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Psicol. USP ; 35: e220019, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558729


Resumo A psicologia do ego é reconhecida como uma releitura norte-americana da psicanálise, e teve Ernst Kris - que foi próximo de Freud - como um de seus fundadores. Apesar deste autor utilizar-se de textos freudianos para firmar os fundamentos de sua teoria, sustenta-se que a psicologia do ego mais se distancia do que se aproxima da obra de Freud. Este estudo visa demonstrar de que forma isso ocorre. Para isso, situa-se brevemente quem foi Ernst Kris e quais são as críticas já existentes à psicologia do ego. Num segundo momento, analisa-se o artigo "Ego Psychology and Interpretation in Psychoanalytic Therapy", de Kris, em confronto com a teoria de Freud. Por último, expõe-se a crítica de Lacan. Destaca-se que a crítica lacaniana remete a questões referentes à ética da psicanálise e ao lugar do analista na direção do tratamento.

Abstract Ego Psychology is a North-American re-reading of psychoanalysis and had Ernst Kris - a man who was close to Freud - as one of its founders. Despite using Freudian texts to establish its foundations, Ego Psychology distances itself from Freud's psychoanalysis. This study demonstrates how this occurs by briefly discussing who Ernst Kris was and the existing criticisms of Ego Psychology. Secondly, it analyzes Ernst Kris's article "Ego Psychology and Interpretation in Psychoanalytic Therapy" against Freud's theory, to finally present Lacan's critique, which refers to issues related to the ethics of psychoanalysis and the analyst's role in directing treatment.

Resumen La Psicología del Yo se considera como una relectura estadounidense del psicoanálisis y tuvo a Ernst Kris -quien era cercano a Freud- como uno de sus fundadores. A pesar de que Ernst Kris utiliza textos freudianos para establecer los fundamentos de su teoría, se sostiene que la Psicología del Yo se aleja más de la obra de Freud que se acerca a ella. Este estudio tiene como objetivo demostrar cómo ocurre esto. Para ello, se sitúa brevemente quién es Ernst Kris y cuáles son las críticas ya existentes a la Psicología del Yo. En segundo lugar, se analiza el artículo "Ego Psychology and interpretation in psychoanalytic therapy", de Ernst Kris, en confrontación con la teoría de Freud. Y, por último, se expone la crítica de Lacan. Se destaca que la crítica lacaniana remite a cuestiones relacionadas con la ética del psicoanálisis y el lugar del analista en la dirección del tratamiento.

Résumé La psychologie de l'égo est une relecture nord-américaine de la psychanalyse dont Ernst Kris, un homme proche de Freud, est l'un des fondateurs. Bien qu'elle utilise des textes freudiens pour établir ses fondements, la psychologie de l'égo s'éloigne de la pensée freudienne. Pour démontrer cet écart, cette étude aborde la figure de Ernst Kris et des critiques existantes à l'égard de la psychologie de l'égo. Ensuite, elle analyse l'article « Ego Psychology and interpretation in psychoanalytic therapy ¼ par rapport à la théorie de Freud, pour enfin présenter la critique de Lacan, qui se réfère à des questions liées à l'éthique de la psychanalyse et au rôle de l'analyste dans la direction du traitement.

Teoria Psicanalítica , Psicanálise/história , Terapia Psicanalítica
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e55816, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460971


Studies on the Myrtaceae family are mainly distributed in floristic surveys, reproductive studies of plant communities or related to family taxonomy. Based on this, the objective of the present study was to elucidate aspects of floral and reproductive biology and, of floral visitors from Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O. Berg., a neglected species. Information was obtained on floral morphology and morphometry, anthesis, nectary, and structures attractive to pollinators, characterization of pollinators, receptiveness of stigma and maturing of the androecium components, and characterization of the reproductive system. Sete-capote tree has hermaphrodite flowers, and the floral opening occurs mainly during the daytime. Pollen grains was the main resource offered to pollinators. The flowers had mellow sweet odor, attracting mainly native bees and Apis melifera, which was characterized as effective pollinators. The species presents high reproductive efficiency and could be considered self-compatible; however, fertilization also occurs by cross-pollination.

Myrtaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Myrtaceae/embriologia , Polinização , Biologia
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461031


The aim of the study was to elucidate aspects of floral and reproductive biology and floral visitors of this species. Information was obtained on floral morphology and morphometry, anthesis, nectary, and structures attractive to pollinators, characterization of pollinators, receptiveness of stigma and maturing of the androecium components, and characterization of the reproductive system. Sete-capoteiro tree has hermaphrodite flowers, and the floral opening occurs mainly during the night period, however, it also occurs in the morning. Pollen grains was the main resource offered to pollinators. The flowers had mellow sweet odor, attracting mainly native bees and Apis melifera, which was characterized as effective pollinators. The species presents high reproductive efficiency and could be considered self-compatible; however, fertilization also occurs by cross-pollination.

Studies on the Myrtaceae family are mainly distributed in floristic surveys, reproductive studies of plant communities or related to family taxonomy. Based on this, the objective of the present study was to elucidate aspects of floral and reproductive biology and, of floral visitors from Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O. Berg., a neglected species. Information was obtained on floral morphology and morphometry, anthesis, nectary, and structures attractive to pollinators, characterization of pollinators, receptiveness of stigma and maturing of the androecium components, and characterization of the reproductive system. Sete-capote tree has hermaphrodite flowers, and the floral opening occurs mainly during the daytime. Pollen grains was the main resource offered to pollinators. The flowers had mellow sweet odor, attracting mainly native bees and Apis melifera, which was characterized as effective pollinators. The species presents high reproductive efficiency and could be considered self-compatible; however, fertilization also occurs by cross-pollination.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 41: e43904, 20190000. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460855


Studies related to floral biology are essential for the understanding of the ecological relations between different species, and the beginning of breeding programs. In this way, the aim of the study was to elucidate aspects of floral and reproductive biology and floral visitors of this species. Information about floral morphology and morphometry, anthesis, nectaries and pollinator attractive structures, characterization of floral visitors, receptivity of androcytic stigma and maturation, in vitro pollen storage and germination, and characterization of the reproductive system were obtained. The guabiju tree has hermaphrodite flowers, and the floral opening occurs mainly during the night, but also in the morning. Anthers are the main attractive structure to the pollinating insects, releasing fetid odor, attracting mainly flies and wasps characterized as occasional pollinators, and moths characterized as effective pollinators. For the germination of pollen, it is recommend using it without desiccation, collected in post-anthesis, and for the culture medium the use of 11% of sucrose and 7% of boric acid. Pollen presents recalcitrant behavior, so even when stored in refrigerator, freezer, liquid nitrogen and natural environment lose viability in less than 30 days. It presents high reproductive efficiency, and can be considered self-compatible; however, fertilization also occurs by cross-pollination.

Myrtales/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Myrtales/química , Polinização/genética , Técnicas Reprodutivas
Psicol. argum ; 34(87): 378-394, out.-dez. 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-835187


Este artigo objetiva abordar a alienação e a separação enquanto operações da relação entre mãe e filha, bem como os conflitos que a permeiam. À luz da psicanálise, utiliza-se revisão bibliográfica como metodologia para reunir conteúdos relativos à temática proposta. Analisam-se, paralelamente, fragmentos clínicos de duas pacientes para ilustrar o processo de distinção entre mãe e filha. Ademais, o conceito edipiano e o conceito de fantasia são retomados para possibilitar a interpretação dos recortes clínicos. Observa-se que o processo de singularização de mãe e filha não ocorre de maneira simples, tendo em vista que a filha recorre a uma invenção singular para lidar com o conflito de uma fantasia construída e responder à pergunta “O que o Outro materno quer de mim?”.

This article aims to approach alienation and separation as operations of the relationship between mother and daughter as well as its conflicts. In light of psychoanalysis, a bibliographic review will be used to gather content related to the theme. In parallel, clinical fragments of two patients are analyzed to illustrate the process of distinction between mother and daugther. Additionally, the Oedipus complex and the concept of fantasy are used to interpret clinical extracts. It is observed that the process of singularization in the mother-daughter relationship does not occur in a simple manner, as the daughter resorts to a singular invention to cope with a conflict generated by a conflict and to respond to the question: “What does the maternal Other want from me?”.

Humanos , Feminino , Ansiedade de Separação , Complexo de Édipo , Fantasia , Feminilidade , Relações Mãe-Filho , Psicanálise
Psicol. argum ; 34(85): 170-184, abr.-jun. 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-835171


O campo privilegiado de discussão deste artigo é a articulação entre os temas feminilidade e a maternidade a partir da clínica psicanalítica com crianças. Para Freud a maternidade é tomada como destino que daria acesso a mulher à feminilidade. Em Lacan a mãe está situada ao lado do falo, sendo a experiência da maternidade o resultado da experiência de castração e da mulher não-toda fálica. Lacan insiste na diferenciação entre a mãe e a mulher. Para o autor a questão essencial para a psicanálise com crianças era a sexualidade feminina, não é sem efeito para o sujeito que a sua mãe seja também uma mulher. A questão que deu origem ao trabalho nasceu da clínica psicanalítica com crianças. A escolha do caso clínico está atrelada ao fato de que ele retrata os impasses vivenciados por uma mulher frente à experiência da maternidade. Discutir-se-á se tornar-se mãe é uma solução para a posição feminina. O caso clínico busca, ainda, ilustrar o momento que em a análise da criança permitirá a disjunção entre a mãe e a mulher.

The privileged field of discussion of this article is a link between the femininity and motherhood, themes from the psychoanalytic practice with children. For Freud motherhood is taken as a destiny that would give access to femininity for woman. In Lacan the mother is located on phallus side, and the experience of motherhood is a castration experience and the woman is non-all phallic. Lacan insists on the distinction between mother and woman. For the author the essential question for psychoanalysis with children was the female sexuality, is not without effect for the subject that his mother is also a woman. The question that gave rise to the study was born on the psychoanalytic clinic with children. The choice of the clinic case is linked to the fact that he show the impasses experienced by a woman against the experience of motherhood. We will discuss if becoming a mother is a solution to the feminine position. The clinic case aims to illustrate the point that in the child's analysis, will allow the disjunction between mother and woman.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Feminilidade , Relações Mãe-Filho , Sexualidade , Psicanálise