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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 334-350, abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430603


Resumen El consumo se ha instaurado en las sociedades posmodernas como un medio regulador de las relaciones sociales. En este contexto, la compra compulsiva se establece como patológica y genera un malestar psicológico significativo en las personas, al punto de deteriorar el funcionamiento social y profesional. A esto se suman graves problemas económicos como producto del endeudamiento. Bajo este escenario, los jóvenes son particularmente sensibles, ya que con el consumo acceden a objetos simbólicos que forman parte de su construcción de identidad. Una dimensión relacionada con la compra compulsiva y el acceso al consumo bajo elementos simbólicos es la discrepancia del yo, la cual establece la distancia entre quién soy y quién me gustaría ser de acuerdo a patrones sociales que motivan el consumo como extensión del sujeto y materialización de la propia identidad. En base a lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el efecto de la discrepancia del yo sobre las actitudes hacia la compra compulsiva en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. A través de una regresión lineal múltiple se aprecia que la discrepancia del yo físico (belleza), económico y el sexo son predictores significativos de la compra compulsiva. De igual manera, se observa que las mujeres son un grupo con mayores puntuaciones en cuanto a las compras compulsivas que los hombres, las cuales pueden verse mayormente afectadas por el contexto, y las campañas de marketing pueden influir en una mayor brecha entre el yo real y el yo ideal.

Abstract Consumption has been established in postmodern societies as a means of regulating social relations. In this context, compulsive buying could be established as pathological, creating significant psychological discomfort in people, to the point of impairing social and professional functioning, coupled with serious economic problems resulting from indebtedness. Along the same lines, in the construction of a social identity and a socially shared reality, consumption patterns arise that are linked to what the public should be and what they want to be. Therefore, while compulsive buying has been conceptualized for decades, it is a substantial threat to psychological and financial well-being. Few studies have explored the link between self-discrepancy and compulsive buying within an identity construction context. In this scenario, it is young people who become particularly sensitive, since with consumption they access symbolic objects that are part of their identity construction and a dimension related to compulsive buying. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that access to the consumption of symbolic elements is self-discrepancy. That is why this research aims at determining the effect of the self-discrepancy on attitudes towards compulsive buying in Chilean university students. The study uses a quantitative, correlational, and non-experimental cross-sectional design. Study sample was comprised of 1 229 Chilean university students, who responded to the scale of attitudes towards consumption, the self-discrepancy scale, and answered questions for sociodemographic characterization including: gender (male/female), age, geographical area of residence (rural/urban), people with whom they live, and whether they have any bank credit cards. Prior to data collection, a letter was sent to Faculty Deans and Program Directors of all the universities associated with the Council of Rectors of Chile; these letters described the aims of the study, and requested information and authorization for the distribution of the instrument previously described. It is important to indicate that, after this, a random sampling process was initiated, after which each participant was contacted, so that they could sign an informed consent form, thus ensuring the anonymity ethical guidelines of the study. The data was processed through SPSS version 22 software, looking for the presence of univariate and multivariate outliers through Z-scores and Mahalanobis distance. A descriptive analysis of the variables was then carried out based on the dispersion, central trend and shape measurements. Subsequently, the data was analysed through bivariate statistics through Pearson correlations, to indicate into empirical relationships between compulsive purchase as a dependent variable and sociodemographic variables (sex and bank credit card holding) and the dimensions associated with the self-discrepancy (intellectual, physical, physical beauty, personal, social, emotional and economic) as independent variables. Once the behaviour of the variables was observed, a hierarchical multiple linear regression was performed. Regarding the results of this research, multiple linear regression shows that physical self-discrepancy (beauty), economic self-discrepancy and gender are significant predictors of compulsive buying. Similarly, it is noted that women are a group with higher scores in terms of compulsive purchases than men, which may be mostly affected by the context, where marketing campaigns can influence a greater gap between the real self and the ideal self.

rev. psicogente ; 25(48): 177-203, jul.-dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424782


Resumen Objetivo: Identificar en qué medida la salud mental y bienestar subjetivo son predichas por el endeudamiento por motivos de estudio en estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Temuco, Chile. Método: Una muestra no probabilística de 151 estudiantes universitarios de quinto año o superior de su respectiva carrera universitaria respondió a medidas de salud mental (DASS-21), de bienestar subjetivo (satisfacción con la vida y felicidad subjetiva), y del nivel de endeudamiento asumido para financiar sus estudios universitarios. Los análisis incluyeron regresiones lineales múltiples jerárquicas donde se incluyeron como variables independientes la variable género en un primer paso y el endeudamiento por créditos universitarios en el segundo paso. En cada regresión se incluyó un factor de salud mental y de bienestar subjetivo como variable dependiente. Resultados: Resultados indican que el endeudamiento por motivos de estudio predice significativa- mente satisfacción con la vida (F(2, 148) = 5,95, p = 0,003, R2Adjusted = 0,06; β =-0,16, p = 0,049), pero no predice felicidad subjetiva (p = n.s.) (factores de bienestar subjetivo), sintomatología depresiva (p = n.s.), ansiosa (p = n.s.), ni estrés (p = n.s.) (factores de salud mental). Conclusión: Resultados del estudio sugieren que los estudiantes universitarios pudieran percibir el endeudamiento estudiantil como una inversión hacia el futuro lo que pudiera operar como un factor protector de su salud mental y bienestar subjetivo.

Abstract Objective: To evaluate if debt due to university loans predicts mental health and subjective well-being in university students of Temuco, Chile. Method: A non-probabilistic sample of 151 last-year university students completed measures of mental health (DASS-21), of subjective well-being (satisfaction with life, and subjective happiness), and debt levels due to student loans. Analyses included hierarchical multiple linear regressions where gender was entered in a first step and debt due to university loans on a second step as independent variables. Each regression considered a factor of mental health or a factor of subjective well-being as the dependent variable. Results: Results show that debt due to university loans predict predicts satisfaction with life (F(2, 148) = 5,95, p = 0,003, R2Adjusted = 0,06; β =-0,16, p = 0,049), but not subjective happiness (p = n.s.) (factors of subjective well-being), nor symptoms of depression (p = n.s.), anxiety (p = n.s.), or stress (p = n.s.) (factors of mental health). Conclusion: Results of this study suggest that university students may perceive student debt as an investment which may act as a protective factor of their mental health and subjective well-being.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 12(2): 130-145, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570018


Resumen A partir de un estudio cualitativo interpretativo con un enfoque de análisis de contenido bajo los supuestos de la teoría fundamentada, se buscó describir el significado subjetivo de la socialización alimentaria en la familia, en cuanto a prácticas y estrategias que padres y madres utilizan para introducir a sus hijos en patrones de comportamiento alimentario. Dieciocho familias de estratos socioeconómicos bajos, medios y altos participaron en el estudio, respondiendo a una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados arrojaron dos categorías centrales de contenido, por un lado, el proceso de educación alimentaria y por otro, las prácticas específicas de alimentación, que presentaron diferencias entre padres y madres en cuanto al nivel de implicación en el proceso alimentario de los hijos. De igual modo, se identificó que el mayor grado de implicación paterna se observó en el alto nivel socioeconómico alto. Finalmente, los hallazgos obtenidos develan la necesidad de promover una mayor educación alimentaria y prácticas alimentarias que apoyen la alimentación saludable en diferentes contextos familiares.

Abstract Starting from an interpretive qualitative study with a content analysis approach under the assumptions of the grounded theory, we sought to describe the subjective meaning of food socialization in the family, in terms of practices and strategies that parents use to introduce their children to eating behavior patterns. Eighteen families from low, middle and high socioeconomic levels participated in the study, answering a semi-structured interview. The results showed two central content categories, on the one hand, the process of food education and on the other, specific food practices, which presented differences between fathers and mothers in terms of the level of involvement in the children's eating process. Similarly, it was identified that the greatest degree of paternal involvement was observed in the high socioeconomic level. Finally, the findings reveal the need to promote greater food education and food practices that support healthy eating in different family contexts.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 163-178, jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360486


Resumen Frente al dominio del neoliberalismo en las sociedades contemporáneas, las posibilidades de consumo resultan abrumadoras, en tanto mecanismo de configuración identitaria y evidencia de nuevas formas de inclusión/exclusión de los sujetos respecto de los grupos sociales. Esta investigación aborda un segmento de la sociedad chilena que no escapa de esta lógica: los hombres jóvenes. Los jóvenes, en general, constituyen un segmento propenso al riesgo financiero, con altos niveles de endeudamiento, al menos en la sociedad chilena. En este escenario, el artículo explora los significados de consumo que construyen hombres universitarios de pregrado, de tres áreas de formación profesional de una universidad de la Región de La Araucanía (Chile). Se utiliza una metodología cualitativa, aplicando la técnica de redes semánticas naturales. La muestra estuvo conformada por estudiantes de las áreas de las Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias de la Salud y Ciencias de la Ingeniería, de edades entre 18 y 24 años, con un total de 51 sujetos. Los resultados indican una red semántica general abundante, cuyo núcleo está representado por la palabra "alimentarse", seguido por significados asociados a dinero, comprar y necesidad, que dan cuenta de la dimensión material del consumo. Son relevantes, además, los conceptos asociados a drogas y alcohol. A propósito de los hallazgos, se sugiere explorar la relación de la alimentación con el cuerpo masculino, así como la posesión de bienes materiales y las orientaciones al éxito en los hombres jóvenes, sobre todo en lo referente al proceso de construcción de masculinidades juveniles.

Abstract In the face of the dominance of neoliberalism in Western societies the possibilities of consumption are overwhelming. This type of societies are associated with a consumerist culture and lifestyle, where the capacity of consumption is the fundamental criterion of inclusion/exclusion of the subjects. Consumption intervenes significantly in the construction of people's personal and social identity. The desires and longings generated by the consumer society are related to the acquisition of lifestyles. In this sense, subjects give meaning to objects and experiences. The interest of this research is in young people. Young people represent a segment of interest for the economic market; therefore, they constitute a group that is financially in risk. The high levels of indebtedness of the youth population in Chile must be considered. Specifically, men handle money from a young age and carry out certain paid activities, especially in popular sectors. Men are projected as active consumers in the economic market, an area where the traditional gender division has diminished, directing men to production and women to consumption. On the other hand, empirical evidence shows the association between masculinities and material possessions, money and orientation to success. It is also possible to mention a relative scarcity of studies linking men and consumption in Latin America. In this context, the present article explores the meaning of consumption as constructed by university men in three areas of professional training, who are pursuing undergraduate careers, in the Araucanía Region. A qualitative methodology is used to achieve the research objective, applying the technique of natural semantic networks. A case study is carried out. The sample was conformed by students of Social Sciences (18 subjects), Health Sciences (15 subjects) and Engineering Sciences (18 subjects), aged between 18 and 24 years old, with a total of 51 subjects. All students are from a private university in the Araucanía Region, Chile.

Suma psicol ; 28(2): 79-87, jul.-dic. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352275


Resumen Introducción: El consumo se ha instaurado como medio de interacción social generando altos niveles de endeudamiento en la población chilena. Los adolescentes han sido especialmente sensibles a esto, producto que a través del consumo acceden a elementos simbólicos asociados a la construcción de la identidad. El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la existencia de relaciones entre valores materiales, susceptibilidad al efecto de pares y actitudes hacia el dinero con respecto a las actitudes hacia el endeudamiento hedónico en estudiantes secundarios chilenos. Método: La muestra es de 1297 estudiantes secundarios chilenos, el 46% es hombre y el 54% es mujer, correspondientes a las ciudades de La Serena, Coquimbo, Santiago y Temuco. Se aplicaron las escalas de Actitudes hacia el Endeudamiento, Materialismo para Adolescentes, Escala de Susceptibilidad a la Influencia de los Pares y la Escala de Actitudes hacia el Dinero. Los datos fueron analizados a través de una regresión lineal múltiple jerárquica. Resultados: Se evidencian relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre sexo, valores materiales, susceptibilidad al efecto de pares y las actitudes hacia el dinero con respecto al endeudamiento hedónico. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio entregan pistas al momento de abordar la educación financiera, donde debe considerarse que la cultura materialista del modelo económico neoliberal impacta en las actitudes, valores y propensión al endeudamiento de los adolescentes y posteriormente adultos.

Abstract Introduction: Consumer spending has established itself as a means of social interaction, generating high levels of indebtedness among the Chilean population. Adolescents have been especially sensitive to this situation, since through consumption they have access to symbolic elements associated with the construction of identity. The objective of this research is to determine the existence of relationships between material values, influence of peers, and attitudes towards money with regard to attitudes towards hedonic indebtedness in Chilean high school students. Method: Of a sample of 1297 Chilean high school students, 46% are men and 54% are women, corresponding to the cities of La Serena, Coquimbo, Santiago and Temuco. The scales of Attitudes towards Indebtedness, Materialism for Adolescents, Scale of Susceptibility to the Influence of Peers and the Scale of Attitudes towards Money were applied. The data were analyzed through a hierarchical multiple linear regression. Results: The results indicate that there is a statistically significant relationship between sex, material values, peer effect and attitudes towards money with respect to hedonic indebtedness. Conclusion: The results obtained in this study provide clues when approaching financial education in adolescents, where it must be considered that the materialistic culture of the neoliberal economic model impacts on the attitudes, values ​​and propensity to indebtedness of adolescents and later adults.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(1): 117-132, ene. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149384


Resumen Chile es uno de los países con mayor esperanza de vida en Latinoamérica, así como con mayor porcentaje de personas mayores de 60 años. Este grupo etario es considerado como grupo vulnerable en procesos de inclusión económica. A esto se suma que muchos adultos mayores deben trabajar hasta edades avanzadas debido a las bajas pensiones y escasos recursos económicos, lo cual impacta su bienestar. Atendiendo a los antecedentes y desde la psicología económica, el objetivo de este estudio es conocer el significado del bienestar subjetivo y la inclusión económica en adultos mayores de entre 60-75 años, en zonas urbanas del sur de Chile. La metodología de investigación es cualitativa y se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, las cuales fueron analizadas con la técnica análisis de contenido y con el soporte del programa N-VIVO 11. Los participantes fueron 10 adultos mayores -3 hombres y 7 mujeres- todos líderes de clubes de adultos mayores. Los principales hallazgos muestran que los significados asociados al bienestar subjetivo se refieren a las fuentes de este, tales como familia, amigos y la participación en organizaciones de adultos mayores. Sin embargo, asocian sentimientos negativos relacionados con las dificultades que enfrentan por sus precarias condiciones económicas. En cuanto a los significados asociados a la inclusión económica, se refieren a habilidades tales como la capacidad de administración y distribución de los ingresos y la necesidad de aprender sobre el uso de herramientas tecnológicas que se requieren para sentirse incluidos en el sistema. Además, indican prácticas como el endeudamiento formal e informal y escaso ahorro.

Abstract Increasing life expectancy brings with it research challenges associated with the evidence of the psychosocial and economic implications of this fact in contemporary societies. At the same time, it is necessary to develop a field of study related to the quality of life and subjective well-being of this age group. Chile is one of the countries with the highest life expectancy in Latin America, as well as the highest percentage of people over 60. Faced with this panorama, it is necessary to know aspects that impact and take on meanings associated with subjective well-being in old age, as well as towards economic inclusion, considering that older adults, together with women heads of household and young people, are considered vulnerable socioeconomic groups in the processes of economic inclusion. Added to this is the fact that many older adults must continue to work into old age due to low pensions and scarce economic resources, which have an impact on their well-being. In this research, subjective well-being is considered to be composed of an affective and a cognitive dimension and is defined as the evaluation that people themselves make of their lives. On the other hand, economic inclusion is understood as a process of promoting affordable, timely and adequate access to a wide range of regulated financial products and services. Based on economic psychology, the objective of this study is to understand the meaning of subjective well-being and economic inclusion in older adults between the ages of 60-75 in urban areas of southern Chile. The study was realized in the Araucanía Region, the region with the highest poverty rate in this country. The research methodology is qualitative and semi-structured interviews were applied, which were analyzed with the content analysis technique and with the support of the N-VIVO 11 program. The participants were 10 older adults, 3 men and 7 women, leaders of older adult clubs. The research's ethical safeguards included the approval of the University of La Frontera Ethics Committee, incorporating the use of informed consent and authorization for the recording of interviews. The main findings show that the meanings associated with subjective well-being refer to its sources, such as family, friends and participation in organizations of older adults, declare positive feelings associated with happiness and satisfaction with life; however, they associate some negative feelings related to the difficulties they face due to precarious economic conditions that prevent them from satisfying basic needs (for example, health and food). As for the meanings associated with financial inclusion, they refer to skills such as the ability to manage and distribute income and the need to learn about the use of technological tools required to feel included in the system. In addition, they indicate practices associated with financial inclusion, highlighting formal and informal indebtedness and scarce savings. The results are discussed in light of the emerging categories of study population and theoretical background. It is suggested that financial capacities, as mechanisms that contribute to economic inclusion, are a dimension that should be highlighted in research and intervention, based on plans and programs aimed at the active ageing of older adults in Chile.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 51(2): 196-205, May-Aug. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1094037


Abstract This article presents the results of the analysis of psychometric properties of the Economic and Financial Literacy Test (TAEF-E) after its application in 811 high school students from nine educational establishments in the cities of Santiago (48.6%) and Temuco (51.4%) and whose sample had a 52.5% participation of women. For the study, three scales were applied: TAEF-E, the Scale of Susceptibility to the influence of peers in consumption and the Attitude Scale towards materialism for adolescents, managing to demonstrate optimal levels of internal consistency, adequate factor validity with a one-dimensional structure and significant correlations with sociodemographic and attitudinal variables, which allow to ratify as a whole, the validity and reliability of TAEF-E as an instrument to measure economic and financial literacy in secondary school students.

Resumen Este artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de propiedades psicométricas del Test de Alfabetización Económica y Financiera (TAEF-E) tras su aplicación en 811 estudiantes de secundaria de nueve establecimientos educativos de las ciudades de Santiago (48.6%) y Temuco (51.4%) y cuya muestra tuvo una participación del 52.5% de mujeres. Para el estudio, se aplicaron tres escalas: El TAEF-E, la Escala de Susceptibilidad a la influencia de los pares en el consumo y la Escala de Actitud hacia el materialismo para adolescentes, logrando demostrar niveles óptimos de consistencia interna, adecuada validez factorial con una estructura unidimensional y correlaciones significativas con variables sociodemográficas y actitudinales, que permiten ratificar en su conjunto, la validez y confiabilidad del TAEF-E como instrumento para medir la alfabetización económica y financiera en estudiantes de secundaria.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adolescente , Economia , Alfabetização , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Ensino Fundamental e Médio
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(1): 203-219, jun. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056528


En la actualidad, los temas de carácter económico y financiero se han convertido en tópicos de gran importancia social, considerando los conceptos teóricos, las habilidades y actitudes que una persona debe poseer para desenvolverse de manera adecuada en una sociedad dominada por el consumo. Esta investigación tiene como principal objetivo describir las prácticas de consumo y endeudamiento informal, actitudes hacia el endeudamiento, materialismo y susceptibilidad a la influencia de los pares y en adolescentes rurales, según género y nivel socioeconómico de una comuna semi-rural de la Región de La Araucanía-Chile. El estudio se realizó en dos etapas, la primera cualitativa en la cual se realizaron entrevistas grupales y una fase cuantitativa, en la que se aplicaron instrumentos que medían cada una de las variables mencionadas; además fueron comparadas con variables sociodemográficas. Los resultados indican que las fuentes de dinero de estos adolescentes son principalmente de los padres, becas o trabajos informales. Presentan deudas informales y se caracterizan por la presencia de emocionalidad positiva vinculada al éxito de sus conductas de compra y fuertes sentimientos negativos asociados al fracaso de ello. En relación a diferencias de género, los hombres se muestran más materialistas e influenciables por sus pares que las mujeres. Los resultados del estudio reflejan los cambios sociales transversales, ligados al modelo neoliberal que han tenido que experimentar los adolescentes al insertarse en el mundo de la economía, independientemente de si provienen del mundo urbano o rural.

Due to the economic and technological globalization derived from the incorporation of the neoliberal model in Latin America and mainly in Chile, has implied the need to achieve new abilities. That is how currently economic and financial topics have been considering as social relevant issues. This points as much to the theoretical concepts as the abilities and attitudes that a person must have for his development of a suitable way in a society dominated by the consumption and in the global market. In addition, several authors suggest that consumption becomes a source for the self's construction. In this way, adolescents are being in a process of identity's definition according to their evolutionary stage, which is currently linked to consumption, they become big important subjects for the market, advertising and marketing. Thus, this research has as main objective to describe the practices of consumption and informal indebtedness, attitudes towards indebtedness, materialism and susceptibility to the influence of peers in rural adolescents by gender and socioeconomic level of a semi-rural commune of the Region of La Araucanía-Chile. The study was conducted in two stages, first a qualitative phase in which group interviews were conducted with a multiple case design and a quantitative phase with a correlation-multivariate design, where instruments were applied that measured each of the aforementioned variables; They were also compared with sociodemographic variables such as gender and socioeconomic level. The results were grouped into two phases, the first phase grouped according to three central nuclei, the first core are consumption practices, this indicates that the money sources of these adolescents are mainly from parents, scholarships or informal jobs, this is usually used in personal expenses, leisure and food. They are also characterized by considering their personal opinion, family and friends. In relation to the second core refers to the practices of indebtedness, it is characterized by the presence of informal debts, mainly with their parents, friends and family. Regarding the third core refers to the emotions related to the purchase, this is characterized by the presence of positive emotionality linked to the success of their buying behaviors and strong negative feelings associated with the failure of it. Regarding the second phase, it was found that adolescents are characterized by being more austere than hedonistic and at a gender level; men have a greater average in materialism and greater influence of their peers than women do. There are no significant differences according to Socioeconomic Level. On the other hand, there are positive correlations between materialism and peer influence and between hedonism and materialism. Finally, there are no significant differences according to ethnicity. The results show that subjects have high levels of inclusion and digital access similar to that of urban adolescents. There is also a tendency towards early debt behavior that is consistent with the national surveys' numbers. In relation to savings, the adolescents of the study shows that they give more importance to saving than urban ones, especially in the long term. In relation to the emotions related to the purchase, are a concern issue, because of how they could involve the creation of an identity based on consumption, as well as imply problems in their satisfaction with life and in their mental health. The results of the study reflect the transversal social changes linked to the neoliberal model, that adolescents have had to experience when enter to the economics world, regardless of whether they come from the urban or rural world.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 9(2): 145-159, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-978733


Resumen El presente trabajo aborda la relación de significados entre la noción de cuerpo y las prácticas alimentarias, a partir de los relatos de madres chilenas de diferentes estratos socioeconómicos. Con base en una metodología cualitativa y un diseño descriptivo, se indagó en las pautas de socialización alimentaria promovidas por las madres al interior del hogar, con la finalidad de poder visualizar los significados que le asignan a la noción de cuerpo. Participaron 18 mujeres de entre 31 y 53 años de edad, pertenecientes a tres diferentes estratos socioeconómicos: bajo, medio y alto. Las participantes fueron entrevistadas individualmente, considerando tres ejes temáticos: estrategias de socialización alimentaria en el contexto familiar, preocupaciones en torno a los hábitos alimentarios familiares y preocupaciones en cuanto al cuidado de la salud. A partir del análisis realizado fue posible establecer tres grandes categorías de respuesta: prácticas alimentarias cotidianas, acciones de autocuidado y conocimientos. Si bien se encontró que estas categorías fueron transversales en cuanto a los tres estratos socioeconómicos, se identificaron ciertos matices que apuntan a las diferencias y las semejanzas que subyacen a los significados relativos a la noción de cuerpo.

Abstract This paper raises the relationship of meanings between the notion of body and feeding practices from the discourse of Chilean mothers of different income strata. Based on a qualitative methodology and a descriptive design, we investigated the patterns of food socialization promoted by the mothers within their homes, to visualize the mea nings assigned to the notion of body. A total of 18 women between 31 and 53 years with three different income strata (low, medium and high) were interviewed individually, considering three thematic axes: strategies of food socialization in the family context, concerns about family eating habits and concerns about health care. Based on the analysis carried out, three major response categories were yielded: daily food practices, self-care behaviors and knowledge. Although these categories were found to be transversal in the three income strata, certain nuances were identified that point to the differences and similarities that underlie the meanings related to the notion of the body.

Rev. CES psicol ; 11(1): 40-55, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-976904


Abstract The objectives of this study were to examine the psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Life Satisfaction Scale in university students (MSLSS) (Huebner, 1998) in a sample of university students from northern, central and southern Chile, where indicators of reliability and construct validity were examined. Also, it seeks to describe the levels of life satisfaction of students and to examine differences between gender and between socioeconomic statuses. The study is quantitative with a cross-sectional descriptive-relational design. The Multidimensional Life Satisfaction Scale was applied to a sample of 306 university students in northern, central and southern Chile, as well as a questionnaire that collected sociodemographic variables. It was used confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate the model expected from the five factors of the 40-item version of the scale. The results showed the scale had adequate psychometric behavior in this type of population, where also high satisfaction levels in overall and specific domains were found, and group differences were found by gender but not by socioeconomic status.

Resumen Los objetivos de este estudio fueron evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Multidimensional de Satisfacción con la Vida en Estudiantes (MSLSS) (Huebner, 1998) en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de la zona norte, centro y sur de Chile, examinando indicadores de contabilidad y validez de constructo. Junto a esto, se buscó describir los niveles de satisfacción con la vida de los estudiantes y examinar diferencias por género y nivel socioeconómico. El estudio es cuantitativo con un diseño descriptivo relacional transversal. La Escala Multidimensional de Satisfacción con la Vida fue aplicada a una muestra intencionada de 306 estudiantes universitarios en el norte, centro y sur de Chile, al igual que un cuestionario que recogió variables sociodemográficas. Se utilizó el análisis factorial confirmatorio para evaluar el modelo esperado de cinco factores de la versión de 40 ítems de la escala. Los resultados demuestran que la escala tiene un comportamiento psicométrico adecuado para este tipo de población, también se encontraron altos niveles de satisfacción en los dominios generales y específicos, y diferencias en género, mas no en nivel socioeconómico.

Interdisciplinaria ; 34(1): 107-124, June 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-893321


El objetivo de la investigación que se informa fue comparar las características emprendedoras personales y la alfabetización económica en estudiantes de dos facultades de una universidad pública ubicada en el sur de Chile. El diseño fue cuantitativo, no experimental, con un alcance descriptivo comparativo. Se aplicaron el Test de Características Emprendedoras Personales (PECs) y el Test de Alfabetización Económica para Adultos (TAE-A) a 200 estudiantes de las facultades de Ingeniería, Ciencias y Administración (FICA) y de Educación, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (FESCH). En primer lugar se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio del Test PECs, para luego caracterizar los niveles de alfabetización económica y comparar los resultados de ambas escalas y sus dimensiones entre los estudiantes de ambas facultades. Los resultados sugieren una nueva estructura de nueve dimensiones para el PECs. Ambas facultades muestran un bajo nivel de alfabetización económica, y al compararlas se encontró que los estudiantes de FICA presentan puntuaciones más elevadas en las siguientes dimensiones del Test PECs: anticipación del riesgo, persistencia y confianza, autoexigencia y calidad, búsqueda de control y excelencia, propositividad y previsión del futuro. De manera similar, estos estudiantes también obtuvieron puntuaciones más elevadas en la dimensión de Economía Internacional del TAE-A. Los resultados permiten concluir la necesidad de hacer una revisión del Test PECs antes de administrarlo en entornos profesionales, como así también revisar los planes de estudios de carreras universitarias cuyo objetivo explícito es la formación de profesionales emprendedores, de tal manera que incorporen de manera efectiva contenidos y competencias vinculadas al emprendimiento y a la alfabetización económica.

Entrepreneurship is defined as the capacity to detect and act upon economic opportunities in the environment, to gain an individual or collective benefit. Interest in this subject has led to relate this construct with individual and social variables. However, few studies have focused on the characteristics of entrepreneurs and their level of knowledge about the economic world, known as economic literacy. This is relevant given that entrepreneurship cannot be solely understood from the concept of opportunity or the traits of the entrepreneur, and instead these elements must be understood in their interaction. From this point of view, economic literacy is fundamental. Understanding the economic world allows the entrepreneur to better manage resources and projects and to take informed decisions about daily economic problems. Following principles from Economic Psychology, this research aims to compare the personal entrepreneurial characteristics and the economic literacy of Chilean university students of two faculties. The design of this study is quantitative, non-experimental, with a descriptive scope. The Test of Entrepreneurial Personal Characteristics (PECs) and the Test of Economic Literacy for Adults (TAE-A) and was answered by 200 students from the faculties of Engineering, Science and Management (FICA) and Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (FESCH). A convenience sample was chosen, which comprised 57.5% men and 42.5% women, with a mean age of 22 years. The test PECs measures 10 dimensions, related to the three basic elements of entrepreneurship: innovation, risk-taking and proactivity. The TAE-A measures knowledge on General Economy, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and International Economy. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted over the PECs Test, and a following Student's t Test to compare the scores between students from both faculties. The exploratory factor analysis of the test PECs suggests a new nine-dimensional structure for the Chilean student population, thus changing the original structure and categories of the test. Both faculties showed a low level of economic knowledge. When comparing both faculties in the PECs test, significant differences were found in six out the nine dimensions, that is, the FICA students presented significantly higher scores for the following personal entrepreneurial characteristics: Risk anticipation, Persistence and confidence, Self-demand and quality, Search for control and excellence, Propositivity and Foresight. Similarly, FICA students had higher levels of economic knowledge of International Economy, although no significant differences were found when comparing the overall performance on economic literacy. Neither faculty reached the degree of economic literacy expected for this education level. This should be a cause of concern because previous research asserts that a deficit in economic literacy in adults puts them at risk of compulsive economic behavior, consumerism, overspending and debt. In conclusion, although the emergent structure of the PECs test may be useful, a confirmatory factor analysis and further studies of its psychometric properties are suggested for its use in research and assessment of interventions on entrepreneurship in university populations. These results highlight the importance of strengthening economic literacy and the promotion of entrepreneurial personal characteristics, as part of the personal and professional development of university students with emphasis on those careers that are explicitly linked to entrepreneurship. Limitations of the study are the convenience sampling method used and the lack of exploration of other sources of economic knowledge outside academia and also, the design and scope of this study does not allow to conclude if the differences found are due to the learning inside the university context or if students with different profiles are drawn to different careers and faculties. Drawing from both findings and limitations, suggestions for future research in the subject of economic literacy and entrepreneurship and related issues are outlined.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 7(2): 105-115, Jul.-Dec. 2016. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-845430


Resumen: El presente estudio aborda la relación entre las vivencias de bienestar subjetivo y los procesos de selección, compra, preparación y consumo de alimentos en adultos residentes en el sur de Chile. Con base en una aproximación cualitativa y un diseño exploratorio, se indaga sobre cómo la alimentación incide en la satisfacción vital de las personas, así como en sus vivencias de descontento o insatisfacción. Se realizaron grupos focales y entrevistas en profundidad con 60 participantes, hombres y mujeres, de 18 a 76 años de edad, cuyo discurso fue sometido a análisis de contenido. Los resultados redefinen las prácticas alimentarias en términos de su influencia socioafectiva y sociocultural en el bienestar subjetivo, en el comportamiento de compra de alimentos y en sus patrones de alimentación. Se concluye que las prácticas alimentarias no solo están asociadas al deleite sensorial, sino que también son centrales tanto para la convivencia familiar y social como para el cuidado de la salud. Este estudio establece una interfase analítica entre los debates sobre bienestar subjetivo de la psicología positiva y los relativos al comportamiento alimentario presentes en la psicología del consumo.

Abstract: This article reviews the relationship between the experience of subjective well-being and the processes of selection, purchase, preparation and consumption of food in adults in the southern part of Chile. Based on qualitative methodology and conceived as an exploratory design this research aims how feeding impacts on the vital satisfaction of people as well as in their dissatisfaction and discontent experiences. A group of 60 men and women between 18-76 years participated in focus group sessions and in-depth interviews; their speech was studied by content analysis. The results redefine feeding practices in terms of socio-affective and socio-cultural influence in the experience of subjective well-being regarding food purchasing behavior and feeding patterns. We conclude that feeding practices are not only associated to sensory pleasures but also to family and social life as well as to health care. Thus, this study establishes an analytical interface in the dialogue regarding the experience of subjective well-being from the positive psychology and those related to feeding behavior from the psychology of consumption.

Suma psicol ; 23(1): 1-9, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-791445


El endeudamiento tiene un gran impacto en la calidad de vida, por ello es necesaria la comprensión de las variables que subyacen a este comportamiento. Al respecto, el locus de control ha sido señalado como una variable psicológica relevante que podría estar relacionada con las actitudes hacia la deuda y, por ende, con el uso del crédito en los jóvenes. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si existe relación entre el locus de control del consumidor y las actitudes hacia el endeudamiento en una muestra de 472 estudiantes universitarios chilenos de carreras de pedagogía de dos universidades del sur de Chile. Para recoger los datos, se adaptó y transculturizó la Escala de Locus de Control del Consumidor al contexto chileno. Para evaluar las actitudes hacia el endeudamiento se utilizó la Escala de Actitudes hacia el Endeudamiento. Los análisis de la escala de locus de control del consumidor indicaron la necesidad de abandonar la unidimensionalidad de la escala; así, emergió una nueva solución de tres factores. El análisis de diferencias de sexo revela que los hombres presentan actitudes más favorables hacia el endeudamiento. En concordancia con la hipótesis general del estudio, actitudes de mayor tolerancia hacia el endeudamiento se relacionan con un locus externo en materia de consumo. Los resultados aportan evidencia que sustenta la relación teórica entre las atribuciones de control y las actitudes hacia la deuda, y constituyen un insumo relevante para el diseño de estrategias de educación financiera en los jóvenes, al enfatizar la importancia de considerar la influencia de variables psicológicas y no solamente contenidos financieros si se esperan cambios significativos del comportamiento.

Indebtedness has great impact on quality of life, and this is why it is necessary to understand the variables that underlie this behaviour. In this regard, the locus of control has been identified as an important psychological variable that could be related to attitudes towards debt and therefore, with the behaviour of the credit use in young people. This paper sought to determine whether there is a relationship between consumer locus of control and attitudes toward debt in Chilean college students of pedagogy undergraduate programs. The sample included 472 pedagogy students from 2 universities in southern Chile. The Consumer Locus of Control Scale was validated and adapted to the Chilean context in order to carry out data collection. Attitudes towards debt were evaluated by means of the Attitudes Towards Indebtedness Scale to assess attitudes towards indebtedness. The Consumer Locus of Control Scale analysis indicated the need to abandon the one-dimensionality of the scale, thereby giving rise to a new 3-factor solution. Analysis of gender differences reveals that men have more favourable attitudes toward indebtedness. Finally, and in accordance with the general hypothesis of the study, more tolerant attitudes toward indebtedness are associated with an external locus in terms of consumption. The results provide evidence that supports the theoretical relationship between the attributes of control and attitudes towards debt, and constitute a relevant input for the design of financial education strategies in young people, emphasis also placed in considering the influence of psychological variables, and not just the financial content, if significant changes are expected in the behaviour.

Summa psicol. UST ; 11(1): 51-63, 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-723027


El propósito de esta investigación es describir la experiencia de bienestar subjetivo y la autoevaluación de las prácticas alimentarias de estudiantes universitarios del sur de Chile. La muestra fue de 40 jóvenes de ambos géneros, de distintas carreras de pregrado en una universidad estatal del sur de Chile. Los datos se recolectaron por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados más relevantes son que los estudiantes entrevistados se consideran en buena medida satisfechos con su vida, y reportan como elementos que los hacen felices: compartir con familia y amigos, mantener un buen desempeño académico, tener tiempo para sí mismos y alcanzar sus metas y objetivos. Sobre la evaluación de su alimentación actual, más de la mitad de los entrevistados declara no sentirse satisfecho con sus hábitos alimenticios, mientras que su grado de felicidad al comer está en función de sensaciones placenteras asociadas, contacto social durante la comida y a la satisfacción de necesidades básicas. Con este estudio se exploran factores sobre alimentación y bienestar poco abordados en población universitaria latinoamericana, sugiriendo que programas y estrategias de alimentación saludable para esta población deben ir más allá de los aspectos nutritivos y tomar en cuenta factores motivacionales y sociales que inciden en las decisiones alimentarias de los estudiantes.

This research aims to describe the experience of subjective well-being and self-assessment of dietary practices in university students in southern Chile. The sample was made up of 40 students of both genders, enrolled in undergraduate programs at a Chilean state university. Data was collected through a semi-structured interview. The results show that these university students are mostly satisfied with life, and spending time with family and friends, maintaining a good academic performance, having time for themselves and achieving their goals and objectives are reported as elements that make them happy. As to the assessment made by the participants about their current food-related life, more than half of the respondents reported dissatisfaction, while their degree of happiness when they eat is in relation to pleasurable sensations, social contact during the meal and meeting basic needs. This study explores issues on eating habits and well-being rarely addressed in Latin American university population so far, suggesting that interventions and strategies on healthful eating for this population must transcend nutrition information and take into account motivation and social factors that influence students' food choices.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Dieta , Estudantes/psicologia , Satisfação Pessoal , Qualidade de Vida , Chile , Comportamento do Consumidor , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Univ. psychol ; 11(2): 497-509, jun.-dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-669316


El número de estudiantes universitarios que presentan un endeudamiento temprano se ha incrementado en los últimos años, lo que representa un riesgo potencial para su estabilidad financiera. La presente investigación analiza la validez factorial de la Escala de Actitudes hacia el Endeudamiento (Denegri et al., 1999) y determina la existencia de tipología de perfiles actitudinales hacia el endeudamiento, en una muestra de 984 estudiantes universitarios chilenos con edades entre 18 y 25 años. Los resultados señalan la presencia de dos factores independientes denominados Hedonismo y Austeridad, a partir de los cuales se determinaron cuatro perfiles de actitudes hacia el endeudamiento llamados: austero, difuso, hedonista y ambivalente, que podrían estar a la base de comportamientos de aceptación o rechazo del endeudamiento.

The number of university students who present an early indebtedness has increased in the last years, which represents a potential risk for his financial stability. This study examined validity factorial of the Scale of Attitudes toward the Indebtedness (Denegri et al., 1999) and determines the existence of profile attitudinal typology towards the indebtedness in a sample of 984 university Chilean students with ages between 18 and 25 years. The results indicate the presence of two independent factors named Hedonism and Austerity, from which four profiles of attitudes decided towards the indebtedness named: austere, diffuse, hedonistic and ambivalent those who might be to the base of his behaviors of acceptance or rejection of the indebtedness.

Psicol. Caribe ; (28): 1-23, jul.-dic. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-649997


La presente investigación, enmarcada en el Proyecto Fondecyt N.° 1090179, buscó identificar diferencias en las actitudes hacia la compra y el consumo entre estudiantes de Pedagogía y profesores en ejercicio de la ciudad de Temuco. La muestra estuvo conformada por 88 estudiantes y 103 profesores en ejercicio, a los cuales se aplicó la escala de actitudes hacia el consumo y la compra (Tang y Luna, 1999, citado en Gebauer, Schäfer y Soto, 2003) y escala de materialismo (Richins y Dawson, 1992). Los resultados muestran que las mujeres presentan actitudes racionales en coexistencia con actitudes impulsivas. Por otro lado, los profesores en ejercicio tienen una actitud más racional y tienden a considerar al materialismo como central en sus vidas en comparación con los estudiantes de Pedagogía. Los hallazgos se discuten con relación a los antecedentes existentes en esta línea de investigación.

The present research, framed within Fondecyt Project Number 1090179, searched to identify differences in attitudes toward purchase and consumption between pedagogy students and teachers of Temuco (Chile). The sample was formed by 88 students and 103 teachers; we applied them the Attitudes toward Consumption and Purchase Scale (Tang and Luna, 1999 as cited in Gebauer, Schäfer and Soto, 2003) and the Materialism Scale (Richins andDawson, 1992). The results show that women present rational attitudes in coexistence with impulsive attitudes. On the other side, the teachers have a rational attitude and tend to consider materialism as central in their lives compared to pedagogy students. The discoveries are discussed based on the existing antecedents in this line research.

Interdisciplinaria ; 24(2): 137-159, ago.-dic. 2007. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-633429


La comprensión del mundo del dinero y de los mecanismos de crédito y ahorro constituyen prerrequisitos indispensables para el desarrollo de conductas económicas racionales y para evitar niveles excesivos de endeudamiento. En este marco es indispensable que los jóvenes adolescentes adquieran una alfabetización económica y una alfabetización financiera que los preparen para su inserción en el mundo del trabajo y la toma de decisiones económicas. El propósito de este trabajo, desarrollado en el ámbito de la Psicología Económica y a partir de un marco cognitivo / evolutivo, es describir el proceso de desarrollo de la comprensión del funcionamiento bancario en adolescentes chilenos. Los participantes fueron 159 adolescentes escolarizados de 14 a 18 años, balanceados por sexo, pertenecientes a los niveles socioeconómicos alto, medio y bajo y residentes tanto de ciudades multifinancieras, como de ciudades con funcionamiento financiero limitado. Como instrumento de recolección de datos se utilizó una entrevista clínica piagetiana que interrogaba a los jóvenes acerca de las funciones del banco, la forma de acceder a créditos, el ahorro y la relación entre tasas de interés, crédito y ahorro. Los resultados indicaron mayores niveles de comprensión en los sujetos pertenecientes a niveles socioeconómicos medio y alto, residentes en ciudades multifinancieras, y una pobre comprensión en los jóvenes de nivel socioeconómico bajo, residentes en ciudades con sistema financiero limitado. Se discuten estos resultados considerando la creciente complejidad que el mercado impone a las personas como producto de la globalización y la necesidad de líneas educativas en el ámbito financiero y de educación para el consumo en la enseñanza formal de los niños y jóvenes.

The understanding of the world of money and the mechanisms of credit and saving constitute prerequirements indispensable for the development of rational economic behaviours and to avoid excessive levels of indebtedness, this problem moreover being considered urgent in expanding economies. In this frame it is crucial that the adolescents acquire an economic and financial literacy that prepares them for their insertion in the world of work and economic decision making. Economic literacy refers to the acquisition, done by children, adolescents and adults, of knowledge, beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviours related to the use of money, the consumption of goods and services, and the performance in the daily economic world. Economic literacy requires a personal financial literacy defined as the ability to read, to analyze, to understand, to handle and to communicate personal financial situations that affect personal finances and the capacity to make financial decisions considering the variables existing in the economic context. The intention of this research, developed from an Economic Psychology approach, was to describe the development process of the understanding of banking operation in Chilean adolescents. Participants were 159 teenagers enrolled in school with an age range from 14 to 18 years old, balanced by sex and belonging to socioeconomic high, average and low levels, which were divided in two subsamples according to if they were residents of multifinancial cities or financially limited functioning cities. As the data collection instrument, a piagetian clinical interview was used to interrogate the young people about the functions of a bank, the form to accede to credits, savings and the relation between interest rates, credit and saving. The results indicate greater levels of understanding in subjects belonging to average and high socioeconomic levels and residents of multifinancial cities, and a poor understanding in the young people of low socioeconomic level who reside in cities with a limited financial system. Both the qualitative and quantitative analysis of information, indicate that there is a general agreement between the present results and those obtained in previous studies with adolescents in other cultural contexts. One can observe that although an important percentage of subjects have a suitable general understanding of the rules of banking operation, there still is an important number of adolescents who do not obtain this understanding or obtain it only partially. Even in advanced understanding subjects, there is a persistence of difficulties in the ability to relate the action and impact of diverse economic variables (for example, interest rates, internal economic situation of the country, inflation and global economic context variables), which denotes, on the one hand, an insufficient baggage of specific economic knowledge and on the other, the difficulty to think about systems. It is important to consider the influence of the social, cultural and economic context in the comprehension of the function of the bank as a financial intermediary and in the development of consumer behavior. The lack of economic literacy found in the sample indicates the urgent task of preparing our young people for the comprehension of and efficient performance in the economic world, providing them with the information and strategies necessary for decision making as consumers and plaintiffs of financial resources, as a way of contributing to a fairer society and an equitable development. For this purpose, the incorporation of general economic literacy and specifically a suitable financial literacy in the formal education is very relevant.