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Brasília méd ; 48(3): 277-283, out. 2011. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-611945


Objetivo. Elaborar uma revisão crítica a respeito das aplicações medicinais da Cannabis sativa e de compostos a ela relacionados.Método. O texto foi baseado nos principais artigos relatando as descobertas dos mecanismos pelos quais a maconha exerce seus efeitos, bem como em pesquisas atuais que tentam desenvolver novos medicamentos com base no sistema endocanabinoide.Resultados. Embora a Cannabis sativa venha sendo utilizada há séculos, há poucas aplicações para essa planta na medicina atual. Porém, o progresso significante nessa área, com a caracterização do sistema endocanabinoide no cérebro, sugere a possibilidade de se desenvolverem novos medicamentos para o tratamento de doenças do sistemanervoso central, tais como transtornos de ansiedade e do humor e epilepsia. Conclusão. A pesquisa sobre as propriedades farmacológicas e terapêuticas da Cannabis sativa e de compostos relacionados representa uma estratégia promissora para o desenvolvimento de drogas. No entanto, esta perspective requer cautela, considerando-se alguns efeitos potencialmente deletérios, bem como as controvérsias que podem serobservadas dos pontos de vista social e político.

Objective. The aim of this paper is to critically review the medical applications of Cannabis sativa and related compounds.Method. The text is based on the main articles on the discovery of the mechanisms through which cannabis exerts its effects, as well as on contemporary research trying to develop new medicines based on the endocannabinoid system. Results. Despite the ancient use of Cannabis sativa, there have been very few applications of thus herb incontemporary medicine. Nonetheless, the significant progress in this , with the characterization of the endocannabinoid system in the brain, points to the possibility of developing new medicaments for the treatment of disorders of the central nervous system, such as anxiety, mood disorders and epilepsy. Conclusion. The research on the pharmacological and therapeutic properties of Cannabis sativa and relatedcompounds is a promising approach for drug development. However, this perspective must be tempered considering some potentially deleterious effects as well as the controversies that can be seen from social and political standpoints.

RBCF, Rev. bras. ciênc. farm. (Impr.) ; 41(4): 459-466, out.-dez. 2005. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-433323


We describe the preparation of pancreatic enzymes hydrolysate of milk whey proteins containing low levels of aromatic amino acids. Pancreatin and trypsin/chymotrypsin (6.3 percent w/w protein) when used to hydrolyze whey proteins for 27 h at 37±2 °C, released 74 percent of the Phe, 100 percent of the Tyr and 100 percent of the Trp as free amino acids. Most of the free aromatic amino acids present in 2 kg hydrolysate were separated from the remaining peptides and other amino acids by gel filtration on a 15 liter Sephadex G-25 column eluted with 5 percent acetic acid at 60 liters 'h POT. -1' 25°C. The product, recovered in 37 percent yield, contained 0.70 mmol Phe, 0.41 mmol Tyr, and <0.01mmol Trp/100mmol recovered amino acids. The hydrolysate had a general amino acid composition similar to the whey proteins from which it was prepared and could be use as a nitrogen source for patients with phenylketonuria or tyrosinemia after the addition of appropriate aromatic amino acids...

Erros Inatos do Metabolismo , Fenilalanina Hidroxilase , Fenilcetonúrias , Tirosinemias , Clarificação Química , Cromatografia em Gel , Filtração/métodos