvimento...

Introduction: Congenital disorders of gonadal development (DGD) include conditions whose gonadal development is atypical. Studies in mice found that some genes such as Cbx2 and Tcf21 interfere in the initial phase of gonadal development, affecting both XX and XY gonads. Dhh gene, in turn, encodes the transcription factor Dhh, produced by Sertoli cells, which is essential for the differentiation of Leydig cells in XY gonads. In the ovaries, genes as FOXL2 act in folliculogenesis, fundamental to the development of the ovaries. Objectives: To analyze patients with disorders of gonadal development (DGD) 46, XY and 46, XX and research mutations in CBX2, TCF21, DHH and FOXL2 genes. Methods: We analyzed 60 patients (41 DGD 46, XY patients and 19 DGD 46, XX patients). The whole coding region of CBX2, TCF21, DHH and FOXL2 genes were amplified by PCR and direct sequenced. Results: Several allelic variations have been found in the four genes, some not even described by literature. One intronic variation in DHH was described in one patient with 46, XY DGD and it wasnt found in any of the 360 normal control alleles studied (g.IVS2 +29G>A). We studied this variant through RNA extraction from the affected patients testes, but we didnt find any alteration in the RNA, so it doesnt seem to be a mutation. In TCF21 gene, the single variant that was found was identified in normal controls. In CBX2 gene, among the 13 alterations described, one wasnt identified in 206 normal control alleles, and there is aminoacid change (p.C132R / g.394 T>C). This is a variant that may be a mutation, causing the patients phenotype that had 46, XY DGD. In FOXL2, among the 3 variations described, one wasnt indentified in 206 normal control alleles, but there wasnt amino acid change (p.A181A / g.543 C>T).Conclusion: This study suggests that mutations in CBX2, TCF21, FOXL2 and DHH genes are rarely causes of disorders of gonadal development.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Aménorrhée , Maladies de l'appareil génital mâle/génétique , Mutation germinale , Troubles gonadiques , Développement sexuel , Infantilisme sexuel
Journal of Drug Research of Egypt. 2008; 29 (1): 1-7
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-112296


Several studies suggested the involvement of hypertension in the gonadal dysfunction, however the exact mechanisms of action remained to be clarified. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of high salt diet-induced hypertension on the gonadal activity and the possible therapeutic effect of concurrent treatment with karkade, as natural antihypertensive plant and furosemide and losartan as hypertensive drugs in male adult albino rats. This was achieved by determining thyroid stimulating hormone [TSH], triiodothyronine [T3], tetraiodothyronine [T4] and free testosterone in blood serum of different treatments. Feeding of high-salt diet for one and half months significantly increased the systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure as well as increased the levels of TSH, T3 and T4 and depressed level of free testosterone in comparison to control rats. Treatments with the antihypertensive drugs [furosemide and losartan] and karkade remarkably restored the normal blood pressure. Losartan treatment significantly regained the normal levels of TSH, T3, T4 and free testosterone. Combined treatment with either furosemide or karkade to hypertensive rats did not restore the normal levels of TSH, T3, T4 and free testosterone in comparison to control rats. In addition, individual treatment with furosemide and karkade to normotensive rats induced moderate decrease in the levels TSH, T3, T4 and free testosterone. The present study indicates that hypertension induced hormonal disorder and gonadal dysfunction. In addition, not all anti-hypertensive drugs are successful candidates for reversing gonadal dysfunction. The study conclude that although, the excessive use of natural antihypertensive remedy, karkade, can produce a beneficial effect on blood pressure, it might produce undesirable effect on the gonadal activity

Mâle , Animaux de laboratoire , Troubles gonadiques/traitement médicamenteux , Antihypertenseurs , Hibiscus/effets indésirables , Losartan , Furosémide , Rat Sprague-Dawley , Tests de la fonction thyroïdienne , Testostérone/sang , Association médicamenteuse
Annals of Saudi Medicine. 2008; 28 (5): 361-366
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-94423


Iron overload is a major problem in patients with beta-thalassemia major, and it has many structural and metabolic consequences. The aim of this study was evaluation of endocrine distturbances in patients with beta-thalassemia major who were older than 10 years of age. In this cross-sectional study, investigators collected demographic data and medical histories, as well as menstrual history in females, from the medical records of 56 patients with beta-thalassemia major. Patients were examined to determine their pubertal status and the standard deviation score for height for evaluation of short stature. For evaluation of glucose tolerance, a fasting blood glucose and oral glucose tolerance test were performed. Evidence for diabetes mellitus was based on American Diabetes Association and World Health Organization criteria. Serum levels of calcium, phosphorous, thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxin, luteinizing hormone and follicular-stimulating hormone, and estradiol in girls and testosterone in boys were measured. The mean and standard deviation for age in the 56 patients [36 males and 20 females] was 15.62 +/- 4.44 years. Diabetes mellitus was present in 5 patients [8.9%], impaired fasting glucose was found in 16 patients [28.6%] and an impaired glucose tolerance test was found in 4 patients [7.1%]. Short stature [standard deviation score <-2] was seen in 25 [70%] boys and 14 [73%] girls. Impaired puberty was found in 40 patients [71%]. Hypocalcaemia and primary overt hypothyroidism were present in 23 [41%] and 9 patients [16%], respectively. Only eight patients [14.3%] had no endocrine abnormalities. Despite therapy with deferoxamine to treat iron overload, the risk of secondary endocrine dysfunction remained high. Hypogonadism was one of the most frequent endocrine complications. Impaired glucose tolerance, short stature, hypocalcemia, subclinical and overt hypothyroidism are also frequent

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Études transversales , Diabète/épidémiologie , Troubles de la croissance/étiologie , Troubles gonadiques/étiologie , Surcharge en fer/étiologie , Surcharge en fer/traitement médicamenteux , Déferoxamine , Hypocalcémie/étiologie , Hypothyroïdie/étiologie , Chélateurs
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 5(4): 471-478, Oct.-Dec. 2007. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-471978


Cyphocharax gilbert shows parasitic castration when infested by the crustacean Riggia paranensis, being unable to reproduce. Fish were sampled in the middle rio Itabapoana, Brazil, to study the prevalence of parasitism, growth, and sex steroid concentrations, considering the body size, sex, and reproductive condition of specimens. Most of the fish analyzed were infested (56.0 percent). The presence of two lines on the scales was more frequent among infested fish (22.0 percent) than among fish without parasites (12.0 percent for females and 10.0 percent for males). The occurrence of three lines on the scales was rare (3.5 percent among infested and 2.0 percent among females without parasites). These results suggest that growth of the host is faster than that of non infested fish. The serum concentrations of sex steroids from fish without parasites varied at different gonadal development stages (17 beta-estradiol: 60.0 to 976.7 pg/ml; total testosterone: 220.0 to 3,887.7 pg/ml). All infested fish had lower levels of the two sex steroids and undeveloped gonads. Sex steroids levels in infested females were close to those in females at post-spawning stages. Total testosterone concentrations of infested males were below those of males at early gonadal maturation stage. These results suggest that R. paranensis reduces the reproductive capacity of C. gilbert by affecting the host endocrine system

Cyphocharax gilbert exibe castração parasitária quando está infestado pelo crustáceo Riggia paranensis, estando impossibilitado de reproduzir. Os peixes foram coletados no trecho médio do rio Itabapoana, Brasil, para analisar a prevalência do parasitismo, quantificar crescimento e as concentrações de esteróides sexuais, considerando o tamanho do corpo, o sexo e a condição reprodutiva dos espécimes. A maioria dos peixes analisados estava infestada (56,0 por cento). A presença de duas linhas em escamas foi mais freqüente entre os peixes infestados (22,0 por cento) que entre os peixes não infestados (12,0 por cento para as fêmeas e 10,0 por cento para os machos). A presença de três linhas na escama foi rara (3,5 por cento entre os peixes infestados e 2,0 por cento entre as fêmeas não infestadas). Estes resultados sugerem que o crescimento no hospeideiro pode ser mais rapido que no peixes não parasitados. As concentrações de esteróides sexuais no soro dos peixes não infestados variaram entre os diferentes estágios reprodutivos (17 beta-estradiol: 60,0 a 976,7 pg/ml; total testosterona: 220,0 a 3.887,7 pg/ml). Todos os peixes infestados apresentaram baixos níveis dos dois hormônios esteroidais e ausência de desenvolvimento gonadal. Os níveis de esteróides sexuais nas fêmeas infestadas foram próximos aos níveis encontrados nas fêmeas pós-desovadas. A concentração de testosterona encontrada nos machos infestados foi inferior àquela obtida nos machos que estavam iniciando o desenvolvimento gonadal. Estes resultados sugerem que R. paranensis impede a reprodução de C. gilbert, afetando o sistema endócrino do hospedeiro

Animaux , Crustacea/parasitologie , Parasitoses animales/complications , Poissons/traumatismes , Troubles gonadiques/parasitologie , Prévalence
Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics [The]. 2005; 6 (2): 213-216
de Anglais | IMEMR | ID: emr-70521