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Saúde debate ; 47(136): 126-140, jan.-mar. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432413


RESUMO As novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação estão cada vez mais presentes no cotidiano de pessoas e instituições em nível global. As informações que elas veiculam podem estar desatualizadas, incompletas, incorretas ou deliberadamente mentirosas. Vive-se um contexto de 'desordem informacional'. Na saúde, uma informação como essa pode causar dano ao indivíduo e à sociedade. Algumas alternativas têm sido apresentadas para enfrentar esse problema. Este artigo discute como a avaliação da qualidade da informação sobre saúde on-line e a certificação de sites podem servir para o enfrentamento da 'desordem informacional'. Ele apresenta uma metodologia de avaliação da acurácia da informação on-line seguindo as informações atualizadas e cientificamente comprovadas pela medicina baseada em evidências. Analisa o caso da leishmaniose visceral: uma das doenças negligenciadas mais prevalentes no mundo. Seguindo esse método, foi construída uma ferramenta com indicadores e foram avaliados sites de organizações não governamentais internacionais e dos Ministérios da Saúde do Brasil e da Índia, países nos quais a leishmaniose visceral é endêmica e que concentram grande parte dos casos mundiais da doença. Os resultados revelam que nenhum dos sites avaliados obteve mais de 50% de conformidade com os indicadores utilizados.

ABSTRACT New Information and Communication Technologies are increasingly present in the daily lives of people and institutions globally. The information they convey may need to be updated, complete, correct, or deliberately untrue. We live in a context of information mayhem. Health-related information like this can harm individuals and society. Some alternatives have been put forward to address this issue. This article discusses how online health information quality assessment and website certification can serve in confronting information disorder. It presents a methodology for assessing the accuracy of online information following the updated and scientifically proven information from evidence-based medicine. It analyzes the case of visceral leishmaniasis: one of the most prevalent neglected diseases in the world. Following this method, a tool with indicators was built, and the websites of international non-governmental organizations and the Ministries of Health of Brazil and India were evaluated. The results show that all the evaluated websites obtained at most 50% compliance with the indicators used.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 274-279, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991619


Objective:To analyze the epidemic status and spatial and temporal cluster distribution of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Gansu Province, and to provide evidence for making precise prevention and control measures and epidemic surveillance.Methods:The data of VL cases in Gansu Province reported in the China Disease Prevention and Control Information System Infectious Disease Reporting Information Management System from 2015 to 2021 were collected, descriptive epidemiology analysis was performed (three distribution of the disease). SaTScan v9.6 and ArcMap 10.7 were used for spatio-temporal cluster analysis.Results:A total of 368 VL cases were reported from 2015 to 2021, 89.13% (328/368) were concentrated in Longnan City and Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The number of VL cases increased year by year from 2015 to 2017, reaching a peak in 2017 (79 cases, accounting for 21.47%), and had decreased year by year since 2018. There were cases every month throughout the year, and the peak was in April in spring (38 cases). The ratio of male to female patients was 1.3 ∶ 1.0 (208/160). Scattered children aged less than 5 years old were more common (41.30%, 152/368). The spatio-temporal cluster analysis showed that both the spatial and temporal aggregation zones of VL in Tanchang County and Chengxian County were of statistical significance ( P < 0.05). Conclusion:The incidence of VL in Gansu Province is showing a low epidemic trend, having spatio-temporal aggregation, and precise monitoring and prevention and control should be strengthened in epidemic areas with different prevalence levels.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 697-703, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023911


Objective:To analyze and predict the transmission risk of visceral leishmaniasis in Gansu Province based on an ecological niche model, providing a basis for the development of precise prevention and control measures and epidemic surveillance.Methods:The information of reported cases of visceral leishmaniasis in Gansu Province from 2015 to 2021 were collected from the National Infectious Disease Reporting Information Management System, and the longitude and latitude coordinates of the distribution points of cases and the data of 19 climate variables, 5 geographical variables and 2 socio-economic variables within the region were obtained. Based on an ecological niche model, a model for predicting the transmission risk of visceral leishmaniasis was constructed using the maximum entropy algorithm (MaxEnt), and its performance was evaluated by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). Then the importance of each environmental variable of the model was evaluated, and the distribution area of visceral leishmaniasis transmission risk in Gansu Province was predicted.Results:A total of 368 cases of visceral leishmaniasis were reported in Gansu Province from 2015 to 2021, of which 89.13% (328/368) were from Longnan City and Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (Gannan Prefecture). The number of cases peaked in 2017 (79 cases, 21.47%). The model had high prediction accuracy (AUC = 0.985). The results of model analysis showed that the important climate variable affecting the distribution of visceral leishmaniasis was the average temperature in the coldest quarter (contribution value of 3.1), the geographical variables were land use type (contribution value of 52.6) and vegetation cover type (contribution value of 8.5), and the socio-economic variable was population size (contribution value of 14.3). The distribution results of transmission risk showed that high, medium and low risk areas exhibited a gradual transition from the southern part to the northwest part of Gansu Province. The high risk areas were mainly located in the central and southern parts of Longnan City and the southern part of Gannan Prefecture, accounting for 0.18% of the total area of the province. Medium and low risk areas accounted for 0.48% and 2.47% of the total area of the province, respectively; and areas with no risk accounted for 96.87%.Conclusions:The ecological niche model predicts that the spread of visceral leishmaniasis in Gansu Province is characterized by point like dispersion and local high aggregation distribution. It is necessary to strengthen monitoring and prevention and control of high-risk areas such as Longnan City and Gannan Prefecture.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(6): 2699-2717, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436668


A leishmaniose é uma doença tropical infecciosa negligenciada com dois espectros clínicos, a Leishmaniose Visceral (LV) e a Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA). O objetivo foi determinar a evolução epidemiológica e a distribuição espacial de LV e LTA em Birigui/SP, entre 2010 a 2020. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo e observacional, de LV e LTA registrados pelo Serviço de Vigilância Epidemiológica e os endereços foram utilizados para a análise espacial e distribuição dos casos dentro do município. Identificaram-se 233 casos de LV, com maior número em 2012 (15,45%) e 14 óbitos por LV (letalidade de 6,0%), com predomínio de indivíduos do sexo masculino (60,1%), brancos (71,7%), com idades entre 40 e 59 anos (28,8%), ensino médio completo (8,58%) e alta taxa de cura (65,7%) após tratamento. Verificou- se 25 casos de LTA sendo 2015 o ano com maior número de casos (22,2%) e com predomínio em homens (63%), maiores de 60 anos (44,4%), brancos (92,6%) e com ensino fundamental incompleto (18,5%). A manifestação clínica mais observada foi a forma cutânea (59,3%) com mais de 77% de cura após tratamento. Padrões significativos de agregação espacial foram detectados e áreas de cluster acumulam-se na região oriente do município de Birigui, com maior frequência em bairros mais periféricos. Conclui-se que, apesar de ser observada uma leve diminuição nos casos de LV e LTA, reforça-se a necessidade do monitoramento frequente, principalmente nas regiões com maior número de casos.

Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical infectious disease with two clinical spectrums, Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) and American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL). The objective was to determine the epidemiological evolution and spatial distribution of VL and ATL in Birigui/SP, between 2010 and 2020. spatial analysis and distribution of cases within the municipality. A total of 233 cases of VL were identified, with the highest number in 2012 (15.45%) and 14 deaths from VL (6.0% mortality), with a predominance of males (60.1%), whites (71.7%), aged between 40 and 59 years (28.8%), complete high school (8.58%) and high cure rate (65.7%) after treatment. There were 25 cases of ACL, with 2015 being the year with the highest number of cases (22.2%) and with a predominance of men (63%), over 60 years old (44.4%), white (92.6%) and with incomplete primary education (18.5%). The most observed clinical manifestation was the cutaneous form (59.3%) with more than 77% of cure after treatment. Significant patterns of spatial aggregation were detected, and cluster areas accumulated in the eastern region of the municipality of Birigui, with greater frequency in more peripheral neighborhoods. It is concluded that, despite a slight decrease in cases of VL and ATL, the need for frequent monitoring is reinforced, especially in regions with a higher number of cases.

La leishmaniasis es una enfermedad infecciosa tropical desatendida con dos espectros clínicos, la leishmaniasis visceral (LV) y la leishmaniasis cutánea americana (LCA). El objetivo fue determinar la evolución epidemiológica y distribución espacial de la LV y LCA en Birigui/SP, entre 2010 y 2020. análisis espacial y distribución de los casos dentro del municipio. Fueron identificados 233 casos de LV, con el mayor número en 2012 (15,45%) y 14 muertes por LV (6,0% de mortalidad), con predominio del sexo masculino (60,1%), raza blanca (71,7%), edad entre 40 y 59 años (28,8%), enseñanza media completa (8,58%) y alta tasa de cura (65,7%) después del tratamiento. Hubo 25 casos de LCA, siendo 2015 el año con mayor número de casos (22,2%) y con predominio de hombres (63%), mayores de 60 años (44,4%), blancos (92,6%) y con estudios primarios incompletos (18,5%). La manifestación clínica más observada fue la forma cutánea (59,3%) con más del 77% de curación tras el tratamiento. Se detectaron patrones significativos de agregación espacial, acumulándose áreas de conglomerados en la región este del municipio de Birigui, con mayor frecuencia en barrios más periféricos. Se concluye que, a pesar de una leve disminución de los casos de LV y ATL, se refuerza la necesidad de monitoreo frecuente, especialmente en las regiones con mayor número de casos.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440691


La leishmania la describieron Leishman y Donovan en 1903, al aislar el parásito del bazo de las personas afectadas. La leishmaniasis es una enfermedad tropical y subtropical, causada por un protozoo intracelular del género Leishmania y transmitida a los humanos por la picadura de vectores Lutzomyias infectadas. Tiene como reservorios a los perros, roedores, lobos, zorros y el humano como huésped incidental. Clínicamente la leishmaniasis puede clasificarse en tres formas principales: leishmaniasis cutánea (LC), localizada (LCL) o difusa (LCD), leishmaniasis destructiva mucocutánea (LMC) y leishmaniasis visceral (LV o Kala-Azar). La enfermedad se manifiesta clínicamente con la invasión del parásito y daño en funcionamiento de órganos vitales como son la médula ósea, el hígado y el bazo. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino adolescente de 11 anos de edad de zona rural que presenta un cuadro clínico de aumento de volumen de abdomen superior, palidez marcada, decaimento, con hepato y esplenomegalia atendido en Bahía, Brasil en 2018 con diagnóstico de leishmaniasis. Se describe la clínica, médios diagnósticos y tratamiento.

Leishmania was described by Leishman and Donovan in 1903, when the parasite was isolated from the spleen of affected people. Leishmaniasis is a tropical and subtropical disease, caused by an intracellular protozoan of the genus Leishmania and transmitted to humans by the bite of infected Lutzomyia vectors. It has as reservoirs dogs, rodents, wolves, foxes and humans as incidental hosts. Clinically, leishmaniasis can be classified into three main forms: cutaneous (LC), localized (LCL) or diffuse (LCD) leishmaniasis, mucocutaneous destructive leishmaniasis (CML), and visceral leishmaniasis (VL or Kala-Azar). The disease manifests clinically with the invasion of the parasite and damage to the functioning of vital organs such as the bone marrow, liver and spleen.We present the case of an 11-year-old adolescent male patient from rural areas who presented a clinical picture of increased volume of the upper abdomen, marked pallor, decay, with hepato and splenomegaly treated in Bahia, Brazil in 2018 with a diagnosis of leishmaniasis. The clinic, diagnostic methods and treatment are described.

A leishmania foi descrita por Leishman e Donovan em 1903, quando o parasita foi isolado do baço das pessoas afetadas. A leishmaniose é uma doença tropical e subtropical, causada por um protozoário intracelular do gênero Leishmania e transmitida aos seres humanos pela picada de vetores de Lutzomyia infectados. Tem como reservatórios cães, roedores, lobos, raposas e humanos como hospedeiros incidentais. Clinicamente, a leishmaniose pode ser classificada em três formas principais: leishmaniose cutânea (LCL), localizada (LCL) ou difusa (LCD), leishmaniose mucocutânea destrutiva (LMC) e leishmaniose visceral (LV ou Kala-Azar). A doença se manifesta clinicamente com a invasão do parasita e danos ao funcionamento de órgãos vitais, como a medula óssea, fígado e baço.Apresentamos o caso de um adolescente de 11 anos, do sexo masculino, de áreas rurais, que apresentou quadro clínico de aumento do volume do abdome superior, palidez acentuada, cárie, com hepato e esplenomegalia tratado na Bahia, Brasil, em 2018, com diagnóstico de leishmaniose. A clínica, os métodos de diagnóstico e o tratamento são descritos.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e160, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530319


RESUMO Objetivo. Analisar a dinâmica da distribuição espacial e temporal da leishmaniose visceral no Brasil no período de 2007 a 2020. Métodos. Este estudo ecológico do padrão espacial dos casos de leishmaniose visceral ocorridos no Brasil de 2007 a 2020 utilizou dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos e Notificação (SINAN). As variáveis analisadas foram o coeficiente de incidência da leishmaniose visceral e o índice composto da leishmaniose visceral (ICLV), a partir das quais foram construídos mapas temáticos trienais. Foi calculado o índice de Moran global, para verificar a existência de autocorrelação espacial, e o índice de Moran local, para delimitar áreas de maior e menor risco para adoecimento por leishmaniose visceral no Brasil. Resultados. No período estudado, ocorreram 48 705 casos de leishmaniose visceral, com incidência de 25,53 casos/100 000 habitantes. Em todos os blocos trienais, houve autocorrelação espacial, havendo municípios das regiões Norte e Nordeste com incidência igual ou superior a 50 casos/100 000 habitantes. Com relação ao ICLV, houve aumento do número de municípios considerados de baixo risco de transmissão e presença crescente do número de capitais com classificação de risco muito intenso. Conclusão. A incidência de leishmaniose visceral variou ao longo dos triênios. A região de fronteira entre Tocantins, Maranhão e Pará, juntamente com o estado do Ceará, destacou-se na distribuição espacial da incidência da doença e na estratificação de risco pelo ICLV. Tais localidades devem ser prioritárias para ações e serviços voltados à vigilância e ao controle da doença.

ABSTRACT Objective. To analyze the dynamics of the spatial and temporal distribution of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil from 2007 to 2020. Method. This ecological study focused on the spatial pattern of visceral leishmaniasis cases in Brazil from 2007 to 2020 using data from the Information System for Notifiable Diseases (SINAN). The variables analyzed were the incidence rate of visceral leishmaniasis and the visceral leishmaniasis composite indicator (VLCI), from which triennial thematic maps were constructed. The global Moran index was calculated to assess the existence of spatial autocorrelation, and the local Moran index was used to identify areas with higher and lower risk of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. Results. During the study period, there were 48 705 cases of visceral leishmaniasis, with an incidence rate of 25.53 cases per 100 000 population. There was spatial autocorrelation in all triennial blocks, with municipalities in the North and Northeast regions having an incidence equal to or greater than 50 cases per 100 000 population. Regarding the VLCI there was an increase in the number of municipalities classified as low risk for transmission, and a growing presence of state capitals with a classification of very high risk. Conclusion. The incidence of visceral leishmaniasis varied over the trienniums. The border region between the states of Tocantins, Maranhão, and Pará, along with the state of Ceará, stood out in the spatial distribution of the disease incidence and risk stratification by VLCI. These areas should be a priority for surveillance and control efforts for the disease.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Analizar la dinámica de la distribución espaciotemporal de la leishmaniasis visceral en Brasil en el período 2007-2020. Métodos. En este estudio ecológico del patrón de distribución espacial de los casos de leishmaniasis visceral ocurridos en Brasil en el período 2007-2020 se utilizaron datos del sistema de información de enfermedades de declaración obligatoria (SINAN). Las variables analizadas fueron el coeficiente de incidencia de leishmaniasis visceral y el índice compuesto de leishmaniasis visceral, a partir de los cuales se construyeron mapas temáticos trienales. Se calcularon el índice general de Moran para verificar la existencia de autocorrelación espacial, y el índice local de Moran para delimitar las zonas de mayor y menor riesgo de leishmaniasis visceral en Brasil. Resultados. En el período estudiado, hubo 48 705 casos de leishmaniasis visceral, con una incidencia de 25,53 casos por 100 000 habitantes. En todos los bloques trienales hubo una autocorrelación espacial, en la cual varios municipios de las regiones norte y nordeste registraron una incidencia de 50 casos por 100 000 habitantes o una tasa superior. En relación con el índice compuesto de leishmaniasis visceral, se observó un aumento del número de municipios considerados de riesgo bajo de transmisión y una tendencia ascendente del número de ciudades capitales con clasificación de riesgo muy alto. Conclusión. La incidencia de leishmaniasis visceral varió a lo largo de los períodos trienales. La región fronteriza entre Tocantins, Maranhão y Pará, junto con el estado de Ceará, se destacó en términos de la distribución espacial de la incidencia de la enfermedad y la estratificación del riesgo según el índice compuesto de leishmaniasis visceral. Es preciso dar prioridad a estos lugares en lo referente a las medidas y los servicios de vigilancia y control de esta enfermedad.

Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 12(4): 143-149, out.-dez. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425968


Background and objectives: human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL) are a persistent public health problem, configuring a challenge to reduce its lethality. In order to evaluate the factors associated with lethality, this study emphasizes the time elapsed from suspicion to treatment of HVL, in the years 2015 to 2019, in the municipality of Araguaína-TO, an area of intense transmission. Methods: an epidemiological study of case series with longitudinal follow-up with information extracted from HVL notification and investigation forms. The relative risk (RR) was used as a measure of the strength of association for death, being calculated with confidence intervals (95% CI) estimated by the Wald test. Time intervals were represented in days by box plot as medians (Md). Results: of the 191 cases of HVL, 179 (93.72%) were cured and 12 (6.28%) had a fatal outcome. There was no association of risk of death by sex, education, race, being significant only by age in the age groups of young (RR= 16.09) and older adults (RR=7.08). The time from suspicion to treatment in children was shorter (0-35 days, Md=12) than that of older patients (4-44 days, Md=18) and in those who died (7-65 days, Md=20) highlighting greater inopportunity of healing in these last two groups. Conclusion: late diagnosis was a determining indicator for worse outcomes, five days made the difference between the group with an outcome for cure with the group of those who died, highlighting the need to shorten the wait for treatment.(AU)

Justificativa e objetivos: a leishmaniose visceral humana (LVH) constitui-se em persistente problema de saúde pública, configurando-se um desafio à redução de sua letalidade. Para avaliação dos fatores associados à letalidade, este estudo tem ênfase no tempo decorrido da suspeição ao tratamento de LVH, nos anos de 2015 a 2019, no município de Araguaína-TO, área de transmissão intensa. Métodos: estudo epidemiológico de série de casos com acompanhamento longitudinal, com informações extraídas das fichas de notificação e investigação de LVH. Utilizou-se o risco relativo (RR) como medida de força de associação para o óbito, sendo calculado com intervalos de confiança (IC 95%) estimados pelo Teste de Wald. Os intervalos de tempo foram representados em dias por box plot em medianas (Md). Resultados: dos 191 casos de LVH, 179 (93,72%) obtiveram cura e 12 (6,28%) apresentaram desfecho fatal. Não houve associação de risco de morte por sexo, escolaridade, raça ou cor, sendo significativa apenas por idade nas faixas etárias de adultos jovens (RR= 16,09) e idosos (RR=7,08). O tempo da suspeição ao tratamento em crianças foi mais curto (0-35 dias, Md= 12) que o de pacientes mais velhos (4-44 dias, Md=18) e naqueles que evoluíram ao óbito (7-65 dias, Md=20), realçando maior inoportunidade de cura nesses dois últimos grupos. Conclusão: o diagnóstico tardio foi um indicador determinante para piores desfechos, e cinco dias fizeram a diferença entre o grupo com desfecho para cura e o grupo dos que vieram a óbito, destacando a necessidade de encurtamento da espera para tratamento.(AU)

Justificación y objetivos: la leishmaniasis visceral humana (HVI) constituye un problema persistente de salud pública, configurando un desafío para reducir su letalidad. Con el objetivo de evaluar los factores asociados a la letalidad, este estudio enfatiza el tiempo transcurrido desde la sospecha hasta el tratamiento de la VLH, en los años 2015 a 2019, en el municipio de Araguaína-TO, zona de transmisión intensa. Métodos: estudio epidemiológico de serie de casos con seguimiento longitudinal con información extraída de los formularios de notificación e investigación LVH. Se utilizó el riesgo relativo (RR) como medida de la fuerza de asociación para muerte, siendo calculado con intervalos de confianza (IC 95%) estimados por la prueba de Wald. Los intervalos de tiempo se representaron en días mediante diagrama de caja como medianas (Md). Resultados: los 191 casos de LVH, 179 (93,72%) se curaron y 12 (6,28%) tuvieron un desenlace fatal. No hubo asociación de riesgo de muerte por sexo, educación, raza o color, siendo significativo solo por edad en los grupos de edad de adultos jóvenes (RR= 16,09) y ancianos (RR=7,08). El tiempo desde la sospecha hasta el tratamiento en los niños fue menor (0-35 días, Md=12) que en los pacientes mayores (4-44 días, Md=18) y en los que fallecieron (7-65 días, Md=20) destacando mayor inoportunidad de curación en estos dos últimos grupos. Conclusión: el diagnóstico tardío fue un indicador determinante de peor desenlace, los cinco días marcaron la diferencia entre el grupo con resultado de curación con el grupo de los que fallecieron, destacando la necesidad de reducir la espera para el tratamiento.(AU)

Humanos , Doenças Endêmicas , Diagnóstico Tardio , Leishmaniose Visceral/mortalidade , Saúde Pública
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410064


RESUMEN Las complicaciones potencialmente mortales por el uso de la anfotericina B desoxicolato se presentan en menos del 1% de los casos. Entre ellas se describe el sangrado masivo principalmente por trombocitopenia. Se presenta caso de un paciente de sexo masculino de 38 años de edad, oriundo de una zona endémica, portador de leishmaniasis visceral grave que posterior al inicio de tratamiento con anfotericina B desoxicolato presenta hemorragia alveolar masiva por trombocitopenia.

ABSTRACT Life-threatening complications from the use of amphotericin B deoxycholate occur in less than 1% of cases. Among them, massive bleeding is described mainly due to thrombocytopenia. We present the case of a 38-year-old male patient, from an endemic area, with severe visceral leishmaniasis who, after starting treatment with amphotericin B deoxycholate, presented massive alveolar hemorrhage due to thrombocytopenia.

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 74(2): e820, May.-Aug. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408922


Introduction: American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) is a neglected tropical disease that causes severe conditions in immunosuppressed patients such as kidney transplant recipients. In these individuals, the infection can be associated with renal graft dysfunction and loss. Objective: To describe the case of a female kidney transplant recipient assisted at the Hospital das Clínicas of Marília Medical School, who died probably as a result of hemodialysis-related complications after graft loss due to treatment toxicity of her underlying disease. Clinical case: A 22-year-old patient, resident in an endemic region of AVL, immunosuppressed due to renal transplantation, who evolved to graft loss after successive relapses, treatment and drug prophylaxis for AVL. With the interruption of immunosuppressive therapy and return to dialysis, amastigote forms were not observed in a bone marrow aspirate smears. However, after one year, she progressed to death due to a cerebrovascular accident resulting from comorbidities. Conclusions: It is described a rare case of successive relapses of AVL and difficult medical decision due to the therapeutic impasse between the use of immunosuppressive drugs for renal graft maintenance and treatment for the parasitic disease. The parasitological control was observed with the immunosuppression suspension, demonstrating the importance of a competent immune system and the adjuvant of specific drugs for the disease control(AU)

Introducción: La leishmaniasis visceral americana (LVA) es una enfermedad tropical desatendida causante de cuadros graves en pacientes inmunodeprimidos, tales como los trasplantados renales. En estos individuos, la infección puede asociarse a la disfunción y pérdida del injerto renal. Objetivo: Describir el caso de una paciente con transplante renal, atendida en el Hospital Clínico de la Facultad de Medicina de Marília, que murió probablemente como resultado de complicaciones por una hemodiálisis después de la pérdida del injerto por toxicidad del tratamiento de su enfermedad. Caso clínico: Paciente de 22 años, residente en una región endémica para LVA, con inmunosupresión debido a trasplante renal, que evolucionó con pérdida del injerto después de sucesivas recidivas, tratamiento y profilaxis medicamentosa contra LVA. Con la interrupción de la terapia inmunosupresora y el retorno a la terapia dialítica, no se observaron formas amastigotes en la muestra de aspirado de médula ósea. Sin embargo, después de un año, evolucionó a muerte por accidente vascular encefálico resultante de comorbilidades. Conclusiones: Se describe un caso raro de sucesivas recidivas de AVL y la toma de decisiones médicas difíciles debido a la disyuntiva terapéutica entre el uso de medicamentos inmunosupresivos para mantener el injerto renal y el tratamiento antiparasitario. El control parasitológico se logró con la suspensión de la inmunosupresión, lo que demuestra la importancia de un sistema inmunocompetente y la adyuvancia de drogas específicas para el control de la enfermedad(AU)

Washington; OPS; 2 ed; ago. 28, 2022. 161 p. tab, ilus.
Não convencional em Espanhol | BIGG, LILACS | ID: biblio-1393165


Las leishmaniasis son enfermedades infecciosas desatendidas de gran importancia en la Región de las Américas debido a su morbilidad, mortalidad y amplia distribución geográfica. De las tres formas clínicas principales, la cutánea es la más común y la visceral es la forma más grave, ya que puede causar la muerte de hasta 90% de las personas que no reciban tratamiento. En el 2013, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) elaboró recomendaciones para el tratamiento de las leishmaniasis en la Región de las Américas utilizando la metodología de clasificación de la valoración, la elaboración y la evaluación de las recomendaciones (GRADE, por su sigla en inglés). No obstante, dada la evidencia acumulada desde entonces, se hizo necesario revisar esas recomendaciones. En esta segunda edición se presentan las recomendaciones actualizadas sobre el tratamiento de las leishmaniasis, y se detallan los esquemas y los criterios de indicación del tratamiento en el contexto regional. Estas directrices presentan modificaciones sustanciales con respecto a la primera edición. En el caso de la leishmaniasis cutánea, se ha eliminado el ketoconazol de las opciones terapéuticas, el número de especies de Leishmania para las que hay evidencia sólida de la eficacia de la miltefosina ha aumentado de dos a cuatro y la recomendación de administrar antimoniales intralesionales ahora es fuerte. Con respecto a la leishmaniasis mucosa, se incluye una recomendación fuerte sobre el uso de antimoniales pentavalentes con o sin pentoxifilina oral. Por lo que respecta a la leishmaniasis visceral, la recomendación fuerte sobre el uso de antimoniales pentavalentes y desoxicolato de anfotericina B ahora es condicional. También hay evidencia contundente en contra del uso de miltefosina en pacientes con leishmaniasis causada por Leishmania infantum. Otros cambios importantes son el desglose de las recomendaciones según si se trata de pacientes adultos o pediátricos, la inclusión de las especies de Leishmania y, en el caso de los pacientes inmunocomprometidos, la introducción de una recomendación fuerte contra el uso de antimoniales pentavalentes. Esta segunda edición es una versión revisada de la publicación Leishmaniasis en las Américas: recomendaciones para el tratamiento:

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Leishmaniose/tratamento farmacológico , Antiprotozoários/uso terapêutico , América , Paromomicina/uso terapêutico , Leishmaniose/prevenção & controle , Leishmaniose Mucocutânea/tratamento farmacológico , Leishmaniose Cutânea/tratamento farmacológico , Prevenção de Doenças , Doenças Negligenciadas/tratamento farmacológico , Hipertermia Induzida/métodos , Leishmaniose Visceral/tratamento farmacológico
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 17(1)jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406898


RESUMEN La coinfección por leishmaniasis visceral y VIH es una preocupación mundial debido al ascenso progresivo en los últimos años, en varias regiones del mundo. La progresión de ambas enfermedades conducen al deterioro del sistema inmune, y como resultado, al fracaso terapéutico. El presunto estudio tiene como objetivo describir las características clínico-epidemiológicas de pacientes coinfectados con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana y leishmaniasis visceral que acuden al Instituto de Medicina Tropical, en el periodo del 2016 al 2020. Es un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, utilizando registros médicos de pacientes con el diagnóstico de leishmaniasis visceral y VIH. Se incluyeron 51 pacientes coinfectados, entre 19 y 65 años, 42 del sexo masculino (82,3 %); 37 procedentes del área Central. Los hallazgos clínicos mas frecuentes fueron el decaimiento del estado general y la fiebre. La mayoría de los pacientes tuvieron un recuento bajo de linfocitos tCD4 y valores elevados de carga viral de VIH. Nuestro trabajo contribuye a conocer el perfil epidemiológico de pacientes coinfectados para mejorar el diagnóstico temprano y consecuentemente el tratamiento médico precoz.

ABSTRACT Co-infection by visceral leishmaniasis and HIV is a global concern due to the progressive rise in recent years, in various regions of the world. The progression of both diseases leads to the deterioration of the immune system, and as a result, to therapeutic failure. The presumed study aims to describe the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of patients co-infected with the human immunodeficiency virus and visceral leishmaniasis who attend the Institute of Tropical Medicine, in the period from 2016 to 2020. It is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study, using medical records of patients diagnosed with visceral leishmaniasis and HIV. 51 coinfected patients were included, between 19 and 65 years old, 42 male (82.3%); 37 from the Central area. The most frequent clinical findings were a weakness and fever. Most of the patients had a low tCD4 lymphocyte count and high HIV viral load values. Our study contributes to knowing the epidemiological profile of coinfected patients to improve early diagnosis and consequently early medical treatment.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956441


Objective:To analyze the epidemiological and clinical features of patients with visceral leishmaniasis (VL), and to improve the understanding of the disease and standardize the diagnosis and treatment.Methods:The clinical data and diagnosis and treatment process of 62 patients with VL admitted to The First Hospital of Lanzhou University from January 2010 to December 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. The clinical symptoms and laboratory data, including aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and procalcitonin (PCT) were compared between children and adults. Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis.Results:Of the 62 patients, 31(50.0%) patients were males, 38(61.3%) patients were children and 24(38.7%) were adults. There were 32 cases (51.6%) living in Longnan City, and 11 cases (17.7%) living in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Forty-seven cases (75.8%) had a delay over 30 days from onset to diagnosis. All patients had fever and chills, 34 cases (54.8%) had fatigue and poor appetite, 30(48.4%) had cough and expectoration, 10 cases (16.1%) had headache and dizziness, 45 cases (72.6%) had splenomegaly, 40 cases (64.5%) had anemia, and 29 cases (46.8%) had hepatomegaly. There were 32 cases (51.6%) accompanied with respiratory infection, 11 cases (17.7%) accompanied with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and 10 cases (16.1%) accompanied with abnormal liver function. Of the 60 patients who received treatment, 14 were recurrent cases who had received at least one course of pentavalent antimony monotherapy before admission. Forty-six patients received standard antimony monotherapy, 14 patients received standard antimony combined with amphotericin B therapy. Thirteen patients discontinued amphotericin B due to impaired renal function, and 50 patients were followed up for half a year without recurrence. The proportions of splenomegaly and hepatomegaly in children were 86.8%(33/38) and 65.8%(25/38), respectively, and the corresponding numbers in adults were 50.0%(12/24) and 16.7%(4/24), respectively. The differences were statistically significant ( χ2=10.03 and 14.26, respectively, both P<0.050). Thirty-three cases (86.8%) in children and 14 cases (58.3%) in adults had a delay over 30 days from onset to diagnosis. The difference was statistically significant ( χ2=6.52, P=0.011). The proportions of patients who had elevated AST, LDH and PCT were 76.3%(29/38), 94.3%(33/35) and 73.9%(17/23) in children, respectively, while 45.8%(11/24), 71.4%(15/21) and 5/17 in adults, respectively, and the differences were all statistically significant ( χ2=5.97, 3.89 and 7.82, respectively, all P<0.050). Conclusions:Patients with VL are tend to have complications and be severe. Early diagnosis and standardized treatment are important measures to improve the prognosis. Patients who have failed antimony treatment can be treated with amphotericin B or combination therapy, but kidney injury and other adverse reactions should be closely monitored.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956446


Objective:To investigate the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in children, and to analyze the distinguishing features of VL associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), so that to provide reference for the diagnosis and treatment of VL.Methods:Forty-one children with VL admitted to Xi′an Children′s Hospital from July 2012 to June 2021 were enrolled. The clinical data were retrospectively analyzed, including epidemiology, clinical manifestations, laboratory data, diagnostic methods, treatment regimens and outcomes. The patients were divided into VL group and VL+ HLH group according to whether combined with HLH or not, and the clinical characteristics and laboratory findings of the two groups were compared. Two independent samples t test, Mann-Whitney U test and chi-square test were used for statistical analysis. Results:Forty-one children with VL were from different provinces, including Shaanxi Province (70.73%(29/41)), Gansu Province (14.63%(6/41)), Shanxi Province (12.20%(5/41)) and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (2.44%(1/41)), and 87.80%(36/41) of them lived in rural areas. The peak age was >1.0 to 3.0 years old (63.41%(26/41)). They were sporadic throughout the year. The main clinical manifestations included fever (97.56%(40/41)), splenomegaly (95.12%(39/41)), lymphadenopathy (82.93%(34/41)) and hepatomegaly (60.98%(25/41)). The numbers of cases that Leishman-Donovan bodies were detected in the first, second and third bone marrow smears were 36, four and one, respectively. Anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia detected by blood routine test were 100.00%(41/41), 78.05%(32/41) and 58.54%(24/41), respectively. There were statistically significant differences in the platelet count, lactate dehydrogenase, alanine aminotransferase, triglycerides, fibrinogen and ferritin between VL group (28 cases) and VL+ HLH group (13 cases) ( t=-2.56, t=2.64, Z=-2.66, t=7.15, t=-5.76 and t=3.86, respectively, all P<0.050). The proportions of hepatomegaly and hemophagocytes found in the bone marrow smears in VL group were both lower than those in VL+ HLH group, and the differences were both statistically significant ( χ2=4.47 and 10.93, respectively, both P<0.050). Twelve cases with VL+ HLH were treated with antimony (for six days) and intravenous immunoglobulin, and the others were treated with antimony only. The cure rates of the patients treated with antimony for one and two courses were 92.68%(38/41) and 4.88%(2/41), respectively. The dose of antimony was increased one third and treatment course was prolonged to eight days in one cured case. After (41.36±31.49) months of follow-up, three cases recurred after five to eight months of cure and all of them were cured after one more course of treatment with antimony. Conclusions:Children with VL are mainly distributed in rural areas. The common clinical manifestations are fever and involvement of reticuloendothelial system, which are not specific. The positive rate of Leishman-Donovan bodies found in bone marrow smears is high, and a few negative cases need repeated bone marrow aspiration. Standardized treatment with antimony for VL in children is effective, and combination therapy with immunoglobulin can be considered if patients with VL associated HLH. Very few cases may recur and antimony is still effective.

Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 31(1): e2021339, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375396


Objetivo: Analisar indicadores epidemiológicos e operacionais, a tendência temporal e a distribuição espacial da leishmaniose visceral (LV), bem como a coinfecção LV-HIV no estado do Piauí, Brasil, no período de 2007 a 2019. Métodos: Estudo ecológico de séries temporais. Empregou-se a regressão de Prais-Winsten para analisar a tendência da incidência, letalidade e indicadores operacionais da LV. Resultados: A incidência média de LV no estado foi de 6,03/100 mil habitantes, com tendência crescente na faixa de 40-59 anos [variação percentual anual (VPA) = 3,88; IC95% 0,49;7,40]; e nas regiões localizadas ao sul do estado: Tabuleiros do Alto Parnaíba (VPA = 14,19; IC95% 3,91;25,50); e Chapada das Mangabeiras (VPA = 12,15; IC95% 6,69;24,96). A letalidade média foi de 6,02%, mantendo-se estável. A taxa média de evolução para cura foi de 52,58%, com tendência decrescente (VPA = -5,67; IC95% -8,05;-3,23). Conclusão: Houve tendência de aumento na incidência e de redução na taxa de cura da leishmaniose visceral.

Objetivo: Analizar los indicadores epidemiológicos y operativos, la tendencia temporal y la distribución espacial de la leishmaniasis visceral (LV), así como la coinfección LV-VIH el estado de Piauí, Brasil, de 2007 a 2019. Métodos: Estudio ecológico de series temporales ecológicas. Se utilizó la regresión de Prais-Winsten para analizar la tendencia en indicadores de incidencia, letalidad y operacional del LV. Resultados: La incidencia media de LV em estado fue de 6,03/100 mil habitantes, con tendencia creciente en grupos de 40 a 59 años [variación porcentual anual (VPA) = 3,88; IC95% 0,49;7,40] y en regiones ubicadas al sur del estado: Tabuleiros do Alto Parnaíba (VPA = 14,19; IC95% 3,91;25,50) y Chapada das Mangabeiras (VPA = 12,15; IC95% 6,69;24,96). La letalidad promedio fue de 6,02%, permaneciendo estable. La tasa media de evolución a la cura fue 52,58%, con tendencia decreciente (VPA = -5,67; IC95% -8,05; -3,23). Conclusión: Hubo tendencia de aumento en la incidencia y reducción en la tasa de cura de LV.

Objective: To analyze epidemiological and operational indicators, the temporal trend and spatial distribution of visceral leishmaniasis (VL), as well as VL-HIV co-infection in the state of Piauí, Brazil, from 2007 to 2019. Methods: This was an ecological time series study. Prais-Winsten regression was used to analyze the trend of VL incidence, case fatality ratio and operational indicators. Results: Mean VL incidence in the state was 6.03/100,000 inhabitants, with a rising trend in the 40-59 age group [annual percent change (APC) = 3.88; 95%CI 0.49;7.40] and in the regions located in the south of the state: Tabuleiros do Alto Parnaíba (APC = 14.19; 95%CI 3.91;25.50) and Chapada das Mangabeiras (APC = 12.15; 95%CI 6.69;24.96). Mean case fatality ratio was 6.02% and it remained stable. The mean rate of progression to cure was 52.58%, with a falling trend (APC = -5.67; 95%CI -8.05; -3.23). Conclusion: There was rising trend in VL incidence and a falling trend in its cure rate.

Humanos , Estudos de Séries Temporais , Notificação de Doenças , Leishmaniose Visceral/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Indicadores de Morbimortalidade , Sistemas de Informação em Saúde
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 38(1): e00272020, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355989


Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a public health problem in Brazilian municipalities. As much as there is a planning of public policies regards VL in São Paulo State, new cases have been reported and spread. This paper aims to discuss how the Center for Zoonoses Control conducts its actions spatially in endemic city of Presidente Prudente, São Paulo State. Data are from the Municipal Health Department of Presidente Prudente, Adolfo Lutz Institute, and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. We spatially estimated the dog population per census tract and used geoprocessing tools to perform choropleth maps, spatial trends, and spatial autocorrelation. We found a spatial pattern of higher prevalence in the city's outskirt and a positive statistically significant spatial autocorrelation (I = 0.2, p-value < 0.000) with clusters of high-high relationships in the Northwest part of the city. Moreover, we identified a different direction in the path of the conducted serosurveys versus the canine VL trend, which stresses the fragility of the Center for Zoonoses Control actions to control the disease. The Center for Zoonoses Control always seems to chase the disease. The spatial analysis may be useful for rethinking how the service works and helps in public policies.

A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é um problema de saúde pública nas cidades brasileiras. Por mais que haja um planejamento de políticas públicas para LV no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, novos casos têm sido notificados e se disseminado. O artigo objetiva discutir como o Centro de Controle de Zoonoses realiza suas atividades espacialmente em uma cidade endêmica, Presidente Prudente, no Estado de São Paulo. Os dados são da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Presidente Prudente, Instituto Adolfo Lutz e Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Estimamos espacialmente a população canina por setor censitário e utilizamos ferramentas de geoprocessamento para produzir mapas coropléticos, tendências espaciais e autocorrelação espacial. Encontramos um padrão espacial de maior prevalência na periferia da cidade e uma autocorrelação espacial positiva estatisticamente significativa (I = 0,2; p < 0,000) com clusters de relação alta-alta no noroeste da cidade. Além disso, identificamos uma direção diferente no caminho dos inquéritos sorológicos realizados versus a tendência na LV canina, o que enfatiza a fragilidade das medidas de controle do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses para controlar casos da doença. O Centro de Controle de Zoonoses parece estar sempre correndo atrás da doença. A análise espacial pode ser útil para repensar o funcionamento do serviço e auxiliar as políticas públicas.

La leishmaniasis visceral (LV) es un problema de salud pública en las ciudades brasileñas. Aunque hay políticas públicas de planificación relacionadas con la LV en el estado de São Paulo, Brasil, se han informado de nuevos casos, además de su propagación. El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir cómo el Centro de Control de Zoonosis dirige sus acciones espacialmente en una ciudad endémica del estado de São Paulo, Presidente Prudente. Los datos proceden de la Secretaría Municipal de Salud de Presidente Prudente, del Instituto Adolfo Lutz, y del Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística. Estimamos espacialmente la población de perros por sector censal y utilizamos herramientas de geoprocesamiento para elaborar mapas de coropletas, tendencias espaciales, y autocorrelación espacial. Encontramos un patrón espacial de más alta prevalencia en la periferia de la ciudad, además de una autocorrelación espacial positiva y estadísticamente significativa (I = 0,2; valor de p < 0,000) con clústeres de relaciones alto-alto en la parte noroccidental de la ciudad. Además, identificamos una dirección diferente en la trayectoria de las encuestas serológicas llevadas a cabo, frente a la tendencia de LV canina, que enfatiza la debilidad de acciones del Centro de Control de Zoonosis para controlar casos de la enfermedad. El Centro de Control de Zoonosis parece siempre estar tras la enfermedad. El análisis espacial podría ser útil para repensar cómo está funcionando el servicio, además de ayudar a políticas públicas.

Humanos , Criança , Cães , Doenças do Cão/prevenção & controle , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/prevenção & controle , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Leishmaniose Visceral/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Zoonoses/prevenção & controle , Zoonoses/epidemiologia , Análise Espacial
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 56: 1-9, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1361136


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To perform an entomological survey, evaluating the circulation of Leishmania spp. in sand flies captured from the new foci of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the coastal region of São Paulo state. METHODS Sand flies were captured from November 2016 to September 2018 using light traps of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the neighborhood where VL cases were reported. Leishmania spp. circulation was evaluated by gut dissection and molecular analysis of the females captured. RESULTS Nyssomyia intermedia was the more frequent species (90,7%) within the 1,203 sand flies captured. We found no flagellates in dissected females, but two pools containing females of Ny. intermedia presented DNA of L. infantum. CONCLUSION Our results suggest that Ny. intermedia might be involved in the establishment of this new VL focus in Sao Paulo. However, before incriminating this species as a L. infantum vector, further studies should investigate other vectorial capacity parameters, including competence, survival, and feeding habits.

Animais , Feminino , Psychodidae/genética , Leishmaniose Visceral , Brasil/epidemiologia , Cidades , Insetos Vetores
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 20: eRC0048, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404676


ABSTRACT Gain-of-function mutations in the STAT1 gene have been initially associated with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis. However, further research has shown that STAT1 GOF variants may increase susceptibility to infection by other intracellular pathogens. This report describes the first case of disseminated leishmaniasis associated with a STAT1 GOF mutation in a pediatric patient who did not have chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis. The patient was a four-year-old boy presenting with fever, severe asthenia, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, and liver failure. Bone marrow aspirate revealed hemophagocytosis and Leishmania parasites. Treatment consisted primarily of liposomal amphotericin B, as per the Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis 2004 protocol. After eight weeks of treatment, the patient did not improve and was submitted to diagnostic splenectomy. Activated macrophages and nodular spleen necrosis secondary to the visceral leishmaniasis were detected. Unfortunately, the patient died in the second week after splenectomy due to overwhelming systemic infection. DNA sequencing revealed a pathogenic (p. R274Q) GOF mutation in STAT1.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e89, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432036


ABSTRACT Objective. To develop an evidence map on visceral leishmaniasis prevention, control, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Methods. Systematic reviews on visceral leishmaniasis were searched using MEDLINE/PubMed and Virtual Health Library. After selection, each included systematic review was assessed, characterized, and categorized by intervention type and by outcomes, according to the methodology offered by the PAHO/WHO Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME). The methodological quality was assessed using the AMSTAR2 tool to determine the confidence level of the evidence obtained. Results. Among the prevention and control interventions, insecticide spraying, bednets, dog collars, and dog culling were the most assessed, emphasizing that insecticidal dog collars can reduce visceral leishmaniasis incidence in dogs. Regarding diagnosis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), rK39 immunochromatographic test (rK39 ICT), and direct agglutination test (DAT) presented high sensitivity and specificity. As for treatment, pentavalent antimonials and amphotericin B were the most analyzed drugs and showed therapeutic success; however, serious adverse events can occur due to their use. The prognostic factors identified were anemia, edema, bleeding, jaundice, age, and HIV coinfection. Conclusions. The evidence map developed shows rK39 ICT and DAT as promising diagnostic alternatives and reinforces the efficacy of liposomal amphotericin B and pentavalent antimonials. Insecticide-impregnated dog collars appear as a promising measure for the control of visceral leishmaniasis, but there is also a need for future studies and reviews with higher methodological quality, especially on prevention and control interventions.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Elaborar un mapa de evidencia sobre la prevención, el control, el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y el pronóstico de la leishmaniasis visceral. Métodos. Se realizaron búsquedas de revisiones sistemáticas sobre la leishmaniasis visceral en MEDLINE/PubMed y la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud. Tras la selección, cada revisión sistemática incluida fue sometida a evaluación, caracterización y categorización según tipo de intervención y resultados, de acuerdo con la metodología ofrecida por el Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud de la OPS/OMS (BIREME). La calidad metodológica se evaluó con la herramienta AMSTAR2 para determinar el nivel de confianza de la información obtenida. Resultados. Entre las intervenciones de prevención y control, las más evaluadas fueron la fumigación con insecticidas, los mosquiteros, los collares para perros y el sacrificio de perros y se hizo hincapié en que los collares insecticidas para perros pueden reducir la incidencia de leishmaniasis visceral en perros. En cuanto al diagnóstico, la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR, por su sigla en inglés), la prueba inmunocromatográfica rK39 (rK39 ICT) y la prueba de aglutinación directa (DAT, por su sigla en inglés) mostraron alta sensibilidad y especificidad. Con respecto al tratamiento, los fármacos más analizados que arrojaron éxito terapéutico fueron los antimoniales pentavalentes y la anfotericina B; sin embargo, su uso puede provocar efectos adversos graves. Los factores pronósticos que se identificaron fueron anemia, edema, sangrado, ictericia, edad y coinfección por el VIH. Conclusiones. El mapa de evidencia elaborado presenta la prueba inmunocromatográfica rK39 y la prueba de aglutinación directa como alternativas diagnósticas prometedoras, y consolida la eficacia de la anfotericina B liposomal y los antimoniales pentavalentes. Los collares de perro impregnados de insecticida parecen ser una medida prometedora para el control de la leishmaniasis visceral, si bien también son necesarios estudios y revisiones adicionales de mayor calidad metodológica, especialmente sobre intervenciones de prevención y control.

RESUMO Objetivo. Desenvolver um mapa de evidências de prevenção, controle, diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico da leishmaniose visceral. Métodos. Foram realizadas buscas por revisões sistemáticas sobre leishmaniose visceral no MEDLINE/PubMed e na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde. Após a seleção, cada revisão sistemática incluída foi avaliada, caracterizada e classificada por tipo de intervenção e por desfechos, de acordo com a metodologia oferecida pelo Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde (BIREME) da OPAS/OMS. A qualidade metodológica foi avaliada utilizando a ferramenta AMSTAR2 para determinar o nível de confiança das evidências obtidas. Resultados. Entre as intervenções de prevenção e controle, pulverização com inseticida, mosquiteiros, coleiras para cães e abate de cães foram as mais frequentemente avaliadas, com destaque para as coleiras inseticidas na redução da incidência de leishmaniose visceral em cães. Quanto ao diagnóstico, a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), o teste imunocromatográfico rK39 (rK39 ICT) e o teste de aglutinação direta (DAT, sigla em inglês para direct agglutination test) apresentaram alta sensibilidade e especificidade. Em relação ao tratamento, os antimoniais pentavalentes e a anfotericina B foram os medicamentos mais analisados e demonstraram sucesso terapêutico, embora seu uso possa resultar em eventos adversos graves. Os fatores prognósticos identificados foram anemia, edema, sangramento, icterícia, idade e coinfecção com HIV. Conclusões. O mapa de evidências desenvolvido mostra o rK39 ICT e o DAT como alternativas promissoras para o diagnóstico e reforça a eficácia da anfotericina B lipossomal e dos antimoniais pentavalentes. As coleiras impregnadas com inseticida aparecem como medida promissora para o controle da leishmaniose visceral, mas estudos e revisões futuras com mais qualidade metodológica, especialmente sobre intervenções de prevenção e controle, são necessários.

Rev. salud pública ; 23(5): 1-Sep.-Oct. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424394


RESUMEN Objetivo Describir las características clínico-epidemiológicas asociadas a la transmisión de leishmaniosis visceral canina en un área endémica del departamento de Caaguazú, Paraguay. Materiales y Métodos El estudio fue descriptivo observacional, de corte transversal. Se evaluaron 324 caninos seleccionados de 110 viviendas. Se realizó el examen clínico; se obtuvo aspirado de ganglio para el examen directo y muestra de sangre para la posterior detección de anticuerpos anti-Leishmania revelados en tiras inmunocromatográfias. Resultados El 4,9% de la población canina dio positivo con antígeno recombinante rK39. Por la técnica de tinción con Giemsa, se obtuvo 4,3% de canes positivos, de los cuales 37,5% presentaron signos clínicos evidentes. Los signos más frecuentes encontrados en los perros infectados fueron adelgazamiento, onicogrifosis y alopecia (25%). La seroprevalencia fue mayor en perros entre 2 y 4 años de raza mestiza. Conclusiones Los signos clínicos presentes confirmaron la infección parasitaria y el hallazgo indica el rol de los caninos en la epidemiologia de la leishmaniosis en Caaguazú, así como el riesgo que representan para la transmisión. Los resultados obtenidos podrían ayudar a formular un sistema de monitoreo y contribuir con la vigilancia de la leishmaniosis canina en la zona.

ABSTRACT Objective To describe the clinical-epidemiological characteristics associated with the transmission of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs in an endemic area from Caaguazú department, Paraguay. Materials and Methods Cross-sectional study that included 324 dogs from 110 houses. Clinical examination was performed; ganglion aspirate was obtained for direct exa-mination and blood sample for further detection of anti-Leishmania antibodies by rk39 recombinant antigen immunochromatographic strips. Results 4.9% of the canine population resulted positive for rk39 recombinant antigen. By the Giemsa staining technique, 4.3% of positive dogs were obtained, of which 37.5% presented evident clinical signs. The most frequent signs found in infected dogs were thinning, onychogryphosis and alopecia (25%). Seroprevalence was higher in mixed breed dogs between 2 and 4 years old. Conclusion The clinical signs confirmed the parasitic infection, and the finding indicates the role of canines in the epidemiology of leishmaniasis in Caaguazú as well as the risk that they represent for transmission. These results may help to formulate a monitoring system and contribute to the surveillance of canine leishmaniasis in the zone.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909223


Objective:To analyze the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of three children with hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) and provide diagnosis and treatment clues for reasonable treatment and prevention of serious complications and reduction of misdiagnosis and mistreatment.Methods:The clinical data of three children with HPS who received treatment in Taiyuan Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital from March 2018 to March 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Related literature was retrieved. The clinical data of the three children were summarized to analyze the outcomes.Results:Fever (≥ 39 ℃) was the first symptom in all three cases. In the end, red blood cell line, white blood cell line, and platelet line were reduced to different degrees in all three cases. Hepatosplenomegaly was found in two cases. Transaminase highly increased in two cases, and slightly increased in one case. Ferritin greatly increased, fibrinogen decreased, and hypertriglyceridemia did not occur in all three cases. Two cases had skin rash during fever. Skin rash appeared late in one of them.All three cases had different degrees of lymphadenopathy. Bone puncture examination showed reticulocyte phagocytosis in bone marrow in one case and leishmania in bone marrow smear in another case. These two cases were cured and discharged. One case died of multiple organ failure due to rapid disease progression, and adrenal masses were found at autopsy.Conclusion:HPS has diverse clinical manifestations, complex etiology and different clinical prognoses. HPS should be considered in case of unexplained fever with hemocytopenia. The medical history and living history should be inquired in detail and relevant auxiliary examinations should be improved as soon as possible.