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Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE01406, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1393708


Resumo Objetivo Identificar, a partir das evidências presentes na literatura, os impactos da COVID-19 na saúde mental de mulheres grávidas. Métodos Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada nas bases de dados/biblioteca eletrônica MEDLINE, CINAHL, PUBCOVID19 e MEDRXIV. A busca aconteceu de forma pareada no mês de dezembro de 2020, com artigos disponíveis na íntegra abordando a saúde mental das grávidas na pandemia. Resultados Os estudos que compuseram a amostra foram publicados entre os meses de abril e dezembro de 2020 e nos 10 estudos incluídos, a depressão e a ansiedade são apontados como fatores impactantes na saúde das gestantes, tendo como elementos contribuintes o medo da COVID-19, estresse e preocupações associadas à pandemia. Conclusão Houve impacto na saúde mental das gestantes na pandemia com repercussões de ordem psicossocial, socioeconômica e de assistência à saúde. Nesse contexto, a abordagem do componente psicológico na consulta de enfermagem pode fazer a diferença na atenção à gestação.

Resumen Objetivo Identificar, a partir de evidencias presentes en la literatura, los impactos del COVID-19 en la salud mental de mujeres embarazadas. Métodos Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura, realizada en las bases de datos/biblioteca electrónica MEDLINE, CINAHL, PUBCOVID19 y MEDRXIV. La búsqueda se realizó de forma pareada en el mes de diciembre de 2020, con artículos con texto completo disponible que abordaban la salud mental de embarazadas en la pandemia. Resultados Los estudios que formaron la muestra fueron publicados entre los meses de abril y diciembre de 2020. En los diez estudios incluidos, la depresión y la ansiedad son señaladas como factores impactantes en la salud de las mujeres embarazadas, donde los elementos contribuyentes son el miedo al COVID-19, el estrés y las preocupaciones relacionadas con la pandemia. Conclusión Hubo impacto en la salud mental de las mujeres embarazadas en la pandemia, con repercusiones de orden psicosocial, socioeconómica y de atención a la salud. En este contexto, el enfoque del componente psicológico en la consulta de enfermería puede marcar una diferencia en la atención al embarazo.

Abstract Objective To identify the impacts of COVID-19 on pregnant women's mental health from evidence in the literature. Methods This is an integrative literature review performed in MEDLINE, CINAHL, PUBCOVID19 and MEDRXIV databases/electronic libraries. The search took place in pairs in December 2020, with articles available in full addressing pregnant women's mental health in the pandemic. Results The studies that made up the sample were published between April and December 2020 and in the ten studies included, depression and anxiety were identified as factors exerting impact on pregnant women's health, and the fear of COVID-19, stress and worries associated with the pandemic as contributing elements. Conclusion There was an impact on pregnant women's mental health in the pandemic with psychosocial, socioeconomic and health care repercussions. In this context, the approach to the psychological component in the nursing consultation can make a difference in pregnancy care.

Humanos , Isolamento Social/psicologia , Quarentena/psicologia , Saúde Mental/estatística & dados numéricos , Saúde da Mulher , Gestantes , COVID-19/psicologia , Ansiedade , Atenção à Saúde
SOGBA Rev. soc. obstet. ginecol. prov. B. Aires ; 53(257): 10-21, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1377626


Introducción: en nuestra institución, durante el año 2019 y 2020, hubo un total de 2811 nacimientos; de ellos, el 11.2% (N=317) fueron de mujeres adolescentes de entre 10 a 19 años. Abordar a esta población desde el enfoque de su adherencia a los métodos anticonceptivos (MAC) nos permitiría poder realizar acciones tendientes a evitar los embarazos no intencionales. La importancia de este objetivo radica en que la gestación en adolescentes impacta directamente en las posibilidades de desarrollo educativo, laboral y personal de estas mujeres, ya que las posiciona en un rol de cuidado que las aleja de los principales espacios de inserción social y construcción ciudadana. Objetivo: conocer el número de mujeres adolescentes que continuaron con el MAC elegido en el alta hospitalaria, 6 meses postevento obstétrico. Establecer cuál fue el método más elegido por esta población, conocer las causas que llevaron a la discontinuidad del método elegido y determinar si hubo embarazo no deseado luego del evento obstétrico. Materiales y método: estudio de tipo descriptivo, observacional, retrospectivo y de corte transversal. Se extrajeron datos del Sistema Informático Perinatal y, luego, se realizó actividad extramural mediante llamados telefónicos para recolectar los datos sobre la adherencia de los métodos anticonceptivos. Resultados: el 41,9% de la muestra (N=148) eligió un método de larga duración al alta (implante subdérmico y dispositivo intrauterino ­DIU­). El 51,4% continúa con el método elegido, un 35,8% optó por cambiarse de método y el 12,4% refirió haber cursado algún embarazo. De las mujeres que accedieron al implante subdérmico, un 97,2% continúa con este, y de las que accedieron al DIU, un 46,2% sigue utilizándolo. Esto se contrapone a los anticonceptivos orales, cuya adherencia fue del 34.4%. Algunos de los motivos por los cuales no continuaron con el método elegido fueron: preferencia de un método de larga duración (22,6%), incomodidad por efectos adversos (17%), olvidos en a toma de los anticonceptivos orales y expulsión de DIU (20,8%), por falta de insumos (3,8%) y otros (15,1%). Conclusiones: de esta investigación, pudimos establecer que existe una fuerte aceptación de las adolescentes por los LARCs: más de un tercio los elige al momento del alta obstétrica y, de aquellas que decidieron cambiar de MAC, casi 23% nos especificó que deseaba un método de larga duración, pero reversible. Dentro de ellos, se destacó tanto la elección como la adherencia en el tiempo del implante subdérmico. Gracias a la realización de extramurales, este trabajo nos permitió volver a conectar con las mujeres a las que habíamos brindado atención determinado tiempo atrás. Este hecho nos posibilitó no solo lograr los objetivos planteados, sino también poder conocer, de primera mano, el uso de los MAC en adolescentes y todo lo que su adherencia implica, para así poder mejorar nuestra propia consejería en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva. Una estrategia posible sería la citación de ellas a los 3 y 6 meses postevento obstétrico(AU)

SUMMARY Introduction: in our Institution, during 2019 and 2020, there were a total of 2811 births, of which 11.2% (N = 317) were of adolescent women between 10 and 19 years of age. Addressing this population from the approach of their adherence to contraceptive methods (MAC) would allow us to carry out actions aimed at avoiding unintended pregnancies. The importance of this objective lies in the fact that pregnancy in adolescents has a direct impact on the possibilities of educational, work and personal development of these women since it positions them in a caring role that distances them from the main spaces of social insertion and civic construction. Objective: to know the number of adolescent women who continued with the chosen MAC at hospital discharge 6 months after obstetric event, to establish which was the method most chosen by this population, to know the causes that led to the discontinuity of the chosen method and to determine if there was an unwanted pregnancy after the obstetric event. Materials and method: descriptive, observational, retrospective and crosssectional study. Data were extracted from the Perinatal Computer System and then extramural activity was carried out through telephone calls to collect data on adherence to contraceptive methods. Results: 41.9% of the sample (N = 148) chose a long-term method at discharge (subdermal implant and intrauterine device -DIU-). 51.4% continued with the chosen method, 35.8% opted to change the method and 12.4% reported having had a pregnancy. Of the women who accessed the subdermal implant, 97.2% continue with it and of those who accessed the IUD, 46.2% continue to use it, in contrast to oral contraceptives, whose adherence was 34.4%. Some of the reasons why they did not continue with the chosen method were: preference for a long-term method (22.6%), discomfort due to adverse effects (17%), forgetting to take oral contraceptives and expulsion of IUD (20.8%), for lack of inputs (3.8%) and others (15.1%). Conclusions: from this research we were able to establish that there is a strong acceptance of adolescents by LARCs: more than a third choose them at the time of obstetric discharge and of those who decided to change MAC, almost 23% specified that they wanted a long-lasting but reversible method . Among them, both the choice and the adherence over time of the subdermal implant stood out. Thanks to the performance of extramurals, this work allowed us to reconnect with the women to whom we had provided care a certain time ago. This fact enabled us not only to achieve the objectives set, but also to know first-hand the use of MAC in adolescents and all that their adherence implies, in order to improve our own counseling on Sexual and Reproductive Health (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adolescente , Gravidez na Adolescência , Dispositivos Anticoncepcionais , Anticoncepção , Anticoncepcionais Femininos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-477370


Objective To investigate the status and characteristics of physical activity of pregnant women during second pregnancy trimesters in Chengdu,and to provide the scientific evidence for developing rational movement of pregnant women.Methods 650 cases were recruited into this survey during August 2012 to March 2013,by convenience sampling method.A questionnaire survey was used to collect their physical activity information,advanced motion in pregnancy intentions,main physical activity ways and times during pregnancy,frequency and duration of physical activity.SPSS21.0 statistical software was conducted.Results Effective response rate was 95%(619/650).95.2% (589/619)of them hold that physical activity during second trimesters was support and the main way for them to exercise was walk.The most of pregnant during second trimesters was engaged in low-density activity.There had significant difference between low-density and other density exercises,P<0.01.Conclusion The physical activity forms of pregnant women in Chengdu is single and lack of knowledge.It is necessary to strengthen the health guidance for pregnant women and correct the bad habits of physical activity to ensure the safe of pregnant women and their children.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-446339


[Objective] To investigate the relevant factors of neonatal hemolysis, especial y the association between maternal health and neonatal hemolysis. [Methods]O and Rh positive pregnant women in late pregnancy in 497 cases, make physical identification, and track whether the newborn hemolysis. [Results] There were significant differences in different physical pregnant women in the postpartum hemolysis newborn during pregnancy, the partial repletion heat, phlegm dampness postpartum hemolytic disease of the newborn was a high incidence of pregnancy, the lowest incidence rate and quality of postpartum hemolytic disease of the newborn. [Conclusion]The constitution(partial phlegm, partial heat) pregnant women for health care, to achieve peace and reduce neonatal ABO hemolytic was significant.

Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 16(3): 730-741, jul.-set. 2010.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-563298


O objetivo dessa revisão foi fazer uma análise dos estudos que investigaram o comportamento das variáveis cinéticas e cinemáticas da marcha humana e do controle da postura corporal durante a gestação, bem como verificar a ocorrência de quedas. Para isso, foi feita uma busca por referências em língua Portuguesa e Inglesa, utilizando-se bases eletrônicas de dados: SciELO, Sciencedirect, Scopus, Pubmed Central e Pubmed. Foram considerados artigos originais que tratassem de forma clara e objetiva o assunto, e publicados entre 1990 e 2009 (julho). De modo geral mudanças significativas são observadas nas variáveis cinéticas e cinemáticas da marcha e do equilíbrio a partir do terceiro trimestre da gestação, nesse período a incidência de quedas também é maior. Muitos são os fatores relacionados a estas mudanças, mas o aumento da massa corporal é o principal destes.

The purpose of this review was to analyze the studies that investigated the behavior of the kinetics and kinematics of human gait and posture control during pregnancy, and to verify the occurrence of falls. For this, a search was made for references in Portuguese and English, using search engines: PubMed, Sciencedirect, Scopus, and Pubmed Pubmed Central. Original papers published from 1990 to 2009 (july) were considered when the main subject of discussion was the topic of interest. Overall significant changes are observed on the kinetic and kinematic variables of gait and balance from the third trimester of pregnancy during this period the incidence of falls is also larger. There are many factors related to these changes, but the increase in body mass is the most important of these.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Acidentes por Quedas , Locomoção , Gestantes , Fenômenos Biomecânicos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-380422


Objective To explore the ralationship between maternal serum level of soluble endoglin (sEng) in advanced gestations and hypertensive disorders comlicating pregnaney(HDCP). Methods The serum levels of sEng were analyzed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Blood samples were obtained from 62 pregnant women with HDCP at 35-39 weeks' gestation (20 gestational hypertension, 20 mild preeclampsia, 19 severe preeclampsia and 3 eclampsia), and 20 normal pregnant women at 37-39 weeks' gestation (control). Results The serum sEng levels in normal, gestational hypertension, mild preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia and eclampsia group were (6.24±0. 26) ng/ml; (6. 56±0. 29) ng/ml; (7.47±0. 31) ng/ml; (8. 71± 0. 37) ng/ml and (9.69±0. 28) ng/ml, respectively. The serum sEng levels in the preeclampsia and eclampsia group were significantly higher than those in the gestational hypertension and normal group (P<0. 01), that of the severe preeclampsia group was significantly higher than the mild preeclampsia (P<0. 01), and that of the eclampsia group was significantly higher than the preeclampsia group (P<0. 01). However, no difference was found between the gestational hypertension and normal group (P>0. 05). Conclusions The increased serum level of sEng may participate in the genesis of HDCP.