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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 119-134, set-dez.2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567873


O clareamento dental pode ser realizado através da técnica caseira ou de consultório, utilizando agentes como o peróxido de carbamida (PC) e peróxido de hidrogênio (PH). Apesar de seguro, existem alguns efeitos adversos relacionados ao clareamento dental, como a sensibilidade dentinária (SD), que pode estar presente em diferentes graus dependendo da técnica utilizada. A aplicação de agentes dessensibilizantes antes, durante ou depois do clareamento dental vem sido estudada para evitar ou reduzir a sensibilidade associada ao clareamento. O estudo visa revisar a literatura em relação a aspectos e conceitos importantes do clareamento dental, discutindo seus possíveis efeitos adversos com foco na sensibilidade dentinária. Foi realizada uma pesquisa digital da base de dados Medline, via PubMed, utilizando palavras-chave relacionadas ao tema, priorizando artigos publicados há menos de 20 anos e escritos em inglês ou português. Artigos também foram buscados manualmente e foram utilizados livros de odontologias relacionados ao tema. De um total de 48 artigos, 28 foram escolhidos para a composição do trabalho, além de 2 livros de dentística que abordam o clareamento dental. Constata-se que a sensibilidade dentinária é um efeito adverso comum relacionado ao clareamento dental, que possui causa exata desconhecida, porém sabe-se que está relacionada à difusão do peróxido de hidrogênio pelos tecidos dentários. A sensibilidade dentinária é mais frequente na técnica de clareamento de consultório do que na técnica caseira, e pode ser agravada por fatores relacionados ao indivíduo e/ou ao dente. Alguns agentes como o nitrato de potássio, fosfopeptídeos de caseína-fosfato de cálcio amorfo (CPP-ACP), vidros bioativos e partículas de hidroxiapatita, se mostraram efetivos no controle da sensibilidade dentinária.

Dental bleaching can be performed in at-home or in-office techniques, using agents such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. Although it's safe, there are some side effects related to dental bleaching, such as tooth sensitivity, which may be present in different degrees, depending on the chosen technique. The application of desensitizing agents before, during or after dental bleaching is being studied to avoid or reduce the bleaching related sensitivity. The study aims to review the literature over important aspects and concepts of dental bleaching, discussing its possible side effects, focusing on tooth sensitivity. Methods: an online search was done on Medline's database, through PubMed, using keywords related to the theme, prioritizing articles published less than 20 years ago, written in English or Portuguese. Articles were also researched manually, and dentistry books related to the theme were used as well. Out of 48 articles, 28 were chosen to this study's composition, in addition to 2 books that approach dental bleaching. Tooth sensitivity is a common side effect related to dental bleaching, with an unknown cause, however, it is known that it's related to hydrogen peroxide's diffusion through dental tissues. Tooth sensitivity is more frequent within in-office technique than within at-home technique, and may be worsen by individual and/or dental related factors. Agents such as potassium nitrate, CPP-ACP, bioactive glasses and hydroxyapatite particles, showed up to be effective in dental sensitivity control.

Clareamento Dental , Sensibilidade da Dentina , Dessensibilizantes Dentinários
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 52-57, maio-ago. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553298


O selamento dentinário imediato é um procedimento essencial na Odontologia, que envolve a aplicação de agentes de selamento na interface entre a dentina e o material restaurador imediatamente após a remoção da cárie e do preparo da cavidade dentária. Este processo busca selar os túbulos dentinários expostos, proporcionando proteção à polpa dentária. O presente caso foi realizado em um paciente do sexo masculino, 56 anos que se queixou de desconforto no elemento dentário 17. Após avaliação clínica e radiográfica, foi constatado uma ampla restauração desadaptada na porção mesio - oclusal do referido dente, sendo que o elemento em questão não possui tratamento endodôntico. Após planejamento e assinatura do TCLE, os seguintes passos foram realizados: remoção da lesão cariosa do dente 17, seguido da realização do levantamento marginal mesial e a realização do selamento dentinário imediato. Moldagem com silicone de adição do dente em questão e do antagonista, assim como registro da mordida. Foi confeccionada uma restauração semidireta em resina composta sob o modelo de gesso obtido. A cimentação da restauração foi feita na consulta seguinte, cumprindo os requisitos fundamentais para restaurar forma, função e estética, resultando na melhoria da qualidade de vida do paciente(AU)

Immediate dentin sealing is an essential procedure in dentistry, involving the application of sealing agents at the interface between dentin and the restorative material immediately after caries removal and cavity preparation. This process aims to seal exposed dentinal tubules, providing protection to the dental pulp. The present case involved a 56-year-old male patient who complained of discomfort in tooth number 17. After clinical and radiographic evaluation, a wide, maladapted restoration in the mesio-occlusal portion of the tooth was identified, with no endodontic treatment in the affected element. Following planning and informed consent, the following steps were taken: removal of the carious lesion from tooth number 17, followed by the execution of mesial marginal elevation and immediate dentin sealing. Silicone addition molding of the affected tooth and antagonist, along with bite registration, was performed. A semi-direct restoration in composite resin was fabricated based on the obtained gypsum model. The restoration was cemented in the subsequent appointment, meeting the essential requirements to restore form, function, and aesthetics, resulting in an improvement in the patient's quality of life(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Preparo da Cavidade Dentária , Restauração Dentária Permanente , Cimentos Dentários
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 35297, 29 ago. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570460


Introdução:A sensibilidade dentária é o efeito adverso mais comum relacionado ao clareamento dentário. Na técnica de consultório, o peróxido de carbamida a 37%, surgiu como possibilidade de clarear e não causar sensibilidade.Objetivo:trata-se deum relato de caso, que avaliou a eficácia (mudança de cor) e a presença ou não de sensibilidade dentária quando se fezo uso de um produto àbase de peróxido de hidrogênio a35% e outro de peróxido de carbamida a 37%, na técnica de clareamento dentário de consultório.Relato de caso:Paciente de25 anos, sexo masculino, submetido a estudo de boca dividida, onde no hemiarco esquerdo foi aplicado peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% e no hemiarco direito, peróxido de carbamida a 37%. Foram feitas 3 sessões, sendo Peróxido de Carbamidacom aplicação única de 45 minutos, e Peróxido de Hidrogêniocom 3 aplicações de 15 minutos, em seu respectivo lado de aplicação e intervalo de sete dias entre cada sessão. Os valores de sensibilidade foram analisados antes e depois de cada sessão por meio da escala visual analógica de dor, e a alteração de cor foi avaliada através da Escala Vita, analisando incisivos e caninos superiores, antes de cada sessão.Conclusões:O clareamento dental com o Peróxido de Hidrogênio apresentou melhor eficácia clareadora e o Peróxido de Carbamida apresentou ausência de sensibilidade durante o procedimento clareador. Sugerem-se mais estudos do tipo ensaio clínico, com o Peróxido de Carbamida, para que se possa, com uma amostra maior de pacientes, verificar suas vantagens no quesito sensibilidade, bem como sua efetividade clareadora (AU).

Introduction:Tooth sensitivity is the most common adverse effect related to tooth bleaching. In the in-office technique, 37% carbamide peroxide has emerged as a way of tooth bleaching which does not cause sensitivity.Objective:This paper consists of a case report that evaluated the efficacy (color change) and the presence or absence of tooth sensitivity when using a product based on 35% hydrogen peroxide and another product based on 37% carbamide peroxide in the in-office tooth bleaching technique.Case report:A 25-year-old male patient underwent a split-mouth study in which 35% hydrogen peroxide was applied to the left hemi-arch and 37% carbamide peroxide to the right hemi-arch. Three sessions were carried out, carbamide peroxide with a single 45-minute application, and hydrogen peroxide with three 15-minute applications, on their respective application side and with a seven-day interval between each session. Sensitivity values were analyzed before and after each session using the visual analogue pain scale, and color change was assessed using the Vita Scale, analyzing upper incisors andcanines before each session. Conclusions:Teeth bleaching with hydrogen peroxide showed better bleaching efficacy and carbamide peroxide showed no sensitivity during the bleaching procedure. Further clinical trials with carbamide peroxide are suggested inorder to verify, with a larger sample of patients, its advantages in terms of sensitivity, as well asits bleaching effectiveness (AU).

Introducción: La sensibilidad de la dentina es el efecto adverso más común relacionado con el blanqueamiento dental. En la técnica en clínica, el peróxido de carbamida al 37% ha surgido como una posibilidad de blanqueamiento sin causar sensibilidad.Objetivo: Se tratade un informe de caso que evaluó la eficacia (cambio de color) y la presencia o ausencia de sensibilidad de la denina al utilizar un producto a base de peróxido de hidrógeno al 35% y otro a base de peróxido de carbamida al 37% en la técnica de blanqueamiento dental en clínica.Informe de caso:Un paciente del sexo maculino de 25 años fue sometido a un estudio de boca dividida en el que se aplicó peróxido de hidrógeno al 35% en la hemiarcada izquierda y peróxido de carbamida al 37% en la hemiarcada derecha.Se realizaron tres sesiones, la peróxido de carbamida con una única aplicación de 45 minutos, y la peróxido de hidrógeno con tres aplicaciones de 15 minutos, en sus respectivos lados de aplicación y con un intervalo de siete días entre cada sesión. Se analizaron los valores de sensibilidad antes y después de cada sesión mediante la escala analógica visual del dolor, y se evaluó el cambio de color mediante la Escala Vita, analizando los incisivos superiores y los caninos antes de cada sesión. Conclusiones: El blanqueamiento dental con peróxido de hidrógeno demostró una mayor eficacia blanqueadora y el peróxido de carbamida no manifestó sensibilidad durante el procedimiento de blanqueamiento. Se sugiere realizar más ensayos clínicos con peróxido de carbamidaparapoder utilizar una muestra mayor de pacientes y verificar sus ventajas en términos de sensibilidad, así como su eficacia blanqueadora (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Clareamento Dental/efeitos adversos , Sensibilidade da Dentina/terapia , Peróxido de Carbamida/administração & dosagem , Peróxido de Hidrogênio/administração & dosagem , Resultado do Tratamento , Clareadores
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 35296, 29 ago. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570458


Introdução:A hipersensibilidade é uma doença que acomete grande parte da população que, por muitas vezes, também almejam uma melhor estética dos dentes através do clareamento e não alcançam seu objetivo devido sua condição sintomática.Objetivo:Verificar se uma paciente com hipersensibilidade dentinária e trincas no esmalte, ficaria sem dor após realização da blindagem do esmaltecom agentes dessensibilizantes de ação neural e oclusiva em sessão única e, ainda, se continuaria sem dor após o clareamento de consultório utilizando o peróxido de carbamida a 37%. Relato de caso:Paciente do sexo feminino, 31 anos, apresentava todos os elementos dentários com alta translucidez, muitas trincas e desgaste dental erosivo restrito à ponta de cúspide nos elementos 36 e 46. Após estes achados e associado àhistória clínica relatada de alta sensibilidade na dieta principalmente gelada, fechou-se o diagnóstico de um caso de hipersensibilidade dentinária. Foi realizado um procedimento dessensibilizante, em sessão única, com agentes de ação neural e oclusiva e, sequencialmente, clareamento dentário de consultório. A paciente relatou eliminação da sensibilidade com o tratamento dessensibilizante (blindagem do esmalte), o que levou àconcordância da paciente em realizar o clareamento com produto àbase de peróxido de carbamida a 37% que promete ausência de dor. Conclusões:o protocolo dessensibilizante utilizado cumpriu seu papel no quesito eliminação da dor com retorno da paciente às atividades diárias antes impossibilitadas (como ingerir bebidas geladas) e propiciou a realização de clareamento dentário sem dor, porém sem muito sucesso na mudança de cor alcançada (AU).

Introduction:Hypersensitivity is a disease that affects a large part of the population who, very often, also seek to improve the esthetics of their teeth through tooth bleaching and fail to achieve their goal due to their symptomatic condition.Objective:To ascertain whether a patient with dentin hypersensitivity and cracked enamel would be pain-free after enamel shielding with neuraland occlusive desensitizing agents in a single session, and whether she would continue to be pain-free after in-office tooth bleaching using 37% carbamide peroxide. Case report:A 31-year-old female patient who showcased high translucency in all dental elements, with many cracks and erosive tooth wear restricted to the cusp tips of elements 36 and 46. Following these findings and in association with the reported clinical history of high sensitivity, especially to cold diets, a diagnosis of dentin hypersensitivity was made. A single-session desensitizing procedure was carried out with neural and occlusive agents, and subsequently followed by in-office tooth bleaching. The patient reported the elimination of sensitivity with the desensitizing treatment (enamel shielding), which led to the patient agreeing to undergo teeth bleaching with a 37% carbamide peroxide-based product that guarantees no pain. Conclusions:The desensitizing protocol utilized fulfilled its role in terms of eliminating pain, with the patient returning to daily activities that had previously been impossible (such as drinking cold beverages) and allowing pain-free tooth bleaching to be carried out, but without much success in the color change achieved (AU).

Introducción: La hipersensibilidad es una enfermedad que afecta a gran parte de la población la cual, muchas veces, también pretende mejorar la estética de sus dientes a través del blanqueamiento y no alcanza su objetivo debido a su condición sintomática.Objetivo: Comprobar si una paciente con hipersensibilidad de la dentina y grietas en el esmalte estaría libre de dolor tras el blindaje del esmalte con agentes desensibilizantes neurales y oclusivos en una sola sesión, y, además, si seguiría estando libre de dolor tras el blanqueamiento dental en clínica utilizando peróxido de carbamida al 37%.Informe de caso: Una paciente de 31 años presentaba todos los elementos dentales con alta translucidez, con muchas grietas y desgaste dental erosivo restringido a las puntas de las cúspides de los elementos 36 y 46.Tras estos hallazgos y junto a la historia clínica descrita de alta sensibilidad especialmentefrente a una dieta fría, se realizó un diagnóstico de hipersensibilidad dentinaria. Se llevó a cabo un procedimiento de desensibilización en una sola sesión, con agentes neurales y oclusivos, seguido de un blanqueamiento dental clínico. La paciente declaró la eliminación de la sensibilidad con el tratamiento desensibilizante (blindaje del esmalte), lo que la llevó a aceptar el blanqueamiento con un producto a base de peróxido de carbamida al 37% que promete ser indoloro. Conclusiones: El protocolo de desensibilización utilizado cumplió su función en cuanto a la eliminación del dolor, permitiendo que la paciente volviera a realizar actividades cotidianas que antes le resultaban imposibles (como tomar bebidas frías) y permitiendo realizar el blanqueamiento dental sin dolor, pero sin mucho éxito en el cambio de color conseguido (AU).

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Clareamento Dental , Esmalte Dentário/anormalidades , Sensibilidade da Dentina/terapia , Dessensibilizantes Dentinários/uso terapêutico , Dor
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 17(1): 45-47, abr. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558096


La displasia dentinaria tipo I (DD-I) corresponde a una alteración dentinaria de heterogeneidad genética y penetrancia completa, en donde se presenta un defecto en el desarrollo de las raíces de los dientes tanto temporales como definitivos. Clínicamente se observan dientes con extrema movilidad junto con antecedentes de exfoliación prematura o espontánea. Los defectos estructurales de los tejidos dentarios, tales como DD-I; implican un desafío ya que son pocos los casos documentados en la literatura que hablan de esta condición. Además implican un tratamiento multidisciplinario y altamente invasivo. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar dos casos de DD-I, enfatizando en su tratamiento y características histopatológicas.

Dentin Dysplasia Type I (DD-I) consists of a pathological dentinary alteration with genetic heterogeneity that results in a defectuous development of dental roots both in primary and secondary dentition. Clinically we can appreciate teeth with extreme pathological mobility and premature or spontaneous exfoliation. Alterations within normal dental structure, such as DD-I imply a challenge for the common practitioner, because of the scarce number of case reports with in the scientific literature regarding this condition and also, because of the need for a highly invasive and multidisciplinary approach they require. The aim of this article is to present two DD-I cases, emphasizing on their treatment and histopathological features.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Raiz Dentária/anatomia & histologia , Penetrância , Displasia da Dentina
RFO UPF ; 29(1)20240000.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537721


Objetivo: Determinar as evidências científicas sobre a influência do uso de lasers de baixa e alta intensidade no tratamento da hipersensibilidade da dentina. Revisão de literatura: Foram realizadas buscas na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), incluindo as bases de dados: Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS); Bibliografia Brasileira de Odontologia (BBO); e National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE). A maioria dos estudos destacam a eficácia dos lasers na redução da HD, com o laser Nd:YAG mostrando-se eficaz na obliteração dos túbulos dentinários e proporcionando alívio a longo prazo. Apesar dos benefícios, alguns estudos alertam para possíveis danos à polpa dentária, especialmente com lasers de alta potência. Considerações finais: Embora os lasers tenham se mostrado eficazes na redução da HD, a escolha do laser deve ser personalizada para cada paciente, destacando a necessidade de aprimorar os protocolos clínicos e adquirir experiência relevante por parte dos profissionais especialistas.

Objective: To determine the scientific evidence on the influence of the use of low and high intensity lasers in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity. Literature review: Searches were carried out in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), including the databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS); Brazilian Bibliography of Dentistry (BBO); and National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE). Most studies highlight the effectiveness of lasers in reducing HD, with the Nd:YAG laser proving effective in obliterating dentinal tubules and providing long-term relief. Despite the benefits, some studies warn of possible damage to the dental pulp, especially with high-power lasers. Final considerations: Although lasers have been shown to be effective in reducing HD, the choice of laser must be personalized for each patient, highlighting the need to improve clinical protocols and acquire relevant experience on the part of specialist professionals.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020549


Recent studies show that graphene and its derivatives have good physical and chemical properties and biocompatibility,and can promote cell proliferation and stem cell differentiation.The process of pulp regeneration involves the proliferation and differen-tiation of seed cells,suggesting that graphene and its derivatives have the potential applications perspective in pulp regeneration.How-ever,it has not been reported whether the physical and chemical properties of graphene and its derivatives are suitable for pulp cavity or root canal environment and its effect on pulp regeneration seed cells.This article reviews the physical and chemical properties,cyto-logical effects and the application of graphene and its derivatives in tissue engineering,and provides a basis for its application in dental pulp regeneration.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020551


Undicalcified autologous dentin particles(UADP)combined platelet rich fibrin(PRF)were used in a case after extraction of the left mandibular second molar for tooth extraction site preservation.CBCT images at 3,9 and 24 months after operation showed that the bone mass maintenance effect was obvious.Histological sections showed a large number of new bone formation around dentin particles.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021732


BACKGROUND:Pulp regeneration has been a hot and difficult research topic in recent years,and the construction of composite bio-scaffolding materials provides new ideas and methods for pulp regeneration. OBJECTIVE:To observe the effect of freeze-dried gelatin modified by methacrylic anhydride/treated dentin matrix bioactive scaffolds on proliferation,migration,and osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells. METHODS:The mass ratios of gelatin modified by methacrylic anhydride and treated dentin matrix at 2:1,1:1 and 1:2 were obtained by dispersing different masses of treated dentin matrix into gelatin modified by methacrylic anhydride solution.The gelatin modified by methacrylic anhydride/treated dentin matrix bioactive scaffolds were prepared by vacuum freeze-drying.The microstructure,water absorption,and mechanical properties of the scaffolds were measured.Human dental pulp stem cells were cultured with different mass ratios of scaffold extract and DMEM(control group)to detect cell proliferation and migration.Human dental pulp stem cells were cultured with different mass ratios of scaffold extract + osteogenic induction solution and DMEM + osteogenic induction solution(control group),and their osteogenic ability was analyzed by alkaline phosphatase staining. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Under scanning electron microscopy,the scaffolds of the three groups all had porous structures.The porosity of the scaffolds increased with the increase of treated dentin matrix quality,and there was significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05).The water absorption of scaffolds increased with the increase of treated dentin matrix mass,and there was significant difference between groups(P<0.05).The compressive strength and shear strength of the scaffold increased with the increase of the mass of treated dentin matrix.(2)CCK-8 assay showed that after 3,5,and 7 days of culture,the cell proliferation absorbance values in the 2:1,1:1,and 1:2 scaffold groups were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).The cell proliferation absorbance values increased with the increase of treated dentin matrix mass in the scaffold(P<0.05).The cell scratch test showed that the cell migration rate in the 2:1,1:1,and 1:2 scaffold groups was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05),and the cell migration rate increased with the increase of treated dentin matrix mass in the scaffold(P<0.05).(3)Alkaline phosphatase staining showed that the osteogenic differentiation ability of cells in the 2:1,1:1,and 1:2 scaffold groups was stronger than that in the control group,and the osteogenic ability of cells was enhanced with the increase of treated dentin matrix mass in the scaffold.(4)The results showed that the scaffold with a mass ratio of 1:2 between gelatin modified by methacrylic anhydride and treated dentin matrix was the most suitable for the proliferation and differentiation of dental pulp stem cells.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036000


@#Enterococcus faecalis is the main pathogen causing refractory apical periodontitis (RAP). This bacterium can tolerate harsh environments and trigger periapical immune inflammatory responses that result in persistent infection inside and outside the root canal. Adhesion to the dentin wall of root canals and the subsequent formation of biofilms significantly enhances the drug resistance and anti⁃erosion ability of Enterococcus faecalis, which is the key factor medi⁃ ating its pathogenesis. The adhesion of Enterococcus faecalis to dentin involves non⁃specific adhesion and specific adhe⁃ sion, and the latter is mediated by adhesion⁃related virulence factors, mainly including the adhesin of collagen from en⁃terococci (Ace), extracellular surface protein (Esp), gelatinase (GelE), serine protease (SprE), endocarditis and biofilm associated pilus (Ebp) and aggregation substance (AS), which is regulated by multiple two⁃component systems. The two⁃ component system Fsr can promote the expression of gelE and sprE when the cell population density increases. GelE can further reduce Ace, while the two⁃component system GrvRS directly downregulates ace expression in response to the serum environment. The two⁃component systems CroRS and WalRK may also promote and inhibit the expression of vari⁃ ous virulence factors, including ace and gelE, thus affecting the adhesion of Enterococcus faecalis. In addition, the mech⁃ anochemical preparation and the internal environment of the root canal can also influence the adhesion of Enterococcus faecalis to dentin. Avoiding the introduction of Enterococcus faecalis and using adhesion⁃interfering medications during root canal treatment can effectively prevent the adhesion of Enterococcus faecalis, and a variety of activated irrigation protocols can also be effective at increasing the clearance of Enterococcus faecalis from the root canal. The design of ra⁃ tional drugs targeting key factors involved in and regulators of the adhesion of Enterococcus faecalis to dentin is expected to provide new ideas and strategies for root canal infection control. The present paper reviews the adhesion of Enterococ⁃ cus faecalis to dentin and its influencing factors.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031768


Objective@#To explore the effect of Morinda citrifolia juice (MCJ) combined with ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) on premolar bonding strength and nanoleakage and compare the results with those of the most commonly used root canal irrigation solution, sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), to provide a reference for clinical application.@*Methods@#This study was approved by the ethics review committee. Sixty-three human premolars extracted for orthodontic treatment were randomly divided into a control group (distilled water group) and 6 experimental groups according to the different rinsing solutions used after the surface enamel was removed. The experimental groups included Group A (2.5% NaClO), Group B (5.25% NaClO), Group C (6% MCJ), Group D (2.5% NaClO-17% EDTA), Group E (5.25% NaClO-17% EDTA), and Group F (6% MCJ-17% EDTA) (n = 9). After soaking in the corresponding rinsing solution for 20 minutes, they were layered and stacked on their surfaces to form 4 mm × 4 mm × 3 mm Z350 resin blocks. Six samples from each group were cut into 1 mm × 1 mm × 8 mm specimen strips for microtensile bonding strength testing. The fracture type was determined under a stereomicroscope, and the remaining 3 samples from each group were aged and cut into 1 mm thick slices for interface nanoleakage testing and scanning electron microscopy observation of the resin dentin bonding interface.@*Results@#There were significant differences in the microtensile bonding strength among the groups (P<0.05), and the control group had the highest bonding strength. Among experimental groups, Group B had the lowest bonding strength, mainly bonding interface fracture, and Group F had the highest bonding strength, mainly mixed fracture. There were significant differences in nanoleakage among all groups (P<0.05), and the control group had the lowest nanoleakage value. Among experimental groups, Group B had the highest nanoleakage, with resin protrusions being unaltered, and Group F had the lowest nanoleakage value, with resin protrusions being thick and dense.@*Conclusion@#The higher the concentration of NaClO was, the worse the bonding strength and edge sealing of the crown dentin were. The effects of root canal irrigation with MCJ and EDTA on the adhesive strength and edge sealing of crown dentin were less pronounced than those of root canal irrigation with NaClO and EDTA.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013094


@#As the main means of mastication, teeth can withstand countless functional contacts. The mechanical properties of teeth are closely related to their tissue structure. Enamel and dentin have a high hardness and modulus of elasticity, and their graded structure allows them to withstand bite forces without being susceptible to fracture. When tooth tissue is defective, full crown restoration is often needed to restore the normal shape and function of the tooth. Metal materials, ceramic materials, and polyetheretherketone (PEEK) materials are commonly used for crown restoration. Metal materials have certain disadvantages in terms of aesthetics and are relatively rarely used in clinical practice. Ceramic materials with different compositions exhibit differences in performance and aesthetics, but their elastic modulus and hardness are much higher than those of dental tissue, resulting in mismatching mechanical properties. In contrast, the elastic modulus of PEEK is lower than that of tooth tissue and similar to that of bone tissue, but its properties can be improved by fiber reinforcement. Notably, when the mechanical properties of a restoration material and tooth tissue are not fully matched, the interface between them often forms a potential weak link, which ultimately affects the stability and long-term effect of the restoration. This article introduces the mechanical properties and corresponding structural characteristics of enamel and dentin. On this basis, the advantages and limitations of existing restoration materials are analyzed, and the possibility of biomimetic design of full crowns is further explored.

Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550091


Abstract This research aimed to evaluate the effect of the radiopacity of a Bulk-Fill composite (X-TraFil, VOCO, Germany) and a Conventional composite (P60, 3M ESPE, USA) and assessment of the margin location in the enamel and dentin on the diagnosis of secondary caries. 76 intact premolars with MOD preparation were divided into two equal groups and filled with the conventional and bulk-fill composite. Four regions were considered to simulate carious lesions (two regions in enamel and two regions in dentin). In each group, half of the regions in the dentin and half in the enamel were randomly selected for secondary caries simulation and filled with a wax-plaster combination while the remaining regions stayed intact. Bitewing imaging was done using the PSP digital sensor. Five examiners reviewed the images, and lesions were recorded. Caries diagnosis indicators and paired-sample t-test were used for statistical analysis. The reproducibility and accuracy of the examiners' responses were evaluated using the kappa and agreement coefficient (α=0.05). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of diagnosing secondary carious lesions in enamel were significantly better under conventional than bulk-fill composite. Similarly, the sensitivity and accuracy of diagnosing secondary caries in dentin were significantly higher under conventional composite than bulk-fill composite (p<0.05). No significant differences were found in the agreement and kappa coefficient between conventional and bulk-fill composites in the enamel and dentin (p>0.05). The diagnostic accuracy of carious lesions was higher under conventional composite than bulk-fill composite. However, the location of the secondary was ineffective in caries diagnosis.

Resumo Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da radiopacidade de resina composta Bulk-Fill (X-TraFil, VOCO, Alemanha) e de resina composta convencional (P60, 3M ESPE, EUA) e a avaliação da localização da margem no esmalte e na dentina no diagnóstico de cárie secundária. 76 pré-molares intactos com preparo MOD foram divididos em dois grupos iguais e restaurados de acordo com o grupo experimental. Quatro regiões foram consideradas para simular lesões de cárie (duas regiões no esmalte e duas regiões na dentina). Em cada grupo, metade das regiões na dentina e metade no esmalte foram selecionadas aleatoriamente para a simulação de cárie secundária e preenchidas com uma combinação de cera e gesso, enquanto as regiões restantes permaneceram intactas. As imagens de bitewing foram feitas usando o sensor digital PSP. Cinco examinadores analisaram as imagens, e as lesões foram registradas. Os indicadores de diagnóstico de cárie e o teste t de amostra pareada foram usados para análise estatística. A reprodutibilidade e a precisão das respostas dos examinadores foram avaliadas usando o kappa e o coeficiente de concordância (α=0,05). A sensibilidade, a especificidade e a precisão do diagnóstico de lesões cariosas secundárias no esmalte foram significativamente melhores com a resina composta convencional do que com a resina composta bulk-fill. Da mesma forma, a sensibilidade e a precisão do diagnóstico de cáries secundárias na dentina foram significativamente maiores com a resina convencional do que com a resina bulk-fill (p<0,05). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na concordância e no coeficiente kappa entre as resinas convencionais e bulk-fill no esmalte e na dentina (p>0,05). A precisão do diagnóstico de lesões cariosas foi maior com a resina composta convencional do que com a resina composta bulk-fill. Entretanto, a localização do secundário foi ineficaz no diagnóstico de cárie.

J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;32: e20230359, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550471


Abstract Objective This study aimed to analyze the longitudinal bond strength of a universal adhesive and chemically characterize the dentin substrate under different acid etching protocols. Methodology Dentin samples were etched with polyacrylic acid 25% (PAA) for 10 seconds (n=3) and phosphoric acid 32% (PA) for 15 seconds (n=3) and analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy - attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) before and after treatment. For collagen degradation, samples (n=12) were divided into 3 groups: PAA, PA, and Deionized water (control), and analyzed by the quantity of solubilized type I collagen C-terminal cross-linked telopeptides and solubilized C-terminal peptide in relation to total protein concentration (ICTPtp and CTXtp) and by their ultimate tensile strength (UTS). For the adhesive interface analysis, dentin samples (n=72) were divided into 3 groups: PAA, PA, and Self-etch (SE), and subdivided into 2 groups: 24 h (baseline) and 1 year. The following tests were performed: microtensile bond strength (μTBS) (n=48), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (n=12), and nanoleakage (n=12). Results The FTIR of PAA showed lower reduction of the peaks in the phosphate group when compared to PA. For ICTPtp, PA showed a significantly higher value. For CTXtp, PA and PAA groups failed to statically differ from each other. UTS was significantly lower for PA. For μTBS, storage time significantly affected bond strength. The results were unaffected by the etching protocol. For SEM, after 1 year, PA had little evidence of degradation in the upper third of the adhesive interface in comparison to the other groups. Nanoleakage showed no considerable silver impregnation after 1 year in the SE group. Conclusion The use of PAA prior to a universal adhesive (when compared to PA) represents a less aggressive type of etching to dentin. However, self-etching still seems to be the best option for universal adhesive systems that have functional monomers in their composition.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e244006, 2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553400


Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of pretreatment with ethanolic solutions of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) at varying concentrations on the dentin collagen matrix, specifically focusing on its biomodification potential. This was assessed through evaluations of the modulus of elasticity and changes in mass. Methods: Seventy dentin collagen matrices (demineralized sticks) were prepared to receive treatments with ethanolic solutions of CAPE at concentrations of 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.5%, or 2.5%, or with control treatment solutions (distilled water or ethanol) for one hour. The dentin matrices were evaluated for modulus of elasticity and mass before (baseline), immediately after treatment (immediately), and after storage in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) for time intervals of 1 and 3 months. Results: Generalized linear models for repeated measures over time indicated no significant differences between groups (p=0.7530) or between different time points (p=0.4780) in terms of the modulus of elasticity. Regarding mass variation, no differences were observed in the time interval between 1 month and the immediate time (p=0.0935). However, at the 3-month mark compared to the immediate time, the 0.1% CAPE group exhibited less mass loss compared to the water group (p=0.0134). Conclusion: This study concludes that various concentrations of CAPE in an ethanolic solution did not affect the modulus of elasticity of dentin, suggesting that CAPE lacks biomodifying potential in this context. However, it was observed that 0.1% CAPE positively influenced the variation in mass over different evaluation time intervals

Ácidos Cafeicos , Colágeno , Dentina , Etanol , Modelos Lineares
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 24: e230051, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1558652


Abstract Objective: To summarize data of clinical trials that used silver diamine fluoride (SDF) to prevent and treat caries lesions and dentinal hypersensitivity. Material and Methods: Six electronic databases were searched in May 2022. The concentration of SDF, type of usage (alone/combined), dentition, anterior/posterior teeth, tooth region, dental tissue, number of the treated surfaces, the intervention environment, participants' age, frequency and duration of SDF application, purpose, and outcome were the extracted variables. The type of study, year of publication, authors, journals, and country were also investigated. Results: From 8860 articles, S3 were selected. Most were randomized (n=38), that applied 38% SDF (n=43), alone (n=44), on multiple surfaces (n=44), only in dentin (n=36), of the crown (n=46) of anterior and posterior (n=36) primary teeth (n=39). The studies were preferably carried out outside the clinic (n=3l), only in children (n=33), with reapplication of SDF (n=30), but did not inform the duration of application (n= 19). SDF was most used to treat (n=46) only caries lesions (n=50). They were published between 2001 and 2022, mainly in the Journal of Dentistry (n=10). China (n=19) and Lo E.GM (n=19) were the countries and authors that published the most, respectively. Conclusion: The silver diamine fluoride 38% alone was most used to treat caries lesions in the dentin of the crown of all primary teeth, preferably applied on multiple surfaces, requiring re application, and outside the clinic.

Cariostáticos/química , Sensibilidade da Dentina/etiologia , Cárie Dentária/etiologia , Mineração de Dados
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1558650


Abstract Objective: To identify the prevalence, severity, hypersensitivity, and distribution of Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) among university students in Brazil. Material and Methods: 179 participants answered an anamnesis with twenty questions about the presence or absence of habits associated with NCCL. The participants' teeth were evaluated to identify the presence or absence of the lesion, its classification, involved surfaces, severity, hypersensitivity, and tooth wear index. A hypersensitivity test was performed with ice water. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and simple logistic regression (p<0.01). Results: 179 participants answered an anamnesis with twenty questions about the presence or absence of habits associated with NCCL. The participants' teeth were evaluated to identify the presence or absence of the lesion, its classification, involved surfaces, severity, hypersensitivity, and tooth wear index. A hypersensitivity test was performed with ice water. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and simple logistic regression (p<0.01). Conclusion: The prevalence of NCCL was 15.1% and abfraction was the most frequent lesion. Premolars were the teeth most affected by non-carious cervical lesions.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudantes , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Sensibilidade da Dentina/etiologia , Desgaste dos Dentes/etiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Estudos Transversais/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários
Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564083


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of calcium hypochlorite (Ca (OCl)2) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and dentin organic matrix alteration by picrosirius staining and light microscopy (LM). Samples of human extracted teeth were infected with Enterococcus faecalis by centrifugation of the bacterial suspension and were treated with Ca(OCl)2 or NaOCl at 0.5%, 2.5%, and 6% for 15, 30, and 60 seconds. CLSM and viability staining were used to quantitatively analyze the proportions of dead/live bacteria in the canal lumen and border of the root canal. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and Fisher test. For LM analysis, one hundred bovine teeth were randomly divided into 10 test groups (n=10): G1- Without treatment; G2- 17% EDTA; G3- 6% NaOCl; G4- 6% NaOCl + EDTA; G5- 0.5% Ca(OCl)2; G6- 0.5% Ca(OCl)2 + EDTA; G7- 2.5% Ca(OCl)2; G8- 2.5% Ca(OCl)2 + EDTA; G9- 6% Ca(OCl)2; G10- 6% Ca(OCl)2 + EDTA. The samples were fragmented and stained with Picrosirius. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn (P<0.05). There was a strong correlation between the results of the canal lumen and the border of the root canal (r=0.962). Both hypochlorites at a concentration of 0.5% showed less microbial reduction compared to 2.5% and 6% (P<0.05). There was less antimicrobial activity at 15 seconds compared to 30 and 60 seconds (P<0.05). Ca(OCl)2 and NaOCl showed similar results at the same concentrations (P>0.05). In conclusion, Ca(OCl)2 caused fewer alterations to the dentin organic matrix at concentrations of 0.5% and 2.5%. Ca(OCl)2 presents antimicrobial activity similar to NaOCl, and collagen damage is concentration-dependent.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana do hipoclorito de cálcio (Ca(OCl)2) e do hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl) usando a microscopia confocal a laser (MCVL) e a alteração da matriz orgânica da dentina por meio da coloração com picrosirius e microscopia óptica (MO). Amostras de dentes humanos extraídos foram infectados com Enterococcus faecalis por centrifugação da suspensão bacteriana. As amostras foram tratadas com Ca(OCl)2 ou NaOCl a 0,5%, 2,5% e 6% durante 15, 30 e 60 segundos. A MCVLe a coloração de viabilidade foram utilizadas para analisar quantitativamente as proporções de bactérias vivas/mortas no lúmen do canal e no bordo do canal radicular. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA e teste de Fisher LSD. Para análise de MO, cem dentes bovinos foram divididos aleatoriamente em 10 grupos teste (n=10): G1- Sem tratamento; G2- 17% de EDTA; G3- 6% de NaOCl; G4- 6% de NaOCl + EDTA; G5- 0,5% de Ca(OCl)2; G6- 0,5% de Ca(OCl)2 + EDTA; G7- 2,5% de Ca(OCl)2; G8- 2,5% de Ca(OCl)2 + EDTA; G9- 6% de Ca(OCl)2; G10- 6% de Ca(OCl)2 + EDTA. As amostras foram fragmentadas e coradas com Picrosirius. Os dados foram analisados por Kruskal-Wallis e teste de Dunn (P<0,05). Houve uma forte correlação nos resultados do lúmen do canal e na borda do canal radicular (r=0,962). Ambos os hipocloritos, a uma concentração de 0,5%, mostraram menor redução microbiana em comparação com 2,5% e 6% (P<0,05). Houve menor atividade antimicrobiana aos 15 segundos em comparação com 30 e 60 segundos (P<0,05). Em conclusão, o Ca(OCl)2 e o NaOCl apresentaram resultados semelhantes nas mesmas concentrações (P>0,05). O Ca(OCl)2 causou menos alterações na matriz orgânica da dentina em concentrações de 0,5% e 2,5%. O Ca(OCl)2 apresenta atividade antimicrobiana semelhante ao NaOCl, e os danos ao colágeno dependem da concentraçã

Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564088


Abstract The aim of this clinical, prospective, randomized, and parallel study was to evaluate different in-office treatments for dentin hypersensitivity (DH). One hundred ninety-two teeth with non-cavitated root exposures were treated using different desensitizers: fluoride varnish (Duraphat - FLU); bioactive ceramic solution (Biosilicate - BIOS); universal self-etching adhesive (Single Bond Universal - SBU); bioactive photoactivated varnish (PRG filler - SPRG). The degree of DH was analyzed using a visual analog scale (VAS) and computerized visual scale (CoVAS), before treatments and after 7, 15, and 30 days from the first session. Comparisons among desensitizers were performed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests. Friedman test was used to compare between times (p ≤ 0.05). Comparing desensitizers FLU presented a higher value of DH than BIOS using VAS at 7 days, however, no differences were found using CoVAS analysis. Comparing times, BIOS and SBU showed a reduction in DH after 7 days and SBU showed a reduction at 30 days compared to 7 days using VAS. FLU and SPRG groups reduced DH from 15 days to 30 days using VAS. There was a reduction in DH for FLU, BIOS, and SBU after 7 days and for BIOS this reduction also occurred at 30 days when compared to 15 days using CoVAS. SPRG group showed a reduction from 15 to 30 days. All desensitizers tested were able to reduce the initial sensitivity. The bioactive ceramic solution reduced the DH gradually after 30 days using computerized analysis.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo clínico, prospectivo, randomizado e paralelo foi avaliar diferentes tratamentos em consultório para hipersensibilidade dentinária (HD). Cento e noventa e dois dentes com exposições radiculares não cavitadas foram tratados com diferentes dessensibilizantes: verniz fluoretado (Duraphat - FLU); solução cerâmica bioativa (Biosilicato - BIOS); adesivo autocondicionante universal (Single Bond Universal - SBU); verniz fotoativado bioativo (PRG filler - SPRG). O grau de HD foi analisado por meio da escala visual analógica (VAS) e da escala visual computadorizada (CoVAS), antes dos tratamentos e após 7, 15 e 30 dias da primeira sessão. As comparações entre dessensibilizantes foram feitas pelos testes de Kruskal-Wallis e Dunn. O teste de Friedman foi utilizado para comparação entre os tempos (p ≤ 0,05). Comparando os dessensibilizantes, o FLU apresentou um valor de HD maior do que o BIOS usando VAS aos 7 dias, no entanto, nenhuma diferença foi encontrada usando a análise CoVAS. Comparando os tempos, BIOS e SBU apresentaram redução de HD após 7 dias e SBU apresentou redução aos 30 dias em comparação com 7 dias usando VAS. Os grupos FLU e SPRG reduziram a HD em 15 dias a 30 dias usando VAS. Houve redução de HD para FLU, BIOS e SBU após 7 dias e para BIOS essa redução também ocorreu aos 30 dias quando comparada a 15 dias usando CoVAS. O grupo SPRG apresentou redução de 15 para 30 dias. Todos os dessensibilizantes testados foram capazes de reduzir a sensibilidade inicial. A solução de cerâmica bioativa reduziu o HD gradualmente após 30 dias usando análise computadorizada.

Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564089


Abstract ER:YAG laser and experimental resin-based dental adhesive loaded with functionalized carbonated apatite filler were used in this study to evaluate the dentin interaction in terms of penetration and occlusion of the dentinal tubules aiding in the control of dentin hypersensitivity (DH). Spheroidal Carbonated apatite nanoparticles (N-CAP), with an average size of 20±5 nm diameter, were synthesized, characterized, and incorporated in a universal adhesive "All Bond Universal, Bisco, USA", in (2% weight) concentration. Er:YAG laser "Lightwalker, FOTONA, EU" was adjusted to an energy output of 40mJ/ pulse and pulse repetition of 10 Hz for 10 seconds. Dentin specimens were prepared from the buccal surface of 75 extracted sound human molars. The specimens were randomly divided into five groups (n=15) according to the surface treatment: Group (L): Laser only; Group (LB): Laser in combination with adhesive; Group (LBN): Laser in combination with adhesive loaded with N-CAP; Group (B): adhesive only; and Group (BN): adhesive loaded with N-CAP. Depth of penetration and occlusion of the dentinal tubules were assessed using Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope Examination (ESEM). One-way ANOVA was used to compare groups, followed by a pairwise test for multiple comparisons (α=0.05). Groups (LB), and (LBN) showed the highest mean of dentinal tubules' penetration, with a non-significant difference between them. In contrast, the specimens treated with laser only (L) showed the most minor penetration. The employment of ER-YAG laser irradiation with the adhesive loaded with N-CAP was evaluated to be effective in penetrating and occluding the opened dentinal tubules.

Resumo O laser ER-YAG e o adesivo dentário experimental à base de resina carregado com carga de apatita carbonatada funcionalizada foram usados neste estudo para avaliar a interação com a dentina em termos de penetração e oclusão dos túbulos dentinários, auxiliando no controle da hipersensibilidade dentinária (HD). Nanopartículas de apatita carbonatada esferoidal (N-CAP), com tamanho médio de 20±5 nm de diâmetro, foram sintetizadas, caracterizadas e incorporadas em um adesivo universal "All Bond Universal, Bisco, EUA", na concentração de 2% em peso. O laser Er:YAG "Lightwalker, FOTONA, EU" foi ajustado para uma saída de energia de 40mJ/pulso e repetição de pulso de 10 Hz por 10 segundos. Os espécimes de dentina foram preparados a partir da superfície vestibular de 75 molares humanos sadios extraídos. Os espécimes foram divididos aleatoriamente em cinco grupos (n=15) de acordo com o tratamento da superfície: Grupo (L): Somente laser; Grupo (LB): Laser em combinação com adesivo; Grupo (LBN): Laser em combinação com adesivo carregado com N-CAP; Grupo (B): somente adesivo; e Grupo (BN): adesivo carregado com N-CAP. A profundidade de penetração e a oclusão dos túbulos dentinários foram avaliadas por meio do Exame de Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura Ambiental (ESEM). ANOVA de um fator foi usada para comparar os grupos, seguida pelo teste de pares para comparações múltiplas (α=0,05). Os grupos (LB) e (LBN) apresentaram a maior média de penetração dos túbulos dentinários, com uma diferença não significativa entre eles. Em contraste, os espécimes tratados apenas com laser (L) apresentaram menor penetração. O emprego da irradiação do laser ER-YAG com o adesivo carregado com N-CAP foi avaliado como eficaz na penetração e oclusão dos túbulos dentinários abertos.