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ABCS health sci ; 48: e023229, 14 fev. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518544


INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have reported that buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) is a typical fruit from the Brazilian cerrado ecosystem and an important food source for low-income populations. Its composition is rich in carotenoid polyphenols, monounsaturated fatty acids, and ascorbic acid. However, studies on the biological effects resulting from the consumption of this fruit are scarce. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of a diet supplemented with buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) on kidney and liver functions in growing rats. METHODS: Determination of centesimal composition, carotenoids, and fatty acids content for buriti pulp, standard chow, and butiti-supplemented chow were performed. Then, Wistar rats of both sexes were fed a standard diet or supplemented with buriti pulp. Blood samples were collected at the end of the experiment to determine biochemical parameters. The unpaired t-test was applied, and differences were considered significant when p<0.05. RESULTS: A diet enriched with buriti pulp did not interfere with kidney function and most markers of liver function in animals. Alkaline phosphatase showed significantly higher plasma concentration in female rats, and albumin and uric acid showed lower concentrations in male rats in both experimental groups. CONCLUSION: The changes observed in biochemical markers did not provide evidence of adverse effects of buriti pulp supplementation on liver function. Thus, the intake of buriti pulp can be encouraged as it is a low-cost food source for the general population.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Ratos , Roedores , Dieta , Frutas/metabolismo , Rim , Fígado , Brasil
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39006, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415871


Due to rainfall and high temperatures, the Amazonian soil undergoes changes in its source material and leaching of base cations. This results in deep, infertile, and acidic soil. Aluminum present in acidic soil impairs plant growth and development by inhibiting root formation, enzymatic reactions, absorption, transport, and nutrient utilization. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of aluminum dosage on the metabolism of the oil palm Elaeis guineensis Jacq. The study was conducted in a greenhouse at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia. The experimental design was randomized, with five replications, in which dosages of 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mg L-1 aluminum chloride (AlCl3.6H2O) were administered. Electrolyte leakage, nitrate, nitrate reductase, free ammonium, soluble amino acids, proline content, and soluble proteins were analyzed in the leaves and roots of the oil palm. The highest concentration of aluminum was found in the roots. AlCl3 treatment at 40 mg L-1 increased electrolyte leakage, nitrate, ammonium, and proline concentrations in the roots, and amino acid concentrations in both the leaves and roots. Furthermore, a decrease in nitrate reductase enzyme activity was observed in the roots. This study demonstrates that the oil palm has mechanisms of tolerance to aluminum toxicity.

Óleo de Palmeira/metabolismo , Acidez do Solo , Alumínio/toxicidade
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e58099, 2021. map, tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461016


Açaí (Euterpe oleraceaMart.) -a common tropical palm has high social, economic, and environmental importance in the Amazon region. In the light of increasing exploration to obtain the fruit and heart of this palms, comprehensive studies are warranted for conservation and genetic improvement. Here, we characterized açaí accessions using phenological, morphological, and agronomic descriptors and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)molecular markers for joint selection of accessions with greater productivity. Hundred accessions were analyzed using 18 morphoagronomic descriptors and 13 RAPD markers. The spathe and inflorescence emission phases during flowering and fruiting showed seasonality. Based on the coefficient of variation and mean squared error, the accessions exhibited high variability in the tested morphoagronomic descriptors and were distributed into seven groups. Fruit, seed, and pulp weights were important descriptors for the distinction of accessions and identification of those with greater productivity. The accessions presented >85% similarity, and 85 accessions, distributed in nine subgroups, could not be differentiated using RAPD markers. There was no correlation between grouping based on morphometric descriptors and RAPD markers. Panicle weight was 3.9-9.0 kg in 15 accessions and 100-fruit pulp weight was 35-50 g in six accessions. Therefore, accessions with high productivity could be selected.

Antocianinas , Biomarcadores , Euterpe/genética , Euterpe/química
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(3): e20190075, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142760


ABSTRACT: Peach palm is a domesticated palm commercially important for the production of fruits and hearts of palm. Somatic embryogenesis, an effective technique for mass propagation, was successfully established for this species. Furthermore, a temporary immersion system improved plant regeneration. However, production can be further improved by understanding the peach palm's growth dynamic and modifications of culture media. The aims of this study were to evaluate the growth of plantlets cultured in different culture media in a temporary immersion system and to correlate the results with nutrient uptake during the growth period. Somatic embryo-derived young plantlets approximately 1 cm in length were cultivated for 12 weeks in a twin flask system containing MS, Y3 or N6 salts, Morel and Wetmore vitamins and 3% sucrose, with a monthly medium refreshment. Growth was measured and mineral analysis of the plantlets was carried out after 12 weeks of culture. The Y3 and MS salts were the most appropriate for the plant growth. Number of roots was 52.52% higher and the root size was 40.42% between the N6 and MS medium and the root number in Y3 medium was 37.74% greater than in MS medium, which is important for post acclimatization survival. K and Na are important elements for peach palm. N is not required at such a high concentration as in Murashige and Skoog formulation. The Chu (N6) medium did not generate high quality plantlets, possibly due to the absence of some micronutrients, like Mo, Cu and Co.

RESUMO: A pupunheira é uma palmeira comercialmente importante para a produção de palmito. A embriogênese somática, técnica efetiva para propagação massal, foi estabelecida com sucesso para essa espécie. Além disso, um sistema de imersão temporária aumentou a regeneração de plantas. Entretanto, a produção pode ser melhorada através da compreensão da dinâmica de crescimento e modificações do meio de cultura. O estudo objetivou avaliar o crescimento de plantas em diferentes meios de cultura em um sistema de imersão temporária e correlacionar os resultados com a absorção de nutrientes durante o período de crescimento. Plantas derivadas de embriões somáticos, com aproximadamente 1 cm de comprimento, foram cultivadas por 12 semanas em um sistema tipo frasco gêmeo contendo sais do MS, Y3 ou N6, vitaminas de Morel e Wetmore e 3% de sacarose, com renovação mensal do meio de cultura. O crescimento e os teores de nutrientes nas plantas foram determinados após 12 semanas de cultivo. Os sais do MS e Y3 foram os mais apropriados para o crescimento vegetal. O número e comprimento de raízes foi 52,52% e 40,42% maior no meio MS do que no meio N6, respectivamente, e o número de raízes no meio Y3 foi 37,74% maior que no meio MS, o que é importante para a sobrevivência após a aclimatização. K e Na foram os nutrientes mais importantes para a pupunheira. O N não foi requerido em altas concentrações como verificado na formulação do meio Murashige e Skoog. O meio de Chu (N6) não gerou plantas de boa qualidade, possivelmente devido à ausência dos micronutrientes Mo, Cu e Co.

Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 33: e190146, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1136698


ABSTRACT Objective The presence of dietary bioactive compounds in the human diet becomes a major factor in combating the etiology of different pathologies. Thus, the aim of this investigation was to evaluate the fatty acids profile, cardiovascular functionality indices, bioactive compounds and spectroscopic pattern of peach palm oil (pupunha oil) and their impact on human health. Methods The oil was obtained by soxhlet extraction; the oil yield and qualities were determined according to the standards of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. For the fatty acids profile, the practical recommendations of the American Oil Chemists' Society and of the International Organization for Standardization were followed. Total carotenoids and polyphenols were determined by spectrophotometry; the composition of the chemical groups was determined by infrared spectroscopy. The anti-atherogenic, antithrombogenic and hypocholesterolemic indices were obtained using mathematical models. Results The results showed good quality oil based on acid and peroxyde indices (2.45±0.33mg KOH g-1 and 5.47±1.05mEq kg-1). The main fruit bioactive compound was β-carotene (832.4±0.64µg/100g). The chromatographic profile showed a high saturated fatty acid content (53.74%); unsaturated (46.25%); fats were monounsaturated (39.66%) and polyunsaturated (6.59%). The antiatherogenic, antithrombogenic and hypocholesterolemic indices were, on average, 1.10, 2.04 and 0.84, respectively. The spectroscopic profile exhibited bands with variation from 2918.8cm-1 to 714cm-1. Conclusion The results indicate that the consumption of isolated lipid content of the pupunha palm oil provides health protection with emphasis on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

RESUMO Objetivo A presença de fontes alimentares ricas em compostos bioativos na dieta humana torna-se fator preponderante no combate à etiologia de diversas patologias. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o perfil de ácidos graxos, índices de funcionalidade cardiovasculares, compostos bioativos e padrão espectroscópico do óleo da pupunha vermelha e suas implicações para a saúde humana. Métodos O óleo foi obtido por extração via soxhlet; seu rendimento e qualidade foram determinados segundo as normas da Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Para o perfil de ácidos graxos, seguiram-se as recomendações práticas da American Oil Chemists' Society e da International Organization for Standardization. Os carotenoides e polifenóis totais foram estipulados por espectrofotometria; a constituição de grupos químicos, por espectroscopia de infravermelho. Os índices antiaterogênico, antitrombogênico e hipocolesterolêmico foram obtidos por modelos matemáticos. Resultados Os resultados evidenciaram um óleo com boa qualidade, com base nos índices de acidez e peróxido (2,45±0,33mg KOH g-1 e 5,47±1,05mEq kg-1). O principal composto bioativo desse fruto foi o β-caroteno (832,4±0,64µg/100g). O perfil cromatográfico revelou um elevado teor de ácidos graxos saturados (53,74%); os insaturados (46,25%) se mostraram distribuídos em monoinsaturados (39,66%) e poli-insaturados (6,59%). Os índices de antiaterogênico, antitrombogênico e hipocolesterolêmico foram, em média, respectivamente 1,10; 2,04 e 0,84. O perfil espectroscópico apresentou destaques com variação de 2918,8cm-1 a 714cm-1. Conclusão Os resultados indicam que o consumo do conteúdo lipídico isolado da pupunha atua na proteção da saúde, em especial para a prevenção de agravos cardiovasculares.

Espectrofotometria , Óleos , Carotenoides , Arecaceae , Ácidos Graxos
Rev. biol. trop ; 67(4)sept. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507543


En ecología una de las preguntas más importantes es: ¿cuáles son los factores ambientales que explican la alta diversidad de especies de plantas en los bosques tropicales? En este trabajo, se estudiaron las comunidades de palmas y su relación con los nutrientes del suelo en dos localidades del Chocó biogeográfico. Específicamente, se investigó: (1) cómo varían los nutrientes del suelo entre las dos localidades; (2) cuál es la relación entre los nutrientes del suelo y la composición florística de palmas; (3) cuáles son los nutrientes más importantes que explican la variación en la composición florística de las comunidades de palmas; y (4) cómo varía la abundancia de las especies dominantes de sotobosque y de dosel a lo largo del gradiente de concentración de los nutrientes más importantes. Se realizaron 20 transectos de 500 x 5 m (5 ha), en los cuales se identificaron y contaron todos los individuos de palmas en sus diferentes estadios de crecimiento. Las muestras de suelo se tomaron en cada uno de los transectos a los 0 , 250 y 500 m. Los cationes (Al, Ca, Mg, K, P) se extrajeron con la técnica Mehlich-III y las concentraciones se analizaron con espectrometría de emisión con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (ICP-OES). La concentración de macronutrientes se relacionó con la composición florística mediante el test de Mantel, el test parcial de Mantel, regresiones lineales y escalamiento multidimensional no métrico (NMDS). Se encontraron 9 158 individuos y 33 especies de palmas en las 5 ha cubiertas por los transectos. La composición florística presentó una correlación positiva y significativa con los nutrientes del suelo (rM = 0.63-0.69) y con la distancia geográfica entre los transectos (rM = 0.71-0.75), mientras que las variables edáficas mostraron una alta correlación con la distancia geográfica (rM = 0.72). Asimismo, se encontró una débil relación significativa entre la fertilidad del suelo y la abundancia de palmas de sotobosque, pero ninguna con las palmas del dosel. Nuestros resultados demuestran que los suelos juegan un papel importante en la composición de las comunidades de palmas a escalas locales en la región del Chocó, y que los suelos más pobres y ricos en fósforo presentan la mayor diversidad de palmas.

One of the most important questions in ecology is: which are the environmental factors that explain the high plant diversity of tropical forests? We studied the floristic composition of palm communities and their relationship to soil nutrients in two localities of the Chocó region to understand (1) how soil nutrients vary between the two localities; (2) what is the relationship between soil nutrients and palm floristic composition; (3) what are the most important nutrients that explain the variation in floristic composition of palm communities; and (4) how does the abundance of the most exuberant understory and canopy palm species vary along the concentration gradient of the most important nutrients? We established 20 transects (5 x 500 m) and identified all palm individuals of all growth stages. Soil samples were taken at each transect at the beginning, middle, and end. Macronutrients (Al, Ca, Mg, K, P) were extracted with the Mehlich-III technique and their concentrations were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). We used Mantel test, partial Mantel tests, linear regressions, and non-metric multidimensional scaling to determine if the concentration of nutrients was related to the floristic composition. We found a total of 9 158 individuals and 33 species of palms in the 5 ha covered by our transects. Floristic composition had a positive and significant correlation with soil nutrients (rM = 0.63-0.69) and with geographical distance between transects (rM= 0.71-0.75), whereas the soil nutrients were highly correlated with geographical distance (rM = 0.72). We also found a small, yet significant, relationship between soil fertility and the abundance of understory palms, but no relationship with canopy palms. Our results demonstrate for the first time that soils play an important role in the composition of palm communities at local scales in the Chocó region, and that infertile and phosphorus-rich soils have the highest palm diversity.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 40: 37340-37340, 20180000. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460816


In vitro cultures of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) were established by somatic embryogenesis but some improvements in maturation and conversion steps are still needed. The aim of this study was to analyze morpho-anatomical differences in peach palm leaves from greenhouse cultured plants, in vitro plants developed from in vitro germinated seeds and somatic embryo-derived plants. Expanded leaves were prepared for histological analyses and scanning electron microscopy. No significant difference was found between ex vitro and in vitro cultured plants, but the somatic embryo-derived plants showed structural alterations of the leaves. The epidermal cells were elongated in shape, the mesophyll cells were thicker and the vascular bundle was not very developed. In somatic embryo-derived leaves the cuticle was thinner than in other leaves and epicuticular wax was present but poorly deposited. In in vitro cultured plants, the deposition of epicuticular wax on the leaves was irregular while in the greenhouse plants it was regular and abundant. These alterations in somatic embryo-derived leaves could hinder the acclimatization and development of peach palm plants so it is necessary to improve the protocol for somatic embryogenesis to produce better plants.

O cultivo de pupunha (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) in vitro foi estabelecido através de embriogênese somática; alguns melhoramentos nas fases de maturação e conversão, contudo, ainda são necessários. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar diferenças morfoanatômicas em suas folhas, cultivadas em casa de vegetação, germinadas in vitro e provenientes de embriogênese somática. Folhas expandidas foram preparadas para análise histológica e microscopia eletrônica. Houve diferenças significativas entre as plantas da casa de vegetação e as plantas obtidas por embriogênese somática. As células epidérmicas eram alongadas; a espessura da folha e do clorênquima era menor que nas outras; a cutícula era menos espessa, com baixa deposição de ceras. Os feixes vasculares estavam menos desenvolvidos. As folhas das plantas cultivadas in vitro e de embriogênese somática apresentavam estruturas pouco desenvolvidas, o que sugere a necessidade de uma melhoria na fase de conversão durante a embriogênese somática.

Arecaceae/anatomia & histologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-846916


Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss (family Arecaceae) is the snake fruit commonly known in Malay language as salak in Malaysia. This exotic fruit has diverse and potential pharmacological properties due to its high antioxidant content. It is often consumed due to its sweet taste. The abundant natural sugar and fibre along with minerals and vitamin makes it a nutritious fruit. Phytochemical investigation on this fruit has revealed the presence of flavonoids, phenolics, glycosides as well as some volatile and aromatic compounds, including gallic acid, quercetin, chlorogenic acid, epicatechin, proanthocyanidins, lycopene and β-carotene. Pharmacological studies on the fruit flesh and peel have shown some tremendous antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antidiabetic potential. This review provides the botanical information of Salacca zalacca as well as its scientific investigations involving the distinct pharmacological and phytochemical benefits. This could help in highlighting the lacking data and research gaps on this plant.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951277


Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss (family Arecaceae) is the snake fruit commonly known in Malay language as salak in Malaysia. This exotic fruit has diverse and potential pharmacological properties due to its high antioxidant content. It is often consumed due to its sweet taste. The abundant natural sugar and fibre along with minerals and vitamin makes it a nutritious fruit. Phytochemical investigation on this fruit has revealed the presence of flavonoids, phenolics, glycosides as well as some volatile and aromatic compounds, including gallic acid, quercetin, chlorogenic acid, epicatechin, proanthocyanidins, lycopene and β-carotene. Pharmacological studies on the fruit flesh and peel have shown some tremendous antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antidiabetic potential. This review provides the botanical information of Salacca zalacca as well as its scientific investigations involving the distinct pharmacological and phytochemical benefits. This could help in highlighting the lacking data and research gaps on this plant.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 85: e0432017, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-999203


The weevil Ozopherus muricatus Pascoe, 1872 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is already considered a pest in Brazil for açaí palm (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) plantations. Its presence has become more frequent and caused significant reduction in the production of açaí fruit. Studies on the biology of this insect pest are still scarce, hindering its management. For studies on pheromones, for instance, it is essential to correctly identify the sex of the insect. The objective of this study was to evaluate the existence of sexual dimorphism in pupae and adults of O. muricatus in order to allow the identification of males and females. Larvae, pupae and adults were collected from açaí plantations and kept in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) type incubation chambers. Adults and pupae were examined under a stereomicroscope, and dimorphism was determined through observation of external morphological characteristics. In addition, adults were dissected in order to observe genitalia and confirm the sex of specimens. In the pupae, sexual dimorphism was characterized by the presence of two protuberances in the terminal ventral region of the abdomen of females, which were absent in males. In adults, sexual dimorphism was also observed, based on the final abdominal segments. In males, it was possible to see all eight abdominal tergites, while in females tergite VIII is covered by tergite VII. Thus, the sexual dimorphism present in the morphological characteristics of O. muricatus allows the distinction between males and females of this species.(AU)

O gorgulho Ozopherus muricatus Pascoe, 1872 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) já é considerado uma praga em plantações de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) no Brasil. Sua presença tem se tornado mais frequente e causado redução significativa na produção de frutos. Estudos sobre a biologia dessa praga ainda são escassos, dificultando o seu manejo. Para estudos com feromônios, por exemplo, é essencial a correta identificação do sexo do inseto. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a existência de dimorfismo sexual em pupas e em adultos de O. muricatus, a fim de permitir a identificação de machos e fêmeas. Larvas, pupas e adultos foram coletados de plantações de açaí e mantidos em câmaras incubadoras para demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO). Adultos e pupas foram examinados sob microscópio estereoscópico, e o dimorfismo foi determinado por meio da observação de características morfológicas externas. Adicionalmente, adultos foram dissecados para a observação da genitália e confirmação do sexo dos espécimes. Nas pupas, o dimorfismo sexual foi caracterizado pela presença de duas protuberâncias na região terminal ventral do abdome das fêmeas, as quais foram ausentes nos machos. Nos adultos, também se observou dimorfismo sexual, com base nos segmentos finais do abdome. Nos machos, é possível visualizar todos os oito tergitos abdominais, enquanto nas fêmeas o tergito VIII é encoberto pelo tergito VII. Assim, o dimorfismo sexual presente nas características morfológicas de O. muricatus permite distinção entre machos e fêmeas dessa espécie.(AU)

Besouros , Gorgulhos , Diferenciação Sexual , Euterpe
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 48(7): e20170742, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045157


ABSTRACT: This study validated the use of leaf 17 on the sampling of Opsiphanes invirae Hübner (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) through the quantification of caterpillar abundance on the different spirals leaves, in comparison to leaf 17, and, on the apical, intermediate and basal leaf regions. This study was performed in the state of Pará, between March-2014 and March-2015. Results confirmed that leaf 17 is the most adequate method for monitoring this defoliator pest.

RESUMO: Esta pesquisa validou a utilização da folha 17, nas amostragens de Opsiphanes invirae Hübner )Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), através da quantificação da abundância de lagartas nas diferentes folhas que compõem os espirais em comparação com a folha 17, e, em diferentes regiões da folha (apical, intermediária e basal). O estudo foi realizado no Pará entre março de 2014 e março de 2015. Os resultados confirmam que a folha 17 é a mais adequada para ser utilizada no monitoramento desse desfolhador.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 24(3)sept. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508829


La documentación de las especies neotropicales de la familia Arecaceae, basada en los recientes aportes a su taxonomía y su relación con los paisajes naturales, actualiza los patrones espaciales a los cuales se adaptan en su rango de distribución. En este caso se relevan 121 registros de especímenes de las 11 especies del género Attalea de Bolivia y su relación con 30 sistemas ecológicos que aproximan su ámbito de distribución a nivel regional. Para ello se sistematizó, se verificó y corrigieron las coordenadas geográficas vs. localidades de todos los especímenes coleccionados del género Attalea con el fin de cotejarlos con los sistemas ecológicos, utilizando las herramientas del ArgGis. Seguidamente elaboramos un dendrograma (especies vs. sistemas ecológicos) utilizando el método de distancia mínima en el programa R. El análisis de la relación de las especies con los sistemas ecológicos resalta una especie que no compone al sudoeste amazónico: A. eichleri y que procede de sistemas ecológicos del Cerrado. Entre las especies de Attalea amazónicas, A. blepharopus (endémica de Bolivia) se aísla de las demás y el resto subagrupa a especies según su presencia afín en bosques y sabanas, además del subandino y aluvial, como es para A. princeps, que se encuentra en 17 sistemas (57%). Ocho especies de Attalea son comunes con Perú y 10 con Brasil. Es importante relacionar la agrupación jerárquica de las especies de Attalea con los sistemas ecológicos en función a dinámicas paisajísticas para documentar sus patrones de espacio y también para su conservación.

The documentation of the Neotropical species of the Arecaceae family, based on the recent contributions to its taxonomy and its relationship with natural landscapes, updates the spatial patterns to which they adapt in their range of distribution. In this case 121 records of specimens of the 11 species of the genus Attalea of Bolivia and their relationship with 30 ecological systems that approximate their scope of distribution at regional level are released. To this end, the geographical coordinates were systematized, verified and corrected. Localities of all the specimens collected from the genus Attalea in order to compare them with ecological systems, using the ArgGis tools. We then elaborate a dendrogram (species vs. ecological systems) using the minimum distance method in the R program. The analysis of the relation of the species with the ecological systems highlights a species that does not compose to the southwest amazon: A. eichleri and that is native to ecological systems of the Cerrado. Among the SW Amazonian Attalea species, A. blepharopus (endemic to Bolivia) is isolated from the others and the rest subgroup species according to their presence in forests and savannas, in addition to the subandean and alluvial, as it is for A. princeps, which is found in 17 systems (57%). Eight species of Attalea are common with Peru and 10 with Brazil. It is important to relate the hierarchical grouping of the Attalea species with ecological systems in function of landscape dynamics to document their space patterns and also for their conservation.

Acta biol. colomb ; 22(2): 221-233, mayo-ago. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-886060


RESUMEN La ecología de la polinización de Syagrus orinocensis fue estudiada durante tres períodos reproductivos, en un bosque de piedemonte en Casanare, Orinoquia colombiana. Syagrus orinocensis crece hasta 10m., produce de una a cuatro inflorescencias bisexuales aunque ocasionalmente son unisexuales. Las bisexuales presentan flores estaminadas y pistiladas agrupadas en tríadas, y las unisexuales llevan sólo estaminadas en díadas. Las inflorescencias protándricas abren de día, y permanecieron activas 26 días; la fase masculina se extendió los primeros 15 días, siguió una fase inactiva por ocho días, y finalmente, la fase pistilada por tres días. Las inflorescencias fueron visitadas por 43 especies de insectos de los órdenes Coleoptera, Hymenoptera y Diptera. Los insectos visitaron las inflorescencias en fase masculina, donde buscaban polen y lugares para reproducirse, mientras que en la fase femenina buscaban néctar. Los polinizadores más efectivos fueron abejas meliponinas (Apidae, Meliponini), que transfirieron adherido a su cuerpo el 83 % del polen. La presencia, constancia y eficiencia de abejas durante el estudio son evidencia sólida de melitofilia en palmas. Este caso de melitofilia permitió proponer los criterios para redefinir este tipo de polinización en palmas silvestres neotropicales.

ABSTRACT The pollination ecology of the Syagrus orinocensis was studied in the course of three consecutive yearly flowering seasons in a foothill forest in Casanare, Colombian Orinoco region. Syagrus orinocensis palms grow up to 10 m high and produce one to four bisexual, occasionally unisexual, inflorescences. The bisexual inflorescences bear staminate and pistillate flowers arranged in triads, whereas the unisexual inflorescences carry only staminate flowers in dyads. The inflorescences are protandric and open during daytime, remaining active for 26 days. The male phase extends for the first 15 days, which are followed by 8 days of an inactive phase; the pistillate phase lasts up to three days. The inflorescences of S. orinocensis were visited by 43 species of insects belonging to the orders Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera. The presence of anthophilous insects was primarily restricted to the male phase of anthesis, during which the visitors searched for pollen and breeding sites; those which visited inflorescences during the female phase seeked out nectar. The most effective pollinators of S. orinocensis were stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini), as they transferred in average 83% of the pollen that reached receptive inflorescences. The presence, constancy and efficiency of stingless bees during this study constitute solid evidence of melittophily in S. orinocensis and allows us to propose criteria to redefine this pollination syndrome in Neotropical wild palms.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 33(4): 881-885, july/aug. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-966249


The study exposed in this paper aimed at evaluating the influence of light, temperature and presence or absence of mesocarp in seeds on the germination of Euterpe edulis Mart. (juçara-palm). The germination of seeds with and without mesocarp was assessed in the presence of light (12 h photoperiod) or in the darkness, and at temperatures of 25, 28 or 30C. A complete randomized 2x2x3 (mesocarp presence, light conditions and temperatures) factorial design was used. The seed germinability and the Germination Speed Index (GSI) were evaluated. Seeds of E. edulis were indifferent either to the presence of light or to temperatures of 25, 28 and 30C. The germinability of the seeds with mesocarp was lower (6 to 10%) than those without mesocarp (47 to 75%).

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da luz, temperatura na germinação do fruto com ou sem mesocarpo (despolpado) de Euterpe edulis Mart. (palmiteiro-juçara). Sementes com e sem mesocarpo foram submetidas a presença de luz (fotoperíodo de 12 h) ou escuro contínuo e às temperaturas de 25, 28 ou 30 oC. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 2x2x3 (presença de mesocarpo, regimes de luz e temperaturas). Avaliou-se a germinabilidade e o índice de velocidade de germinação das sementes (IVG). As sementes de E. edulis comportaram-se indiferentes à luz e às temperaturas de 25, 28 e 30 oC. A germinabilidade das sementes com mesocarpo foi menor (6 a 10%) que das sementes sem mesocarpo (47 a 75%).

Sementes , Temperatura , Germinação , Euterpe , Luz
Ciênc. rural ; 47(2): e20151371, 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-828456


ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the fruit yield of naturally occurring populations of Pindo palms ( Butia odorata ) in different habitats and agricultural ecosystems. Three areas were selected in the municipalities of Barra do Ribeiro, Tapes and Arambaré, all of which are located on the Litoral Médio in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eleven 25x100m² plots were selected in the aforementioned areas, and fruit yield was evaluated in the 2008 and 2009 seasons. Chemical conditions of the soil in each plot, elevation of terrain, height, and density of the reproductive Pindo palms were also assessed. Data analysis revealed a strong correlation between the edaphic conditions and the yield from the Pindo palms. Tapes Pindo palms exhibited higher fruit yield as a result of an increase in the number of bunches produced per plant, along with highly fertile soils and greater availability of calcium and magnesium. The lowest fruit yields were linked to nutrient-poor soils in Brachiaria pastures, as well as sandy plains containing high levels of sodium. Changes in the characteristics of the soils associated with habitat and management influenced the fruit yield of Pindo palms.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de butiazeiros ( Butia odorata ) em áreas de ocorrência natural sob a influência de diferentes habitats e agroecossistemas. Três áreas correspondentes aos Municípios de Barra do Ribeiro, Tapes e Arambaré, situados no Litoral Médio do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul foram selecionadas. Nessas áreas, foram distribuídas 11 parcelas de 25x100m² e avaliada a produção nas frutificações de 2008 e 2009. Em cada parcela, também foram avaliadas as condições químicas do solo, a elevação do terreno, a altura e a densidade de butiazeiros reprodutivos. As análises dos dados revelaram uma forte relação entre as condições edáficas e a produtividade dos butiazeiros. O butiazal de Tapes apresentou maior produção de frutos, resultante do aumento de cachos produzidos por planta, estando associada aos solos mais férteis e com maior disponibilidade de cálcio e magnésio. A menor produção de frutos foi relacionada com solos pobres em nutrientes, cobertos com pastagens de braquiária, assim como em planícies arenosas, com elevados teores de sódio. Mudanças nas características do solo, associadas com o habitat e o manejo, influenciam na produção de frutos de butiazeiro.

Braz. j. biol ; 76(4): 834-844, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-828103


Abstract Palms, bromeliads and bamboos are key elements of tropical forests and understanding the effects of climate, anthropogenic pressure and forest structure on these groups is crucial to forecast structural changes in tropical forests. Therefore, we investigated the effects of these factors on the abundance of these groups in 22 Atlantic forest fragments of Northeastern Brazil. Abundance of bromeliads and bamboos were assessed through indexes. Palms were counted within a radius of 20 m. We also obtained measures of vegetation structure, fragment size, annual precipitation, precipitation seasonality and human population density. We tested the effects of these predictors on plant groups using path analysis. Palm abundance was higher in taller forests with larger trees, closed canopy and sparse understory, which may be a result of the presence of seed dispersers and specific attributes of local palm species. Bromeliads were negatively affected by both annual precipitation and precipitation seasonality, what may reflect adaptations of these plants to use water efficiently, but also the need to capture water in a regular basis. Bamboos were not related to any predictor variable. As climate and forest structure affected the abundance of bromeliads and palms, human-induced climatic changes and disturbances in forest structure may modify the abundance of these groups. In addition, soil properties and direct measurements of human disturbance should be used in future studies in order to improve the predictability of models about plant groups in Northeastern Atlantic Forest.

Resumo Palmeiras, bromélias e bambus são importantes elementos das florestas tropicais e, entender os efeitos do clima, pressão antrópica e estrutura da floresta nesses grupos é crucial para prever alterações estruturais em florestas tropicais. Portanto, nós investigamos os efeitos desses fatores na abundância desses grupos vegetais em 22 fragmentos de Mata Atlântica no nordeste brasileiro. Abundâncias de bromélias e bambus foram registradas através de índices. Palmeiras foram contadas em um raio de 20 m. Nós também obtemos medidas da estrutura da vegetação, tamanho de fragmento, precipitação anual, sazonalidade na precipitação e densidade populacional humana. Nós testamos os efeitos desses preditores nos grupos vegetais através de análises de caminhos. A abundância de palmeiras foi maior em florestas mais altas, com árvores mais grossas, dossel fechado e sub-bosque aberto, o que deve refletir a presença de dispersores de sementes e atributos específicos das espécies de palmeiras locais. Bromélias foram negativamente afetadas pela precipitação anual e pela sazonalidade na precipitação, o que deve refletir adaptações dessas plantas para o uso eficiente da água, mas também a necessidade de captar água regularmente. Bambus não estiveram relacionados com nenhum dos preditores avaliados. Dado que clima e estrutura florestal afetaram a abundância de bromélias e palmeiras, as mudanças climáticas e distúrbios na estrutura das matas causados por ações antrópicas podem alterar a abundância desses grupos. Adicionalmente, propriedades do solo e medidas diretas de distúrbios antrópicos devem ser usadas em estudos futuros para melhorar o poder preditivo dos modelos sobre a abundância de plantas na Mata Atlântica do nordeste brasileiro.

Humanos , Florestas , Clima , Arecaceae/fisiologia , Bromeliaceae/fisiologia , Sasa/fisiologia , Solo/química , Árvores/fisiologia , Brasil , Densidade Demográfica , Atividades Humanas/estatística & dados numéricos
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 3-12, Jan.-Apr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094240


We studied palm communities, in particular species-richness and abundance, in the tropical rainforests in southeastern Peru in 54 transects (5×500m) covering an area of 13.5 hectares in flood plain, terra firme, terrace and premontane hills. We found 42 palm species in 18 genera in the transects. Terra firme forest had the highest species richness (38 species) followed by floodplain and premontane hills with 27 species and terrace forests with 26 species. The highest palm abundances were found in premontane hill forest which had 3243 palms per hectare and terra firme forest which had 2968 palms per hectare. The floodplain forests were intermediate in palm abundance with 2647 and the terrace forests had the lowest abundance with 1709 palms per hectare. Intermediate sized palms were the most common being represented by 18 species, while large palms were represented with 16 species. There were only eight species of small palms of which one was acaulescent. Only one species of liana palm was registered. Of the 42 species observed in the 54 transects, 20 were cespitose, 21 solitary and two had colonial growth. Seven species were found 40-320 km outside of their previously known range.

Estudiamos las comunidades de palmas de los bosques pluviales tropicales del sur de Perú, con especial énfasis en su riqueza de especies y abundancia, utilizando 54 transectas (5×500m), que cubrieron un área de 13.5 hectáreas en planicie inundable, terra firme, terraza y colinas premontanas. Encontramos 42 especies de palmas en las transectas. En el bosque de terra firme se encontró la mayor riqueza de especies (38 especies), seguido por la planicie inundable y las colinas premontanas con 27 especies y los bosques de terraza con 26 especies. Las mayores abundancias se encontraron en el bosque de colinas premontanas, con 3243 palmas por hectárea, y en el bosque de terra firme con 2968 palmas por hectárea. Los bosques de la planicie inundable presentaron una abundancia intermedia con 2647 palmas por hectárea y los bosques de terraza presentaron la menor abundancia con 1709. Las palmas de tamaño intermedio fueron las más comunes, estando representadas por 18 especies, mientras que las palmas grandes estuvieron representadas por 16 especies. Se encontraron solamente ocho especies de palmas pequeñas, una de las cuales era acaulescente. Sólo se registró una especie de palma trepadora. De las 42 especies observadas en las 54 transectas, 20 fueron cespitosas, 21 solitarias y dos presentaron crecimiento colonial. Siete especies se encontraron 40-320 km fuera del rango de distribución conocido previamente.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1522385


El proceso de ramificación basal de Astrocaryum carnosum y A. huicungo es descrito y su frecuencia y expresión estructural es analizado en el nivel poblacional. Dos poblaciones de palmeras fueron utilizadas en este estudio, A. carnosum del valle del Alto Huallaga y A. huicungo del valle del Alto Mayo. Los sistemas de ramificación subterráneos fueron examinados y dibujados. Para ambas especies, se establecieron 25 cuadrantes de 20x20 m, en los cuales se contó el número de individuos solitarios y cespitosos, y para estos últimos se registró el número de ejes que conformaban el individuo. Los ejes tanto de los individuos solitarios como de los cespitosos se repartieron por estadio de desarrollo (plántula/juvenil-1/juvenil-2/adulto). El proceso de ramificación basal comienza en individuos al estadio juvenil-2, no se observó en juvenil-1, ni en plántula. A. huicungo presentó mayor densidad de ejes producido por ramificación basal que A. carnosum. Este proceso de ramificación en las dos especies por formaciones de clones a partir de rizomas cortos permite una explotación óptima del espacio y asegura la continuidad de la población en el tiempo. Sin embargo su papel en la propagación espacial de la población es muy reducido, siendo los rizomas de muy poca extensión.

The basal branching process of Astrocaryum carnosum and A. huicungo is described and its rate and structural expression at the population level is analyzed. Two populations of palms were used in this study, A. carnosum from the Alto Huallaga valley and A. huicungo from the Alto Mayo valley. Branching systems underground were exposed and drawn. For both species, it was established 25 quadrants of 20x20m, in which were counted (i) the number of solitary and caespitose individuals, and (ii) the numbers of axes composing the caespitose individuals. The axes of solitary and caespitose individuals were distributed by growth stages (seedling/juvenile-1/juvenile-2/adult). Seedling and juvenile-1 are not caespitose, basal branching starts in juvenile-2. A. huicungo presents a higher density of axes produced by basal branching than A. carnosum. This branching process in both species by formations of clones from short rhizomes allows an optimized exploitation of space and ensures the continuity of the population over time. However, its role in the spatial propagation of the species is very limited by the shortness of the rhizomes.

Rev. biol. trop ; 62(3): 1137-1146, jul.-sep. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-753679


Copernicia and Washingtonia are two genera of the Trachycarpeae for which no subtribal classification has been proposed, mainly because of the lack of resolution in phylogenetic studies. Morphology and anatomy of flowers whithin Coryphoideae have proven useful for taxa delimitation and supporting relationships among their members. A description of the morphological and anatomical structure of flowers of C. tectorum and W. filifera is presented in order to explore reproductive characters that may clarify their classification within the subfamily and to contribute with floral biology studies. Flowers of cultivated specimens of both taxa and developing fruits of C. tectorum were fixed in FAA, dissected for morphological analysis, and parafin-embedded flowers and fruits were serially sectioned for obtaining permanent slides, using conventional techniques and safranin-fast green staining. All procedures were carried out in the Laboratory of Morpho-Anatomy, Agronomy Faculty of the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Both species have hermaphroditic flowers. C. tectorum flowers have a thick and pubescent perianth, six stamens with filaments forming a tube fused to the corolla, with rounded projections and an acute apex where the anthers are inserted. W. filifera flowers have an irregularly dentate calyx, and a shortly acuminate corolla, six stamens united by their filaments to the corolla which at the same time are briefly fused to the gynoecium. Cells with druse crystals in the staminal tube are reported for C. tectorum. Only one of the carpels of the gynoecium of C. tectorum develops at fruit stage, and a layer of abundant raphide cells forming a crustaceous endocarp in mature fruits, was found. W. filifera presents the perianth mesophyll with few layers of thick walled cells and schlerenchymatic tissue, gynoecium with apically fused carpels in the ventral region of ovary, free at the base and the apex of the style, where the ventral sutures are opened. C. tectorum has a ventral hypodermis in the petals made of large and thick walled cells, gynoecium with apically fused carpels in the ovary, free and adpressed basally, style-stigma completely fused, and stylar transmission channel absent distally. Distinct stylar canals in C. tectorum, united distally in W. filifera confirm the close relationship between these species and subtribe Livistoninae. Also, some floral morpho-anatomical similarities (e.g. fleshy calyx base and a hypodermis with thickened cell walls in petals) were found between C. tectorum and Pritchardia, supporting the affinities between both genera. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (3): 1137-1146. Epub 2014 September 01.

Copernicia y Washingtonia son dos de los géneros de Trachycarpeae para los cuales no ha sido propuesta una clasificación subtribal debido a la carencia de resolución en los estudios filogenéticos. La morfología y anatomía floral dentro de Coryphoideae han sido útiles para la delimitación de taxones y apoyo de relaciones. En este trabajo se presenta una descripción de la estructura morfo-anatómica de las flores de C. tectorum y W. filifera, con la finalidad de explorar caracteres reproductivos que puedan aclarar su ubicación dentro de la subfamilia y contribuir con estudios de biología floral. Se fijaron flores de especimenes cultivados de ambos taxones y frutos en desarrollo de C. tectorum, se realizaron disecciones para las descripciones morfológicas y cortes anatómicos seriados para la obtención de láminas permanentes utilizando técnicas convencionales con parafina. Todos los procedimientos fueron llevados a cabo en el Laboratorio de Morfo-Anatomía, Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Ambas especies tienen flores hermafroditas. Las flores de C. tectorum tienen perianto engrosado y pubescente. Las flores de W. filifera presentan un cáliz irregularmente dentado y corola corto-acuminada. Se reportan células con drusas en el tubo estaminal de C. tectorum. Uno solo de los carpelos de C. tectorum se desarrolla en fruto y se encontró una capa de células con rafidios que podrían formar el endocarpo crustáceo en los frutos maduros. W. filifera presenta pocas capas de células de paredes engrosadas y tejido esclerenquimático en el mesofilo del perianto, gineceo con carpelos fusionados en el ápice del ovario (en su porción ventral), libres en la base y en el ápice del estilo, donde presenta suturas ventrales abiertas. Los pétalos de C. tectorum poseen una hipodermis ventral de células con paredes muy engrosadas, gineceo con carpelos fusionados en el ápice del ovario, libres y adpresos en su base, región estilar-estigmática fusionada y canal de transmisión estilar ausente distalmente. La presencia de canales estilares separados en C. tectorum, unidos distalmente en W. filifera confirman la relación cercana de estas especies con la subtribu Livistoninae. Igualmente, se encontraron algunas similitudes entre C. tectorum y Pritchardia (p.e. base carnosa del cáliz y epidermis ventral con células de paredes engrosadas en los pétalos), apoyando ciertas afinidades entre ambos géneros.

Arecaceae/anatomia & histologia , Flores/anatomia & histologia , Arecaceae/classificação , Flores/classificação , Venezuela
Rev. bras. entomol ; 58(2): 107-128, Apr.-June 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-714737


Immatures of Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). Larva and pupa of Eutrypanus dorsalis (Germar, 1928), collected in trunks of Pinus elliottii Engelm., and Paratenthras martinsi Monné, 1998, collected in spathes of Scheelea phalerata (Mart. ex Spreng.) Burret, are described and illustrated. Larva and pupa of Lophopoeum timbouvae Lameere, 1884, collected in Hymenaea corbaril L., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong and Pterogyne nitens Tul., are redescribed and illustrated. A table with all described immatures of Lamiinae, and a comparison among the immatures of Acanthocinini are presented. Biological notes and new records are also included.