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Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;55dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536593


Introducción: Se presentan los resultados de un estudio experimental para contrastar el efecto de la modalidad de presentación de un mensaje de educación-entretenimiento (escrito versus audiovisual) en los procesos cognitivos de recepción, en función de la necesidad de cognición. Método: Participaron 109 hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH), distribuidos aleatoriamente en dos condiciones experimentales (mensaje escrito versus mensaje audiovisual). Resultados: Se encontró que la necesidad de cognición moderó el efecto de la modalidad del mensaje sobre la elaboración cognitiva (el mensaje escrito incrementaba la elaboración cognitiva en participantes con baja necesidad de cognición) y sobre la contraargumentación (el formato escrito generó menor contraargumentación en participantes con alta necesidad de cognición), pero no sobre la reactancia. Conclusiones: La efectividad de un mensaje de educación-entretenimiento está determinada tanto por las características del mensaje (la modalidad de presentación) como por las diferencias individuales de las personas (la necesidad de cognición). De manera particular, la necesidad de cognición es una variable relevante para comprender los procesos cognitivos de recepción (la elaboración cognitiva y la contraargumentación) que desempeñan un papel fundamental en el estudio de la persuasión narrativa.

Introduction: This article presents the results of an experimental study that sought to contrast the effect of the entertainment education message (written versus audiovisual) on the cognitive processes of reception, as a function of the need for cognition. Method: 109 MSM participated, randomly distributed, in two experimental conditions (written versus audiovisual message). Results: We found that the need for cognition moderated the effect of message modality on cognitive elaboration and in contra-argumentation, but not on reactance. Data shows that written message increased cognitive elaboration in participants with low need for cognition and generated less contra-argumentation in participants with a higher need for cognition. Conclusions: The effectiveness of an entertainment-education message is determined by both the characteristics of the message (the modality of presentation) and the individual differences of people (the need for cognition). In particular, the need for cognition is a relevant variable for understanding the cognitive processes of reception (cognitive elaboration and contra-argumentation) that play a fundamental role in the study of narrative persuasion.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 517-541, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448508


Resumen Este estudio analiza los cambios estructurales experimentados por un equipo interprofesional que implementa un programa de intervención psicosocial dirigido a víctimas de la guerra en Colombia. Los equipos están compuestos por psicólogos, trabajadores sociales y facilitadores comunitarios que proporcionan atención a nivel individual, familiar y comunitario. Se aplicaron métodos de evaluación estructural para identificar cambios en la cohesión de las redes de reconocimiento entre profesionales, así como la preferencia para colaborar y el intercambio de información enviada y recibida. La recogida de información se produjo en dos series temporales -tiempo 1 (T1) y tiempo 2 (T2)- con un intervalo de tres meses. Se utilizó una estadística aplicada al análisis de datos relacionales para determinar los cambios en las redes en T1 y T2. En el período de referencia se incrementó la densidad en las redes de reconocimiento [. = 1.7105, (IC 95 %: -.0123 - .185), . < .0444] y de preferencia para trabajar [. = 2.0942, (IC 95 %: .005 - .1521), . < .0218]. Las redes de intercambio de información no experimentaron cambios significativos. Las regresiones múltiples a nivel diádico indican que la preferencia para trabajar e intercambiar información en T1, predicen el intercambio de información relativo tanto a peticiones de información recibidas como enviadas en T2. Se discuten los resultados para optimizar la implementación de programas de intervención psicosocial desarrolladas por equipos interprofesionales.

Abstract The study analyzes the structural changes experienced by an interprofessional team implementing a psychosocial intervention program for victims of war in Colombia. The program is called "PAPSIVI" (Programa de Atención Psicosocial y Salud Integral a Víctimas), which has been operating in Colombia since 2013, thanks to Law 1448 of 2011 to improve the quality of life and repair the damage of the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. It only served people registered in the Single Registry of Victims (RUV), which had 9'165,126 records throughout the country until September 2021. This program follows a comprehensive and restorative approach that defines victims as protagonists of their own process of empowerment and positive change (Laplante and Holguin, 2006; Thompson, 1996). For this purpose, a multilevel intervention is carried out at the individual, family and community levels. The program is implemented by teams of professionals (psychologists, social workers and community facilitators) of varying sizes depending on the number of victims served in the municipalities. Psychologists provide individual psychological care and, to a lesser extent, family therapy is also offered to try to repair psychosocial damage from exposure to situations of violence (Oficina de Promoción Social, 2017). Social workers carry out community interventions to promote the associative fabric and social capital. Community promoters are facilitators and connect professionals with the potential beneficiaries of the intervention. The latter are very important, having themselves the status of victims, which increases the ecological validity of the intervention. Due to the characteristics of the implementation of this initiative, which takes into account the difficulties of the context (with situations of deprivation and vulnerability), as well as the particularities of the participants, it is valid to ask in this research what are the structural changes experienced by the teams of professionals who implement PAPSIVI. For this, structural evaluation methods were applied to identify changes in the cohesion of recognition networks among professionals, the preference to collaborate and the exchange of information sent and received. Data collection took place in two time series (T1 before - T2 after) with an interval of three months. Statistics applied to relational data analysis were used to determine changes in the networks at time T2. In the results it was found that in the baseline period the density in the recognition [t = 1.7105, (95 % CI: -.0123 - .185), p < .0444] and work preference [t = 2.0942, (95 % CI: .005 - .1521), p < .0218] networks increased. Information exchange networks did not experience significant changes. Multiple regressions at the dyadic level indicate that the preference for working and exchanging information at T1 predicts information exchange relative to both information requests received and sent at T2. It is concluded that the results shed light for: (a) optimize the design of psychosocial intervention teams; (b) improve their functioning by introducing horizontal organizational communication tools (among the members of each team), transversal (among the members of the teams implementing the program in different municipalities), and vertical (by promoting communication between professionals and program managers/responsible persons), and (c) achieve that changes in the structure of the teams serve as a diagnostic tool for functional problems of the team associated with the exchange of professional information and the referral of users. Ultimately, better integration of the teams leads to better psychosocial profiles of the users of programs such as PAPSIVI and allows them to better adapt their activities to the needs of the users, which improves the effectiveness of the intervention (Virto, 2021).

Psicol. Caribe ; 39(1): e206, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386971


Abstract. This review provides a qualitative comparative analysis of theoretical and methodological aspects of 27 studies in which the results of the implementation of programs involved in child maltreatment are presented with an attachment perspective. The studies were examined following the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. It was found that the programs promote the development of maternal sensitivity, mentalization or reflective functioning and empathy, however, the underlying mechanisms are not differentiated according to the type of abuse to intervene. Likewise, it was found that despite the recognition of the mother's violent childhood experiences as one of the main predisposing factors for child abuse, it is a variable that is scarcely considered in the programs examined. These findings indicate the importance of developing intervention programs that consider a cumulative ecological risk perspective.

rev. psicogente ; 21(40): 440-457, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-979582


Resumen Objetivo: Esta investigación tuvo como propósito identificar la relación entre las estrategias de afrontamiento y el bienestar psicológico. Método: Se empleó un diseño transversal correlacional en una muestra de 104 adolescentes que estudian en colegios públicos de la ciudad de Montería (Córdoba, Colombia). Se aplicó la Escala de Afrontamiento para Adolescentes y el cuestionario de Bienestar Psicológico. Resultados: Se identificó una asociación significativa entre las variables de afrontamiento y bienestar psicológico. Conclusión: Los adolescentes que utilizan de forma recurrente estrategias de afrontamiento dirigidas a la resolución de problemas y a la búsqueda de apoyo social presentan mayores niveles de bienestar psicológico.

Abstract Objective: This study aimed to identify the relationship between coping strategies and psychological well-being. Method: A cross-correlation design was used in a sample of 104 adolescents studying in public schools in the city of Montería (Córdoba, Colombia). The Teen Coping Scale and the Psychological Wellbeing Questionnaire were applied. Results: A significant association between the variables of coping and psychological well-being was identified. Conclusion: Adolescents who use recurrent coping strategies aimed at solving problems and seeking social support present higher levels of psychological well-being.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Apoio Social , Adaptação Psicológica , Negociação/psicologia , Instituições Acadêmicas , Seguridade Social/psicologia , Colômbia
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;47(3): 167-176, set.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-777010


Se analiza el proceso de adaptación psicológica y sociocultural de niños en situación de desplazamiento forzado, identificando los factores que favorecen y obstaculizan su adaptación, así como la incidencia de su identidad social en este proceso, visto a la luz de la teoría de la aculturación de Berry (1997) y la teoría de la identidad social de Tajfel y Turner (1987). Este estudio cualitativo es un análisis secundario asumido desde la perspectiva de descripción densa (Geertz, 2000). Se recopilaron un total de 26 entrevistas, realizadas a niñas, niños y padres en situación de desplazamiento forzado, docentes, estudiantes y padres de una comunidad escolar con alta recepción de población desplazada. En el procesamiento de la información se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido. Los resultados sugieren que el apoyo emocional contribuye a la adaptación de la población desplazada debido, sobre todo, a que promueve el sentido psicológico de comunidad. Por otro lado, se muestra la importancia del papel de la escuela en el logro de procesos de inclusión y estrategias de integración que pueden promover el bienestar de la población infantil víctima de violencia política.

An analysis is made on the process of psychological and sociocultural adaptation of children in situations of forced displacement. This includes identifying the factors promoting and preventing adaptation, and the impact of their social identity in this process, from the perspective of Berry's (1997) theory of acculturation and the theory of social identity by Tajfel and Turner (1987). This qualitative study is a secondary analysis undertaken from the perspective of thick description (Geertz, 2000). A total of 26 interviews were conducted, with the interviewees being children and parents in situations of forced displacement, as well as teachers, students and parents of a school community with high reception of displaced population. The content analysis technique was used in the processing of information. The results suggest that emotional support contributes to adaptation, mainly because it promotes the psychological sense of community. On the other hand, the important role of the school in achieving processes of inclusion and integration strategies is shown, as it that can promote the well-being of child victims of political violence.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adulto , Ajustamento Social , Adaptação Psicológica , Política , Identificação Social , Violência , Migração Humana
Salud UNINORTE ; 29(3): 561-575, set.-dic. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-709086


El objetivo de este trabajo fue conceptualizar las bases de una psicología organizacional positiva para la prevención de problemas y riesgos psicosociales en el contexto organizacional. Se utilizaron fuentes bibliográficas de primer y segundo orden. El análisis se realizó a partir de las categorías encontradas en el esquema teórico. Existe la necesidad de plantear un modelo comprehensivo que, basado en investigación empírica, permita disminuir, prevenir o erradicar los riesgos psicosociales en el contexto organizacional. La psicología organizacional positiva ofrece un modelo que podría facilitar el desarrollo de este modelo. Argumentamos que es necesario desarrollar, desde la psicología organizacional positiva, un programa de intervención que nos permita estructurar tanto las condiciones del trabajo como los recursos laborales que tienen las personas.

Conceptualize the basis of a positive organizational psychology to the prevention of problems and psychosocial risks in the organizational context. Bibliographical sources of first and second order where used. The analysis is based from the categories found in the theoretical framework. There is a need to develop a comprehensive model, based on empirical research that allows reducing, preventing or eliminating psychosocial risks in the organizational context. Positive Organizational Psychology presents a model that could facilitate the development of this model. We argue that it is necessary to develop, from positive organizational psychology, an intervention program that allows us to structure both working conditions as labor resources that people have.

Univ. psychol ; 11(2): 535-544, jun.-dic. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-669319


Se indagó la relación del burnout académico y las estrategias de afrontamiento con el promedio académico de una muestra de 283 universitarios tomados al azar de los programas de psicología y fisioterapia de la jornada diurna de una universidad privada de Barranquilla, quienes respondieron al MBI-SS y a la Escala de Estrategias de Afrontamiento-Modificada. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudiantes presentaban bajos niveles de burnout académico, sin embargo se corroboró que el alto Agotamiento y Cinismo, afectan negativamente el promedio académico; mientras que la Autoeficacia ante los estudios, lo favorecía significativamente, por lo que se establece una relación negativa entre burnout y el promedio académico. Dentro de las estrategias de afrontamiento más frecuentemente utilizadas por los estudiantes, se halló la de Solución de Problemas, la cual se asocia con resultados más favorables en el promedio académico.

The academic burnout might be accompanied of inadequate strategies of coping, contributing to the accentuation of difficulties in the GPA or academic performance. Taking into account the implications of these variables in the performance and the dropout rate at university level, is relevant to investigate the relationship of the academic burnout and coping strategies with the academic performance. A correlational study with a sample of 283 students of the programs of Psychology and Physical therapy of the daytime hours of a private university of Barranquilla, who answered to the MBI-SS and to the Scale of Strategies of Coping Modified (EEC-M) was conducted. The results showed that the majority of the students were presenting low levels of academic burnout. Nevertheless, it was corroborated that the high Exhaustion and Cynicism can negatively affect academic performance; on the contrary, the Self-efficacy to studies, favored it significantly; for what it is possible to establish a negative relation between burnout and the academic performance. Inside the strategies more frequently used by the students, it was found that those that use the one of Solution of Problems in university activities tend to obtain more favorable results in their academic performance.

Salud UNINORTE ; 28(1): 16-26, ene-jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-659508


Objetivos: Describir las demandas y el clima para la innovación en centros de Atención Primaria de Salud de un grupo de profesionales sanitarios y trabajadores sociales de salud y determinar los factores que influyen en el desarrollo del rol del trabajador social en el centro de salud. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un muestreo intencional por cuotas de 40 centros de salud en Andalucía (España), en los que se entrevistaron a 40 profesionales sanitarios y 40 trabajadores sociales de salud. Se aplicaron escalas de evaluación del clima para la innovación y las demandas del trabajo, el sentido de comunidad, las expectativas de rol y las competencias de los trabajadores sociales. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la percepción del clima para la innovación entre los profesionales sanitarios y los trabajadores sociales. Las principales funciones desarrolladas por los trabajadores sociales eran la atención individualizada y la coordinación sociosanitaria. El clima percibido para la innovación en el trabajador social se relacionaba con la adopción de funciones de atención individualizada, la percepción de la satisfacción de sus necesidades profesionales y la percepción de la influencia en la toma de decisiones en el centro. Conclusiones: Las diferencias encontradas en la percepción del clima para la innovación en el centro entre profesionales sanitarios y trabajadores sociales están relacionadas con la discrepancia entre el rol profesional y los objetivos organizativos. Ello lleva a los trabajadores sociales a optar por funciones alejadas de las competencias normativas de la intervención social en salud.

Objectives: To describe work demands and climate for innovation of a group of health professionals and health social workers in primary health care centers and to determine the factors that influence the role development of the social worker in the Primary Health Care Center. Materials and methods: 40 primary health care centers in Andalucía (Spain) were selected by an intentional non-probabilistic sampling. We interviewed 40 health professionals and 40 health social workers. Assessment scales were applied for climate for innovation and job demands, sense of community, role expectations and social workers competences. Results: Statistical significance differences were found in the perception of climate for innovation between health professionals and social workers. The main functions developed by social workers were individualized attention and social and health coordination. The perceived climate for innovation by social workers was related to the adoption of functions of individualized attention, to the perceived satisfaction of their professional needs and to the perceived influence on decision-making in the center. Conclusions: The differences in the perception of climate for innovation in the center between health professionals and social workers are related to the discrepancy between the professional role and organizational objectives. It implies that social workers have to adopt functions away from the normative competencies of social intervention in health.

Psicol. Caribe ; (25): 1-29, jun. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635788


Este estudio es producto de una investigación cuantitativa que describe las características de la comunicación que se forja al interior de las familias en los barrios subnormales de Montería (Colombia). El diseño metodológico partió de un muestreo intencional con 300 familias pertenecientes a cuatro asentamientos subnormales de la ciudad de Montería. La información fue obtenida de la aplicación de dos encuestas, una que mide características demográficas de los hogares, y el cuestionario CFA creado por Garcés (2004), que mide niveles de comunicación familiar. Dentro de los hallazgos más importante se resalta el hecho de que las familias nucleares de estos barrios subnormales seleccionados mostraron mejores niveles de comunicación y de relaciones que las monoparentales y extensas. Sin embargo, independientemente del tipo de familia se logra descubrir que es la figura materna la que muestra desarrollar con mayor fuerza que la figura paterna la comunicación afectiva y reguladora con los hijos. Otro aspecto por resaltar de este estudio es que se encontraron cuatro aspectos que ponen obstáculos al desarrollo funcional de la comunicación y las relaciones familiares, y estos son: la separación de los padres, el maltrato psicológico y físico, la crisis económica y el consumo de drogas.

This study is the result of a quantitative investigation that describes the characteristics of communication within families in subnormal neighborhoods of the city of Montería. The methodological design started with an intentional sample of 300 families that belong to four subnormal settlements in the city of Montería. The information was obtained through the application of two surveys, one to measure the demographic characteristics of homes and the CFA questionnaire created by Garces (2004) to measure the levels of family communication. From the most important findings of this study, it is highlighted that nuclear families showed better levels of communication and relationship than monoparental and extended ones. However, independently from the type of family, it was found that the mother figure shows better development than the father figure in the emotional and regulating communication with the children. Another aspect to highlight is that four aspects were found to be an obstacle in the functional development of communication and family relationships: parents' separation, psychological and physical abuse, the economical crisis and drug consumption.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;42(1): 131-146, ene.-abr. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-637061


El artículo presenta una revisión de los principales conceptos del síndrome de burnout académico, su evolución y su delimitación conceptual con otros trastornos como depresión y ansiedad, así como también una revisión de los modelos teóricos del burnout en el ámbito laboral para su aplicación en el ámbito académico. Además, se contextualizan las variables asociadas a su desarrollo y sus consecuencias en el rendimiento académico y en la salud mental de estudiantes universitarios.

The article presents a review of the main concepts of academic burnout, its evolution and its conceptual boundaries with other disorders like depression and anxiety, as well as the revision of theoretical models of burnout in the workplace to apply in the academic field. In addition, contextualize the variables associated with its development and its impact on academic performance and mental health of university students.

Salud UNINORTE ; 25(2): 374-390, dic. 2009. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-562544


Este artículo tiene como objetivo enmarcar el tema del desarrollo humano y la calidad de vida dentro de la problemática urbana en una ciudad como Barranquilla (Colombia) y la urgente necesidad que existe en ésta por cumplir unos criterios de habitabilidad y convivencia social en un marco de desarrollo sostenible. Para esto se describen los problemas de la salud y su relación con el espacio urbano en la ciudad, luego se presenta el concepto de Desarrollo Humano y Calidad de Vida, así como de Habitabilidad. Se termina sugiriendo una perspectiva de análisis que integre todo lo anterior coherentemente al concepto de sostenibilidad, como una alternativa de generar una mayor calidad de vida, mayor desarrollo humano y mayor habitabilidad en la ciudad...

This article intends to place the topic of human development and quality of life within the urban problematic in Barranquilla, Colombia, and the urgent necessity to meet some habitability and convivential criteria, within a sustainable development framework. In order to accomplish this, health problems and their relationship with the urban space in the city are described, next the concept of Human Development and Quality of Life, and habitability in Barranquilla are presented. It finishes suggesting a new perspective of analysis which coherently integrates all the afore said to the sustainability concept, as an alternative to generate better quality of life, higher human development and higher habitability in the city...

Qualidade de Vida , Desenvolvimento Humano , Pobreza
Salud UNINORTE ; 23(2): 184-192, dic. 2007. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-480337


Introduction: Some of the difficulties that university students face in their academic performance are usually situated in their cognitive skills. The intermediate attention difficulties are one of the most frequent problems observed in university students with anaverage academic result. Such difficulties affect mainly their capacity to focus and maintain attention efficiently without being distracted. This leads to a reduction of their academic performance and consequently their general life well-being. Objectives: During this research, we attempt to identify the changes in the intermediate attentional processes and the WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) attention parametersusing the self-control mindfulness method. Method: A pre-experimental design was used without a control group and pre and post observation in 21 university students (16 women and 5 men) whose average age was 20.4 years. The instruments used were the Wechsler Adults Intelligence Scale (attention subtests), and an self-perception scale based on the four Mirsky ìs (1986) attention processes.Results: After comparing the students scores before and after receiving training in the mindfulness method, through the t-student the results suggested that the mindfulness method showed statistical significant changes, between the before and after stages of the process. Changes were also evident in the WAIS quantitative scale as much as in the subjective scale, which supports the method training. Conclusions: The mindfulness method shows very meaningful changes in the autoperception of the students intermediate attentional processes and the WAIS attention parameters.

Humanos , Atenção , Comportamento , Estresse Fisiológico , Avaliação Educacional , Memória , Transtornos de Ansiedade