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Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(1): e20220469, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550031


Resumo Fundamento: Seguimento de coorte retrospectiva de 30 anos que se aproxima da história natural dos tumores cardíacos diagnosticados no feto uma vez que nenhum caso foi submetido à interrupção da gestação. Objetivo: Avaliar a morbidade e mortalidade perinatal e em longo prazo em fetos com diagnóstico de tumor cardíaco. Como objetivo secundário avaliar os fatores que influenciaram os resultados perinatais e pós-natais. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva envolvendo 74 gestantes com diagnóstico ecocardiográfico fetal de tumor cardíaco acompanhadas em dois serviços de referência no período de maio de 1991 a novembro de 2021. Foi realizada análise descritiva dos dados por meio de frequências absolutas (n) e relativas (%), mediana e intervalos interquartis. Para avaliar a associação entre as características ecocardiográficas e as manifestações clínicas com os resultados perinatais e pós-natais, foi aplicado o teste exato de Fisher. O cálculo da sobrevida global foi realizado pelo método de Kaplan-Meier e a comparação de curvas pelo teste de log-rank. O tempo de seguimento, calculado em meses, foi definido a partir da data de alta do hospital à data do status atual (vivo/censura ou óbito). O nível de significância considerado foi de 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: o rabdomioma é o tipo mais frequente (85%) de tumor cardíaco; apresenta alta morbidade (79,3%) e mortalidade geral de 17,4%; a presença de hidropisia fetal preditiva de óbito. Conclusão: A presença de hidropisia fetal teve impacto na mortalidade, sendo fator importante para aconselhamento e estabelecimento de prognóstico. A maioria dos óbitos ocorrem antes da alta hospitalar.

Abstract Background: This was a 30-year retrospective cohort study that approximates closely to the natural history of cardiac tumors diagnosed in the fetus, since there was no case of pregnancy interruption Objective: To assess morbidity and mortality in the perinatal period and at long term in fetuses diagnosed with cardiac tumor. Our secondary objective was to assess the evaluating factors of perinatal and postnatal results. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study with 74 pregnant women with an echocardiographic diagnosis of fetal cardiac tumor at two referral centers between May 1991 and November 2021. A descriptive analysis was performed, and data were expressed as absolute (n) and relative (%) frequencies, median and interquartile range. Fisher's exact test was used to evaluate the association of echocardiographic characteristics and clinical manifestations with perinatal and postnatal results. Global survival was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method and the curves were compared by the log-rank test. The time of follow-up, calculated in months, corresponded to the time elapsed from hospital discharge to current status (survived/ censoring or death). The level of significance was set at 5% (p<0.05). Results: Rhabdomyoma is the most common type of cardiac tumor (85%), with a high morbidity (79.3%) and overall mortality of 17.4%. The presence of fetal hydrops was a predictor of death. Conclusion: The presence of fetal hydrops had an impact on mortality, and hence is an important factor in counselling and determining the prognosis. Most deaths occurred before hospital discharge.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 27: e240009, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535586


ABSTRACT Objective: To present the methodology used in the development of two products for maternal health surveillance and its determinants and discuss their possible uses. Methods: Based on a theoretical model of the determinants of maternal death and databases of Brazilian health information systems, two free products were developed: an interactive panel "surveillance of maternal health" and an educational material "Aparecida: a story about the vulnerability of Brazilian women to maternal death", both available on the website of the Brazilian Obstetric Observatory. Results: More than 30 indicators were calculated for the period 2012-2020, containing information on socioeconomic conditions and access to health services, reproductive planning, prenatal care, delivery care, conditions of birth and maternal mortality and morbidity. The indicators related to severe maternal morbidity in public hospitalizations stand out, calculated for the first time for the country. The panel allows analysis by municipality or aggregated by health region, state, macro-region and country; historical series analysis; and comparisons across locations and with benchmarks. Information quality data are presented and discussed in an integrated manner with the indicators. In the educational material, visualizations with national and international data are presented, aiming to help in the understanding of the determinants of maternal death and facilitate the interpretation of the indicators. Conclusion: It is expected that the two products have the potential to expand epidemiological surveillance of maternal health and its determinants, contributing to the formulation of health policies and actions that promote women's health and reduce maternal mortality.

RESUME Objetivo: Apresentar a metodologia utilizada no desenvolvimento de dois produtos para a vigilância da saúde materna e seus determinantes e discutir as suas possíveis utilizações. Métodos: A partir de modelo teórico dos determinantes do óbito materno e bases de dados dos sistemas de informação em saúde brasileiros, foram desenvolvidos dois produtos gratuitos: um painel interativo denominado "Vigilância da saúde materna" e um material educativo chamado "Aparecida: uma história sobre a vulnerabilidade da mulher brasileira à morte materna", ambos disponíveis no site do Observatório Obstétrico Brasileiro. Resultados: Foram calculados mais de 30 indicadores para o período 2012-2020, contendo informações sobre condições socioeconômicas e de acesso a serviços de saúde, planejamento reprodutivo, assistência pré-natal, assistência ao parto, condições de nascimento e mortalidade e morbidade materna. Destacam-se os indicadores relacionados à morbidade materna grave em internações públicas, calculados pela primeira vez para o país. O painel permite análises por município ou agregadas por região de saúde, unidade da federação, macrorregião e país; análises de série histórica; e comparações entre localidades e com padrões de referência. Dados de qualidade da informação são apresentados e discutidos de forma integrada aos indicadores. No material educativo, visualizações com dados nacionais e internacionais são apresentadas, visando auxiliar na compreensão dos determinantes do óbito materno e facilitar a interpretação dos indicadores. Conclusão: Espera-se que os produtos tenham o potencial de ampliar a vigilância epidemiológica da saúde materna e seus determinantes, contribuindo para a formulação de políticas e ações de saúde que promovam a saúde das mulheres e reduzam a mortalidade materna.

Braz. j. anesth ; 74(3): 844495, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564101


Abstract Background: Myelomeningocele (MMC) is a neural tube defect disease. Antenatal repair of fetal MMC is an alternative to postnatal repair. Many agents can be used as tocolytics during the in utero fetal repair such as β2-agonists and oxytocin receptor antagonists, with possible maternal and fetal repercussions. This study aims to compare maternal arterial blood gas analysis between terbutaline or atosiban, as tocolytic agents, during intrauterine MMC repair. Methods: Retrospective cohort study. Patients were divided into two groups depending on the main tocolytic agent used during intrauterine MMC repair: atosiban (16) or terbutaline (9). Maternal arterial blood gas samples were analyzed on three moments: post induction (baseline, before the start of tocolysis), before extubation, and two hours after the end of the surgery. Results: Twenty-five patients were included and assessed. Before extubation, the terbutaline group showed lower arterial pH (7.347 ± 0.05 vs. 7.396 ± 0.02 for atosiban, p = 0.006) and higher arterial lactate (28.33 ± 12.76 mg.dL-1 vs. 13.06 ± 6.35 mg.dL-1, for atosiban, p = 0.001) levels. Conclusions: Patients who received terbutaline had more acidosis and higher levels of lactate, compared to those who received atosiban, during intrauterine fetal MMC repair.

Clinics ; 79: 100325, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534249


Abstract Introduction Pregnancy and diabetes mellitus promote several musculoskeletal changes predisposing this population to complaints of Lower Back (LB) and Pelvic Pain (PP). Objective To assess the frequency of LB and PP and associated factors in type 1 Diabetic (DM1) pregnant women. Method: An observational analytical cross-sectional study. Thirty-six pregnant women with DM1 were evaluated through a postural assessment with a focus on pelvic positioning and what patients reported. The associated factors were assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form (ICIQ-SF), and the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Results The frequency of LB and PP was 55.6 % and 30.6 %, respectively. The presence of anxiety was not associated with a higher prevalence of pain. The incidence of sexual dysfunctions was higher in the GD. DM1 duration had a mean of 14.9 years (± 8.2 SD) in the GD and 9.0 years (± 6.9 SD) in the GSD, which was statistically significant (p ≤ 0.050). In the multiple binary regression analysis for the occurrence of pain, the independent factor was DM1 duration ≥ 17 years (OR = 11.2; 95 % CI = 1.02‒124.75). The association between DM1 duration ≥ 17 years and being overweight showed a probability of 95 % for the studied population in the analysis of the probabilities of occurrence of the pain event. Conclusion There was a high frequency of LB and PP related to pregnancy in DM1 pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy. The incidence of sexual dysfunction and DM1 duration ≥ 17 years increases the chance that DM1 pregnant women will experience pain. There was no association between anxiety. urinary incontinence and pain in DM1 pregnant women.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(7): 377-383, July 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507877


Abstract Objective To analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the residency of gynecology and obstetrics in São Paulo. Methods Cross-sectional study developed by representatives of residents of the Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the State of São Paulo (SOGESP, in the Portuguese acronym). Data were collected from questionnaires applied to gynecology and obstetrics residents registered on the SOGESP website in February 2022. The interviewees answered about the repercussions of the pandemic on medical residency and whether they had technical and psychological support during the period. Results A total of 247 questionnaires were collected from residents of gynecology and obstetrics. The residents had an age of 28.3 ± 3 years old, and most of them were female (88.4%). The displacement to COVID care was reported by 62.34% of the students, but only 35.6% reported completely adequate personal protective equipment and only 7.7% reported complete theoretical and technical instruction to support these patients. Almost all of the interviewees stated that the gynecology sector was the most affected. The majority of the interviewees considered that the second-year residents had the greatest loss, and more than half of the residents in the 1st and 2nd year said they wished to give up their residency during the pandemic. More than 80% of the residents reported online theoretical classes and/or presentation of articles, reinforcing the fact that virtual activities gained a greater space within the medical residency. Conclusion The pandemic impacted the residency in greater proportion in outpatient clinics and gynecological surgeries, also interfering with the physician's desire to continue with the program.

Resumo Objetivo Analisar o impacto pandemia de COVID-19 sobre a residência de ginecologia e obstetrícia do Estado de São Paulo. Métodos Estudo transversal desenvolvido por representantes dos residentes da Associação de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Estado de São Paulo (SOGESP). Foram coletados dados de questionários aplicados aos residentes de ginecologia e obstetrícia cadastrados no site da SOGESP em fevereiro de 2022. Os entrevistados responderam sobre repercussões da pandemia sobre a residência médica e se tiveram suporte técnico e psicológico durante o período. Resultados Foram levantados 247 questionários de residentes de ginecologia e obstetrícia. Os residentes apresentaram idade de 28,3 ± 3 anos, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (88,4%). O deslocamento para "covidários" foi referido por 62,34% dos avaliados, porém somente 35,6% referiram equipamento de proteção individual completamente adequado e apenas 7,7% referiram instrução completa teórica e técnica para o suporte destes pacientes. Quase a totalidade dos entrevistados afirmou que o setor de ginecologia foi o mais afetado. A maioria dos entrevistados considerou que o os residentes do segundo ano foram os que tiveram maior prejuízo, sendo que mais da metade dos residentes do 1° e 2° ano afirmou ter desejado desistir da residência durante a pandemia. Mais de 80% dos residentes referiram aulas teóricas e/ou apresentação de artigos online, reforçando o fato de que as atividades virtuais ganharam um espaço maior dentro da residência médica. Conclusão A pandemia impactou nas residências em maior proporção nos ambulatórios e cirurgias ginecológicas, interferindo também sobre o desejo do médico de seguir com o programa.

Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Educação Médica , COVID-19 , Ginecologia , Internato e Residência
Clinics ; 78: 100230, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447979


Abstract Objectives Hospitalization during pregnancy and childbirth increases the risk of Venous Thromboembolism Risk (VTE). This study applied a VTE risk score to all hospitalized pregnant women to ascertain its effectiveness in preventing maternal death from VTE until 3 months after discharge. Methods In this interventional study, patients were classified as low- or high-risk according to the VTE risk score (Clinics Hospital risk score). High-risk patients (score ≥ 3) were scheduled for pharmacological Thromboprophylaxis (TPX). Interaction analysis of the main risk factors was performed using Odds Ratio (OR) and Poisson regression with robust variance. Results The data of 10694 cases (7212 patients) were analyzed; 1626 (15.2%, 1000 patients) and 9068 (84.8%, 6212 patients) cases were classified as high-risk (score ≥ 3) and low-risk (score < 3), respectively. The main risk factors (Odds Ratio, 95% Confidence Interval) for VTE were age ≥ 35 and < 40 years (1.6, 1.4-1.8), parity ≥ 3 (3.5, 3.0-4.0), age ≥ 40 years (4.8, 4.1-5.6), multiple pregnancies (2.1, 1.7-2.5), BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2 (5.1, 4.3-6.0), severe infection (4.1, 3.3-5.1), and cancer (12.3, 8.8-17.2). There were 10 cases of VTE: 7/1636 (0.4%) and 3/9068 (0.03%) in the high- and low-risk groups, respectively. No patient died of VTE. The intervention reduced the VTE risk by 87%; the number needed to treat was 3. Conclusions This VTE risk score was effective in preventing maternal deaths from VTE, with a low indication for TPX. Maternal age, multiparity, obesity, severe infections, multiple pregnancies, and cancer were the main risk factors for VTE.

Clinics ; 78: 100174, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430228


ABSTRACT Objectives: To analyze the perinatal outcomes of Perinatally acquired HIV Infection (PHIV) in pregnant women. Method: This retrospective cohort study included singleton pregnancies in Women Living with HIV (WLH) between 2006 and 2019. Patient charts were revised, and maternal characteristics, type of HIV infection (perinatal vs. behavioral), Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) exposure, and obstetric and neonatal outcomes were assessed. The HIV-related aspects considered were: Viral Load (VL), CD4+ cell count, opportunistic infections, and genotype testing. Laboratory analyses were performed at baseline (first appointment) and 34 weeks of gestation. Results: There were 186 WLH pregnancies, and 54 (29%) patients had PHIV. Patients with PHIV were younger (p < 0.001), had less frequently stable partnerships (p < 0.001), had more commonly serodiscordant partners (p < 0.001), had a longer time on ART (p < 0.001), and had lower rates of undetectable VL at baseline (p = 0.046) and at 34 weeks of gestation (p < 0.001). No association was observed between PHIV and adverse perinatal outcomes. Among patients with PHIV, third trimester anemia was associated with preterm birth (p = 0.039). Genotype testing was available only for 11 patients with PHIV, who presented multiple mutations related to ART resistance. Conclusions: PHIV did not seem to increase the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes. However, PHIV pregnancies have a higher risk of viral suppression failure and exposure to complex ARTs.

Fisioter. Bras ; 23(6): 841-852, 2022-12-22.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436550


Introdução: A gestação e o diabetes mellitus promovem diversas alterações musculoesqueléticas, predispondo disfunções miccionais e sexuais. Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência de incontinência urinária e disfunção sexual em gestantes diabéticas tipo 1. Métodos: Estudo analítico, observacional do tipo transversal. Foram avaliadas 13 gestantes com diabetes do tipo 1 no período de abril 2017 a fevereiro 2018, por meio dos Questionários International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Short Form (ICIQ-SF) e o Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Foi utilizado o programa estatístico SPSS versão 20.1 para análise de dados, avaliando a média e desvio padrão (DP), tendência central e dispersão, frequência absoluta (n) e relativa (%). Para correlação entre o ICIQ e o FSFI o teste de correlação linear de Pearson. Resultados: Frequência de incontinência urinária foi 38,5%, o que demonstrou impacto leve na qualidade de vida das gestantes. O escore geral do FSFI foi de 20,49, identificando a presença de disfunção sexual (FSFI ≤ 26). No grupo de gestantes, 92,3% (n = 12) apresentaram disfunção sexual, os domínios satisfação e excitação com maiores prevalências. Correlacionando o ICIQ-SF com FSFI, houve correlação moderada, mas não significativa (r = 0,534; p = 0,60). As amostras apresentaram distribuição normal de acordo com o teste de Levene. Conclusão: A frequência de incontinência urinária em gestantes diabéticas do tipo 1 foi baixa, mas houve presença de disfunção sexual, os domínios satisfação e excitação foram os mais frequentes.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 68(6): 860-865, June 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387173


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether a single measurement of vascular endothelial growth factor could distinguish between intrauterine pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy and to correlate the levels of vascular endothelial growth factor with serum levels of progesterone andβ-human chorionic gonadotropin in each subgroup. METHODS: Ninety patients with a positive human chorionic gonadotropin test and either abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding were selected; pregnancies were singletons, spontaneously conceived, 42-56 days of gestational age. All patients had a transvaginal ultrasound examination and were divided into three subgroups: abnormal intrauterine pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, and normal intrauterine pregnancy. Tubal pregnancies were surgically treated and histologically confirmed. Blood samples were collected for the determination of β-human chorionic gonadotropin, progesterone, and vascular endothelial growth factor and their concentrations were compared in each subgroup. Receiver operating characteristic curve was calculated by comparing the subgroup of tubal pregnancy to the other groups. A Fisher discriminant function analysis was performed. The level of significance was 5%. RESULTS: One-way analysis of variance revealed a significant correlation between the different subgroups and β-human chorionic gonadotropin, progesterone, and vascular endothelial growth factor serum levels (p<0.001). Vascular endothelial growth factor concentration was significantly higher for patients with tubal pregnancy than for other subgroups (p<0.05). β-Human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone levels were higher in the subgroup with normal intrauterine pregnancies compared with the subgroups with tubal and abnormal intrauterine pregnancies (p<0.05). Serum vascular endothelial growth factor level >188.7 ng/mL predicted tubal pregnancy with 96.7% sensitivity, 95.0% specificity, 90.6% positive predictive value, and 98.3% negative predictive value. CONCLUSIONS: Serum vascular endothelial growth factor could be a marker in discriminating intrauterine pregnancy from tubal pregnancy; its levels are increased in women with ectopic pregnancy compared with women with normal and abnormal intrauterine pregnancies.

Clinics ; 77: 100027, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375200


Abstract Objective To evaluate objective criteria of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Placenta Accreta Spectrum disorder (PAS) analyzing interobserver agreement and to derive a model including imaging and clinical variables to predict PAS. Methods A retrospective review including patients submitted to MRI with suspicious findings of PAS on ultrasound. Exclusion criteria were lack of pathology or surgical information and missing or poor-quality MRI. Two radiologists analyzed six MRI features, and significant clinical data were also recorded. PAS confirmed on pathology or during intraoperative findings were considered positive for the primary outcome. Variables were tested through logistic regression models. Results Final study included 96 patients with a mean age of 33 years and 73.0% of previous C-sections. All MRI features were significantly associated with PAS for both readers. After logistic regression fit, including MRI signs with a moderate or higher interobserver agreement, intraplacental T2 dark band was the most significant radiologic criteria, and ROC analysis resulted in an AUC = 0.782. After including the most relevant clinical data (previous C-section) to the model, the ROC analysis improved to an AUC = 0.893. Conclusion Simplified objective criteria on MRI, including intraplacental T2 dark band associated with clinical information of previous C-sections, had the highest accuracy and was used for a predictive model of PAS.

Clinics ; 77: 100072, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394286


Abstract Objective: To identify risk factors for Oxygen (O2) needs in pregnant and postpartum women with COVID-19. Methods: Prospective cohort involving pregnant women hospitalized with COVID-19 from April to October 2020. The oxygen need was analyzed regarding risk factors: demographic characteristics, clinical and laboratory parameters at hospital admission, and chest Computer Tomography (CT) findings. Poisson univariate analysis was used to estimate the Relative Risk (RR) and 95% Confidence Intervals. Results: 145 patients, 80 who used and 65 who did not use O2, were included. Body mass index ≥ 30, smoking, and chronic hypertension increased the risk of O2 need by 1.86 (95% CI 1.10-3.21), 1.57 (95% CI 1.16‒2.12), and 1.46 (95% CI 1.09‒1.95), respectively. Patients who were hospitalized for COVID-19 and for obstetric reasons had 8.24 (95% CI 2.8‒24.29) and 3.44 (95% CI 1.05‒11.31) times more use of O2 than those admitted for childbirth and abortion. Respiratory rate ≥ 24 breaths/min and O2 saturation < 95% presented RR for O2 requirements of 2.55 (1.82‒3.56) and 1.68 (95% CI 1.27-2.20), respectively. Ground Glass (GG) < 50% and with GG ≥ 50%, the risk of O2 use were respectively 3.41-fold and 5.33-fold higher than in patients who haven't viral pneumonia on CT. The combination of C-reactive protein ≥ 21 mg/L, hemoglobin < 11.0 g/dL, and lymphopenia < 1500 mm3 on hospital admission increased the risk of O2 use by 4.97-times. Conclusions: In obstetric patients, clinical history, laboratory, clinical and radiological parameters at admission were identified as a risk for O2 need, selecting the population with the greatest chance of worsening. HIGHLIGHTS In unvaccinated pregnant and postpartum women, any need for oxygen supply increases the risk of invasive ventilation. Obesity, smoking and chronic arterial hypertension proved to be risk factors for the use of oxygen in pregnant and postpartum women with COVID-19. The combination of C-reactive protein ≥ 21 mg/L, hemoglobin < 11.0 g/dL, and lymphopenia < 1500 mm on hospital admission and the presence of ground glass ≥ 50% in computer tomography increased the risk of O2 use by 4.97 and 5.33 times respectively in pregnant and postpartum women with COVID-19.

Clinics ; 77: 100073, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394290


Abstract Objectives: To determine the incidence and risk of adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes according to SARS-CoV-2 infection severity in pregnant women. Method: Open prospective study of pregnant women tested for SARS-CoV-2 by serological and molecular assays during pregnancy or delivery in two hospitals in Sao Paulo, Brazil from April 12, 2020, to February 28, 2021. Five groups were considered for analysis: C0, negative COVID-19 results and no COVID-19 symptoms; C1, positive COVID-19 results, and no symptoms; C2, positive COVID-19 results with mild symptoms; C3, positive COVID-19 results with moderate symptoms; and C4, positive COVID-19 results with severe symptoms. The association between obstetric and neonatal outcomes and COVID-19 severity was determined using multivariate analysis. Results: 734 eligible pregnant women were enrolled as follows: C0 (n = 357), C1 (n = 127), C2 (n = 174), C3 (n = 37), and C4 (n = 39). The following pregnancy and neonatal outcomes were associated with severe COVID-19: oligohydramnios (adjusted Odds Ratio [aOR] = 6.18; 95% CI 1.87‒20.39), fetal distress (aOR = 4.01; 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 1.84‒8.75), preterm birth (aOR = 5.51; 95% CI 1.47‒20.61), longer hospital stay (aOR = 1.66; 95% CI 1.36‒2.02), and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (aOR = 19.36; 95% CI, 5.86‒63.99). All maternal (n = 6, 15.4%, p < 0.001) and neonatal (n = 5, 12.5%, p < 0.001) deaths and most fetal deaths (n = 4, 9.8%, p < 0.001) occurred in C4 group. Moderate COVID-19 was associated with oligohydramnios (aOR = 6.23; 95% CI 1.93‒20.13) and preterm birth (aOR = 3.60; 95% CI 1.45‒9.27). Mild COVID-19 was associated with oligohydramnios (aOR=3.77; 95% CI 1.56‒9.07). Conclusion: Adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes were associated with maternal symptomatic COVID-19 status, and risk increased with disease severity. HIGHLIGHTS COVID-19 increases the rates of adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. Serious cases are associated with oligohydramnios, fetal distress, prematurity, neonatal ICU admission, maternal and neonatal deaths. The maternal clinical status dictates obstetric and neonatal outcomes.

Clinics ; 77: 100136, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421228


Abstract Introduction Limited data are available on pregnant women with COVID-19 and their neonates. Objective This study aimed to describe clinical characteristics and evolution from birth to discharge of a retrospective cohort of 71 neonates, with one set of twins, born to women with COVID-19 diagnosed at the end of pregnancy. The authors included all newborns admitted into a neonatal unit of a tertiary hospital in Brazil, between March 2020 and March 2021, whose unvaccinated mothers had COVID-19 symptoms and RT-PCR (Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction) for SARS-CoV-2 positive within fourteen days prior to delivery. Newborns to mothers with COVID-19 symptoms and negative tests for SARS-CoV-2 were excluded. Results The main route of birth delivery was cesarean, corresponding to 60 pregnant women (84.5%). The foremost indications for cesarean were pregnant with critical disease (24.6%) and acute fetal distress (20.3%). The mean birth weight was 2452 g (865‒3870 g) and the mean gestational age was 345/7weeks (25‒40 weeks). There were 45 premature newborns (63.3%), of which 21 newborns (29.5%) were less than 32 weeks of gestational age. RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 on oropharyngeal swabs was positive in 2 newborns (2.8%) and negative in the other 69 newborns (97.2%). Most newborns (51.4%) needed respiratory support. Therapeutic interventions during hospitalization were inotropic drugs (9.9%), antibiotics (22.8%), parenteral nutrition (26.8%), and phototherapy (46.5%). Conclusion Maternal COVID-19 diagnosticated close to delivery has an impact on the first days of neonatal life.

Clinics ; 77: 100127, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421236


Abstract Purpose The authors aim to carry out an investigation on the impact of cervical oncogenic Human Papillomavirus (HPV) detection in pregnant adolescents, to clarify the prevalence and risk factors, considering the importance and lack of data on this topic in Brazil. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted with adolescents receiving prenatal care in a tertiary hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, with routine Pap smear and oncogenic HPV detection test in the uterine cervix. The authors sought to associate the results of these tests with demographic and obstetric variables. Results A total of 303 pregnant adolescents whose mean age was 15.30 ± 1.22 years comprised the study subjects. The frequency of high-risk HPV cervical detection was 50.50%. Multivariate analysis revealed that a large number of partners in their lifetime (OR = 1.27) and having a religion (OR = 2.05) were risk factors for cervical detection of oncogenic HPV, while schooling appeared as a protective factor (OR = 0.85). There was an association between this detection and colpocytological alterations, reaching almost 30% of patients, but without association with obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Conclusion The prevalence found is one of the highest in Brazil and worldwide. A greater number of partners during their lifetime and having religion were detected as possible factors associated with cervical HPV detection. Detection of cervical HPV-DNA did not influence obstetric and neonatal outcomes. The findings of this study reinforce the need to implement educational measures capable of modifying the incidence of sexually transmitted infections in this population and capable of promoting adherence to HPV vaccination programs.

Fisioter. Bras ; 22(2): 216-232, Maio 25, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284162


Introdução: As intervenções fisioterapêuticas podem prevenir e minimizar as disfunções na musculatura do assoalho pélvico durante a gestação. Objetivo: Verificar quais são as intervenções fisioterapêuticas no assoalho pélvico durante a gestação e no preparo para o parto e elaborar um manual com informações mais relevantes encontradas nessa pesquisa. Métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica nas bases de dados: Pubmed, Scielo e PEDro. Foram selecionados 10 artigos relevantes publicados entre o período de 1997 a 2019. Resultados: Os estudos sobre massagem perineal mostraram que houve redução de episiotomia, dor perineal e laceração. Quanto ao treinamento dos músculos do assoalho pélvico, houve aumento significativo da pressão desses músculos, menor taxa de episiotomia e do tempo da segunda fase do trabalho de parto. O Epi-no® mostrou aumento significativo de períneo intacto e taxas mais baixas de episiotomia quando realizados com auxílio do fisioterapeuta. Conclusão: Os estudos mostram que o treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico supervisionado e massagem perineal são eficazes para o preparo para o parto. O treinamento com Epino® no pré parto apontou ser eficaz na redução de laceração e episiotomia intraparto, porém para determinar sua real eficácia, é necessário aumentar o número amostral. (AU)

The physiotherapeutic intervention can prevent and minimize dysfunction in the pelvic muscles floor during pregnancy. Aim: To verify which are the physiotherapeutic interventions in the pelvic floor during pregnancy and on the preparation to delivery, and to elaborate a manual with more relevant information found in this process. Methods: A literature review was performed in the databases: Pubmed, Scielo and PEDro. Nine relevant published articles were selected between 1997 and 2019. Results: The studies about perineal massage showed reductions of episiotomy, less perineal pain and laceration. For the kinesiotherapy, there was a significant increase of muscle pressure, more strength and lower rate of the second phase of labor. An imported increase in intact perineum and lower rates of episiotomy was observed on Epi-no®, when performed by the physiotherapist. Conclusion: Studies show that supervised pelvic musculature floor training and perineal massage are effective to prepare for the childbirth. Epi-no® training in pre-delivery is effective on the intrapartum period regarding laceration reduction and episiotomy, but it is necessary more samples to determine the real efficacy. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Gravidez , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Diafragma da Pelve
Marques, Heloisa Helena de Sousa; Pereira, Maria Fernanda Badue; Santos, Angélica Carreira dos; Fink, Thais Toledo; Paula, Camila Sanson Yoshino de; Litvinov, Nadia; Schvartsman, Claudio; Delgado, Artur Figueiredo; Gibelli, Maria Augusta Bento Cicaroni; Carvalho, Werther Brunow de; Odone Filho, Vicente; Tannuri, Uenis; Carneiro-Sampaio, Magda; Grisi, Sandra; Duarte, Alberto José da Silva; Antonangelo, Leila; Francisco, Rossana Pucineli Vieira; Okay, Thelma Suely; Batisttella, Linamara Rizzo; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro de; Brentani, Alexandra Valéria Maria; Silva, Clovis Artur; Eisencraft, Adriana Pasmanik; Rossi Junior, Alfio; Fante, Alice Lima; Cora, Aline Pivetta; Reis, Amelia Gorete A. de Costa; Ferrer, Ana Paula Scoleze; Andrade, Anarella Penha Meirelles de; Watanabe, Andreia; Gonçalves, Angelina Maria Freire; Waetge, Aurora Rosaria Pagliara; Silva, Camila Altenfelder; Ceneviva, Carina; Lazari, Carolina dos Santos; Abellan, Deipara Monteiro; Santos, Emilly Henrique dos; Sabino, Ester Cerdeira; Bianchini, Fabíola Roberta Marim; Alcantara, Flávio Ferraz de Paes; Ramos, Gabriel Frizzo; Leal, Gabriela Nunes; Rodriguez, Isadora Souza; Pinho, João Renato Rebello; Carneiro, Jorge David Avaizoglou; Paz, Jose Albino; Ferreira, Juliana Carvalho; Ferranti, Juliana Ferreira; Ferreira, Juliana de Oliveira Achili; Framil, Juliana Valéria de Souza; Silva, Katia Regina da; Kanunfre, Kelly Aparecida; Bastos, Karina Lucio de Medeiros; Galleti, Karine Vusberg; Cristofani, Lilian Maria; Suzuki, Lisa; Campos, Lucia Maria Arruda; Perondi, Maria Beatriz de Moliterno; Diniz, Maria de Fatima Rodrigues; Fonseca, Maria Fernanda Mota; Cordon, Mariana Nutti de Almeida; Pissolato, Mariana; Peres, Marina Silva; Garanito, Marlene Pereira; Imamura, Marta; Dorna, Mayra de Barros; Luglio, Michele; Rocha, Mussya Cisotto; Aikawa, Nadia Emi; Degaspare, Natalia Viu; Sakita, Neusa Keico; Udsen, Nicole Lee; Scudeller, Paula Gobi; Gaiolla, Paula Vieira de Vincenzi; Severini, Rafael da Silva Giannasi; Rodrigues, Regina Maria; Toma, Ricardo Katsuya; Paula, Ricardo Iunis Citrangulo de; Palmeira, Patricia; Forsait, Silvana; Farhat, Sylvia Costa Lima; Sakano, Tânia Miyuki Shimoda; Koch, Vera Hermina Kalika; Cobello Junior, Vilson; HC-FMUSP Pediatric COVID Study Group.
Clinics ; 76: e3488, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350619


OBJECTIVES: To compare demographic/clinical/laboratory/treatments and outcomes among children and adolescents with laboratory-confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study that included patients diagnosed with pediatric COVID-19 (aged <18 years) between April 11, 2020 and April 22, 2021. During this period, 102/5,951 (1.7%) of all admissions occurred in neonates, children, and adolescents. Furthermore, 3,962 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) detection samples were processed in patients aged <18 years, and laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 occurred in 155 (4%) inpatients and outpatients. Six/155 pediatric patients were excluded from the study. Therefore, the final group included 149 children and adolescents (n=97 inpatients and 52 outpatients) with positive SARS-CoV-2 results. RESULTS: The frequencies of sore throat, anosmia, dysgeusia, headache, myalgia, nausea, lymphopenia, pre-existing chronic conditions, immunosuppressive conditions, and autoimmune diseases were significantly reduced in children and adolescents (p<0.05). Likewise, the frequencies of enoxaparin use (p=0.037), current immunosuppressant use (p=0.008), vasoactive agents (p=0.045), arterial hypotension (p<0.001), and shock (p=0.024) were significantly lower in children than in adolescents. Logistic regression analysis showed that adolescents with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 had increased odds ratios (ORs) for sore throat (OR 13.054; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.750-61.977; p=0.001), nausea (OR 8.875; 95% CI 1.660-47.446; p=0.011), and lymphopenia (OR 3.575; 95% CI 1.355-9.430; p=0.010), but also had less hospitalizations (OR 0.355; 95% CI 0.138-0.916; p=0.032). The additional logistic regression analysis on patients with preexisting chronic conditions (n=108) showed that death as an outcome was significantly associated with pediatric severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (OR 22.300; 95% CI 2.341-212.421; p=0.007) and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) (OR 11.261; 95% CI 1.189-106. 581; p=0.035). CONCLUSIONS: Half of the laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases occurred in adolescents. Individuals belonging to this age group had an acute systemic involvement of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Pediatric SARS and MIS-C were the most important factors associated with the mortality rate in pediatric chronic conditions with COVID-19.

Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Criança , Adolescente , COVID-19/complicações , Estudos Transversais , Estudos de Coortes , Síndrome de Resposta Inflamatória Sistêmica , Centros de Atenção Terciária , SARS-CoV-2