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J. bras. nefrol ; 46(3): e2024E007, July-Sept. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564715


Abstract Historically, it takes an average of 17 years for new treatments to move from clinical evidence to daily practice. Given the highly effective treatments now available to prevent or delay kidney disease onset and progression, this is far too long. Now is the time to narrow the gap between what we know and what we do. Clear guidelines exist for the prevention and management of common risk factors for kidney disease, such as hypertension and diabetes, but only a fraction of people with these conditions are diagnosed worldwide, and even fewer are treated to target. Similarly, the vast majority of people living with kidney disease are unaware of their condition, because it is often silent in the early stages. Even among patients who have been diagnosed, many do not receive appropriate treatment for kidney disease. Considering the serious consequences of kidney disease progression, kidney failure, or death, it is imperative that treatments are initiated early and appropriately. Opportunities to diagnose and treat kidney disease early must be maximized beginning at the primary care level. Many systematic barriers exist, ranging from the patient to the clinician to the health systems to societal factors. To preserve and improve kidney health for everyone everywhere, each of these barriers must be acknowledged so that sustainable solutions are developed and implemented without further delay.

Resumo Historicamente, são necessários, em média, 17 anos para que novos tratamentos passem da evidência clínica para a prática diária. Considerando os tratamentos altamente eficazes disponíveis atualmente para prevenir ou retardar o início e a progressão da doença renal, esse período é demasiadamente longo. Agora é o momento de reduzir a lacuna entre o que sabemos e aquilo que fazemos. Existem diretrizes claras para a prevenção e o manejo dos fatores de risco comuns para doenças renais, como hipertensão e diabetes, mas apenas uma fração das pessoas com essas condições é diagnosticada mundialmente, e um número ainda menor recebe tratamento adequado. Da mesma forma, a grande maioria das pessoas que sofrem de doença renal não têm conhecimento de sua condição, pois ela costuma ser silenciosa nos estágios iniciais. Mesmo entre pacientes que foram diagnosticados, muitos não recebem tratamento adequado para a doença renal. Levando em consideração as graves consequências da progressão da doença renal, insuficiência renal ou óbito, é imperativo que os tratamentos sejam iniciados precocemente e de maneira adequada. As oportunidades para diagnosticar e tratar precocemente a doença renal devem ser maximizadas, começando no nível da atenção primária. Existem muitas barreiras sistemáticas, que vão desde o paciente até o médico, passando pelos sistemas de saúde e por fatores sociais. Para preservar e melhorar a saúde renal para todos em qualquer lugar, cada uma dessas barreiras deve ser reconhecida para que soluções sustentáveis sejam desenvolvidas e implementadas sem mais demora.

Acta bioeth ; 30(1)jun. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556620


The present work presents as a research problem the importance of efficiency, planning, and principles of good management aiming at capillarity and equity to generate greater access and quality of services. The objective of this article was to identify the expansion of the Family Health Strategy in Brazil between 2007 and 2020, and which variables may explain this evolution. This is a descriptive, ecological research, developed between 2007 and 2020 in Brazil; its variable of interest was the estimated population coverage of this strategy (%). An increase in the coverage of the Family Health Strategy was observed in all regions of Brazil between 2007 and 2020, especially in the Northeast region. At the state level, this coverage showed a significant positive relationship with the following variables: towns with fewer than 40,000 inhabitants and monthly income inferior to half a minimum salary. The Brazilian version of the Family Health Strategy seeks inspiration from the best and most successful health models to achieve high performance and efficiency to provide equity and access to health services.

El presente trabajo aborda como problema de investigación la importancia de la eficiencia, la planificación y los principios de buena gestión que apuntan a la capilaridad y la equidad para generar un mayor acceso y calidad de los servicios. El objetivo de este artículo fue identificar la expansión de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia en Brasil entre 2007 y 2020 y las variables que pueden explicar esta evolución. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva y ecológica, desarrollada entre 2007 y 2020 en Brasil; su variable de interés fue la cobertura demográfica estimada de esta estrategia (%). Se observó un aumento de la cobertura de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia en todas las regiones de Brasil entre 2007 y 2020, especialmente en la región noreste. A nivel estatal, esta cobertura mostró una relación positiva significativa con las siguientes variables: municipios con menos de 40.000 habitantes e ingresos mensuales inferiores a medio salario mínimo. La versión brasileña de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia busca su inspiración en los mejores y más exitosos modelos de salud para alcanzar un alto rendimiento y eficiencia para proporcionar equidad y acceso a los servicios de salud.

O presente trabalho apresenta como um problema de pesquisa a importância da eficiência, planejamento e princípios de boa gestão objetivando capilaridade e eqüidade para gerar maior acesso e qualidade dos serviços. O objetivo desse artigo foi identificar a expansão da Estratégia de Saúde da Família no Brasil entre 2007e 2020 e quais variáveis podem explicar essa evolução. Esse é uma pesquisa descritiva, ecológica, desenvolvida entre 2007 e 2020 no Brasil: sua variável de interesse foi a cobertura estimada da população dessa estratégia (%). Um aumento na cobertura da Estratégia de Saúde da Família foi observada em todas as regiões do Brasil entre 2007 e 2020, especialmente na região Nordeste. A nível estadual, essa cobertura mostrou uma relação significante positiva com as seguintes variáveis: cidades com menos de 40.000 habitantes e renda mensal inferior a metade do salário mínimo. A versão brasileira da Estratégia de Saúde da Família busca inspiração nos melhores e mais bem sucedidos modelos de saúde para alcançar alto desempenho e eficiência no fornecimento de eqüidade e acesso a serviços de saúde.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(1): 83-101, jan.-mar.2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538387


Objetivo: analisar, sob um olhar bioético, a vulnerabilidade social referente à saúde durante o contexto da pandemia de COVID-19. Metodologia: foram incluídas publicações de 1º de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2020, revisadas por pares, identificadas nas bases de dados Pubmed, SciELO e LILACS. Foram utilizados para realizar a busca na base Pubmed o termo MESH "COVID-19" conjugado com os termos: "vulnerable population", "population groups", "social determinants of health", "health equity". Os descritores DECS equivalentes em português e em espanhol dos termos MESH foram utilizados na busca nas outras duas bases. Resultados: de um total de 132 artigos, após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram identificados 21 artigos elegíveis. Os temas mais abordados na amostra foram: vulnerabilidades referentes a pessoas idosas, raça, minorias étnicas, condições socioeconômicas precárias, gênero feminino, pessoas com deficiência e condições crônicas de saúde. Observou-se artigos abordando mais de uma temática, integrando aspectos diversos de populações vulneráveis. Com base nos dados encontrados foram feitas análise e discussão com foco em vulnerabilidade como conceito bioético, além de conexões com discriminação e determinação social da saúde. Conclusão: os resultados apontam para a violação de direitos explicitados na Declaração Universal de Bioética e Direitos Humanos. Ao aumentar a disparidade da morbimortalidade por COVID-19 de grupos populacionais já impactados pela determinação social da saúde, constata-se uma violação do direito à saúde, indicando que governos e sociedades falham em respeitar a vulnerabilidade de grupos sociais no contexto pandêmico.

Objective: to analyze, from a bioethical perspective, social vulnerability in relation to health during the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The study included peer-reviewed publications from January 1st until December 31st 2020, identified in Pubmed, SciELO and LILACS data basis. Mesh terms were utilized for research in Pubmed as follows: "COVID-19" conjugated with the terms: "vulnerable population", "population groups", "social determinants of health", "health equity". Portuguese and Spanish equivalents DECS terms were used for searching in the other two databases. Results: a total of 132 articles were found. After applied inclusion and exclusion criteria, were 21 eligible articles. The most recurrent themes were: racial, ethnic and social-economics, gender, age, disability and chronic health conditions. Articles addressing more than one theme were observed, integrating different aspects of vulnerable populations. A bioethical discussion with focus in vulnerability based in the data retrieved took place and connections with discrimination and social determinants of health were made. Conclusion: results point to the violation of rights explained in the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights. By increasing the disparity in morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 of population groups already impacted by the social determination of health, there is a violation of the right to health, indicating that governments and societies fail to respect the vulnerability of social groups in the pandemic context.

Objetivo: analizar desde un punto de vista bioético, la vulnerabilidad social relacionada con la salud durante el contexto de la pandemia de la COVID-19. Metodología: se incluyeron publicaciones revisadas por pares del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2020, identificadas en las bases de datos Pubmed, SciELO y LILACS. Se utilizó el término MESH "COVID-19" para buscar en la base de datos Pubmed junto con los términos: "población vulnerable", "grupos de población", "determinantes sociales de la salud", "equidad en salud". Los descriptores DECS equivalentes en portugués y español de los términos MESH fueron utilizados en la búsqueda en las otras bases.Resultados: de un total de 132 artículos, tras aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se identificaron 21 artículos. Los temas más discutidos fueron: vulnerabilidades relacionadas con los adultos mayores, raza (énfasis en personas negras), minorías étnicas, condiciones socioeconómicas precarias, género femenino, personas con discapacidad y condiciones crónicas de salud. Se observaron artículos que abordaban más de un tema, integrando diferentes aspectos de las poblaciones vulnerables. A partir de los datos encontrados, se realizó análisis y discusión con foco en la vulnerabilidad como concepto bioético, así como las conexiones con la discriminación y la determinación social de la salud. Conclusión: los resultados apuntan a la violación de los derechos explícitos en la Declaración Universal de Bioética y Derechos Humanos. Al aumentar la disparidad en la morbimortalidad por COVID-19 de grupos poblacionales ya impactados por la determinación social de la salud, se vulnera el derecho a la salud, indicando que los gobiernos y las sociedades no respetan la vulnerabilidad de los grupos sociales ante la pandemia.

Direito Sanitário
RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1552963


O fenômeno da judicialização da saúde carece de dados organizados e comparáveis entre estudos sobre o tema. Diversas fontes, recortes prévios e intermediários geram resultados conflitantes e de difícil repro-dução. Esta nota argumenta a necessidade de definir um padrão/elemento comum nos processos judiciais em saúde, propondo o sistema JUDJe, que utiliza o Diário de Justiça Eletrônico para extrair, organizar e classificar esses dados. O JUDJe gerou um banco de dados aberto com 100 mil movimentações processuais sobre casos de câncer. Defende mais qualidade e conexão dos dados, e mais acesso a esses últimos, pro-movendo equidade e visão multidimensional. Propõe a "judicialização 2.0" com dados em rede conectando saúde e direito.

The phenomenon of health judicialisation lacks organised and comparable data between studies on the subject. Different sources, previous and intermediate pieces of information generate conflicting results that are difficult to reproduce. This note argues the need to define a common standard/element in health lawsuits and proposes the JUDJe system, using the online Official Gazette to extract, organize and classify such data. JUDJe generated an open geo-referenced database with 100 thousand legal proceedings on cancer cases. It advocates more quality and connection of data, and more access to them, promoting equity and a multidimensional vision. It proposes a "judicialization 2.0" connecting the health and law domains.

El fenómeno de la judicialización de la salud carece de datos organizables y comparables entre los estudios sobre el tema. Diferentes fuentes, cortes previos y intermedios generan resultados contradictorios y dificiles de reproduzir. Esta nota argumenta la necesidad de definir un elemento común/estándar en los procesos judiciales de salud, proponiendo el sistema JUDJe, que utiliza el Diario Oficial Electrónico de Justicia para extraer, organizar y clasificar esos datos. El JUDJe generó una base de datos abiertos georreferenciada con 100 mil actuaciones judiciales sobre casos de cáncer. Defiende más calidad y conexión de datos, y más acceso a esos últimos, promoviendo la equidad y una visión multidimensional. Propone la "judicialización 2.0" con datos en red que conecten salud y derecho.

Armazenamento e Recuperação da Informação , Gestão da Informação , Base de Dados , Judicialização da Saúde , Agregação de Dados , Ciência da Informação , Acesso à Informação
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e12937, fev.2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534073


The treatment of arterial hypertension (AH) contributes to the reduction of morbidity and mortality. Gender differences are likely to play a role, as non-treatment is associated with clinical and sociodemographic aspects. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors associated with non-treatment of AH and gender differences in hypertensive individuals from the ELSA-Brasil cohort. The study was conducted with 5,743 baseline hypertensive cohort participants. AH was considered if there was a previous diagnosis or if systolic blood pressure (SBP) was ≥140 and/or diastolic BP (DBP) was ≥90 mmHg. Sociodemographic and anthropometric data, lifestyle, comorbidities, and use of antihypertensive medications were evaluated through interviews and in-person measurements. Treatment with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASi) or other antihypertensive medications and non-treatment were evaluated with multivariate logistic regression. Non-treatment was observed in 32.8% of hypertensive individuals. Of the 67.7% treated individuals, 41.1% received RAASi. Non-treatment was associated with alcohol consumption in women (OR=1.41; 95%CI: 1.15-1.73; P=0.001), lowest schooling level in men (OR=1.70; 95%CI: 1.32-2.19; P<0.001), and younger age groups in men and women (strongest association in males aged 35-44 years: OR=4.58, 95%CI: 3.17-6.6, P<0.001). Among those using RAASi, a higher proportion of white, older individuals, and with more comorbidities was observed. The high percentage of non-treatment, even in this civil servant population, indicated the need to improve the treatment cascade for AH. Public health policies should consider giving special attention to gender roles in groups at higher risk of non-treatment to reduce inequities related to AH in Brazil.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 22(1): 1-19, 20240130.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554947


Introducción: en la ejecución de políticas públicas de salud sexual, resultan cruciales las estrategias utiliza-das en la construcción de la relación agente de salud-usuario. En la literatura son pocos los artículos que exploran las estrategias que utilizan los agentes de salud para interactuar con pobladores rurales al abor-dar estas problemáticas. Este artículo se propone describir y comprender las estrategias que utilizan los agentes de salud en la atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de pobladores rurales de bajos ingresos. Para ello, se conceptualiza la relación médico-paciente como una interfaz social, es decir, como un espacio de articulación entre los mundos de sentido de los actores involucrados. Materiales y métodos: se desarrolló un estudio de carácter exploratorio-descriptivo de tipo transversal. Se realizaron 21 entrevistas semiestruc-turadas a agentes del sistema de salud, y su análisis se hizo desde un enfoque cualitativo. Resultados: los agentes de salud utilizan un amplio repertorio de estrategias para abordar la salud sexual de los pobladores rurales. Se identificaron y caracterizaron dos tipos de estrategias (dialógicas y monológicas), con sus respectivos subtipos. Conclusión: el estudio visibiliza las estrategias dialógicas como modo alternativo de relación médico-paciente, en contraste con estrategias tradicionales, de tipo monológico. Además, contribuye a la formación de los agentes de salud, y en la conformación de los equipos que abordan la salud sexual y reproductiva en contextos rurales

Introduction: The strategies used for constructing health agent-user relationship are crucial for exe-cuting public policies on sexual health. In the literature, few articles explore the strategies used by health agents to interact with rural residents when addressing these problems. We aimed to describe and understand these strategies used by health agents for sexual health care in low-income rural resi-dents. To achieve this, the doctor­patient relationship is assumed to be a social interface and a space of articulation between the worlds of meaning of the actors involved. Materials and methods: An explor-atory, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was developed. Overall, 21 semistructured interviews were conducted with health agents, and the results were qualitatively analyzed. Results: Health agents use a wide repertoire of strategies to address the sexual health of rural residents. Two types of strategies (dia-logical and monological) and their respective subtypes were identified and characterized. Conclusion:Dialogic strategies are an alternative to the doctor­patient relationship and are contradictory to the traditional monological strategies. They impact the training of health agents and the formation of teams that address sexual and reproductive health in rural settings

Introdução: na execução das políticas públicas de saúde sexual, as estratégias utilizadas na construção da relação agente de saúde-usuário são cruciais. Na literatura são escassos os artigos que exploram as estratégias utilizadas pelos agentes de saúde para interagir com os moradores rurais na abordagem desses problemas. Este estudo se propõe a descrever e compreender as estratégias utilizadas pelos agen-tes de saúde na atenção à saúde sexual e reprodutiva de moradores rurais de baixa renda. Para isso, a relação médico-paciente é conceituada como interface social, ou seja, como espaço de articulação entre os mundos de sentido dos atores envolvidos. Materiais e métodos: foi desenvolvido um estudo transver-sal exploratório-descritivo. Foram realizadas 21 entrevistas semiestruturadas com agentes do sistema de saúde e sua análise foi feita a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa. Resultados: os agentes de saúde utilizam um amplo repertório de estratégias para abordar a saúde sexual dos residentes rurais. Dois tipos de estratégias (dialógicas e monológicas) foram identificadas e caracterizadas, com seus respecti-vos subtipos. Conclusão: este estudo torna visíveis as estratégias dialógicas como modo alternativo de relação médico-paciente, em contraste com as estratégias tradicionais de tipo monológico. Além disso, contribui para a formação de agentes de saúde e na formação de equipes que abordem saúde sexual e reprodutiva em contextos rurais.

Humanos , Sexualidade , Saúde Reprodutiva
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017288


Objective:To understand the health status,influencing factors and spatial distribution of the Chinese floating population and to evaluate the health equity of the floating population.Methods:All the data were collected from the 2017 Migrant Population Dynamic Monitoring Survey in China,binary Logistic regression was used to analyze the factors that might affect the health of the floating population,and the concentration index method was used to evaluate the health equity of the floating population.Spa-tial autocorrelation analyses the spatial aggregation of health status and health equity.Results:The un-healthy rate of the floating population in China was 2.71%.Age and gender show a statistically signifi-cant impact on self-rated health;that is,as age increases,the self-rated health of the migrant population gradually deteriorates,and women are more likely to think that they are unhealthy.Fairness analysis shows that the concentration index of the floating population is 0.021 7,the urban household registration floating population is 0.021 6,and the rural household registration floating population is 0.021 9.It is shown that the fairness of the health status of the floating population is biased towards the high-income class,and the rural household registration floating population's health unfairness is greater than that of the urban household registration migration population.Moreover,Moran's i=0.211 for self-rated health and Moran's i=0.291 for the unhealthy rate indicate that self-rated health has a spatial aggregation trend.Moran's i=0.136 showed the characteristics of spatial clustering,and the two-week prevalence fairness of the floating population was mainly in the northern and southeastern coastal areas.Conclusion:In general,the health status of the floating population in China is relatively good.The main influencing factors of health included gender and age.The central tendency of health inequity is reflected in the south-east coastal and northern regions,which are characterized by poverty.Attention to spatial aggregation is not only helpful to analyze the reasons of floating population,but also to study the health differences between different regions and health-related factors,to improve the overall health level of the whole population.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031021


As the health disparities among children indirectly reflect the unfair distribution of national child healthcare, education, and other infrastructure, early childhood health development is a globally significant public health concern. On a global scale, 193 countries have endorsed The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and have explored various development strategies. The government placing children′s interests and their rights at the core of their efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) is essential, China has made substantial progress in improving children′s well-being over several decades of continuous effort and practice. However, challenges persist, including regional development imbalances, insufficient service capabilities in impoverished rural areas, and emerging issues like obesity, myopia, and mental health problems. China still needs to meet the growing health needs of children fully. From a global health perspective, this article systematically reviews the current status of global early childhood health development, outlines the significant milestones and best practices in China′s early childhood development efforts, and also anticipates the focus and challenges in early childhood development in China based on global trends, hoping to contribute to further research in this field.

Medical Education ; : 74-81, 2024.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039991


On April 1, 2024, Japan’s revised Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities came into effect, mandating the provision of reasonable accommodations at all higher education institutions in Japan, whether national, public, or private. In response to this legislative change, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) released ‘Report of the Study Group on Support for Students with Disabilities (Third Summary),’ which outlines the fundamental issues regarding support for students with disabilities in Japan. Furthermore, this paper will explore how to address conflicts arising from the need to clarify educational content, teaching methods, and methods for evaluating learning outcomes, alongside the need to provide reasonable accommodations that require flexible responses to individual needs. These challenges are particularly pressing in the context of medical faculties, which bear a significant social responsibility for training medical professionals. We will refer to precedents in the U.S. to inform our discussion.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 11-16, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025214


Health technology assessment(HTA)is an important tool to inform health decision-making.Although highly related to ethical issues in the context of HTA,equity has attracted much attention from the academia,a consensus has not yet been reached on how to define and evaluate equity in China and abroad.It introduces the concept of equity,pointes out the necessity to realize health equity and the reflection of equity in healthcare sector,and further elaborates four ways to consider equity,and described the official practice of equity in HTA at home and abroad.It proposes several suggestions for China's HTA:considering equity in HTA and the discussion of equity should depend on specific decision-making scenarios;clarifying what health measurement perspective should be adopted before measuring health equity;paying attention to the value judgment of equity adopted by various stakeholders;conducting basic researches on the general population's preference for health measurement perspectives and value judgments of equity in China in a gesture to improve the evaluation system of equity in HTA.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 49-52, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025244


Objective:To analyze and evaluate the equity of children's health in countries along the"the Belt and Road",promote further attention to children's health in countries along the route,and promote cooperation and exchanges on children's health between China and countries along the"the Belt and Road".Methods:Using concentration index and concentration curve to measure overall equity,and using the Thiel index for intraregional and interregional euqity measurement.Results:The under-five mortality concentration index is 0.349 7,the concentration curve is below the absolute fair line.The Thiel index shows that inequality in low-income countries,lower-middle-income countries,upper-middle-income countries and high-income countries is the leading cause of child health inequities in the"the Belt and Road"countries.Conclusion:There is inequity in the health of children in countries along"the Belt and Road Initiative",countries along the"the Belt and Road"should take comprehensive measures to reduce the under-five mortality rate,at the same time strengthen international cooperation to further promote equity in children's health in"Belt and Road"countries.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 53-57, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025245


Objective:To analyze the current allocation situation and equity of Class B large medical equipment in China,and provide references for reasonably optimizing the allocation of medical equipment.Methods:Based on the allocation data of Class B large medical equipment in China at the end of the 13th Five Year Plan period,the agglomeration degree method was used to evaluate the equity of equipment allocation in various regions from the dimensions of geography,population,and economic development.Results:The current allocation of Class B large medical equipment per million population was 3.19,and the eastern region(3.64)was higher than the central region(3.42),the central region(2.24)was higher than the western region.The agglomeration degree of medical equipment based on geographical area showed that most of the equipment in the eastern region was in a rich state,and the allocation equity was relatively good in the central region,but generally poor in the western region.The agglomeration degree of medical equipment based on population distribution was higher in the eastern region than in the central region and even higher in the western region.The equipment in the eastern region could basically meet the demand of the local population,while the allocation in the central and western regions was slightly insufficient.The distribution of medical equipment agglomeration degree based on economic development varied significantly among different regions,and the allocation equity of central region was generally better than that of eastern and western regions.Conclusion:The total allocation of Class B large medical equipment in China is not high,and the government needs to continue planning and improving it.The distribution of medical equipment allocation based on geography,population and economic development is unbalanced among the eastern,central and western regions.Improving the equity of medical equipment allocation also needs to consider regional differences and characteristics according to local conditions.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 54-60, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026130


Economic development drives the increase of endogenous demand,and Internet medicine integrates regional medical resources,expanding the fairness of the public's access to medical and health services.However,it is also accompanied an ethical crisis with the development of technology,which requires continuous standardization and practice.Starting from the principle of medical fairness,this paper sorted out the main advantaged characteristics of the development of Internet medicine from the aspects of data fairness,cost equity,opportunity equity,and educational equity.The existing ethical problems of Internet medicine were explored including unfair protection of ethical review mechanisms,unfair data collection of scientific and technological subjects,unfair distribution of benefits and risks,and unfair utilization of Internet medical resources.It also proposed the governance paths of compacting the subject responsibility,perfecting review and supervision,improving the sharing mechanism,bridging the digital divide,strengthening risk prevention,protecting the citizens'rights and interests,strengthening education and guidance,and increasing grassroots investment.

East Cent Afr J Surg ; 29(1): 42-51, 2024. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1571034


Background Morbidity and mortality following emergency surgeries can be reduced with timely access to emergency surgery and five billion people globally, lack access to essential surgery. Data on the determinants of these are still lacking. Objectives We studied resident doctors' perspectives of the patient-, healthcare-giver-, and health-institution-related determinants of access to emergency surgery at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Methodology This self-administered, questionnaire-based, cross-sectional survey involved eighty-five resident doctors; recruited using systematic random sampling. Ethical approval (UI/EC/20/0318) and prospective registration (NCT04487496) were obtained. Results Major patient-related sources of delays included financial constraints (97.7%), patient's consent (78.8%), guardian's consent (74.1%) and diagnosis denial (70.6%). Anaesthetists (65.9%) caused and surgeons (61.2%) reduced delays. The healthcare-giver factors were provision of blood (84.7%), optimization of patient (83.5%), unavailable theatre space (82.4%), anaesthetic personnel fatigue (67.1%), surgical personnel fatigue (43.5%) and time-to-diagnosis (58.8%). Diagnostic delays were mostly from investigations (97.6%) and missed diagnosis (47.1%). Unavailable bedspace (82.4%), delays in arrival (82.4%) and entry (74.1%) into the theatre were major health institution challenges. Establishing diagnosis was delayed by payment for (96.5%) and doing (88.2%) diagnostic investigations, and time-to-review by specialist team (80.0%). Arrival in theatre was affected by theatre trolley conveying patient (70.6%), pre-anaesthesia review (70.6%) and pre-operative nursing logistics (64.7%). Entry into the suite depended on payment/payment deferment (87.06%) and suites being unavailable (75.3%). Conclusion patient, and the surgical procedure. The patient factors were poor finances, diagnosis denial and giving of consent for surgery. We encourage (recommend) physician-run point-of-care diagnostics in emergency rooms (ER), with improved health insurance coverage, ER bedspace, and personnel (surgical and anaesthesiological).

Cirurgia Geral , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios , Estudos Transversais , Atenção à Saúde , Emergências , Serviço Hospitalar de Emergência , Testes Imediatos , Diagnóstico Ausente , Cirurgiões
Rev. Ocup. Hum. (En línea) ; 24(1): 96-109, 20240000.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1532773


En Colombia, el Decreto 1421 de 2017 reconoce a la familia como actor esencial en la participación efectiva del estudiantado con discapacidad. Se ofrece una reflexión sobre las barreras que las familias enfrentan al tratar de cumplir con las obligaciones enunciadas en esta normativa, y se proponen estrategias para incrementar su involucramiento. Las barreras actitudinales, físicas, comunicativas y sociales que afrontan las familias dificultan el éxito escolar de niños, niñas y adolescentes con discapacidad. Asimismo, el escaso reconocimiento de la diversidad lingüística, la geografía y el conflicto armado minimizan la presencia de estudiantes con discapacidad y sus familias en entornos escolares de algunas regiones del país. De otra parte, el enfoque unidireccional y centrado en las limitaciones del estudiante dificulta la participación y cumplimiento de las obligaciones escolares en algunos es-tablecimientos educativos. La generación de políticas con enfoque territorial que visibilicen las necesidades regionales y promuevan las diferencias lingüísticas y culturales, así como la toma de conciencia, el acompañamiento psicosocial, el trabajo colaborativo y la generación de espacios de empoderamiento, desde una perspectiva de derechos, pueden favorecer el rol de las familias para el logro de la inclusión y la equidad en la educación.

In Colombia, Decree 1421 of 2017 recognizes the family as a fundamental stakeholder in facilitating the meaningful participation of students with disabilities. This article offers insightful considerations regarding the challenges families face in fulfilling the obligations outlined by this regulation, and several strategies to enhance their engagement. The attitudinal, physical, communicative, and social barriers they encounter significantly impede children and adolescents with disabilities' academic success. In specific regions of the country, poor recognition of linguistic diversity, geography and armed conflict minimize the presence of students with disabilities and their families in school settings. Furthermore, the unidirectional approach focused on the student's limitations makes participating and fulfilling school obligations in some educational establishments difficult. The creation of territorial-focused policies that bring regional needs to the forefront and promote linguistic differences, coupled with fostering awareness, psychosocial support, collaborative work, and the development of empowering spaces from a rights-based perspective, may favor the role of families in achieving inclusion and equity in education

Na Colômbia, o Decreto 1421 do 2017 reconhece a família como ator essencial na participação efetiva de estudantes com deficiência. Este artigo oferece uma reflexão sobre as barreiras que as famílias enfrentam no cumprimento das obrigações estabelecidas por esta normativa e propõe algumas estratégias para aumentar sua participação. As barreiras atitudinais, físicas, comunicativas e sociais que as famílias enfrentam dificultam o sucesso escolar de crianças e adolescentes com deficiência. Em algumas regiões, a falta de reconhecimen-to da diversidade linguística, a geografia e o conflito armado minimizam a presença de estudantes com deficiência e suas famílias nos ambientes esco-lares. Por outro lado, a perspectiva unidirecional, focada nas limitações dos estudantes, dificulta a participação e o cumprimento das obrigações escolares em algumas instituições educacionais. A geração de políticas com enfoque te-rritorial, que visibilizem as necessidades regionais e promovam as diferenças linguísticas, bem como a conscientização, o acompanhamento psicossocial, o trabalho colaborativo e a geração de espaços de empoderamento, desde uma perspectiva de direitos, podem favorecer o papel das famílias para alcançar a inclusão e a equidade na educação.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(2): e02222023, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528363


Resumo Com o objetivo de descrever a gênese de propostas para a saúde da população de LGBT na Bahia, foi realizado um estudo sócio histórico entre 1979 e 2014. Adotou-se as proposições de Patrice Pinell para a análise sociológica de políticas públicas. A análise do espaço social compreendeu a identificação das trajetórias dos agentes envolvidos com as propostas no estado da Bahia e as relações entre esses agentes e o espaço social nacional, assim como, o campo do poder do Estado. Na Bahia, destacaram-se agentes com trajetórias vinculadas ao campo científico, dos direitos humanos, dos direitos sexuais, do feminismo e do espaço AIDS, com alto capital burocrático e militante, que propiciou aproximação às questões relacionadas a saúde LGBT local. As condições de possibilidade que permitiram a formulação de propostas políticas baseadas na integralidade e na universalidade da atenção à saúde foram a formalização do Comitê Técnico Estadual de Saúde Integral LGBT da Bahia, em 2014, onde buscou-se ampliar a Atenção Integral à Saúde voltada às populações de maior vulnerabilidade; e o Plano Bahia sem homofobia, que permitiu ampliar o diálogo com a sociedade civil e os movimentos sociais e abarcar as principais críticas para a formulação de propostas políticas.

Abstract We conducted a socio-historical study covering the period 1979-2014 to explore the genesis of LGBT health policy in Bahia, Brazil, drawing on Pinell's theoretical framework for the sociological analysis of public policy. To analyze the social space, we investigated the trajectories of the agents involved in policy formulation and the relations between these agents and the national social space and field of State power. The agents were predominantly from the scientific, human rights, sexual rights, feminism and AIDS fields, and had a high level of bureaucratic and militant capital, meaning they were well-versed in LGBT health issues. The historical conditions of possibility underlying the formulation of LGBT health policy included the formalization of the State Technical Committee on LGBT Health in 2014, in an effort to improve access to comprehensive health care for vulnerable groups; and the Bahia without Homophobia plan, which helped expand dialogue around with civil society and social movements and address the main criticisms of policy making.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550233


Introducción: la educación inclusiva constituye actualmente una preocupación para investigadores, docentes, organizaciones internacionales, regionales y nacionales, aunque la toma de conciencia sobre la necesidad de concretar escenarios escolares y sociales inclusivos, ha sido un proceso lento; a pesar de los ingentes esfuerzos de autores reconocidos, instituciones comprometidas y experiencias exitosas, no se generalizan sus resultados, de ahí las motivaciones para la realización de este estudio. Objetivo: actualizar concepciones teóricas sobre la educación inclusiva y su incidencia en un modelo educativo inclusivo contemporáneo. Métodos: se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura disponible en sitios web y revistas especializadas, así como artículos compartidos en redes sociales académicas y públicas durante los últimos cinco años, en español e inglés. Se realizó la revisión detallada de autores y la actualización de las referencias bibliográficas utilizadas. Resultados: la educación inclusiva necesita una relación con la propia familia, con una escuela que integre e incluya para lograr una sociedad, un estado y gobierno que no solo vean a su población por lo que les separa y diferencia, sino por lo que les une en la diversidad, mediante aulas inclusivas y un currículo moderno. Conclusiones: ante los retos que se le imponen a la educación frente al panorama mundial, caracterizado por la exclusión social de índole diversa, entre ellos, la desmotivación con los currículos que se ofrecen a los estudiantes, los sistemas educativos se enfrentan a una urgencia: ofrecer una educación de calidad e inclusiva, en atención a la diversidad.

Introduction: inclusive education is currently a concern for researchers, teachers, international, regional, and national organizations, although raising awareness about the need to create inclusive school and social scenarios has been a slow process; despite the enormous efforts of recognized authors, committed institutions and successful experiences, their results are not generalized, hence the motivations for carrying out this study. Objective: update theoretical conceptions about inclusive education and its impact on a contemporary inclusive educational model. Methods: a systematic review of the literature available on websites and specialized journals, as well as articles shared on academic and public social networks over the last five years, in Spanish and English, was carried out. A detailed review of authors and updating of the bibliographic references used was carried out. Results: inclusive education needs a relationship with one's own family, with a school that integrates and includes to achieve a society, a state and government that not only see its population, so it separates and differentiates them, but even though it unites them in diversity, through inclusive classrooms and a modern curriculum. Conclusions: according to the challenges imposed on education in front of the global panorama, characterized by social exclusion of various kinds, including demotivation with the curricula offered to students, educational systems face an urgency: offer quality and inclusive education, in attention to diversity.

Inclusão Social , Isolamento Social , Currículo , Equidade
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(4): e19532023, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557477


Resumo Buscou-se compreender os sentidos e significados do exercício parental entre homens trans que engravidaram antes da transição de gênero por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, na qual participaram cinco interlocutores, cuja análise foi realizada à luz das teorias sociais de gênero. Os resultados demonstraram uma experiência parental sujeitada a um campo de tensão e negociações, além de uma produção subjetiva que oscilava entre a transgressão e a acomodação da perspectiva cultural da sua própria vivência. Identificou-se práticas de violências que reiteraram as vulnerabilidades sociais, deflagraram as fragilidades dos serviços de saúde e provocaram efeitos deletérios em homens trans que engravidam antes da transição de gênero.

Abstract This qualitative study, with five participating interlocutors, sought to understand the senses and meanings of parenting among trans men who became pregnant before gender transition. Analysis was conducted in light of social theories of gender. The results demonstrated an experience of parenthood subject to a field of tensions and negotiations, as well as subjective production that oscillated between transgression and accommodation of the cultural perspective of their own experience. The forms of violence found to be practiced reiterated social vulnerabilities, exposed healthcare service weaknesses and produced harmful effects on transgender men who become pregnant before gender transition.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(5): e03512023, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557502


Resumo O estudo tem por objetivo compreender os significados relacionados à saúde sexual e os contornos que definem a experiência de acesso aos serviços de saúde para mulheres lésbicas de Manaus, Amazonas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa. Contou com a participação de dez mulheres que se autoidentificaram como lésbicas. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e suas análises ocorreram por meio de três eixos temáticos. O primeiro abordou as representações sobre prevenção e práticas sexuais, destacando a noção de fidelidade no relacionamento como "fator de proteção". Foram relatadas dificuldades no uso de preservativos em relações entre duas mulheres. O segundo discutiu a heteronormatividade e seus efeitos no cuidado de si, relatando as dificuldades de as participantes serem compreendidas e acolhidas pelos serviços de saúde. O terceiro abordou a busca do próprio conhecimento como tática de cuidado, destacando a importância da informação e da autonomia para a promoção da saúde e a prevenção de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis. Conclui-se que existe a necessidade de políticas públicas voltadas para a promoção da saúde sexual de mulheres lésbicas e o reconhecimento de suas especificidades pelos serviços de saúde.

Abstract This study aims to understand the meanings related to sexual health and the delineations that define the experience of accessing health services for lesbian women in Manaus, Brazil. This study followed a qualitative approach, counting on the participation of ten women who self-reported themselves as lesbians. Semi-structured interviews were carried out and their analyses occurred through three thematic axes. The first addressed the representations concerning prevention and sexual practices, highlighting the notion of fidelity in the relationship as a "protective factor". Difficulties in the use of condoms in relationships between two women were reported. The second discussed heteronormativity and its effects on self-care, reporting the participants' difficulties in being understood and welcomed by health services. The third addressed the search for one's own knowledge as a care tactic, highlighting the importance of information and autonomy for health promotion and prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). It can therefore be concluded that there is a need for public policies aimed at promoting the sexual health of lesbian women and the recognition of their specificities by health services.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1557734


Introducción: Los pacientes oncológicos constituyen un grupo vulnerable de la población por la fragilidad que les provoca la enfermedad. Consultada la literatura se describen problemas en el acceso a la atención en salud Objetivo: Analizar las barreras y facilitadores de acceso que afectan a personas con cáncer en una comunidad del norte de Chile Metodología: Se abordó desde el paradigma interpretativo, metodología cualitativa y enfoque análisis de contenido según Bardin. La muestra fue intencionada y consideró cuatro pacientes con cáncer y cuatro familiares cuidadores. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad y se utilizó una parrilla de preguntas orientadoras. Se contó con autorización de un comité de ética de investigación acreditado Resultados: Se identificaron barreras de a) disponibilidad, b) accesibilidad, c) psicosociales y d) burocráticas, y facilitadores en e) redes de apoyo y f) estrategias de prevención Conclusiones: Las barreras de disponibilidad son especialmente importantes para los pacientes, ya que se asocian a un déficit de oferta de servicios oncológicos oportunos. Destacan las redes de grupos de autoayuda como facilitador del proceso terapéutico. La identificación de barreras y facilitadores contribuye a mejorar las estrategias de acción, para una mejor atención de pacientes oncológicos

Introdução: Os pacientes oncológicos constituem um grupo vulnerável da população devido à fragilidade causada pela doença. Após consulta à literatura, são descritos problemas no acesso aos cuidados de saúde Objetivo: Analisar as barreiras e os facilitadores de acesso que afetam as pessoas com câncer em uma comuna no norte do Chile Metodologia: Foi abordado a partir do paradigma interpretativo, metodologia qualitativa enfocada em análise de conteúdo segundo Bardin. A amostra foi intencional e considerou quatro pacientes com câncer e quatro cuidadores familiares. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade e utilizada uma grade de perguntas orientadoras. Foi obtida autorização de um comitê de ética em pesquisa credenciado Resultados: Foram identificadas barreiras de a) disponibilidade, b) acessibilidade, c) psicossociais e d) burocráticas, e facilitadores em e) redes de apoio e f) estratégias de prevenção Conclusões: As barreiras de disponibilidade são especialmente importantes para os pacientes, uma vez que estão associadas a um déficit na oferta de serviços oncológicos oportunos. As redes de grupos de autoajuda destacam-se como facilitadores do processo terapêutico. A identificação de barreiras e facilitadores contribui para aprimorar estratégias de ação para um melhor atendimento aos pacientes oncológicos

Introduction: Cancer patients constitute a vulnerable group of the population due to the fragility caused by the disease. After consulting the literature, problems in access to health care are described. Objective: Analyze the access barriers and facilitators that affect people with cancer in a commune in northern Chile. Methodology: It was approached from the interpretive paradigm, qualitative methodology, and content analysis approach according to Bardin. The sample was intentional and considered four patients with cancer and four family caregivers. In-depth interviews were conducted, and a grid of guiding questions was used. Authorization was obtained from an accredited research ethics committee Results: There were identified a) availability, b) accessibility, c) psychosocial and d) bureaucratic barriers, and facilitators in e) support networks and f) prevention strategies. Conclusions: Availability barriers are especially important for patients since they are associated with a deficit in the supply of timely oncological services. Networks of self-help groups stand out as facilitators of the therapeutic process. The identification of barriers and facilitators contributes to improving action strategies for better care of cancer patients