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Braz. dent. sci ; 27(1): 1-18, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1554280


Objective: To identify and analyze plant extracts used in Brazil for the treatment of oral ulcers and oral mucositis. Material and Methods: A systematic review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD 42018102184) and performed following the PRISMA protocol. The databases searched were PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs, Scielo, the Brazilian Dentistry Library. Manual searches were also performed. Results: Initially, 440 studies were found, of which 392 were excluded after reading the titles and abstracts. A total of 29 articles were read in full and 11 studies were excluded, resulting in 18 articles included in the systematic review. Nine plant species were identified in five clinical trials and 13 in vivo studies, with Chamomila recutita being the most used (33.3% of the studies). Chamomila recutita showed more promising results for analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Calotropis procera latex significantly decreased (p<0.05) inflammatory mediators, such as TNF-α and IL-1ß in oral mucositis induced in rats. Eupatorium laevigatum showed anti-inflammatory activity and analgesic action on oral ulcers. Carapa guianensis Aubl. reduced the severity and painful symptoms of oral mucositis and exhibited better results compared to the use of low power laser. Curcuma longa L accelerated re-epithelialization and resolution of inflammatory processes. Spondias mombin reduced oxidative stress and inflammation caused by oral mucositis and helped on healing it. Extracts of Aloe barbadensis Miller or Aloe vera showed anti-inflammatory action but did not help in the healing process of oral ulcers. Copaifera reticulata Ducke oil did not induce improvement in the healing process, nor did it show an anti-inflammatory effect. Malva sylvestrisdid not show an anti-inflammatory action on oral lesions in humans or rats. The assessment of methodological heterogeneity showed the impossibility of performing a meta-analysis. Risk of bias varied from low to high. Conclusion: The plant species most used and with the best results for the treatment of oral ulcerations and oral mucositis was Chamomilla recutita. Spondias mombin L., Curcuma longa L., Carapa guianensis Aubl and Calotropis procera showed good results in the treatment of oral mucositis, while Eupatorium laevigatum was efficient in the treatment of ulcers of traumatic origin. Malva sylvestris, Copaifera reticulata Ducke, and Aloe barbadensis Miller did not exhibit significant results (AU)

Objetivo: Identificar e analisar extratos vegetais utilizados no Brasil para o tratamento de úlceras orais e mucosite oral. Material e Métodos: Uma revisão sistemática foi registrada no PROSPERO (CRD 42018102184) e realizada seguindo o protocolo PRISMA. As bases de dados pesquisadas foram PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs, Scielo, Biblioteca Brasileira de Odontologia. Buscas manuais também foram realizadas. Resultados: Inicialmente, foram encontrados 440 estudos, dos quais 392 foram excluídos após a leitura dos títulos e resumos. Um total de 29 artigos oram lidos na íntegra e 11 estudos foram excluídos, resultando em 18 artigos incluídos na revisão sistemática. Nove espécies vegetais foram identificadas em cinco ensaios clínicos e 13 estudos in vivo, sendo a Chamomila recutita a mais utilizada (33,3% dos estudos). A Chamomila recutita apresentou resultados mais promissores quanto às propriedades analgésicas, anti-inflamatórias e cicatrizantes. O látex de Calotropis procera diminuiu significativamente (p<0,05) os mediadores inflamatórios, como TNF-α e IL-1ß, na mucosite oral induzida em ratos. Eupatorium laevigatumapresentou atividade anti-inflamatória e ação analgésica em úlceras orais. Carapa guianensis Aubl. reduziu a gravidade e os sintomas dolorosos da mucosite oral e apresentou melhores resultados em comparação com o uso do laser de baixa potência. Curcuma longa L. acelerou a reepitelização e resolução de processos inflamatórios. Spondias mombinreduziu o estresse oxidativo e a inflamação causadas pela mucosite oral e ajudou na sua cicatrização. Extratos de Aloe barbadensis Miller ou Aloe vera apresentaram ação anti-inflamatória, mas não auxiliaram no processo de cicatrização de úlceras orais. O óleo de Copaifera reticulata Ducke não induziu melhora no processo cicatricial, nem apresentou efeito anti-inflamatório. Malva sylvestris não apresentou ação anti-inflamatória em lesões orais em humanos ou ratos. A avaliação da heterogeneidade metodológica mostrou a impossibilidade de realizar uma meta-análise. O risco de viés variou de baixo a alto. Conclusão: A espécie vegetal mais utilizada e com melhores resultados para o tratamento de ulcerações orais e mucosite oral foi a Chamomilla recutita. Spondias mombin L., Curcuma longa L., Carapa guianensis Aubl e Calotropis procera apresentaram bons resultados no tratamento da mucosite oral, enquanto Eupatorium laevigatum foi eficiente no tratamento de úlceras de origem traumática. Malva sylvestris, Copaifera reticulata Duckee Aloe barbadensis Miller não apresentaram resultados significativos(AU)

Plantas Medicinais , Estomatite , Extratos Vegetais , Úlceras Orais , Mucosite , Fitoterapia
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e015, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550154


Abstract This review aimed to assess the association between overweight/obesity and dental caries in Brazilian children/adolescents. Searches were performed in the Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane, PubMed, Embase and SciELO, Lilacs and Open Grey literature databases up to June 2022. The Joanna Briggs Institute checklist for analytical cross-sectional studies, the checklist for cohort studies, and the checklist for case-control studies were used. A total of 41 publications were included, and 15 meta-analyses were performed. The authors analyzed the differences in weighted mean difference (MD) and odds ratios (OR), and their corresponding confidence intervals (CI) (95%) for dental caries among eutrophic and obese and/or overweight children/adolescents. Meta-analyses showed that there was no association between overweight and/or obesity and dental caries in Brazilian children/adolescents for most anthropometric reference curves using BMI (Body Mass Index). A greater experience of dental caries was associated with well-nourished adolescents in permanent dentition, compared with obese individuals in the same dentition, as classified by the CDC 2000 curve (OR = 2.53, 95% CI;1.49-4.29; p = 0.0006; I2 = 0%) in dichotomous outcome studies, and (MD = 0.61, 95%CI: 0.08-1.15; p = 0.02; I2 = 0%) in continuous studies. The strength of the evidence of the results was classified as very low, low or moderate. It was concluded that there is no association between overweight and/or obesity and dental caries in Brazilian children/adolescents for most anthropometric reference curves using BMI. A greater experience of dental caries was associated with well-nourished adolescents in permanent dentition, compared with obese individuals in the same dentition, as classified by the CDC 2000 curve.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e075, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1568984


Abstract This study assessed the features of the 100 most-cited papers on diabetes mellitus (DM) in dentistry using bibliometric measures. A search of the most cited papers on DM using journals included in the category "Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Medicine" in the Web of Science database up to January 2023 was performed. The complete bibliographic records of the selected papers were exported in plain text or Research Information Systems (RIS) file format. The following bibliometric indicators were collected: title, year, authors, number of citations, mean number of citations, institution, country, continent, study design, journal, impact factor, and keywords. Graphical bibliometric networks were created using the VOSviewer software. The number of citations for the 100 most-cited papers in DM research ranged from 111 to 566. Six papers each had more than 400 citations. Most were observational studies (n = 50) from the United States (USA) (n = 23) and were published in the Journal of Periodontology (30%; n=30). Robert Genco was the most cited author and contributed the most to the top 100 articles (3,653 citations; n = 13). The VOSviewer map of co-authorship showed the existence of clusters in research collaboration. The most prolific institutions were the Universities of Buffalo and Michigan (n = 6 each). "Diabetes mellitus" was the most frequent keyword, with 31 occurrences. In conclusion, the most cited studies that investigated the relationship between dentistry and DM were in periodontology. Observational studies, primarily from the USA, have been the most cited thus far.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e069, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1568990


Abstract The objective of the present study was to investigate the frequency of oral leukoplakia and oral erythroplakia among young patients from three Brazilian reference centers in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. A retrospective study was carried out from 2011 to 2021 on 861 patients diagnosed with oral leukoplakia and oral erythroplakia. Demographic and clinicopathological data were evaluated. Fisher's exact test was used to evaluate the association among sex, age, anatomical location, and histopathological diagnosis. A total of 83 (9.64%) cases involved young patients (aged <40 years). Among these, biopsy records were included in 31 (37.34%) cases, all of which received a clinical diagnosis of oral leukoplakia. Seventeen (54.84%) patients were female, mostly in their fourth decade of life (n = 22/70.97%), and their mean age at diagnosis was 32.61(± 5.21) years. Among informed cases, seven (22.58%) patients were smokers. The lateral border of the tongue (n = 9/29.03%) was the most affected site. In 13 (41.94%) cases, oral leukoplakias showed a homogeneous appearance. The mean size of the lesions was 1.47 cm (0.2-3.0 cm) and the mean time of disease progression was 64.37 (± 65.90) months. The histopathological analysis showed that 11 cases (35.48%) exhibited some degree of epithelial dysplasia. Acanthosis and/or hyperkeratosis were observed in 20 cases (64.52%). No significant associations were observed between sex and anatomical location, age and anatomical location, nor between sex and histological diagnosis (p > 0.05). Oral leukoplakia and oral erythroplakia are uncommon diseases in young patients. In this population, oral leukoplakia shows a slight predilection for women aged between 30 and 39 years.

Arq. odontol ; 60: 19-35, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1562397


Objetivo: Avaliar se alterações epigenéticas estão associadas à ocorrência da agenesia dentária não sindrômica. Métodos: Buscas computadorizadas foram conduzidas no PubMed, Web of Science, Ovid, Embase e Scopus. Consultas na literatura cinzenta (Open Grey), no Google Scholar e pesquisas manuais nas listas de referências dos artigos incluídos também foram realizadas. Apenas estudos caso-controle avaliando indivíduos com e sem agenesia dentária não sindrômica eram elegíveis. A seleção dos estudos, a extração de dados e a avaliação do risco de viés (ferramenta da Universidade da Adelaide) foram realizadas por dois autores de forma independente. Devido à diferença metodológica dos artigos incluídos, uma meta-análise não foi possível. Resultados: 206 artigos foram identificados nas bases de dados. Após a remoção de 128 duplicatas e a análise de 78 referências, oito artigos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade e foram incluídos. Os estudos incluídos foram realizados na China, Turquia, Tunísia, Romênia e República Tcheca. As datas de publicação ocorreram entre 2015 e 2023. Os estudos com as menores amostras avaliaram cinco indivíduos com agenesia e cinco sem agenesia e o estudo com a maior amostra avaliou 625 indivíduos com agenesia e 1144 indivíduos sem agenesia. No total, essa revisão analisou 1325 indivíduos com agenesia e 1867 sem agenesia. Dos 33 polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único avaliados, 19 deles estavam potencialmente associados a uma maior suscetibilidade à agenesia dentária não sindrômica, sendo eles identificados nos genes PAX9, AXIN2, WNT10A, MDM2, MSX1 e BMP2. Foram identificadas 29 novas mutações. No geral, os artigos incluídos apresentaram baixo risco de viés. Conclusão: Existe a associação de algumas alterações epigenéticas com a ocorrência de agenesia dentária não sindrômica.

Aim: To assess whether epigenetic alterations are associated with the occurrence of non-syndromic tooth agenesis. Methods: Computerized searches were conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, Ovid, Embase, and Scopus databases. Grey literature searches (Open Grey), Google Scholar, and manual searches in the reference lists of included articles were also performed. Only case-control studies evaluating individuals with and without non-syndromic tooth agenesis were eligible. Study selection, data extraction, and bias assessment (University of Adelaide tool) were independently conducted by two authors. Due to methodological differences in the included articles, a meta-analysis was not feasible. Results: This study identified 206 articles in the databases. After removing 128 duplicates and reviewing 78 references, eight articles met the eligibility criteria and were included. The included studies were conducted in China, Turkey, Tunisia, Romania, and the Czech Republic. Publication dates ranged from 2015 to 2023. Studies with the smallest sample assessed five individuals with agenesis and five without agenesis, and the study with the largest sample assessed 625 individuals with agenesis and 1,144 without agenesis. In total, this review analyzed 1,325 individuals with agenesis and 1,867 without agenesis. Of the 33 single nucleotide polymorphisms evaluated, 19 were potentially associated with an increased susceptibility to non-syndromic tooth agenesis, and these were identified in the PAX9, AXIN2, WNT10A, MDM2, MSX1, and BMP2 genes. Twenty-nine new mutations were identified. Overall, the included articles demonstrated a low risk of bias. Conclusion: There is an association between certain epigenetic alterations and the occurrence of non-syndromic tooth agenesis.

Metilação de DNA , Epigênese Genética , Anodontia , Revisão Sistemática
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 24: e230074, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1558665


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the methodological quality and characteristics of systematic reviews (SRs) of interventional studies in orthodontics and assess how the certainty of the evidence is reported using the GRADE approach. Material and Methods: Six electronic databases were searched, followed by a hand search of the reference lists of eligible studies (PROSPERO #CRD42020180852). The required study design was randomized and nonrandomized studies of interventions published between January 2019 and May 2020. The Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR 2) tool was used for the quality appraisal of the included SRs. Paired reviewers independently screened the studies, extracted data, and appraised the methodological quality. Results: The study included 46 SRs; 19.5% had moderate to high methodological quality, and the remaining had low to critically low methodological quality. Fifty-four percent of the reviews assessed the certainty of evidence using the GRADE approach, and 34.8% followed all GRADE criteria. Conclusion: Most reviews had a good judgment of the AMSTAR2 items, although some critical items contributed to decreased overall quality. Half of the reviews used the GRADE approach to assess the certainty of the evidence, and this approach should be included in future systematic reviews of interventions.

Aparelhos Ortodônticos , Ortodontia , Revisões Sistemáticas como Assunto , Métodos
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e025, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1557355


Abstract Treatment of oral vascular anomalies (OVA) has focused on minimally invasive techniques rather than radical surgery. We investigated the efficacy and safety of diode laser using the photocoagulation technique in the management of OVA. Forty-seven subjects with OVA were treated with forced dehydration with induced photocoagulation (FDIP) using diode laser (808 nm/4.5 W). This series consisted mostly of male (63.8%) and non-white (63.8%) patients with a mean age of 57.4 years. Varices (91.5%), venous malformations (6.4%), and hemangiomas (2.1%) with a mean size of 7.1 (±4.9) mm were the conditions treated. OVA presented as a nodular lesion (63.8%) involving mainly the lower lip (46.8%). Pulsed laser mode was used as standard and the number of applications varied from one to four sessions, with the majority requiring only one (83%) FDIP session. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that complete clinical healing can occur on the 15th day (n=9/29.5%), followed by the 20th (n=6/45.5%), and 30th (n=7/70.5%) days. Postoperative edema was observed in 31 (66%) patients, and recurrence of the lesion occurred in two (4.2%). Based on the data on complete clinical healing, minimal patient discomfort, and satisfactory esthetic results, we can confirm that FDIP by diode laser is a promising candidate for the safe and efficacious treatment of OVA.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e005, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528153


Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the expression of mast cell markers toluidine blue, c-kit, and tryptase and presence of mononuclear inflammatory cells in oral lichen planus (OLP) and oral lichenoid lesions related to dental amalgam. Nineteen specimens of OLP, OLLC, and healthy oral mucosa were selected. Mononuclear inflammatory cells were analyzed. Histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses were performed using toluidine blue, anti-c-kit and anti-tryptase reagents, and the results were quantified in areas A and B of connective tissue. Mast cells of all OLP and OLLC samples were positive for toluidine blue, c-kit, and tryptase. The density of toluidine blue+, c-kit+ and tryptase+ mast cells was higher in tissue with OLP and OLLC compared with healthy controls (p < 0.05). No difference was noted in mast cells density between OLP and OLLC (p > 0.05). The density of tryptase+ mast cells was higher in the subepithelial region (area A) than the region below it (Area B) in OLLC (p = 0.047). The mononuclear inflammatory cell density was higher in OLLC compared to OLP, but without statistical significance (p > 0.05). A positive statistical correlation was found between mononuclear immune cells and density of c-kit+ and tryptase+ mast cells in OLP (r = 0.943 and r = 0.886, respectively). Our data demonstrate that the etiopathogenesis process of OLP and OLLC modulates the expansion and degranulation of mast cells; mast cells density, however, was similar between OLP and OLLC. The distribution of mast cells appears to vary along the lamina propria.

Braz. dent. j ; 34(3): 9-24, May-June 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1447606


Abstract The aims of this study were to perform an exploratory analysis of probable awake (AB) and sleep bruxism (SB) prevalence using of different diagnosis criteria based on the International Consensus; evaluate the associations between self-report and clinical signs/symptoms in adolescents. Participated in this cross-sectional study 403 adolescents aged 12- to 19-years-old enrolled in public and private schools from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Parents/caregivers answered a questionnaire about sociodemographic status and adolescents' health status. Adolescents answered a questionnaire evaluating AB (e.g., grinding and clenching) and SB (e.g., grinding, bracing, and thrusting) activities and frequent headaches. A clinical examination was performed on adolescents to evaluate bruxism clinical signs/symptoms (pain upon palpation on masseter and temporal, linea alba, indentation on the tongue and attrition wear severity). Descriptive statistics and Pearson's Qui-square test were performed (P≤0.05). Adolescents mean age was 14.3±1.5 years, and 58.1% were female. Self-report of SB was identified in 31% of participants and self-report of AB in 51.6%. Almost all adolescents (99%) presented at least one tooth with attrition wear (98.5% on enamel and 0.5% on dentin), with a mean number of 12.4±5.7 teeth. Depending on the diagnosis criteria, the prevalence of probable SB and AB varied from 0- 99% and 0.2- 99%, respectively. A high inconsistency was found for the prevalence of probable AB and SB in adolescents, which were influenced by the different clinical sings/symptoms used as diagnosis criteria. Frequent headaches and pain upon palpation on masseter and temporal muscle were associated to self-report of AB and SB among adolescents.

Resumo Os objetivos deste estudo foram realizar uma análise exploratória da prevalência de provável bruxismo em vigília (BV)e do sono (BS) utilizando diferentes critérios de diagnóstico baseados no Consenso Internacional; avaliar a associação entre o autorrelato e os sinais/sintomas clínicos em adolescentes. Participaram deste estudo transversal 403 adolescentes de 12 a 19 anos de idade matriculados em escolas públicas e privadas de Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Os pais/responsáveis responderam um questionário sobre dados sociodemográficos e estado de saúde dos adolescentes. Os adolescentes relataram atividades do BV (ranger e apertar) e BS (ranger, bracing e thrusting) e dores de cabeça frequentes. Um exame clínico foi realizado nos adolescentes para avaliar os sinais/sintomas clínicos do bruxismo (dor à palpação nos músculos masseter e temporal, marcas de endentação na língua e linha alba, desgaste dentário por atrição). Análises descritiva e teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson foram realizados (P≤0,05). A média de idade dos adolescentes foi de 14,3±1,5 anos e 58,1% eram do sexo feminino. O autorrelato de BS foi identificado em 31% dos participantes e o autorrelato do BV em 51,6%. Quase a totalidade dos adolescentes (99%) apresentaram pelo menos um dente com desgaste dentário (98,5% em esmalte; 0,5% em dentina), com média de 12,4±5,7 dentes acometidos. Dependendo do critério de diagnóstico, a prevalência do provável BS e BV variou de 0- 99% e 0,2- 99%, respectivamente. Uma grande inconsistência foi identificada na prevalência de provável BV e BS em adolescentes, que foram influenciadas pelos diferentes sinais/sintomas usados como critério de diagnóstico. Dores de cabeça frequentes e dor à palpação no masseter e temporal foram associados ao autorrelato de bruxismo em crianças e adolescentes.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 12(1): 35-47, abr. 4, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442660


Background: The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to answer the questions ''Does lip repositioning surgery reduce the amount of gingiva exposed in the smile in individuals with excessive gingival display EGD (excessive gingival display)?'' and ''Is the reduction of the amount of gingiva exposed when smiling obtained with lip repositioning surgery stable over time?'' to evaluate the effectiveness of lip repositioning surgery for correcting EGD on smiling. Materials and Methods: A systematic structured search was carried out in five databases without data restriction. Studies reporting the degree of reduction in gingival ex-posure after lip repositioning surgery were included. Study selection, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment were performed in duplicate Results: One hundred sixty-four references were retrieved and eleven studies met the eligibility criteria. Meta-analysis demonstrated that lip repositioning surgery results in a significant reduction in the amount of exposed gingival tissue (mean difference = -3.03; confidence interval = -3.55; -2.52). In addition, the results remained stable in the evaluated follow-up periods (1, 3, 6 and 12 months). Included studies had a low risk of bias. Conclusions: Lip repositioning surgery is effective for the treatment of EGD on smiling and exhibits stable results in the evaluated periods. The study was registered (CRD42020184866) in the international prospective register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO)

Antecedentes: el objetivo de esta revisión sistemática y metanálisis fue responder a las preguntas "¿La cirugía de reposicionamiento de labios reduce la cantidad de encía expuesta en la sonrisa en personas con exposición gingival excesiva (EGE)?" y "¿La reducción de la cantidad de encía expuesto al sonreír obtenido con cirugía de reposicionamiento de labios estable en el tiempo?" para evaluar la efectividad de la cirugía de reposicionamiento de labios para corregir la EGE al sonreír. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática estructurada en cinco bases de datos sin restricción de datos. Se incluyeron los estudios que informaron el grado de reducción de la exposición gingival después de la cirugía de reposición de labios. La selección de estudios, la extracción de datos y la evaluación del riesgo de sesgo se realizaron por duplicado. Resultados: Se recuperaron ciento sesenta y cuatro referencias y once estudios cumplieron con los criterios de elegibilidad. El metanálisis demostró que la cirugía de reposicionamiento de labios da como resultado una reducción significativa en la cantidad de tejido gingival expuesto (diferencia de medias = -3,03; intervalo de confianza = -3,55; -2,52). Además, los resultados se mantuvieron estables en los periodos de seguimiento evaluados (1, 3, 6 y 12 meses). Los estudios incluidos tenían un bajo riesgo de sesgo. Conclusión: La cirugía de reposicionamiento de labios es efectiva para el tratamiento de la EGE al sonreír y presenta resultados estables en los períodos evaluados. El estudio fue registrado (CRD42020184866) en el registro prospectivo internacional de revisiones sistemáticas (PROSPERO).

Humanos , Gengiva/cirurgia , Gengivectomia , Lábio/cirurgia , Sorriso , Estética Dentária
Braz. dent. j ; 34(1): 107-122, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1420570


Abstract The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) is a self-administered instrument to assess adolescent patients' satisfaction with orthodontic treatment. A pre-existing North American instrument was further explored in the Netherlands. Semantic equivalence is part of cross-cultural adaptation and is necessary to achieve a valid and reliable instrument for a specific culture. The present study aimed to evaluate the semantic equivalence of the items, subscales, and overall PSQ between the original English version and the Brazilian Portuguese language version (B-PSQ). The PSQ has 58 items, distributed across 6 subscales: doctor-patient relationship, situational aspects of the clinic, dentofacial improvement, psychosocial improvement, dental function, and a residual category. Semantic equivalence was evaluated according to the following methods: (1) independent translations to Portuguese by two translators, both native in Brazilian Portuguese and fluent in English; (2) an expert committee drafted the first summarized version in Portuguese; (3) two independent back-translations into English by two native English-speaking translators fluent in Portuguese; (4) committee review; (5) committee drafted a summarized version of the back-translations; (6) expert committee drafted the second summarized version in Portuguese; (7) pre-test of the instrument using individual semi-structured interviews with 10 adolescents; (8) review and final version of the B-PSQ. Semantic equivalence between the original and the Brazilian versions of the questionnaire was achieved through diligent and rigorous methods, with effective translation and expert evaluations, incorporating the opinions of the target population.

Resumo O Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) é um instrumento autorrelatado específico para avaliar a satisfação de pacientes adolescentes com o tratamento ortodôntico. Um instrumento norte-americano pré-existente foi mais explorado na Holanda. A equivalência semântica faz parte da adaptação transcultural e é necessária para se obter um instrumento válido e confiável para uma cultura específica. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a equivalência semântica dos itens, subescalas e escore geral do PSQ entre a versão original em inglês e a versão em português do Brasil (B-PSQ). O PSQ possui 58 itens, distribuídos em 6 subescalas; relação médico-paciente, aspectos situacionais da clínica, melhora dentofacial, melhora psicossocial, função dentária e uma categoria residual. A equivalência semântica foi avaliada de acordo com o seguinte método: 1) traduções independentes para o português por dois tradutores, ambos nativos em português brasileiro e fluentes em inglês; 2) um comitê de experts elaborou a primeira versão síntese em português; 3) duas retro-traduções independentes para o inglês por dois tradutores nativos de língua inglesa fluentes em português; 4) revisão do comitê; 5) o comitê elaborou uma versão síntese das retro-traduções; 6) comitê de experts redigiu a segunda versão síntese em português; 7) pré-teste do instrumento por meio de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas com 10 adolescentes; 8) revisão e versão final do B-PSQ. A equivalência semântica entre as versões original e brasileira do questionário foi alcançada por meio de métodos cuidadosos e rigorosos, com tradução eficaz e avaliações de experts, incorporando as opiniões da população-alvo.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e008, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1420950


Abstract Scientific evidence about genetic and molecular changes in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) among smokers and non-smokers is inconclusive. This systematic review and meta-analysis assessed the effects of tobacco on the DNA of individuals with OSCC based on protein mutations. Electronic searches were conducted on PubMed, Ovid, Web of Science, and Scopus to identify observational studies published up to January/2022. The Joanna Briggs Institute tool was used for the critical appraisal of studies. The certainty of the evidence was evaluated. Twenty-three studies assessing 4,060 individuals (2,967 smokers vs. 1,093 non-smokers) were included in this review. Fifteen groups of proteins/genes were investigated. Analysis of the quality of articles revealed low risk of bias in most studies. The certainty of the evidence was very low. The meta-analysis confirmed no significant difference between smokers and non-smokers with respect to damage to GSTM1 (OR: 0.60; 95%CI: 0.30-1.18), GSTT1 (OR: 1.18; 95%CI:0.49-2.83), hydrolase proteins (Ku70 and Ku80) (OR: 0.74; 95%CI: 0.18-3.05), and transferase proteins (GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTM3) (OR: 0.74; 95%CI: 0.47-1.18). Most of the studies included showed that smokers are more likely to exhibit genetic instability. However, the meta-analysis revealed that smokers do not necessarily have more genetic alterations in the DNA than non-smokers.

Arq. odontol ; 59: 39-53, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1434152


Objetivo: Comparar o efeito do uso de instruções convencionais (verbais ou escritas) e instruções digitais (apps e mensagens de telefone) na cooperação e melhora da higiene oral dos pacientes ortodônticos.Métodos: Foram conduzidas buscas em seis bases de dados. Seleção dos estudos, extração de dados e análise do risco de viés dos artigos com a ferramenta Cochrane foram realizadas. Resultados de meta-análises foram apresentados em diferença média (DM) e intervalo de confiança (IC). Resultados: Seis estudos foram incluídos. No geral, os estudos mostraram que indivíduos que recebem instruções convencionais e digitais de higiene bucal apresentam uma melhora do índice de placa e índice gengival ao longo do tratamento ortodôntico (p < 0,05). Os indivíduos que só recebem instruções convencionais não apresentam melhora dos índices (p > 0,05). Os resultados são confirmados por duas meta-análises, sendo o índice de placa (DM = -1,30, IC = -2,52 - -0,08) e o índice gengival (DM = -0,27, IC = -0,42 - -0,12) melhor entre indivíduos que receberam instruções convencionais e digitais em comparação a indivíduos que receberam somente instruções convencionais. Meta-análises mostraram que não há diferença para índice de placa (DM = 0,57, IC = -0,61 ­ 1,74) e índice gengival (DM = -0,46, IC = -1,52 - 0,59) durante o tratamento entre indivíduos que somente receberam instruções de higiene convencionais e aqueles que só receberam instruções digitais. Indivíduos que só receberam instruções convencionais apresentam um aumento de lesões de mancha branca ao longo do tratamento (p < 0,05). O risco de viés variou de baixo a alto. Conclusão: Instruções digitais junto às convencionais são eficientes na melhora da higiene bucal dos pacientes em tratamento ortodôntico.

Aim: To compare the effects of the use of conventional instructions (verbal or written) and digital instructions (apps and phone messages) for the cooperation and improvement of oral hygiene in orthodontic patients. Methods: Searches were conducted in six databases. Selection of studies, data extraction, and risk of bias analysis of articles were performed using the Cochrane tool. For meta-analysis results, mean difference (MD) and confidence interval (CI) were provided. Results: Six studies were included. Overall, studies demonstrated that individuals who received conventional and digital oral hygiene instructions show an improvement in both the plaque and gingival indices over the course of orthodontic treatment (p < 0.05). By contrast, individuals who only received conventional instructions showed no improvement in the indices (p > 0.05). The results were confirmed in two meta-analyses, with the plaque index (MD = -1.30, CI = -2.52 - -0.08) and the gingival index (MD = -0.27, CI = -0.42 - -0.12) presenting better outcomes among individuals who received conventional and digital instructions, as compared to individuals who received only conventional instructions. Meta-analyses showed that there is no difference between the plaque index (MD = 0.57, CI = -0.61 ­ 1.74) and the gingival index (MD = -0.46, CI = -1.52 ­ 0.59) concerning the course of treatment between individuals who only received conventional hygiene instructions and those who only received digital instructions. Individuals who only received conventional instructions showed an increase in white spot lesions throughout the treatment (p < 0.05). The risk of bias ranged from low to high. Conclusion: Both digital instructions and the conventional instructions are efficient in improving the oral hygiene of patients during orthodontic treatment.

Higiene Bucal , Ortodontia , Aconselhamento , Letramento em Saúde , Comunicação em Saúde
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e40, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1430031


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the pathways that explain the association between race/skin color and edentulism in elderly Brazilians. This was a cross-sectional study using data from participants aged 60 years or older from the 2019 Brazilian National Health Survey, a nationally representative population-based sample. Data were obtained by a structured interview and participants were classified as edentulous if they reported having lost all natural teeth. Information on race, socioeconomic level, behavioral aspects, psychosocial aspects, and access to dental care was collected by interviewers using a questionnaire. The pathways between race/skin color and edentulism were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The final sample of the study included 22,357 participants. Most participants were white (51.5%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 50.3-52.6), and 36.8% (95%CI: 35.7-37.9) were edentulous. Race/skin color was indirectly associated with edentulism via enabling factors. These findings suggest that socioeconomic inequalities are key in explaining racial inequalities in edentulism among Brazilian older adults.

J. appl. oral sci ; 31: e20230040, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506565


Abstract Background Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare genetic disorder primarily caused by mutations in the genes involved in the production of type 1 collagen. OI is also known as brittle bone disease. Objective This study aims to describe the prevalence of dental anomalies (except dentinogenesis imperfecta) in individuals with OI, and compare the prevalence of dental anomalies between individuals with and without OI and between individuals with different types of OI. Search methods Searches in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Ovid, and gray literature were performed in October 2022. Selection criteria Observational studies (with or without a comparison group) that evaluated the prevalence of dental anomalies in individuals with OI. Data collection and analysis: Data items were extracted by two authors. Quality assessment employing the Joanna Briggs Institute checklists and meta-analyses was conducted. Results were provided in prevalence values and odds ratio (OR) / 95% confidence interval (CI). Strength of evidence was determined. Results Eighteen studies were included. Most prevalent dental anomalies in individuals with OI included pulp obliteration (46.4%), dental impaction (33.5%), dental impaction of second molars (27%), and tooth agenesis (23.9%). Individuals with OI type III/IV had 20.16-fold greater chance of exhibiting tooth discoloration in comparison with individuals with OI type I (CI: 1.10-370.98). In comparison with the group without OI, the individuals with OI had 6.90-fold greater chance of exhibiting dental impaction (CI: 1.54-31.00). High methodological quality was found in 47% of the studies. Strength of evidence was low or very low. Conclusions Pulp obliteration, dental impaction, and tooth agenesis were the most prevalent dental anomalies in the OI group. Individuals with OI were more likely to have dental impaction than individuals without OI. Individuals with OI type III/IV (severe-moderate) are more likely to have tooth discoloration than individuals with OI type I (mild).

Arq. odontol ; 59: 62-71, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1516687


Aim: To evaluate the prevalence and distribution of tooth wear due to dental attrition among 12-year-old adolescents according to their gender, reports of tooth grinding during sleep/while awake (bruxism), and sleep features related to sleep-disordered breathing. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 172 adolescents from southeast Brazil. Parents/caregivers answered questions about sociodemographic characteristics; reports of adolescents' tooth grinding during sleep, and sleep features (e.g. sleep duration and position, snoring, drooling on the pillow) in the previous two weeks. Adolescents self-reported the occurrence of tooth clenching/grinding while awake in the previous two weeks. Tooth wear due to dental attrition was assessed by a previously calibrated researcher, using a validated 5-point analogical ordinal occlusal/incisal tooth wear grading scale, with scores ranging from 0 (no wear) to 4 (loss of crown height ≥ 2/3), depending on tooth wear severity. Descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney test (p < 0.05) were performed to identify differences in tooth wear due to the distribution of dental attrition, according to adolescents' characteristics. Results: Most adolescents were female (58.0%) and 81.6% of the participants presented tooth wear due to dental attrition within the enamel. Adolescents who snored had a higher number of incisors with tooth wear due to dental attrition (p = 0.035). Females showed a higher number of canines with tooth wear due to dental attrition (p = 0.020). Adolescents whose parents reported tooth grinding during sleep presented a higher number of bicuspids with tooth wear due to dental attrition (p = 0.001). Conclusion:Tooth wear due to dental attrition within the enamel was observed in most adolescents. The distribution, depending on specific groups of teeth, was higher among female adolescents, adolescents' whose parents reported tooth grinding, and adolescents who snored during sleep.

Objetivos: Avaliar a prevalência e distribuição de DDA entre adolescentes de 12 anos de acordo com o sexo, relato de ranger de dentes durante o sono e vigília (bruxismo) e características relacionadas a desordens respiratórias do sono.Método: Desenvolveu-se um estudo transversal com 172 adolescentes do sudeste do Brasil. Seus pais/responsáveis responderam um questionário contendo informações sociodemográficas, relato sobre os filhos rangerem os dentes durante o sono e hábitos do sono dos filhos (duração do sono, posição que dorme, roncar, babar no travesseiro) nas duas últimas semanas. Adolescentes relataram ocorrência de ranger/apertar de dentes durante a vigília nas duas últimas semanas. DDA foi avaliado por um pesquisador previamente calibrado através de uma escala analógica ordinal de cinco pontos de desgaste dentário para faces oclusal/incisal previamente validada, com escores variando de 0 (sem desgaste) a 4 (perda da coroa em altura ≥ 2/3), dependendo da gravidade do desgaste. Análises descritivas e teste de Mann-Whitney (p < 0,05) foram realizados para identificar as diferenças na distribuição de DDA de acordo com as características dos adolescentes.Resultados: A maioria dos adolescentes eram meninas (58,0%) e 81,6% dos participantes apresentaram DDA em esmalte em algum elemento dentário. Adolescentes que rocavam apresentavam mais incisivos com DDA (p = 0.035). Meninas apresentaram maior número de caninos com DDA (p = 0.020). Adolescentes que rangiam os dentes durante a noite apresentaram maior número de pré-molares com DDA (p = 0.001).Conclusão: Desgaste dentário por atrição em esmalte foi observado na maioria dos adolescentes. A distribuição, dependendo de grupos de dentes específicos, foi maior entre meninas, adolescentes que roncavam durante o sono e que rangiam os dentes durante o sono.

Síndromes da Apneia do Sono , Bruxismo , Adolescente , Atrito Dentário , Bruxismo do Sono , Desgaste dos Dentes
Arq. odontol ; 59: 193-202, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1551361


Aim: The aim of the present study was to identify precipitating factors of bullying in schoolchildren.Methods: A total of 425 schoolchildren aged eight to eleven years, enrolled in public and private schools in Lavras, Brazil, participated in this cross-sectional study. The schoolchildren answered two questions addressing characteristics that could affect their relationships with peers and completed the Brazilian version of the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire. The characteristics investigated included weight, height, facial features, dentofacial appearance, and other individual factors, such as halitosis and wearing glasses. Parents answered a questionnaire on demographic characteristics. Descriptive analysis and multinomial logistic regression were performed (p ≤ 0.05).Results: Bully-victims were more likely to be enrolled in public schools (OR = 5.43, 95% CI: 1.14-25.91, p = 0.03). Victims of bullying were more likely to report characteristics such as halitosis, wearing glasses, and other aspects (OR = 3.31, 95% CI: 1.14-9.57, p = 0.02), as well as dentofacial appearance (OR = 3.80, 95% CI: 1.38-10.41, p = 0.01), as factors that affected interactions with peers.Conclusions: The findings show that physical appearance, socioeconomic aspect, and individual characteristics are factors associated with victims and bully-victims. Pediatric dentists should discuss these issues with their patients and parents/caregivers when taking patient history.

Objetivo:O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os fatores precipitantes do bullying em escolares.Métodos: Um total de 425 escolares de oito a onze anos matriculados em escolas públicas e privadas de Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brasil, participaram deste estudo transversal. Os escolares responderam duas perguntas abordando características que poderiam afetar seu relacionamento com seus pares e preencheram a versão brasileira do Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire. As características investigadas foram peso, altura, características faciais, aparência dentofacial e outros fatores individuais, como halitose e uso de óculos. Os pais responderam um questionário sobre características sociodemográficas. Análise descritiva e regressão logística multinomial foram realizadas (p ≤ 0,05). Resultados: As vítimas-intimidadoras eram mais propensas a serem de escolas públicas (OR = 5,43, IC 95%:1,14-25,91, p = 0,03). As vítimas de bullying foram mais propensas a relatar características como halitose, uso de óculos e outros aspectos (OR = 3,31, IC 95%: 1,14-9,57, p = 0,02), bem como aparência dentofacial (OR = 3,80, IC 95%: 1,38-10,41, p = 0,01) como fatores que afetaram suas interações com seus pares. Conclusões:Os achados mostram que a aparência física, o aspecto socioeconômico e as características individuais são fatores associados às vítimas e às vítimas-intimidadoras. Odontopediatras devem discutir essas questões com as crianças/adolescentes e seus pais/responsáveis ao obter a história do paciente.

Fatores Desencadeantes , Bullying , Aparência Física , Criança , Assistência Odontológica para Crianças
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e126, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528136


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the contribution of oral and maxillofacial pathology laboratories (OMPLs) in Brazilian public universities to the diagnosis of lip, oral cavity, and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). A cross-sectional study was performed using biopsy records from a consortium of sixteen public OMPLs from all regions of Brazil (North, Northeast, Central-West, Southeast, and South). Clinical and demographic data of patients diagnosed with lip, oral cavity, and oropharyngeal SCC between 2010 and 2019 were collected from the patients' histopathological records. Of the 120,010 oral and maxillofacial biopsies (2010-2019), 6.9% (8,321 cases) were diagnosed as lip (0.8%, 951 cases), oral cavity (4.9%, 5,971 cases), and oropharyngeal (1.2%, 1,399 cases) SCCs. Most cases were from Brazil's Southeast (64.5%), where six of the OMPLs analyzed are located. The predominant profile of patients with lip and oral cavity SCC was Caucasian men, with a mean age over 60 years, low schooling level, and a previous history of heavy tobacco consumption. In the oropharyngeal group, the majority were non-Caucasian men, with a mean age under 60 years, had a low education level, and were former/current tobacco and alcohol users. According to data from the Brazilian National Cancer Institute, approximately 9.9% of the total lip, oral cavity, and oropharyngeal SCCs reported over the last decade in Brazil may have been diagnosed at the OMPLs included in the current study. Therefore, this data confirms the contribution of public OMPLs with respect to the important diagnostic support they provide to the oral healthcare services extended by the Brazilian Public Health System.

Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 28(6): e2322280, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528515


ABSTRACT Introduction: Bisphosphonates have an inhibitory impact on osteoclastic activity, reducing bone resorption. However, the influence of risedronate on tooth movement is not well-defined. Objective: This systematic review assessed the effect of risedronate intake on orthodontic tooth movement. A case report was also provided. Methods: Two independent reviewers searched six databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Ovid, Lilacs, Scopus, and Open Grey). The searches were carried out in April/2020, and an update was set in place in June/2023. Therefore, the searches considered a timeline from the databases' inception date until June/2023, with no publication date and/or language restrictions. The clinical question focused on evaluating the orthodontic tooth movement and relapse movement (Outcome) in animals (Population) exposed to risedronate (Exposure), compared to control groups (Comparison). The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines were applied, and the protocol was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42020168581). The risk of bias was determined using the Systematic Review Centre for Laboratory Animal Experimentation protocol (SYRCLE). Results: Two studies in rats and one in guinea pigs were included in the systematic review. The studies reported a decrease in orthodontic tooth movement, a reduction in the relapse movement, and a reduced number of positive tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) cells, with a significantly reduced number of bone gaps after the administration of risedronate in rats. A case report illustrated the effects of risedronate administration in one patient. Conclusion: Based on the systematic review, risedronate seems to impair orthodontic tooth movement and relapse due to a decrease in bone resorption cells.

RESUMO Introdução: Os bifosfonatos têm um impacto inibitório na atividade osteoclástica, reduzindo a reabsorção óssea. No entanto, a influência do risedronato no movimento dentário não está bem definida. Objetivo: Esta revisão sistemática avaliou o efeito do uso de risedronato no movimento ortodôntico dos dentes. Um relato de caso também é apresentado. Métodos: Dois revisores independentes pesquisaram seis bases de dados (PubMed, Web of Science, Ovid, Lilacs, Scopus e Open Grey), considerando o período de abril de 2020 até junho de 2023, sem restrições de data e/ou idioma de publicação. A questão clínica focou em avaliar o movimento ortodôntico dos dentes e movimento de recidiva (resultado) em animais (população) expostos ao risedronato (exposição) em comparação com grupos de controle (comparação). Foram aplicadas as Diretrizes Preferenciais para Revisão Sistemática e Metanálise (PRISMA) e um protocolo foi registrado no PROSPERO (CRD42020168581). O risco de viés foi determinado utilizando o protocolo do Centro de Revisão Sistemática para Experimentação em Animais de Laboratório (SYRCLE). Resultados: Dois estudos em ratos e um em porquinhos-da-índia foram incluídos na revisão sistemática. Os estudos relataram uma diminuição no movimento ortodôntico dos dentes, uma redução no movimento de recidiva e um número reduzido de células positivas à fosfatase ácida tartarato-resistente (TRAP) com um número significativamente reduzido de falhas ósseas após a administração de risedronato em ratos. Um relato de caso ilustrou os efeitos da administração de risedronato em uma paciente. Conclusão: Com base na revisão sistemática, o risedronato parece interferir no movimento ortodôntico dos dentes e na recidiva devido a uma diminuição nas células de reabsorção óssea.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 36: e094, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1420939


Abstract Determinants of oral diseases include behaviors, which in turn are influenced by a series of social determinants such as psychosocial aspects and dental care services. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate whether depressive symptoms and use of dental care services mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and oral health behaviors. This was a cross-sectional study that analyzed data from participants in the 2019 National Health Survey (PNS) (n = 88,531). The eligibility criteria were individuals who were 18 years and older and exclusion criterion was living in households located in special or sparsely populated census tracts. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test direct and indirect pathways from a latent variable for SES to oral health through depressive symptoms (assessed through the "Patient Health Questionnaire-9") and use of dental care services. The maximum likelihood estimator for complex samples with the robust standard error was used. The final model presented an adequate fit: RMESA of 0.008, CFI of 0.998, and SMRM of 0.005. The results showed that higher SES was directly associated with better oral health-related behaviors [standardized coefficient (SC): 0.428; p < 0.01] and indirectly through depressive symptoms [(SC): 0.002; p < 0.01] and dental care services [(SC): 0.089; p < 0.01]. The total effect of SES on oral health-related behaviors was equal to [(SC: 0.519 (p < 0.01)]. In conclusion, the findings suggest that high socioeconomic status, mediated by depressive symptoms and dental care services, has a positive effect on oral health.