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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e82186, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556466


Objetivo: identificar quais os instrumentos disponíveis para avaliação multidimensional da fragilidade em idosos com doença cardiovascular, potencialmente aplicáveis durante a realização do Processo de Enfermagem. Método: revisão sistemática conduzida em oito bases de dados/portais, para identificação de estudos que apresentassem instrumentos multidimensionais de avaliação de fragilidade em idosos com doença cardiovascular e que fossem aplicáveis ao processo de enfermagem. Resultados: foram incluídos 19 instrumentos multidimensionais. O Brief Frailty Index for Coronary Artery Disease foi desenvolvido para uso no cuidado cardiovascular de idosos. O Frailty Index for Adults e o Maastricht Frailty Screening Tool for Hospitalized Patients foram desenvolvidos para uso no Processo de Enfermagem. Conclusão: apesar de apenas um instrumento ter sido desenvolvido para o idosos com doença cardiovascular e apenas dois serem aplicáveis ao processo de enfermagem, a maioria deles tem potencial de adaptação e validação para uso nesta população durante a avaliação de enfermagem.

Objective: to identify which tools are available for multidimensional frailty assessment of older adult with cardiovascular disease and which are potentially applicable during the Nursing Process. Method: a systematic review conducted in eight databases/portals to identify studies that presented multidimensional frailty assessment tools for older adult with cardiovascular disease and that were applicable to the nursing process. Results: a total of 19 multidimensional tools were included. The Brief Frailty Index for Coronary Artery Disease was developed for use in the cardiovascular care of older adult. The Frailty Index for Adults and the Maastricht Frailty Screening Tool for Hospitalized Patients were developed for use in the Nursing Process. Conclusion: although only one tool was developed for older adults with cardiovascular disease and only two are applicable to the nursing process, most of them have the potential to be adapted and validated for use in this population during nursing assessment.

Objetivo: identificar qué instrumentos están disponibles para la evaluación multidimensional de la fragilidad en personas mayores con enfermedad cardiovascular, que se puedan aplicar en el Proceso de Enfermería. Método: revisión sistemática realizada en ocho bases de datos/portales, para identificar estudios que presentaran instrumentos multidimensionales para la evaluación de la fragilidad en adultos mayores con enfermedad cardiovascular y que fueran aplicables al proceso de enfermería. Resultados: se incluyeron 19 instrumentos multidimensionales. El Brief Frailty Index for Coronary Artery Disease se desarrolló para usarlo en el cuidado cardiovascular de las personas mayores. El Frailty Index for Adults y la Maastricht Frailty Screening Tool for Hospitalized Patients se elaboraron para ser usados en el Proceso de Enfermería. Conclusión: aunque sólo se elaboró un instrumento para adultos mayores con enfermedad cardiovascular y sólo dos son aplicables al proceso de enfermería, la mayoría de ellos tienen el potencial para ser adaptados y validados para ser usados en esa población en la evaluación de enfermería.

Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(2): 89-102, 20240722. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1567523


Objective. This work sought to develop the Actuasalud platformas a useful tool for nursing that permits assessing health, in term of frailty, in population over 65 years of age. Methods. For the design and development of Actuasalud, two working groups were formed: one from nursing with different profiles, to identify the scientific content and a computer science group responsible for the software programming and development. Both teams adapted the scientific content to the technology so that the tool would allow for population screening with detection of health problems and frailty states. Results. The software was developed in three large blocks that include all the dimensions of frailty: a) sociodemographic variables, b) comorbidities, and c) assessment tools of autonomy-related needs that evaluate the dimensions of frailty. At the end of the evaluation, a detailed report is displayed through bar diagram with the diagnosis of each of the dimensions assessed. The assessment in the participating elderly showed that 44.7% (n = 38) of the population was considered not frail, and 55.3%; (n = 47) as frail. Regarding associated pathologies, high blood pressure (67.1%; n = 57), osteoarthritis and/or arthritis (55.3%; n = 47), diabetes (48.2%; n = 41) and falls during the last year (35.3%; n = 30) were highlighted. Conclusion.Actuasalud is an application that allows nursing professionals to evaluate frailty and issue a quick diagnosis with ordered sequence,which helps to provide individualized care to elderly individuals according to the problems detected during the evaluation.

Objetivo. Desarrollar la plataforma Actuasalud como una herramienta útil para enfermería que permita evaluar la salud, en términos de fragilidad, en población mayor de 65 años. Métodos. Para el diseño y desarrollo de Actuasalud,se constituyeron dos grupos de trabajo: uno de enfermería con diferentes perfiles para identificar el contenido científico y uno informático que se responsabilizó de la programación y desarrollo del software. Ambos equipos adaptaron el contenido científico a la tecnología de manera que la herramienta permitiese hacer un cribado poblacional con detección de problemas de salud y estados de fragilidad. Resultados. Se desarrolló el software en tres grandes bloques que incluyen todas las dimensiones de fragilidad: a) variables sociodemográficas, b) comorbilidades y c) herramientas de evaluación de necesidades relacionadas con la autonomía que evalúan las dimensiones de fragilidad. Al finalizar la evaluación, se visualiza un informe detallado mediante diagrama de barras con el diagnóstico de cada una de las dimensiones evaluadas. La evaluación en los mayores participantes mostró que el 44.7% (n = 38) de la población se consideró como no frágil, y un 55.3%; (n = 47) como frágiles. En cuanto a las patologías asociadas, destacaron hipertensión arterial (67,1 %; n = 57), artrosis y/o artritis (55.3%; n = 47), diabetes (48.2 %; n = 41) y caídas en el último año (35,3 %; n = 30). Conclusión.Actuasalud es una aplicación que permite a los profesionales de enfermería evaluar fragilidad y emitir un diagnóstico de forma ágil con secuencia ordenada que ayuda a brindar cuidados individualizados a personas mayores de acuerdo los problemas detectados en la evaluación.

Objetivo. Desenvolver a plataforma Actuasalud como uma ferramenta útil para a enfermagem que permite avaliar a saúde, em termos de fragilidade, numa população com mais de 65 anos. Métodos. Para a concepção e desenvolvimento do Actuasalud foram formados dois grupos de trabalho: um grupo de enfermagem com perfis diferentes, para identificar o conteúdo científico, e um grupo de informática que foi responsável pela programação e desenvolvimento do software. Ambas as equipas adaptaram o conteúdo científico à tecnologia para que a ferramenta permitisse o rastreio da população para detectar problemas de saúde e estados de fragilidade. Resultados. O software foi desenvolvido em três grandes blocos que incluem todas as dimensões da fragilidade: a) variáveis sociodemográficas, b) comorbidades ec) instrumentos de avaliação de necessidades relacionadas à autonomia que avaliam as dimensões da fragilidade. Ao final da avaliação é apresentado um relatório detalhado através de um diagrama de barras com o diagnóstico de cada uma das dimensões avaliadas. A avaliação nos idosos mostrou que 44.7% (n=38) da população foi considerada não frágil e 55.3%; (n=47) como frágil. Quanto às patologias associadas, destacaram-se a hipertensão arterial (67.1%; n=57), a osteoartrite e/ou artrite (55.3%; n=47), a diabetes (48.2%; n=41) e as quedas no último ano (35.3%; n=30). Conclusão. Actuasalud é um aplicativo que permite ao profissional de enfermagem avaliar a fragilidade e emitir um diagnóstico de forma ágil e com sequência ordenada que auxilia no atendimento individualizado ao idoso de acordo com os problemas detectados na avaliação.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Software , Idoso , Sistemas de Informação , Avaliação das Necessidades , Gestão em Saúde , Fragilidade
MHSalud ; 21(1): 203-224, ene.-jun. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1569331


Resumen Introducción: El estudio examina la prevalencia y los factores asociados con la fragilidad en personas adultas mayores, destacando la escasez de investigaciones en América Latina y la necesidad de un enfoque integral de atención de salud para abordar esta creciente preocupación epidemiológica. Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo transversal correlacional con fase multivariada fue determinar las variables de la condición física que predicen la fragilidad en las personas adultas mayores de entre 60 y 64 años del municipio de Sabaneta, Antioquia durante el primer semestre del 2021 con 125 personas sanas. Metodología: Para las variables cualitativas, el sexo y la fragilidad se relacionan de forma estadísticamente significativa. En las variables cuantitativas, "fuerza muscular de las piernas", "fuerza muscular de los brazos derecha e izquierda", "agilidad de marcha" y "resistencia aeróbica en marcha" se asociaron de forma estadísticamente significativa con la fragilidad. Resultados: En el modelo de regresión lineal, se evidenció que la variable "agilidad de la marcha" fue la predictora de fragilidad en la persona adulta mayor. Prevalencia de fragilidad en el 85.6 % de los casos, de los cuales el 48 % presentan condiciones de prefragilidad. Variables como la fuerza de los brazos, fuerza de las piernas, agilidad de la marcha y resistencia aeróbica en la marcha fueron estadísticamente significativas. Conclusiones: La agilidad de la marcha es un factor predictivo de riesgo de fragilidad en la persona adulta mayor. Las personas con disminución en la agilidad de la marcha tienen un 26 % más de probabilidades de ser frágiles.

Abstract Introduction: The study examines the prevalence and factors associated with frailty in older adults, highlighting the scarcity of research in Latin America and the need for a comprehensive healthcare approach to address this growing epidemiological concern. Purpose: The aim of this cross-sectional correlational descriptive study with a multivariate phase was to determine the physical fitness variables that predict frailty in older adults aged 60-64 years. It was conducted in Sabaneta, Antioquia during the first semester of 2021 with 125 healthy individuals aged 60-64 years. Methodology: For the qualitative variables, sex and frailty were statistically significantly related. For the quantitative variables, "leg strength", "right and left arm strength", "walking agility", and "aerobic walking endurance" were significant in relation to frailty. Results: In the linear regression model, it was found that the variable "walking agility" was the predictor of frailty in older adults. Prevalence of frail conditions in 85.6% of the cases, of which 48% had pre-frail conditions. Variables such as arm strength, leg strength, walking agility, and aerobic walking endurance were statistically significant. Conclusions: Walking agility is a predictive risk factor for frailty in older adults. Individuals with decreased walking agility have a 26% higher probability of being frail.

Resumo Introdução: O estudo examina a prevalência e os fatores associados à fragilidade em idosos, destacando a escassez de pesquisas na América Latina e a necessidade de uma abordagem abrangente de cuidados de saúde para enfrentar essa preocupação epidemiológica crescente. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo descritivo correlacional transversal com uma fase multivariada foi determinar as variáveis de aptidão física que predizem a fragilidade em idosos de 60 a 64 anos. Foi realizado em Sabaneta, Antioquia, durante o primeiro semestre de 2021 com 125 indivíduos saudáveis com idades entre 60 e 64 anos. Metodologia: Para as variáveis qualitativas, sexo e fragilidade estavam relacionados estatisticamente de forma significativa. Para as variáveis quantitativas, "força das pernas", "força dos braços direito e esquerdo", "agilidade ao caminhar" e "endurance aeróbico ao caminhar" foram significativas em relação à fragilidade. Resultados: No modelo de regressão linear, constatou-se que a variável "agilidade ao caminhar" foi o preditor de fragilidade em idosos. Prevalência de condições frágeis em 85.6% dos casos, dos quais 48% tinham condições pré-frágeis. Variáveis como força dos braços, força das pernas, agilidade ao caminhar e endurance aeróbico ao caminhar foram estatisticamente significativas. Conclusões: A agilidade ao caminhar é um fator de risco preditivo para fragilidade em idosos. Indivíduos com agilidade ao caminhar diminuída têm uma probabilidade 26% maior de serem frágeis.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Exercício Físico , Fragilidade/diagnóstico , Envelhecimento , Colômbia
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 22(2): 1-15, 20240531.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555035


Introducción: la fragilidad, entendida como un estado previo a la discapacidad, confiere mayor vulnerabi-lidad a estresores externos y contribuye a desenlaces negativos como caídas, hospitalización, discapacidad y mortalidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar su prevalencia y evaluar los factores asociados en los pacientes del Servicio Ambulatorio de Geriatría del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio (husi) en Bogotá (Colombia). Materiales y métodos: estudio de corte transversal con 689 pacientes atendidos en la consulta externa de geriatría del husi entre agosto de 2016 y marzo de 2020. Mediante regresiones logísticas se iden-tificaron los factores relacionados con la fragilidad. Resultados: la prevalencia fue del 35.4 %. En el análisis bivariado, las variables asociadas con la fragilidad fueron edad mayor de 80 años (or: 2.07; ic95 %: 1.40-3.20; p = 0.001), sexo femenino (or: 1.40; ic95 %: 0.99-2.02; p = 0.03), multimorbilidad (or: 2.13; ic95 %: 1.40-2.90; p < 0.001) y malnutrición (or: 2.23; ic95 %: 1.22-4.07; p = 0.009). En el análisis multivariado, la multimor-bilidad (or: 2.46; ic95 %: 1.62-3.75; p = 0.001), la velocidad de la marcha lenta (or: 5.15; ic95 %: 3.0-8.60; p = 0.001) y el perímetro de pantorrilla bajo (or: 1.60; ic95 %: 1.03-2.50; p = 0.06) se vincularon con la fragilidad. Conclusión: la prevalencia de fragilidad en el servicio de geriatría del husies mayor a la de los referentes nacionales; adicionalmente, las variables analizadas coinciden con las encontradas en la literatura; todo esto respecto a la gran complejidad clínica de los pacientes. Es clave la detección de los factores que se asocian con fragilidad, a fin de intervenirlos y prevenir desenlaces adversos

Introduction: Frailty, understood as a pre-disability state, increases vulnerability to external stressors and contributes to negative outcomes such as falls, hospitalization, disability, and mortality. This study aims to identify the prevalence of frailty and assess the associated factors in patients attending the geriatric outpatient service of the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio (husi). Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study involving 689 patients treated at the husigeriatric outpatient clinic between August 2016 and March 2020. Logistic regressions were conducted to identify factors associated with frailty. Results: The prevalence of frailty was 35.4 %. In bivariate analysis, variables associated with frailty included age over 80 years (or: 2.07; ci95 %: 1.40-3.20; p = 0.001), female sex (or: 1.40; ci95 %:0.99-2.02; p= 0.03), multimorbidity (or: 2.13; ci95 %:1.40-2.90; p < 0.001) and malnutrition (or: 2.23; ci95 %: 1.22-4.07; p = 0.009). In multivariate analysis, multimorbidity (or: 2.46; ci95 %: 1.62-3.75; p = 0.001), slow walking speed (or: 5.15; ci95 %: 3.0-8.60; p = 0.001) and low calf perimeter (or: 1.60; ci95 %: 1.03-2.50; p = 0.06) were associated with frailty. Conclusion: The prevalence of frailty in our center exceeds national references; and the identified variables align with those reported in the literature; reflecting the considerable clin-ical complexity of our patients. Detecting factors associated with frailty is crucial for intervention and prevention of adverse outcomes

ntrodução: a fragilidade, entendida como um estado anterior à incapacidade, confere maior vulnerabi-lidade a estressores externos e contribui para desfechos negativos como quedas, hospitalização, incapa-cidade e mortalidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a prevalência e avaliar os fatores associados à fragilidade em pacientes do ambulatório de geriatria do Hospital Universitário San Ignacio (husi) de Bogotá, Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: estudo transversal com 689 pacientes atendidos no ambulatório de geriatria do husi entre agosto de 2016 e março de 2020. Foram realizadas regressões logísticas para identificar fatores associados à fragilidade. Resultados: a prevalência de fragilidade foi de 35.4 %. Na análise bivariada, as variáveis associadas à fragilidade foram: idade acima de 80 anos (or:2.07; ic95 %:1.40-3,20; p = 0.001), gênero feminino (or:1.40; ic95 %:0.99-2.02; p = 0.03), multimorbidade (or: 2.13; ic95 %: 1.40-2.90; p < 0.001) e desnutrição (or:2.23; ic95 %:1.22-4.07; p = 0.009). Na análise multivariada, multimorbidade (or:2.46; ic95 %: 1.62-3.75; p = 0.001), velocidade lenta de caminhada (or:5.15; ic95 %:3.0-8.60; p = 0.001) e baixa circunferência da panturrilha (or: 1.60; ic95 %: 1.03-2.50; p = 0.06) foram associados à fragilidade. Conclusão: a prevalência de fragilidade no husi é superior à das referências nacionais; adicionalmente, as variáveis associadas coincidem com as encontradas na literatura; tudo isso em relação à grande complexidade clínica dos nossos pacientes. É fundamental detectar os fatores associados à fragilidade para intervir e prevenir resultados adversos

Humanos , Idoso Fragilizado , Medicina Hospitalar
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000061, Apr. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555618


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate frailty and its relationship with prognostic markers in hospitalized patients with acute coronary syndrome. METHODS: This cross-sectional study with a prospective variable analysis (prognostic markers) involved adults of both sexes aged ≥ 50 years with acute coronary syndrome. Patients with ≥ 3 of the following criteria were considered frail: 1) unintentional weight loss; 2) exhaustion (assessed by self-reported fatigue); 3) low handgrip strength; 4) low physical activity level; and 5) low gait speed. The included prognostic markers were: metabolic changes (lipid and glycemic profile), changes in inflammatory status (C-reactive protein), thrombolysis in myocardial infarction risk score, troponin level, angioplasty or surgery, hospitalization in the intensive care unit, length of hospital stay, and hospital outcome. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 125 patients, whose mean age was 65.5 (SD, 8.7) years. The prevalence of frailty was 48.00%, which was higher in women (PR = 1.55; 95%CI 1.08­2.22; p = 0.018) and patients with systemic arterial hypertension (PR = 2.18; 95%CI 1.01­5.24; p = 0.030). Frailty was not associated with age, cardiac diagnosis, or prognostic markers (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Frailty was highly prevalent in patients with acute coronary syndrome, affecting almost half of the sample, particularly women and patients with hypertension, irrespective of age. However, despite its high prevalence, frailty was not associated with markers of metabolic change or poor prognosis.

Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Síndrome Coronariana Aguda/diagnóstico
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000110, Apr. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560878


Objetivo: Analisar o efeito da Capacidade Intrínseca na mortalidade de 30 meses em residentes idosos de Instituição de Longa Permanência. Metodologia: Estudo de coorte prospectivo realizado de julho de 2020 a dezembro de 2022 com análise de sobrevivência de idosos residentes de ILPIs brasileiras. Na avaliação inicial (M0) foram avaliados 209 idosos residentes quanto aos dados demográficos e clínicos (doenças diagnosticadas e medicações utilizadas); capacidade intrínseca segundo ICOPE nos domínios cognição, psicológico, audição, visão, vitalidade e locomotor; capacidade funcional pelas atividades básicas de vida diária (índice de Katz) e fragilidade (escala FRAIL). Após 30 meses, foi avaliada a ocorrência de óbito. Resultados: Em M0, a média da idade dos residentes era de 82 anos (±11,21), 65,07% eram do sexo feminino, 94,26% de cor branca e 88,04% tinham multimorbidade. Apresentaram alteração em quatro ou mais domínios da capacidade intrínseca 54,07% (n = 113) dos residentes, sendo o domínio mais alterado a locomoção (82,78%). Eram totalmente dependentes para as atividades básicas de vida diária 43,54% dos idosos, e 42,58% eram frágeis. Após 30 meses de acompanhamento, 33,49% (n = 70) dos idosos evoluíram para óbito. Na análise da sobrevida para óbito, houve associação estatisticamente significativa do evento com alteração em quatro ou mais domínios da capacidade intrínseca (p = 0,044). Conclusão: a alteração de quatro ou mais domínios da capacidade intrínseca está associada com óbito em residentes de ILPI. (AU)

Objective: To analyze the impact of intrinsic capacity on 30-month mortality among older adults living in long-term care facilities (LTCFs). Methods: Prospective cohort study with survival analysis conducted from July 2020 to December 2022 among older adults living in Brazilian LTCFs. At baseline (T0), 209 older residents were evaluated for demographic profile, clinical data (diagnosed diseases and current medications), intrinsic capacity according to ICOPE (cognitive capacity, psychological capacity, hearing capacity, visual capacity, vitality, and locomotor capacity domains), functional capacity (Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living), and frailty (FRAIL scale). At 30 months, mortality in the sample was assessed. Results: At T0, the mean age of residents was 82 (SD, 11.21) years; 65.07% were female, 94.26% were white, and 88.04% had multimorbidity. Overall, 54.07% (n = 113) of residents exhibited changes in four or more domains of intrinsic capacity, with locomotor capacity being the most commonly impaired domain (82.78%); 43.54% were completely dependent for basic activities of daily living, and 42.58% were frail. At 30-month follow-up, 33.49% (n = 70) of residents had died. Survival analysis revealed a statistically significant association between death and impairment in four or more domains of intrinsic capacity (p = 0.044). Conclusion: Impairment in four or more domains of intrinsic capacity is associated with death in LTCF residents. (AU)

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Mortalidade , Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos/estatística & dados numéricos , Envelhecimento
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558168


Aging is a gradual and adaptive process that entails a series of changes, leading to reduced functional and physiological capacity. Each elderly person presents heterogeneous health conditions that must be considered by the interdisciplinary team responsible for their functional maintenance and overall health. This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on elderly individuals with deficient removable dental prostheses, treated at the dental prosthetic rehabilitation centre of Hospital Del Salvador, in Santiago de Chile between the years 2021 and 2023. Instruments and indices were used to record and measure muscular conditions, such as the hand grip strength measurements, the Timed Up and Go test, and the calf circumference measurement. Information on educational levels, geriatric syndromes, chronic diseases, and medication consumption was collected. Of the participants, 58.9 % were female, and 41.1 % were male, with a mean age of 84.2 years for males and 80.4 years for females. 20.8 % had access to higher education, and 22.6 % lived alone. 78.5 % had lost all posterior support zones. 81.5 % had visual impairments; 36.3 % had auditory impairments, and 31.5 % had experienced one or more falls in the last 6 months. The mean sum of medications consumed per person was 4.32. The most prevalent morbidities were arterial hypertension (66.4 %) and type II diabetes (32.7 %). Means values for male/ female were: Hand Grip Strength 27.84 Kg/17.99 kg, Timed Up and Go 14.3 sec/14.9sec, BMI 27.16/ 26.44, and calf circumference 35.5 cm /35.2cm, values were within the normal range of values. The data collected is important to consider when treatment planning and implementing actions aimed at maintaining oral and general functionality. These aspects should be addressed from a multidimensional perspective, including risk factors, in both the diagnosis and dental treatments.

Envejecer es un proceso gradual y adaptativo que conlleva cambios, que reducen la capacidad funcional y fisiológica. Cada persona mayor presenta condiciones de salud heterogéneas que deben ser consideradas por el equipo interdisciplinario a cargo de su mantención funcional y estado de salud. Estudio descriptivo, corte transversal, en personas mayores portadoras de prótesis dentales removibles deficientes, del servicio dental de rehabilitación protésica del Hospital Del Salvador de Santiago de Chile, entre los años 2021-2023. Se emplearon instrumentos e índices para realizar registro y medición de condiciones musculares como fuerza de presión manual, prueba Timed Up and Go y medición del perímetro de pantorrilla. Se recolectó información asociada a nivel de escolaridad, síndromes geriátricos, enfermedades crónicas y cantidad de fármacos que consumen. Un 58,9 % eran mujeres, la edad media de hombres fue de 84,2 años y la de mujeres fue de 80,4 años. Un 20,8 % tuvo acceso a educación superior. El 22,6 % vive solo. Un 78,5 % ha perdido todas las zonas de soporte dentario posterior. Un 81.5 % tiene alteraciones visuales; un 36.3 % alteraciones auditivas; un 31.5 % ha tenido 1 o más caídas en los últimos 6 meses. La media de fármacos fue de 4.32 por persona. Las morbilidades más prevalentes fueron hipertensión arterial (66.4 %) y diabetes tipo II (32,7 %). Los valores promedios encontrados para hombres/mujeres en fuerza de prensión manual fueron 27,84 Kg/17,99 kg, Timed Up and Go fueron 14,3 sec / 14,9 sec, IMC 27,16/ 26,44 y perímetro de pantorrilla 35,5 cm / 35,2 cm. Todos los datos clasificaron en el rango de normalidad. Las características observadas son importantes a considerar al momento de planificar tratamientos e implementar medidas orientadas a mantener funcionalidad oral y general. Éstas deben ser abordadas desde una mirada multidimensional, incluyendo los factores de riesgo, tanto en el diagnóstico como su tratamiento odontológico.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569875


Introducción: El proceso fisiológico de envejecer conlleva a situaciones de riesgo, así como al deterioro acelerado de la salud, que incluye la fragilidad. Objetivo: Determinar el estado del desempeño profesional del médico de la familia para la atención al adulto mayor frágil. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, la población estuvo constituida por 28 médicos de familia. Se evaluaron 4 dimensiones (cognitiva, asistencial, bioética y científica-investigativa) y 18 indicadores. Se efectuó triangulación metodológica para establecer problemas y potencialidades. En el procesamiento estadístico se realizó el análisis porcentual. Resultados: Hubo poco dominio por los médicos encuestados del criterio de fragilidad, así como de sus síntomas y signos (78,5 %), reflejaron un deficiente enfoque terapéutico en los adultos mayores frágiles (57,5 %). Se constató una baja frecuencia de realización de actividades de promoción de salud (85,7 % de los casos) e insuficiente utilización de los instrumentos necesarios para la evaluación multidimensional de los adultos mayores, empleados solo por el 23,0 % de los facultativos estudiados. Entre las potencialidades se observó buena disposición de los médicos a participar en cursos sobre fragilidad y aplicación correcta de los principios éticos y morales. Conclusiones: Se comprueba un insuficiente desempeño de los médicos de familia en la atención integral de los adultos mayores frágiles.

Introduction: The physiological process of aging leads to risk situations, as well as the accelerated deterioration of health that includes frailty. Objective: To determine the state of the professional performance of the family doctor for the care of the frail elderly. Method: An observational descriptive study was carried out, the population consisted of 28 family doctors. Four dimensions (cognitive, care, bioethics and scientific-investigative) and 18 indicators were evaluated. Methodological triangulation was carried out to establish problems and potentialities. In the statistical processing, the percentage analysis was performed. Results: There was little mastery of the respondents of the frailty criteria, knowledge of the symptoms and signs (78.5%), as well as a deficient therapeutic approach in frail older adults (57.5%). The frequency of carrying out health promotion activities (85.7% of the cases) and the use of instruments for the multidimensional evaluation of the elderly was low, used only by 23,0 %. Among the potentialities, a willingness of doctors to participate in courses on frailty and correct application of ethical and moral principles was observed. Conclusions: An insufficient performance of family doctors in the comprehensive care of frail older adults was determined.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e12939, fev.2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534070


Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between diabetes and cognitive performance in a nationally representative study in Brazil. We also aimed to investigate the interaction between frailty and diabetes on cognitive performance. A cross-sectional analysis of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brazil) baseline data that included adults aged 50 years and older was conducted. Linear regression models were used to study the association between diabetes and cognitive performance. A total of 8,149 participants were included, and a subgroup analysis was performed in 1,768 with hemoglobin A1c data. Diabetes and hemoglobin A1c levels were not associated with cognitive performance. Interaction of hemoglobin A1c levels with frailty status was found on global cognitive z-score (P-value for interaction=0.038). These results suggested an association between higher hemoglobin A1c levels and lower cognitive performance only in non-frail participants. Additionally, undiagnosed diabetes with higher hemoglobin A1c levels was associated with both poor global cognitive (β=-0.36; 95%CI: -0.62; -0.10, P=0.008) and semantic verbal fluency performance (β=-0.47; 95%CI: -0.73; -0.21, P=0.001). In conclusion, higher hemoglobin A1c levels were associated with lower cognitive performance among non-frail participants. Higher hemoglobin A1c levels without a previous diagnosis of diabetes were also related to poor cognitive performance. Future longitudinal analyses of the ELSI-Brazil study will provide further information on the role of frailty in the association of diabetes and glycemic control with cognitive decline.

Hepatología ; 5(1): 75-86, ene 2, 2024. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1532855


Introducción. En las últimas décadas se han desarrollado diferentes scores y modelos para predecir el pronóstico en pacientes con enfermedad hepática crónica avanzada. Los más reconocidos y utilizados son el sistema de estadificación de Child-Pugh (CP) y el score de MELD, pero estos carecen de herramientas para evaluar objetivamente otros factores pronósticos. Por este motivo, se ha incorporado el concepto de fragilidad a la hepatología clínica. El objetivo de este artículo es examinar la aplicabilidad del índice de fragilidad hepática (IFH) en pacientes con cirrosis evaluados para trasplante hepático en Uruguay. Metodología. Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo en el Servicio de Enfermedades Hepáticas del Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas (HCFFAA) de enero de 2018 a diciembre de 2021. Resultados. Se evaluaron un total de 78 pacientes, excluyéndose 19 de estos, culminando con una muestra final de 59 pacientes. La edad media fue de 52 años, siendo el 66 % hombres. La principal etiología de la cirrosis fue la alcohólica, y la comorbilidad más frecuente fue el sobrepeso/obesidad (66 %). La media de IFH fue de 4,03 ± 0,45. El 90 % de los pacientes eran prefrágiles, el 10 % frágiles y ningún paciente fue clasificado como no frágil. El 76 % presentaba un estadio avanzado de la enfermedad al momento de la evaluación 42 % CP estadio B, 34 % CP C, 24 % CP A, con una media de MELD-Na de 17,8 ± 7,6. El 17 % tuvo complicaciones infecciosas. La mortalidad global (n=78) fue del 12 %, y la de los pacientes con IFH calculado fue del 22 %. Conclusiones. El cálculo del IFH es realizable en cirróticos como herramienta objetiva que brinda una mirada integral del paciente. A mayor severidad de la cirrosis, mayor es el IFH. Sin embargo, este índice no parece ser un predictor de la eventual realización del trasplante hepático, ni de muerte en lista de espera en nuestros pacientes.

Introduction. In recent decades, several scores and models have been proposed to predict prognosis in patients with advanced chronic liver disease. The most recognized and used are the Child-Pugh (CP) and the Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) scores, but they lack tools to objectively evaluate other prognostic factors. For this reason, the concept of fragility has been incorporated into clinical hepatology. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the liver frailty index (LFI) in patients with cirrhosis evaluated for liver transplantation in Uruguay. Methodology. Observational, descriptive and retrospective study at the Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas (HCFFAA) Liver Disease Service from January 2018 to December 2021. Results. A total of 78 patients were evaluated, 19 were excluded, culminating in a final sample of 59 patients. The mean age was 52 years, with 66% being men. The main etiology of cirrhosis was alcoholic and the most frequent comorbidity was overweight/obesity (66%). The mean LFI was 4.03 ± 0.45. 90% of patients were pre-fragile, 10% were fragile, and no patient was classified as non-fragile. 76% had an advanced stage of the disease at the time of evaluation: 42% CP stage B, 34% CP C, 24% CP A, with a mean MELD-Na of 17.8 ± 7.6. 17% had infectious complications. Overall mortality (n=78) was 12%, and that of patients with calculated LFI was 22%. Conclusions. The LFI can be calculated in cirrhotic patients, and it is an objective tool that provides a comprehensive view of the patient. LFI depends on the severity of the cirrhosis. However, this index is not a predictor of liver transplantation or death on the waiting list in our patients.

Acta méd. peru ; 41(1): 40-46, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568742


RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar la sensibilidad y especificidad del test G8 en el tamizaje de adultos mayores con cáncer para la realización de la valoración geriátrica integral (VGI). Materiales y métodos: el presente estudio observacional y retrospectivo se realizó en el Servicio de Geriatría del Hospital Almenara de Lima, Perú. Se revisaron los informes de VGI en las historias clínicas electrónicos de adultos mayores (> 60 años) con cáncer, ambulatorios y hospitalizados, durante noviembre de 2022 y julio de 2023. Los pacientes se clasificaron según los criterios SIOG-1 (Sociedad Internacional de Oncología Geriátrica), formando dos grupos: pacientes aptos y pacientes no aptos o unfit (vulnerables + frágiles + muy enfermos). Del test G8 se estimó la sensibilidad, especificidad y valor predictivo positivo, área bajo la curva característica operativa del receptor (AUC). Resultados: ingresaron al estudio 201 pacientes, 91 mujeres (45,3%) y 110 (54,7%) varones, la media de la edad fue de 76,2 ± 7,4 años. Las neoplasias más frecuentes fueron colorrectal, estómago, próstata y vías biliares. La prevalencia de pacientes aptos y no aptos (unfit) fue del 23,4 y 76,6%, respectivamente. Cuando el puntaje de la prueba G8 fue ≤11, la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y AUC fueron 73,4% (intervalo de confianza al 95%: 65,7-80,2%), 91,5% (79,6%-97,6%), 96,6% (91,7-98,6%) y 89% (84-93%), respectivamente. Conclusiones: el test G8 con puntaje ≤11 tendría una alta sensibilidad y especificidad, para identificar adultos con cáncer vulnerables o frágiles, que podrían beneficiarse de la VGI.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate sensitivity and specificity of the G8 test in screening older adults with cancer who may benefit from a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA). Material and methods: This observational retrospective study was carried out in the Geriatrics Service of the Guillermo Almenara Hospital in Lima, Peru. CGA reports were reviewed in the electronic medical records of older adults (> 60 years) with cancer, both outpatients and inpatients, between November 2022 and July 2023. Patients were classified according to the SIOG-1 (International Society of Geriatric Oncology) criteria into two groups: fit and non-fit patients (vulnerable + frail + too sick). Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), were estimated for the G8 test. Results: 201 patients entered the study, 91 women (45.3%) and 110 (54.7%) men; their mean age was 76.2 ± 7.4 years. The most frequent neoplasms were colorectal, stomach, prostate, and bile ducts. The prevalence of eligible and unfit patients was 23.4% and 76.6%, respectively. When the G8 test score was ≤11, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and AUC were 73.4% (95% Confidence Interval: 65.7- 80.2%), 91.5% (79.6%-97.6%), 96.6% (91.7-98.6%), and 89% (84-93%), respectively. Conclusions: The G8 test with a score ≤11 would have high sensitivity and specificity for identifying vulnerable or frail patients with cancer who could benefit from the CGA.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 214-218, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006181


OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of renally inappropriate medication (RIM) on the frailty of elderly patients with diabetes. METHODS The data of elderly patients with diabetes mellitus admitted to a third-grade class A hospital in Yunnan province from January to December 2022 were collected, and Beers criteria (2019 edition) and Chinese version of FRAIL scale were used to evaluate RIM and the frailty of the patients; the patients were divided into the trial group (with RIM) and the control group (without RIM) according to whether there was RIM. The propensity score matching was used to balance confounding factors between two groups, and the influence of RIM on the frailty of elderly diabetic patients was analyzed by the Logistic regression model. RESULTS Among the 367 patients, 80 patients (21.80%) had RIM, the drugs involved RIM were spironolactone (82.56%), rivaroxaban (13.95%) and gabapentin (3.49%). After reaching the balance between groups using the propensity score matching method, the incidence of frailty was 77.94% in trial group and 27.94% in control group (P<0.001); the difference was not statistically significant in other confounding factors between the two groups (P>0.05). Results of Logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of frailty in the experimental group was 3.118 times that of the control group (odds ratio was 3.118,95% confidence interval was 1.758-5.530, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS RIM is a risk factor for the frailty of elderly patients with diabetes, which can be considered as an indicator for early identification and screening of the frailty of elderly diabetes patients.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 28-32,37, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017432


Objective To investigate the frailty status and influencing factors of the elderly stroke pa-tients in community to provide a basis for its prevention and treatment.Methods The convenience sampling was used to select 200 elderly stroke patients as the study subjects in a community hospital in Guangzhou City from October 2020 to January 2022.The general information questionnaire,Chinese version of Tilburg frailty indicator scale,Modified Rankin Index Scale,Barthel index scale,short version of Geriatric Depression Scale and Social Support Rating Scale were used to collect the data.Results The incidence rate of frailty in 200 ca-ses of community elderly stroke was 86.0%.The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the degree of disability,ability of daily living,depression and social support were the influencing factors of frailty of the elderly stroke patients in community(F=71.813,P<0.001).Conclusion The incidence rate of frailty is higher in community elderly stroke patients,the higher the degree of disability,the lower the ability of daily living,the higher the level of depression and the lower the level of social support,the higher the frailty level of community elderly stroke patients.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018946


Objective:To establish a 14-day prognosis model for emergency patients with acute ischemic cerebral stroke and evaluate its predictive efficacy.Methods:A prospective cohort study was conducted. Patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to the emergency department of Beijing Bo’ai Hospital within 72 hours of onset from October 2018 to December 2020 were enrolled. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to screen the risk factors of poor prognosis. The ROC curve was drawn to determine the cut-off value of continuous variables and discretise data with reference to clinical practice. The corresponding scores were set up according to the β regression coefficient of each variable, and the clinical scale prediction model of short-term prognosis of acute cerebral infarction was established. Patients with ischemic stroke in the hospital from January to December 2021 were selected as the internal validation, to verify the constructed predictive model.Results:A total of 321 patients were included in the study, including 223 in the training set and 98 in the internal validation set. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age, hypersensitive C-reactive protein, prealbumin (PA), infarct volume, Frailty Screening Questionnaire (FSQ) and National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) were independent risk factors for poor short-term prognosis of acute cerebral infarction. The total score of the clinical prediction scoring system for short-term prognosis of acute cerebral infarction in the emergency department was 15 points, including age ≥74 years (1 point), PA ≤373 mg/L (2 points), large artery atherosclerosis (1 point), cardiogenic embolism (2 points), infarct volume ≥ 2.18 cm 3 (2 points), FSQ ≥3 points (1 point), NIHSS ≥4 points (6 points); The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of the scoring system for predicting short-term poor prognosis of acute cerebral infarction was 0.927 (95% CI: 0.894-0.960). The optimal cut-off value was ≥5 points, and the sensitivity and specificity were 0.770 and 0.976, respectively. In the internal validation set, the scoring system had similar predictive value for poor outcomes (AUC=0.892, 95% CI:0.827-0.957). Conclusion:The scoring system for short-term prognosis prediction of acute ischemic cerebral infarction has good diagnostic efficacy, and could guide clinicians to judge the prognosis of emergency patients in the early stage.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020428


Objective:To analyze the influencing factors of postoperative frailty in elderly patients with gastrointestinal tumors, establish a nomogram model for predicting postoperative frailty and evaluate its efficacy, so as to provide reference basis for formulating perioperative frailty management plans for elderly gastrointestinal tumor patients in the later stage.Methods:Convenience sampling method was used to select 376 elderly patients with gastrointestinal tumors who underwent surgical treatment in the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from December 2021 to August 2022 as the study objects. On the 5th day after surgery according to Tilburg Frailty Indicator, the patients were diagnosed whether they developed postoperative frailty and were divided into postoperative frailty group and postoperative non-frailty group. General data, laboratory indicators and clinical data of patients were collected. Univariate analysis and multivariate Logistic regression analysis were used to screen the independent influencing factors of postoperative frailty in elderly patients with gastrointestinal tumors. R software was used to establish a nomogram prediction model and conduct internal validation to evaluate the differentiation, calibration and clinical applicability of the model.Results:A total of 265 males and 111 females included aged (70.04 ± 5.89) years old, with 222 (59.0%) patients experienced postoperative frailty in this study. Multivariate analysis showed that low Barthel Index score ( OR=0.941, 95% CI 0.903-0.980), low hemoglobin ( OR=0.976, 95% CI 0.963-0.989), high Charison Comorbid Index score ( OR=1.457, 95% CI 1.128-1.882), preoperative frailty ( OR=4.369, 95% CI 1.486-12.841), and pathological stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ ( OR=2.053, 95% CI 1.253-3.364) were independent influencing factors for postoperative frailty of elderly gastrointestinal tumors (all P<0.05). The AUC before and after internal validation of the nomogram model was 0.811 (95% CI 0.768-0.854) and 0.803 (95% CI 0.762-0.856) respectively. The results of Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed good goodness of fit ( χ2=4.09, P>0.05). Decision curve analysis showed that the model had certain clinical applicability. Conclusions:Based on the risk factors of postoperative frailty in elderly patients with gastrointestinal tumors, the nomogram prediction model was established, which has good differentiation, consistency and clinical applicability, and can provide reference for clinical staff to make perioperative frailty management plan.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020581


Objective:To analyze the correlation between frailty and health literacy in elderly patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency.Methods:The convenience sampling method was used to select 290 elderly patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency who were hospitalized in the Department of Geriatrics and Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of a tertiary first-class hospital in Wuhu City from Mar 2022 to Jun 2022.The patients were investigated with the general information questionnaire,FRAIL scale,Health Literacy Management Scale,etc.Spearman analysis was used to analyze the correlation between frailty and health literacy.Binary logistic regression were used to analyze the risk factors of frailty in elderly patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency.Results:The incidence of frailty in elderly patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency was 22.8% .Spearman analysis showed that the total score of health literacy was negatively correlated with frailty(r=-0.291,P= 0.000).Results of binary logistic regression analysis showed that health literacy score(OR=0.419,95% CI:0.266-0.908),long-term insomnia(OR=6.466,95% CI:2.099-19.914),nutritional risk(OR=11.202,95% CI:3.983-31.508),depression risk(OR=10.014,95% CI:1.963-51.075),chronic disease types≥5(OR=12.784,95% CI:3.811-42.878),exercise self-efficacy(OR=0.512,95% CI:0.304-0.956),and chronic disease information acquisition ability(OR=0.512,95% CI:0.304-0.956)were independent predictors of frailty in elderly patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency(P<0.05).Conclusions:The incidence of frailty in elderly patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency is high,and clinical staff should pay more attention to the elderly with frailty,especially patients with long-term insomnia,risk of nutrition and depression,coexistence of chronic diseases,low level of health literacy and exercise self-efficacy.Targeted measures should be actively taken to improve the quality of life of patients and reduce the readmission rate.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020582


Objective:To investigate the relationship between health promoting behavior and frailty in elderly patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR),and the mediating effects of self-efficacy and loneliness.Methods:In an eye hospital of Anhui Province,214 elderly patients with PDR were selected from May 2021 to Nov 2022 by convenient sampling method.The Frailty Scale,Chinese Version of Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-Ⅱ,Self-Efficacy Scale and Simplified Loneliness Scale were used in this survey.Bootstrap method of Process software was used to analyze the mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between health promoting behaviors and frailty in elderly PDR patients and the moderating effect of loneliness on the relationship between self-efficacy and frailty.Results:A total of 220 questionnaires were distributed and 214 valid questionnaires were returned,with valid response rate of 97.27% .Moderated mediation effect analysis suggested that health-promoting behaviors negatively predicted frailty(β=-0.508,P<0.01).Health promoting behaviors and self-efficacy had significant predictive effects on frailty(β=-0.191 and-0.433,P<0.01),and health promoting behaviors also had a significant predictive effect on self-efficacy(β=0.063,P<0.01).Self-efficacy played a partially mediating role between health promoting behaviors and frailty,and the mediating effect accounted for 14.76% of the total effect.The product term of loneliness and self-efficacy significantly predicted frailty(β=0.255,P<0.01),the mediating effect of self-efficacy on frailty was moderated by loneliness.Conclusions:The health-promoting behaviors of elderly patients with PDR affect frailty through self-efficacy,and loneliness moderates the relationship between self-efficacy and frailty.The moderated mediation model is established.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020752


Objective To analyze the frailty of patients with long-term maintenance dialysis(MD)and its influencing factors,and to explore the correlation of different dialysis modalities with the re-infection of novel coronavirus infection(COVID-19)and frailty syndrome.Methods Patients with regular dialysis in Nephrology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University from February to June 2023 were selected.A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect clinical data of the patients,including dialysis modality(i.e.maintenance hemodialysis,abbreviated as hemodialysis,and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis,abbreviated as peritoneal dialysis),and whether with re-infection of COVID-19.Patients were divided into 3 groups using Fried's frailty phenotype(FP):non-frailty group,pre-or-intermediate frailty group,and frailty syndrome group.The clinical characteristics of the FP were compared among the three groups.The correlation of frailty with clinical data,dialysis modality,re-infection of COVID-19 in each group was compared.Multifactorial logistic regression was used to analyze the factors influencing the development of frailty syndrome in patients.Results A total of 246 dialysis patients were included in this study,with 77(31.3%)in the non-frailty group,83(33.7%)in the pre-frailty group and 86(35.0%)in the frailty syndrome group.The frailty syndrome group showed characteristics of advanced age,high pre-dialysis creatinine level,low serum albumin level and combined pleural effusion(all P<0.05).There was no statistically significant difference in the comparison of frailty between the hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis group(P = 0.960).COVID-19 re-positive patients had higher frailty score than non-re-positive patients.Multifactor logistic regression showed that age,COVID-19 re-infection of COVID-19,serum albumin,pre-dialysis creatinine,and pleural effusion were factors influencing the development of frailty syndrome in dialysis patients(P<0.05).Conclusion There is high incidence of frailty syndrome in dialysis patients,and there is no correlation of frailty with dialysis modality.High serum albumin level is a protective factor for the development of frailty syndrome in patients,whereas re-infection of COVID-19,advanced age,high pre-dialysis blood creatinine level and pleural effusion are risk factors for the development of frailty syndrome.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028238


Since the first operational definition of cognitive frailty was proposed by the expert consensus group of the International Academy of Nutrition and Aging and the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics in 2013, frailty and neurocognitive assessment has become the standard diagnostic tool.Since then, the reported prevalence in the literature for cognitive frailty in community-dwelling elderly people vary by dozens of times, as a result of different scales and diagnostic cut-off points, seriously affecting health decision-making.This article reviewed the current literature with a focus on the re-recognition of the clinical significance of cognitive frailty, the limitations of existing assessment tools for diagnosis, and possible solutions in the future.

Chinese Journal of Geriatrics ; (12): 50-55, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028246


Objective:To analyze the value of the modified 5-factor frailty index in assessing postoperative complications and mortality in elderly hip fracture patients.Methods:In this retrospective study, clinical data were collected of hip fracture patients aged 60 years and above surgically treated at Beijing Luhe Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University between January 2015 and December 2019.Patients' group assignment was based on whether the modified frailty index score was ≤1 or ≥2, and a post-surgery follow-up was conducted for survival at 30 days, 1 year, 2 years, and 4 years, which was analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier method.Multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to identify factors affecting death in elderly patients.Results:A total of 1 208 patients were included, with 890 in the group with the index score ≤1 and 318 in the group with the index score ≥2.There was no difference in mortality at 30 days(1.6% or 14/890 vs.1.9% or 6/318, P=0.707), 1-year(11.3% or 99/874 vs.11.6% or 36/310, P=0.917), 2-years(19.7% or 168/852 vs.24.3% or 73/300, P=0.099)and 4-years(44.0% or 238/541 vs.51.5% or 106/206, P=0.071). The incidence of postoperative complications in the group with the score ≥2 was higher(14.8% or 47/318 vs.9.7% or 86/890, P=0.012), including the incidence of stroke(6.3% or 20/318 vs.1.8% or 16/890, P<0.001)and the incidence of postoperative pneumonia(6.0% or 19/318 vs.3.1% or 28/890, P=0.029), and the differences were statistically significant.Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that age, being female, the Charlson comorbidity index score and low hemoglobin at admission were risk factors for 1-year, 2-year and 4-year mortality post-surgery(all P<0.05), while the modified frailty index score had no correlation with postoperative mortality. Conclusions:A modified frailty index ≥2 is predictive of increased risk of postoperative pneumonia and stroke in patients with hip fractures, but is not correlated with the risk of postoperative mortality.