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Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2017; 16 (62): 18-28
em Persa | IMEMR | ID: emr-187641


Background: lippia citriodora H.B.K is an important medicinal and aromatic plant from the Verbenaceae family

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigation of essential oil percentage, E-citral [geranial] content and morphophysiological changes of Lippia citriodora in response to induction of bioactive compounds and plant growth regulators

Methods: this study has been conducted on the base of factorial experiment in randomized complete block design [RCBD] with 3 replications. The first factor included the application of bioregulators at four levels that were distilled water, 50 ppm gibberellic acid [GA[3]] + 50 ppm IBA, 50 ppm GA[3] + 100 ppm IBA and 100 ppm GA[3] + 50 ppm IBA. The second factor was chitosan inductions at two levels: distilled water and 400 ppm chitosan. The third factor was methanol induction at two levels: distilled water and 5% v/v methanol

Results: the measured traits were significantly affected [P

Conclusion: generally, the interaction of foliar application of plant growth regulators, methanol and chitosan could be positively effect on essential oil, E-citral [geranial] content and morpho-physiological traits

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2017; 16 (62): 169-181
em Persa | IMEMR | ID: emr-187655


Introduction: Chitosan is one of the polysaccharides containing nitrogen which is synthesized naturally by deacetylation reaction of chitin and is confirmed as one of the efficient biostimulants for improvement of secondary metabolites production in medicinal plants

Objective: to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of chitosan biostimulant on vegetative biomass traits and secondary metabolites of Stevia plant

Methods: the experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in greenhouse conditions. The treatments were spraying of chitosan in four levels [0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 percent] and control treatment [spraying with distilled water]

Results: in this study, the obtained results of variance analysis showed that spraying of chitosan had significant effect on leaf dry weight, shoot dry weight, leaf length [P <0.05], phenols and rebaudiosides A [P <0.01]. In this experiment, the highest fresh and dry weight of stems, leaves and shoots were observed at 0.1% Chitosan in a way that by increasing the chitosan concentration from 0.1 to 0.2 % the decreasing trend occurred. The highest amount of phenol was recorded at 0.1% concentration. Also, chitosan at 0.2% concentration had the maximum impact on rebaudiosides A

Conclusion: Chitosan spraying improved vegetative biomass traits and biochemical parameters such as rebaudiosides A in stevia plant

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2016; 15 (57): 9-18
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-178522


Background: Eremostachys laciniata is known as "Chelle-Daghi" in Iran and its rhizomes are used as an emollient to relieve rheumatoid arthritis

Objective: A phytochemical study was performed on 15 populations of Eremostachys laciniata to qualify the phytochemical variations

Methods: Plants collected from their natural habitats and dried rhizomes of E. laciniata were milled and then Soxhlet-extracted by MeOH, and then total phenols were determined calorimetrically by the Folin-ciocalteau reagent and iridoid glycosides were measured by TLC method

Results: The results of MeOH extracts showed that the highest amount with 14.85 gr/plant was obtained in the Areshtanab population. The populations had a significant effect on total phenolic concentrations [P < 0.001] and the Areshtanab with 0.281 mg GAE/g DW had higher phenolic levels than other populations. The results of TLC of iridoids showed that 15 populations had about 11 iridoids components. Cluster analysis by using Ward's method detected that the studied populations of E. laciniata were separated into three different groups

Conclusion: In summary, higher values of the total phenols and iridoids in the Areshtanab, Malek-Kian, and Til populations were considered to indicate higher levels of phytochemical heterogeneity and significant diversity between populations, which could be used to domesticate and develop the breeding programs

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2016; 15 (57): 25-37
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-178524


Background: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi [AMF] have the potential to optimize the rhizospheric soil characteristics considerably thereby affecting plant growth

Objectives:The aim is to investigate the effects of fungi inoculation [Glomus intraradices] on morphological, physiological and phytochemical traits of Rosemary [Rosemarinus officinalis L.] under salt stress

Methods: A factorial experiment was conducted on the basis of randomized complete blocks design in three replications at the Institute of Medicinal Plants in the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research [ACECR]. The mycorrihzal fungi in two levels [inoculation and non-inoculation] and saline conditions in five levels [EC of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 dS.m[-1]] were the two studied factors. The essential oil content and its components were measured with Clevenger-type apparatus and GC/Mass and GC

Results: The results showed that the interaction effect of fungi inoculation and salinity was significant [P

Conclusion: The phytochemical and morpho-physiological traits of rosemary were improved due to inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi under saline conditions

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2016; 15 (57): 47-55
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-178526


Background: Some health-protecting secondary metabolites can be found at a higher concentration in the sprouts compared to other stages of plant growth. In addition, environmental stresses such as salt stress may be resulting in the increase or decrease of specific secondary metabolites in sprouts and plants

Objective: Evaluation the changes of trigonelline, nicotinic acid, and proline content of fenugreek sprouts under saline and non-saline condition in the different harvesting times

Methods: This experiment was conducted on the base of factorial experiment in completely randomized design with three replications. The treatments were included three levels of salinity [0, 75 and 150 mM of NaCl], and three harvesting times of sprouted fenugreek [4, 8 and 12 days after beginning the experiment]

Results: In each level of salinity, the highest trigonelline content of sprouts was obtained on the fourth day, and its content was reduced on the eighth and twelfth days. The nicotinic acid amount under moderate [75 mM of NaCl], and severe [150 mM of NaCl] salinity was gradually reduced from the fourth up to twelfth days. Thus, the highest amount of nicotinic acid was observed on the fourth day, and its lowest was obtained on the twelfth day. The proline content of sprouted fenugreek was increased from the fourth up to twelfth day at different levels of salinity, so that the highest proline content of sprouts was observed on the twelfth day especially under 150 mM salinity

Conclusion: In general, the trigonelline and nicotinic acid content of sprouted fenugreek was reduced from the fourth up to twelfth days, and the highest content of them was observed under 150 mM salinity on the fourth day

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2016; 15 (59): 6-39
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-183145


The aim of this review was to represent a category of applied plant biostimulants and to highlight the effect of their application on morphological and phytochemical properties of medicinal plants in in vivo and in vitro conditions and their mechanism of action. Plant biostimulants, safe for both human beings and the environment, are substances or materials, except for nutrients and pesticides, which have the ability to beneficially modify plant growth and have been accepted over the past decade. Plant biostimulants have natural and synthetic origin. The natural biostimulants contain amino acids, bacteria, seaweed, yeast, chitosan, phytohormones, and also plant growth regulators [synthetic hormones], phenolic compounds, inorganic salts, essential elements, and other different substances are some examples of synthetic biostimulants. The plant biostimulants through different mechanisms of action [such as nitrogen assimilation] are sustainable management practice for production of medicinal plants, increasing biomass production, and enhancing secondary metabolites synthesis and it is investigated and shown in many studies in recent years. Furthermore, there are many reports on positive effects of biostimulants and elicitors application on medicinal plants in in vitro culture condition. Some products of companies active in the formulation of biostimulants in Iran are mentioned in this review. In conclusion, yield response in medicinal plants to biostimulants application showed that each medicinal plant responds in a different way based on the chemical composition and components of biostimulants, the timing and rate of application

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2016; 15 (59): 73-80
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-183149


Background: Trigonella foenum-graecum L. commonly known as fenugreek is a rich source of important medicinal metabolite, i.e. trigonelline

Objective: In this study, hairy roots culture as a novel method for trigonelline production was evaluated

Methods: For optimizing the hairy roots culture of Trigonella foenum-graecum, three strains of Agrobacterium rhyzogenes [ATCC15834, MSU440 and K599] via two inoculations methods including scotch and vacuum pump were used to agro-infiltration. Two elicitors including methyl jasmonate [0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 micro M] and chitosan [0, 50, 100, 150 and 200mgl[-1]] were added to liquid medium as abiotic and biotic elicitors in various concentrations, respectively

Results: The trigonelline content was increased via elicitation by methyl jasmonate and chitosan against control condition. The maximum trigonelline [36.7 and 37.3 mM/g D.W] were observed in 100 micro M of methyl jasmonate and 150 mg/l of chitosan, respectively

Conclusion: All parts of the seedling [crown, stem and leaf] were able to produce the hairy roots. Also, the highest dry weight of hairy root was obtained by A. rhizogenes strain 15834. The transformation of fenugreek using Agrobacterium rhizogenes to form hairy root cultures has the potential benefits of fast growth and rates of secondary metabolite production equal to or greater than that found for the intact plant

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2016; 15 (60): 152-160
em Persa | IMEMR | ID: emr-185949


Background: Iron is an essential micronutrient that may effect on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of medicinal plants

Objective: The effect of foliar application of nano-iron chalate were studied on phytochemical and morpho-physiological traits of dragonhead [Dracocephalum moldavica L.]

Methods: Foliar application of nano-iron chalate on phytochemical and morpho-physiological traits of dragonhead, an experiment was performed in randomized complete block design with three replications in 2014 at Marand's Payame Noor University. Treatments were including: control [no foliar application], and foliar application of nano-iron chelate [1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 g/lit] at stem elongation and beginning of flowering stages

Results: Foliar application of 2 g/L nano-iron chelate had negative effect on most of the traits in stem elongation and beginning of flowering stages. The maximum and minimum magnitudes of content and yield of essential oil were obtained by foliar application of 1.5 and 2 g/L nano-iron chelate, respectively

The highest and the lowest amounts of chlorophyll were obtained with application of 1 g/L nano-iron chelate at beginning of flowering stage and control, respectively. The highest and the lowest amounts of flavonoid and anthocyanin were achieved by foliar application of 1.5 g/L nano-iron chelate at beginning of flowering stage and control treatment, respectively

Conclusion: Application of 2 g/L nano-iron chelate had significant effect on most of the traits. Foliar application of nano-iron chelate [1.5 g/L] not only improve the quantitative and qualitative of dragonhead traits but also it causes to move towards sustainable agriculture

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2015; 14 (56): 23-34
em Persa | IMEMR | ID: emr-181071


Background: Considering the importance of using new technologies such as nano-technology the sustainable agriculture, and increase the yield and quality of crops, research in this direction is necessary

Objective: In this study was investigated the effect of foliar application of nano-iron and potassium chelate fertilizer on yield and quality of psyllium

Methods: In this research, the factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with 12 treatments and 3 replications was carried out. The treatments of this experiment were consisted of three levels of nano-iron chelate [0, 1 and 2 g.L-1] and four levels of nano-potassium chelate [0, 2, 3 and 4 g.L-1] fertilizer

Results: The interaction of nano-iron and potassium chelated fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the seed yield [P<0.01] and shoot dry weight [P<0.05]. The independent effect of nano-iron and potassium chelated fertilizer were significant on themost traits [P<0.01], number of seeds per plant, and yield of mucilage [P<0.05]. Interaction of 2 g.L-1 of nano-iron and 3 g.L-1 of potassium chelate fertilizer treatments, and also their independent effects had the most impact on the measured traits, especially yield of shoot dry weight, seed yield, mucilage content and yield of mucilage

Conclusion: According to the results, the use of nano-iron and potassium chelate fertilizer had positive effects on the efficiency of psyllium

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2015; 14 (56): 64-77
em Persa | IMEMR | ID: emr-181075


Background: Tarragon [Artemisia dracunculus L.] from compositae family is important in the medicinal and nutritional industries and traditional medicine. Mycorrhiza fungi [Glomus intraradices] as an important biological fertilizer and synergist with plants can improve the plants resistance to environmental stresses

Objective: The objectives were to evaluate the interaction effects of mycorrhiza [Glomus intraradices] inoculation and salinity stress on morpho-physiological characteristics and essential oil content of tarragon [Artemisia dracunculus L.]

Methods: This factorial experiment was conducted at research greenhouse of Medicinal Plants Institute [MPI] on the basis of randomized complete blocks design with 10 treatments and 3 replications. First factor was in two levels of inoculation and non-inoculation of mycorrhiza fungi, and second factor was five levels of salinity [control, 2, 4, 6, and 8 dS.m-1]

Results: The analysis of variance showed that interaction effects of fungi inoculation and salt stress was significant on the studied parameters except for stem diameter and root length. The results showed that the most essential oil content [1.15%] was observed in the treatment of mycorrhiza fungi non-inoculation and salinity control and the most methyl chavicol content was attained in the inoculated plants by mycorrhiza fungi, and control treatment

Conclusion: In general, treatment of inoculation and control, and also treatment of fungi non-inoculation and control positively improved the dry weight of plant aerial parts and the essential oil content, respectively

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2015; 14 (56): 115-122
em Persa | IMEMR | ID: emr-181079


Background: Different species of Hyoscymaus are rich sources of tropane alkaloids, especially hyoscyamine and scopolamine. These compounds medicinally are important tropane alkaloids that exclusively are produced by plants

Objective: Evaluation of hyoscyamine and scopolamine tropane alkalolids content in shoots and roots of Hyoscyamus species including H. kotschyanus, H. squarrosus, H. pusillus, H. kurdicus, H. scoparia, H. othocarpus

Methods: This research was done as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications. Seeds of Hyoscyamus species were grown in growth room under 25 C° temperature and 16/8 h light/dark period conditions. Samples of dried shoot and underground organs of 6 to 7 month plants were extracted and then content of hyoscyamine and scopolamine was evaluated by HPLC

Results: Hyoscyamine and scopolamine content in H. orthocarpus were more than the other species and total of these two compounds in H. orthocarpus [15.81 mg/gr dry weight] was approximately 2 times more than H. kotschyanus [7.45 mg/gr dry weight] and manifold of the other studied species. Hyoscyamine was the main compound in H. orthocarpus. The least amount of hyoscyamine and scopolamine was in H. pusillus

Conclusion: H. orthocarpus and H. kotschyanus because of higher content of hyoscymine and scopolamine with more studies can be used as rich sources of these tropane alkaloids in pharmacy industries

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2015; 14 (55): 29-42
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-173949


Background: Biostimulants are amino acids and organic components, which can play main role in the plant growth and dry matter accumulation

Objective: Determine the influence of foliar application of active amino acids on quality and quantity yield of Melissa officinalis L

Methods: This study was conducted in a research farm at the institute of medicinal plants on the base of randomized complete blocks design [RCBD] with three replications. The treatments were control [foliar application with distilled water] and commercial formulations of aminolforte, kadostim, fosnutren, and humiforte [each of them 2 L ha[-1]], and chemical fertilizer [70 kg ha[-1] N.P.K]

Results: The results indicated that a significant increase in the content of citronellal, neral, deltacadinene, germacrene, and geranial, were found in response to aminolforte and fosnutren application. The essential oil content was also increased through using kadostim and chemical fertilizer. A significant improvement in the plant height, number of flowers per stem, and SPAD value were observed in response to the foliar application of aminolforte. Morover, foliar application of fosnutren improved leaf length, leaf number, leaf area, leaf dry weight, and shoot dry weight, accordingly. There was no variation in the number of branches per plant among the treatments of kadostim and aminolforte; both of these treatments improved the attribute

Conclusion: The foliar application of free amino acids based on commercial formulations including aminolforte, kadostim, humiforte, and fosnutren can be effective on the quality and quantity yield of lemon balm

Citrus , Aminoácidos , Óleos Voláteis
Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2015; 14 (55): 79-88
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-173953


Background: Lemon verbena [Lippia citriodora H.B.K.] is an aromatic and medicinal plant of family Verbenaceae, which cultivated in the North region of Iran

Objective: This comparative study was carried out on essential oil content and composition of Lippia citriodora H.B.K. from micro-propagated and rooted apical stem cutting plantlets

Methods: The micro-propagated plantlets were obtained by use of synthetic medium condition containing basal MS medium supplemented with 1 mg.l-1 BAP, 0.5 mg.l-1 IBA, 1 g.l-1 activated charcoal, 30 g.l[-1] sucrose, and 7 g.l[-1] agars. Pre-acclimated plantlets were transferred to the research greenhouse. To determine the essential oil content and its components in two types of plantlets, leaves of L. citriodora were collected in August 2013 before flowering stage. The essential oils were extracted by Clevenger apparatus and their constituents were determined by GC-MS

Results: The results indicated that thirty-two components were determined in the stem cutting derived plantlets. The main components of stem cutting plantlets were geranial [13.81%], limonene [11.41%], spathulenol [11.22%], and neral [11.21%]. Thirty-five components were also obtained in the micro-propagated plantlets. The main components of micro-propagated plantlets were consisted of geranial [17.26%], neral [14.48%], 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one [10.75%], and limonene [8.93%]

Conclusion: In general, the essential oil content of stem cutting plantlets was higher than micro-propagated plantlets, while the number of compounds and amount of geranial and neral in stem cutting plantlets was lower than micro-propagated plantlets

Óleos Voláteis/química , Folhas de Planta , Caules de Planta , Monoterpenos , Terpenos , Cicloexenos , Sesquiterpenos
Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2015; 14 (53): 45-57
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-191614


Background: Summer savory [Satureja hortensis L.] is one of the most important medicinal and spice plants cultivated in many parts of the world. Objective: A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effects of FeSO4 and citric acid application on the morphological traits and essential oil content and its component, gammaterpinene in S. hortensis. Methods: FeSO4 in four levels [0, 3, 4 and 5 g L-1] and citric acid in four levels [0, 4, 6 and 8 mM] through foliar application were considered as two studied factors in this factorial experiment. Results: The results showed that the treatments of FeSO4, and interaction of FeSO4 and citric acid had a significant effect [p<0.01] on the all studied traits, whereas citric acid treatments only had significant effect on the essential oil content [p<0.01] and plant height [p<0.05]. FeSO4 and its interaction with citric acid significantly increased these traits. The optimum level of FeSO4 fertilizer on this plant was 3 and 4 g L-1 and for citric acid was 6 and 8 mM which increased the essential oil content and its component, gamma-terpinene compared to control plants. Conclusion: Foliar application of citric acid plus FeSO4 had the capability to alter the relative percentages of the essential oil content. In general, foliar application of FeSO4 with citric acid had synergistic effect on essential oil content, its component gamma-terpinene and agromorphological traits of S. hortensis

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2014; 13 (50): 1-10
em Persa | IMEMR | ID: emr-152739


Glycyrrhiza glabra [Licorice] is a perennial shrub belongs to the Fabaceae family. It is widely used in food; pharmaceutical products and tobacco industry because of its important secondary metabolites. Due to worldwide uses of licorice, it has significant role in export. One of the main bioactive compounds of the root is glycyrrhizic acid [GA] which is a saponine containing three carboxyl and five hydroxyl groups. Glycyrrhizic acid is used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic remedy for the treatment of bronchial asthma, eczemas and other diseases. There are different methods for separation, purification, and analysis of glycyrrhizic acid [GA] from licorice roots. Most accepted technologies of them include using of solvents, water separation, polymeric macro porous resin and non-ionic surfactants. Also, high-performance liquid chromatography technique is the most important in analysis of GA

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2014; 13 (50): 11-26
em Persa | IMEMR | ID: emr-152740


Polyploidy is one of the widespread phenomena in plant kingdom, which has a vital role in evolution and speciation of plants and is usually accompanied by significant changes in morphology, cell and organ size, expression patterns of genes, respiration and phtotosynthesis, regeneration ability, fertility, biochemistry and metabolom of plants. Therefore polyploidy, especially tetraploidy, has been widely applied in modification of various characteristics of plants. The diversity of traits resulted by the induction of polyploidy, depends on the genotype and species and therefore is not always useful. Though tetraploidy usually results in fewer seeds and decrease of fertility but in cases where the increase in biomass or concentration of medicinal compounds is of importance, it can be efficiently applied for breeding of medicinal plants. Autotetraploidy doubles the gene dosage and allotetraploidy collects the useful allels of a biosynthetis pathway in a resulted hybrid and therefore may improve the production of secondary metabolites. According to the importance of herbal medicine and increasing demand for medicinally important secondary metabolites in our country, we describe the effects of polyploidy on various characteristics of medicinal plants and the methods of induction and selection of polyploid plants in this

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2014; 13 (50): 144-155
em Persa | IMEMR | ID: emr-152752


Trigonelline in fenugreek seed is a valuable medicinal metabolite in reducing blood cholesterol and blood. Determine the most important components of seed yield, percent and yield of seed trigonelline in fenugreek under foliar application and non-application of methanol. The experiment was done a randomized complete block design with two treatments as foliar application of methanol [0 and 30 v/v%] and four replications. Path analysis and stepwise regression were used in order to denote the most important effective traits on seed yield, percent and yield of seed trigonelline in fenugreek. The results showed that 1000-seeds weight and number of branches per plant for seed yield; total dry weight and number of pods per plant for percent of seed trigonelline; seed yield and percent of seed trigonelline for yield of seed trigonelline in the non-application of methanol, and also, the number of seeds per pod, percent of seed oil, number of pods per plant and plant height for seed yield; leaf dry weight, shoot trigonelline and geometric mean diameter of seed for percent of seed trigonelline and seed yield; percent of seed trigonelline and pod length for yield of seed trigonelline in foliar application of methanol [30 v/v%] treatment significantly justified changes related to the dependent variables. Path analysis of dependent variables showed that the yield of seed trigonelline by direct positive effect of seed yield and the percent of seed trigonelline were the most important yield components of seed trigonelline. Generally, the results indicate that seed yield and percent of seed trigonelline can be used for increasing of yield of seed trigonelline in the breeding of fenugreek

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2014; 13 (51): 15-25
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-154602


Fenugreek [Trigonellafoenum -graecum L.] is an annual medicinal plant belongs to the legume family and has anti-diabetic, anti-fertility, anticancer, anti-microbial, anti-parasitic and hypocholesterolaemic effects. Evaluation of growth and trigonelline /mucilage content in fenugreek under application of plant growth regulators [PGR]. The experiment was conducted on randomized complete blocks design [RCBD] with 13 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were consist of control [distilled water application], Giberrellic Acid [GA[3]] 25 and 50 ppm and Naphthalene Acetic Acid [NAA] 25 and 50 ppm [for each concentration by soaking the seeds before planting, spray after planting, and soaking seeds before planting with spray after planting]. Application of plant growth regulators significantly increased trigonelline and mucilage content of seed, shoots and pods dry weight per plant and 1000-seed weight. Application of plant growth regulators had no significant effect on the SPAD value. Mean comparisons showed that the highest shoot dry weight was related to NAA, GA[3] 50 ppm [soaking seeds before planting with spray after planting], and also the highest pods dry weight, 1000-seed weight, mucilage and trigonelline content of seeds were obtained from GA[3] 50 ppm [soaking the seeds before planting with spcay after planting]. Application of GA[3] 50 ppm as the soaking seeds before planting with spray after planting are effective to obtain maximum trigonelline and mucilage content in fenugreek

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2014; 13 (51): 51-61
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-154606


Rosemary [Rosmarinus officinalis L.] as a member of the Lamiaceae family is a valuable aromatic and medicinal plant which is cultivated in large scale in Iran. Therefore, it is necessary to determine influence of factors affecting plant growth and drug metabolite production. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of bio-stimulators compounds on growth and phytochemical traits of rosemary [Rosmarinus officinalis L.]. This experiment was conducted on the basis of randomized complete blocks design with three replications at Medicinal Plants Institute [MPI] of ACECR in 2013. The treatments included commercial formulations of aminolforte, kadostim, fosnutren, humiforte [each of them at 0.75 and 1.5 L.ha], 120 kg.ha chemical fertilizers [N.P.K, 15:8:15%], and control treatment [without any bio-stimulators and chemical fertilizer applications]. The effects of treatments were significant [p<0.01] on all of the traits in a way that the maximum value of plant height [42.94 cm], leaf length [34.92 mm], leaf width [4.2 mm], number of leaves per plant [465 leaves.plant'], leaf SPAD value [56.1 SPAD], total dry weight [246.78 kg.ha] essential oil [1.4%], a-pinene [27.35%], was obtained by foliar application of 1.5 L.ha[-1] fosnutren. Also, the highest of collar diameter of stem [[10.77 mm] and number of branches per plant [24.63 branches.plant[-1]] and camphor [9.87%] was observed in chemical fertilizers treatment, 1.5 L.ha aminolforte and humiforte, respectively. In contrast, the least amounts of traits were observed in control treatment. The growth and phytochemical traits of rosemary increased due to foliar application of bio-stimulators compounds

Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2014; 13 (51): 71-83
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-154608


The seeds of some medicinal plants and their compounds have long been valued for their numerous health benefits. To investigate some physical and chemical properties of Salvia spp. Some physico-chemical properties in five species of Salvia seeds [consisted of S. officinalis L., S. macrosiphon L., S. hypoleuca L., S. sclarea L. and S. nemorosa L.] were measured at 8.73 +/- 0.09% moisture content [d.b.] in four categories of large, medium, small size and ungraded lots with replication. The largest major diameter [L[1]] value was recorded in S. hypoleuca L. The highest intermediate [L[2]] and minor diameters [L[3]], seed weight, volume, surface area, sphericity, arithmetic, geometric and square mean diameters, equivalent diameter and mucilage content were obtained in S. officinalis L. seeds. Also, the most percentage of oils content was observed in S. sclarea seeds. Maximum kurtosis index was obtained in S. officinalis L. for major and minor diameter, surface area, sphericity, arithmetic, geometric and square mean diameters and equinalant diameter, in S. hypoleuca L. for intermediate diameter and seed volume, and in S. nemorosa L. for seed weight. The highest skewness index was observed in S. hypoleuca L. for minor diameter, seed volume, surface area, arithmetic and square mean diameter and equivalent diameter, in S. nemorosa L. for major diameter and seed weight, in S. officinalis L. for intermediate diameter and sphericity, and in S. sclarea L. for geometric mean diameter. Conclusion: The maximum content of mucilage and oils were found in S. officinalis and S. sclarea, respectively. The mucilage content was significantly correlated to minor diameter and sphericity, while there was not significant correlation between content of seed oils and measured parameters