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MHSalud ; 21(1): 35-49, ene.-jun. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558384


Resumen Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, versión argentina, en un grupo de personas adultas mayores costarricenses. Materiales y métodos: Se contó con un grupo piloto (N = 40, X = 69.38) y otro para el análisis de las propiedades psicométricas (N = 100, X = 69.31). Se utilizó la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, versión argentina, de 25 ítems. Se efectuó un análisis por juicio de personas expertas y un estudio piloto, para establecer la escala por validar; posterior a esto, se realizó el estudio de validación completo. Se aplicaron análisis factoriales y alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: El análisis factorial extrajo dos factores denominados: a) "capacidad de autoeficacia" y b) "capacidad de propósito y sentido de vida". La consistencia interna en el nivel global fue 0.84 (21 ítems); para el primer factor, 0.81, y para el segundo factor, 0.74. Conclusiones: El instrumento es confiable y válido para valorar los niveles de resiliencia desde una óptica integral e interdisciplinaria, en una población de personas adultas mayores con las características similares a las de la muestra estudiada. A futuro, se recomienda realizar análisis cualitativos para delimitar mejor los constructos, con base en las características de la población.

Abstract Purpose: To analyze the psychometric characteristics of the Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale Argentine version in a Costa Rican elderly group. Materials and methods: The study had two groups, one for the pilot study (N = 40, X = 69.38), and another for the analysis of the psychometric properties (N = 100, X = 69.31). The 25-item Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale, Argentine version, was used. An analysis by expert judgment and a pilot study were carried out to establish the scale to be validated, after which, the complete validation study was carried out. Factor analyzes and Cronbach's alpha were applied. Results: They were obtained two factors named: a) "selfefficacy capacity", and b) "purpose in life capacity". The global internal consistency was 0.84, for the first factor was 0.81 and for the second factor was 0.74. Conclusions: The scale generated is reliable and valid to assess resilience in an elderly people with similar characteristics to the present study. In the future, it is recommended to carry out qualitative analyzes to better define the constructs based on the characteristics of the population.

Resumo Objetivo: Analisar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Resiliência Wagnild e Young, versão argentina, em um grupo de pessoas idosas costarriquenhas. Materiais e métodos: Um grupo piloto (N = 40, X = 69,38) e outro grupo para a análise das propriedades psicométricas (N = 100, X = 69,31) foram utilizados. A Escala de Resiliência Wagnild e Young, versão argentina, com 25 itens, foi utilizada. Para estabelecer a escala a ser validada, foi realizada uma análise de julgamento por especialistas e um estudo piloto, após o qual foi realizado o estudo de validação completo. A análise fatorial e o alfa de Cronbach foram aplicados. Resultados: A análise fatorial extraiu dois fatores: a) "capacidade de autoeficácia" e b) "capacidade de propósito e significado na vida". A consistência interna ao nível global foi de 0,84 (21 itens); para o primeiro fator foi de 0,81 e para o segundo fator foi de 0,74. Conclusões: O instrumento é confiável e válido para avaliar níveis de resiliência a partir de uma perspectiva holística e interdisciplinar em uma população de idosos com características semelhantes às da amostra estudada. Recomendam-se futuras análises qualitativas para melhor delimitar as construções com base nas características da população.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550630


En la actualidad, existe una tendencia progresiva al envejecimiento de la población. El propósito de esta investigación consistió exponer una estrategia educativa para los estudiantes del 5.º nivel de Gerontología que contribuya a la promoción de la actividad física en el adulto mayor. La investigación se enmarcó en una metodología mixta y un diseño descriptivo de corte transversal. Se emplearon métodos científicos que en el orden teórico se encuentran análisis-síntesis, inductivo-deductivo y el sistémico estructural, y como métodos empíricos la revisión documental, la observación, la encuesta y entrevistas, las cuales fueron aplicadas a una muestra de 38 sujetos y revelan la importancia de la actividad física como estrategia que permite alcanzar un envejecimiento activo y con calidad de vida en la tercera edad. Según estos resultados, la aplicación de una estrategia educativa estructurada en tres etapas y dos fases contribuye a la autogestión del aprendizaje de los estudiantes, donde el contexto profesional se convierte en un auténtico espacio de formación.

Atualmente, há uma tendência progressiva de envelhecimento da população. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi apresentar uma estratégia educacional para estudantes do 5º nível de Gerontologia que contribua para a promoção da atividade física em idosos. A pesquisa foi enquadrada em uma metodologia mista e um desenho descritivo transversal. Foram utilizados os métodos científicos teórico, indutivo-dedutivo e sistêmico-estrutural, e os métodos empíricos foram revisão documental, observação, inquérito e entrevistas, que foram aplicados a uma amostra de 38 sujeitos e revelam a importância da atividade física como estratégia para alcançar o envelhecimento ativo e a qualidade de vida dos idosos. De acordo com esses resultados, a aplicação de uma estratégia educacional estruturada em três etapas e duas fases contribui para o autogerenciamento da aprendizagem dos alunos, em que o contexto profissional se torna um autêntico espaço de treinamento.

Currently, there is a progressive trend towards population aging. The purpose of this research was to present an educational strategy for students of the 5th level of Gerontology that contributes to the promotion of physical activity in older adults. The research was framed in a mixed methodology and a cross-sectional descriptive design. Scientific methods were used that in the theoretical order include analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and structural systemic and as empirical methods documentary review, observation, survey and interviews, applied to a sample of 38 subjects. The study revealed the importance of physical activity as a strategy that allows achieving active aging with quality of life. According to these results, the application of an educational strategy, structured in three stages and two phases, contributes to the self-management of student learning, where the professional context becomes an authentic training space.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 244-259, abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560621


El adulto mayor hospitalizado requiere atención especial debido a sus necesidades de salud, como manejar diversas condiciones médicas, evitar caídas y úlceras, dolor y discapacidad. Por lo tanto, el personal de enfermería desempeña un rol vital en el cuidado de estos pacientes, pues les brindan atención directa y constante en todos los aspectos fundamentales para su bienestar general. Objetivo. Identificar los factores que influyen en la calidad de atención del personal de enfermería al adulto mayor hospitalizado. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión sistemática en las siguientes bases de datos: Scopus, Scielo y Wos. Se analizaron 83 documentos luego de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión planteados; en las publicaciones se demuestra que, la calidad referida a la atención de enfermería, actualmente, es influenciada por los siguientes factores: coordinación y continuidad de cuidados, profundización en el conocimiento especializado, integración de tecnología e innovación, cuidado centrado en el paciente y colaboración interdisciplinaria y ambiente de práctica. Conclusión. La atención a adultos mayores hospitalizados requiere coordinación, continuidad y formación especializada para abordar enfermedades complejas y adaptarse a necesidades individuales. La tecnología mejora la atención, pero debe protegerse la privacidad. Enfoque en el paciente, colaboración interdisciplinaria y un ambiente colaborativo son esenciales para una atención efectiva.

Hospitalized older adults require special attention due to their health needs, such as managing various medical conditions, preventing falls and ulcers, pain and disability. Therefore, nurses play a vital role in the care of these patients, as they provide direct and constant attention to them in all aspects fundamental to their overall well-being. Objective. To identify the factors that influence the quality of care provided by nursing staff to hospitalized older adults. Methodology. A systematic review was carried out in the following databases: Scopus, Scielo and Wos. Eighty-three documents were analyzed after applying the proposed inclusion and exclusion criteria; the publications show that the quality of nursing care is currently influenced by the following factors: coordination and continuity of care, deepening of specialized knowledge, integration of technology and innovation, patient-centered care, interdisciplinary collaboration and practice environment. Conclusion. Care of hospitalized older adults requires coordination, continuity, and specialized training to address complex illnesses and adapt to individual needs. Technology improves care, but privacy must be protected. Patient focus, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a collaborative environment are essential for effective care.

Os idosos hospitalizados requerem uma atenção especial devido às suas necessidades de saúde, tais como a gestão de várias condições médicas, a prevenção de quedas e úlceras, a dor e a incapacidade. Por conseguinte, os enfermeiros desempenham um papel vital nos cuidados prestados a estes doentes, prestando uma atenção direta e constante a todos os aspectos fundamentais para o seu bem-estar geral. Objetivo. Identificar os factores que influenciam a qualidade dos cuidados prestados pela equipa de enfermagem aos idosos hospitalizados. Metodologia. Foi efectuada uma revisão sistemática nas seguintes bases de dados: Scopus, Scielo e Wos. Foram analisados 83 documentos após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão propostos; as publicações mostram que a qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem é atualmente influenciada pelos seguintes factores: coordenação e continuidade dos cuidados, aprofundamento do conhecimento especializado, integração da tecnologia e inovação, cuidados centrados no doente e colaboração interdisciplinar e ambiente de prática. Conclusões. Os cuidados prestados aos idosos hospitalizados requerem coordenação, continuidade e formação especializada para tratar doenças complexas e adaptar-se às necessidades individuais. A tecnologia melhora os cuidados, mas a privacidade deve ser protegida. A centralidade no doente, a colaboração interdisciplinar e um ambiente de colaboração são essenciais para a eficácia dos cuidados.

Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000158, Apr. 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570290


Objective: To identify how antimicrobials are prescribed in long-term care facilities from the perspective of nurses. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted using an online survey. Participants were selected through conventional sampling methods and online recruitment. Data were collected through a 2-section self-administered questionnaire: the first section characterized the respondent and the institution, while the second investigated the antimicrobial prescription and usage in the institution. Results: Thirty-five responses were received, representing institutions from every state in Brazil. Sixty percent of the institutions had a part-time physician. More than 90% of the respondents said they contacted a prescriber to report signs and symptoms suggestive of infection, which led to subsequent antimicrobial use. Conclusions: The opinion of nurses has a significant impact on the prescriber's decision to begin antibiotic therapy in long-term care facilities, which indicates that nurses need training about the rational use of antimicrobials. (AU)

Objetivo: Identificar como ocorre a indicação de antimicrobianos nas instituições de longa permanência na perspectiva do profissional enfermeiro. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo por meio de um Survey online. Os participantes foram selecionados por meio de amostra convencional e o recrutamento foi realizado por meio de convite online. A coleta de dados foi feita a partir de um questionário autoaplicável constituído de dois blocos: o primeiro contemplando itens para a caracterização do respondente e da instituição; e o segundo, questões relacionadas ao uso e à indicação de antimicrobianos na instituição. Resultados: Foram recebidas 35 respostas, representando instituições de todos os estados brasileiros. A presença de médico em tempo parcial foi apontada em 60% das instituições. Mais de 90% dos participantes apontaram que acontecia o contato com prescritor para o relato de sinais e sintomas sugestivos de infecção apresentados pelo residente, implicando em uso subsequente de antimicrobianos. Conclusões: A opinião do profissional da Enfermagem tem grande impacto na decisão do prescritor em iniciar a antibioticoterapia nas instituições de longa permanência, demonstrando a necessidade de qualificação desse profissional direcionada ao uso racional de antimicrobianos. (AU)

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos , Enfermagem , Gestão de Antimicrobianos
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000044, Apr. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556342


Objetivo: Analisar o uso de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados (MPIs) e o uso de medicamentos usados em terapia de suporte que requerem cautela em idosos com câncer (MTSRCICs), determinando os fatores associados. Visou-se também determinar a concordância entre os critérios explícitos empregados na identificação de MPI. Metodologia: Estudo transversal com indivíduos com mieloma múltiplo (MM), idade ≥ 60 anos em tratamento ambulatorial. Os MPI foram identificados de acordo com os critérios AGS Beers 2019, PRISCUS 2.0 e o Consenso Brasileiro de Medicamentos Potencialmente Inapropriados (CBMPI). Os MTSRCIC foram definidos de acordo com a National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Os fatores associados ao uso de MPI e MTSRCIC foram identificados por regressão logística múltipla. O grau de concordância entre os três critérios explícitos empregados no estudo foi mensurado pelo coeficiente kappa Cohen. Resultados: As frequências de MPI foram 52,29% (AGS Beers 2019), 62,74% (CBMPI), 65,36% (PRISCUS 2.0) e 52,29% (MTSRCICs). As concordâncias entre AGS Beers 2019 com PRISCUS 2,0 e com CBMPI foram altas, enquanto a concordância entre CBMPI e PRISCUS 2.0 foi excelente. No modelo final de regressão logística polifarmácia foi associada positivamente ao uso de MPI por idosos para os três critérios explícitos utilizados, além de associado à utilização de MTSRCICs. Conclusões: A frequência do uso de MPI e de MTSRCIC foi elevada. A concordância em relação ao uso de MPI entre os critérios AGS Beers 2019, CBMPI e PRISCUS 2.0 foi alta ou excelente. A polifarmácia apresentou associação independente e positiva com uso de MPIs e de MTSRCICs por pacientes idosos com MM. (AU)

Objectives: To analyze the use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) and medications used in supportive therapy that require caution in older adults with cancer, in addition to determining associated factors the agreement between criteria sets used to identify PIMs. Methods: This cross-sectional study included individuals with multiple myeloma aged ≥ 60 years who were undergoing outpatient treatment. PIMs were identified according to American Geriatric Society Beers 2019, PRISCUS 2.0, and Brazilian Consensus on Potentially Inappropriate Medicines criteria. Medications of concern were defined according to National Comprehensive Cancer Network criteria. Factors associated with the use of PIMs and medications of concern were identified using multiple logistic regression. The degree of agreement between the 3 criteria sets was measured using Cohen's kappa coefficient. Results: The frequency of PIM use was 52.29% according to American Geriatric Society Beers criteria, 62.74% according to Brazilian Consensus criteria, and 65.36% according to PRISCUS criteria, while 52.29% of the patients were using medications of concern. Agreement between American Geriatric Society Beers, PRISCUS, and Brazilian Consensus criteria was high, while it was excellent between Brazilian Consensus and PRISCUS criteria. In the final logistic regression model, polypharmacy was associated with PIM use according to each criteria set, as well as the use of medications of concern. Conclusions: The frequency of PIMs and medications of concern was high. Agreement about PIM use between the American Geriatric Society Beers, Brazilian Consensus, and PRISCUS criteria was high or excellent. There was an independent association between polypharmacy and the use of PIMs and medications of concern by older patients with multiple myeloma. (AU)

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Prescrição Inadequada , Mieloma Múltiplo
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000118, Apr. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561375


Objetivo: Objetiva-se avaliar a relação entre consumo de proteínas (CP), atividade física (AF) e massa muscular (MM) em indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais de idade. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo a partir da linha de base e segunda onda do estudo ELSA-Brasil. O CP foi avaliado por meio de um questionário de frequência alimentar semiquantitativo (QFA). A AF foi mensurada pelo International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). A MM foi estimada por meio de equação de predição, e calculada a diferença de MM entre a 2a e a 1a onda. Análises bivariadas foram realizadas adotando o valor de p < 0,05. Para as análises multivariadas, utilizou-se a regressão de Poisson, com quatro modelos distintos, que incluíram as covariáveis com valor de p < 0,20. Utilizou-se o pacote estatístico SPSS versão 21. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída de 2216 idosos, sendo 55,10% de mulheres, com média de idade de 65,20 ± 4,15. Indivíduos com redução de MM entre as duas ondas estão situados no primeiro quartil de consumo de proteína. Além disso, a média de AF mostrou diferença significativa entre os grupos e a AF no lazer apenas para as mulheres (p < 0,05). Após ajuste por variáveis sociodemográficas, de saúde e hábitos de vida, indivíduos com menor consumo de proteínas apresentaram risco de 1,45 (1,29 ­ 1,63) de apresentar MM diminuída. Conclusões: O menor CP e AF forte estão associados à MM diminuída, e aqueles com menor CP no primeiro e segundo quartis apresentam maior risco de possuir MM diminuída. (AU)

Objective: The objective was to evaluate the relationship between protein consumption, physical activity, and muscle mass in individuals aged ≥ 60 years. Methods: This prospective study was based on the baseline and second wave of the ELSA Brazil study. Protein consumption was assessed using a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Physical activity was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Muscle mass was estimated using a prediction equation, and the difference in MM between the first and second waves was calculated. Bivariate analyses were performed, with p < 0.05 considered significant. Multivariate analysis consisted of 4 Poisson regression models including covariates with p < 0.20. The statistical analysis was performed in IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Results: The sample included 2216 older adults, 55.10% of whom were women, with a mean age of 65.20 (SD, 4.15). Participants whose muscle mass decreased between the waves were in the first quartile of protein consumption. Mean physical activity significantly differed between the groups, while leisure-time physical activity differed only for women (p < 0.05). After adjusting for sociodemographic, health, and lifestyle variables, participants with lower protein intake had a 1.45 (1.29­1.63) relative risk of muscle mass loss. Conclusions: Lower protein consumption and higher physical activity were associated with decreased muscle mass, and those with protein consumption in the first and second quartiles are at higher risk of muscle mass loss. (AU)

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Composição Corporal , Desnutrição Proteico-Calórica , Músculo Esquelético
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000104, Apr. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561742


Objetivo: Protocolo para avaliar os efeitos de exercícios multicomponentes na capacidade intrínseca de idosos. Metodologia: Pessoas idosas (≥ 60 anos) cadastradas em um programa de treinamento multicomponente de Porto Alegre (RS) serão selecionados para avaliação da capacidade intrínseca nos seus cinco domínios: vitalidade (teste de força de preensão manual (FPM), índice de massa corpórea (IMC) e nutrição) sensorial (perguntas autorrelatadas), psicológico (Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, GDS-15), cognitivo (MoCA teste) e locomotor (teste de sentar e levantar e TUG). A pontuação composta da capacidade intrínseca será realizada por meio da soma dos domínios em escore de 0 a 10 pontos. Ao fim de 12 semanas de intervenção com exercícios multicomponentes, os participantes serão reavaliados. Para comparar os efeitos do treinamento multicomponente na capacidade intrínseca composta e por domínio serão utilizados os testes t de Student e ANOVA para comparar os efeitos de diversos tipos de treinamento. Este estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa sob parecer no 5.517.315. Resultados esperados: Ao fim de 12 semanas de intervenção com os exercícios multicomponentes, esperamos um aumento na pontuação composta da capacidade intrínseca e em seus domínios, especialmente o locomotor. Relevância: O risco de dependência, quedas e mortalidade aumenta com o declínio da capacidade intrínseca, suscitando a necessidade de implementar intervenções para limitar esses desfechos negativos. A prática de exercícios multicomponentes é uma estratégia simples, eficaz, com boa adesão e amplamente recomendada para evitar o declínio da capacidade intrínseca e melhorar a saúde e a funcionalidade das pessoas idosas. (AU)

Objective: This is a protocol for assessing the effects of multicomponent exercise on the intrinsic capacity of older adults. Methods: Older adults (≥ 60 years old) will be selected for a multicomponent training program in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil to evaluate the 5 domains of intrinsic capacity: vitality (handgrip strength, body mass index, and nutrition) sensory perception (self-reported questions), psychology (the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale), cognition (the Montreal Cognitive Assessment) and locomotion (the sit-to-stand test and the Timed Up and Go test). The composite intrinsic capacity score will be obtained by summing the domains, with total scores ranging from 0 to 10 points. After 12 weeks of the multicomponent exercise intervention, the participants will be reassessed. Student's t-test and ANOVA will be used to compare the effects of different types of training on intrinsic capacity. This study was approved by the research ethics committee of the involved institution. Expected results: After the 12-week multicomponent exercise intervention, we expect scores for composite intrinsic capacity and its domains, especially locomotion, to increase. Relevance: The risk of dependence, falls, and mortality increases with reduced intrinsic capacity, indicating a need for interventions to limit these negative outcomes. Multicomponent exercise, a simple, widely recommended, and effective strategy with good adherence, is designed to prevent intrinsic capacity decline in older people and improve their health and functionality. (AU)

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Exercício Físico , Estado Funcional , Nutrição do Idoso
Rev. Finlay ; 14(1)mar. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565157


Fundamento: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen la principal causa de muerte y discapacidad en el mundo. Su incidencia y prevalencia ha aumentado durante la última década y representa un tercio de todas las muertes. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación de LDL-C y grados de riesgo cardiovascular en adultos mayores de 40 años en la Unidad de Medicina Familiar # 43 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Método: Se realizó una investigación con un diseño de casos y controles durante el 2023, mediante la fórmula de relación caso-control 1:1, (230 sujetos) que reunieron los criterios de selección. La recolección de la información se realizó por medio de una base de datos en Excel, el contraste de variables se realizó con la fórmula de X2. Mediante el programa de SPSS versión 25 de Windows. Resultados: El género femenino fue el de mayor frecuencia, la media de edad fue de 62 años, el colesterol total elevado presentó 109 (94,8) pacientes con alto riesgo cardiovascular, se calculó una RM: 43.279, IC: 95 %, (17.347-107.980), el colesterol LDL presentó un 68 % (59,1) con riesgo cardiovascular y una RM: 1.28, IC: 95% (0.760-2.158), la evaluación de los triglicéridos con cifras elevadas presentó un 50,4 % (58), RM: 0.037, IC 95 % (0.013-0.106). Conclusiones: La edad media de los sujetos fue, 62 años, predominó el sexo femenino, con mayor proporción de casados, el nivel de escolaridad que prevaleció fue la preparatoria, la religión católica tuvo mayor frecuencia y los sujetos de la zona urbana. Las variables de lípidos como el colesterol total y LDL-C presentaron significancia estadística en relación a riesgo cardiovascular.

Foundation: Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death and disability in the world. Its incidence and prevalence has increased over the last decade and accounts for a third of all deaths. Objective: Determine the association of LDL-C and degrees of cardiovascular risk in adults over 40 years of age in the Family Medicine Unit # 43 of the Mexican Social Security Institute. Method: An investigation was carried out with a case-control design during 2023, using the 1:1 case-control ratio formula, (230 subjects) who met the selection criteria. Information collection was carried out through an Excel database, the contrast of variables was carried out with the X2 formula. Using the SPSS version 25 Windows program. Results: The female gender was the most frequent, the average age was 62 years, elevated total cholesterol presented 109 (94.8) patients with high cardiovascular risk, an MRI was calculated: 43,279, CI: 95 %, (17,347-107,980), LDL cholesterol presented 68 % (59.1) with cardiovascular risk and an MRI: 1.28, CI: 95 % (0.760-2.158), the evaluation of triglycerides with high figures presented 50.4 % (58), OR: 0.037, 95 % CI (0.013-0.106). Conclusions: The average age of the subjects was 62 years, the female sex predominated, with a greater proportion of married people, the level of schooling that predominated was high school, the catholic religion was more frequent and the subjects were from the urban area. Lipid variables such as total cholesterol and LDL-C presented statistical significance in relation to cardiovascular risk.

Ciudad de México; s.n; 20240223. 125 p.
Tese em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1531954


Introducción: El 50% de la población mundial usa tratamientos alternativos como productos herbarios. El 20% los consume de manera simultánea con algún tratamiento farmacológico para el control la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2; enfermedad prevalente en adultos mayores. Es escasa la información acerca de las interacciones medicamentosas que pudieran producirse, siendo responsables de más de 7,000 muertes al año. Objetivo: Identificar los productos herbarios de mayor consumo del Adulto Mayor con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, en Chapulco, Puebla, México y describir las posibles interacciones medicamentosas entre fármaco hipoglucemiante ­ producto herbario reportados en la literatura científica. Metodología: Estudio observacional, prolectivo, transversal, descriptivo, en una población de 35 adultos mayores diabéticos, con edad promedio de 70±7 años. Para la identificación de los productos herbarios de uso común y sus aplicaciones terapéuticas se aplicó el cuestionario U-PLANMED. Resultados: Se identificaron 50 productos herbarios y 18 combinaciones entre estos a la vez. El 40% de los participantes consumen simultáneamente más de dos productos herbarios con uno o dos fármacos hipoglucemiantes. Entre los productos de mayor consumo se encuentran el nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), la manzanilla (Matricaria chamomilla L.) y el zacate de limón (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf.). Las interacciones medicamentosas potenciales identificadas, principalmente en estudios experimentales en animales, sugieren que, existe una acción hipoglucemiante del producto herbario al aumentar la capacidad orgánica sobre la secreción/liberación de insulina endógena. Conclusiones: Se ha evidenciado la presencia de interacciones medicamentosas ante el consumo simultaneo de fármacos prescritos para el control de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 con productos herbarios. Es necesario que, los profesionales en atención a la salud identifiquen el uso de dichos productos y orienten a los adultos mayores sobre las posibles repercusiones en los niveles de glucosa ante el consumo.

Introduction: 50% of the world's population uses alternative treatments such as herbal products. Twenty percent use them in conjunction with some form of pharmacological treatment to control type 2 diabetes mellitus, a disease prevalent in older adults. There is little information on the drug interactions that may occur, which are responsible for more than 7,000 deaths per year. Objective: To identify the most consumed herbal products among older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Chapulco, Puebla, Mexico, and to describe the possible drug-drug interactions between hypoglycemic drugs and herbal products reported in the scientific literature. Methodology: Observational, prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study in a population of 35 diabetic older adults with a mean age of 70±7 years. The U-PLANMED questionnaire was used to identify commonly used herbal products and their therapeutic applications. Results: Fifty herbal products and 18 combinations of them were identified. Forty percent of the participants used more than two herbal products simultaneously with one or two hypoglycemic drugs. The most used products included prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.), and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf.). Potential drug-drug interactions identified mainly in experimental animal studies suggest that there is a hypoglycemic effect of the herbal product by increasing the organic capacity on endogenous insulin secretion/release. Conclusions: The presence of drug-drug interactions has been demonstrated with the simultaneous consumption of drugs prescribed for the control of type 2 diabetes mellitus with herbal products. It is necessary for health care professionals to recognize the use of such products and to inform older adults about the possible repercussions on glucose levels when consuming them.

Introdução: 50% da população mundial utiliza tratamentos alternativos como os produtos à base de plantas. Vinte por cento utilizam-nos em conjunto com algum tipo de tratamento farmacológico para controlar a diabetes mellitus tipo 2, uma doença prevalente em adultos mais velhos. Há pouca informação sobre as interacções medicamentosas que podem ocorrer e que são responsáveis por mais de 7.000 mortes por ano. Objetivos: Identificar os produtos fitoterápicos mais consumidos entre os idosos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 em Chapulco, Puebla, México, e descrever as possíveis interações medicamentosas entre medicamentos hipoglicemiantes e produtos fitoterápicos relatados na literatura científica. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, prospetivo, transversal e descritivo numa população de 35 idosos diabéticos com uma idade média de 70±7 anos. O questionário U-PLANMED foi utilizado para identificar os produtos fitoterápicos mais utilizados e suas aplicações terapêuticas. Resultados: Foram identificados 50 produtos à base de plantas e 18 combinações dos mesmos. Quarenta por cento dos participantes utilizaram mais de dois produtos à base de plantas em simultâneo com um ou dois medicamentos hipoglicemiantes. Os produtos mais utilizados foram o cato de figo da Índia (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), a camomila (Matricaria chamomilla L.) e o capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf.). As potenciais interacções medicamentosas identificadas principalmente em estudos experimentais em animais sugerem que existe um efeito hipoglicémico do produto à base de plantas através do aumento da capacidade orgânica na secreção/libertação de insulina endógena. Conclusões: A presença de interacções medicamentosas foi demonstrada com o consumo simultâneo de medicamentos prescritos para o controlo da diabetes mellitus tipo 2 com produtos à base de plantas. É necessário que os profissionais de saúde reconheçam o uso de tais produtos e informem os idosos sobre as possíveis repercussões nos níveis de glicose ao consumi-los.

Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13469, fev.2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557309


Older adults have a high prevalence of falls due to a decline in physiological functions and various chronic diseases. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of and risk factors for falls among older individuals in the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS). We collected information from 9737 older individuals (average age=84.26 years) from the CLHLS and used binary logistic regression analysis to explore the independent risk factors and protective factors for falls. The logistic regression analysis results are reported as adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs). The prevalence of falls among older adults in China was 21.6%, with women (24.6%) having a higher prevalence than men (18.1%). Logistic regression analysis revealed that never (or rarely) eating fresh fruit, difficulty with hearing, cataracts, and arthritis were the common independent risk factors for falls in older Chinese men and women. Among men, age ≥80 years (aOR=1.86), never doing housework (aOR=1.36), and dyslipidemia (aOR=1.47) were risk factors, while eating milk products once a week was a protective factor. Alcohol consumption (aOR=1.40), physical labor (aOR=1.28), and heart disease (aOR=1.21) were risk factors for falls in women, while a daily sleep duration of 6-12 h and garlic consumption once a week were protective factors. The prevalence of falls among older adults in China is 21.6% and is greater in women than in men. These risk and protective factors can be used to formulate reasonable recommendations for living habits, diet, and chronic disease control strategies.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 22(1): 1-15, 20240130.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554935


en el artículo se analizan la depresión, variables sociodemográficas y su asociación entre ellas en adultos mayores en el Perú. Materiales y métodos: se usó un estudio transversal, descriptivo y correlacional a una submuestra de 5247 adultos mayores. Se emplearon los datos generados por la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud (endes) del 2019, utilizando el instrumento de investigación: Patient Healtth Questionnarie (phq-9) de nueve preguntas y las variables sociodemográficas, incluidas en los cuestionarios de salud, características del hogar y la vivienda, de la endes 2019. Para el estudio estadístico se usó el modelo de regresión logística múltiple,para establecer si existía asociación entre depresión y variables sociode-mográficas. Resultados: los resultados señalan que el 15.3 % de las personas de 60 años a más presenta una depresión moderada, moderadamente severa y severa. Asimismo, se encontró que la depresión y las variables sociodemográficas (nivel de instrucción, diabetes, índice de riqueza, sexo y grupo etario) están relacionadas; sin embargo, no están relacionadas con las variables hábito de fumar, obesidad, tener pareja y lugar de residencia. Conclusiones: la depresión está relacionada con algunas variables sociodemográficas consideradas en este estudio. La depresión en adultos mayores se está convirtiendo en un significativo problema de salud pública, más frecuente en mujeres, edades avanzadas, áreas rurales, niveles socioe-conómicos bajos, menores niveles educativos, presión arterial, discapacidad y consumo problemático de alcohol; condiciones que deben tenerse en cuenta para la implementación de políticas públicas.

We analyzed depression, sociodemographic variables, and the association between them in older adults in Peru. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational study was conducted, including 5,247 older adults. The data was extracted from the 2019 Demographic and Health Survey (endes) using the Patient Health Questionnaire (phq-9) of nine questions. The health questionnaires also included sociodemographic variables, household characteristics, and housing-related questions. A multiple logistic regression model was used to determine if there was an association between depression and sociodemographic variables. Results: Approximately 15.3% of older adults had a history of depression (moderate, moderately severe, and severe). We identified a relationship between depression and some sociodemographic variables (education level, diabetes, wealth index, sex, and age group). However, depres-sion was not related to smoking habits, obesity, having a partner, and place of residence. Conclusions: Depression was related to some of the sociodemographic variables considered in this study. Depression in older adults is becoming a significant public health problem, more frequent in women, advanced ages, rural areas, low socioeconomic levels, lower educational levels, blood pressure, disability, and problem-atic alcohol consumption. These conditions must be considered in the implementation of public policies

Introdução: no presente artigo analisa-se a depressão, variáveis sociodemográficas e a associação entre elas em idosos no Peru. Materiais e métodos: estudo transversal, descritivo e correlacional, com uma suba-mostra de 5247 idosos. Foram utilizados os dados gerados pela "Pesquisa Demográfica e de Saúde" (do espanhol endes) do ano de 2019, utilizando como instrumento de pesquisa o: Patient Health Questionnarie (phq-9) de nove questões e as variáveis sociodemográficas, incluídas nos questionários de saúde, domiciliar e características de moradia, do endes 2019. Para o estudo estatístico, foi utilizado o modelo de regres-são logística múltipla para verificar se havia associação entre depressão e variáveis sociodemográficas. Resultados: os resultados indicam que 15,3 por cento das pessoas com 60 anos ou mais apresentam um nível de depressão moderada, moderadamente grave e grave. Da mesma forma, verificou-se que a depressão e as variáveis sociodemográficas (escolaridade, diabetes, índice de riqueza, sexo e faixa etária) estão relacionadas; entretanto, não estão relacionados com as variáveis hábito de fumar, obesidade, ter companheiro e local de residência. Conclusões: a depressão está relacionada com algumas das variáveis sociodemográficas consideradas neste estudo. A depressão em idosos está se tornando um problema sig-nificativo de saúde pública, mais frequente em mulheres, idades avançadas, áreas rurais, níveis socioeco-nómicos baixos, níveis educacionais mais baixos, pressão arterial, deficiência e consumo problemático de álcool; condições que devem ser levadas em conta para a implementação de políticas públicas.

Humanos , Estresse Psicológico , Idoso Fragilizado , Questionário de Saúde do Paciente
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021539


OBJECTIVE:With the increasing aging population,the decline of cognitive ability in older adults has received widespread attention.High-intensity interval training(HIIT)has been applied as an emerging exercise intervention to improve cognitive ability in older adults,but its efficacy is still controversial.This study aimed to investigate the effects of HIIT intervention on cognitive ability in older adults,in order to provide a theoretical basis for its application in improving cognitive ability in older adults. METHODS:Randomized controlled trials regarding the effect of HIIT on cognitive ability in older adults were retrieved from databases including CNKI,WanFang,PubMed,Embase,and Web of Science,from the database inception to November 2022.The Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing risk of bias in randomized controlled trials was used to evaluate the methodological quality,and RevMan 5.3 software was used for the Meta-analysis of outcome indicators in the included literature. RESULTS:A total of 8 randomized controlled trials,including 4 high-quality and 4 low-quality studies with 369 participants,were included in the Meta-analysis.Meta-analysis showed that(1)compared with moderate-intensity continuous training(MICT),HIIT could effectively improve the maximal oxygen uptake of older adults[weighted mean difference(WMD)=3.78,95%confidence interval(CI):2.79,4.77,P<0.000 01].Subgroup analysis showed that with long-term intervention(intervention period≥6 weeks),compared with the MICT group,the HIIT group could significantly improve the executive function[standardized mean difference(SMD)=0.36,95%CI:0.20-0.52,P<0.000 1)and its sub-function inhibition ability(SMD=0.35,95%CI:0.17-0.52,P<0.000 1)of older adults.(2)Compared with the control group,the HIIT group could effectively improve the maximal oxygen uptake of older adults(WMD=6.75,95%CI:4.20-9.29,P<0.000 01),memory(SMD=0.20,95%CI:0.03-0.37,P=0.02),executive function(SMD=0.87,95%CI:0.52-1.22,P<0.000 01),and its sub-function inhibition ability(SMD=0.89,95%CI:0.46-1.33,P<0.000 1).Subgroup analysis showed that with long-term intervention(intervention period≥6 weeks),compared with the control group,the HIIT group could effectively improve the executive function(SMD=0.75,95%CI:0.41-1.09,P<0.000 1),its sub-function inhibition ability(SMD=0.50,95%CI:0.19-0.81,P=0.002),and switching ability(SMD=1.65,95%CI:0.86-2.44,P<0.000 1).(3)With a single intervention,compared with the control group,the HIIT group could effectively improve the executive function(SMD=1.25,95%CI:0.39-2.11,P=0.004)and its sub-function inhibition ability(SMD=2.40,95%CI:0.87-3.92,P=0.002). CONCLUSION:HIIT can effectively improve the executive function and its sub-function inhibition ability of older adults,but has no improvement effect on memory ability.At the same time,long-term HIIT intervention is superior to MICT in improving aerobic capacity and executive function of older adults.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022019


BACKGROUND:During stair walking,different muscles work in concert and compensate for each other,and it is unclear whether weakened muscle strength actually affects stair fall risk in older adults.Real-time electromyographic signals from older adults during stair walking are used to reflect high fall risk in older adults during stair walking,which may further improve the accuracy of prediction methods. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects of aging on lower limb muscle activation in older adults during stair walking and to analyze the relationship between their muscle activation characteristics and stair fall risk. METHODS:Subjects were divided by age into an older group(n=19)and a younger group(n=18)group and were asked to walk on a 10-step staircase at a natural speed,incorporating surface electromyography acquisition technology,to capture surface electromyography signals during stair walking and calculate the root mean square(RMS)to analyze differences in muscle activation levels.Logistic regression analysis was utilized to establish a predictive model for stair fall risk in older adults by incorporating the lateral femoral and gastrocnemius muscle RMS.The discrimination of the model was evaluated by the receiver operating characteristic curve and area under the curve,and the fit of the model was evaluated using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Activation of the rectus femoris(Z=-3.464,P=0.001;t=3.379,P=0.002)and lateral gastrocnemius muscle(Z=-2.978,P=0.003;Z=-3.555,P<0.001)was higher in older adults than in younger adults when walking up and down stairs.Activation of the anterior tibialis(Z=-2.350,P=0.019)and medial(Z=2.321,P=0.020)and lateral(t=3.158,P=0.004)gastrocnemius muscles was higher in older adults when ascending stairs than descending stairs.Older adults at risk for falls had less activation of the lateral femoral muscle(Z=-2.613,P=0.009),medial gastrocnemius muscle(Z=-2.286,P=0.022)when walking upstairs,and lateral femoral muscle(Z=-2.368,P=0.018)when walking downstairs than did older adults not at risk for falls.The predictive ability,goodness of fit,and discrimination of the stair fall prediction model for older adults based on surface electromyography were good(P-value of 0.010 for the Omnibus test of the model coefficients,P-value of 0.214 for the Hosmer-Lemeshow test,and the area of the curve of the upper staircase lateral femoral muscle=0.856,P=0.009).(5)The model was modeled with a cut-off value of 38.64 for the upper staircase lateral femoral muscle RMS value and there was a 0.952-fold increase in the risk of staircase falls for each unit decrease in the upper staircase lateral femoral muscle RMS in older adults.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022064


BACKGROUND:Sarcopenia refers to age-related progressive,systemic muscle mass reduction and/or muscle strength decline or muscle physiological function decline,which is related to the occurrence of a variety of adverse outcomes in older adults.Exercise is considered to be one of the main strategies for combating sarcopenia in older adults,but there is a lack of specific intervention methods of different exercise patterns to intervene in sarcopenia. OBJECTIVE:To elaborate the main influencing factors of sarcopenia and the research progress of different exercise methods to improve sarcopenia in older adults,providing reference and basis for combating sarcopenia in older adults. METHODS:Web of Science,PubMed,CNKI,VIP,WanFang databases were retrieved for relevant literature published from January 2000 to October 2023 using the keywords of"sarcopenia,sport,exercise intervention,resistant training,aerobic exercise,whole body vibration training,mixed training,physical performance,muscle strength,muscle mass"in Chinese and English,respectively.A total of 126 articles were included for review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Resistance exercise is still the most effective way to prevent and treat senile sarcopenia,and the effect of high-intensity resistance exercise is more significant.However,in practical application,we should pay attention to the gradual increase of training load intensity.Aerobic exercise combined with resistance exercise is more effective to improve muscle mass and function in the elderly than a single exercise mode.It is suggested that older adults can carry out the transition of low-intensity aerobic exercise in the early stage and increase resistance exercise individually in the late stage.Whole body vibration training is a new treatment method for the prevention and treatment of senile sarcopenia,but particular attention should be paid to the effects of frequency,amplitude,and duration on patients during practical application.Multicomponent exercise combines different exercise modes,which can give full play to their respective advantages,so as to personalize exercise interventions.

Journal of Medical Biomechanics ; (6): 172-177, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023789


Walking downstairs and running are common actions in daily life;however,older adults with functional decline are prone to falls or injuries.To cope with various situations and avoid falls,the first neuroprotective motor mechanism activated by the body is the regulation of lower limb stiffness.Hence,this study retrieved and collected relevant research results from databases such as China Knowledge,Wanfang,Google Scholar,and Web of Science,using key words such as elderly and lower limb stiffness,and summarized the similarities and differences in changes in lower limb stiffness in different action tasks.The findings show that interventions on controllable factors can improve changes in lower limb stiffness to prevent falls in older adults.However,owing to the small number of related studies,it is necessary to further investigate the effects of action interventions on lower limb stiffness in older adults to obtain reliable regularity features and references.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036426


@#Introduction: Poor appetite is prevalent among older adults and may negatively impact on their overall health. This is especially true for institutionalised residents. Despite this, there is a paucity of research on appetite and its associated factors among institutionalised residents, which signified the present study. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among elderly residents at long-term care facilities in the state of Selangor, Malaysia to ascertain their appetite status and its associated factors. Results: A total of 97 residents with mean age of 74.2±8.4 years old were recruited. They comprised 61.9% females and 38.1% males. More than 50% had poor appetite with early satiety. There were 63.0%, 82.4%, and 94.8% who had poor oral health, poor sleep quality, and depression, respectively. Ethnicity (OR=2.73; 95% CI=1.00-7.44; p=0.049) was the only factor that predicted poor appetite among older adults in long-term care facilities, with Malay residents having poorer appetite than their Chinese and Indian counterparts. Conclusion: The prevalence of poor appetite was high among residents staying at long-term care facilities in Selangor, Malaysia, especially among Malays. This issue deserves further studies to identify the specific underlying factors contributing to poor appetite among older adults from different ethnicities. Acknowledging the high prevalence of poor appetite among older adults and its possible unfavourable outcomes, appropriate nutrition interventions are therefore needed to address this issue among institutionalised elderly.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012782


@#Introduction: Ageing is commonly linked with physical inactivity. This review was performed to identify the factors associated with participation in physical activity among older adults in Malaysia. Methods: A systematic review was conducted using five databases; Pubmed, Sagepub, Scopus, Cochrane Library and Science Direct. Observational and intervention studies published between January 2010 and December 2020 were included, with Malaysian older adults aged 55 years and older being the main subject. Results: A total of 9 articles were included in the review. Analysis was guided by the Social Ecological Model for Health Promotion. The review had successfully identified gender, age, education level, health reasons, ethnicity and attitude as intrapersonal factors, social support (friend) and marital status as interpersonal factors, and locality as well as availability of facilities as environmental factors. Conclusions: Physical activity participation among Malaysian older adults were mainly determined by intrapersonal factors, particularly gender, health condition and educational level.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013282


ObjectiveTo conduct a systematic review of the effect of active music therapy on cognitive function for older adults with cognitive impairment based on International Classification of Diseases, the 11th Revision (ICD-11), and International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). MethodsA PICO framework was constructed. Thematic keyword searches were conducted in databases including PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, CNKI, VIP, and Wanfang data, for literature on the effect of active music therapy on cognitive function for older adults with cognitive impairment, published up to November 5th, 2023. Information on authors, countries, publication date, sample characteristics, study designs, intervention methods, measurement tools and outcomes were extracted. The methodological quality of the researches was evaluated using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale. ResultsEight researches from six countries were included, which were all randomized controlled trials involving 356 older adults with mild cognitive impairment and dementia. The articles were published from 2014 to 2020, with an average of 7.4 of the PEDro scale. Active music therapy was used by singing and playing instruments. Interventions took place in hospitals, nursing homes, and health centers. The intervention duration ranged from mostly 30 to 60 minutes a time, with a few 120 minutes a time. Interventions were implemented mostly one to three times a week, lasting from eight to twelve weeks. Health outcomes focused on cognitive function, including overall cognitive function, executive function, attention function and memory function. ConclusionA theoretical framework for the benefits of active music therapy on the cognitive function for older adults with cognitive impairment has been constructed based on ICD-11 and ICF. Active music therapy can improve overall cognitive function, executive function, attention function and memory function for older adults with cognitive impairment.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013284


ObjectiveTo conduct a systematic review of the health benefits of mindfulness interventions for older adults with insomnia disorders. MethodsThematic keyword search was conducted in databases including Web of Science, PubMed, Embase, EBSCO, CNKI, VIP and Wanfang data, for literature on the impact of mindfulness intervention on sleep quality in older adults with insomnia disorders, published up to August, 2023. The methodological quality of the researches was evaluated using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale. Insomnia disorders, sleep function and mindfulness interventions were coded using International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, and International Classification of Health Interventions Beta-3; and a systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA. ResultsNine researches from four countries were included, involving 800 participants, and all the researches were randomized controlled trials. The average score of PEDro scale was 7.1. The health-related conditions were insomnia disorders and insomnia disorders complicated with mild cognitive impairment. Mindfulness interventions used included mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia, mindfulness-based stress reduction, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and mindfulness meditation. Interventions were implemented in institutions or health centers, care facilities, and community health service centers, varying from six to eight weeks. Health benefits of mindfulness intervention included improvements in sleep quality and psychological and behavioral health. ConclusionMindfulness interventions effectively improve sleep quality in older adults with insomnia disorders, alleviate negative emotional states such as depression, anxiety and perceived stress, and improve the quality of life.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016402


Objective To quantitatively evaluate the association of short-term exposure to ambient submicron particulate matter (PM1) with hospital admissions for angina in older adults. Methods A case-crossover study was conducted among 46 687 older adults hospitalized for angina from 2016 to 2019 in Guangzhou medical institutions. Grid data on ambient PM1 concentrations in Guangzhou were obtained from the ChinaHighAirPollutants (CHAP) dataset. Exposure to PM1 was assessed according to each subject's residential addresses. Conditional logistic regression model was used to analyze the the exposure-response association between PM1 and hospital admissions for angina. Results From 2016 to 2019, the average exposure level of PM1 on the same day of hospital admissions (lag 0) for angina was 21.0 ± 11.5 μg/m3. The results of main model analysis showed that lag 0 day exposure to ambient PM1 was significantly associated with a higher odds of hospital admissions for angina in older adults. Each 10 μg/m3 increase of PM1 exposure level was significantly associated with a 1.31% (95% CI: 0.05%, 2.59%) increased odds of angina admissions. Results from a two-pollutant model adjusting for O3 showed that the association between short-term exposure to PM1 and odds of hospitalization for angina remained stable. According to the results of the above model, it was estimated that the excess hospitalization attributable to ambient PM1 exposure accounted for 2.46% (95% CI: 0.09%, 4.76%) of the total admissions in Guangzhou during 2016-2019, corresponding to 1539 (95% CI: 54, 2976) admissions. No significant effect modification on the associations was observed by sex, age, or season. Conclusion Short-term exposure to ambient PM1 was significantly associated with an increased odds of hospital admissions for angina in older adults.