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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206856


Background: Induction of labour is an iatrogenic deliberate attempt to terminate the pregnancy in order to achieve vaginal delivery in cases of valid indication. It should be carefully supervised as it is a challenge to the clinician, mother and the fetus. Aim of this study was to find out common indications for IOL in a tertiary care teaching centre and its feto-maternal outcome.Methods: An institutional based retrospective observational study was conducted to describe the prevalence of labour induction and factors associated with its outcome, during the time-period of one year from January 2018 to December 2018, at SRMS IMS, Bareilly. Logistic regression analysis was employed to assess the relative effect of determinants and statistical tests were used to see the associations.Results: Most of the patients were primigravidas of younger age-group. Idiopathic oligohydramnios and postdatism were the commonest indications for induction of labour and Misoprost was the commonest drug used for it. Though majority had vaginal delivery, as the method was changed to combined method it was significantly associated with increased likelihood of LSCS. Similarly there was increased association with maternal cervico-vaginal tear / lacerations as the method was changed to combined type. However there were no association between post-partum hemorrhage, meconium stained liquor or fetal distress.Conclusions: Common indications for induction of labour were oligohydramnios and postdatism. Misoprost can be safely used for induction of labour without any increased risk for LSCS or any fetal / neonatal risks.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201570


Background: Hand hygiene is a milestone in the field of infectious disease control. Promotion of improved hand hygiene has been recognized as an important public health measure. Therefore hand washing is being promoted in various ways. This study has been conducted to assess the level of knowledge and attitude regarding hand hygiene practices amongst the medical students to identify areas of gaps in their knowledge, attitude and practices.Methods: This is a cross sectional study conducted among medical undergraduates of a private medical college in western Utter Pradesh. A pre tested questionnaire with multiple choice questions was used for collection of data.Results: A total of 246 MBBS students participated in the study out of which 50.4 % students were male and rest were female. 78.5% participants were belonging to the age group 19-21 years. Students have good knowledge of hand washing irrespective of their educational front.Conclusions: The results of our study are fairly good still a proper training program is required to generate awareness among the community. Maintenance of hand hygiene should be a part of our education system at primary level.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201301


Background: Perceived health (PH) is a subjective assessment of the health and it is a strong, independent and reliable predictor of morbidity, mortality. It includes so many aspects that are difficult to capture clinically such as incipient disease, physiological, psychological reserves. We assessed the impact of diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension (HTN), co-morbidity and other associated factors on the general health (GH) dimension of the PH of the patients attending the outpatient department (OPD), Inpatient department (IPD), rural health training centre (RHTC) and urban health training centre (UHTC) of Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences (SRMS, IMS), Bareilly.Methods: PH status of the patients was assessed by the GH dimension of the physical component summary of PH using the 36-Items short form health survey (SF-36).Results: The impact of morbidity deteriorate the GH score but hypertensive patients scored poor results as compared to those with DM and comorbid patients (p>0.05). Age was inversely related with GH scores but male gender, higher education (p<0.05) and good occupation were all associated with higher GH score. There was not much influence of geographical area on the GH scores but urban score slightly better and the association was insignificant (p>0.05).Conclusions: Male young patients from urban area, educated and good job performed better score for GH and association was significant for education and occupation. The presence of morbidity and co-morbid condition deteriorate the GH of the patients. The impact of various socio-demographic factors on the PH status was also evident in the study.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201025


Background: Needle stick injuries (NSIs) are a hazard for people who work with hypodermic syringes and other needle equipment. These injuries can occur at any time when people use, disassemble, or dispose of needles. Needle Stick and Sharps Injuries (NSSIs) are one of the major risk factors for blood-borne infections. The aim and objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge, attitude, practice and prevalence of NSIs among nurses in a private tertiary care hospital of district Bareilly; to recommended the preventive measure to control the injuries.Methods: A survey has been conducted in August 2013 to February 2014 among the nurses. This is a cross-sectional study. A purposive sampling was done aimed at covering at least 50 trained nurses and 50 nursing students working in a private tertiary care hospital Bareilly.Results: The prevalence of needle stick injuries per year equals 69.0%. Self inflicted were most common among nurses working in the wards. Instruments contaminated with infectious material accounted for the injuries in the study group of nurses.Conclusions: NSSIs are highly prevalent among nurses, and prevention is the most effective way to protect nurses from infectious diseases. The most common cause of injuries from needles was an improper handling of syringes and needles after injections.