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Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 163-180, 20240726.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565994


As disfunções temporomandibulares são uma série de alterações que afetam os músculos mastigatórios, a articulação temporomandibular e as estruturas associadas. Sua etiologia é multifatorial e inclui fatores como hábitos parafuncionais desencadeados ou intensificados por condições psicológicas como o estresse emocional. Este artigo tem como objetivo investigar a frequência de sintomas de disfunções temporomandibulares e de hábitos parafuncionais e sua associação com estresse percebido em estudantes de uma universidade pública da cidade de Salvador. Os dados primários foram coletados por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico, do questionário anamnésico de Fonseca, da Lista de Verificação dos Comportamentos Orais e da Escala de estresse Percebido. Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva e a análise estatística realizada por meio do teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e do teste exato de Fisher. Participaram do estudo 149 estudantes de Fisioterapia. A frequência de sintomas de disfunções temporomandibulares foi elevada (83,9%), como também uma maior prática de hábitos parafuncionais (55%). Observou-se associação positiva entre os hábitos parafuncionais e os sintomas temporomandibulares. Um alto nível de estresse foi encontrado em 92,8% dos estudantes com a presença de disfunção e em 71% dos alunos com maior prática de hábitos parafuncionais, sendo ambas as associações estatisticamente significativas. Assim, as frequências de sintomas de disfunções temporomandibulares e de hábitos parafuncionais foram elevadas e estão associadas ao estresse percebido em estudantes universitários. Sugere-se a realização de estudos com amostras mais robustas que busquem estabelecer relações de causalidade entre as variáveis estudadas.

Temporomandibular disorders constitute a series of changes that affect the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint, and their associated structures. Its multifactorial etiology includes factors such as parafunctional habits triggered or intensified by psychological conditions such as emotional stress. The purpose is to investigate the frequency of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and parafunctional habits and their association with perceived stress in students at a public university in the municipality of Salvador. Primary data collected by a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Fonseca anamnestic questionnaire, the Oral Behaviors Checklist, and the Perceived Stress Scale. Data were descriptively analyzed, and a statistical analysis was performed using the Pearson's chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests. Overall, 149 physical therapy students participated in this study. They showed a high frequency of temporomandibular disorder symptoms (83.9%) and more frequent parafunctional habits (55.0%). This study found a positive association between parafunctional habits and temporomandibular symptoms. It also observed a high level of stress in 92.8% of students with the dysfunction and in 71.0% of students with more common practice of parafunctional habits, statistically significant associations. This study found a high frequency of temporomandibular disorder and parafunctional habit symptoms, which are associated with perceived stress in college students. It is suggested to carry out studies with more robust samples that seek to establish causal relationships between the studied variables.

Los trastornos temporomandibulares son una serie de cambios que afectan a los músculos masticatorios, la articulación temporomandibular y estructuras asociadas. Su etiología es multifactorial e incluye factores como hábitos parafuncionales desencadenados o intensificados por condiciones psicológicas como el estrés emocional. el objetivo es determinar la frecuencia de los síntomas de trastornos temporomandibulares y de hábitos parafuncionales y su asociación con el estrés percibido en estudiantes de una universidad pública de la ciudad de Salvador (Brasil). Los datos primarios se recolectaron de un cuestionario sociodemográfico, del cuestionario anamnésico de Fonseca, de la Lista de Comportamientos Orales y de la Escala de Estrés Percibido. Los datos se analizaron de forma descriptiva, y el análisis estadístico se realizó mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado de Pearson y la prueba exacta de Fisher. Participaron en el estudio 149 estudiantes de fisioterapia. La frecuencia de los síntomas de trastornos temporomandibulares fue alta (83,9%), así como una mayor práctica de hábitos parafuncionales (55,0%). Se observó una asociación positiva entre hábitos parafuncionales y síntomas temporomandibulares. Se encontró un alto nivel de estrés en el 92,8% de los estudiantes con presencia de disfunción y en el 71,0% de los estudiantes con mayor práctica de hábitos parafuncionales, y ambas asociaciones fueron estadísticamente significativas. La frecuencia de los síntomas de trastornos temporomandibulares y de los hábitos parafuncionales fue alta, y estuvo asociada con el estrés percibido en estudiantes universitarios. Se sugiere realizar estudios con muestras más robustas para establecer relaciones causales entre las variables estudiadas.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(2)May-Aug. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559128


Introducción: la yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) constituye un recurso alimentario autóctono, formando parte de la tradición y cultura alimentaria del Paraguay. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios locales sobre los hábitos de consumo y preferencias por los paraguayos. Objetivo: describir los hábitos de consumo de la yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) en el Departamento Central en el 2022. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, transversal, con datos primarios, realizado en el Departamento Central de Paraguay. Muestreo no probabilístico en racimos. Instrumento de elaboración propia, diseñado como encuesta digital en la plataforma Google Form® (EE.UU.). Las variables fueron agrupadas en datos demográficos, relacionados al consumo de mate, tereré y cocido, procesados en Microsoft Excel® (EE.UU.) y EPI INFO® 7.0 (EE.UU.). Resultados: participaron 207 personas, la mayoría contaban entre 18 a 40 años, sexo femenino (83,22 %, 119), solteros, universitarios. El consumo más frecuente fue mate+ tereré+ cocido (43,96 %, 91) y tereré + cocido (14,01 %, 29). Todos los encuestados percibían más de dos salarios mínimos, y eran trabajadores de tiempo completo. El 81,64 % (169) consumían tereré, 69,08 % (143) mate, 80,23 % (138) cocido. El tipo de yerba más consumido fue la "compuesta con hierbas medicinales", con un promedio de 1,5 Litros diarios. Conclusión: las formas más consumidas son tereré, cocido y mate, el tipo de yerba es la compuesta con el agregado de hierbas medicinales. Se sugieren realizar estudios poblacionales más amplios sobre el consumo de bebidas a base de yerba mate en Paraguay, así como ampliar estudios sobre las posibles interacciones e inocuidad entre la yerba mate con hierbas medicinales.

Introduction: yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) constitutes a native food resource, forming part of the food tradition and culture of Paraguay. However, there are few local studies on the consumption habits and preferences of Paraguayans. Objective: to describe the consumption habits of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) in the Departamento Central in 2022. Methodology: descriptive, cross-sectional study, with primary data, carried out in the Departamento Central of Paraguay. Non-probability cluster sampling. Self-developed instrument, designed as a digital survey on the Google Form® platform (USA). The variables were grouped into demographic data, related to the consumption of mate, tereré and cocido, processed in Microsoft Excel® (USA) and EPI INFO® 7.0 (USA). Results: people participated was 207, the majority were between 18 and 40 years old, female (83.22 %, 119), single, university students. The most frequent consumption was mate + tereré + cooked (43.96 %, 91) and tereré + cooked (14.01 %, 29). All respondents received more than two minimum wages, and were full-time workers. 81.64 % (169) consumed tereré, 69.08 % (143) consumed mate, 80.23 % (138) cooked. The most consumed type of herb was "composed with medicinal herbs", with an average of 1.5 Liters per day. Conclusion: the most consumed forms are tereré, cooked and mate, the type of yerba is the one composed with the addition of medicinal herbs. It is suggested to carry out larger population studies on the consumption of yerba mate-based drinks in Paraguay, as well as expand studies on the possible interactions and safety between yerba mate and medicinal herbs.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(supl.1): S82-S87, Mar.-Apr. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558338


Abstract Objective To investigate the relationship between the biopsychosocial environment and eating habits and behaviors that lead to the selection and consumption of certain food from the earliest stages of life. To clarify whether there is an interaction between genetic and epigenetic factors, and how they shape eating habits. Data source A narrative review based on research in PubMed and Web of Science electronic databases was carried out over the last 10 years, searching the title and summary fields using the keywords Children OR adolescents Feeding Behavior eating OR Dietary Habits OR Eating Behavior OR Eating Habits OR Children obesity. Data synthesis The generational transmission of eating habits is related to the home, community, and school environments, mainly during the first years of life, and can exert the modulation of habits during all stages of life. During childhood, the family's role in consolidating eating habits is very broad and ranges from choosing foods to prioritizing family meals, including the lifestyle. Conclusions Eating habits are transmitted from parents to children in different ways: environmental, emotional, social, and educational. In cases of obesity, a greater association of genetic influence can be observed.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 308-320, abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560614


Los estilos de vida adoptados por las personas pueden influir en la automedicación, al afectar sus decisiones sobre el uso de fármacos sin supervisión médica. Objetivo: Indagar en los factores asociados y estilos de vida que influyen en la automedicación en estudiantes de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de tipo cuantitativo, analítico correlacional y transversal. Se aplicó el cuestionario "Automedicación", desarrollado por Espilco y Félix en 2020, a 100 estudiantes, el cual consta de 16 ítems distribuidos en las categorías "Factores" (9 ítems) y "Automedicación" (7 ítems), y ha sido validado con un Alfa de Cbronbach de 0.750. Además, se utilizó un Alfa de Bronbach de 0.943 para evaluar los "Estilos de Vida", que abarcan las siguientes dimensiones: actividad física, salud con responsabilidad, nutrición saludable, gestión de tensiones y relaciones interpersonales. Resultados: Se identificó como factores asociados a la automedicación a: demográficos-culturales, donde el estado civil es el más significativo con una (p=0.0205); sociales, siendo significativo el lugar de accesibilidad del medicamento con una (p=0.0001) y la información del medicamento con una (p=0.0014) y finalmente económicos donde tiene más significancia el ingreso mensual del estudiante con una (p=0.0001). Además, se halló una prevalencia de automedicación del 82%, asimismo el tipo de estilo de vida no saludable (86%) y no hubo relación significativa con la automedicación (p=0.8119). Conclusión: Los factores asociados a la automedicación abarcan aspectos demográficos-culturales, sociales y económicos. Se ha observado una alta prevalencia de automedicación, alcanzando un 82%. No se halló una relación significativa entre el nivel de estilo de vida y la práctica de automedicación en este contexto particular.

The lifestyles adopted by people can influence self-medication, by affecting their decisions about the use of drugs without medical upervisión. Objective: To investigate the associated factors and lifestyles that influence self-medication in Human Medicine students of the National University of Cajamarca. Materials and Methods: Quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional analytical study. The questionnaire "Self-medication", developed by Espilco and Félix in 2020, was applied to 100 students, which consists of 16 items distributed in the categories "Factors" (9 items) and "Self-medication" (7 items), and has been validated with a Cbronbach's Alpha of 0.750. In addition, a Bronbach's Alpha of 0.943 was used to evaluate "Lifestyles", which cover the following dimensions: physical activity, health with responsibility, healthy nutrition, stress management and interpersonal relationships. Results: The following were identified as factors associated with self-medication: demographic-cultural, where marital status is the most significant with one (p=0.0205); social, being significant the place of accessibility of the medication with one (p=0.0001) and medication information with one (p=0.0014) and finally economic where the student's monthly income with one has more significance (p=0.0001). In addition, a prevalence of self-medication of 82% was found, as well as the type of unhealthy lifestyle (86%) and there was no significant relationship with self-medication (p=0.8119). Conclusion: The factors associated with self-medication cover demographic-cultural, social and economic aspects. A high prevalence of self-medication has been observed, reaching 82%. No significant relationship was found between lifestyle level and self-medication practice in this particular context.

Os estilos de vida adotados pelas pessoas podem influenciar a automedicação, afetando suas decisões sobre o uso de medicamentos sem supervisão médica. Objetivo: investigar os fatores associados e estilos de vida que influenciam a automedicação em estudantes de Medicina Humana da Universidade Nacional de Cajamarca. Materiais e Métodos: estudo de tipo quantitativo, analítico correlacional e transversal. O questionário "automedicação", desenvolvido por Espilco e Felix em 2020, foi aplicado a 100 estudantes, composto por 16 itens distribuídos nas categorias "fatores" (9 itens) e "automedicação" (7 itens), e foi validado com um Alfa de Cbronbach de 0,750. Além disso, um Alfa de Bronbach de 0, 943 foi usado para avaliar "Estilos de vida", abrangendo as seguintes dimensões: atividade física, saúde com responsabilidade, nutrição saudável, gerenciamento de tensões e relações interpessoais. Resultados: identificou-se como fatores associados à automedicação a: demográficos-culturais, onde o estado civil é o mais significativo com uma (p=0,0205); sociais, sendo significativo o local de acessibilidade do medicamento com uma (p=0,0001) e a informação do medicamento com uma (p=0,0014) e finalmente econômicos onde tem mais significância a renda mensal do estudante com uma (p=0,0001). Além disso, foi encontrada uma prevalência de automedicação de 82%, assim como o tipo de estilo de vida não saudável (86%) e não houve relação significativa com a automedicação (p=0,8119). Conclusão: os fatores associados à automedicação abrangem aspectos demográficos-culturais, sociais e econômicos. Foi observada uma alta prevalência de automedicação, atingindo 82%. Não foi encontrada relação significativa entre o nível de estilo de vida e a prática de automedicação neste contexto particular.

Estilo de Vida Saudável
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; Arch. latinoam. nutr;74(1): 51-57, mar. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1555095


Introduction: The confinement due to COVID-19 significantly affected people's food consumption, especially university students who had to adapt to virtual education. Objective: To determine the perception and food consumption frequency due to the COVID-19 pandemic among Peruvian students from a private university in Trujillo City, Peru. Materials and method: The research design was non-experimental, descriptive, and cross- sectional. The non-probabilistic sample consisted of 169 students and the instrument used was a virtual survey (Cronbach's alpha = 0.846). Results: It is shown that there is a higher frequency of young people (n = 116) and adolescents (n = 45) who participated in the study, and that the average age was 22.15 ± 3.77 years. Likewise, the Frequency of Consumption dimension, it showed a higher frequency in the "Sometimes" scale, where it is related to whether it exceeded the number of meals per day (34.9%), eating out of control (38.5%), desires to eat unhealthy food (32.0%) and whether it influenced eating (30.8%). Similarly, it was shown that the majority of respondents consumed fruits (68.6%) and vegetables (58.0%) and considered water consumption essential (98.3%). On the other hand, there was a higher frequency regarding the consumption of ultra-processed foods (n = 95, 56.2%). Conclusion: The population of a private university made up mostly of young people and adolescents perceives that there was a change in their diet during the COVID-19 pandemic(AU)

Introducción: El confinamiento por COVID-19 afectó notablemente el consumo de alimentos de las personas, sobre todo de los universitarios quienes tuvieron que adaptarse a una educación virtual. Objetivo: Determinar la percepción y la frecuencia del consumo de alimentos a causa de la pandemia por COVID-19 en estudiantes de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Trujillo (Perú). Materiales y métodos: El diseño de la investigación fue no experimental de tipo descriptivo, y de corte transversal. La muestra no probabilística estuvo conformada por 169 estudiantes y el instrumento utilizado fue una encuesta virtual (Alfa de Cronbach = 0,846). Resultados: Se muestra que hay una mayor frecuencia de jóvenes (n = 116) y adolescentes (n = 45) que participaron en el estudio, y que la edad promedio fue de 22,15 ± 3,77 años. Así mismo, en la dimensión Frecuencia de Consumo, tuvo una mayor frecuencia en la escala "A veces", donde se relaciona a si excedió el número de comidas al día (34,9%), comer fuera de control (38,5%), deseos de comer comida poco saludable (32,0%) y si influenció en la alimentación (30,8%). De la misma manera, se mostró que la mayoría de encuestados consumió frutas (68,6%) y verduras (58,0) y consideró imprescindible el consumo de agua (98,3%), por otro lado, hubo una mayor frecuencia respecto al consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados (n = 95, 56,2%). Conclusiones: La población de una universidad privada conformada mayoritariamente por jóvenes y adolescentes percibe que si hubo un cambio en su alimentación durante la pandemia del COVID-19(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Qualidade de Vida , Estudantes , Nutrientes , Ingestão de Alimentos , Comportamento Alimentar , COVID-19 , Universidades , Verduras , Quarentena , Frutas , Alimento Processado
Ciudad de México; s.n; 20240216. 126 p.
Tese em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1537448


Introducción. A nivel mundial, la obesidad es considerada como un problema de salud pública debido a que afecta a la población de todas las edades, incluso al mismo personal que trabaja en instituciones de salud, situación que repercute en su ámbito personal, familiar, pero sobre todo laboral, causando en el trabajador dificultad para realizar algunos procedimientos, ausentismo laboral, discapacidad parcial o total y/o necesidad de cuidado, entre otros.  Objetivo.  Evaluar el efecto de una intervención de autocuidado en hábitos de vida saludable con relación a la obesidad en personal de salud de una institución de tercer nivel.  Metodología. Estudio cuasi experimental, muestra 30 trabajadores con sobrepeso o algún grado de obesidad de una institución de salud de tercer nivel. Se impartieron 10 temas con relación a la obesidad, para cambiar hábitos deficientes por hábitos saludables, además de 10 sesiones de actividad física.    Resultados. Al final de la intervención, dos personas bajaron el nivel de su índice de masa corporal, una persona con obesidad grado III y una de grado II bajaron a peso normal. En cuanto a las medidas antropométricas posterior a la intervención, hubo reducción en cada uno de los parámetros, referente a la evaluación del cuestionario hábitos de vida saludable, relacionados con la obesidad posterior a la intervención, se encontraron cambios positivos en cada una de las dimensiones. Sin embargo, tanto en la reducción de IMC, así como en las dimensiones del cuestionario, la diferencia encontrada, no fue estadísticamente significativa.  Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que una intervención educativa en hábitos de vida saludable vinculados con la obesidad en personal de salud, son eficaces para contribuir al autocuidado de los trabajadores en el ámbito laboral

Introduction. Worldwide, obesity is considered a public health problem because it affects the population of all ages, including the same personnel who work in health institutions, a situation that has repercussions in their personal and family environment, but above all at work, causing the worker difficulty in performing some procedures, absenteeism, partial or total disability and/or need for care, among others. Objective. To evaluate the effect of a self-care intervention on healthy life habits in relation to obesity in health personnel of a third level institution. Methodology. Quasi-experimental study, sample of 30 workers with overweight or some degree of obesity in a tertiary health institution. Ten topics related to obesity were taught in order to change deficient habits for healthy habits, in addition to 10 sessions of physical activity. Results. At the end of the intervention, two people lowered their body mass index level, one person with grade III obesity and one with grade II obesity lowered to normal weight. Regarding the anthropometric measures after the intervention, there was a reduction in each one of the parameters, regarding the evaluation of the healthy life habits questionnaire, related to obesity after the intervention, positive changes were found in each one of the dimensions. However, both in the reduction of BMI and in the dimensions of the questionnaire, the difference found was not statistically significant. Conclusions. The results suggest that an educational intervention on healthy lifestyle habits related to obesity in health personnel is effective in contributing to the self-care of workers in the workplace

Introdução. A nível mundial, a obesidade é considerada um problema de saúde pública porque afecta a população de todas as idades, incluindo o próprio pessoal que trabalha nas instituições de saúde, situação que tem repercussões no seu ambiente pessoal e familiar, mas sobretudo no trabalho, causando ao trabalhador dificuldade na realização de alguns procedimentos, absentismo, incapacidade parcial ou total e/ou necessidade de cuidados, entre outros. Objectivos. Avaliar o efeito de uma intervenção de autocuidado sobre hábitos de vida saudáveis em relação à obesidade em profissionais de saúde de uma instituição de cuidados terciários. Metodologia. Estudo quase-experimental, amostra de 30 trabalhadores com excesso de peso ou algum grau de obesidade numa instituição de saúde terciária. Foram ensinados dez temas relacionados com a obesidade, com o objetivo de mudar hábitos deficientes por hábitos saudáveis, além de 10 sessões de atividade física. Resultados. No final da intervenção, duas pessoas baixaram o índice de massa corporal, uma pessoa com obesidade de grau III e uma com obesidade de grau II passaram para o peso normal. Relativamente às medidas antropométricas após a intervenção, verificou-se uma redução em cada um dos parâmetros, e relativamente à avaliação do questionário de hábitos de vida saudáveis relacionados com a obesidade após a intervenção, verificaram-se alterações positivas em cada uma das dimensões. No entanto, tanto na redução do IMC como nas dimensões do questionário, a diferença encontrada não foi estatisticamente significativa. Conclusões. Os resultados sugerem que uma intervenção educativa sobre hábitos de vida saudáveis ligados à obesidade no pessoal de saúde é eficaz para contribuir para o autocuidado dos trabalhadores no local de trabalho

Humanos , Autocuidado/efeitos adversos
Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 461-464, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016750


Abstract@#In order to promote the high quality development of school meals, the article systematically analyzes the Policy Report on Promoting Healthy Meals in Schools issued by World Health Organization (WHO), introduces ways of changing the physical environment of meals and adjusting the provision of dietary information, clarifies the five steps of basic research-goals setting-action plans-implementation-impact evaluation, and points out that the development of school meals in China is facing the realistic difficulties such as unreasonable school nutrition structure, unbalanced nutrition supply, low nutritional awareness of students and serious double malnutrition burden. The paper puts forward the enlightenment of reasonable use of nudge to help students develop scientific eating habits, strengthen school health education, and reduce students double burden of malnutrition.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 483-487, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016755


Objective@#To describe the prevalence and association of dietary rhythm and depressive symptoms among adolescents, so as to provide a basis for improving unhealthy behavioral habits,and to promote adolescent physical and mental health.@*Methods@#From October to December 2021, a total of 22 868 students were selected from one middle school and high school in urban and rural areas of eight cities, namely, Shenyang, Xuzhou, Shenzhen, Taiyuan, Nanchang, Zhengzhou, Chongqing, and Kunming cities, China, using a combination of purposive sampling and stratified cluster random sampling. A self administered questionnaire was used to assess adolescents dietary rhythm, and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) was used to assess depressive symptoms. Binary Logistic regression model was employed to analyze the associations between adolescent dietary rhythm and depressive symptoms, while the associations between adolescent dietary rhythm and depressive symptoms across gender and physical activity levels were stratified by gender and physical activity levels.@*Results@#The detection rate of depressive symptoms in adolescents was 44.4%. The respective differences in the detection rates of depressive symptoms among adolescents of different genders, physical activity levels, and dietary rhythm disorders were statistically significant ( χ 2=157.51, 105.02, 3 282.50, P <0.01). Taking the low disordered dietary rhythm group as the reference, binary Logistic regression analyses showed that after adjusting for confounding factors such as age, gender,family location, family economic situation, whether only child, parental education level, and learning burden, physical activity levels, depressive symptoms were positively correlated with adolescents in the moderate disordered dietary rhythm group ( OR=2.63, 95%CI =2.45-2.83) and the high disordered dietary rhythm group ( OR=6.38, 95%CI = 5.93- 6.86). In addition, after stratifying by gender, dietary rhythm were positively correlated with depressive symptoms. The moderate disordered group (male: OR=2.62, 95%CI =2.37-2.89, female: OR=2.67, 95%CI =2.40-2.97) and the highly disordered group (male: OR=5.74, 95%CI =5.19-6.35, female: OR=7.11, 95%CI =6.40-7.89) were positively correlated with depressive symptoms. After stratification by physical activity levels, low, moderate and above physical activity levels among adolescents in the disordered dietary rhythm group (low physical activity: OR=2.91, 95%CI =2.58-3.29, moderate and above physical activity: OR= 2.50, 95%CI =2.28-2.74), high disordered group (low physical activity: OR=6.51, 95%CI =5.94- 7.13 , moderate and higher physical activity: OR=6.18, 95%CI =5.47-6.97) were positively associated with depressive symptoms ( P <0.01). There was an interaction between dietary rhythm and physical activity levels in regard to the development of depressive symptoms in adolescents, taking the group with moderate and above physical activity levels and low disordered dietary rhythm as the reference,the detection rate of which was higher in adolescents with low levels of physical activity and those in the moderate or high disordered dietary rhythm group ( OR=1.50, 3.90, 95%CI=1.39-1.61, 3.63-4.19, P <0.01).@*Conclusions@#Dietary rhythm disorders were found to be positively associated with depressive symptoms in adolescents. Regular dietary behaviors and increased physical activity play an important positive role in promoting adolescent mental health.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022599


Objective:To study influence of diet and exercise management combined health education mode on aged patients with chronic heart failure(CHF).Methods:A total of 124 aged CHF patients treated in our hospital were randomly and equally divided into routine nursing group and combined intervention group(received diet and exercise management combined health education mode intervention based on routine nursing group)according to random number table method.Both groups were intervened for two months.General clinical data,left ventricular end-sys-tolic dimension(LVESd),left ventricular end-diastolic dimension(LVEDd),LVEF,6min walking distance(6MWD)and scores of Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire(MLHFQ)and before and after interven-tion were compared between two groups.Results:Compared with routine nursing group,after intervention,there were significant reductions in LVESd[(44.88±4.90)mm vs.(33.09±3.40)mm],LVEDd[(54.02±5.49)mm vs.(48.80±5.50)mm],scores of emotional[(17.44±4.55)scores vs.(7.89±4.54)scores],physical[(31.69 ±5.73)scores vs.(21.89±6.02)scores]and others[(32.12±4.22)scores vs.(13.00±2.84)scores]of MLH-FQ and total score[(81.25±9.28)scores vs.(42.77±8.05)scores],and significant rise in LVEF[(49.64± 4.81)%vs.(52.32±4.22)%],6MWD[(352.67±28.79)m vs.(449.38±23.82)m],scores of self-care main-tenance[(2.06±0.39)scores vs.(3.26±0.51)scores],self-care management[(6.21±1.07)scores vs.(9.65 ±1.18)scores]and self-care confidence[(1.06±0.26)scores vs.(3.12±0.56)scores]in combined interven-tion group(P=0.001 all).Conclusion:Diet and exercise management combined health education mode can signifi-cantly improve cardiac function,self-management ability and quality of life in aged patients with chronic heart failure.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030605


@#Objective To investigate the dietary patterns of rural residents in the high-incidence areas of esophageal cancer (EC), and to explore the clustering and influencing factors of risk factors associated with high-incidence characteristics. Methods A special structured questionnaire was applied to conduct a face-to-face survey on the dietary patterns of rural residents in Yanting county of Sichuan Province from July to August 2021. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to analyze the influencing factors of risk factor clustering for EC. Results There were 838 valid questionnaires in this study. A total of 90.8% of rural residents used clean water such as tap water. In the past one year, the people who ate fruits and vegetables, soybean products, onions and garlic in high frequency accounted for 69.5%, 32.8% and 74.5%, respectively; the people who ate kimchi, pickled vegetables, sauerkraut, barbecue, hot food and mildew food in low frequency accounted for 59.2%, 79.6%, 68.2%, 90.3%, 80.9% and 90.3%, respectively. The clustering of risk factors for EC was found in 73.3% of residents, and the aggregation of two risk factors was the most common mode (28.2%), among which tumor history and preserved food was the main clustering pattern (4.6%). The logistic regression model revealed that the gender, age, marital status and occupation were independent influencing factors for the risk factors clustering of EC (P<0.05). Conclusion A majority of rural residents in high-incidence areas of EC in Yanting county have good eating habits, but the clustering of some risk factors is still at a high level. Gender, age, marital status, and occupation are influencing factors of the risk factors clustering of EC.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 153-156, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012458


Abstract@#Unhealthy eating behaviors among adolescents are common, and psychological behavior problems are prominent. The paper examines the status and associations underlying unhealthy eating behaviors and psychological behavior problems in adolescents from border multi ethnic areas, and further discusses the importance of research in border area involving multi ethnic adolescents, and highlights its significance in the context of constructing healthy schools in border areas,so as to provide a basis for promoting effectively healthy school environments in border areas of China.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 168-172, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012461


Objective@#To determine the latent class of dietary patterns and their association with depressive symptoms among first grade students from multi ethnic middle schools in Yunnan Province, so as to provide a reference basis for promoting mental health among border middle school students.@*Methods@#A cluster random sampling involving 8 500 first grade middle school students from 11 counties in Yunnan Province was conducted by a questionnaire survey between October to December 2022. The Children s Depression Inventory (CDI) was used to assess the depressive symptoms and the Food Frequency Questionnaire was used to collect eating behavior data. The latent profile analysis model was used to fit the latent class of dietary patterns among students. The association between the dietary pattern latent class and depressive symptoms was analyzed by Logistic regression.@*Results@#The depressive symptom detection rate among firstgrade middle school students was 28.3%. Prevalence of depressive symptom in girls (30.9%) was higher than boys (25.5%) with a statistically significant difference ( χ 2=29.83, P <0.01). The dietary patterns among first grade middle school students were classified into four latent classes, as follows:class 1 (low consumption of all dietary components), class 2 (high consumption of fruit, milk and dairy products), class 3 (high consumption of vegetables and meat, and low consumption of processed foods) and class 4 (low consumption of milk, dairy products and eggs, and high consumption of processed foods). After adjusting for confounding variables, the class 3 dietary pattern was negatively correlated with depressive symptoms ( OR=0.62, 95%CI =0.52-0.74) and the class 4 dietary pattern was positively correlated with depressive symptoms ( OR= 1.28 , 95%CI =1.05-1.57) ( P <0.05), compared with the class 1 dietary pattern.@*Conclusions@#Multi ethnic first grade middle school students in Yunnan Province follow various dietary patterns. Unhealthy dietary patterns increase the risk of depressive symptoms. The dietary patterns of multi ethnic middle school students in Yunnan Province should be adjusted to promote the establishment of healthy dietary patterns and reduce the risk of depression symptoms in middle school students.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 341-345, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013501


Objective@#To explore the effects of community building environment and sports with fitness APP usage and their interactions on teachers exercise habits in the Yangtze River Delta Region, so as to provide a scientific basis for the development of a sports and health promotion intervention program for teachers.@*Methods@#A total of 2 530 in service teachers from four provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Delta region, namely, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui Province, were sampled in May-June 2023 by using convenient cluster random sampling method. Self designed questionnaire was used to collect the basic information of the surveyed teachers, Physical Activity Building Environment Evaluation Questionnaire and the Sports with Fitness APP Usage Questionnaire were used to measure the teachers subjective perception of the community building environment and the usage of sports with fitness APP, respectively. Physical Exercise Habituation Scale was used to assess the level of exercise habits. Logistic regression models were applied to analyze the effects of community building environment and sports with fitness APP usage on physical exercise, and the interaction effects were analyzed by using additive and multiplicative models.@*Results@#Among all the teachers surveyed, 658 of them reported good physical exercise habits (26.0%), and differences in the rate of physical activity habit formation by gender, age, years of teaching, as well as subject of teaching were statistically significant ( χ 2=42.94, 39.73, 35.47, 218.23 , P <0.05). Teachers with physical exercise habits had significantly higher community building environment scores and sports and fitness APP use than teachers without exercise habits ( t =12.17,16.54, P <0.05). Adjusting for the confounders of age, gender, years of teaching experience, and subjects taught, multifactorial unconditional Logistic regression analysis showed that the probability of teachers having good physical exercise habits increased by 22% for every 1-point increase in the community building environment score on average ( OR =1.22, 95% CI =1.11-1.40), and the probability of teachers having good physical exercise habits increased by 16% for every 1-point increase in the sports with fitness APP score on average ( OR = 1.16 , 95% CI =1.03-1.31) ( P <0.05). Interaction analyses showed that there was an additive interaction between the effects of community building environment and sports and fitness APP use on teachers physical exercise habits after adjustment, and the 95% CI for RERI , API and SI were 1.17 -1.65, 0.12-0.46 and 1.78-3.33 ( P <0.05), respectively, and there was no multiplicative interaction ( P >0.05).@*Conclusions@#The community building environment and the usage of sports & fitness APP show impacts in the formation of teachers physical exercise habits in the Yangtze River Delta region, and there is an interaction effect. Enhancing the construction of smart sports centers around the community can provide a high quality external environment for the physical exercise habits formation.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;30: e2022_0407, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449760


ABSTRACT Introduction: In order to face COVID-19, social restriction measures were adopted that influenced the population's living habits, increasing sedentary lifestyle. Considering the high complexity and dedication required by the Medicine course, it becomes relevant to investigate the effect of the pandemic on the practice of physical exercise and sedentary behavior of these students. Objective: Identify changes in physical activity and sedentary behavior self-reported by medical students in the city of Salvador, Bahia, before and during the self-confinement imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Longitudinal, prospective, quantitative study carried out with regularly enrolled medical students over 18 years of age. A virtual, structured, anonymous, self-completed questionnaire was applied, containing sociodemographic and academic aspects. In addition, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was applied in its short version, considering the period before and during the pandemic. Through this, the level of physical activity, sedentary behavior and time spent walking and performing moderate and vigorous activities were measured. Results: 268 medical students were included, predominantly women (65.7%), white (50.0%) and mixed race (38.8%), aged 24.2 ± 5.5 years, single (90.7%), attending the clinical cycle (59.0%), in private institutions (78.4%). No statistically significant differences were identified in the level of physical activity and in the time spent with moderate and vigorous activities. However, there was a reduction in walking time (p<0.00001) and an increase in sedentary behavior (p=0.001) during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the greatest impact among women (p=0.0009). Conclusion: The repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic have been shown to increase the sedentary behavior of medical students, especially among women, and to reduce activity time spent with walking. Longitudinal studies are needed to analyze the medium and long-term consequences of this change in the healthy lifestyle habits of medical students. Level of evidence II; Comparative prospective study.

Resumen Introducción: Frente al COVID-19 se adoptaron medidas de restricción social que influyeron en los hábitos de vida de la población, aumentando el sedentarismo. Considerando la alta complejidad y la dedicación exigida por la carrera de Medicina, se torna relevante investigar el efecto pandémico sobre la práctica de ejercicio físico y la conducta sedentaria de estos estudiantes. Objetivos: Identificar los cambios en la actividad física y en la conducta sedentaria auto-reportados por los estudiantes de Medicina de la ciudad de Salvador, Bahía, Brasil, antes y durante el auto-confinamiento impuesto por la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Estudio longitudinal, prospectivo, cuantitativo, realizado con estudiantes de medicina regularmente matriculados, mayores de 18 años. Foi aplicado um questionário virtual, estruturado, anónimo, autocompletado, contendo aspectos sociodemográficos e académicos. Além disso, foi aplicado o International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), em sua versão curta, considerando o período antes e durante a pandemia. A través de éste, se midió el nivel de actividad física, el comportamiento sedentario y el tiempo dedicado a caminar, así como las actividades moderadas y vigorosas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 268 estudiantes de medicina, predominantemente mujeres (65,7%), blancas (50,0%) y morenas (38,8%), de 24,2 ± 5,5 años de edad, solteras (90,7%), en el ciclo clínico (59,0%), en instituciones privadas (78,4%). No se identificaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el nivel de actividad física y el tiempo dedicado a actividades moderadas y vigorosas. Sin embargo, hubo una reducción en el tiempo de caminata (p<0,00001) y un aumento en la conducta sedentaria (p=0,001) durante la pandemia COVID-19, siendo mayor el impacto entre las mujeres (p=0,0009). Conclusión: Las repercusiones de la pandemia COVID-19 se manifestaron en el aumento de la conducta sedentaria entre los estudiantes de medicina, especialmente entre las mujeres, además de la reducción del tiempo de actividad dedicado a caminar. Son necesarios estudios longitudinales para analizar las consecuencias a medio y largo plazo de este cambio en los hábitos de vida saludables de los estudiantes de medicina. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudio Prospectivo Comparativo.

RESUMO Introdução: Foram adotadas medidas de restrição social para o enfrentamento da COVID-19 que influenciaram nos hábitos de vida da população, aumentando o sedentarismo. Considerando a alta complexidade e a dedicação exigida pelo curso de Medicina, torna-se relevante investigar o efeito da pandemia na prática de exercício físico e conduta sedentária desses estudantes. Objetivos: Identificar alterações na atividade física e na conduta sedentária autorrelatadas por acadêmicos de Medicina na cidade de Salvador, Bahia, antes e durante o autoconfinamento imposto pela pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Estudo longitudinal, prospectivo, quantitativo, realizado com estudantes de Medicina, maiores de 18 anos, regularmente matriculados. Foi aplicado um questionário virtual, estruturado, anônimo, de autopreenchimento, contendo aspectos sociodemográficos e acadêmicos. Além disso, foi aplicado o International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), em sua versão curta, considerando o período antes e durante a pandemia. Através deste, foram mensurados nível de atividade física, conduta sedentária e tempo de realização de caminhada, além de atividades moderadas e vigorosas. Resultados: Foram incluídos 268 estudantes de Medicina, predominantemente mulheres (65,7%), da raça branca (50,0%) e parda (38,8%), com idade de 24,2 ± 5,5 anos, solteiros (90,7%), cursando o ciclo clínico (59,0%), em instituições privadas (78,4%). Não foram identificadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes no nível de atividade física e no tempo despendido com atividades moderadas e vigorosas. Entretanto, houve redução no tempo de caminhada (p<0,00001) e aumento da conduta sedentária (p=0,001) durante a pandemia de COVID-19, sendo o impacto maior entre as mulheres (p=0,0009). Conclusão: Foram demonstradas as repercussões da pandemia de COVID-19 no aumento da conduta sedentária dos estudantes de Medicina, principalmente entre as mulheres, além da redução do tempo de atividade despendido com caminhadas. Estudos longitudinais são necessários para analisar as consequências a médio e longo prazo dessa alteração nos hábitos de vida saudáveis de estudantes de Medicina. Nível de evidência II; Estudo Prospectivo Comparativo.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558589


El cáncer constituye un serio problema de salud para la humanidad, ocupa la primera causa de morbimortalidad a nivel mundial y una de las principales causas de muerte en Cuba. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, con el objetivo de describir la mortalidad por tumores malignos en el municipio Yara, en el período enero-junio de 2022. El universo quedó constituido por 262 fallecidos y la muestra del estudio lo constituyeron los 54 fallecidos con código de causa básica de muerte por tumores malignos en el período de tiempo antes señalado, datos obtenidos a través del registro primario de defunciones del Departamento de estadística del Centro Municipal de Higiene y Epidemiología. Se utilizaron métodos de estadística descriptiva principalmente el porcentaje, se confeccionaron cuadros de distribución de frecuencia, Se determinaron las tasas de mortalidad bruta y por causa. En el período analizado ocurrieron 54 defunciones por tumores malignos, el grupo de edad más afectado fueron los mayores de 75, predominó el sexo masculino, el área de salud "Luis Enrique de la Paz Reina" aportó el mayor número de fallecidos, la zona rural prevaleció sobre la urbana, las localizaciones más frecuentes: próstata, pulmón, colon-recto, el mayor número de las defunciones ocurrieron en el domicilio. En el municipio Yara los tumores malignos ocupan la segunda causa de mortalidad, el mayor número de fallecidos ocurrió en pacientes de la tercera edad, el tumor de próstata fue el más representativo.

Cancer represents a serious health problem for humanity. It occupies the first cause of morbimortality world wide, and one of the main causes of death in Cuba. A descriptive, retrospective study was conducted in the municipality of Yara, in the period January-June 2022.The objective of this research was to describe mortality due to malignant tumors. The universe was constituted by 262 deceased. The sample of the study was constituted by the 54 deceased with code of the basic cause of death by malignant tumors in the aforementioned period. These data were obtained through the primary register of deaths of the Department of Statistics of the Municipal Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology. Descriptive statistical methods were used, mainly percentages. Frequency distribution tables were prepared, and crude mortality rates and mortality rates by cause were determined. During the period analyzed, 54 deaths occurred due to malignant tumors. The most affected age group was those older than 75 years, the male sex predominated. The "Luis Enrique de la Paz Reina" health area contributed the highest number of deaths. The rural area prevailed over the urban area. The most frequent locations were: prostate, lung and colon-rectum. The highest number of deaths occurred at home. In the municipality of Yara, malignant tumors are the second cause of mortality. Moreover, the highest number of deaths occurred in elderly patients, and prostate tumor was the most representative.

O cancro representa um grave problema de saúde para a humanidade. Ocupa a primeira causa de morbimortalidade em todo o mundo, e uma das principais causas de morte em Cuba. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo e retrospetivo no município de Yara, no período de janeiro a junho de 2022, como objetivo de descrever a mortalidade por tumores malignos. O universo foi constituído por 262 falecidos. A amostra do estudo foi constituída pelos 54 falecidos com código da causa básica de morte por tumores malignos no período supracitado. Estes dados foram obtidos através do registo primário de óbitos do Departamento de Estatística do Centro Municipal de Higiene e Epidemiologia. Foram utilizados métodos estatísticos descritivos, principalmente percentuais. Foram elaboradas tabelas de distribuição de freqüência e determinadas as taxas brutas de mortalidade e as taxas de mortalidade por causas. Durante o período analisado, ocorreram 54 mortes por tumores malignos, sendo o grupo etário mais afetado o dos maiores de 75 anos e predominando o sexo masculino. A área de saúde "Luis Enrique de la Paz" foi a que contribuiu com o maior número de mortes. A zona rural prevaleceu sobre a zona urbana. As localizações mais frequentes foram: próstata, pulmão e cólon-reto. O maior número de mortes ocorreu no domicílio. No município de Yara, os tumores malignos são a segunda causa de mortalidade. Alémdisso, o maior número de óbitos ocorreu em pacientes idosos, sendo o tumor de próstata o mais representativo.

Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2022224, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521604


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to evaluate whether the therapeutic use of caffeine for premature newborns is associated with changes in sleep habits and the presence of obstructive sleep apnea in childhood. Methods: This is a cross-sectional single-center study in which the caretakers of 87 children aged 5-10 years, born full-term or preterm, treated or not with caffeine in the neonatal period, answered questionnaires to screen for obstructive sleep apnea (Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening Tool [PosaST]) and to characterize the sleep habits (Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire [CSHQ]) of their children. ANOVA and linear regression tests were performed to verify possible differences between the groups. Results: Children born prematurely who were treated with caffeine woke up significantly later on weekdays than those born at term (09h±00h58 and 07h43±1h15, respectively, p=0.022) and had longer total daily sleep time also compared to those born at term (10h24±1h08 and 09h29±1h08, respectively, p<0.001). There was no significant difference between the three groups in overall PosaST and CSHQ scores. Conclusions: Caffeine use in the neonatal period did not impair sleep habits later in life and did not lead to increased obstructive sleep apnea scores in prematurely born children compared to those born at term.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar se o uso terapêutico de cafeína para recém-nascidos prematuros se associa a alterações nos hábitos de sono e à presença de apneia obstrutiva do sono na infância. Métodos: Este é um estudo unicêntrico transversal no qual os responsáveis por 87 crianças com idades entre cinco e dez anos, nascidas a termo ou pré-termo e tratadas ou não com cafeína no período neonatal responderam a questionários para triagem de apneia obstrutiva do sono (Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening Tool - PosaST) e para a caracterização dos hábitos de sono (Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire - CSHQ) de seus filhos. Foram realizados testes de variância (ANOVA) e de regressão linear para verificar possíveis diferenças entre os grupos. Resultados: As crianças nascidas prematuras que foram tratadas com cafeína acordaram significativamente mais tarde nos dias de semana do que as nascidas a termo (09h±00h58 e 07h43±1h15, respectivamente, p=0,022) e tiveram maior tempo total de sono diário também comparadas às nascidas a termo (10h24±1h08 e 09h29±1h08, respectivamente, p<0,001). Não houve diferença significativa entre os três grupos na pontuação geral dos questionários PosaST e CSHQ. Conclusões: O uso de cafeína no período neonatal não prejudicou tardiamente os hábitos de sono e não levou ao aumento dos escores de apneia obstrutiva do sono de crianças nascidas prematuras quando comparadas com crianças nascidas a termo.

Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 16: e13154, jan.-dez. 2024. ilus, ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1552747


Objective: to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic has interfered with the self-care and lifestyle of university students. Method: exploratory descriptive research carried out with nursing students from four higher education institutions in the state of Paraná. Data were collected using an electronic form available on Google Forms; those of a quantitative nature were subjected to descriptive and inferential analysis, and the answers to open questions analyzed using the Iramuteq Software. Results: 58 nursing students participated in the study, the majority of whom were female (82.76%), with an average age of 22 years, the majority lived with their family. Statistically significant association was observed between Age and "Made friends during remote classes"; Sex and "substance use"; and Year of graduation with eating habits and "Made friends during remote classes". Conclusion: the pandemic especially influenced eating habits, self-care, sleep quality and alcohol and tobacco use among nursing students.

Objetivos:comprender cómo la pandemia de Covid-19 ha interferido en el autocuidado y estilo de vida de los estudiantes universitarios. Método: investigación descriptiva exploratoria realizada con estudiantes de enfermería de cuatro instituciones de educación superior del estado de Paraná. Los datos fueron recopilados mediante un formulario electrónico disponible en Google Forms; los de carácter cuantitativo fueron sometidos a análisis descriptivo e inferencial, y las respuestas a preguntas abiertas analizadas mediante el Software Iramuteq. Resultados: Participaron del estudio 58 estudiantes de enfermería, la mayoría del sexo femenino (82,76%), con una edad promedio de 22 años, la mayoría vivía con su familia. Se observó asociación estadísticamente significativa entre Edad y "Hizo amigos durante las clases remotas"; Sexo y "consumo de sustancias"; y Año de graduación con hábitos alimentarios y "Hice amigos durante clases remotas". Conclusión: la pandemia influyó especialmente en los hábitos alimentarios, el autocuidado, la calidad del sueño y el consumo de alcohol y tabaco entre los estudiantes de enfermería.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , COVID-19 , Estilo de Vida
Trab. Educ. Saúde (Online) ; 22: e02368235, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536916


RESUMO: A automedicação expõe os indivíduos a riscos como reações adversas, intoxicações, interações medicamentosas, falhas terapêuticas e erros de medicação. Na pandemia de Covid-19, houve aumento de compra e consumo de produtos farmacêuticos pelos brasileiros. O presente estudo teve como objetivo estimar a prevalência e os fatores associados à automedicação em estudantes de um centro universitário na região do Campo das Vertentes, Minas Gerais, bem como avaliar a incidência durante a pandemia de Covid-19. O estudo teve delineamento transversal e quantitativo, com 248 estudantes de um centro universitário em 2021. Os achados mostraram que 67,3% dos participantes relataram realizar a automedicação; 28,7% apontaram aumento da automedicação durante a pandemia; e 30,9% indicaram o início nesse período. Houve diferença significativa sobre: considerar-se capaz de se automedicar, ter costume de indicar medicamentos para outras pessoas e consumi-los por indicação de outros. Para aqueles que aumentaram a prática de automedicação na pandemia, houve associação com o hábito de indicar medicamentos para outras pessoas. Já para quem iniciou essa prática no período pandêmico, a capacidade de automedicação esteve associada. Os resultados abrem caminhos para medidas educativas sobre o uso irracional dos medicamentos pelos estudantes do ensino superior, independentemente da área de formação.

ABSTRACT: Self-medication exposes individuals to risks such as adverse reactions, intoxications, drug interactions, therapeutic failures and medication errors. In the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increase in the purchase and consumption of pharmaceutical products by Brazilians. The present study aimed to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with self-medication in students of a university center in the region of Campo das Vertentes, Southeastern Brazil, as well as to evaluate the incidence during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study had a cross-sectional and quantitative design, with 248 students from a university, in 2021. The findings showed that 67.3% of the participants reported self-medication; 28.7% indicated an increase in self-medication during the pandemic; and 30.9% indicated the beginning in this period. There was a significant difference about: to consider oneself capable of self-medicating, to have the habit of referring drugs to other people and to consume them by indication of others. For those who increased the practice of self-medication in the pandemic, there was an association with the habit of indicating drugs to other people. For those who initiated this practice in the pandemic period, the capacity of self-medication was associated. The results open paths for educational measures on the irrational use of medicines by higher education students, regardless of the education area.

RESUMEN: La automedicación expone a los individuos a riesgos tales como reacciones adversas, intoxicaciones, interacciones medicamentosas, fracasos terapéuticos y errores medicamentosos. En la pandemia de Covid-19, hubo un aumento en la compra y consumo de productos farmacéuticos por parte de los brasileños. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la automedicación en estudiantes de un centro universitario en la región de Campo das Vertentes, Sudeste de Brasil, así como evaluar la incidencia durante la pandemia de Covid-19. El estudio tuvo un diseño transversal y cuantitativo, con 248 estudiantes de un centro universitario en 2021. Los hallazgos mostraron que el 67,3% de los participantes reportaron automedicación; el 28,7% indicó un aumento en la automedicación durante la pandemia; y el 30,9% indicó el inicio en este período. Hubo una diferencia significativa en: Considerarse capaz de automedicarse, tener el hábito de referir drogas a otras personas y consumirlas por indicación de otros. Para aquellos que incrementaron la práctica de la automedicación en la pandemia, hubo una asociación con el hábito de indicar drogas a otras personas. Para aquellos que iniciaron esta práctica en el período pandémico, se asoció la capacidad de automedicación. Los resultados abren caminos para medidas educativas sobre el uso irracional de medicamentos por parte de los estudiantes de educación superior, independientemente del área de formación.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(2): e00009923, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534116


The habit of eating specific meals has been addressed in several studies, but the evaluation of meal patterns has received less attention. This study aimed to describe the meal patterns of the Brazilian population. A complex sampling design was used to select the 46,164 ≥ 10-year-old individuals examined in the Brazilian National Dietary Survey. Food consumption was assessed by two non-consecutive 24-hour recalls applied throughout a one-week period. The exploratory data analysis approach was used to determine the meal patterns, i.e., how individuals combined the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and snacks (morning, afternoon, evening/night) throughout the day. The most common meal patterns were three main meals + one snack, reported by 25.1% of the individuals, and three main meals + two snacks (24.6%). Other meal patterns identified were: three main meals + three snacks (18.5%); three main meals and no snacks (10.9%); one or two main meals + two snacks (7.4%); one or two main meals + one snack (6.9%); one or two main meals + three snacks (4.2%); and one or two main meals and no snacks (2.3%). Meal patterns varied according to gender and age group, and on typical versus atypical food consumption days. We found that eight patterns characterized the daily meal consumption in Brazil. Furthermore, around 80% of the population had three main meals every day and about 13% did not report having any snacks. The characterization of meal habits is important for tailoring and targeting health promotion actions.

Os hábitos de consumo de refeições específicas têm sido abordados em diversos estudos, no entanto, a avaliação dos padrões refeições tem recebido menos atenção. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os padrões de refeições da população brasileira. Um desenho amostral complexo foi utilizado para selecionar os 46.164 indivíduos de ≥ 10 anos examinados no Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação de 2017-2018. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado por meio de dois recordatórios de 24 horas não consecutivos, aplicados durante um período de uma semana. A análise exploratória de dados foi utilizada para determinar os padrões de refeições, ou seja, como os indivíduos combinam as principais refeições (café da manhã, almoço, jantar) e lanches (manhã, tarde, noite) ao longo do dia. Os padrões de refeições mais frequentes foram três refeições principais + um lanche, conforme relatado por 25,1% dos indivíduos, e três refeições principais + dois lanches (24,6%). Outros padrões de refeições identificados foram: três refeições principais + três lanches (18,5%); três refeições principais e nenhum lanche (10,9%); uma ou duas refeições principais + dois lanches (7,4%); uma ou duas refeições principais + um lanche (6,9%); uma ou duas refeições principais + três lanches (4,2%); e uma ou duas refeições principais e nenhum lanche (2,3%). Os padrões de refeições variaram de acordo com o sexo e a faixa etária, e nos dias típicos em comparação com os atípicos de consumo alimentar. Verificou-se que oito padrões caracterizaram o consumo diário de refeições no Brasil. Além disso, cerca de 80% da população realizava três refeições principais diárias e cerca de 13% reportaram não lanchar. A caracterização dos padrões de refeições é importante para adequar e direcionar ações de promoção da saúde.

Los hábitos alimenticios específicos se han abordado en varios estudios, sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre la evaluación de los patrones de alimentación. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el patrón de alimentación de la población brasileña. Se utilizó un diseño de muestra complejo para seleccionar a 46.164 individuos de ≥ 10 años quienes participaron en la Encuesta Nacional de Alimentación 2017-2018. El consumo alimentario se evaluó mediante dos registros de 24 horas no consecutivos, aplicados durante una semana. Para determinar el patrón de alimentación, se aplicó el análisis exploratorio, es decir, cómo las personas combinan las comidas principales (desayuno, almuerzo, cena) y las meriendas (mañana, tarde, noche) a lo largo del día. Los patrones de alimentación más frecuentes fueron tres comidas principales + una merienda según informan el 25,1% de los individuos, y tres comidas principales + dos meriendas (24,6%). Otros patrones identificados destacaron tres comidas principales + tres meriendas (18,5%); tres comidas principales sin merienda (10,9%); una o dos comidas principales + dos meriendas (7,4%); una o dos comidas principales + una merienda (6,9%); una o dos comidas principales + tres meriendas (4,2%); y una o dos comidas principales sin merienda (2,3%). Los patrones de alimentación tuvieron una variación según el sexo y el grupo de edad, y en días típicos en comparación con los atípicos de consumo de alimentos. Se encontró que ocho patrones caracterizan el consumo diario de comidas en Brasil. Por lo tanto, aproximadamente el 80% de la población tienen tres comidas principales al día y aproximadamente el 13% informan que no tienen merienda. Es importante caracterizar los patrones de alimentación para adaptar y orientar las acciones de promoción de la salud.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(2): e00073823, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534118


Abstract: Excessive sodium intake is a major global public health issue and the identification of dietary sources and temporal trends in its consumption are a key to effective sodium reduction policies. This study aims to update estimates of sodium intake and its dietary sources in Brazil according to the NOVA food classification system. Records of 7-day food purchases of households from the Brazilian Household Budgets Survey of 2002-2003, 2008-2009, and 2017-2018 were converted into nutrients using food composition tables and the mean availability was estimated per 2,000kcal/day. Mean daily sodium available for consumption in Brazilian households has increased from 3.9 to 4.7g per 2,000kcal, from 2002-2003 to 2017-2018, over twice the recommended levels of sodium intake. From 2002-2003 to 2017-2018, the processed culinary ingredients, including table salt, represented the largest dietary source of sodium, although their participation in dietary sodium was reduced by 17% (66.6% to 55%), while the percentage of dietary sodium from processed foods increased by 20.3% and from ultra-processed foods increased by 47.6% (11.3% to 13.6% and 17% to 25.1%, respectively). In conclusion, the total household sodium availability remains high and has increased over time in Brazil, yet the participation of different dietary sources of sodium have gradually changed.

Resumo: A ingestão excessiva de sódio é um dos principais problemas de saúde pública em todo o mundo e a identificação de fontes alimentares e tendências temporais no seu consumo são fundamentais para a elaboração de políticas eficazes de redução de sódio. Este estudo tem como objetivo atualizar as estimativas de ingestão de sódio e suas fontes alimentares no Brasil de acordo com o sistema de classificação NOVA. Os registros de compras de alimentos no período de 7 dias de famílias das Pesquisas de Orçamentos Familiares de 2002-2003, 2008-2009 e 2017-2018 foram convertidos em nutrientes utilizando tabelas de composição de alimentos. A disponibilidade média foi estimada em 2.000kcal/dia. A média diária de sódio disponível para consumo nos domicílios brasileiros aumentou de 3,9 para 4,7g por 2.000kcal, de 2002-2003 a 2017-2018, mais do que o dobro dos níveis recomendados de ingestão desse nutriente. De 2002-2003 a 2017-2018, os ingredientes culinários processados, incluindo o sal de cozinha, representaram a maior fonte de sódio, embora a sua participação no sódio dietético tenha sido reduzida em 17% (de 66,6% para 55%), enquanto a porcentagem de sódio dietético dos alimentos processados aumentou 20,3% e dos alimentos ultraprocessados aumentou 47,6% (11,3% para 13,6% e 17% para 25,1%, respectivamente). Concluindo, a disponibilidade total de sódio nos domicílios permanece alta e tem aumentado ao longo do tempo no Brasil, mas a participação de diferentes fontes dietéticas de sódio mudou gradualmente.

Resumen: La ingesta excesiva de sodio es uno de los principales problemas de salud pública en todo el mundo, y la identificación de las fuentes alimentarias y tendencias temporales en su consumo son esenciales para desarrollar políticas efectivas de reducción de sodio. Este estudio tiene como objetivo actualizar las estimaciones de la ingesta de sodio y sus fuentes alimentarias en Brasil según el sistema de clasificación NOVA. Los registros de compras de alimentos en el período de 7 días de familias de las Encuestas de Presupuestos Familiares de Brasil de 2002-2003, 2008-2009 y 2017-2018 se convirtieron en nutrientes utilizando tablas de composición de alimentos. La disponibilidad media se estimó en 2.000kcal/día. El promedio diario de sodio disponible para el consumo en los hogares brasileños aumentó de 3,9 a 4,7g por 2.000kcal, entre 2002-2003 y 2017-2018, más del doble de los niveles de ingesta recomendados de este nutriente. Entre 2002-2003 y 2017-2018, los ingredientes culinarios procesados, incluida la sal de mesa, representaron la mayor fuente de sodio, aunque su participación en el sodio dietético se redujo en un 17% (del 66,6% al 55%), mientras que el porcentaje de sodio dietético de los alimentos procesados aumentó un 20,3% y de los alimentos ultraprocesados aumentó un 47,6% (11,3% a 13,6% y 17% a 25,1%, respectivamente). En conclusión, la disponibilidad total de sodio en los hogares sigue siendo alta y ha aumentado a lo largo del tiempo en Brasil, pero la proporción de diferentes fuentes dietéticas de sodio ha cambiado gradualmente.