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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(6): 918-926, dic. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558417


Resumen Introducción : Las segundas víctimas son aquellos profesionales que, ante un error, quedan traumatizados, cuestionándose sus habilidades profesionales y perso nales. El conocimiento de su experiencia permite a las instituciones entender las consecuencias del error en los profesionales para realizar acciones de atención a los profesionales involucrados mejorando la seguridad de atención. El objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar el fenómeno de segundas víctimas y conocer las medidas de apoyo percibidas. Métodos : Estudio cuantitativo observacional descrip tivo transversal. Participaron profesionales de la salud de cinco instituciones de alta complejidad a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. El instrumento de recogida de datos fue el Second Victim Experience and Support Tool (SVEST) validado en Argentina, compuesta por dimen siones de impacto (psicológico, físico y de habilidades profesionales) de apoyo recibido (colegas, supervisores, institucional y medidas no relacionadas al ámbito la boral) y dos dimensiones de resultado (abandono pro fesional y ausentismo). Resultados : Participaron 1134 profesionales. El 56% manifestó haber cometido un error y completó el SVEST. La media del SVEST fue de 2.5 predominando la dimen sión de impacto psicológico (x = 3.4). Como parte de las medidas de apoyo los profesionales percibieron mayor apoyo en familiares y amigos (x = 3.1). A mayor impacto menor percepción de las medidas de apoyo (Rho: -0.8, p = 0.047). Discusión : Más de la mitad de los profesionales re fieren ser segundas víctimas con un impacto psicológico importante, los cuales, a pesar de trabajar en institu ciones que cuentan con protocolos de seguridad del paciente, reciben el apoyo principalmente de entornos no relacionados al trabajo.

Abstract Introduction : The second victims are those profes sionals who, when faced with a mistake, are traumati zed, questioning their professional and personal skills. Knowledge of their experience allows institutions to understand the consequences of error in professionals to carry out care actions for the professionals involved, improving care security. The objective of this study is to characterize the phenomenon of second victims and to know the perceived support measures. Method : Cross-sectional descriptive observational quantitative study. Health professionals from five highly complex institutions participated through convenience sampling. The data collection instrument was the Second Victim Experience and Support Tool (SVEST) validated in Argentina, composed of impact dimensions (psychologi cal, physical and professional skills) of support received (colleagues, supervisors, institutional and measures not related to the workplace) and two outcome dimensions (professional abandonment and absenteeism). Results : 1134 professionals participated and 56% said they had made a mistake. The mean STEVS was 2.5, with the psychological impact dimension predominating (x = 3.4). As part of the support measures, professionals perceived greater support from family and friends (not re lated to work) (x = 3.1). The greater the impact, the lower the perception of support measures (Rho: -0.8, p = 0.047). Discussion : More than half of the professionals refer to being second victim with a significant psychological impact, who, despite working in institutions that have patient safety protocols, received support from non-work-related environments.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533381


El objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer la trayectoria del compromiso académico en estudiantes secundarios de Entre Ríos, Argentina, en tres tiempos de su recorrido escolar. El diseño fue cuantitativo, siendo un estudio de tipo longitudinal. El muestreo utilizado fue no probabilístico intencional. La muestra se constituyó por adolescentes escolarizados de Entre Ríos, consistió en 105 sujetos para el primer tiempo, 101 para el segundo y 97 para el tercero. Las edades abarcaron desde los 13 hasta los 15 años. En cuanto al instrumento, se utilizó la adaptación argentina de la Utrecht-Work Engagement Scale en su versión para estudiantes. Se realizaron análisis de estadística descriptiva básica y análisis de modelos de curva de crecimiento latente. Los resultados evidencian bajos niveles de compromiso de los estudiantes con sus actividades escolares. Además, en relación a la trayectoria del engagement, los hallazgos indican que el compromiso se mantuvo constante en el tiempo en la dimensión vigor y disminuyó en los componentes dedicación y absorción hacia el tercer tiempo de evaluación. Se reflexiona sobre la importancia de la promoción del compromiso académico en población adolescente, por ejemplo, a través de la ejecución de intervenciones.

The objective of the work was to know the trajectory of academic engagement in secondary students from Entre Ríos, Argentina, in three stages of their school journey. The design was quantitative, being a longitudinal study. The sampling used was intentional non-probabilistic. The sample was made up of school adolescents from Entre Ríos. It consisted of 105 subjects for the first time, 101 for the second and 97 for the third. The ages ranged from 13 to 15 years. Regarding the instrument, the Argentine adaptation of the Utrecht-Work Engagement Scale in its version for students was used. Analysis of basic descriptive statistics and Analysis of Latent Growth Curve Models were performed; The results show low levels of student engagement to their school activities. In addition, in relation to the trajectory of engagement over time, the findings indicate that the commitment remained constant over time in the vigor dimension and decreased in the dedication and absorption components towards the third evaluation period.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 27-44, Jan.-June 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419868


Resumen La empatía positiva implica una expresión de felicidad o alegría, la cual es resultado de comprender la condición emocional positiva de otra persona y compartirla. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la adaptación de la Escala Disposicional de Empatía Positiva (Dispositional Positive Empathy Scale) en población adolescente argentina. El instrumento sobre el cual se realizó la adaptación está compuesto por siete ítems, originalmente en idioma inglés. La muestra (n = 303) estuvo conformada por 95 varones (31 %) y 208 mujeres (69 %), con edades entre 11 y 17 años, estudiantes de secundaria. Se estudió la validez de constructo realizando un análisis factorial confirmatorio y la invariancia de la escala en relación con el sexo y edad de los participantes. Se comprobó la validez convergente con la conducta prosocial hacia diversos objetivos, las diferencias de los niveles de empatia positiva entre los sexos y en distintos grupos de edad y los niveles de fiabilidad (Ω = .78). Los resultados indican que la escala es unidimensional, coincidiendo con la versión original. Se encontró un buen ajuste del modelo a los datos (CFI = .98; TU = .96; NNFI = .96; NFI = .95; RMSEA = .05). El modelo permaneció constante en ambos sexos y grupos de edades. La empatia positiva se relacionó con la prosocialidad y se encontraron diferencias según sexo y edades. Los hallazgos dan cuenta de que las características psicométricas de la adaptación de la Escala Disposicional de Empatía Positiva a población adolescente argentina son satisfactorias.

Abstract Positive empathy implies an expression of happiness or joy, resulting from understanding the positive emotional condition of another person and sharing it. The aim of this research was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the adaptation of the Dispositional Positive Empathy Scale in the Argentine adolescent population. The instrument on which the adaptation was made consists of seven items, originally in English. The sample (N = 303) was made up of 95 males (31 %) and 208 females (69%), aged between 11 and 17 years old, high school students. Construct validity was studied by performing a confirmatory factor analysis and the invariance of the scale in relation to the sex and age of the participants. Convergent validity was verified with prosocial behavior towards various goals, differences in levels of positive empathy between sexes and across different age groups, and reliability levels (Ω = .78) were tested. The results indicate that the scale is one-dimensional, coinciding with the original version. A good fit of the model to the data was found (CFI = .98; TLI = .96; NNFI = .96; NFI = .95; RMSEA = .05). The model remained constant across both sexes and age groups. Positive empathy was related to prosociality and differences were found according to sex and age. The findings show that the psychometric characteristics of the adaptation of the Positive Empathy Dispositional Scale to the Argentine adolescent population are satisfactory.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 94-103, ene.-dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409664


Abstract Introduction/Objetive: Work orientation includes the individual's beliefs regarding the role of work in his/her life as a whole and what they are searching for in their careers. There are three types of orientation to work: job, career, and vocation. Work orientation has the distinction of examining how work connects with people's lives and is, therefore, an appropriate construct for evaluating the impact of work on human flourishing. The aims of this study are first to explore work orientation in twelve Ibero-American countries; and second, to investigate whether work orientation affects flourishing in the lives of adults in twelve Ibero-American countries. Method: A total of 3000 adults participated in this study. The University of Pennsylvania Work-Life Questionnaire was used to evaluate the type of relationship that employees reported having with their work, according to the distinctions between job, career, and calling. A 12-item version of the Multidimensional Flourishing Scale was used to measure three aspects of flourishing: social, psychological, and emotional well-being. Results: Most participants reported a high level of calling in their work orientation. In most countries, those with a calling orientation reported higher levels of social and psychological well-being than those with a job orientation. The results indicate a clear relationship between a calling orientation and social and psychological well-being. Conclusion: This research is the first to compare the relationship between work-orientation and flourishing in Ibero-America. The findings help us understand that work-orientation is not a secondary aspect of a person's life but has fundamental implications in the lives of workers.

Resumen Introducción/Objetivo: La orientación laboral incluye las creencias del individuo sobre el papel del trabajo en su vida como un todo y lo que está buscando en su carrera. La orientación laboral examina cómo el trabajo se conecta con la vida de las personas y es un constructo apropiado para evaluar el efecto del trabajo en el florecimiento humano. Se propone explorar la orientación laboral en 12 países iberoamericanos; e investigar si la orientación laboral afecta el florecimiento humano. Método: Tres mil adultos participaron en este estudio. Se utilizó el Work-Life Questionnaire para evaluar el tipo de relación que los empleados informan tener con su trabajo, de acuerdo con las distinciones entre trabajo, carrera y vocación. Se utilizó la Escala de Florecimiento Multidimensional para medir tres aspectos del florecimiento: bienestar social, psicológico y emocional. Resultados: La mayoría de los participantes informaron un alto nivel de orientación laboral como vocación. En la mayoría de los países, aquellos que trabajan por vocación informaron niveles más altos de bienestar social y psicológico que aquellos que trabajan solo por una motivación económica. Conclusiones: Esta investigación es la primera en comparar la relación entre la orientación al trabajo y el florecimiento humano en Iberoamérica. Los hallazgos nos ayudan a comprender que la orientación al trabajo no es un aspecto secundario de la vida de una persona, sino que tiene implicaciones fundamentales en los trabajadores.

Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 36(133)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1419978


Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Experiencias Espirituales Diarias (DSES). Se analiza específicamente la consistencia interna, la discriminación de los ítems, la estructura factorial exploratoria y confirmatoria, y la validez constructiva. Método. Se conformó una muestra de 692 adolescentes y jóvenes entre los 12 y los 28 años. Se aplicó además la Escala de Experiencias Espirituales Diarias y la dimensión bienestar emocional de la Escala Multidimensional de Flourishing. Resultados. Se evidenciaron ítems discriminativos y buena consistencia interna. Se comprobó la estructura unifactorial, y se halló correlación entre la espiritualidad y el bienestar emocional, lo cual respalda la validez constructiva. Se concluye que la DSES presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas que apoyan su uso para la evaluación de la espiritualidad en adolescentes y jóvenes argentinos.

Objective. The present work aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (DSES), specifically analyzing the internal consistency, the discrimination of the items, the exploratory and confirmatory factorial structure, and the constructive validity. Method. A sample of 692 adolescents and young adults aged between 12 and 28 years old was collected. In addition, the Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale and the emotional well-being dimension of the Multidimensional Flourishing Scale were applied. Results. Discriminatory items and good internal consistency were evidenced. The unifactorial structure was verified, and a correlation between spirituality and emotional well-being was found, which supports the construct's validity. It is concluded that the DSES has adequate psychometric properties that support its use for the evaluation of spirituality in Argentine adolescents and young adults.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Psicometria , Espiritualidade , Regulação Emocional , Argentina
Rev. CES psicol ; 15(2): 23-43, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387204


Resumen El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar si los problemas emocionales (depresión y ansiedad) y la Personalidad Oscura eran predictores del sexting y el grooming, y si este comportamiento varía según el género y la edad. Se constituyó una muestra de 728 adolescentes entre 11 y 18 años (38% hombres) de tres escuelas secundarias privadas ubicadas en Buenos Aires y Paraná, Argentina. Completaron un Cuestionario de sexting, el Cuestionario de Solicitación e Interacción Sexual a menores online por parte de adultos para evaluar el comportamiento de grooming, la Escala de síntomas psicosomáticos de Rosenberg, el Inventario de depresión de Kovacs para niños y el Dirty Dozen para los rasgos de Personalidad Oscura. Los resultados mostraron que 12% de los adolescentes admitió haber padecido una conducta de grooming. Las formas más frecuentes fueron el envío de mensajes escritos de carácter sexual (11%) y fotos (10%) y luego, en orden de frecuencia, el envío de videos (4%), pero no se detectaron diferencias por género. Los predictores significativos de sexting y el tamaño de su varianza explicada variaban según el género (R² = 47% para mujeres y R² = 12% para hombres, respectivamente). En el caso de las mujeres, mayor edad y puntajes de psicopatía fueron predictores significativos, y en el de los hombres, menor ansiedad fue el predictor significativo. Un modelo estructural explicó una varianza del 6% para el sexting y 21% para el grooming, indicando que no hubo invarianza, según el género. Las regresiones lineales para predecir el grooming a partir del sexting también sugirieron que el género moderaba esta relación.

Abstract The present study aimed to study if emotional problems (depression and anxiety) and Dark Personality were predictors of sexting and grooming, and if this behavior differs by gender and age. A sample of 728 adolescents between 11 and 18 years of age (38% male) from three private high schools located in Buenos Aires and Paraná, Argentina, was drawn. They completed a Sexting questionnaire, the Questionnaire for Online Sexual Solicitation and Interaction of Minors with Adults for grooming behavior, Rosenberg Scale of Psychosomatic Symptoms, the Kovacs Depression Inventory for Children and the Dirty Dozen for dark personality traits. Results showed that 12% of adolescents admitted having carried out a sexting behavior. Sending written messages of a sexual nature (11%) and photos (10%) were the most prevalent ways, followed by videos (4%), but no differences were detected according to gender. Significant predictors of sexting and the size of its explained variance ranged by gender (R² = 47% for females and R² = 12% for men, respectively). In the case of females, older age and psychopathy were the significant predictors. In the case of males, less anxiety was the significant predictors. A structural model explained a variance of 6% for sexting and 21% for grooming, indicating that there was no inavariance, according to gender. Linear regressions to predict grooming from sexting also suggested this relationship was moderated by gender.

Rev. CES psicol ; 15(2): 135-150, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387210


Resumen El uso de instrumentos para evaluar la personalidad es una práctica común en psicología, de ahí que su validación y adaptación a diferentes grupos poblacionales sea fundamental. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar la validez de constructo del NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) en un grupo de 617 personas adultas mayores en Bogotá, Colombia. Se realizaron análisis factoriales confirmatorios, así como un análisis bifactorial. Los resultados mostraron que el inventario no logra un ajuste adecuado en ninguno de los modelos de primer orden, ni en el modelo bifactorial, como tampoco en el análisis de los factores por separado. Solamente, presentó un ajuste adecuado en los modelos AFC modificados que evalúan cada factor como individual, a excepción del factor Amabilidad. Precisamente, los ítems que tuvieron bajas cargas factoriales son aquellos ítems negativos o reversos, y, dado que la comprensión de este tipo de ítems requiere de mejores habilidades lingüísticas, se infiere que el bajo nivel educativo de las personas que conformaron la muestra pudo interferir en el logro de un ajuste adecuado de los modelos; en consecuencia, se recomienda estudiar este aspecto en futuras investigaciones.

Abstract The use of instruments to assess personality is a common practice in psychology, therefore its validation and adaptation to different population groups is fundamental. The aim of the current research was to evaluate the construct validity of the NEO-FFI Inventory in a group of 617 elderly people in Bogotá, Colombia. First ordered confirmatory factor analyses and bi-factor models were performed. The results showed that the Inventory does not achieve an adequate adjustment in any of the first-order models, nor in the bi-factorial model, nor in the analysis of the factors separately. Only in the modified CFA models that evaluate each factor individually, with the exception of Agreeableness, an adequate fit was achieved. The items registering low factor loadings are especially those negative or reverse items, and since the understanding this type of items requires better linguistic skills, it is inferred that the low educational level of the sample could interfere in achieving an adequate adjustment of the models. Consequently, it is recommended to study this aspect in future research.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 299-310, jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360495


Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio es adaptar el Inventario de dimensiones parentales en su versión abreviada (Power, 2002) a la población argentina. Se tradujeron los 13 ítems incluidos en la evaluación de la dimensión general, que abarca las dimensiones de: Apoyo/cuidado, Inconsistencia y Seguimiento a través de la disciplina/control. El inventario traducido se administró a una muestra intencional de 771 adultos, 535 mujeres y 236 varones, de entre 26 y 63 años de edad (M = 38.56; DE = 4.76), de clase media (Estrato II de la Escala Graffar/Méndez Castellanos), de población no clínica, y padres y madres de niños que cursaban preescolar en 12 escuelas privadas de distintas provincias de Argentina (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Mendoza, Santa Fe y Tucumán). El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró que el modelo teórico de tres dimensiones, propuesto por los autores de la prueba original, ajustó satisfactoriamente a los datos e indicó una adecuada consistencia de la estructura de la prueba. Además, se analizó la confiabilidad como consistencia interna evaluada a través del omega de McDonald y se obtuvieron los siguientes valores: Apoyo/cuidado = .74; Seguimiento a través de la disciplina/control = .70, e Inconsistencia = .74. Es de hacer notar que, en este inventario, la dimensión Seguimiento a través de la disciplina corresponde a un control moderado, es decir, apropiado para un estilo autoritativo. Finalmente, dado que el inventario ha sido estudiado con una muestra extensa, extraída de varias provincias argentinas, los resultados obtenidos son generalizables a casi todo el país.

Abstract Diana Baumrind (1966) proposed three primary parenting styles: the authoritarian style, the permissive style, and the authoritative style. Almost two decades later, Maccoby and Martin (1983) theoretically added a fourth (negligent) parenting style. Parental styles are based on variations in the levels of the parental dimensions of sensitivity (warmth, affection), parental demand (parental control) and autonomy granted (Richaud, Lemos & Vargas Rubilar, 2013). It has been suggested that the findings related to broad parenting styles are not always easy to interpret (Stewart & Bond, 2002) and that Baumrind's three-category parenting style typology can be usefully disaggregated into parenting dimensions (Darling and Steinberg, 1993). A dimensional approach can be particularly valuable in allowing an independent assessment of parenting and discipline (Locke & Printz, 2002). One of these dimensional models is that of Power (2002), which includes 11 dimensions of which the first three: Sensitivity, Inconsistency and Follow-up through discipline, evaluate a general dimension of the relationship of parents with their children, as perceived by parents. These three basic dimensions correspond to those of Baumrind described above: sensitivity (warmth, affection), autonomy granted (permissiveness) and parental demand (parental control), respectively. Power's Parenting Styles Inventory (PDI) assesses parenting styles from a parent's perspective. It is a self-report that, as we said, assesses 11 dimensions of parents' attitudes and behaviors towards their children. It has 57 items organized into 11 scales, each of which evaluates different dimensions of parent-child relationships. The first three scales, which include 13 items, measure a "general dimension" (Support / care, Inconsistency and Follow-up through discipline / control). The following scales assess different types of control and are distinguished from the general dimensions, in that they focus on disciplinary practices in response to the child's misbehavior. The PDI-S is a shortened version, which retains the most valid and reliable components of the original PDI. The PDI-S can be used with parents of children between 3 and 12 years old, and was developed from the PDI (Slater & Power, 1987). Given the importance of having an adequate instrument to assess parental style from the parents' perspective, the objective of this study is to adapt the Inventory of Parental Dimensions in its short version (Power, 2002) to the Argentine population. The 13 items included in the evaluation of the General Dimension, were translated, which includes the dimensions: Support / care, Inconsistency and Follow-up through discipline / control). The translated Inventory was administered to an intentional sample of 771 adults, 535 women and 236 men, between 26 and 63 years of age (Me = 38.56 SD = 4.76), middle class (Stratum II of the Graffar / Méndez Castellanos Scale), of the non-clinical population, and parents of children who attended pre-school in 12 private schools in different provinces of Argentina (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Mendoza, Santa Fe and Tucumán). The Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed that the three-dimensional theoretical model, proposed by the authors of the original test, satisfactorily adjusted to the data, indicating an adequate consistency of the test structure. In addition, reliability was analyzed as internal consistency evaluated through McDonald's omega, obtaining the following values: Support / care = .74; Follow-up through discipline / control = .70 and Inconsistency = .74. Finally, given that the Inventory has been studied with an extensive sample, drawn from several Argentine provinces, the results obtained are generalizable to almost the entire country.

Rev. iberoam. psicol. (En línea) ; 13(3): 217-229, 2020. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1224694


La Teoría de la Autodeterminación refiere a tres necesidades psicológicas básicas, presentes en el transcurso de la vida de un individuo: autonomía, competencia y relación. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la adaptación al contexto educativo de la Escala de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (Deci & Ryan, 2000; Gagné, 2003) en población adolescente Argentina. La adaptación cobra relevancia debido a que no existe hasta el momento en Argentina una versión de la escala que permita evaluar dichas necesidades en estudiantes de nivel secundario. Para medir la validez de constructo de la nueva versión se realizó un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio evaluando la presencia de las dimensiones propuestas por los autores originales. Se utilizó el método de estimación Unweighted least squares. Se tuvo en cuenta el valor chi cuadrado, chi/gl, los índices GFI, AGFI, NFI y RMR. Para estudiar la validez concurrente se realizó un análisis de correlación con la Utrecht-Work Compromiso Scale en su versión para estudiantes y con el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Para evaluar la consistencia interna del instrumento se utilizó el coeficiente Omega. La muestra estuvo conformada por 313 estudiantes de nivel secundario, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años (M = 13.46; DT = 1.05). Los resultados del presente estudio aportan evidencias empíricas que avalan buenos niveles de validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas en el contexto educacional y en la población adolescente. De este modo, las propiedades psicométricas de la versión adaptada del instrumento son aceptables.

The Theory of Self-determination refers to three basic psychological needs, present in the course of an individual's life: autonomy, competence and relationship. The objective of this work is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the adaptation to the educational context of the Basic Psychological Needs Scale (Deci & Ryan, 2000; Gagné, 2003) in Argentine adolescent population. The adaptation is relevant because, to date, there is no version of the scale in Argentina that allows evaluating these needs in secondary school students. To measure the construct validity of the new version, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed evaluating the presence of the dimensions proposed by the original authors. The Unweighted least squares estimation method was used, taking into account the chi square value, chi / gl, the GFI, AGFI, NFI and RMR indices. To study concurrent validity, a correlation analysis was performed with the Utrecht-Work Engagement Scale in its version for students and with the academic performance of the students. To evaluate the internal consistency of the instrument, the Omega coefficient was used. The sample consisted of 313 high school students, aged between 12 and 16 years (M = 13.46; SD = 1.05). The results of the present study provide empirical evidence that support good levels of validity and reliability of the Basic Psychological Needs Scale in the educational context and in the adolescent population. Thus, the psychometric properties of the adapted version of the instrument are acceptable.

Humanos , Psicometria , Estudantes , Argentina , Análise Fatorial , Diagnóstico , Adaptação a Desastres , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Autonomia Pessoal , Desempenho Acadêmico
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 69-78, dic. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056541


Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la relación entre los estilos de humor adaptativos (humor afiliativo y humor mejoramiento personal) y desadaptativos (humor agresivo y humor descalificación personal) propuestos por Martin (2003), y las conductas agresivas físicas y verbales. Se trabajó con una muestra de 100 adolescentes argentinos, entre 16 y 18 años, de ambos sexos, quienes respondieron dos escalas: el Cuestionario de Agresividad Física y Verbal (Caprara y Pastorelli, 1993, versión española de del Barrio, Moreno Rosset, López y Martínez, 2001), y la versión adaptada al español por Cayssials (2004) de la Escala de Estilos de Humor (Martin, 2003). Los resultados indican que el humor agresivo predice positivamente las conductas agresivas en general, tanto verbales como físicas, mientras que el estilo de humor de mejoramiento personal mitiga las conductas agresivas evaluadas en general y las conductas agresivas verbales. Por último, las conductas agresivas físicas únicamente fueron predichas por el estilo de humor agresivo.

Abstract The sense of humor gives a new perspective of life by turning the person into a spectator of what is happening, being able to laugh at oneself and to what happens to one. Because of that, it is considered that humor allows us to face problematic situations in a different way. Carbelo and Jáuregui (2006) argue that sense of humor is not a mere remedy to prevent or help overcome disease; instead, it has the capacity to promote greater well-being, enjoyment of life, growth towards greater humanity and fulfillment. These same authors add that sense of humor is a unique trait of the human species and it is possessed by all human beings of different cultures (Carbelo y Jáuregui, 2006). While each culture has its own rules about which facts or situations may be the object or cause of humor, "both humor and laughter are universal" (Cassaretto y Martínez, 2009, p. 289). Although humor has been associated with psychological, physical and social well-being, not all research show consistent results. This is because sense of humor does not imply only positive components, but also negative components (Martin, 2003; Cassaretto y Martínez, 2009). In general, the different studies carried out have perceived sense of humor as a positive feature with the potential to generate positive effects. However, there are negative elements of humor that have a negative correlation with psychological well-being (Martin, 2003; Grimshaw, Kirsh, Kuiper y Leite, 2004). Therefore, it is important to be able to consider the sense of humor not as a one-dimensional construct (taking into account only its positive components), but to be able to focus on a multi-dimensional approach capable of considering all the characteristics and consequences -positive and negative- of it. Martin (2003) postulates that humor is a personality trait composed of either healthy or adaptive components and of unhealthy or unadaptable components. This author proposes the following classification: Adaptive humor is formed by affiliative humor (the tendency to say funny things, to make jokes, and spontaneous and witty jokes to amuse other people) and self-enhancing humor (it implies having fun with the incongruities of life even in adversity and using humor as a strategy to face the vicissitudes), and unadaptive humor is formed by aggressive humor (the tendency to use humor for the purpose of criticizing or manipulating others by resorting to sarcasm, bothering with jokes, ridiculing others) and self-defeating humor (people who use this kind of humor are self-deprecating, make or say funny things at the expense of themselves and laugh with others while ridiculing or belittling). The aim of this work is to study the relationship between these two types of humor and physical and verbal aggressive behaviors. We worked with a sample of 100 adolescents from Argentina of both sexes, aged between 16 and 18 years, of the middle socioeconomic strata of Buenos Aires, Argentina. All participants responded to two scales: the questionnaire of physical and Verbal aggression (Caprara y Pastorelli, 1993, Spanish version of Barrio, Moreno Rosset, López Martínez, 2001), and the version adapted to Spanish by Cayssials (2004) of the scale of humor styles (Martin, 2003). The results indicate that aggressive humor positively predicts aggressive behaviors evaluated in a general way, and aggressive behaviors verbal and physical evaluated specifically. On the other hand, personal improvement humor style mitigates general aggressive behaviors and verbal aggression specifically. Finally, aggressive physical behaviors were only predicted by the aggressive humor style.

Univ. psychol ; 16(3): 210-222, jul.-set. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-963289


Resumen Las emociones positivas son aquellas experiencias emocionales en las que predomina el placer o bienestar, con una interpretación personal positiva del suceso, por lo que traen consigo una cascada de cambios subjetivos a nivel fisiológico, psicológico, conductual e incluso social. Estas amplían nuestro repertorio de pensamientos y acciones, y potencian la construcción de recursos personales de manera perdurable. El Cuestionario de Emociones Positivas (CEP) para adolescentes mide las emociones de alegría, sentido del humor, optimismo, tranquilidad, gratitud, interés-entusiasmo y satisfacción con la vida. El propósito del Estudio 1 fue evaluar la validez factorial del Cuestionario de Emociones Positivas, Cuestionario de Schmidt (2008) y obtener una versión breve de este; en el Estudio 2 su propuso probar, mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio, la estructura factorial de la versión breve y evaluar la validez de criterio con el comportamiento prosocial. Los resultados muestran una buena validez factorial para el modelo original de 65 elementos con 6 dimensiones. El modelo de 65 ítems se redujo en una versión abreviada de 31 ítems, y se obtuvo un buen ajuste del modelo (χ2 / gl = 1.87 CFI = 0.92 GFI = 0.91). En cuanto a la validez de criterio de la versión breve, se encontró que el comportamiento prosocial estuvo asociado con la alegría y el humor (0.34), la gratitud (0.32) y el interés entusiasmo (0.39) dimensiones que componen el Cuestionario de Emociones Positivas. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de las teorías actuales.

Abstract Positive emotions are those emotional experiences predominating pleasure or well-being, with a positive personal interpretation of the event, bringing a cascade of subjective physiological, psychological, behavioral changes and even social level. They expand our repertoire of thoughts and actions, and strengthen the construction of personal resources in a lasting way. Positive Emotions Questionnaire (CEP) for adolescents measuring the emotions of joy and humor sense, optimism, peace, gratitude, interest-excitement and satisfaction with life. The purpose the study was, in Study 1, to assess the factorial validity of the Positive Emotions Questionnaire by Schmidt (2008) and get a brief version; the purpose of Studio 2 is to test the factor structure of the brief version by confirmatory factor analysis and evaluate the criterion validity with prosocial behavior. A good factorial validity for the original model of 65 items with 6 dimensions was obtained. The model of 65 items was reduced into a brief version of 31 items, obtaining a good fit model (χ2 / gl = 1.87 CFI = 0.92 GFI = 0.91). Regarding the criterion validity of brief version we found that the prosocial behavior was associate with joy and humor (0.34), gratitude (0.32) and interest enthusiasm (0.39) dimensions of Positive Emotions Questionnaire. The results are discussed in light of current theories.

Adolescente , Psicometria , Emoções
Interdisciplinaria ; 33(1): 163-176, jun. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841048


La regulación de la emoción es un proceso complejo que implica la iniciación, inhibición o modulación del propio estado o comportamiento en una situación dada (Cole, Michel & Teti, 1994). La regulación emocional tiene una función altamente significativa en la vida humana ya que reacciones emocionales inapropiadas, extremas o incontroladas pueden impedir un ajuste funcional a la sociedad (Koole, 2009). Sin embargo para una adecuada regulación emocional es necesaria una buena comprensión emocional y, a su vez, para una comprensión eficaz se requiere una apropiada percepción emocional. En este estudio se analizan las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del Cuestionario de Conciencia Emocional revisado (Emotional Awareness Questionnaire, EAQ30) desarrollado por Rieffe, Oosterveld, Miers, Terwogt y Ly (2008). La versión española del EAQ30 fue administrada a 1.316 adolescentes españoles de 14 a 16 años. Los datos confirman la estructura original de la escala de seis factores: Distinción de las emociones, Intercambio verbal de las emociones, No ocultamiento de las emociones, Conciencia corporal, Análisis de las emociones y Atención a las emociones de los otros. Los coeficientes de consistencia interna de las subescalas del EAQ30 fueron satisfactorios y equivalentes a los obtenidos en la escala original. Por otra parte, el estudio también confirmó la invariancia de la estructura factorial del instrumento cuando se considera el sexo, en la adolescencia media. Estos resultados permitirían sostener que la adaptación al español aquí presentada puede ser utilizada para evaluar el constructo conciencia emocional en adolescentes de lengua española de un modo válido y confiable en ambos sexos.

Emotional awareness is an attentional process that enables us to monitor our emotions and to differentiate between various emotions in a qualitative sense, to locate their antecedents, and to acknowledge the physiological correlates of the emotion experience (Rieffe, Oosterveld, Miers, Terwogt, & Ly, 2008). Rieffe and colaborators (2008) consider that emotional awareness also includes attitudinal aspects such as positive or negative appreciation of the own emotions, consideration of them as aspects of oneself, or on the contrary, that they must be communicated to the others. Emotional awareness would be a cognitive skill that would enable the opportunity to regulate the most primitive emotional reactions and find patterns that are more appropriate reaction to a particular context (Rieffe, Terwogt, Petrides, Cowan, Miers, & Tolland, 2007). It is necessary to have a good emotional awareness to adequately cope a particular situation. Since there were no scales to measure emotional awareness but often alexithymia scales were used to evaluate it as its opposed emotional state, Rieffe and colleagues (2007) developed the Emotional Awareness Questionnaire (EAQ). Different analyses carried out by Rieffe and collaborators led to the Revised Emotional Awareness Questionnaire (EAQ Revised - Rieffe et al., 2008). Subsequent studies developed by Lahaye, Luminet, Broeck, Bodart, and Mikolajczak (2010) using the revised Emotional Awareness Questionnaire, found a positive correlation of the questionnaire’s six dimensions with emotional intelligence. The same study showed a negative correlation between emotional awareness and the three dimensions - difficulty in identifying feelings, difficulty in describing feelings, and oriented to an external thinking - that make up Alexithymia Questionnaire for Children developed by Rieffe, Oosterveld, and Meerum Terwogt (2006). Given the importance of emotional awareness to the emotional development of children and adolescents and that there are no instruments published in Spanish that validly measure this construct, in this study, we investigated the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Emotional Awareness Questionnaire (EAQ 30; Rieffe et al., 2008). The EAQ30 is a self-report questionnaire comprising 30 items rated on a 3-point scale (1 = Not true, 2 = Sometimes true, 3 = True). It includes six subscales or dimensions: (1) Differentiating emotions or ability to differentiate and understand the causes of emotions; (2) Bodily awareness or identification of the physical aspects of emotional experience; (3) Verbal sharing or verbal communication’s own emotional state; (4) Acting out emotions or impulsive tendency to show emotions of oneself in a way non- functional; (5) Analyses of emotionsor ability to deal voluntarily to one’s emotions; and finally, and (6) Attending to others’ emotions or the voluntary decision to deal with the emotions of others. The EAQ30 was administered to 1316 children aged 14 to 16 years old (age: M = 14.95; SD = .72), from Valencia (Spain), of middle socioeconomic level. The translation of this questionnaire was performed according to the International Test Commission guidelines for test adaptation (Hambleton, 2001). Asix-factor model was tested using AMOS Program; the results have shown that the original 6-factor structure was replicated in our data. The internal consistency coefficients of the EAQ30 subscales were satisfactory -Cronbach’s estimates between .68 and .70- and equivalent to those obtained in the original scale. A multiple group analysis was used to test whether the six-factor model was invariant across the gender by examining the change in model ji square and comparative fit index (CFI) values. We found the model of 6-factor has metric invariant through gender. These results allow us to claim that the Spanish version presented here can be used to evaluate the construct emotional awareness in Spanish adolescents of a valid and reliable way. It would be interesting to do further studies with different Spanish-speaking populations to see if the stability of the structure is preserved after making appropriate adjustments to the specific language in the use of Spanish for each of the populations involved.

Univ. psychol ; 13(1): 61-69, ene.-mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-726960


El objetivo de esta investigación es presentar una adaptación y validación en población española de la Escala de Expectativa de los hijos adolescentes sobre la reacción de sus padres frente al comportamiento prosocial y antisocial, desarrollada por Wyatt y Carlo (2002). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 631 adolescentes españoles de entre 15 a 18 años de edad, de clase media, de ambos sexos. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio para estudiar la validez de constructo de la escala y se analizó la consistencia interna a través del cálculo del alpha de Cronbach. Los resultados indican que la escala posee buenos índices de ajuste al modelo teórico propuesto por los autores en su versión original. Asimismo, se realizó un análisis multigrupo con la intención de mostrar la invarianza del modelo en función del sexo. El modelo se mantuvo invariante, lo que confirma la estructura bifactorial de la escala que mide la expectativa de los adolescentes de la reacción de sus padres frente a las conductas adaptativas y desadaptativas.

The aim of this study is to carry out an adaptation and validation of Adolescents' Expected Parental Reactions Scale in Spanish sample. This original scale was developed by Wyatt and Carlo (2002). The sample was composed by 631 adolescents, between 15 and 18 years, middle-class and both sexes. A confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to study construct validity and with Cronbach's alpha was studied internal consistence. The results showed that scale has good fit indexes to theoretical model proposed by original authors. On the other hand, a multigroup analysis was carried out to study the invariance of model through both sexes. The model was invariant, this supports the bifactiral structure of the scale that assessments adolescents' expected parental reactions on prosocial and antisocial behaviors.

Psicologia , Psicologia Social
Liberabit ; 19(1): 101-112, ene.-jun.2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-783312


The purpose of this study is to analyze whether educational aptitudes can predict academic performance and attrition. To measure educational aptitudes, the Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) was applied to a nonrandom sample of 1530 first year undergraduate students of a private university in Argentina. For the analysis, multiple and logistic regression models were used. The results showed that DAT scores can predict academic performance, but there is a moderate to low relationship between these scores and dropout rates. To summarize, this study is a first step to predict studentsÆ academic success, in order to save resources and prevent frustration...

El propósito de este estudio es analizar si las aptitudes educativas pueden predecir el rendimiento académico y la deserción. Para medir las aptitudes educativas se aplicó el Test de Aptitudes Diferenciales (Differential Aptitude Test û DAT) a una muestra no probabilística de 1530 estudiantes de primer año de grado de una universidad privada de la Argentina. Para el análisis se utilizaron modelos de regresión múltiple y logística. Los resultados muestran que el DAT puede predecir el rendimiento académico, mientras que la relación entre el DAT y la deserción es de moderada a baja. Este estudio es un primer paso para predecir el éxito académico de los estudiantes, con el objetivo de ahorrar recursos y evitar la frustración...

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Universidades , Avaliação Educacional , Testes de Aptidão , Argentina
Univ. psychol ; 11(4): 1263-1275, oct.-dic. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-675435


Este estudio analiza la relación entre las estrategias de afrontamiento y las emociones para determinar en qué medida son procesos relacionados con la conducta agresiva. Se parte del supuesto de que en la agresividad influyen los mecanismos de afrontamiento en la resolución de problemas y el manejo de las emociones: inestabilidad emocional (falta de autocontrol ante situaciones que producen tensión) o empatía (sentimientos orientados al otro que tiene un problema o necesidad). Se ha evaluado una muestra de 1.557 niños y niñas, con un rango de edad entre 12 y 15 años, escolarizados en primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) en 36 Centros escolares de la Comunidad Valenciana, seleccionados aleatoriamente. Los resultados indican claras diferencias entre los sujetos con alta y baja agresividad y los mecanismos de afrontamiento que utilizan, los adolescentes más agresivos utilizan en mayor medida un afrontamiento improductivo, mientras que los menos agresivos aplican estrategias más centradas en la resolución del problema. En todos los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, el efecto directo de la inestabilidad emocional y la empatía sobre la agresividad es significativa, siempre positivo en el primer caso pero negativo en el segundo. Además, la empatía favorece el afrontamiento centrado en la resolución del problema, mientras que la inestabilidad emocional se relaciona positivamente con el afrontamiento improductivo y este con la agresividad.

This study assesses the relation between coping strategies and emotions to know to what extend these are processes related to aggressive behavior. We assume that the aggression influence coping mechanisms in solving problems and handling of emotions: emotional instability (lack of self-control in stressful situations) or empathy (feelings faced to "other" who has a problem or need). A sample of 1.557 boys and girls, with an age range of 12-15 years, enrolled in first-cycle of Compulsory Secondary Education in 36 Scholar Centers in the Valencian Community, randomly selected, was evaluated. The results indicate clear differences between high and low aggression and coping mechanisms that they use. More aggressive adolescents used to a greater extent an unproductive coping, while less aggressive adolescents apply strategies more focused on solving the problem. In all structural equation models, the direct effect of emotional instability and empathy on aggression is significant, always positive in first case but negative in the second one. Besides, empathy promotes coping centered on the resolution of the problem whereas emotional instability is positively related to unproductive coping and this one with aggression.

Adolescente , Agressão , Emoções
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 42(2): 183-192, may.-ago. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-637066


El objetivo de esta investigación es poner a prueba un modelo teórico que postula que el interés de los alumnos por la tarea escolar, la percepción de habilidad para desarrollar esa tarea y la percepción de desafío que la actividad presenta, ejercen un importante efecto sobre la experiencia óptima en el ámbito educativo. El modelo también postula que si bien la experiencia óptima es un constructo complejo formado por varias características, éstas pueden agruparse en tres factores: percepción de logro, activación cognitiva y calidad afectiva. Este modelo se puso a prueba mediante el uso de ecuaciones estructurales. Por otro lado, se estudió el efecto de la elección voluntaria de la actividad sobre los tres factores que componen la experiencia óptima, para ello se utilizó el análisis de varianza. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 295 alumnos de escuelas públicas y privadas de nivel socioeconómico medio de entre 9 y 15 años. Los resultados indican que el modelo teórico tuvo un muy buen ajuste a los datos empíricos. Asimismo, los datos resultantes del análisis de la varianza apoyan la hipótesis de que la elección voluntaria de realizar la actividad afecta la experiencia óptima.

The object of this investigation is to test a theoretical model that proposes that students' interest in school tasks, as well as the perception of abilities to develop those tasks and the perception of the challenges that these activities present, have an important impact on the optimal experience in the educational environment. The pattern also proposes that although the optimal experience is a complex construct formed by different characteristics, these can be grouped in three factors: perception of achievement, cognitive activation and affective quality. This model was tested by means of structural equation modelling. Additionally, the effect of the voluntary election of the activity on the three factors that compose the optimal experience has been studied by means of the use of ANOVAs. The sample was composed of 295 students aged 9 to 15 from public and private schools of medium socioeconomical level. The results indicate that the theoretical pattern was well adjusted to the empiric data. At the same time, the resulting data of the analysis of the variance support the hypothesis that the voluntary election to carry out the activity affects the optimal experience.

Interdisciplinaria ; 26(1): 121-137, ene.-jul. 2009. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-633448


En el estudio que se informa se presentan tres modelos teóricos explicativos de la experiencia óptima. El primer modelo propone la experiencia óptima como un único factor compuesto por las ocho características que definen el flow. El segundo modelo propone que las características que integran la experiencia óptima podrían resumirse en dos factores: el primer factor incluiría las experiencias afectivas y cognitivas durante la realización de la tarea propiciadora de flow y el segundo factor estaría dado por la percepción de logro y habilidad para hacer frente a la tarea. Finalmente, el tercer modelo expone que serían necesarios cuatro factores para explicar la experiencia de flow: (a) capacidad cognitiva, (b) experiencia afectiva positiva, (c) percepción de habilidad y (d) percepción de logro durante la realización de la actividad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar cuál de los tres modelos teóricos tiene una mejor adecuación a los datos empíricos. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1.585 niños y adolescentes argentinos de 9 a 15 años, estudiantes de escuelas públicas y privadas. Para el análisis de los datos se empleó el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, esta técnica permite testear modelos teóricos con datos empíricos. La evaluación de los índices resultantes de la aplicación de los modelos estructurales sugiere que el modelo de cuatro factores provee un mejor ajuste a los datos. Posteriormente se comprobó la existencia de dos factores de segundo orden subyacentes a los cuatro factores que explicarían el constructo experiencia óptima.

The flow is described as a positive and gratifying state of consciousness. The flow is associated with the perception of high challenges in the task at hand and personal skills high enough to face those challenges. Also is described it as a situation of high concentration, involvement, enjoyment, absorption in the task, unselfconsciousness, control, and clear-cut feedback on the course of the activity. People is involved in the task for its own sake, regardless of extrinsic rewards or social approval -in other words, on the basic of intrinsic motivation. A balance of high challenge and high skill defines the conditions where optimal experience is most likely to occur, but does not necessary describe the experience of flow. "Experientially, flow is characterized not only by a balance of challenges and skill but also by deep concentration, loss of self-consciousness, and deep engagement" (Hektner, Schmidt & Csikszentmihalyi, 2007, p. 46). In this investigation three explanatory theoretical models of the optimal experience are presented. The first model intends that the optimal experience is only a factor compound for the eight characteristics that define the flow. The second model intends that the characteristics that compose the optimal experience could be summarized in two factors: the first factor would include affective experiences and cognitive experiences during realization of the activity and the second factor would be given by achievement perception and ability perception of the task. Finally, the third model exposes that, would be necessary four factors to explain the flow experience: capacity cognitive, positive affective experience, ability perception and achievement perception, during the realization of the activity. The objective of this work is to investigate which of the three theoretical models has a better adaptation to the empiric data. The sample was composed by 1585 children and adolescents, between 9 and 15 years, students of public and private schools. For the analysis of the data it was used the methods of structural equations. The evaluation of the resulting indexes of the application of the structural models, suggests that the pattern of four factors provides a better adjustment to the data. Subse-quently was put on approval a new model that postulates that the optimal experience is a latent variable that can be explained by means of the existence of two underlying factors of second order: affect positive and activation cognitive, on one hand, and achievement perception and ability perception for the other one. The flow experience can be explained by a process that begins with the perception of an activity that is defiant and the person perceives that he/she has the enough capacities to reach with success the proposed end. The following stage would be given by the activation of the person's cognitive capacities to concentrate its attention in the realization of the task and then to be able to maintain it centered in the activity. The positive affection would arise when concluding the activity like a consequence of the same one. When a person is in flow state he/she feels the challenge of carrying out the activity the best thing possible and this takes it to constantly improve her abilities.