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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(2): 305-312, jun. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564785


Resumen Las guías de diagnóstico y tratamiento elaboradas por las sociedades científicas médicas, constituyen una herramienta muy útil para el ejercicio profesional de la especialidad. Sustentadas en bibliografía actualizada, representan un material de enorme valor con reco mendaciones de los expertos en los diversos temas de la especialidad. En el presente artículo se intenta determinar si las mismas podrían ser diseñadas acercándolas lo más estrechamente posible al formato de las Guías de Práctica Clínica Basadas en la Evidencia (GPC-BE), para lo cual se revisan las etapas en su elaboración y los requisitos que deberían cumplir para ser conside radas como tales. Las GPC-BE son un "conjunto de recomendaciones elaboradas de forma sistemática para ayudar a los profe sionales y a los pacientes en la toma de decisiones sobre la atención sanitaria más apropiada, seleccionando las opciones diagnósticas y/o terapéuticas más adecuadas en el abordaje de un problema de salud o una condición clínica específica". Su objetivo es mejorar la efectividad, la eficiencia y la seguridad de las decisiones clínicas, y pueden servir de base para la elaboración de políticas de salud. La elaboración de las GPC representa un proceso complejo, que requiere conocimientos, experiencia y re cursos tanto en tiempo como en dinero. Su robustez no depende de quienes la realizan, sino de cómo es realiza da. Ello implica la participación de técnicos que aporten la evaluación de la evidencia por el método GRADE, y la consideración de aspectos de costo-efectividad.

Abstract The guides for diagnosis and treatment prepared by scientific medical societies constitute a very useful tool for the professional practice of the specialty. Supported by an updated bibliography, they represent material of enormous value with recommendations from experts on the various topics of the specialty. This article attempts to determine if they could be designed as "Evidence - Based Clinical Practice Guide lines" (CPG BE), for which the stages in their develop ment and the requirements that they reviewed. The CPG BE are a "set of recommendations prepared systematically to help professionals and patients in making decisions about the most appropriate health care, selecting the most appropriate diagnostic and/or therapeutic options to address a problem of health or a specific clinical condition". Their objective is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of clinical deci sions, and they can serve a basis for the development of health policies. The preparation of CPGs represents a complex pro cess, which requires knowledge, experience and re sources, both in time and money. Its robustness does not depend on who does it, but on how it is done. This implies the participation of technicians who provide the evaluation of the evidence using the GRADE method and the consideration of cost-effectiveness aspects.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(supl.2): 1-32, jun. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569349


Resumen La prevención de la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa (ETV) es motivo de continua actualización en función de nueva evidencia que se genera permanentemente. Cada institución debe contar con una estrategia activa de prevención contra la ETV y debe generar normas de tromboprofilaxis (TP) de acuerdo con la realidad local. Durante este proceso de adaptación de una guía a la región debemos siempre tener en cuenta los recursos locales disponibles, el riesgo tromboembólico y hemorrágico propio del paciente, de la enfermedad por la que se encuentra internado (ya sea clínica o quirúrgica) y las consideraciones o preferencias del paciente. La tasa de adherencia a recomendaciones locales de TP es uno de los indicadores de excelencia más importantes evaluados en organismos que califican la calidad de una institución de salud. Las medidas de profilaxis que propongamos para los centros de salud, deben ser individualizadas para cada paciente, tienen que considerar antecedentes personales y familiares del enfermo y utilizar modelos de evaluación de riesgo validados de trombosis y de sangrado. También deben incluir a la población con riesgo de trombosis persistente luego del alta. Lo ideal es tener estadísticas propias de cada nosocomio para la toma de decisiones de cómo implementar una correcta TP. Extrapolar guías de los países desarrollados a nuestro ámbito podría tener un impacto negativo, si no se conoce la propia realidad. En este documento encontraremos herramientas prácticas para las instituciones de salud de la región, que les permita orientarse al momento de confeccionar recomendaciones para una adecuada TP.

Abstract Venous thromboembolism disease (VTE) prevention strategy has to be constantly updated based on new evidence that is generated every year. Each institution must have a formal and active prevention policy against VTE and must develop guidelines or standards for thromboprophylaxis (TP) according to the local reality. During this process of adapting a guideline to the region and the generation of hospital recommendations, we must always consider the available local resources, the thromboembolic and hemorrhagic risk of the patients, even after discharge, and also their considerations and preferences. Adherence to local TP recommendations is one of the most important items evaluated by organizations that measure institutional quality. Individualized prophylaxis should consider personal and family history of VTE, the use of validated risk assessment models or RAMs for thrombosis and bleeding events, as well as the special characteristics of each patient. Ideally, each center's own statistics should be available for decision-making. Extrapolating guidelines from developed countries could have a negative impact, if we ignore our hospital´s reality. In this document we will find practical tools for health institutions that will allow them to prepare recommendations or guidelines for adequate VTE prophylaxis.

Medwave ; 24(05): e2781, 30-06-2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570695


Introduction Updating recommendations for guidelines requires a comprehensive and efficient literature search. Although new information platforms are available for developing groups, their relative contributions to this purpose remain uncertain. Methods As part of a review/update of eight selected evidence-based recommendationsfor type 2 diabetes, we evaluated the following five literature search approaches (targeting systematic reviews, using predetermined criteria): PubMed for MEDLINE, Epistemonikos database basic search, Epistemonikos database using a structured search strategy, Living overview of evidence (L.OVE) platform, and TRIP database. Three reviewers independently classified the retrieved references as definitely eligible, probably eligible, or not eligible. Those falling in the same "definitely" categories for all reviewers were labelled as "true" positives/negatives. The rest went to re-assessment and if found eligible/not eligible by consensus became "false" negatives/positives, respectively. We described the yield for each approach and computed "diagnostic accuracy" measures and agreement statistics. Results Altogether, the five approaches identified 318 to 505 references for the eight recommendations, from which reviewers considered 4.2 to 9.4% eligible after the two rounds. While Pubmed outperformed the other approaches (diagnostic odds ratio 12.5 versus 2.6 to 5.3), no single search approach returned eligible references for all recommendations. Individually, searches found up to 40% of all eligible references (n = 71), and no combination of any three approaches could find over 80% of them. Kappa statistics for retrieval between searches were very poor (9 out of 10 paired comparisons did not surpass the chance-expected agreement). Conclusion Among the information platforms assessed, PubMed appeared to be more efficient in updating this set of recommendations. However, the very poor agreement among search approaches in the reference yield demands that developing groups add information from several (probably more than three) sources for this purpose. Further research is needed to replicate our findings and enhance our understanding of how to efficiently update recommendations.

Introducción La actualización de recomendaciones de las guías de práctica clínica requiere búsquedas bibliográficas exhaustivas y eficientes. Aunque están disponibles nuevas plataformas de información para grupos desarrolladores, su contribución a este propósito sigue siendo incierta. Métodos Como parte de una revisión/actualización de 8 recomendaciones basadas en evidencia seleccionadas sobre diabetes tipo 2, evaluamos las siguientes cinco aproximaciones de búsqueda bibliográfica (dirigidas a revisiones sistemáticas, utilizando criterios predeterminados): PubMed para MEDLINE; Epistemonikos utilizando una búsqueda básica; Epistemonikos utilizando una estrategia de búsqueda estructurada; plataforma (L.OVE) y TRIP . Tres revisores clasificaron de forma independiente las referencias recuperadas como definitivamente o probablemente elegibles/no elegibles. Aquellas clasificadas en las mismas categorías "definitivas" para todos los revisores, se etiquetaron como "verdaderas" positivas/negativas. El resto se sometieron a una nueva evaluación y, si se consideraban por consenso elegibles/no elegibles, se convirtieron en "falsos" negativos/positivos, respectivamente. Describimos el rendimiento de cada aproximación, junto a sus medidas de "precisión diagnóstica" y las estadísticas de acuerdo. Resultados En conjunto, las cinco aproximaciones identificaron 318-505 referencias para las 8 recomendaciones, de las cuales los revisores consideraron elegibles el 4,2 a 9,4% tras las dos rondas. Mientras que Pubmed superó a las otras aproximaciones (odds ratio de diagnóstico 12,5 versus 2,6 a 53), ninguna aproximación de búsqueda identificó por sí misma referencias elegibles para todas las recomendaciones. Individualmente, las búsquedas identificaron hasta el 40% de todas las referencias elegibles (n=71), y ninguna combinación de cualquiera de los tres enfoques pudo identificar más del 80% de ellas. Las estadísticas Kappa para la recuperación entre búsquedas fueron muy pobres (9 de cada 10 comparaciones pareadas no superaron el acuerdo esperado por azar). Conclusiones Entre las plataformas de información evaluadas, Pubmed parece ser la más eficiente para actualizar este conjunto de recomendaciones. Sin embargo, la escasa concordancia en el rendimiento de las referencias exige que los grupos desarrolladores incorporen información de varias fuentes (probablemente más de tres) para este fin. Es necesario seguir investigando para replicar nuestros hallazgos y mejorar nuestra comprensión de cómo actualizar recomendaciones de forma eficiente.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(2): e202202948, abr. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1537622


Objetivo. Proporcionar un marco para profesionales de la salud que tratan a pacientes pediátricos bajo terapia con glucocorticoides (GC) y desarrollar recomendaciones para la prevención y el tratamiento de la osteoporosis inducida por GC en la población pediátrica. Métodos. Un panel de expertos en enfermedades óseas y pediátricas generó una serie de preguntas PICO que abordan aspectos relacionados con la prevención y el tratamiento de osteoporosis en pacientes bajo tratamiento con GC. Siguiendo la metodología GRADE, se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura, se resumieron las estimaciones del efecto y se calificó la calidad de la evidencia. Luego se procedió a la votación y a la formulación de las recomendaciones. Resultados. Se desarrollaron 7 recomendaciones y 6 principios generales para osteoporosis inducida por GC en población pediátrica. Conclusión. Estas recomendaciones proporcionan orientación para los médicos que deben tomar decisiones en pacientes pediátricos bajo tratamiento con GC.

Objective. To provide a framework for healthcare professionals managing pediatric patients who are on active glucocorticoid (GC) therapy and to develop recommendations for the prevention and treatment of GC-induced osteoporosis in the pediatric population. Methods. A panel of experts on bone and pediatric diseases developed a series of PICO questions that address issues related to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in patients on GC therapy. In accordance with the GRADE approach, we conducted a systematic review of the literature, summarized effect estimations, and classified the quality of the evidence. Then, voting and the formulation of recommendations followed. Results. Seven recommendations and six general principles were developed for GC-induced osteoporosis in the pediatric population. Conclusion. These recommendations provide guidance for clinicians who must make decisions concerning pediatric patients undergoing treatment with GC.

Humanos , Criança , Osteoporose/induzido quimicamente , Osteoporose/prevenção & controle , Osteoporose/tratamento farmacológico , Glucocorticoides/efeitos adversos
Rev. am. med. respir ; 24(1): 32-42, ene. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569595


RESUMEN Introducción: Dada la existencia de variadas guías para enfermedades respiratorias, se buscó conocer cuáles eligen los médicos para utilizar en su práctica clínica. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, mediante una encuesta a neumonólogos de la Asociación Argentina de Medicina Respiratoria. Resultados: La guía más utilizada para EPOC fue la Iniciativa Global para la Enferme dad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (GOLD) (82 %), seguida por GesEPOC (51 %). Para asma las más usadas fueron la Iniciativa Global para el Asma (GINA) 2022 (89 %) y GEMA 5.2 (68 %). En asma de difícil control, se prefirieron GINA 2022 (82 %) y GEMA 2022 (53 %). En espirometría, un 54 % de los respondedores se inclinó por NHANES III y un 22 % utilizó valores teóricos de referencia de Knudson. En neumonía, el 62 % eligió SADI, el 37 %, IDSA y el 20 %, BTS. Para nódulos pulmonares, el 62 % prefirió las guías Fleischner, 35 % se inclinó por Lung-RADS 1.1. Para neumonitis por hip ersensibilidad, un 83 % seleccionó las guías de las sociedades conjuntas ATS/JRS/ ALAT. Para imágenes de fibrosis pulmonar, el 89 % utilizó ALAT/ERS/JRS/ALAT y el 18 % White Paper. Discusión: si bien hay estudios sobre adherencia a guías, no los hay acerca de pref erencias de utilización entre varias referidas a un mismo tema. En EPOC y asma (in cluyendo la de difícil control) se eligieron GOLD y GINA y las de la Sociedad Española de Patología Respiratoria (GesEPOC y GEMA). El uso preferencial de la guía nacional para neumonía es coherente con la necesidad de contemplar la epidemiología local.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Since there are various guidelines for respiratory diseases, we aimed to know which are chosen by physicians in their daily clinical practice. Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted through a questionnaire sent to pulmonologists of the Argentinian Association of Respiratory Medicine. Results: The most commonly used guideline for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) was the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) (82 %), followed by GesEPOC (51 %). For asthma, the most commonly used guideline was the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) 2022 (89 %) and the Spanish Guideline on the Management of Asthma (known for its acronym in Spanish, GEMA), GEMA 5.2 (68 %). In difficult-to-control asthma, GINA 2022 (82 %) and GEMA 2022 (53 %) were used. With regard to spirometries, 54 % of respondents favored NHANES III (Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) and 22 % used theoretical Knudson reference values. For pneumonia, 62 % chose the guidelines of the SADI (Argentinian Society of Infectious Diseases), 37 % preferred those of the IDSA (Infectious Diseases Society of America) and 20 %, chose the guidelines of the BTS (British Thoracic Society). For pulmonary nodules, 62 % used Fleischner guidelines, and 35 % favored Lung-RADS 1.1. For hypersensitivity pneumonitis, 83 % selected the ATS/JRS/ALAT Guidelines (American Thoracic Society/Japanese Respiratory Society/Latin American Thoracic Society). And with respect to pulmonary fibrosis imaging, 89 % used ALAT/ERS (Eu ropean Respiratory Society)/JRS recommendations, and 18 % preferred White Paper. Discussion: Although there are studies about adherence to guidelines, none of them shows which are the chosen recommendations within a group of guidelines of the same topic. In COPD and asthma (including difficult-to-control asthma) GOLD, GINA and the guidelines of the Spanish Society of Respiratory Disease (GesEPOC and GEMA) were chosen. The preference for the national guideline for pneumonia is consistent with the need to consider local epidemiology.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031448


ObjectiveTo explore the current status and issues regarding the application of ancient books in clinical practice guidelines and expert consensus of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) published in China, and to provide methodological recommendations for the incorporation of ancient books in the development of TCM guidelines. MethodsWe searched China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), WanFang Data, VIP, SinoMed, PubMed, Embase, as well as six industry websites including China Association of Chinese Medicine, National Group Standards Information Platform, and Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine,etc. TCM clinical practice guidelines or expert consensus issued during January 1st, 2017, to November 26th, 2022 were searched. Clinical practice guidelines or expert consensus that explicitly referred to ancient books were included, and the content regarding the searching for ancient books, sources of access to ancient books, methods of evaluating the level of evidence, methods of evaluating the level of recommendation, and methods of evaluating the evidence for the ancient books were analysed. ResultsA total of 1,215 TCM clinical practice guidelines or expert consensus were retrieved, with 442 articles explicitly mentioning the application of ancient books, including 300 (67.87%) clinical practice guidelines and 142 (32.13%) expert consensus. Sixty of the 442 publications explicitly reported that ancient books searching had been conducted (13.57%); among these 60 publications 27 (45.00%) explicitly reported ancient books searching strategies, and the most frequent method was manual searching with a total of 24 articles (40.00%). The most popular search source was Chinese Medical Dictionary, a TCM classics database, with a total of 18 articles. 197 articles (44.57%) explicitly reported the evaluation criteria for the level of evidence, of which 141 articles (71.57%) involved the evaluation criteria for the ancient books; 413 articles (93.44%) mentioned ancient books in the recommendations, and only the source of formula name was mentioned in 409 (99.03%) of the publications. ConclusionThe current application of ancient books in TCM clinical practice guidelines and expert consensus is limited, with issues of non-standard searching and evaluation methods. Standar-dization and uniformity are needed in evidence grading and recommendation standards. Future research should clarify the scope and methods of applying ancient book, emphasize their integration with modern research evidence, and enhance their value and quality in the development of TCM clinical practice guidelines.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031488


ObjectiveTo analyze the development status and quality of clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of dominant diseases with Chinese patent medicines (CPMs). MethodsDatabases were searched from Jan. 2019 to Dec.2023 to collect the published clinical practice guidelines of CPMs for the treatment of dominant diseases. The information about the title, the participants, clinical problems, outcomes, evidence grade, recommendations, and recommendation strength in the included clinical practice guidelines were collected, for which the development status was analyzed, and the quality was evaluated with the Scientific, Transparent and Applicable Rankings (STAR) tool for clinical practice guidelines. ResultsTotally, 34 guidelines were included, involving 273 kinds of CPMs. One to ten (with the medium five) clinical problems were proposed from 29 clinical practice guidelines respectively. All the guidelines divided the evidence into four grades according to Grade of Recommendation Assessment, Deve-lopement an Evaluation. And 28 guidelines had five levels of recommendation strength. A total of 344 recommendations were extracted, including 86 strong-recommendations, 191 weak-recommendations (including 36 weak recommendations only based on expert consensus) and 67 recommendations with unclear recommendation strength. All guidelines had high scores in the three areas of “clinical questions (94.20%)”, “evidence (91.45%)” and “recommendations (89.06%)”, while the scores in the three areas of “registry (22.06%)”, “protocol (19.00%)” and “accessibility (31.51%)” were low. The STAR recommended stars of 8 guidelines were 5.0~4.0 stars, while that of 18 guidelines were 3.5~2.5 stars, and 8 guidelines were 2.0~1.0 stars. The three guidelines with the highest recommended stars were depressive disorder, community-acquired pneumonia, and influenza in adult. ConclusionThere is a certain gap in the quality of the published clinical practice guidelines of CPMs, and the quality of the guidelines could be further improved in registry, protocols, funds, and accessibility.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031546


Currently, there are many difficulties in formulating recommendations of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinical practice guidelines. This paper analyzed and summarized the unique or prominent difficult issues in the formulation of recommendations faced by TCM guidelines, such as experts' professional background and experience bringing about the preferance from the academic emotion, inconsistency between different academic schools making it difficult to reach consensus, lack of guiding principles of the decision weight of different dimensions for recommendations. Therefore, methodological suggestions have been put forward, including organizing parallel TCM and western medicine consensus group, improving the method of combining TCM and western medicine paradigm, attaching great importance to the evidence-based governance of academic schools, and promoting the research on different dimensions for recommendation formulation, which may provide a methodological reference for the guideline development.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031550


It is necessary to develop rapid and living guidelines in order to improve the evidence translation and guidance for clinical practice in emergency situations, and to enhance the participation of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in management of emergencies. This paper introduced the process of developing rapid and living guidelines of TCM and divided it into three stages, that is preparation, rapid development and dynamic updating, which highlights the features of rapid development, high quality, and dynamic updating and the integration with the predominance of TCM. By comparing with general guidelines on composition, personnel number, timing to formulate and communication patterns of the guideline working groups, as well as the content and number of clinical questions, this paper mainly gave suggestions on how to formulate a concise but authoritative team during the preparation stage, how to efficiently manage the guideline team and promote the development process from conflict of interest management, working and communication mode adjustment, and how to formulate and update the important and prioritized clinical questions, all of which may provide reference for the development of TCM rapid and living guidelines.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031551


The lack of direct evidence is an important problem faced in the formation of recommendations in rapid living guidelines of traditional Chinese medicine under public health emergencies, and the supplementation of indirect evidence can be a key method to solve this problem. For the collection of evidence, the type of evidence required, including direct and indirect evidence, should be clarified, and ‘direct first’ principle for selecting evidence can be set to standardize and accelerate the guideline development. When integrating evidence, recommendations can be formed directly if there is sufficient direct evidence, while regarding insufficient direct evidence, recommendations need to be supplemented and improved by integrating indirect evidence. In addition, when the body of evidence contains evidence from multiple sources, it is suggested to rate the evidence according to “higher rather than lower” principle. Finally, when forming recommendations, the level of evidence, safety and economic efficiency should be taken into consideration to determine the strength of the recommendation.