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Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(3)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534512


Fundamento: El panorama económico y epidemiológico ha repercutido en la salud bucal de las comunidades rurales. Objetivo: Describir el estado de salud bucal, así como identificar factores de riesgo en 16 campesinos de la comunidad rural La Picadora. Metodología: En 2022 se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo en 16 campesinos de la comunidad rural La Picadora, Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus. Se hicieron entrevistas y examen bucal. Se calcularon indicadores epidemiológicos estomatológicos en el SPSS 16 y se resumieron los factores de riesgo mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados: El índice de COP-D fue de 10.7 con predominio de dientes perdidos, el índice gingival fue de 1.4 y el de placa bacteriana de 1.0. Fue frecuente el desgaste de incipiente a moderado en menores de 60 años y de moderado a severo en mayores de 60 años. El 75 % de la muestra presentó oclusión normal o maloclusión mínima y el 94 % necesitó rehabilitación protésica. El 81.2 % consumió bebidas alcohólicas en los últimos 30 días, el 62.5 % ha fumado o fuma actualmente, el 87.5 % refirió el cepillado diario menor de 3 veces y el 43.8 % no asistió al estomatólogo en los últimos 10 años. Conclusiones: Se identificó la necesidad de atención estomatológica, así como la urgencia de acciones de prevención y promoción en esta comunidad.

Background: The economic and epidemiological panorama has impacted on oral health in rural communities. Objective: To describe the oral health status, as well as to identify risk factors in 16 farmers from the La Picadora rural community. Methodology: In 2022, a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 16 farmers in the La Picadora rural community, Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus. Interviews and oral examination were performed. Stomatological epidemiological indicators in SPSS 16 were calculated and risk factors were summarized using descriptive statistics. Results: The COP-D index was 10.7 with a predominance of missing teeth, The COP-D index was 10.7 with a predominance of missing teeth, the gingival index was 1.4 and the bacterial plaque index was 1.0. Incipient to moderate wear was frequent in people under 60 years of age and moderate to severe in over 60 years of age. 75% of the sample presented normal occlusion or minimal malocclusion and 94% required prosthetic rehabilitation. 81.2% consumed alcoholic beverages in the last 30 days, 62.5% have smoked or currently smokes, 87.5% referred the daily brushing less than 3 times a day and 43.8% did not attend a stomatologist in the last 10 years. Conclusions: The need for stomatological attention, was identified, as well as the urgency for prevention and promotion actions in this community.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535422


Introducción: Las colinesterasas son enzimas que se encargan de hidrolizar la acetilcolina en ácido acético y colina, poniéndole fin a la transmisión nerviosa a lo largo de la sinapsis de las uniones neuromusculares. La medición de la actividad de la colinesterasa sérica constituye un indicador del efecto causado por la exposición prolongada a los organofosforados. Objetivo: Determinar los niveles de colinesterasa sérica y factores relacionados con la exposición a organofosforados en agricultores de la vereda de Páramo Lagunas de San Pablo de Borbur, Boyacá, Colombia. Metodología: Estudio prospectivo, de corte transversal, con una muestra de 57 trabajadores. A cada individuo se le aplicó una encuesta de datos sociodemográficos y factores laborales, posteriormente se les tomó una muestra de sangre venosa en ayuno de 8-12 horas; con el fin de determinar las concentraciones de colinesterasa sérica (kit Colinesterasa Butiriltiocolina Biosystems®) con el equipo automatizado de química clínica A-15 de Biosystems®. Resultados: El rango de edad de los participantes estuvo entre los 22 y 64 aflos, el 72 % de los individuos pertenecía al sexo masculino. El 3,5 % (2 varones) presentó valores inferiores al intervalo biológico de referencia (IBR), el 88 % de las personas afirmó realizar tareas con plaguicidas y el 54 % afirmó no utilizar los elementos de protección personal (EPP) al trabajar con estas sustancias. Conclusiones: Se evidenció la falta de escolaridad y la ausencia del acompaflamiento técnico en esta zona, lo que induce a que estos agricultores realicen procesos agrícolas relacionados con la aplicación de plaguicidas sin el adecuado conocimiento y sin la utilización adecuada de EPP.

Introduction: Cholinesterases are enzymes responsible for hydrolyzing acetylcholine in acetic acid and choline, which ends nerve transmission along the synapse of neuromuscular junctions. Measurement of serum cholinesterase activity acts as an indicator of the effect caused by prolonged exposure to organophosphates and carbamates Objective: To determine serum cholinesterase levels and factors related to exposure to organophosphates in farmers from the county of Páramo Lagunas in San Pablo de Borbur, Boyacá, Colombia. Methodology: Prospective, cross-sectional study, with a sample of 57 agricultural workers, a survey of sociodemographic data and labor factors was applied to each individual and a venous blood sample was taken in an 8-12 hour fasting, Serum cholinesterase concentrations were determined (Biosystems® Butyrylthiocholine Cholinesterase kit), by means of the Biosystems® A-15 automated clinical chemistry kit. Results: The age range of the participants was between 22 and 64 years old, 72% of the individuals belonged to the male sex. 3.5% (2 male individuals) presented values lower than the biological reference interval (BRI); 88% of the people affirmed to carry out tasks with pesticides and 54% of them affirmed not to use personal protective equipment (PPE) when working with these substances. Conclusions: The lack of schooling was evidenced in most of the farmers, as well as the absence of technical support to this area, which induces these farmers to carry out agricultural processes such as pesticide application, without adequate knowledge and without the proper use of PPE.

Hacia promoc. salud ; 28(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534525


Objective. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of low back pain and associated risk factors among coffee pickers. Methods. The participants completed a survey and underwent tests to determine flexibility and V̇O2max. Results. Among 98 coffee pickers with an average age of 44.7 (±13.7), 58.2% had experienced low back pain. The average duration and intensity of low back pain in the patients were 6.0 ± 6.5 years and 47.1 ± 21.0 mm/100 mm respectively. The average values of body fat and V̇O2max were 13.2 ± 2.8% y 32.5 ± 8.6 respectively. Regression analysis showed that for a higher V̇O2max value decreased the probability of experiencing low back pain, while a higher body fat content increased the probability of suffering from low back pain. Conclusions. There is a high prevalence of low back pain among coffee pickers from Chinchiná and Palestina. Higher body fat content increases the likelihood of experiencing lumbar pain, while elevated levels of V̇O2max decrease it.

Objetivo. El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la prevalencia del dolor lumbar y los factores de riesgo asociados entre los recolectores de café. Métodos. Los participantes respondieron a una encuesta y se sometieron a pruebas para determinar la flexibilidad y el V̇O2max. Resultados. Entre 98 recolectores de café de 44,7 años (±13,7), el 58,2% había experimentado dolor lumbar. La duración e intensidad promedio del dolor lumbar en los pacientes fue de 6,0 ± 6,5 años y 47,1 ± 21,0 mm/100 mm, respectivamente. Los valores promedio de grasa corporal y V̇O2max fueron 13.2 ± 2.8% y 32.5 ± 8.6 respectivamente. El análisis de regresión demostró que para un valor alto de V̇O2max la probabilidad de padecer dolor lumbar es menor mientras que para un valor alto de contenido de grasa corporal la probabilidad de sufrir dolor lumbar es mayor. Conclusiones. Existe una alta prevalencia de dolor lumbar entre los recolectores de café de Chinchiná y Palestina. Un mayor contenido de grasa corporal incrementa la probabilidad de padecer lumbalgia, mientras que niveles elevados de V̇O2max la disminuye.

Objetivo. O estudo teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência da dor lombar e fatores de risco associados entre os catadores de café. Métodos. Os participantes responderam a uma enquete e foram submetidos a testes para determinar flexibilidade e V̇O2max. Resultados. Entre 98 catadores de café com 44,7 anos (±13,7), 58,2% apresentavam dor lombar. A duração média e intensidade da dor lombar nos pacientes foi de 6,0 ± 6,5 anos e 47,1 ± 21,0 mm/100 mm, respectivamente. Os valores médios de gordura corporal e V̇O2max foram 13,2 ± 2,8% e 32,5 ± 8,6 respectivamente. A análise de regressão amostrou que para um alto valor de V̇O2max a probabilidade de sofrer lombalgia é menor enquanto que para um alto índice de gordura corporal a probabilidade de sofrer lombalgia é maior. Conclusões. Tem uma alta prevalência da dor lombar entre os catadores de café de Chinchiná e Palestina. Um valor mais alto de V̇O2max diminui a probabilidade de sofrer lombalgia, enquanto um valor alto de gordura corporal a aumenta.

J. Health Sci. Inst ; 41(2): 73-76, apr-jun 2023. Quadros
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531165


Objetivos ­ Identificar os agrotóxicos utilizados pelos agricultores familiares do povoado Passagem do Sargento, Juazeiro-BA e verificar os riscos à saúde do agricultor relacionados com o método de uso e a exposição a esses produtos. Métodos ­ Foram entrevistados quatro agricultores familiares e por meio de pesquisas na literatura, bulas dos agrotóxicos e consultas às fichas de informações de segurança de produtos químicos, foram identificados os possíveis efeitos dos agrotóxicos sobre a saúde e se os produtos químicos estão sendo utilizados de acordo com a praga e cultura às quais se destinam. Resultados ­ Verificou-se que os agricultores não seguem as indicações dos fabricantes contidas nos rótulos, seja em relação a frequência de seu uso, seja em relação à indicação da planta alvo. Além disso, um terço dos agrotóxicos utilizados por eles são classificados como extremamente tóxicos para a saúde humana, o que evidencia o potencial de danos de grande magnitude para os trabalhadores que os manuseiam, sobretudo por não seguirem as indicações contidas nas bulas. Conclusão ­ Diante dos riscos identificados, é necessária a atuação do poder público no fornecimento de assistência técnica, no sentido de fornecer informações adequadas para os agricultores familiares, buscando proteger esses trabalhadores dos efeitos nocivos dos agrotóxicos e viabilizar o processo produtivo.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Saúde da População Rural , Agroquímicos , Medição de Risco , Exposição Ocupacional , Equipamento de Proteção Individual
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1560869


La santé mentale des agriculteurs semble être déterminante dans l'adaptation aux effets des changements climatiques. Cet article fait la synthèse des écrits existant sur lasanté mentale, les facteurs qui y sont associés et l'adaptation des populations face aux effets des variabilités pluviométriques. Il vise à analyser la santé mentale avec ses déterminants pouvant influencer l'adaptation des producteurs auxchocs climatiques. Ce travail a été réalisé grâce à une recherche documentaire à l'aide des moteurs de recherche scopus,Google Scholar, Refseek, BASE, et Pubmed. Une série de documents scientifiques traitant desdifférentes thématiques en lien avec le sujet a été sélectionnée et fait objet de lecture et d'analyse minutieuseselon la méthode PRISMA2020 statement et a permis de dégager les documents pertinents. Il a été également question de rechercher des approches théoriques qui ont permis de construire un cadre d'analyse théorique pouvant décrire les stratégies d'adaptation des agriculteurs dansuncontextede climat changeant.D'après cette recherche, des travaux ont été plus réalisés dans les pays à hauts revenus comme le Canada, les Etats Unis et le Royaume Unis que dans les pays à revenus intermédiaires et faibles. Le cadre d'analysethéorique a été inspiré de l'approche d'analyse de la perception de Ban et al. (1994), du modèle Transactionnel Stress-Coping de Lazarus et Folkman (1984) et l'approche des Moyens d'Existences Durables du Département du Développement International (1999). La démarche méthodologique utilisée pour ce travail reste théorique et ne peutêtre infirméeou confirméeque par des enquêtes de terrain.

Farmers' mental health isa determining factor in adaptation to the effects of climate change. This article summarizes the existing literature on mental health, the factors associated with it and the adaptation of populations to the effects of rainfall variability. It aims to analyze mental health and its determinants, which may ' adaptation to climatic shocks. This work was conducted through a literature search using search engines such as scopus, Google Scholar, Refseek, BASE and Pubmed. A series of scientific documents dealing with various themes related to the subject was selected and subjected to careful reading and analysis, using the PRISMA method, to identify relevant documents. Theoretical approaches were also researched, enabling the construction of a theoretical analysis framework that could describe farmers' adaptation strategies in a changing climate context. According to this research, more work has been done in high-income countries such as Canada, the United States,and the United Kingdom than in middle-and low-income countries. The theoretical framework of analysis was inspired by Ban et al.'s (1994 , Lazarus and Folkman's (1984) Transactional Stress-Coping model and the Sustainable Livelihoods approach of the Department for International Development(1999). The methodological approach used for this work remains theoretical and can only be confirmed or invalidated by field surveys.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1537449


O Rio Grande do Sul se destaca no cultivo do fumo, sendo o estado brasileiro responsável pela maior produção de tabaco do país. Pesquisas apontam que o cultivo do tabaco pode ser bastante insalubre, levando os fumicultores a sofrerem com doenças decorrentes da produção de fumo. Dentre esses problemas de saúde, o suicídio é alarmante. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar como as relações econômicas com as fumageiras podem impactar a saúde mental de fumicultores, contribuindo para desfechos desfavoráveis no caso das famílias entrevistadas. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com familiares de fumicultores que cometeram suicídio e atores sociais que acompanham esses agricultores. As entrevistas foram analisadas de acordo com o método fenomenológico interpretativo e os resultados foram agrupados em duas categorias de análise: 1) fumicultura como parte constituinte de uma cultura e identidade local; e 2) relação de trabalho entre fumicultores e fumageiras. Os fumicultores apresentam dificuldades na comercialização do tabaco, devido a problemas com suas instituições representativas, além do endividamento provocado por um sistema opressor que mantém os fumicultores subordinados às indústrias de beneficiamento de tabaco em nível técnico e de capital

Rio Grande do Sul stands out in tobacco cultivation, and is the Brazilian state responsible for the largest tobacco production in the country. Research shows that tobacco cultivation can be quite unhealthy, leading farmers to suffer from diseases resulting from tobacco production. Among these health problems, the suicide is alarming. This research aimed to analyze how economic relationships with tobacco companies can impact the mental health of tobacco farmers, contributing to unfavorable outcomes in the case of the families interviewed. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with family members of tobacco farmers that committed suicide and social actors that follow up these farmers. The interviews were analyzed according to the interpretive phenomenological method and the results were grouped into two categories of analysis: 1) tobacco growing as part of a local culture and identity, and 2) the working relationship between tobacco farmers and tobacco industries. Tobacco farmers have difficulties in selling tobacco due to problems with their representative institutions, in addition to indebtedness, caused by an oppressive system that keeps tobacco farmers subordinate to tobacco processing industries at a technical and capital level

Humanos , Masculino , Suicídio , Nicotiana , Indústria do Tabaco/economia , Doenças dos Trabalhadores Agrícolas , Saúde Mental , Entrevistas como Assunto , Exposição Ocupacional
Autops. Case Rep ; 13: e2023417, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420276
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537051


In the last 30 years soils decreased 73 % of their productive capacity in the world. One of the main reasons for this decrease has been the politics implemented, as well as the absence of opportunity for the small producer to implement improvement strategies that can increase their productivity in the field. Therefore, in this research a soil measurement system is proposed for small farmers, based on the design of two sensors of low cost: (i) Apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) sensor and (ii) moisture sensor. These measurement variables have the particularity that their characteristics can be associated with the physical properties of the soil for decision-making. The sensors developed in this work employ two techniques: Wenner's method for ECa and electrical impedance measurement to identify the dielectric permittivity associated with the water content of the soil. The system is controlled by the Raspberry Pi 3 board through developed software that allows correlating data with its geolocation. The device was tested in controlled laboratory measurements with calibrated instruments, obtaining a coefficient of . Finally, on-site tests were made to validate their use for small farmers.

Durante los últimos 30 años, los suelos han disminuido un 73 % su capacidad productiva, a nivel mundial. Una de las principales razones para esta cifra a la baja son las políticas implementadas, así como la falta de oportunidad para que el pequeño productor adopte estrategias de mejora, con lo cual, pueda aumentar la productividad. Por lo anterior, en esta investigación, se propone un sistema de medición de suelo para pequeños productores, a partir del diseño de dos sensores de bajo costo: (i) sensor de conductividad eléctrica aparente (CEa) y (ii) sensor de humedad. Estas variables de medición tienen la particularidad que sus características se pueden asociar a las propiedades físicas del suelo, para tomar decisiones. Los sensores desarrollados en este trabajo usan dos técnicas: el método de Wenner, para la CEa y la medición de impedancia eléctrica, para identificar la permitividad dieléctrica asociada con el contenido de agua del suelo. El sistema es controlado mediante la tarjeta Raspberry Pi 3, a través de un software desarrollado, que permite correlacionar los datos con su geolocalización. El dispositivo, se probó en mediciones controladas en laboratorio, con instrumentos calibrados, obteniendo un coeficiente . Finalmente, se hicieron pruebas in situ, con el fin de validar su uso por pequeños agricultores.

rev. psicogente ; 25(48): 107-125, jul.-dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424779


Resumen Introducción: El comportamiento suicida hace referencia a las diversas conductas para dejar de vivir es un fenómeno multifactorial ampliamente estudiado en población urbana, sin embargo, la población campesina, especialmente agricultores y trabajadores agrícolas están entre los grupos de alto riesgo. Objetivo: Evaluar las relaciones entre el riesgo suicida y las estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés en una muestra de 76 campesinos entre los 18 y 79 años del municipio de El Santuario, Colombia, durante la emergencia sanitaria por Covid-19. Método: Para este estudio se utilizó un diseño descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal y se emplearon como instrumentos la Escala de Evaluación de Riesgo Suicida -ERS- y la Escala de Estilos y Estrategias de Afrontamiento (EEEAE). Resultados: Los resultados encontrados en la Escala ERS no indicaron niveles clínicos de riesgo suicida. Y respecto a la EEEAE casi siempre los participantes usaban las estrategias de Reevaluación positiva, Apoyo social, Desconexión cognitiva y Resolver el problema. Hubo correlaciones negativas entre todas las dimensiones de la escala ERS con EEEAE, menos entre las dimensiones Depresión/Desesperanza y Aislamiento/Soporte social (ERS) con la Desconexión cognitiva (EEEAE) y especialmente la estrategia de Reevaluación Positiva tuvo un peso significativo sobre riesgo suicida. Conclusiones: La Reevaluación Positiva es una estrategia de afrontamiento que puede proteger la salud mental ante situaciones de estrés asociados con el riesgo suicida de la población campesina, los agricultores y trabajadores agrícolas.

Abstract Introduction: Suicidal behavior refers to the various behaviors to stop living, it is a multifactorial phenomenon widely studied in the urban population, however, the rural population, especially farmers and agricultural workers, are among the high-risk groups. Objective: Evaluate the relationships between suicidal risk and stress coping strategies in a sample of 76 peasants between 18 and 79 years of age from the municipality of El Santuario, Colombia during the Covid-19 health emergency. Method: For this study, a cross-sectional correlational descriptive design was used. The Suicide Risk Assessment Scale -SRAS- and the Coping Styles and Strategies Scale were used as measurement instruments (CSSS). Results: The results found in the SRAS Scale did not indicate clinical levels of suicidal risk. And regarding the EEEAE, the participants almost always used the strategies of Positive Reappraisal, Social Support, Cognitive Disconnection and Problem-Solving skills. There were negative correlations between all the dimensions of the SRAS scale with CSSS, less between the dimensions Depression/Hopelessness and Isolation/social support (SRAS) with Cognitive Disconnection (CSSS) and especially the Positive Reappraisal had a significant weight on suicidal risk. Conclusions: Positive Reappraisal is a coping strategy that can protect mental health in situations of stress associated with suicidal risk of the rural population, farmers, and agricultural workers.

Barbarói ; (62): 303-324, jul.-dez. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1425527


Este artigo resulta da dissertação de mestrado, defendida junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da UNISC, que teve como objetivo analisar a representatividade dos agricultores familiares pelo Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Agricultores Familiares (STR), vinculado à Federação dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura no Rio Grande do Sul (FETAG), e pelo Sindicato Rural, vinculado à Federação da Agricultura do Rio Grande do Sul (FARSUL). Para a realização da pesquisa delimitou-se a região de Santa Cruz do Sul, composta de oito municípios, cuja economia está vinculada à produção do tabaco, realizada em regime de agricultura familiar. Tendo em vista que as duas entidades representam concepções divergentes sobre o significado de desenvolvimento rural, optou-se pela dialética como método de abordagem, uma vez que são abordadas as contradições inerentes à representatividade dos agricultores familiares pelas duas frentes sindicais na região. Concluiu-se que o STR apresenta maior legitimidade na representação dos agricultores familiares da região, tendo em vista a sua trajetória histórica, seus propósitos e sua atuação em defesa das necessidades e dos desafios do segmento da Agricultura Familiar.(AU)

This article is the result of a master's thesis, defended by the Postgraduate Program in Regional Development at UNISC, which aimed to analyze the representation of family farmers by the Union of Family Farmers Workers (STR), linked to the Federation of Agricultural Workers in Rio Grande do Sul (FETAG), and by the Rural Union, linked to the Federation of Agriculture of Rio Grande do Sul (FARSUL). In order to carry out the research, the region of Santa Cruz do Sul was delimited, composed of eight municipalities, whose economy is linked to the production of tobacco, carried out in a family farming regime. Bearing in mind that the two entities represent divergent conceptions about the meaning of rural development, dialectics was chosen as a method of approach, since the inherent contradictions in the representation of family farmers by the two union fronts in the region are addressed. It was concluded that the STR has greater legitimacy in the representation of family farmers in the region, in view of its historical trajectory, its purposes and its performance in defense of the needs and challenges of the Family Agriculture segment.(AU)

Este artículo es resultado de una tesis de maestría, defendida en el Programa de Postgrado en Desarrollo Regional de la UNISC, que tuvo como objetivo analizar la representación de los agricultores familiares por el Sindicato de los Agricultores Familiares (STR), vinculado a la Federación de Trabajadores Agrícolas de Rio Grande do Sul (FETAG), y por el Sindicato Rural, vinculado a la Federación de Agricultura de Rio Grande do Sul (FARSUL). Para realizar la investigación, se delimitó la región de Santa Cruz do Sul, compuesta por ocho municipios, cuya economía está ligada a la producción de tabaco, realizada en régimen de agricultura familiar. Teniendo en cuenta que las dos entidades representan concepciones divergentes sobre el significado del desarrollo rural, se optó por la dialéctica como método de abordaje, ya que se abordan las contradicciones inherentes a la representación de los agricultores familiares por parte de los dos frentes gremiales de la región. Se concluyó que el STR tiene mayor legitimidad en la representación de los agricultores familiares de la región, en vista de su trayectoria histórica, sus propósitos y su actuación en defensa de las necesidades y desafíos del segmento Agricultura Familiar.(AU)

Desenvolvimento Regional , Agricultura , Sindicatos , Categorias de Trabalhadores
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(6): 1266-1271, dic. 2022. tab., ilus.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1427572


La esporotricosis es una micosis subcutánea causada por la inoculación traumática en la piel de especies de hongos del género Sporothrix. La enfermedad tiene diferentes manifestaciones clínicas (cutáneas, linfocutáneas y diseminadas), y también puede progresar a una infección sistémica. A pesar de tener una distribución mundial, la esporotricosis es más frecuente en los países tropicales y subtropicales. La esporotricosis es la micosis subcutánea más frecuente en América Latina, donde se considera endémica. Ciertos grupos de personas pueden estar más expuestos al agente causal de la enfermedad, como los agricultores. Así, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de la esporotricosis en 3.133 agricultores, en el cantón de Shushufindi de la provincia de Sucumbíos, Ecuador. En este estudio, se utilizó una prueba de intradermorreacción con el antígeno esporotriquina obtenido del hongo Sporothrix schenckii. Los datos obtenidos mostraron una prevalencia de 35,45%. La distribución de la prevalencia de la esporotricosis con respecto a los grupos de edad no mostró diferencias estadísticas significativas (p=0,2054). Para la variable sexo, si hubo significancia estadística (p=0,01995). 51 de los casos positivos presentaron gomas y/o úlceras en alguno de sus miembros. La esporotricosis ha demostrado ser una de las micosis subcutáneas más frecuente en los trabajadores de la agricultura en la región ecuatoriana evaluada(AU)

Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis caused by traumatic skin inoculation of fungal species of the genus Sporothrix. The disease has different clinical manifestations (cutaneous, lymphocutaneous, and disseminated), and it can also progress to a systemic infection. Despite having a worldwide distribution, sporotrichosis is more common in tropical and subtropical countries. Sporotrichosis is the most frequent subcutaneous mycosis in Latin America, where it is considered endemic. Certain groups of people may be more exposed to the causative agent of the disease, such as farmers. Thus, this work aimed to determine the prevalence of sporotrichosis in 3133 farmers, in the canton of Shushufindi in the province of Sucumbíos, Ecuador. In this study, an intradermal test was used with the sporotrichin antigen obtained from the fungus Sporothrix schenckii. The data obtained showed a prevalence of 35.45%. The distribution of the prevalence of sporotrichosis with respect to age groups did not show significant statistical differences (p=0.2054). For the sex variable, there was statistical significance (p=0.01995). 51 of the positive cases presented gums and/or ulcers in one of their members. Sporotrichosis has proven to be one of the most frequent subcutaneous mycoses in agricultural workers in the evaluated Ecuadorian region(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Esporotricose/epidemiologia , Dermatomicoses/epidemiologia , Fazendeiros/estatística & dados numéricos , Riscos Ocupacionais , Testes Intradérmicos , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Equador/epidemiologia , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219385


The role of apicultural education as a catalyst for reducing rural poverty among bee farmers was investigated in Ini Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The survey research design was used in achieving this. To adequately and appropriately execute the project, some objectives were formulated. From these objectives, research questions were generated and hypotheses formulated accordingly to guide data gathering and analysis. The instrument for data gathering was a four point close ended questionnaire from which 150 bee farmers and 50 extension agents were selected to respond to items in the questionnaire using the census approach. Data collected from their responses were subjected to two forms of descriptive analysis. The first was percentage descriptive analysis which was used to x-ray the biodata. Second, mean and standard deviation were used to treat the research questions. The third method used is the independent t-test on the three man hypothesis of the study. The result of the analysis warranted the rejection of the three null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance with 198 degrees of freedom using 1.96 as the critical f value. The results showed that 98 percent of bee farmers who had received apicultural education through extension services produced had more honey yield due to increase awareness on modern bee keeping techniques, adequate processing information and marketing strategies which invariably increased their income. Based on the findings made in this research, it was concluded by that giving the farmers and rural dwellers apicultural education such as training them on how to construct apicultural equipment, producing of honey, producing and processing of bee wax into other products such as polish, candles etc. will enhance their performance in bee farming and thus alleviate their poverty.

Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436142


ntroduction: state of Food and Nutritional Security (FNS) is one that should guarantee the right of permanent access to quality food and in sufficient quantity without prejudicing access to other basic rights. In Brazil, rural family farming establishments represent 84.4% of total agricultural establishments and contribute to more than 70% of all food consumed by Brazilians. In this context, the production of the coffee commodity stands out. However, despite being food producers, they do not earn a good income. Slow economic activity can lead to loss of wages and income, illness, as well as food insecurity (FNiS). In addition, the molecular effects of FNiS are poorly studied, especially epigenetic.Objective: the objective of the present study is to analyze the association between Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) DNA methylation and socio demographic, lifestyle, and epigenetic factors, among coffee farmers in the Caparaó zone, in Espirito Santo, Southeast Brazil.Methods: the study was carried out in 22 randomly selected coffee producing communities in Zona Caparaó, an area that produces coffee of recognized quality. A total of 570 coffee farming households, 18 to 60 years of age, were included in the study by answering a questionnaire about socioeconomic characteristics, land use and ownership, behavior, health, and working conditions. FNiS evaluation was carried out using the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale. BDNF exon I methylation was examined by methylation-specific PCR. Body mass index and biochemical analyses were performed. Logistic regression models were used to verify factors associated with FNiS (p<0.05). Data were analyzed using the Stata® statistical software package version 14.Results: the FNiS prevalence found was 23.68%. In multivariable logistic regression, the occurrence of FNiS was associated with hypermethylation of exon I of the BDNF promoter exon I [ORa = 5.03 (95% (1.98, 12.82)] when compared to the unmethylated gene. Moreover, FNiS was associated with excessive workload [ORa = 3.36 (1.23, 9.22)], possession of less land (hectares) [ORa = 0.77 (0.67, 0.90)] and greater number symptoms and / or illnesses in real life [ORa = 1.12 (].Conclusion: there is a high prevalence of Food Insecurity in the studied region. This phenomenon was associated with epigenetic factors (BDNF methylation), excessive workload, small land ownership and a greater number of diseases / symptoms. Food insecurity is a psychosocial stressor that can lead to epigenetic changes in the BDNF gene, responsible for regulating cognitive functions, neuronal survival and involved in the genesis of psychiatric diseases.

Introdução: o Estado de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN) é aquele que deve garantir o direito de acesso permanente à alimentação de qualidade e em quantidade suficiente sem prejudicar o acesso a outros direitos básicos. No Brasil, os estabelecimentos de agricultura familiar rural representam 84,4% do total de estabelecimentos agropecuários e contribuem com mais de 70% de todos os alimentos consumidos pelos brasileiros. Nesse contexto, destaca-se a produção da commodity café. No entanto, apesar de serem produtores de alimentos, não auferem bons rendimentos. A lenta atividade econômica pode levar à perda de salários e renda, doenças e insegurança alimentar (INSAN). Além disso, os efeitos moleculares da INSAN são pouco estudados, sobretudo epigenéticos.Objetivos: o objetivo do presente estudo é analisar a associação entre a metilação do promotor do BDNF e a INSAN e a associação da INSAN com fatores sociodemográficos, de estilo de vida e epigenéticos, em cafeicultores da zona do Caparaó, no Espírito Santo, Sudeste do Brasil.Método: o estudo foi realizado em 22 comunidades cafeeiras selecionadas aleatoriamente na Zona do Caparaó, área que produz café de reconhecida qualidade. Um total de 570 famílias de cafeicultores, entre 18 a 60 anos, foram incluídos no estudo e responderam a um questionário sobre características socioeconômicas, uso e posse da terra, hábitos de vida, saúde e condições de trabalho. A avaliação da INSAN foi realizada por meio da Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar. A metilação do éxon I do BDNF foi examinada por PCR específica para metilação. Índice de massa corporal e análises bioquímicas foram realizadas. Modelos de regressão logística foram utilizados para verificar os fatores associados à INSAN (p<0,05). Os dados foram analisados usando o software estatístico Stata® versão 14.Resultados: a prevalência de INSAN encontrada foi de 23,68%. Na regressão logística multivariada, a ocorrência de INSAN foi associada a hipermetilação do éxon I do promotor do gene BDNF [ORa = 5,03 (95% (1,98, 12,82)] quando comparado ao gene não metilado. Além disso, a INSAN foi associada a carga de trabalho excessiva [ORa = 3,36 (1,23, 9,22)], posse de menos hectares de terra [ORa = 0,77 (0,67, 0,90)] e maior número de sintomas e/ou doenças da vida real [ORa = 1,12 (].Conclusão: o estudo mostrou uma alta prevalência de Insegurança Alimentar na região analisada. Esse fenômeno foi associado a fatores epigenéticos (metilação do gene BDNF), carga horária excessiva, pequena propriedade de terra e maior número de doenças/sintomas. A INSAN pode ser um estressor capaz de promover alterações epigenéticas no gene BDNF, importante gene regulador da cognição, crescimento e sobrevivência neuronal e envolvido com doenças psiquiátricas.

Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 30(3): 361-373, jul.-set. 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421052


Resumo Introdução Apesar da vulnerabilidade social existente na população rural brasileira, o uso de medicamentos entre agricultores é um tema ainda pouco estudado no país. Objetivo Analisar o uso de medicamentos e sua associação com características sociodemográficas, laborais, comportamentais e autoavaliação do estado de saúde em agricultores. Método Estudo epidemiológico transversal com 790 agricultores de 18 a 59 anos, de ambos os sexos, do município de Santa Maria de Jetibá. Os medicamentos foram agrupados segundo o Sistema de Classificação Anatômico-Terapêutico-Químico (ATC) nos níveis 1 e 2. Foram realizadas análise descritiva (frequências absolutas e relativas) e associações entre as variáveis e o uso de medicamentos pelo teste de qui-quadrado. As variáveis que se mostraram associadas com o desfecho com nível de significância de 5% no teste de qui-quadrado foram testadas por regressão logística binária. Resultados A prevalência de uso de medicamentos foi de 44,2%, sendo menor no sexo masculino (30,3%) do que no feminino (59,4%). Após a análise ajustada, o uso de medicamentos esteve associado ao sexo feminino, à faixa etária de 40 anos ou mais e à pior autoavaliação do estado de saúde. A prevalência de polifarmácia foi de 6,6%. Os medicamentos mais utilizados foram os anti-hipertensivos (19,3%). Conclusão O estudo evidenciou a importância de se avaliar populações rurais a fim de subsidiar políticas e recursos em saúde pública.

Abstract Background Despite the social vulnerability that exists in the Brazilian rural population, the drug use is a topic still little studied in the country. Objective The present work aims to analyze drug use and its association with sociodemographic, occupational, behavioral, and self-rated health characteristics in farmers. Method A cross-sectional epidemiological study of 790 male and female farmers from 18 to 59 years old, from Santa Maria de Jetibá. The drugs were grouped according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Classification System (ATC) at levels 1 and 2. Descriptive analysis of the data was performed (in absolute and relative frequencies) and associations between study variables and drug use by the chi-square test. The variables that were associated with the outcome with a significance level of 5% in the chi-square test were tested by binary logistic regression. Results The prevalence of drug utilization was 44.2%, being lower in males (30,3%) than in females (59,4%). After adjusted analysis, the drug use was associated with female gender, age 40 years and older and worse self-rated health status. The prevalence of polypharmacy was 6,6%. The most used drugs were antihypertensive (19,3%). Conclusion The study showed the importance of evaluating rural populations to subsidize policies and resources in Public Health.

Med. UIS ; 35(2): e200, mayo-ago. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422042


Resumen Introducción: Las prácticas de uso por parte de pequeños agricultores en zonas rurales empobrecidas se relacionan con riesgo alto ocupacional y paraocupacional de exposición a plaguicidas. Objetivo: Describir las características de los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de uso de plaguicidas por agricultores en una zona rural de Copán Ruinas, Honduras. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, llevado a cabo en Copán Ruinas, Honduras, C.A, 2019, incluyó 81 agricultores (n=81) mayores de 18 años procedentes de tres comunidades rurales contiguas. Resultados: Los agricultores entrevistados refieren capacitación 3.7% (3/81), almacenan plaguicida en el hogar 39.5% (32/81), manipulan veneno sin guantes 30.9% (26/81), eliminan residuos en el ambiente 19.8% (16/81), lavan equipo en hogar 27.2% (22/81). Un agricultor (1.2%, 1/81) refirió conocer el significado de los colores en las etiquetas. Discusión: el bajo nivel de escolaridad podría ser la causa de bajo porcentaje de conocimiento con respecto al riesgo de exposición a plaguicidas. Coincide con otros autores, la actitud positiva del agricultor hacia la prevención de riesgo. Algunas prácticas referidas por los agricultores inducen riesgo de exposición paraocupacional, coincidiendo con lo reportado en la literatura. Conclusión: El bajo porcentaje de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en el uso de plaguicidas por los agricultores de la zona rural evaluada coincide con lo reportado por la literatura regional y latinoamericana, posiblemente asociada a un contexto de bajo nivel socioeconómico que conlleva baja capacidad de inversión en prevención y que podría ser una causa importante que contribuye al riesgo de exposición ocupacional y paraocupacional por uso de plaguicidas.

Abstract Introduction: Use practices by small farmers in impoverished rural areas are related to high occupational and para-occupational risk of exposure to pesticides. Objective: To describe the characteristics of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of pesticide use by farmers in a rural area of Copán Ruinas, Honduras. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study, carried out in Copán Ruinas, Honduras, C.A. 2019, it included 81 farmers (n = 81) older than 18 years from three contiguous rural communities. Results: Only 3.7% of the farmers referred training, 39.5% (32/81) store pesticide at home, 30.9% handle poison without gloves, 19.8% (16/81) eliminate waste in the environment, 27.2%, 22/81) wash equipment at home. One farmer (1.2%, 1/81) reported knowing the meaning of the colors on the labels. Discussion: The very low level of schooling could be the cause of low percentage of knowledge regarding the risk of exposure to pesticides. The positive attitude of the farmer towards risk prevention coincides with other authors. Some practices referred by farmers induce risk of para-occupational exposure, coinciding with what has been reported in the literature. Conclusion: The low percentage of knowledge, attitude and practices in the use of pesticides by farmers in rural areas evaluated coincide with that reported by regional and Latin American literature, possibly associated with a context of low socioeconomic level that entails low investment capacity in prevention and that could be an important cause that contributes to the risk of occupational and para-occupational exposure due to the use of pesticides.

Humanos , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Praguicidas , Fazendeiros , Exposição Ocupacional , Doenças dos Trabalhadores Agrícolas
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220422


The climatic changes mainly effect the farming profession as, India is regarded as an agricultural portion of the globe because many of its regions are perfect for agrarian production; Due to this shift in climate various types of natural disasters are taking place. One such calamity among several disasters is drought. The present paper focuses on the cognitive failures experienced by the farmers suffering with drought. This paper attempts to study the psychological turmoil experienced by the famers which is termed as, Solastalgia. It is a novel concept that has evolved to make environmental distress more meaningful and clearer. Unlike nostalgia — the morose or anxiousness encountered by individuals who get separated from their home — Solastalgia is the havoc caused by changes in the environment, as it affects people while they are attached to their home settings. The results manifested that the grief observed among the farmers due to the change in their environment hits the mental health and psycho- social status of the agriculturalists. The most important indicator for intellectual failures in the pandemic circumstances is constant substance abuse done by the farmers due to the crop failures they have experienced

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220501


Agriculture is the most important component for the sustainable development of a nation. Until 1935, the major sources of funds for the farmers was dominated by the professional money lenders. Due to the high rate of interest, farmers were heavily burdened with debts. Later, Government of India has considered all the issues and problems faced by the farmers to meet overcome the issues the Government of India established the agricultural credit policy through various institutional agencies. Still there exists a lack of rapport between the bankers and the farmers in obtaining as well as in repaying the crop loan. The present study was carried out with the main objective of understanding the problems faced by farmers while availing agriculture credit from the ?nancial institutions in Tamil Nadu. The result indicated that the major problems faced by the farmers in obtaining the institutional credit were the non-availability of loan on time, the procedure for obtaining the credit was more expensive, Inadequacy of loan amount, Lack of Knowledge about agricultural credit, Dif?culties in ful?ll the loan applications, Lack of awareness about various loan schemes offered by bank, inadequate in the scale of ?nance. Inadequacy of loan amount is the most important problems faced by the farmers while availing the agriculture credit. The bankers need to provide suf?cient loan amount to the farmers. Thus this study concluded that the agricultural credit needs of farmers are increasing with the increase in cost of cultivation. The Government should update its credit policy, to meet out the credit needs of the farmers.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220861


Introduction: Psychological Stress and other mental health problems are highly neglected in Indian farming Community. Changing climatic, weather and environmental conditions affected the growth of crops and yield. This has resulted in various stressful conditions faced by the farmers. The psychological stress leads to tensions in the family relationship, variations in their daily life, and poor operational decisions while farming and even may lead to farm accidents, suicides among them. Objectives: To study the Stress levels perceived by the farmers and the factors determining the stress among them and to study the suicidal ideation among farmers in the previous 6 months. Method: A Community based Cross sectional study was carried out in the villages of Kalghatagi taluk, among 324 marginal & small scale farmers of age group 18-60 years, using pretested semi-structured questionnaire comprising of socio-demographic details, occupational characteristics, perceived stress and the reasons for stress. The 4 item Perceived Stress Scale was used for the assessment of Stress levels. Higher Score indicates high levels of Stress. Results: Among 324 farmers, 69.8% of the farmers were males, majority of them belonged to 50-60 years, and most of them were small scale farmers. The mean perceived score was 6.29+4.38 SD. Majority of the farmers reported crop failure (35%) and debt (37%) as the reasons for stress. The major determinants of stress among farmers were crop failure, debt and family problems. Among 324 farmers 25.3% reported suicidal ideation in the previous 6 months. The Mean stress scores were high among those with suicidal ideation (12.69±1.12 SD). Conclusion: The study shows that stress levels were high among farmers and are related to the failure of crops, inability to pay the debts and other factors. The Mental health problems of the farmers should be addressed at early stages to reduce the burden of farmers' suicides. Primary mental health care should be made available to the rural population.

Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 12(1)jan., 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398013


INTRODUÇÃO: O distúrbio musculoesquelético é um dos principais agravos à saúde dos trabalhadores agrícolas. As mulheres rurais fazem contribuições essenciais para o desenvolvimento agrícola, atividades domésticas e buscam múltiplas estratégias de subsistência. Os estudos sobre distúrbios musculoesqueléticos relacionados ao trabalho (DORT) em cultivadoras são limitados. OBJETIVOS: Verificar a prevalência de distúrbios musculoesqueléticos relacionados ao trabalho em cultivadoras de Ambala, Haryana, Índia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: 200 cultivadoras com idades entre 20-50 anos, com capacidade de ler e entender Hindi e com experiência de cultivo de mais de dois anos, foram recrutadas por amostragem não probabilística para este estudo transversal. A versão em hindi Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire foi usada para estudar a prevalência de DORT em cultivadoras. As características demográficas foram apresentadas como média ± desvio padrão. A prevalência de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho foi apresentada como frequência e porcentagem. Intervalo de confiança também foi relatado. RESULTADOS: A prevalência anual de distúrbios musculoesqueléticos em cultivadoras foi maior na região lombar (57,0%) seguida pela articulação do joelho (30,5%), ombro (16,5%), punho / mão (9,5%), pescoço (9,0%), cotovelo (6,5%), tornozelo / pé (2,5%), coxas / pelve (2,5%) e parte superior das costas (2,0%). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de WRMSDs em cultivadoras de Ambala, Haryana, Índia é alta. Lombar, joelho e ombro foram as regiões mais afetadas nessa população.

INTRODUCTION: Musculoskeletal disorder is one of the major health hazards among agricultural workers. Rural women contribute to agricultural development and household activities and pursue multiple livelihood strategies. Female cultivators' studies on work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) are limited. OBJECTIVES: To verify the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in female cultivators from Ambala, Haryana, India. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 200 female cultivators aged 20-50 years with the ability to read and understand Hindi and having cultivation experience of more than two-year were recruited by non-probabilistic sampling for this cross-sectional study. Hindi version of the Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire was used to study the prevalence of WRMSDs in female cultivators. Demographic characteristics were presented as mean ± standard deviation. Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders was presented as frequency and percentage. A confidence interval was also reported. RESULTS: The yearly prevalence of musculoskeletal disorder in the female cultivators was highest in low back region (57.0%) followed by knee joint (30.5%), shoulder joint (16.5%), wrist/hand (9.5%), neck (9.0%), elbow (6.5%), ankle/foot (2.5%), thighs/pelvis (2.5%) and upper back (2.0%). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of WRMSDs in female cultivators of Ambala, Haryana, India, is high. Low back, knee and shoulder were the most affected regions among this population.

Estresse Ocupacional , Mulheres , Trabalho
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-929459


@#Introduction: During the time of volcano eruptions, farmers have to harvest their crops before the stipulated harvest time, which leads to quality and quantity loss. Besides, farmers also have to continue their farming activities, including purchasing farming necessities. These unaddressed issues of the agricultural restoration could be one of the key factors to malnutrition. Therefore, this study assessed the associations between farmers’ expenditures and the nutritional status of children in areas affected by Indonesia’s Sinabung eruption. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 444 (158 farmers, 228 farmers cum farm labourers, and 58 farm labourers) households headed by farmers. The questionnaire used for data collection was the Indonesian Family Life Survey questions (IFLS). Results: Non-food expenditures had a huge impact on household livelihoods, which was significantly associated with children’s nutritional status. Among the three groups of farmers, children of farmers and farmers cum farm labourers were prone to malnutrition. This was because these two groups had to limit food expenditures over their farming necessities and cigarettes expenditure, which took more than half of their income. However, the prevalence of malnutrition was highest in children of farmers. Children of farm labourers had better nutritional status compared to children of the other two groups. Conclusion: Children of farmers and farmers cum farm labourers were prone to malnutrition due to limited expenditure on food. This study suggests that policymakers in Indonesia should provide food and nutrition security to children who were impacted by the Sinabung eruption.