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HU Rev. (Online) ; 4920230000.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562306


Introdução: O grupo LGBTQIAPN+, pela construção histórica, já sofre exclusão social, LGBTfobia, sentimentos de inaptidão social, dificuldades no acesso a serviços de saúde e conflitos dentro do próprio ambiente familiar. Agora, no contexto da pandemia, se faz necessária a adaptação às novas regras de convívio e solidão. Objetivo: Descrever os fatores sociodemográficos e os sentimentos dos homossexuais e bissexuais diante a pandemia de Covid-19.Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo com abordagem quantitativa realizado entre junho e julho de 2020, através de um formulário digital, por meio das plataformas sociais com a população de homossexuais e bissexuais das cinco macrorregiões brasileiras. As variáveis quantitativas foram apresentadas em valores absolutos e percentuais, focalizando na variável "emoções a respeito da pandemia de Covid-19", através de uma nuvem de palavras. Resultados: Os participantes são do gênero feminino com idade média de 23 anos, bissexuais, da raça branca, com ensino superior completo e que residem predominantemente na região Sudeste. Os sentimentos mais citados foram ansiedade, medo, angústia e tristeza. Conclusão: O público de homossexuais e bissexuais não diferiram os sentimentos em relação à população em geral, mas acredita-se que tais sentimentos já eram vivenciados por essa população devido aos estigmas enfrentados e foram agravados.

Introduction: The LGBTQIAPN+ group, by historical construction, already suffers social exclusion, LGBTphobia, feelings of social inadequacy, difficulties in access to health services and conflicts within the family environment itself. Now, in the context of the pandemic, it is necessary to adapt to new rules of coexistence and loneliness. Objective: To describe the sociodemographic factors and feelings of homosexuals and bisexuals facing the covid-19 pandemic.Method: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach conducted between June and July 2020, through a digital form, by means of social platforms with the population of homosexuals and bisexuals in the five Brazilian macro-regions. The quantitative variables were presented in absolute values and percentages, focusing on the variable "emotions regarding the Covid-19 pandemic" through a word cloud. Results: The participants, are female with a middle age of 23 years, bisexual, of white race, with complete higher education and residing predominantly in the Southeast region. The most frequent feelings mentioned were anxiety, fear, anguish and sadness. Conclusion: The homosexual and bisexual public did not have different feelings in relation to the general population, but it is believed that such feelings were already experienced by this population due to the stigmas faced and were aggravated.

Medical Education ; : 16-22, 2023.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-966034


LGBTQ people are less visible in Japan and are exposed to minority stress and health disparities due to societal prejudice and discrimination. It is important for healthcare providers to learn about diverse sexual orientations and gender identities to achieve DE&I, in addition to providing equitable healthcare. In Japan, education on LGBTQ topics in medical schools is poor compared to the U.S. and Canada, and there is an urgent need to train faculty to teach this topic, create educational resources, and develop guidelines for medical education.

Medical Education ; : 23-26, 2023.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-966035


In 2015, Tokyo Medical University launched Medical Professionalism for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year medical students to study professionalism in a sequential manner. The lecture for the 2nd year students was taught together with a representative of LGBTQ support groups. The lecture for the fourth-year students was taught together with a urologist who was a representative of a transgender support group. In summarizing the reports of the fourth-year students who took the lecture in 2021, many students thought that learning about LGBTQ was necessary from the early grades and wanted a more active learning experience. It is necessary to consider more effective learning by devising class content and methods.

Medical Education ; : 27-31, 2023.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-966036


The number of medical and social work professional training schools that provide SOGI education is quite few. This paper introduces pilot SOGI education programs for social workers and occupational therapists. In order to improve understanding of the situations in which Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) are placed, SOGI education programs have consisted of knowledge of SGM, health disparities among SGM, majority privilege theory, social justice theory, etc. Educational practices increased and improved the amount of knowledge about SGM, awareness of SGM existence, and the need for more knowledge. The Importance of pre-graduate education of SOGI for the medical and social work students was discussed.

Medical Education ; : 35-40, 2023.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-966038


Nijiiro Doctors offered a six-month LGBTQ healthcare training course for physicians in their third year of post-graduate studies or above, with the goal of implementing practice at their institutions. In addition to lectures, the course included dialogues with LGBTQ individuals, role-plays in which the LGBTQ individuals played the role of mock patients and reviews in small groups in each session.

Medical Education ; : 41-44, 2023.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-966039


Rainbow Network for Rehabilitation Specialists (Niijiro Rehab Net) is a voluntary organization of rehabilitation professionals interested in SOGI (Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity). Members from various professions and fields have come together under the common understanding that SOGI is important in rehabilitation. Since its establishment in 2020, journal clubs, online training sessions, and education at schools have been conducted. "Rehabilitation" means "total restoration of human rights". It is necessary to continue extending our activities, focusing on how professionals could contribute to people with various SOGI conditions so they may "live as they are".

Medical Education ; : 203-207, 2023.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006954


All medical providers need to learn about diverse sexual orientations, gender identity, and LGBTQ people. However, no guidelines for education exist in Japan, and it may be challenging to actually provide educational opportunities. This paper reports on education using the narratives of LGBTQ persons from the perspective of professionalism education. Although the author is a member of the LGBTQ community and sometimes uses the narratives of my experience in lectures, this method cannot be generalized. Therefore, this paper reports on a learning practice using narratives and dialogues of LGBTQ persons from an LGBTQ healthcare learning course for physicians developed and implemented by Nijiiro Doctors.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 39(10): e00020623, 2023. ND
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550168


Resumo: O artigo tem por objetivo analisar recomendações de saúde pública da Organização Mundial da Saúde e das manifestações de seu Diretor-geral durante a epidemia de varíola dos macacos endereçadas a homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) à luz da microagressão como categoria de análise. Questiona-se o potencial estigmatizador de divulgação estatística, para público amplo, de que 98% dos infectados estavam entre HSH, bem como a utilização da própria categoria HSH e da sugestão de abstinência sexual parcial ou total como forma de interromper a disseminação viral. Sugere-se como alternativas capazes de, simultaneamente, garantir políticas de prevenção de doenças sem estigmatizar grupos vulneráveis, especialmente a população LGBTQIA+: (i) diferenciar as divulgações voltadas ao público geral das destinadas às populações predominantemente contaminadas e sujeitas a maior grau de vulnerabilidade social; (ii) superar a utilização da expressão HSH para, nas comunicações destinadas à ampla audiência, utilizar a expressão SGD (população sexo e gênero diversa), mantendo-se o procedimento de registrar, nas pesquisas científicas e nos formulários de atendimento, a identidade de gênero e a orientação sexual por autodeclaração dos pacientes; (iii) evitar mensagens que abordem a sexualidade de modo negativo, reforcem uma vivência sexual majoritária e gerem uma responsabilização socialmente punitiva do infectado, excluindo, pois, das recomendações voltadas ao público amplo a sugestão de abstinência sexual parcial, relativa à redução do número de parceiros, ou de abstinência sexual total, exceto para os casos de pessoas na fase ativa da infecção ou no período imediato à recuperação.

Abstract: The article aims to analyze public health recommendations of the World Health Organization and the manifestations of its Director-General during the mpox epidemic addressed to men who have sex with men (MSM) in the light of microaggression as a category of analysis. The stigmatizing potential of statistical disclosure to a broad public that 98% of those infected were among MSM is questioned, as well as the use of the MSM category itself and the suggestion of partial or total sexual abstinence as a way to stop viral dissemination. The following are suggested as alternatives capable of simultaneously guaranteeing disease prevention policies without stigmatizing vulnerable groups, especially the LGBTQIA+ population: (i) differentiating the disclosures addressed to the general public from those aimed at populations predominantly contaminated and subject to a higher degree of social vulnerability; (ii) overcoming the use of the expression MSM, in communications aimed at a wide audience, to use the expression SGD (sex and gender diverse population), maintaining the procedure of recording, in scientific research and in medical forms, the gender identity and sexual orientation by self-declaration of patients; (iii) avoiding messages that negatively address sexuality, reinforce a majority sexual experience, and generate a socially punitive responsibility of the infected, thus excluding from the recommendations aimed at the broad public, the suggestion of partial sexual abstinence, related to the reduction of the number of partners, or total sexual abstinence, except for the cases of people in the active phase of infection or in the immediate period of recovery.

Resumen: Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las recomendaciones de salud pública de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y las manifestaciones de su Director General durante la epidemia de viruela del mono, dirigidas a los hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres (HSH), a la luz de la microagresión como categoría de análisis. Se discute el potencial estigma de la divulgación estadística para una amplia audiencia por haber informado que el 98% de los infectados estaban entre HSH, así como el uso de la categoría HSH en sí y la sugerencia de abstinencia sexual parcial o total como forma de detener la propagación viral. Se sugieren como alternativas capaces de garantizar simultáneamente políticas de prevención de enfermedades sin estigmatizar a los grupos vulnerables, especialmente la población LGBTQIA+: (i) distinguir las divulgaciones dirigidas al público en general de las destinadas a poblaciones predominantemente contaminadas y sujetas a un mayor grado de vulnerabilidad social; (ii) dejar de usar el término HSH para, en comunicaciones dirigidas a la amplia audiencia, emplear el SGD (población sexo y género diversa), manteniendo el procedimiento de registro (en investigaciones científicas y formularios de atención) de la identidad de género y la orientación sexual por autodeclaración de los pacientes; (iii) evitar mensajes que tratan la sexualidad de manera negativa, que aseguran una experiencia sexual mayoritaria y que generan una rendición de cuentas socialmente punitiva de los infectados, excluyendo, por lo tanto, de las recomendaciones dirigidas al público en general la sugerencia de abstinencia sexual parcial, relativa a la reducción del número de parejas, o de abstinencia total, excepto en los casos de estadio activo de la infección o del período inmediato de recuperación.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);27(11): 4191-4194, nov. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404168


Resumo Neste documento trazemos um posicionamento para a comunidade científica e a sociedade civil acerca do desafio imposto à vigilância e às ações em saúde no Brasil relacionadas à monkeypox. Apresentamos pontos e encaminhamentos que podem subsidiar os aprendizados e os avanços a partir do atual cenário.

Abstract In this document, we present to the scientific community a proposal on how to deal with the challenge imposed on surveillance and health actions in Brazil regarding monkeypox, including points and directions that have the potential to support learning and enable advances in the current scenario.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218575


LGBT individuals experience higher rates of mental health disorders than their heterosexual peers. Family affirmative environment will lead to better mental health. The decriminalizing of colonial-era section 377 has given huge hope to this minority community. Future challenges still remain a question mark. But leap towards change has been initiated. Family acceptance will start from sensitizing the general population after legal reinforcement in various areas. The aim of this study is to explore strategies and programs to promote equal opportunity for LGBT youth. To review the role of family environment and functioning (family cohesion, family expressiveness, family conflict) of LGBT youth and their mental health.

Psicol. USP ; 33: e190133, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1406395


Resumo A clínica psicológica, acompanhando entrelaces e experiências diversas no campo da saúde e da educação, é entendida como espaço de recolhimento de questões que tematizam a existência humana. Por meio de leitura bibliográfica, pretendemos dialogar com fenômenos humanos que, sob o caos cotidiano, reverberam compreensões para a clínica psicológica como campo político de ação. Partimos de apontamentos de Hannah Arendt para abordar uma possível ação clínica que faz interface com a política. Buscamos evidenciar as identidades de gênero e orientações sexuais como constructos que permeiam e são permeados por forças que ora direcionam, ora excluem, dadas as confusões em torno do poder e da violência que desde tenra história revelam a sua não-conformidade com a ciência psicológica. Questionamos o lugar do fazer e do saber da psicologia, salientando que sua atitude deveria caminhar numa direção ética e dialogar com uma ação clínica e política.

Abstract The psychological clinic, involving different experiences and interrelations between health and education, is mainly understood as a space of recollection of questions that characterize human existence. By means of a bibliographical reading, this study investigates human phenomena that, understood under the everyday chaos, echoes understandings for the psychological clinic as a political arena. Based on Hannah Arendt, the text begins by discussing a possible clinical action interfacing with politics. It highlights gender identities and sexual orientations as constructs that permeate and are permeated by forces that sometimes direct and sometimes exclude, given the confusions regarding power and violence that from antiquity reveals their non-conformity with psychological science. It calls into question the place of psychology, as knowledge and praxis, pointing out that the psychologist's attitude should move towards ethics and dialogue with a clinical and political action.

Résumé La clinique psychologique, impliquants différents expériences et entrelacements entre la santé et l'éducation, est largement comprise comme un espace de recueillement des questions qui caractérisent l'existence humaine. Par le biais d'une lecture bibliographique, cette étude examine des phénomènes humains qui, compris dans le chaos quotidien, font échos à la compréhension de la clinique psychologique en tant que champ politique d'action. En se basant sur Hannah Arendt, le texte commence par discuter d'une possible action clinique en interface avec la politique. Il souligne les identités de genre et les orientations sexuelles comme des constructions qui imprègnent et sont imprégnées par des forces qui parfois dirigent et parfois excluent, étant donné la confusion concernant le pouvoir et la violence qui, depuis l'antiquité, révèlent leur non-conformité avec la science psychologique. Il remet en question la place de la psychologie, en tant que savoir et praxis, en soulignant que l'attitude du psychologue devrait s'orienter vers une éthique et le dialogue avec une action clinique et politique.

Resumen La clínica psicológica al seguir entrelaces y experiencias diversas, sobre todo, en el campo de la salud y la educación se entiende como un espacio de recogida de cuestiones que tematizan la existencia humana. Por medio de una lectura bibliográfica, pretendemos dialogar con fenómenos humanos que, al caos cotidiano, reflejan conocimientos para la clínica psicológica como un campo político de acción. Partimos de apuntes de Hannah Arendt para tematizar una posible acción clínica que hace interfaz con la política. Buscamos evidenciar las identidades de género y orientaciones sexuales como constructos que permean y están impregnados por fuerzas que ora dirigen, ora excluyen, dadas las confusiones en torno al poder y la violencia, que desde tiempos remotos revela la no conformidad de tales existencias con la ciencia psicológica. Cuestionamos el lugar del hacer y del saber de la psicología, demarcando que una actitud del psicólogo debería caminar hacia la ética y dialogar con una acción clínica y política.

Humanos , Violência , Marginalização Social/psicologia , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero/psicologia , Direitos de Gênero , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Identidade de Gênero , Relações Interpessoais
RECIIS (Online) ; 13(2): 261-272, abr.-jun. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1005595


Nos textos jornalísticos, chama a atenção a diferença entre as imagens de casos de violência contra a mulher cisgênero e heterossexual e as contra pessoas LGBTQ+. Tratando-se das pessoas LGBTQ+, as imagens costumam ser brutais, com exposição de sangue e de corpos feridos por armas diversas. Já a cobertura de casos de violência contra a mulher cis e heterossexual é diametralmente oposta: as imagens tendem a ser pouco contundentes, muitas vezes mostrando paisagens de lugares onde ocorreram os crimes, em alguns casos mostrando os rostos de agressores e vítimas, nunca cenas de sangue ou corpos com marcas de agressão. Neste artigo, tomamos a instabilidade textual como ponto de partida para refletirmos sobre o contraste entre os modos de tratamento jornalístico conferidos no Brasil a essas duas violências e o que impacta no entendimento acerca das relações que conformam a visualidade e a cultura visual.

In Brazilian journalistic texts, the difference between the images of cases of violence against cis and heterosexual women and those against LGBTQ+ people are astonishing. In the case of LGBTQ+ people, the images are usually brutal, with exposure of blood and bodies injured by various weapons. The coverage of cases of violence against cis and heterosexual women is the opposite: the images tend to be inconclusive, often showing landscapes of places where crimes occurred, sometimes showing the faces of perpetrators and victims and never scenes of blood or bodies with marks of aggression. In this article, we take the textual instability as a starting point to reflect on the contrast between the ways of journalistic treatment in Brazil conferred to these two violences and what impacts on the understanding about the relations that conform the visuality and the visual culture.

En los textos periodísticos, llama la atención la diferencia entre las imágenes de casos de violencia contra la mujer cis heterosexual y las contra personas LGBTQ+. Tratándose de las personas LGBTQ+, las imágenes suelen ser brutales, con exposición de sangre y de cuerpos heridos por armas diversas. La cobertura de casos de violencia contra la mujer cis heterosexual es diametralmente opuesta: las imágenes tienden a ser poco contundentes, muchas veces mostrando paisajes de lugares donde ocurrieron los crímenes, en algunos momentos mostrando los rostros de agresores y víctimas y nunca escenas de sangre o cuerpos con marcas de agresión. En este artículo tomamos la inestabilidad textual como punto de partida para reflexionar sobre el contraste entre los modos de tratamiento periodístico en Brasil conferidos a esas dos violencias y lo que impacta en el entendimiento acerca de las relaciones que conforman la visualidad y la cultura visual.

Humanos , Mulheres , Jornalismo , Cultura , Violência contra a Mulher , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Identidade de Gênero , Violência , Brasil , Heterossexualidade , Ódio
Health Sciences Journal ; : 37-44, 2019.
Artigo | WPRIM | ID: wpr-793254


INTRODUCTION: The Philippines continues to see an increasing trend in diagnosed cases of HIV. Thepredominant population of males having sex with men (MSM) is the 25-34 years age group, but trendsshow an increasing incidence in younger populations. This study aimed to determine the participants'HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitudes and practices and its relationships with the sociodemographicfactors of youth MSM in Metro Manila.METHODS: The researchers used an analytic, cross-sectional design using a self-administered questionnaire.The survey tool consisted on 24 items on knowledge and 12 on attitudes. Respondents were classifiedinto "inadequate" and "adequate" knowledge, and "poor" and "good" attitudes for the analysis. Purposivesampling was used to recruit 251 respondents.RESULTS: The mean age of the respondents was 22 ± 1.7 years. Most of the respondents had high HIVknowledge and good attitudes towards PLHIV but still engaged in risky sexual practices. Those who hadundergone HIV testing were significantly more likely to have good knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS. Withregards to attitudes, those not in a relationship were significantly more likely to have positive attitudestowards PLHIV and HIV/AIDS.CONCLUSION: HIV testing status positively influences HIV/AIDS-related knowledge while being singlepositively influences attitudes towards PLHIV and HIV/AIDS. No significant findings were found betweenage, educational attainment and religious affiliation with knowledge and attitudes.

Humanos , HIV , Sexo , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida