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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031444


This paper summarized Professor ZHU Zongyuan's clinical experience in applying the treatment method of nourishing yin. Professor ZHU attaches great importance to the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine classic theory to prescription. He is good at combining self-made empirical prescription with classical formulas, and applying the five treatment methods, including clearing and moistening lung yin with sweet-cold medicinals, nourishing stomach yin with sweet-cold medicinals, nourishing kidney yin with sweet-cold medicinals, enriching liver and subduing yang with normal salty medicinals, enriching and astringing heart yin with sour-cold medicinals. In addition, advocating the use of small doses of medicinals in groups can avoid the disadvantages of yin-nourishing medicinals encumbering the spleen and reduce the damage caused by long-term administration, but also easy to handle the cold-heat-warm-cool property of prescriptions, and ensure that the circulation of the qi movement when the five viscera's yin essence to be nourished.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-568047


Yin injury is a common pathological in epidemic febrile disease, nourishing yin method is one of the commonly used therapies. This article initially summarized and discussed the heterogeneous mutual enhancement compatibility for nourishing yin in Detailed Analysis of Epidemic Warm Diseases, it could be refered for clinic.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-561281


This article introduces four cases of children moyamoya disease,female central precocious puberty,children restless legs syndrome and damsel retrograde menstruation,which were treated by Yang Shaoshan.Doctor Yang insists that the pediatric difficult diseases should be treated with the methods of nourishing yin,nourishing kidney and lower evil fire and clearing and nourishing the Spleen and Stomach,of which protecting yin essence is therapeutic core.