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Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(2): e2200, abr.-jun. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569209


RESUMEN La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) comenzó a recibir notificaciones de casos de mpox desde países no endémicos en el 2022. En el Perú, la presentación de casos fue en aumento hasta ubicarse entre los diez países del mundo con más casos confirmados. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de mpox atendidos en un hospital de Lima, desde julio a diciembre del 2022. Se hallaron 124 casos confirmados con prueba molecular. La media de la edad fue 34 años. La mayoría de los casos se presentaron en los varones, los hombres que tienen sexo con otro hombre, los homosexuales y las personas con VIH. Además, la mayoría de las personas con VIH se encontraba recibiendo tratamiento antirretroviral al momento del diagnóstico. El exantema prevaleció como manifestación clínica, seguido de fiebre, cefalea y escalofríos. La lesión dérmica predominante fue la costra (83,06 %) y el 98,39 % de pacientes no requirió hospitalización. En este estudio no se reportaron fallecidos. Se necesita educar a la población en acciones preventivas, especialmente dirigidas a los más afectados, así como eliminar los estigmas, lo que contribuirá a la detección precoz y al control de la enfermedad en futuros brotes.

ABSTRACT The World Health Organization (WHO) began to receive reports of mpox (monkeypox) cases from non-endemic countries in 2022. In Peru, the number of cases increased to the point where it ranked among the top 10 countries in the world with the most confirmed cases. The objective of this study was to determine the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of mpox treated at a hospital in Lima from July to December 2022. A total of 124 cases were confirmed with molecular testing. The mean age was 34 years. The vast majority of reported mpox cases have been among males, men who have sex with men, homosexuals and people with HIV. Moreover, the majority of people with HIV were receiving antiretroviral treatment at the time of diagnosis. The exanthem prevailed as a clinical manifestation, followed by fever, headache and chills. The most common skin lesion was crust/scab (83.06 %) and most patients (98.39 %) did not require hospitalization. No deaths were reported in this study. It is necessary to educate the population in preventive actions, especially aimed at the most affected individuals. Additionally, eliminating stigmas will contribute to its early detection and control of the disease in future outbreaks.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 84(4)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533583


Paciente varón que presentó exantema maculopapular, no pruriginoso, sin afectación palmoplantar, luego de recibir tratamiento con trimetoprim/sulfametoxazol por siete días debido a sintomatología gastrointestinal. Tras realizar historia clínica completa y con pruebas de cuarta generación se confirmó infección por VIH. Al quinto día de tratamiento antirretroviral presentó nuevas lesiones eritematosas con descamación gruesa, pruriginosas, edema facial y eosinofilia. Se realizó una biopsia de piel que reportó una dermatitis liquenoide, con espongiosis, degeneración vacuolar de la capa basal, queratinocitos necróticos e infiltrado de eosinófilos, características que favorecen la reacción por drogas. El tratamiento consistió en interrumpir la terapia combinada, uso de corticoides sistémicos, antihistamínicos y ya que, no se trató de un cuadro severo, se reinició el tratamiento antirretroviral sin complicaciones.

A male patient presented with a maculopapular, non-pruritic rash, without palmoplantar involvement, after receiving treatment with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole for seven days due to gastrointestinal symptoms. After taking a complete medical history and using fourth-generation tests confirmed HIV infection. On the fifth day of antiretroviral treatment, he presented new erythematous lesions with thick, pruritic scaling, facial edema and eosinophilia. A skin biopsy reported lichenoid dermatitis, with spongiosis, vacuolar degeneration of the basal layer, necrotic keratinocytes and eosinophil infiltrate, characteristics that favor drug reaction. The treatment consisted of interrupting the combined therapy, using systemic corticosteroids, antihistamines and since it was not a severe condition, antiretroviral treatment restarted without complications.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 153-161, jun 22, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451569


Objetivo: o presente estudo tem como objetivo reunir recomendações de cuidados considerando a prevenção e tratamento de lesões de pele induzidas pelo tratamento com quimioterápicos antineoplásicos, de acordo com os estudos e consensos atuais. Metodologia: realizou-se um estudo bibliográfico para levantamento das relações entre os principais fármacos antineoplásicos e suas intercorrências dermatológicas, bem como seus respectivos manejos, para subsidiar a orientação e aconselhamento aos profissionais de saúde que acompanham o paciente oncológico. Resultado: os principais problemas dermatológicos decorrentes do uso de antineoplásicos correspondem às lesões de pele, tais como a descoloração, hiperpigmentação, fotossensibilidade, eritemas, descamação e prurido. Também são recorrentes os efeitos adversos que acometem os pelos e cabelos, resultando em alopecia, e a modificação do crescimento e lesões nas unhas. Tratamentos específicos para cada caso são capazes de amenizar ou reverter os problemas. Conclusão: as reações adversas aos medicamentos envolvendo quimioterapia são frequentes na prática oncológica, e variam em termos de frequência e gravidade, atingindo diversos anexos cutâneos. O adequado manejo destes efeitos melhora a integridade da pele e demais estruturas, proporcionando a esses pacientes a melhoria da autoestima e da qualidade de vida.

Objective: the present study aims to gather care recommendations considering the prevention and treatment of skin lesions induced by treatment with antineoplastic chemotherapy, according to current studies and consensus. Methodology: a bibliographical study was carried out to survey the relationships between the main antineoplastic drugs and their dermatological intercurrences, as well as their respective management, to subsidize the guidance and counselling of health professionals who treat cancer patients. Result: the main dermatological problems arising from the use of antineoplastic agents correspond to skin lesions, such as discoloration, hyperpigmentation, photosensitivity, erythema, scaling and pruritus. Adverse effects that affect hair and body hair are also recurrent, resulting in alopecia, and the modification of growth and lesions on the nails. Specific treatments for each case can alleviate or reverse the problems. Conclusion: adverse drug reactions involving chemotherapy are frequent in oncology practice, and vary in terms of frequency and severity, affecting various skin appendages. Proper management of these effects improves the integrity of the skin and other structures, providing these patients with improved self-esteem and quality of life.

Humanos , Tegumento Comum , Fármacos Dermatológicos , Tratamento Farmacológico , Antineoplásicos , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(2)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559821


Introducción: Las manifestaciones dermatológicas constituyen un grupo fundamental dentro de la morbilidad extraarticular en pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico. Su importancia radica en la elevada frecuencia de presentación y en el papel diagnóstico de la enfermedad. Objetivo: Describir las manifestaciones dermatológicas identificadas en pacientes con diagnóstico de lupus eritematoso sistémico. Métodos: Investigación básica, descriptiva, transversal, que tuvo como universo a 87 pacientes con diagnóstico de lupus eritematoso sistémico, según criterios del Colegio Americano de Reumatología, atendidos durante el periodo junio 2017 - junio 2022 en la consulta externa de reumatología de la Clínica Metropolitana de la ciudad de Riobamba. La muestra quedó conformada por 72 pacientes a los cuales se les aplicó una encuesta para obtener información relacionada con las características generales de los pacientes y de la enfermedad. Resultados: Promedio de edad de 40,59 años, predominio de pacientes entre 40 y 49 años (30,56 %), del sexo femenino (95,83 %) y con tiempo de evolución entre 1 y 5 años (62,50 %). El 86,11 % de los pacientes refirió manifestaciones dermatológicas, el rash malar (74,19 %) y el livedo reticular (33,87 %) fueron las de mayor frecuencia de presentación. El 65,30 % de los casos usan protección solar, el bloqueador solar fue el más utilizado (61,70 %). Conclusiones: Las manifestaciones dermatológicas más frecuentes en el curso evolutivo del lupus fueron el rash malar, livedo reticular y la alopecia.

Introduction: Dermatological manifestations constitute a fundamental group within extra-articular morbidity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Its importance lies in the high frequency of presentation and in the diagnostic role of the disease. Objective: To describe the dermatological manifestations identified in patients diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. Methods: Basic, descriptive, cross-sectional research, whose universe was 87 patients diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, according to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology, treated during the period June 2017 - June 2022 in the rheumatology outpatient clinic of the Metropolitan Clinic. from the city of Riobamba. The sample was made up of 72 patients to whom a survey was applied to obtain information related to the general characteristics of the patients and the disease. Results: Average age of 40.59 years, predominance of patients between 40 and 49 years (30.56%), female (95.83%) and with evolution time between 1 and 5 years (62.50%). 86.11% of the patients reported dermatological manifestations, malar rash (74.19%) and livedo reticularis (33.87%) were the most frequently present. 65.30% of the cases used sun protection, being sunscreen the most used (61.70%). Conclusions: Dermatological manifestations are frequent in the evolutionary course of lupus, predominantly malar rash, livedo reticularis and alopecia.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991857


Objective:To analyze the rash characteristics and diagnosis and treatment process of measles infection in patients with diabetes mellitus and psoriasis, to reduce the clinical diagnosis and treatment delay of such patients.Methods:The clinical data of a patient with diabetes combined with psoriasis and measles infection who was diagnosed and treated in The First Hospital of Yulin in April 2015 were analyzed.Results:The patient was admitted to hospital due to polydipsia and polyuria for 3 years and fever for 3 days. Hypoglycemic and anti-inflammatory treatment after admission was not good. On the third day after hospitalization, rash on the trunk and the extremities was seen. The patient had a history of measles infection. Based on clinical practice, Measles morbillivirus infection was not excluded, and Measles morbillivirus infection was confirmed by pathogen inspection. Measles reinfection was considered to be caused by variation of Measles morbillivirus. The atypical rash formed because of the patient's need for long-term treatment with Acitretin capsule and capotriol for psoriasis. After adjusting the antibiotic treatment, hypoglycemia and antiviral therapy were given, the body temperature was normal and the rash gradually subsided.Conclusion:For patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and psoriasis, if they have a fever, they should be considered comprehensively to guard against re-infection caused by measles virus mutation. Timely etiological diagnosis is performed to avoid missed diagnosis and delayed treatment.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026938


Objective:To analyze the clinical and laboratory characteristics of mpox patients in Guangzhou City.Methods:The general conditions, symptoms and signs, and laboratory test results of mpox patients admitted to Guangzhou Eighth People′s Hospital, Guangzhou Medical University from June 8 to June 21, 2023 were collected. The clinical characteristics of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients and HIV-negative patients were compared.Independent sample t test, Mann-Whitney U test and Fisher exact probability method were used for statistical analysis. Results:Nineteen mpox patients were included in this study, none of them had been vaccinated with smallpox vaccine. All of them were identifed as gay men with an age of (33.2±6.4) years. And all of them had sex with men within 21 days of onset. There were eight cases with HIV infection and syphilis, respectively. All of these 19 patients had skin lesions which were the first symptom of 15 patients, and appeared during the course of the disease of four patients. Other common symptoms and signs were lymph node enlargement (17 cases), lymph node tenderness (15 cases), pharyngeal congestion (15 cases), tonsil enlargement (13 cases), fever (11 cases) and pruritus (10 cases). There were 13 cases with elevated CD8 + T lymphocytes, interleukin-10 level and procalcitonin level, respectively, 12 cases with elevated serum amyloid A level, and seven cases with elevated blood lymphocyte count. Eight patients were infected with HIV, including one acute infection and seven chronic infections (all of them had received regular antiviral therapy and had a CD4 + T lymphocyte count of 657(400, 757)/μL before onset). There were no significant differences in age ( t=1.55), incidence of complications (Fisher exact probability method), number of skin lesions ( Z=-0.21), incidence of lymph node enlargement (Fisher exact probability method), incidence of fever (Fisher exact probability method), duration of fever ( Z=-0.48), lymphocyte count ( t=-1.55), CD4 + T lymphocyte count ( Z=-0.17) and CD8 + T lymphocyte count ( Z=-1.49) between the HIV-infected patients and HIV-negative patients (all P>0.05). The number of skin lesions was 19(6, 26), and the locations of skin lesions were mainly in perineum and nearby areas (17 cases). The most frequent morphology of skin lesions at admission were papules (15 cases), eschar (15 cases) and pustules (12 cases). All patients recovered after topical medication and symptomatic treatment. Conclusions:Mpox mainly occurs in young and middle-aged men who have sex with men in Guangzhou City. Skin lesions, lymph node enlargement accompanied by tenderness, pharyngeal congestion, tonsil enlargement and fever are the most common features. Common laboratory abnormities are elevated inflammatory markers. The clinical characteristics of HIV-infected patients with normal immune function are similar to those of HIV-negative patients.

Artigo em Português | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1451085


Descrever os casos suspeitos de sarampo e rubéola notificados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan), Brasil, 2007 a 2016. Métodos: Os dados foram extraídos do Sinan, referentes aos anos de 2007 a 2016. As variáveis utilizadas foram os números de notificações de casos de sarampo e rubéola por regiões e ano, idade, sexo, hospitalização, estado gestacional, histórico vacinal, realização de bloqueio vacinal, coletas sorológicas (S1 e S2), sinais e sintomas, investigação adequada, critério de confirmação ou descarte e classificação final do caso. Resultados: Entre 2007 e 2016 houve 127.802 casos suspeitos de sarampo e rubéola notificados. Aproximadamente 92% dos casos foram investigados, a maioria em menores de cinco anos. Os sintomas mais frequentes foram tosse (40%) e coriza (38%). Como instrumento de vigilância foi coletado sangue para confirmação laboratorial em 87% das notificações. A maioria dos casos de sarampo ocorreu entre os anos de 2011 e 2015, relacionados a casos importados, totalizando 1.443 casos; para rubéola, 10.125 casos foram confirmados. Foram descartados 1,3% (1.698/127.802) e 5,1% (6.555/127.802) das notificações de sarampo e rubéola, respectivamente. Foram ignorados 9% (11.523/127.802) para sarampo e 49% (62.978/127.802) para rubéola. Conclusão: A vigilância dos casos de doenças exantemáticas permitiu demonstrar a situação dos casos de doenças exantemáticas circulantes no país como importante ferramenta de saúde pública. O grande número de casos descartados classificados como ignorados merece atenção, no sentido de melhorar o encerramento dos casos suspeitos notificados

To describe the suspected cases of measles and rubella notified in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan), Brazil, from 2007 to 2016. Methods: Data were extracted from Sinan referring to the years 2007 to 2016. The variables used were the number of notifications of measles and rubella cases by region and year, age, gender, hospitalization, gestational status, vaccination history, vaccination blockade, serological collections (S1 and S2), signs and symptoms, adequate investigation, confirmation criteria or disposal and final case classification. Results: Between 2007 and 2016, there were 127,802 suspected cases of measles and rubella reported. Approximately 92% of cases were investigated, mostly in children under five years of age. The most frequent symptoms were cough (40%) and runny nose (38%). As a surveillance tool, blood was collected for laboratory confirmation in 87% of notifications. Most Measles cases occurred between 2011 and 2015, related to imported cases, totaling 1,443 cases; for Rubella 10,125 cases were confirmed. 1.3% (1,698/127,802) and 5.1% (6,555/127,802) of measles and rubella notifications, respectively, were discarded. 9% (11,523/127,802) for measles and 49% (62,978/127,802) for rubella were ignored. Conclusion: Surveillance of cases of exanthematous diseases allowed demonstrating the situation of cases of exanthematous diseases circulating in the country as an important public health tool. The large number of discarded cases classified as ignored deserves attention, in order to improve the closing of notified suspected cases

Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Adulto Jovem , Rubéola (Sarampo Alemão)/epidemiologia , Exantema , Monitoramento Epidemiológico , Sarampo/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Cobertura Vacinal , Sistemas de Informação em Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos
Rev. AMRIGS ; 66(3): 01022105, jul.-set. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425032


Introdução: Doenças exantemáticas (DE) são patologias infecciosas agudas, que têm como característica principal a manifestação dermatológica. Entre elas, sarampo e rubéola são de notificação compulsória. A permanência da circulação destes vírus no mundo tem causado surtos em diversas regiões, como em SC, embora sejam doenças evitáveis por meio da imunização. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de delineamento ecológico, constituído de casos notificados por DE em SC no período de 2009 a 2019. Os dados foram coletados no Sistema Nacional de Agravos e Notificações (SINAN/DATASUS). Resultados: Foram notificados 190 casos de DE, 41,57% na faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos, 55,91% masculinos, 88,70% brancos e 2,15% gestantes. Houve confirmação laboratorial em 85,16%, e 72,72% foram causados pelo vírus sarampo selvagem. Exantema predominou em novembro em 46,77%, e febre em outubro, em 41,93%. Tosse esteve presente em 89,24%, coriza em 67,20% e conjuntivite em 50,53%. A macrorregião com maior média de cobertura vacinal foi a Grande Oeste, com 86,85%, e a menor, a Grande Florianópolis, com 72,07%. A maior incidência de sarampo ocorreu em 2019 no Nordeste e Planalto Norte com 11,34, e a de rubéola 0,13 no Grande Oeste no mesmo ano. Foi realizado bloqueio vacinal em 95,34% dos casos, e 64,28% foram autóctones. Conclusão: Observou-se que as DE acometem indistintamente ambos os sexos, etnias e idades, sendo a vacinação a forma mais eficaz de prevenir surtos. A reemergência ocorrida no estado foi consequência das baixas taxas de cobertura vacinal, apontando para a necessidade de melhorias nas ações de imunização.

Introduction: Exanthematous diseases (ED) are acute infectious pathologies that present mainly dermatological manifestations. Among them, measles and rubella demand compulsory notification. The continued circulation of these viruses has caused outbreaks in several regions, such as Santa Catarina, although they are preventable diseases through immunization. Methods: This is a study of ecological design consisting of cases notified of ED in SC from 2009 to 2019. Data collection from the National System of Diseases and Notifications (SINAN/DATASUS). Results: 190 cases of ED were notified, 41.57% in the age group 20 to 29 years, 55.91% male, 88.70% white, and 2.15% pregnant women. Laboratory confirmation occurred in 85.16%, and the wild measles virus was the cause in 72.72%. Exanthema predominated in November with 46.77% and fever in October with 41.93%. Cough was present in 89.24%, coryza in 67.20%, and conjunctivitis in 50.53%. The macro-region with the highest average vaccination coverage was the great west, 86.85%, and the lowest was greater Florianópolis, 72.07%. The highest incidence of measles occurred in 2019. Northeast and North Plateau scored 11.34, and rubella at 0.13 in the Great West in the same year. Vaccine block occurred in 95.34% of cases, and 64.28% were autochthonous. Conclusions: The study observed that EDs affect both sexes, ethnicities, and ages indistinctly, and vaccination is the most effective way to prevent outbreaks. The re-emergence that occurred in the state was a consequence of low rates of vaccination coverage, pointing to the need for improvements in immunization activities

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 83(3): 228-234, jul.-set. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403127


RESUMEN Se presenta el caso de 9 pacientes reportados en el contexto de la alerta sanitaria por el aumento de casos de infección por el virus de Monkeypox en el mundo en países no endémicos. Es importante conocer de forma práctica los criterios epidemiológicos y clínicos más importantes para el descarte de viruela símica en el actual contexto de trasmisión en el Perú. Se discute los criterios de los casos confirmados respecto a otras enfermedades que son parte del diagnóstico diferencial como varicela, síndrome mano pie boca, entre otros.

ABSTRACT The case of 9 patients reported in the context of the health alert due to the increase in cases of Monkeypox virus infection in the world in non-endemic countries is presented. It is important to know in a practical way the most important epidemiological and clinical criteria that make us think about ruling out Monkeypox in the current context of transmission in Peru. The characteristics of the confirmed cases are discussed versus those of other diseases that are part of the differential diagnosis such as chickenpox, hand-foot-mouth syndrome, etc.

Rev. MED ; 30(1): 37-44, jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535354


la enfermedad de Kawasaki (EK) es una vasculitis multisistémica que se presenta en la infancia. Por lo general es una afección aguda, febril, autolimitada, de etiología desconocida y puede desarrollar alteraciones cardiovasculares; su expresión clínica es variable: presenta inflamación de los vasos de mediano calibre y de múltiples tejidos: pulmonar, meníngeo, cardiaco, urinario, gastrointestinal, musculoesquelético, neurológico o linfático. El diagnóstico y el tratamiento buscan disminuir la duración de los síntomas y prevenir la presencia de aneurismas coronarios.

Kawasaki disease (KD) is a multisystemic vasculitis that presents in childhood. It is usually an acute, febrile, self-limited disease of unknown etiology and may develop cardiovascular alterations; its clinical expression is variable as it presents inflammation of medium caliber vessels and multiple tissues: pulmonary, meningeal, cardiac, urinary, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, neurological or lymphatic. Diagnosis is clinical, and treatment aims to reduce the duration of clinical symptoms and prevent the presence of coronary aneurysms. Objective: to describe the clinical case of an infant patient with KD, in which clinical criteria characteristic of this pathology were identified. Case report: a 22-month-old male patient was admitted to the emergency room with a 14-day evolutionary clinical picture consisting of fever, emetic episodes, abdominal pain, unresponsive to acetaminophen, and diarrheal episodes. Two days later, he manifested generalized exanthema in the inguinal region that spread to the right testicle, back, and thorax. Subseguently, he presented bilateral nonpurulent conjunctivitis for three days. He received treatment with topical steroids and oral antihistamines; partial improvement with subseguent evolution in right testicularedema and bilateral desquamation in hands and feet. KD was suspected, a transthoracic echocardiogram was sent without coronary aneurysmal dilatations, and treatment with ASA was started without indication, given the evolution of immunoglobulin. Conclusions: KD is infrequent in childhood and should be suspected in patients with prolonged febrile symptoms unresponsive to conventional treatments and in whom the presence of other pathologies is ruled out.

a doença de Kawasaki (DK) é uma vasculite multissistêmica que ocorre na infância. Geralmente é uma doença aguda, febril, autolimitada, de etiologia desconhecida, podendo desenvolver alterações cardiovasculares; sua expressão clínica é variável, apresentando inflamação de vasos de médio porte e de múltiplos tecidos: pulmonar, meníngeo, cardíaco, urinário, gastrointestinal, musculoesquelético, neurológico ou linfático. O diagnóstico é clínico e o tratamento visa reduzir a duração dos sintomas clínicos e prevenir a presença de aneurismas coronábanos. Objetivo: descrever o caso clínico de um paciente infantil com DK, no qual foram identificados critérios clínicos característicos dessa patologia. Caso clínico: paciente do sexo masculino, 22 meses de idade meses de idade, admitido no departamento de emergência com um curso clínico de 14 dias, consistindo em febre, episódios eméticos e dor abdominal, sem resposta ao acetaminofeno, além de episódios diarreicos. Dois dias depois, ele desenvolveu uma erupção cutánea generalizada na região inguinal que se espalhou para o testículo direito, costas e tórax. Posteriormente, ele apresentou conjuntivite bilateral não purulenta por três dias. Ele foi tratado com esferoides tópicos e anti-histamínicos orais; houve melhora parcial com posterior evolução do edema testicular direito, descamação bilateral nas mãos e nos pés. Suspeitou-se de DK, portanto foi realizado ecocardiograma transtorácico sem dilatações aneurismáticas coronarianas e iniciado tratamento com AAS, sem indicação devido ao tempo de evolução da imunoglobulina. Conclusões: a DK não é frequente na infância e deve ser suspeitada em pacientes com sintomas febris prolongados que não respondem aos tratamentos convencionais e nos quais a presença de outras patologias é descartada.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 83(2): 130-133, abr.-jun. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403111


RESUMEN Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 12 años, que 5 horas después de la aplicación de un polivalente tópico presentó aumento de volumen a nivel de pene y escroto, cursando con eritema en zonas flexurales de ingle, axila, dorso de pies y marcado eritema simétrico en nalgas con piel empastada, refiriendo intenso prurito en escala 9/10 en las lesiones. En los exámenes de laboratorio hemograma sin leucocitosis y eosinófilos 18%. Ecografía doppler testicular normal. Se indicó corticoide tópico y prednisona, con remisión de prurito y eritema siendo dado de alta a los 6 días con escasa descamación en glúteos. Por cumplir con los criterios de exposición a drogas: eritema en forma de V, compromiso flexural, ausencia de repercusión sistémica y afectación simétrica, se reportó como un exantema flexural intertriginoso simétrico relacionado a drogas (SDRIFE).

ABSTRACT The case of a 12-year-old patient is presented, who 5 hours after the application of a topical polyvalent presents an increase in volume at the level of the penis and scrotum, presenting with erythema in flexural areas of the groin, armpit, back of the feet and marked erythema symmetrical in buttocks with pasty skin, referring to intense itching on a 9/10 scale in the lesions. In laboratory tests hemogram without leukocytosis and eosinophils 18%. Normal testicular echo-Doppler. Topical corticosteroid and prednisone were indicated, with remission of pruritus and erythema, being discharged 6 days later. With little desquamation in the buttocks, due to meeting the criteria for drug exposure, V-shaped erythema, flexural compromise, absence of systemic repercussion and symmetric involvement is reported as a drug-related symmetric intertriginous flexural rash (SDRIFE).

Braz. j. infect. dis ; 26(2): 102337, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384119


Abstract The diagnosis of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been a great challenge since the infection affects not only the respiratory system, but also different organs, given the intense inflammatory and autoimmune reaction triggered by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Herein we present a case of a 36-year-old male patient, with some comorbidities and previous use of carbamazepine, who developed a severe condition triggered by COVID-19, including extensive exfoliative erythroderma and severe impairment of liver function, which lasted approximately 80 days.

Case reports (Universidad Nacional de Colombia. En línea) ; 7(2): 8-21, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374881


ABSTRACT Introduction: Pityriasis rosea is an acute and self-limited exanthem first described by Gilbert in 1860. Its treatment is symptomatic, and although there is no conclusive evidence, it has been associated with the reactivation of the human herpesviruses 6 and 7 (HHV-6 and HHV-7). Case presentation: A 28-year-old woman, from Bogotá, Colombia, a health worker, attended the emergency room due to the onset of symptoms that began 20 days earlier with the appearance of punctiform lesions in the left arm that later spread to the thorax, abdomen, opposite arm, and thighs. The patient reported a history of bipolar II disorder and retinal detachment. After ruling out several infectious diseases, and due to the evolution of the symptoms, pityriasis rosea was suspected. Therefore, treatment was started with deflazacort 30mg for 21 days, obtaining a favorable outcome and improvement of symptoms after 2 months. At the time of writing this case report, the patient had not consulted for recurrence. Conclusion: Primary care physicians should have sufficient training in dermatology to recognize and treat dermatological diseases since many of them are diagnosed based on clinical findings. This is an atypical case, in which the patient did not present with some of the pathognomonic signs associated with pityriasis rosea.

RESUMEN Introducción. La pitiriasis rosada es un exantema agudo y autolimitado que fue descrito formalmente por Gilbert en 1860. Su tratamiento es sintomático y, aunque faltan pruebas concluyentes, su aparición se ha asociado a la reactivación de los herpevirus humanos 7 y 6 (HHV6 y HHV7). Presentación del caso. Mujer de 28 años procedente de Bogotá, Colombia, quien se desempeñaba como trabajadora de la salud y consultó al servicio de urgencias por un cuadro clínico de 20 días de evolución que inició con la aparición de lesiones punteadas en el brazo izquierdo que se expandieron posteriormente a tórax, abdomen, brazo contralateral y muslos. La paciente informó antecedente de trastorno bipolar tipo II y desprendimiento de retina. Después de descartar varias enfermedades infecciosas, y debido a la evolución del cuadro clínico, se sospechó pitiriasis rosada, por lo que se instauró tratamiento con 30mg de deflazacort por 21 días, con el cual se logró una evolución favorable y la mejoría total de los síntomas a los 2 meses. Hasta el momento de la elaboración del presente reporte de caso la joven no había consultado por recurrencia. Conclusión. Es indispensable que los médicos de atención primaria tengan una educación adecuada en dermatología para poder reconocer y tratar la pitiriasis rosada, pues su diagnóstico es eminentemente clínico y puede tener múltiples presentaciones atípicas, como en el caso aquí reportado donde la paciente no tuvo algunos de los signos patognomónicos característicos.

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 69(4): e402, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360772


Abstract Introduction: The DRESS (drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms) syndrome is a rare but serious and potentially lethal occurrence of a set of signs and symptoms associated with the use certain types of drugs. This syndrome is characterized by a heterogeneous clinical manifestation that, in many cases, results in multisystemic involvement. Case presentation: A 24-year-old man from Calarcá, Colombia, visited the emergency department of the local hospital due to a three-day history of unquantified intermittent fever associated with asthenia, adynamia, anorexia, headache, myalgia, odynophagia, and upper abdominal pain. Due to his condition and based on laboratory findings, he was referred to the Clínica Central del Quindío. The patient, 20 days before the initial assessment, had been prescribed a pharmacological treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and phenytoin due to a severe cranioencephalic trauma; he also presented with generalized skin rash, elevated transaminases, and moderate eosinophilia. Complementary studies reported mild pericardial effusion, so DRESS syndrome was suspected, and corticosteroid therapy was started, achieving the complete remission of the syndrome. Conclusion: Although the DRESS syndrome has a low incidence, it should always be suspected, especially in patients with cardiac and pericardial involvement. In this case, pericardial involvement was evident, demonstrating that individuals with this syndrome may present with rare symptoms that have a serious impact on their health, as they may significantly increase adverse outcomes and mortality risk.

Resumen Introducción. El síndrome de DRESS (Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic symptoms) consiste en la ocurrencia, si bien poco frecuente, pero grave y potencialmente mortal, de un conjunto de signos y síntomas asociados al consumo de cierto tipo de medicamentos. Este síndrome se caracteriza por tener una manifestación clínica heterogénea que, en muchos casos, causa compromiso multisistémico. Presentación del caso. Hombre de 24 años de Calarcá, Colombia, que asistió al servicio de urgencias del hospital local por presentar fiebre intermitente no cuantificada durante 3 días, junto con astenia, adinamia, anorexia, cefalea, mialgias, odinofagia y dolor abdominal superior, y que, debido a su condición y resultados de laboratorio, fue remitido a la Clínica Central del Quindío. El paciente, 20 días antes de la valoración inicial, había recibido tratamiento farmacológico con antiinflamatorios no esteroides y fenitoína por traumatismo craneoencefálico severo; además presentó rash cutáneo generalizado, elevación de transaminasas y eosinofilia moderada. En los estudios complementarios se reportó derrame pericárdico leve, por lo que se sospechó síndrome de DRESS y se inició corticoterapia, lográndose así la remisión completa de la enfermedad. Conclusión. Aunque el síndrome de DRESS tiene una baja incidencia, siempre debe sospecharse, en especial en pacientes que presentan compromiso cardiaco y pericárdico. En este caso se destaca la afectación pericárdica, demostrando que en este síndrome se pueden presentar ma -nifestaciones poco frecuentes, pero con un gran impacto en su salud, ya que pueden aumentar considerablemente los desenlaces adversos y la mortalidad en estos pacientes.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 149(10): 1512-1515, oct. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389366


We report a 68-year-old woman with a history of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, who had immediate skin reactions associated with the use of pirfenidone in two opportunities. In the evaluation by immunology, an allergy to pirfenidone was diagnosed. Given the urgent need for the drug, a desensitization procedure was started. The dose of the medication was increased progressively, previous premedication with cetirizine, ranitidine and montelukast. After this procedure the patient was able to tolerate the treatment with pirfenidone without cutaneous reactions.

Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/uso terapêutico , Fibrose Pulmonar Idiopática , Piridonas/efeitos adversos
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 102(3): 21-30, set. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394697


Resumen El Parvovirus B19 constituye un agente viral frecuente como causa de exantemas en edad pediátrica. Responsable clásicamente del eritema infeccioso, en los últimos años se lo asoció también a erupciones cutáneas atípicas. Recientemente se ha descrito una forma de exantema periflexural asociado a distintos agentes virales, conocido como síndrome Baboon-like. Presentamos el caso de una niña de 9 años con evidencia serológica de infección aguda por Parvovirus 19 que desarrolló una erupción máculo-pápulo-petequial con lesiones acentuadas en grandes pliegues. Se realiza búsqueda de la literatura disponible en relación a los exantemas inusuales por Parvovirus y se describe el caso como síndrome simil Baboon, una manifestación cutánea de esta infección viral.

Abstract Parvovirus B19 is a common viral cause of exanthem in pediatric patients. Classically responsible for infectious erythema, in the last few years it has also been associated with atypical rashes. A form of periflexural eruption associated with viral agents has been recently described as Baboon-like syndrome. We present the case of a 9-years-old girl with serological evidence of acute Parvovirus B19 infection that developed a maculopapular-petechial rash with lesions in large folds. A review of the available literature in relation to unusual Parvovirus exanthem is performed and the case is described as Baboon - like syndrome, a cutaneous manifestation of this viral infection.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 21(3)jul. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506324


El síndrome de reacción a fármacos con eosinofilia y síntomas sistémicos es una reacción de hipersensibilidad a fármacos poco común, pero con una alta mortalidad, por ello se requiere un diagnóstico precoz y un manejo oportuno. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 32 años con diagnóstico de epilepsia y trastorno esquizofreniforme orgánico, secundarios a encefalitis viral, y que ha recibido tratamiento con múltiples fármacos. Tres semanas después de añadir carbamazepina de liberación prolongada a su terapia habitual, la paciente presentó una erupción cutánea difusa tipo habón, edema facial, fiebre, linfadenopatía, leucocitosis con eosinofilia y elevación de las transaminasas. La administración de la carbamazepina fue suspendida, se administró antihistamínicos y glucocorticoides por vía oral, y la paciente mejoró.

The drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome is a rare but highly lethal drug hypersensitivity reaction. Thus, it requires an early diagnosis and timely management. We present the case of a 32-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of epilepsy and organic schizophreniform disorder, secondary to viral encephalitis, who was treated with multiple drugs. Three weeks after the addition of extended-release carbamazepine to her usual therapy, the patient presented a diffuse welt-type skin rash, facial edema, fever, lymphadenopathy, leukocytosis with eosinophilia and elevated transaminases. Carbamazepine administration was discontinued, antihistamines and glucocorticoids were administered orally, and the patient showed a remarkable improvement.

Colomb. med ; 52(1): e7014577, Jan.-Mar. 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249641


Abstract Case description: 32-month-old boy, IgG positive for SARS-CoV-2, presented to the emergency department with dermatologic lesions. Clinical findings: Four days before admission, he presented skin eruptions with redness and pruritus on hands and feet. Generalized papular erythema was evidenced, upper extremities with diffuse erythematosquamous plaques, palmoplantar keratoderma, so he was evaluated by a dermatologist who diagnosed pityriasis rubra pilaris. Treatment and outcome: rehydrating cream, cetirizine 0.5 mg/kg/day every two days, and prednisolone 2 mg/kg/day in the morning. He was discharged after 14 days, the patient presented clinical improvement, but the erythematous lesion persisted on the trunk and extremities. In the evaluation, after three months, the patient did not show the described lesions, evidencing an improvement and clinical resolution of the dermatological problems. Clinical relevance: We report a patient with pityriasis rubra piloris associated with a post-infection by SARS-CoV-2 that had not been described before.

Resumen Descripción del caso: Niño 32 meses de vida, con IgG positivo para SARS-CoV-2, acude al servicio de emergencia por presentar lesiones dermatológicas. Hallazgos clínicos: Cuatro días antes del ingreso presentó erupciones en la piel, con enrojecimiento y prurito en manos y pies. Se evidenció eritema papular generalizado, extremidades superiores con placas eritematoescamosas difusas, queratodermia palmo-plantar por lo que es evaluado por dermatólogo quien diagnostica pitiriasis rubra pilaris. Tratamiento y resultado: Crema rehidratantes, cetirizina 0.5 mg/kg/día cada 2 días y prednisolona 2 mg/kg/día por la mañana. Fue dado de alta a los 14 días, el paciente presenta mejora clínica, pero aún persiste la lesión eritematosa en tronco y extremidades. En la evaluación a los tres meses el paciente no mostró las lesiones descritas, evidenciando una mejoría y resolución clínica de los problemas dermatológicos. Relevancia clínica: Se reporta un paciente con afectación por pitiriasis rubra piloris asociado a una post-infección por SARS-CoV-2 que no se había descrito antes.

Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Masculino , Pitiríase Rubra Pilar/etiologia , COVID-19/complicações , Pitiríase Rubra Pilar/diagnóstico , Pitiríase Rubra Pilar/tratamento farmacológico , Imunoglobulina G , Prednisolona/administração & dosagem , Cetirizina/administração & dosagem , Glucocorticoides/administração & dosagem
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 69(1): e600, Jan.-Mar. 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250760


Abstract Introduction: Most patients infected with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) experience mild to moderate symptoms. This condition may affect multiple organs and systems, including the skin, and cutaneous manifestations are varied. Although several studies on COVID-19 have been conducted in Peru, to date, this type of manifestation has not been described in the Peruvian population, especially in environments with high prevalence of viral diseases that cause similar dermatological lesions, such as the Peruvian jungle. Case presentation: A 16-year-old male patient with no relevant medical history was admitted to a hospital in the Peruvian jungle due to headache, chills, general malaise, and respiratory distress. On physical examination, oxygen saturation was 89-90%, and a skin rash was observed; it was characterized by non-evanescent, confluent, pruritic, and symmetrical morbilliform lesions in the limbs, abdomen, thorax, and face, without mucous membrane involvement. Due to the shortage of molecular tests in the region where he was treated, he was diagnosed with COVID-19 based on serological (serological tests for SARS-CoV-2 (IgM+ and IgG+)) and radiological criteria (imaging findings compatible with COVID-19 atypical pneumonia). The initial treatment included the administration of ceftriaxone, azithromycin, dexamethasone, cetirizine, as well as the use of oxygen by binasal cannula. After 5 days and given the persistence of symptoms and respiratory and skin signs, treatment with ivermectin was started. 48 hours after the introduction of this treatment, the cutaneous and respiratory manifestations had completely resolved. Conclusions: Patients with COVID-19 may develop several cutaneous manifestations similar to those produced by other viruses or adverse drug reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to appropriately interview the patient and establish the chronological order of symptom onset to diagnose this disease correctly.

Resumen Introducción. La mayoría de los pacientes con COVID-19 experimentan síntomas leves a moderados. Esta enfermedad puede afectar varios órganos y sistemas, entre ellos la piel, siendo las manifestaciones cutáneas muy variadas. A pesar de que en Perú existen varios estudios sobre COVID-19, a la fecha este tipo de manifestaciones no se han descrito en población peruana, lo cual llama la atención debido a que en el país existen varias zonas donde coexisten enfermedades virales que producen lesiones dermatológicas similares, tales como la selva peruana. Presentación del caso. Varón de 16 años sin antecedentes médicos relevantes quien ingresó a un hospital de la selva peruana con cefalea, sensación distérmica y dificultad respiratoria. Al examen físico, el paciente presentó una saturación de oxígeno de 89-90% y se observó erupción cutánea caracterizada por lesiones morbiliformes no evanescentes, confluentes, pruriginosas y simétricas en extremidades, abdomen, tórax y cara, sin compromiso de mucosas. Debido a la escasez de pruebas moleculares en la región donde fue atendido, al paciente se le realizó el diagnóstico de COVID-19 con base en criterios serológicos (pruebas serológicas para SARS-CoV-2 (IgM+ e IgG+)) y radiológicos (hallazgos de imagen compatibles con neumonía atípica por COVID-19). El manejo inicial incluyó la administración de ceftriaxona, azitromicina, dexametasona y cetirizina, así como el uso de oxígeno por cánula binasal. Después de 5 días, y ante la persistencia de los síntomas y signos respiratorios y cutáneos, se inició tratamiento con ivermectina; 48 horas después de haber instaurado este tratamiento se evidenció la resolución completa de las manifestaciones cutáneas y respiratorias. Conclusiones. Los pacientes con COVID-19 pueden desarrollar manifestaciones cutáneas similares a las producidas por otros virus o por reacciones adversas a medicamentos; por lo tanto, para realizar un diagnóstico apropiado de la enfermedad, es necesario hacer una adecuada entrevista al paciente y establecer el orden cronológico de aparición de los síntomas.

Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 41(1): 21-25, mar. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178296


El síndrome DRESS es una reacción adversa dermatológica que puede presentarse debido a diversos medicamentos, y constituye uno de los diagnósticos más importantes por encima del síndrome de Stevens-Johnson. Se trata de un caso relacionado con una reacción adversa de muy baja frecuencia, que está documentada en la literatura científica, a varios medicamentos, entre ellos la fenitoína. Por lo mencionado, la publicación de estos casos resulta escasa y limitada. Las principales preocupaciones del paciente relacionadas con su cuadro clínico radicaban en el gran compromiso cutáneo que lo llevó a hospitalización, dolor e incomodidad, por el cual recurrió al manejo tópico generalizado con vaselina. Los hallazgos clínicos relevantes fueron: eosinofilia severa, ulceraciones cutáneas, hepatitis química y fiebre. Con los hallazgos del cuadro clínico y la evaluación de la escala RegiSCAR se hace el diagnóstico de síndrome DRESS inducido por fenitoína. Se suspende la fenitoína, se inicia levetiracetam y se administran corticosteroides y acetaminofén con evolución favorable. (AU)

DRESS syndrome is a dermatological adverse reaction can occur due to various medications, being one of the most important diagnoses above Steven-Johnson syndrome. This is a case related to a very low frequency adverse reaction that is documented in the scientific literature to several medicines among those, the phenytoin. Therefore, the publication of these cases is scarce and limited. The main concerns of the patients related to their clinical picture were due to the great cutaneous compromise that lead to hospitalization, pain and discomfort for which they resorted to generalized topical management with vaseline (petrolatum). Relevant clinical findings were severe eosinophilia, skin ulcerations, chemical hepatitis and fever. With clinical picture findings and evaluation of the RegiSCAR scale, the diagnosis of Phenytoin-induced DRESS syndrome is made. Phenytoin is discontinued, levetiracetam is started and corticosteroids and acetaminophen are administrated with favorable evolution. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fenitoína/efeitos adversos , Síndrome de Hipersensibilidade a Medicamentos/diagnóstico , Vaselina/uso terapêutico , Fenitoína/administração & dosagem , Albendazol/administração & dosagem , Corticosteroides/administração & dosagem , Eosinofilia/etiologia , Exantema/diagnóstico , Levetiracetam/administração & dosagem , Acetaminofen/uso terapêutico