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Arq. Inst. Biol ; 87: e0782018, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1130054


The population of the caterpillar Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) has increased in the crop of sugarcane in recent years. Although the control of this insect is traditionally carried out through biological control, the use of phytosanitary products has still been necessary. Therefore, the goal of this work was to evaluate the performance of different insecticides in sugarcane borer control, as well as the effect on productivity and total recoverable sugar (TRS). The experiment was conducted in a randomized experimental delineation of blocks, with six treatments and four blocks. Treatments consisted of five insecticides and one control group (without application of insecticide). For calculating the D. saccharalis infestation index, monthly samplings were performed every 30 days, for 12 months. After this period, the final D. saccharalis infestation index was evaluated and calculated for each treatment. In order to compare productivity among procedures, four central lines were collected from each plot. Thus, the samples were weighed for the productivity calculation (TCH) and sent to the laboratory for the total recoverable sugar (TRS) analysis. The chloranthraniliprole (350) insecticide provided a lower index of sugarcane borer infestation, in addition to greater productivity when compared to the other insecticides. There was no significant difference in the parameter of total recoverable sugar (TRS) among treatments.(AU)

A população da lagarta Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) tem aumentado na cultura de cana-de-açúcar nos últimos anos. Apesar do controle deste inseto ser tradicionalmente realizado através do controle biológico, o uso de produtos fitossanitários ainda tem sido necessário. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de diferentes inseticidas no controle da broca da cana-de-açúcar, bem como o efeito sobre a produtividade e o açúcar total recuperável (ATR). O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos e quatro blocos. Os tratamentos foram compostos por cinco inseticidas e um tratamento sem aplicação de inseticida. Para o cálculo do índice de infestação da D. saccharalis foram realizadas amostragens mensais a cada 30 dias, durante 12 meses. Após esse período, foi avaliado e calculado o índice de infestação final da D. saccharalis de cada tratamento. Para comparar a produtividade entre os tratamentos, foram colhidas as quatro linhas centrais de cada parcela. Assim, as amostras foram pesadas para o cálculo da produtividade (TCH) e enviadas ao laboratório para análise do açúcar total recuperável (ATR). O inseticida clorantraniliprole (350) proporcionou um menor índice de infestação da broca da cana, além de maior produtividade, em relação aos demais inseticidas. Não houve diferença significativa do parâmetro de açúcar total recuperável (ATR) entre os tratamentos.(AU)

Controle Biológico de Vetores , Saccharum , Lepidópteros , Pragas da Agricultura , Eficiência , Inseticidas , Insetos
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e48187, fev. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460965


The natural parasitic behavior of parasitoidsshould be known by those in charge of planning strategies for the biological control of pests; therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the larval instar of Anticarsia gemmatalisHübner parasitized by Microcharops anticarsiaeGupta in the field and the implication of such parasitic behavior in the sex ratio in the laboratory environment. The length of each larval instar of A. gemmatalisparasitized by M. anticarsiaein the field was determined, and the egg-to-pupa period of the parasitoid and its larval instar lengths were plotted in Gantt charts. According to the chart, A. gemmatalis was parasitized at the first (15%) and second (85%) larval instars in the field, but the length of the first, second and third larval instars of this species was not affected by the parasitism by M. anticarsiaein the field; however, its fourth larval instar was extended and the fifth one was shortened in 2015 but not affected in 2016. The sex ratio of A. gemmatalislarvae parasitized byM. anticarsiaein the field was female-biased, and the sex ratio of early parasitized larvae (3-day old) in the laboratory environment was also female-biased for three cultivated generations. The ‘generation’ factor has affected the egg-to-pupa, pupal and egg-to-adult periods of M. anticarsiae, since females pupated earlier than males in the egg-to-pupa period. Based on the results, M. anticarsiaemostly parasitized the second larval instar of A. gemmatalisin the field, and parasitism in 3-day old larvae in the laboratory environment produced female-biased sex ratio in M. anticarsiae, regardless of the generation.

Animais , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Lepidópteros/parasitologia , Razão de Masculinidade
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 27(6): 939-947, nov./dec. 2011. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-912001


A introdução de novas cultivares de algodoeiro na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil resultou em significativo aumento de produtividade, porém a utilização de técnicas inadequadas de cultivo trouxe muitos problemas a campo, como a maior incidência de pragas, doenças e plantas infestantes. Com o objetivo de estudar a dinâmica populacional de ovos e lagartas e o parasitismo natural de ovos de curuquerê-do-algodoeiro por Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), em diferentes estágios fenológicos de cultivares convencionais e transgênica (Bollgard I) de algodoeiro, foi realizado um experimento no período de dezembro de 2007 a abril de 2008 em Ipameri, Goiás, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelas cultivares de algodoeiro convencionais DeltaOPAL, FMX 966, FMX 993, FMX 910 e a transgênica NuOPAL. Alabama argillacea Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) ovipositou em todas as cultivares, não se observando diferença em relação à preferência para oviposição. Em relação ao número médio de ovos de A. argillacea parasitados por T. pretiosum, também não houve diferenças entre as cultivares. Nas cultivares convencionais, lagartas pequenas, médias e grandes ocorreram a partir dos 34 dias após a emergência das plantas até o final do ciclo, enquanto na cultivar transgênica foram encontradas apenas lagartas pequenas. A cultivar NuOPAL controla lagartas de curuquerê-doalgodoeiro desde os primeiros estádios larvais, ou seja, ainda pequenas, e não interfere no parasitismo de ovos por T. pretiosum em relação as demais cultivares.

The introduction of new cotton cultivars in the Midwest region of Brazil resulted in a significant increase in productivity, but the use of inappropriate farming techniques brought many problems to field, as the higher incidence of pests, diseases and weeds. The aim of this work was to study the population dynamics of eggs and larvae of cotton leafworm and natural egg parasitism of the pest by Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) at different phenological stages of conventional and transgenic cultivars (Bollgard I) of cotton was carried out this experiment from December 2007 to April 2008 in Ipameri, Góias State, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with five trataments and four replications. The treatments consisting of the conventional cotton cultivars DeltaOPAL, FMX 966, FMX 993, FMX 910 and the cultivar transgenic NuOPAL. Allabama argillacea Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) oviposited on all cultivars, not presented differences in relation to oviposition preference. Compared to the average number of eggs of A. argillacea parasitized by T. pretiosum, there were no differences between cultivars. In conventional cultivars, small, medium and large larvae occurred from 34 days after plant emergence until the end of the cycle, while in the transgenic cultivar were found only small caterpillars. Cultivar NuOPAL control cotton leafworm since the first larval stage, and does not interfere in egg parasitism by T. pretiosum compared with other cultivars.

Parasitos , Gossypium , Melhoramento Vegetal