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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(2)ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564920


El proceso de envejecimiento está marcado por el sedentarismo y la escasa actividad física, lo que se asocia a la disminución rápida y continua de las capacidades funcionales, la dependencia y la fragilidad. El objetivo del trabajo se orienta a valorar, mediante el test de repeticiones máximas con pesos no extremos, el efecto de la aplicación de ejercicios con pesas para la atención de la sarcopenia. Se aplicaron métodos de los niveles teóricos y empíricos como el analítico, sintético, inductivo, deductivo, revisión documental, análisis documental, observación, encuesta y entrevista. Se aplicó, como instrumento de trabajo, una batería de ejercicios físicos de resistencia a la fuerza, y aeróbicos que permitieron utilizar el método de medición en siete adultos mayores con sarcopenia, atendidos en el Centro de Actividad Física y Salud de la Universidad de las Ciencias de la Cultura Física y Deportes ¨ Manuel Fajardo. Se evaluó el trabajo de fuerza muscular mediante el test mencionado, lo que permitió identificar el peso real de la carga física con la que deben entrenar y, sobre esa base, se elaboró la batería de ejercicios con pesas. En los resultados preliminares registrados, mediante la aplicación del test, se constató que la integración del trabajo con pesas y el aeróbico influyen de manera favorable en la ganancia de fuerza en el adulto mayor.

O processo de envelhecimento é marcado por um estilo de vida sedentário e pouca atividade física, o que está associado ao declínio rápido e contínuo das capacidades funcionais, à dependência e à fragilidade. O objetivo do trabalho visa avaliar, por meio do teste de repetições máximas com pesos não extremos, o efeito da aplicação de exercícios com carga no tratamento da sarcopenia. Foram aplicados métodos dos níveis teórico e empírico como analítico, sintético, indutivo, dedutivo, revisão documental, análise documental, observação, levantamento e entrevista. Como instrumento de trabalho foi aplicada uma bateria de exercícios físicos resistidos de força e aeróbios que permitiu a utilização do método de mensuração em sete idosos com sarcopenia atendidos no Centro de Atividade Física e Saúde da Universidade de Ciências da Cultura Física e. Desporto ¨ Manuel Fajardo. O trabalho de força muscular foi avaliado por meio do referido teste, que possibilitou identificar o real peso da carga física com a qual devem treinar e, com base nisso, foi desenvolvida a bateria de exercícios com pesos. Nos resultados preliminares registrados, por meio da aplicação do teste, foi confirmado que a integração do trabalho com pesos e do trabalho aeróbio influencia favoravelmente o ganho de força em idosos.

The aging process is marked by a sedentary lifestyle and little physical activity, which is associated with the rapid and continuous decline in functional capacities, dependency and fragility. The objective of the work is aimed at assessing, through the test of maximum repetitions with non-extreme weights, the effect of the application of exercises with weights for the care of sarcopenia. Methods from the theoretical and empirical levels such as synthetic analytical, inductive-deductive, documentary review, documentary analysis, observation, survey and interview were applied. As a working instrument, a set of strength endurance and aerobic physical exercises was applied that allowed the measurement method to be used in seven older adults with sarcopenia, treated at the Center for Physical Activity and Health of the University of Sciences. of Physical Culture and Sports ¨Manuel Fajardo¨. The muscular strength work was evaluated using the aforementioned test, which made it possible to identify the real weight of the physical load with which they must train and, on that basis, the set of exercises with weights was developed. In the preliminary results recorded, through the application of the test, it was confirmed that the integration of weight work and aerobic work favorably influences strength gain in the older adults.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220778


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused signicant changes in daily life, with many countries implementing quarantines and transitioning to online learning. As the vaccine is not expected to be available before 2021, online learning has become an inevitable option. Despite EFL/ESL teachers expressing favorable attitudes towards online instruction, there is a need to motivate them to return to universities for face-to-face instruction following the pandemic. This research aims to identify the factors that could encourage EFL/ESL teachers to resume traditional classroom instruction in Iranian universities. It is crucial to provide teachers and students with a safe learning environment equipped with the necessary tools and procedures, as their motivation is a key component of successful teaching and learning. The study calls for collaborative efforts from all concerned parties to raise awareness about the importance of boosting motivation to return to universities after the COVID-19 crisis

Pers. bioet ; 27(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534992


Propósito: la adecuación del esfuerzo terapéutico es una decisión clínica basada en la evidencia que pretende evitar la futilidad médica. Se han señalado diferentes factores que pueden influir en esta toma de decisiones los cuales se relacionan con el paciente, el profesional médico que toma de las decisiones, barreras del sistema, cultura y economía, entre otros. El presente estudio pretende identificar aquellos factores que influyen en los médicos especialistas que laboran en la institución referente del cáncer en Colombia, a fin de planear acciones que mejoren el abordaje de la toma de decisiones con respecto a la adecuación del esfuerzo terapéutico en pacientes con cáncer. Metodología: diseño cualitativo basado en 13 entrevistas en profundidad a médicos especialistas del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Colombia. Resultados: participaron 3 mujeres y 10 hombres, con un promedio de edad de 36 años, 7 pertenecientes a la especialidad de oncología de adultos, 2 a oncohematología pediátrica, 1 a cuidados intensivos de adultos y 3 a cuidados intensivos pediátricos. Los factores hallados se agruparon en cuatro categorías: 1) conocimiento, 2) aspectos relacionados con la toma de decisiones, 3) quién decide, 4) tipo de decisión que se toma; a su vez, estas categorías se agruparon en temas que hacen alusión a los factores que influyen en la toma de decisiones de los especialistas para adecuar los esfuerzos terapéuticos. Conclusión: la adecuación de los esfuerzos terapéuticos es importante para evitar procedimientos médicos fútiles que prolonguen el sufrimiento. Se evidenciaron algunos factores que influyen en la toma de decisiones de los especialistas: falta de preparación de los profesionales de salud en el tema de toma de decisiones al final de la vida, uso reducido de escalas que permitan mejorar la información del pronóstico y desconocimiento sobre voluntades anticipadas; estos son algunos de aquellos factores que deben fortalecerse para generar acciones que mejoren el abordaje de esta temática.

Purpose: Adjusting therapeutic efforts is an evidence-based clinical decision that aims to avoid medical futility. Varied factors that can influence this decision-making have been pointed out, related to the patient, the medical professional who makes the decisions, system barriers, culture, and the economy, among others. The present study aims to identify those factors that help the specialists working in a cancer referral institution in Colombia to plan actions that improve the approach to decision-making regarding the adequacy of therapeutic efforts in cancer patients. Methodology: This qualitative design is based on 13 in-depth interviews with Colombia's National Cancer Institute specialists. Results: Three women and ten men participated, with an average age of 36 years; seven belonged to the specialty of adult oncology, two to pediatric oncohematology, one to adult intensive care, and three to pediatric intensive care. The factors found were grouped into four categories: 1) knowledge, 2) aspects related to decision-making, 3) the decision-maker, and 4) the type of decision made. These categories were clustered into themes that allude to the factors swaying specialists' decision-making to adjust therapeutic efforts. Conclusion: Adjusting therapeutic actions is vital to avoid futile medical procedures that prolong suffering. Some factors that influence the specialists' decision-making were noted: lack of preparation of health professionals on end-of-life decision-making, reduced use of scales to improve prognostic information, and ignorance about advance directives. These factors must be strengthened to improve the approach to this issue.

Introdução: a adequação do esforço terapêutico é uma decisão clínica baseada em evidências que pretende evitar a futilidade médica. Diferentes fatores que podem influenciar nessa tomada de decisão vêm sendo identificados e estão relacionados com o paciente, com o profissional médico que toma as decisões, com as barreiras do sistema, com a cultura e a economia, entre outros. Objetivo: este estudo pretende identificar aqueles fatores que influenciam os médicos especialistas que trabalham na instituição referente do câncer na Colômbia, a fim de propor ações que melhorem a abordagem da tomada de decisões a respeito da adequação do esforço terapêutico em pacientes com câncer. Metodologia: desenho qualitativo baseado em 13 entrevistas em profundidade com médicos especialistas do Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia da Colômbia. Resultados: participaram 3 mulheres e 10 homens, com média de idade de 36 anos - 7 pertencentes à especialidade de oncologia de adultos; 2, onco-hematologia pediátrica; 1, terapia intensiva de adultos e 3, terapia intensiva pediátrica. Os fatores achados foram agrupados em quatro categorias: 1) conhecimento; 2) aspectos relacionados com a tomada de decisões; 3) quem decide; 4) tipo de decisão tomada. Por sua vez, essas categorias foram agrupadas em temas que fazem alusão aos fatores que influenciam a toma de decisões dos especialistas para adequar os esforços terapêuticos. Conclusões: a adequação dos esforços terapêuticos é importante para evitar procedimentos médicos fúteis que prolonguem o sofrimento. Foram evidenciados alguns fatores que influenciam a tomada de decisões dos especialistas: falta de preparação dos profissionais de saúde no tema, uso reduzido de escalas que permitam melhorar a informação do prognóstico e desconhecimento sobre vontades antecipadas; estes são alguns dos fatores que devem ser fortalecidos para gerar ações que melhorem a abordagem da temática.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979198


Background Occupational stress has become one of the main factors affecting people's physical and mental health, and there are many sources of occupational stress in petrochemical enterprises. Objective To evaluate the current situation of occupational stress and its related factors among employees in a petrochemical enterprise, and to provide a scientific basis for reduing the risk of occupational stress among employees in petrochemical enterprises. Methods In June 2022, a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted in a petrochemical enterprise in Hainan, including a general information questionnaire for basic information, the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) for occupational stress, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) for sleep quality. Chi-square test was used to compare differences in positive occupational stress by demographic characteristics, occupational characteristics, behavior, and occupational disease hazards. Logistic regression was employed to evaluate factors associated with occupational stress. Results Of the 1129 questionnaire distributed, a total of 999 valid questionnaire were returned,with a valid recovery rate of 88.5%. The positive rate of occupational stress among employees in the petrochemical enterprise was 29.5%. There were statistically significant differences in the positive rate of occupational stress among the employees grouped by gender, age, marital status, body mass index (BMI), monthly income, length of service, smoking, weekly working hours, type of work, working mode, sleep quality, noise exposure, and high temperature exposure (P<0.05). In terms of positive occupational stress among subcategories: workers being male (vs. female), working >40 h per week (vs. ≤40 h per week), regular day shift (vs. shift work), smoking (vs. not smoking), with exposure to noise and heat (vs. without such exposure), and having poor sleep quality (vs. good sleep quality) reported higher positive occupational stress rates (P<0.05). The results of pairwise comparison showed that the positive rate of occupational stress in divorced (50.0%) or married (32.0%) workers was higher than that in single (27.1%) workers, and higher in operation workers (30.6%) than in other types of work (20.5%) (P<0.05). The trend chi-square results showed that the positive rate of occupational stress increased linearly with the increase of age, length of service, BMI, or monthly income (P<0.05). The results of logistic regression analysis after adjustment showed that workers who worked >40 h a week had a higher risk of occupational stress than those who worked ≤40 h a week, and the OR (95%CI) was 1.909 (1.135, 3.211); the workers of other types of work had a lower risk of reporting occupational stress than operation workers, and the OR (95%CI) was 0.513 (0.272, 0.968); the workers with noise exposure had a higher risk of occupational stress than the workers without, and the OR (95%CI) was 2.457 (1.070, 5.642). Conclusion The positive rate of occupational stress among employees in this petrochemical enterprise is high. Among them, operators, working hours per week>40 h, and noise exposure may increase the incidence of occupational stress. The enterprise should actively take measures to reduce the occurrence of occupational stress among employees.

São Paulo med. j ; 141(4): e2022187, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432453


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Moonlighting is a largely discussed, however under-explored, subject among physician residents. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the frequency of moonlighting and its related factors. DESIGN AND SETTING: This cross-sectional study enrolled medical residents from all geographical regions of Brazil. METHODS: A web-based structured closed-ended survey was applied that explored the frequency and type of moonlighting, residency programs characteristics, and psychological distress. The questionnaire was published on social networks. RESULTS: The completion rate was 71.4% (n = 1,419) and 37.7% were males aged 28.8 ± 3.2 (mean ± standard deviation) years, and 571 (40.2%) were post-graduate year (PGY) 1. There were residents from 50 medical specialties (the most common training area was clinical, 51.9%). A total of 80.6% practiced moonlighting, with an average weekly workload of 14.1 ± 9.4 h, usually overnight or in weekend shifts. Factors related to it were being PGY-2 or higher (adjusted odds ratio = 3.90 [95% confidence interval = 2.93-5.18], logistic regression), lower weekly residency duty hours (0.98 [0.97-0.99]), and a higher salary (1.23 [1.08-1.40]). In contrast, perception of a "fair/adequate" compensation was influenced by age (1.02 [1.01-1.02]), not being single (1.05 [1.01-1.10]), and residency duty hours (1.51 [1.22-1.88]). Depression, anxiety, diurnal somnolence scores, and work-personal life conflicts were not correlated with moonlighting status. CONCLUSION: Moonlighting frequency is high, and it is related to higher PGY, briefer residency duty hours, and the perception that remuneration should be higher. This study provides insights into the motivations for moonlighting and effort-reward imbalance.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(3): e20231498, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505831


Abstract Like other meiofaunal organisms, tardigrades suffer from a significant knowledge gap concerning many aspects of their biodiversity. The lack of an up-to-date digital collection with all species and details of limnoterrestrial and freshwater tardigrades in South and Central America is one of the most critical gaps to be filled. Therefore, the present work aims to develop a database containing all valid species of limnoterrestrial and freshwater tardigrades from South and Central America found until 2023 and provide open access to the results. Data for each species were obtained directly from the literature using Google Scholar and the website This compiled data resulted in the creation of a database with the species name, author and year of species description, genus, family, class, type country, type location, coordinates (longitude and latitude), if it is aquatic and/or limnoterrestrial, substrate where it was found, the country and location of collection, and manuscript containing the species identification. Furthermore, the coordinates of each occurrence were plotted on maps with political-administrative boundaries and Neotropical and Andean biogeographic regions. In addition, statistical analysis was performed related to the geographic distribution of the sampling effort. From the literature, 2157 records of valid non-marine Tardigrada species, endemic or not, were computed. From these records, 271 species of tardigrades have been identified in the two regions combined, with 223 species in South America and 129 species in Central America. We were able to show that there are still many biases in the sampling of tardigrades in the Neotropical and Andean regions and that further studies are needed on the biogeography of these meiofaunal organisms in these biogeographic regions. We expect this database to help better understand the richness and distribution patterns of limnoterrestrial and aquatic tardigrade species in Central and South America.

Resumo Tardígrados, assim como outros organismos meiofaunais, possuem uma lacuna de conhecimento significativa acerca de muitos aspectos da sua biodiversidade. A inexistência de um acervo digital, e atualizado, com todas as espécies e detalhes de tardígrados limnoterrestres e aquáticos na América Central e Sul é uma das lacunas mais importantes a serem preenchidas. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo elaborar e disponibilizar, de maneira gratuita, um banco de dados contendo todas as espécies válidas de tardígrados limnoterrestres e aquáticos das América do Sul e América Central encontradas até 2023. Os dados de cada espécie foram obtidos diretamente na literatura, utilizando o Google Scholar e o site Com todos esses dados compilados, foi elaborado um banco de dados com nome da espécie, autor e ano de descrição da espécie, gênero, família, classe, país tipo, local tipo, coordenadas (longitude e latitude), se é aquático e/ou limnoterrestre, substrato onde foi encontrado, país coletado, local de coleta e manuscrito com a identificação da espécie. Ademais, as coordenadas obtidas de cada ocorrência foram plotadas em mapas das fronteiras político-administrativas e das regiões biogeográficas Neotropical e Andina. Além disso, uma análise estatística quanto à distribuição geográfica do esforço amostral foi feita. Da literatura, foram computados 2157 registros de espécies válidas de tardígrados limnoterrestre, endêmicas ou não. Desses registros, foram descobertas, até hoje, 271 espécies de tardígrados entre as duas regiões, com 223 espécies na América do Sul e 129 espécies na América Central. Foi possível demonstrar que ainda há muito viés na amostragem de tardígrados nas regiões Neotropical e Andina, e mais estudos acerca da biogeografia desses organismos meiofaunais nessas regiões biogeográficas são necessários. A partir desse banco de dados, espera-se contribuir para um maior entendimento da riqueza e dos padrões de distribuição de espécies de tardígrados limnoterrestres e aquáticos nas América Central e Sul.

Med. crít. (Col. Mex. Med. Crít.) ; 37(1): 47-51, Feb. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521190


Resumen: La optimización del esfuerzo espontáneo en la ventilación mecánica tiene un lugar central en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos; aporta beneficios a los pacientes como la mejoría en el intercambio de gases, ayuda a recuperar la función del diafragma y el mantenimiento de los músculos periféricos. Por otro lado, también puede estar asociado al deterioro de la oxigenación y la lesión pulmonar. El incremento del impulso respiratorio neural aumenta el esfuerzo muscular inspiratorio, lo que condiciona presiones de distensión pulmonar lesivas, que en el contexto del síndrome de insuficiencia respiratoria aguda es de vital relevancia, ya que puede provocar el colapso y la sobredistensión regional alveolar de forma cíclica, con distribución heterogénea del estrés y tensión pulmonar. Existen tres mecanismos de lesión pulmonar por esfuerzo espontáneo: sobredistensión, aumento de la perfusión pulmonar y asincronía paciente-ventilador. La lesión pulmonar causa fuga capilar, edema pulmonar y alteración del intercambio de gases. Esto conduce a un aumento del impulso respiratorio y mayores volúmenes corrientes de las propias respiraciones espontáneas del paciente, que provocan fuga capilar y mayor daño pulmonar de forma similar a la lesión pulmonar inducida por ventilador.

Abstract: The optimization of spontaneous effort in mechanical ventilation has a central place in the intensive care unit; provides benefits to patients such as improved gas exchange, helps to regain function of the diaphragm and maintenance of peripheral muscles. On the other hand, it can also be associated with impaired oxygenation and lung injury. The increase in the neural respiratory drive increases the inspiratory muscular effort, conditioning damaging pulmonary distension pressures, which in the context of acute respiratory distress syndrome is of vital importance, since it can cause collapse and regional alveolar overdistention in a cyclical way. with heterogeneous distribution of pulmonary stress and strain. There are three mechanisms of lung injury due to spontaneous effort: overdistention, increased pulmonary perfusion, and patient-ventilator asynchrony. Lung injury causes capillary leakage, pulmonary edema, and impaired gas exchange. This leads to increased respiratory drive and higher tidal volumes of the patient's own spontaneous breaths, causing capillary leakage and increased lung damage like ventilator-induced lung injury.

Resumo: A otimização do esforço espontâneo na ventilação mecânica tem lugar central na unidade de terapia intensiva; Proporciona benefícios aos pacientes como melhora nas trocas gasosas, auxilia na recuperação da função do diafragma e na manutenção da musculatura periférica. Por outro lado, também pode estar associada ao deterioro da oxigenação e lesão pulmonar. O incremento do impulso respiratório neural aumenta o esforço muscular inspiratório, condicionando pressões de distensão pulmonar prejudiciais, o que no contexto da síndrome de insuficiência respiratória aguda é de vital relevância, pois pode causar colapso e hiperdistensão alveolar regional de forma cíclica, com distribuição heterogênea do estresse e tensão pulmonar. Existem três mecanismos de lesão pulmonar espontânea por esforço: hiperdistensão, aumento da perfusão pulmonar e assincronia paciente-ventilador. A lesão pulmonar causa vazamento capilar, edema pulmonar e troca gasosa prejudicada. Isso leva ao aumento do impulso respiratório e aos volumes correntes mais altos das próprias respirações espontâneas do paciente, causando vazamento capilar e danos pulmonares adicionais semelhantes aos danos pulmonares induzidos pelo ventilador.

Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 48: edepi10, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521824


Resumo Objetivos: analisar a associação entre o estresse no trabalho, segundo o modelo de desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa (DER), e a hipertensão arterial (HA), assim como investigar o papel modificador de efeito do excesso de comprometimento (EC) e do sexo. Métodos: análise seccional de dados de trabalhadores(as) ativos que participaram da segunda onda de coleta de dados (2012-2014) do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil). O estresse no trabalho foi mensurado pela versão brasileira da escala de DER, composta por três dimensões: esforço, recompensa e EC. A HA foi definida como níveis de pressão arterial sistólica/diastólica ≥ 140/90 mmHg ou uso de medicamento anti-hipertensivo. Empregou-se regressão logística, bruta e ajustada por potenciais fatores de confusão. As interações multiplicativas foram investigadas. Resultados: participaram 9.465 servidores, 51,9% do sexo feminino. A prevalência de HA foi de 34,9%. No modelo ajustado, associações limítrofes foram identificadas entre o DER (razão>1) e maior EC com maiores chances de HA (OR: 1,11; IC95%: 1,00; 1,24; e OR: 1,13; IC95%: 1,01; 1,26, respectivamente). A análise de interação indicou que sexo e EC não são modificadores de efeito. Conclusão: DER e EC associaram-se a maiores chances de HA, após ajuste. Sexo e EC não foram modificadores de efeito.

Abstract Objectives: to evaluate the association between job stress, according to the effort-reward imbalance (ERI) model, and hypertension (HTN), as well as to investigate the effect modifier role of overcommitment (OC) and sex. Methods: cross-sectional analysis of data from active workers who participated in the second data collection wave (2012-2014) of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). Job stress was measured by the ERI scale - Brazilian version, comprising three dimensions: effort, reward, and OC. HTN was defined as systolic or diastolic blood pressure levels ≥ 140/90 mmHg or antihypertensive medication use. Associations were estimated by logistic regression, crude and adjusted for potential confounding factors. Multiplicative interactions were investigated. Results: a total of 9,465 civil servants participated in the study, 51.9% females. HTN prevalence was 34.9%. The adjusted model identified borderline associations between ERI (ratio > 1) and higher OC with higher odds of HTN (OR = 1.11, 95%CI = 1.00; 1.24; and OR = 1.13; 95%CI = 1.01; 1.26, respectively). Interaction analysis indicated no differences in associations according to sex and OC. Conclusion: results show that ERI and OC are associated with higher odds of HTN after adjustment. Sex and OC were not effect modifiers.

Indian J Public Health ; 2022 Nov; 66(1): 51-55
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223784


Background: It was observed that post?COVID patients reported persistent exertional dyspnea, cough, fatigue, or chest pain. About 10%–20% of patients may progress to pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary rehabilitation has been proven to be useful in improving effort tolerance and quality of life in chronic respiratory diseases. Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation in improving 6?min walk distance (6 MWD), peak flow, fatigue, anxiety, and depression in early postacute COVID disease. Materials and Methods: This quasi?experimental study was conducted during January 2021 to March 2021. The patients who recovered from COVID?19 and having persistent exertional dyspnea and fatigue after 3 weeks of recovery were included in the study. Baseline and postintervention assessment of 6 MWD, Visual Analog Scale for Fatigue (VAS?F), peak flow, and Hamilton rating scales (HAM) scales after 4 weeks were done. Compliance was ensured with weakly telemonitoring. Results: Significant improvement in peak flow, 6 MWD, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), and VAS-F (P < 0.01) after 4 weeks of pulmonary rehabilitation. Conclusion: Early pulmonary rehabilitation in post?COVID syndrome can contribute to statistically significant improvement in functional and psychological parameters as well as post-COVID fatigue.

Iatreia ; 35(3): 331-340, jul. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1534587


Introducción: la determinación (grit) es un rasgo de personalidad deseable en los estudiantes de medicina, en pro de un rendimiento académico favorable. El compromiso con el trabajo es una competencia deseada en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el pregrado. Se evalúa el efecto de la determinación en el compromiso con el trabajo de los estudiantes, durante su rotación por la asignatura de cirugía general. Métodos: los estudiantes calificaron su determinación en la Escala Corta de Determinación (GSS) y su compromiso con el trabajo mediante la escala de compromiso con el trabajo de Utrecht (UWES17-S). Mediante un análisis de regresión lineal de efectos mixtos, las relaciones de las anteriores variables fueron establecidas. Resultados: se incluyeron 327 estudiantes, de diez facultades de medicina. La puntuación de GSS fue 2,96 ± 0,58 (1-5) y de UWES-S17 fue 3,94 ± 0,85 (rango de 2,4-7,0). En el modelo fijo, el efecto de la determinación en el compromiso con el trabajo de los estudiantes no fue significativo (b = 0,04; IC del 95 %: -0,11; 0,19), así como tampoco en el análisis aleatorio que exploró la interacción por facultad de medicina (b = 0,02; IC del 95 %: 0,0044; 0,15). La determinación, no influyó en el compromiso con el trabajo de los estudiantes. Conclusiones: no se encontró un efecto significativo de la determinación en el compromiso con el trabajo de los estudiantes durante la rotación en cirugía general. Otros aspectos como el contexto y la interacción social deben ser explorados.

Summary Introduction: Determination (grit) is a desirable personality trait in medical students for favorable academic performance. Commitment to work is a desired competence in undergraduate teaching-learning processes. The effect of the determination in the commitment to the work of the students is evaluated during their rotation. Methods: Students rated their determination on the Short Grit Scale (GSS) and their commitment to work on the Utrecht Work. Engagement Scale (UWES17-S). Through a mixed effects linear regression analysis, the relationships of the previous variables were established. Results: 327 students from ten medical schools were included. The GSS score was 2.96 ± 0.58 (1-5) and the UWES-S17 score was 3.94 ± 0.85 (range 2.4-7.0). In the fixed model, the effect of the determination on the students' commitment to work was not significant (b = 0.04; 95% CI: -0.11; 0.19, neither in the random model that explored the interaction by medical school (b = 0.02; 95% CI: 0.0044; - 0.15). The determination did not influence the commitment to the work of the students. Conclusions: No significant effect of determination was found on student work commitment during rotation in the general surgery course. Other aspects such as context and social interaction, should be explored.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino
Pensar mov ; 20(1)jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448768


Rojas-Ilama, V., Castro-Ramírez, M.L., Víquez-Arce, R., Jiménez-Díaz. y Montero-Herrera, B. (2022). Efecto del HIIT en el estado anímico en personas con sobrepeso en un entrenamiento virtual y presencial. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 20(1), 1-17. El principal objetivo fue comparar los efectos de una sesión HIIT de 35 minutos, en modalidad virtual y presencial, en los estados anímicos y en el esfuerzo percibido en personas con sobrepeso. Se reclutaron un total de 13 personas (5 hombres y 8 mujeres) con una edad promedio de 37.85 ± 13.20 años (rango entre 17 y 60 años) los cuales fueron asignados a cada una de las tres condiciones de manera aleatoria (control, entrenamiento presencial y entrenamiento virtual). Previo a, e inmediatamente después de cada una de las intervenciones, se aplicó el test POMS para medir los estados anímicos. En lo que respecta al esfuerzo percibido (EP), su medición se llevó a cabo finalizado cada uno de los ejercicios HIIT (no se evaluó durante el calentamiento y el retorno a la calma). Al aplicar un ANOVA de 2 vías de medidas repetidas (condición (3) x medición (2)), se encontró que tanto la tensión como el vigor después de haber aplicado el tratamiento presencial presentaron un aumento significativo; además, la tensión aumentó en la sesión virtual. Por su parte, los valores de EP reportados en las mediciones de las sesiones presencial y virtuales estuvieron por encima de lo sugerido en la literatura. En conclusión, una sesión de HIIT para personas con sobrepeso de manera presencial o virtual presenta resultados similares en los estados de ánimo, excepto el vigor, el cual incrementa solo en la condición presencial; las otras variables mostraron un comportamiento similar.

Rojas-Ilama, V., Castro-Ramírez, M.L., Víquez-Arce, R., Jiménez-Díaz. & Montero-Herrera, B. (2022). Effects of HIIT on the mood of overweight people in virtual and face-to-face training. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 20(1), 1-17. The main objective was to compare the effects of 35-minute HIIT session, in both virtual and face-to- face modes, on the mood and the perceived effort of overweight people. A total 13 people (5 men and 8 women) were recruited, in an average age of 37.85 ± 13.20 years (17-60 year range), who were randomly assigned to each of the three conditions (control, face-to-face training, virtual training). Prior to and immediately after each of the interventions, the POMS test was applied in order to measure mood. The measuring of perceived effort (PE) was carried out at the end of each of the HIIT exercises (it was not assessed during warm-up or return to calm). When a 2-way repeated-measure ANOVA was applied (condition (3) x measurement (2)), it was found that both stress and vigor after applying face-to-face treatment showed a significant increase. In addition, stress increased in the virtual session. For their part, the PE values reported in the measurements of the face-to-face and virtual sessions were above those suggested in the literature. In conclusion, a HIIT session for overweight people, whether face-to-face or virtual, shows similar results in their moods, except for vigor, which only increases in the face-to-face situation. The other variables showed a similar behavior.

Rojas-Ilama, V., Castro-Ramírez, M.L., Víquez-Arce, R., Jiménez-Díaz. e Montero-Herrera, B. (2022). Efeito do HIIT no estado anímico de pessoas com sobrepeso em um treinamento virtual e presencial. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 20(1), 1-17. O principal objetivo foi comparar os efeitos de uma sessão de HIIT de 35 minutos, em modalidades virtual e presencial, nos estados anímicos e no esforço percebido de pessoas com sobrepeso. Foram recrutadas um total de 13 pessoas (5 homens e 8 mulheres) com idade média de 37,85 ± 13,20 anos (faixa etária entre 17 e 60 anos) que foram designados a cada uma das três condições de maneira aleatória (controle, treinamento presencial e treinamento virtual). Antes e imediatamente depois de cada uma das intervenções, foi aplicado o teste POMS para medir os estados anímicos. Com relação ao esforço percebido (EP), a medição foi feita ao finalizar cada um dos exercícios HIIT (não foi avaliado durante o aquecimento e a volta à calma). Ao aplicar um ANOVA de 2 vias de medidas repetidas (condição (3) x medição (2)), observou-se que tanto a tensão quanto o vigor depois da aplicação do tratamento presencial aumentaram de maneira significativa; além disso, a tensão aumentou na sessão virtual. Por outro lado, os valores de EP relatados nas medições das sessões presenciais e virtuais estiveram acima do sugerido na literatura. Como conclusão, uma sessão de HIIT para pessoas com sobrepeso, seja presencial ou virtual, apresenta resultados semelhantes nos estados de ânimo, exceto o vigor, que aumento somente na condição presencial; as outras variáveis mostraram um comportamento semelhante.

Multimed (Granma) ; 26(3): e2765, mayo.-jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406109


RESUMEN Introducción: en la formación del profesional de las Ciencias Médicas en Cuba, se destaca la formación humanista, no obstante, profundizar en los conceptos consentimiento informado, limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico y la eutanasia, el conocimiento y dominio de estos conceptos fortalecerían la práctica médica. Desarrollo: el conocimiento de la bioética y la ética médica es de suma importancia, pues no solo tiene que ver con los principios de la ética, sino también con los valores humanos, y dentro de ellos la claridad de los conceptos y de la profesionalidad médica, que va desde la constante preocupación y ocupación por la superación profesional, así como los aspectos del comportamiento social, institucional, la autodisciplina, la entrega total, y la forma de presentarse no solo en la sociedad y en la institución, sino frente a cada paciente, siendo sobrios, elegantes, educados, amables, utilizando correctamente la bata sanitaria, conocida como bata médica, haciendo honor al color blanco como expresión de pureza y de guardar el secreto médico. Conclusiones: deberá ampliarse a la población por los diferentes medios de comunicación, y especialmente en los educandos y profesionales no solo en la impartición por parte de profesores universitarios, sino a través del uso de las tecnologías de la información. Es el momento para institucionalizar jurídicamente el consentimiento informado.

ABSTRACT Introduction: in the training of the professional of the Medical Sciences in Cuba, the humanist training stands out, however, deepening in the concepts informed consent, limitation of the therapeutic effort and euthanasia, the knowledge and mastery of these concepts would strengthen the medical practice. Development: the knowledge of bioethics and medical ethics is of the utmost importance, because it not only has to do with the principles of ethics, but also with human values, and within them the clarity of concepts and medical professionalism, ranging from the constant concern and occupation for professional improvement, as well as the aspects of social, institutional behavior, self-discipline, total dedication, and the way of presenting oneself not only in society and in the institution, but in front of each patient, being sober, elegant, polite, kind, correctly using the sanitary gown, known as a medical gown, honoring the white color as an expression of purity and keeping the medical secret. Conclusions: it should be extended to the population by the different means of communication, and especially in the learners and professionals not only in the teaching by university professors, but through the use of information technologies. It is time to legally institutionalize informed consent.

RESUMO Introdução: na formação do profissional das Ciências Médicas em Cuba, a formação humanista se destaca, no entanto, aprofundando-se nos conceitos de consentimento informado, limitação do esforço terapêutico e eutanásia, o conhecimento e o domínio desses conceitos fortaleceriam a prática médica. Desenvolvimento: o conhecimento da bioética e da ética médica é de extrema importância, pois não tem apenas a ver com os princípios da ética, mas também com os valores humanos, e dentro deles a clareza dos conceitos e do profissionalismo médico, que vão desde a constante preocupação e ocupação para o aperfeiçoamento profissional, bem como os aspectos do comportamento social, institucional, autodisciplina, dedicação total e a forma de se apresentar não só na sociedade e na instituição, mas na frente de cada paciente, sendo sóbrio, elegante, educado, gentil, usando corretamente o vestido sanitário, conhecido como vestido médico, honrando a cor branca como expressão de pureza e mantendo o segredo médico. Conclusões: deve ser estendida à população pelos diferentes meios de comunicação, e especialmente nos alunos e profissionais não apenas no ensino por professores universitários, mas pelo uso de tecnologias da informação. É hora de institucionalizar legalmente o consentimento informado.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 66(3): 382-392, June 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393856


ABSTRACT The fundamental objective of military field training exercises (FTX) is to prepare military personnel for real-life operations through simulated scenarios. These training sessions often require extreme physical efforts with prolonged, high-intensity exercises that can be combined with food restrictions and partial, or total, sleep deprivation. Such conditions can compromise an individual's physical performance and cause tissue damage, thus affecting their health. This study aimed to perform a systematic review of the literature to identify studies that measured the changes in hormone levels and biomarkers of cellular injury and oxidative stress resulting from FTX with high levels of energy expenditure combined with food and sleep restrictions. PubMed and the Scopus database were searched for articles that combined physical effort/food restriction/sleep deprivation with military training. The initial database search identified 158 articles that were reduced to 18 after confirmation. Significant reductions were reported in thyroid hormones, T3, T4, and anabolic hormones such as testosterone, insulin and androstenedione. An exception for GH was found, which increased throughout FTX. Less distinct responses to FTX were observed with cortisol, TSH and LH. The presence of biomarkers for cellular damage (myoglobin, TNF, and CRP) and increased immune response activities were also described. The scarcity of information on oxidative stress, analyses of cellular injury and biomarkers of inflammatory responses warrants the future study of these topics, which could be helpful in facilitating the safe and effective physical preparations of the members of the armed forces.

Acta biol. colomb ; 27(1): 44-51, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360048


RESUMEN La estimación precisa de curvas de selectividad de redes de enmalle en una población de peces es un requisito importante para la sostenibilidad de los stocks explotados. Sin embargo, los trabajos de selectividad para artes de pesca que operan en ecosistemas continentales de Colombia son muy escasos. Este estudio determinó los parámetros de selectividad de redes de enmalle utilizadas en la captura del bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae). El diseño experimental evaluó tres tamaños de malla (5,72; 6,35 y 8,89 cm) y las capturas se realizaron en diferentes sitios de pesca de la ciénaga de Zárate. Con la utilización del método SELECT se estimaron los parámetros de selectividad y mediante un análisis de Kruskall Wallis se determinaron las diferencias en la captura por unidad de esfuerzo. Además, el tamaño de malla óptimo fue calculado a partir del principio de similaridad geométrica de Baranov. Los resultados muestran que el modelo normal con varianza proporcional al tamaño de malla es el que mejor ajuste presentó para la captura de bocachico. Las longitudes modales calculadas con el modelo normal con varianza proporcional al tamaño de malla fueron 22,90, 25,45 y 35,63 cm para tamaños de malla de 5,72, 6,35 y 8,89 cm, respectivamente. El tamaño de malla óptimo calculado fue 6,99 cm. Los resultados indican que las redes con tamaños de malla de 5,72 cm e inferiores tienen un efecto sobre la estructura de tamaños del bocachico. Estas redes requieren ser priorizadas en la formulación de medidas de manejo basadas en la ordenación de este arte de pesca, lo que permitirá la sostenibilidad de la pesquería.

ABSTRACT Accurate estimation of gillnet selectivity curves in a fish population is an important requirement for the sustainability of exploited stocks. However, selectivity studies for fishing gear operating in Colombia's inland ecosystems is very rare. This study determined the gillnet selectivity parameters used in the catch of the bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae). The experimental design evaluated three mesh sizes (5.72, 6.35 and 8.89 cm) and the catches were made in different fishing sites at the Zárate swamp. With the use of the SELECT method, the selectivity parameters were estimated and the Kruskall Wallis test determined the differences in the catch per unit effort. Furthermore, the optimal mesh size was calculated from Baranov's principle of geometric similarity. The results show that the normal model (scale) presented the best fit for the catch of bocachico. The modal lengths calculated with the normal scale model were 22.90, 25.45, and 35.63 cm for mesh sizes of 5.72, 6.35, and 8.89 cm, respectively. The calculated optimal mesh size was 6.99 cm. The results indicate that nets with mesh sizes of 5.72 cm and lower influences the size structure of the bocachico. These nets need to be prioritized in the formulation of management measures based on the regulation of this fishing gear, which will allow the sustainability of the fishery.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-953957


Background The contracted family doctor services are the embodiment of the implementation of the new medical reform policy, and the transformation of the grass-roots health service mode. Studies have proved that the occupational stress in medical staff was at a high level. The enhancement of professional identity will contribute to strengthen team building,alleviate job burnout, and reduce turnover intention of family doctors. Objective To investigate the current situation of occupational identity among family doctor teams in Chengdu, to examine potential influencing factors of occupational identity, and to provide a reference for promoting career development and team building of family doctor teams. Methods Multi-stage random cluster sampling was adopted to enroll study participants form 46 primary healthcare centers where family doctor contract services were implemented among 23 districts and counties in Chengdu between March 4 and 26, 2021. A total of 2 681 family doctors participated in this survey. A self-reported survey was conducted to collect participants' demographic and occupational data. The Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI)questionnaire was implemented to assess occupational stress. The Professional Identity Scale was used to appraise occupational identity. Results A total of 2 327 valid questionnaires were collected, with a valid recovery rate of 86.80%, involving 1 715 females (73.7%) and 612 males (26.3%), with dominant age groups of 26−35 years (43.3%) and 36−45 years (30.4%), a high proportion of being married (82.8%), having college (36.0%) and undergraduate (47.3%) education, a high proportion of primary titles (66.0%) and informal work contract (66.1%). About 88.7% of family doctor team workers reported occupational stress. The average score of occupational identity was (3.68±0.62) points. There were significant differences in occupational identity scores among different professional title, work contract, working years in medical institutions, income, and effort/reward ratio (EER) groups (P < 0.05). ERR was negatively correlated with occupational identity (rs=−0.495, P<0.05). The multiple regression model showed that occupational identity score in the non-staffed participants was lower than the score in the staffed ones (OR=0.429, 95%CI: 0.299−0.825). The occupational identity score in the participants having associate senior title or above was higher than in without professional title (OR=1.424, 95%CI: 1.194−2.328). The longer the working years, the higher the occupational identity score among the participants. The score of the more than 20 working years group was 1.820 times that of the less than 5 working years group (95%CI: 1.342−2.543). The higher the income, the higher the occupational identity score. The score of the 9001−12000 yuan per month group was 1.977 times that of the 1000−3000 yuan per month group (95%CI: 0.811−9.696) , and the score of the more than 12000 yuan per month group was 2.283 times that of the 1000−3000 yuan per month group (95%CI: 1.199−10.267). Conclusion The family doctor team workers generally report occupational stress, and their occupational identity is at a medium level in Chengdu. Relevant managers should implement intervention measures against the main influencing factors to reduce their work tension and improve their occupational identity.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 343-345, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955968


Maintenance of spontaneous effort during mechanical ventilation has long been recognized to improve oxygenation. Such effort has been considered beneficial because oxygenation is a key management aim. However, accumulating evidence indicates that spontaneous effort during mechanical ventilation may cause or worsen acute lung injury. Recently, effort-dependent lung injury has been termed as patient-self inflicted lung injury (P-SILI). This paper describes pathophysiological changes of ventilation-induced lung injury (VILI) induced by mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing, and the role of spontaneous breathing during mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Studies have shown that spontaneous breathing is a double-edged sword, depending on the intensity of spontaneous breathing activity and the severity of lung injury. Future studies are needed to determine ventilator strategies minimizing injury.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935789


Objective: To explore the influential factors of job stress suffered by workers in railway stations, the level of job stress of were measured and subjective comfort of employees targeting to working environment were reported. Methods: In March 2019, a cluster sampling study was designed to collect the personal characteristics, job characteristics and subjective comfort degree of working environment of 432 employees in Chongqing railway stations. Meanwhile, job stress was assessed using the effort-reward imbalance scale. Chi-square test was used to compare the difference of occupational stress detection rate among different stratified factors such as occupational characteristics. Logistic regression was applied to analyze the influential factors of occupational stress. Results: The detection rate of job stress of workers in the railway stations was 31.02% (134/432) . The detection rate of job stress was higher among the divorced workers in railway stations, those earning less than 5, 000 yuan per month, those with 10-20 years' length of service, those who worked as a conductor and other workers including baggageman, station master on duty and assistant engineer (χ(2)=9.61, 14.76, 23.28, 11.06, P=0.008, 0.002, 0.000, 0.011) . The detection rate of job stress was higher among those whose working environment subjective feelings were uncomfortable, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.001) . The results showed that the occupational stress of the staff in the railway stations was influenced by their subjective feeling of air quality, noise and Space Layout (P<0.05) . The risk factors of occupational stress were air quality, noise and uncomfortable space layout (OR=0.571, 0.068, 0.441, P=0.051, 0.054, 0.007) . Conductor, other (Bellboy, Duty Station Master, assistant engineer) were the risk factors of occupational stress (OR=1.884, 2.703, P=0.065, 0.019) . The employees of station A and station B were the risk factors of occupational stress (OR=4.681, 1.811, P=0.002, 0.067) . Conclusion: The higher detection rate of job stress of workers in the railway stations is correlated with the subjective comfort degree of the working environment of the workers.

Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Satisfação no Emprego , Estresse Ocupacional/epidemiologia , Estresse Psicológico , Inquéritos e Questionários , Local de Trabalho
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960493


Background The occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders in coal mine workers remains high, and psychological factors are one of the important factors. Objective To explore the occupational stress level, mental health status, and prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) of coal miners in Xinjiang, and to analyze the effects of occupational stress and mental health on WMSDs. Methods From August 2018 to August 2019, 1300 workers of 4 coal mines were selected by cluster sampling method. Musculoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire, Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) Scale, Self Reporting Inventory (SCL-90) were used to investigate the prevalence of WMSDs, occupational stress, and mental health. Results A total of 1177 valid questionnaires were collected, with a valid rate of 90.5%. The prevalence rate of WMSDs was 66.4%, the positive rate of occupational stress was 50.2%, and the positive rate of psychological symptoms was 53.4%. The M (P25, P75) ERI score was 1.0 (0.9,1.2), and the M (P25, P75) SCL-90 score was 138.0 (117.0,184.0). The prevalence rate of WMSDs in ≥3 sites was 45.0% in the occupational stress group and 46.0% in the positive psychological symptoms group. The results of binary logistic regression analysis showed that reporting occupational stress (OR=1.835, 95%CI: 1.380-2.440) and positive psychological symptoms (OR=1.461, 95%CI: 1.083-1.969) were positively associated with the prevalence of WMSDs; those being female (OR=2.393, 95%CI: 1.544-3.709), aged≥30 years (OR30-<40=2.344, 95%CI: 1.507-3.645; OR40-<50=2.395, 95%CI: 1.541-3.723; OR50-60=5.115, 95%CI: 2.872-9.111), with length of service>15 years (OR=2.283, 95%CI: 1.537-3.392), and being coal diggers (OR=1.591, 95%CI: 1.070-2.365) showed higher risks of reporting WMSDs; those with education level at high school and above (ORhigh school=0.399, 95%CI: 0.279-0.571; ORcollege and above=0.220, 95%CI: 0.157-0.310), and monthly income>8000 yuan (OR=0.364, 95%CI: 0.227-0.582) showed lower risks of reporting WMSDs. The results of structural equation model showed that in model 1 with mental health as the intermediate variable, occupational stress and mental health directly affected WMSDs, and the standardized path coefficients (β) were 0.10 and 0.25 respectively; ERI also directly affected mental health with a β of 0.20. In model 2 with WMSDs as the intermediate variable, ERI and WMSDs directly affected mental health, and the β values were 0.16 and 0.25 respectively; ERI also directly affected WMSDs with a β of 0.16. Conclusion The prevalence rate of WMSDs in selected coal mine workers is high, and occupational stress and mental health affect the occurrence of WMSDs.

African Journal of Disability ; 11(1): 1-8, 28/10/2022.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1399082


This research investigated the phenomenon of learners with cochlear implants and their challenges with cognitive effort in private mainstream schools in Gauteng. Many learners with cochlear implants encounter academic and social challenges at school, despite the advanced technology. Objectives: This study aimed to explore how learners with cochlear implants experience cognitive effort and whether it impacts their academic potential. Methods: Research was conducted using a phenomenological design. Phenomenography was used as theoretical framework to perceive, interpret and understand experiences of the cochlear implant recipients. The six former learners who were recipients of cochlear implants were selected using purposive sampling. Semi structured interviews were utilised to gather information, which was analysed using thematic content analysis. Results: Five themes emerged from the analysis, namely auditory challenges, cognitive functioning, peer interactions, emotional health and concealed disability. This article only presents the first theme of cognitive functioning and highlights three subthemes related to cognitive effort. Findings show that many learners struggled with their concentration span and fatigue, as a result of their cognitive effort difficulties. Conclusion: This study demonstrated how learners with cochlear implants face challenges with cognitive effort at their mainstream schools. It indicates the need for awareness of and training on educating learners with cochlear implants to help them reach their academic potential. Contribution: This study contributes a unique focus on learners with cochlear implants in mainstream schools in South Africa. The study highlights that cognitive effort of learners with cochlear implants influenced their capabilities to multitask and retain information, despite the effort they have to put into listening. Further research should be conducted to develop interventions that could lesson cognitive effort while increasing learner productivity. The article responds to disability studies and inclusive education

Estimulação Acústica , Implantes Cocleares , Pessoas com Deficiência , Esforço de Escuta , Fadiga Auditiva , Testes de Provocação Brônquica , Cognição
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(1): e20211306, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374521


Abstract: The National Forest Inventory (Inventário Florestal Nacional-IFN) is a large initiative that uses standardised methods to survey Brazilian forestry resources. One target of the IFN is the Cerrado, which contains one of the richest floras in the world. The aim of this study was to assess the contribution of the IFN to the knowledge of Cerrado woody flora. We analysed data from field-collected vouchers sampled by the IFN Cerrado. We restricted our analyses to IFN collections of native trees and shrubs, including palms, which were identified at the species level. Habitat of each collection was obtained by overlaying specimens' geographic coordinates with land cover maps available in the Mapbiomas platform. Our final dataset comprised 28,602 specimens distributed in 2,779 sites (conglomerates) in Bahia, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Piauí, São Paulo and Tocantins. Collections were located in the following habitats: savannas (40.5%), forests (30.2%), anthropic areas (25.6%), grasslands (3.5%), and water (0.2%). We recorded 1,822 species belonging to 543 genera and 105 families, representing 34% of Cerrado woody species recorded on Flora do Brasil 2020. Fabaceae had the largest number of species, while Tapirira guianensis and Matayba guianensis were the most collected species. We highlight 60 potentially new records of occurrence for several states and 64 new records for the Cerrado, primarily in riparian forests where species from other biomes occur. In addition, 232 recorded species are Cerrado endemics, while 36 are cited in the CNCFlora's red list as endangered. The systematic sampling carried out by the IFN enabled vegetation sampling in remote and poorly known areas, which expanded the geographic range of many woody species and contributed to the knowledge of plant diversity in the Cerrado.

Resumo: O Inventário Florestal Nacional (IFN) é uma ampla iniciativa que emprega métodos padronizados para inventariar recursos florestais brasileiros. Um dos alvos do IFN é o Cerrado, o qual possui uma das floras mais ricas do mundo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a contribuição do IFN para o conhecimento da flora lenhosa do Cerrado. Nós analisamos dados de vouchers coletados em campo pelo IFN Cerrado. Nós restringimos nossas análises a coletas do IFN pertencentes a árvores e arbustos, incluindo palmeiras, identificadas ao nível de espécie. O habitat de cada coleta foi obtido pela intersecção entre as coordenadas geográficas dos espécimes com mapas de cobertura disponíveis na plataforma Mapbiomas. O conjunto final de dados foi composto por 28.602 coletas distribuídas em 2.779 sítios (conglomerados) localizados na Bahia, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Piauí, São Paulo e Tocantins. As coletas foram realizadas nos seguintes habitats: savanas (40,5%), florestas (30,2%), áreas antrópicas (25,6%), campos (3,5%) e água (0,2%). Ao todo foram registradas 1.822 espécies pertencentes a 543 gêneros e 105 famílias, representando 34% das espécies lenhosas do Cerrado registradas na Flora do Brasil 2020. Fabaceae apresentou o maior número de espécies, enquanto que Tapirira guianensis e Matayba guianensis foram as espécies mais coletadas. Destacam-se possíveis novos registros de ocorrência de 60 espécies para diversos estados e de 64 espécies para o Cerrado, predominantemente nas florestas ripárias onde geralmente ocorrem espécies de outros biomas. Além disso, foram registradas 232 espécies endêmicas do Cerrado, bem como 36 espécies citadas na lista vermelha do CNCFlora como ameaçadas. A amostragem sistemática realizada pelo IFN permitiu o inventário da vegetação em áreas remotas e pouco coletadas, permitindo a expansão da distribuição geográfica de diversas espécies lenhosas, e contribuindo para o conhecimento da diversidade vegetal no Cerrado.