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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219359


Mining is an activity that involves the use of chemicals and results in unsustainable and dangerous conditions for the miners, their families, the community and the surrounding ecosystem. This study was done to assess metallic contamination of soils and sediments in the B閠ar�-Oya gold artisanal mine district, East-Cameroon. A total of thirty (30) samples of exploited soils, control soils and sediments were taken from the mining sites of Lom, Mbal and Mali. The concentrations of heavy metals and metalloids (Fe, Sr, Cu, As, Pb and Zn) were determined by Inductive Plasma Ionisation Source Atomic Emission Spectrometry. The results show that in the sediments metals such as: As (1.82), Cu (24.22), Pb (18.04) and Zn (65.69) have average concentrations slightly higher than the UCC and Average Shale reference values. In the exploited soil As (1.93), Cu (16.86) and Zn (96.22) have average concentrations slightly higher than the UCC and Average Shale reference values.While in the cotrol soils only As (1.62) and Zn (59.72) shows an average concentration slightly above the UCC reference values. The average concentrations of the different heavy metals and metalloids were then used to calculate the intensity of contamination in soils and sediments. The results of this calculation indicate that the Enrichment Factor (EF) of As, Sr, Zn and Pb indicate an extremely high enrichment in these elements. The geo-accumulation Index (Igeo) (22.85-25), the Contamination (CF) (1.47), the low values of the ecological risk indices suggest a low potential ecological risk and Pollution load index (PLI) (0.67) indicates extreme contamination with these elements in the soils and sediments. However, only As indicates a slight contamination (class 1) in soils and sediments. Gold panning activities and untreated mine tailings discharges would be considered as the main sources of sediment and soil pollution in B閠ar�-Oya.

Braz. j. biol ; 81(3): 750-764, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153377


Abstract Soft-bottom macrobenthic invertebrates are sensitive to natural or anthropogenic changes in aquatic ecosystems. The distribution patterns of sublittoral macrobenthic species in Guanabara Bay were studied from 2005 to 2007. Samples were collected at ten stations during six surveys throughout the rainfall regime (dry, early and late rainy). Ten replicates were collected at each station by Gravity corer or skin diving. Van Dorn bottles (bottom water) and by Ekman sediment sampler (granulometry) provided material for abiotic data. Stations were grouped into sectors (Entrance, Intermediary and Inner) based on abiotic data and location. The Redundancy Analysis (RDA) and Parsimonious RDA for all years and each annual cycle showed indicator taxa with high dominance in each sector. PERMANOVA indicated a regular seasonality between the surveys for the first annual cycle (p <0.05), and an atypical pattern for the second (p> 0.05), possibly due the low rainfall observed during this period. The mosaic of soft-bottom substrates infers structural variables, and patterns of temporal distribution were basically influenced by parameters those indicating pollution and the SACW (South Atlantic Central Water) intrusion, as well as ecological attributes among species, such as: predation, competition. The Ervilia concentrica and Cypridinidae could be used as indicators for anthropic and natural impacts in the Guanabara Bay for the Entrance sector, while Cyprideis salebrosa and Cyprideis sp. for the Intermediary sector and Heleobia australis for the Inner sector.

Resumo Os invertebrados macrobentônicos são sensíveis as alterações naturais e antrópicas nos ecossistemas aquáticos. O padrão de distribuição das espécies macrobentônicas do infralitoral da Baía de Guanabara foram estudados de 2005 até 2007. Amostras foram coletadas em dez estações durante seis campanhas em todo o regime pluviométrico (seco, pré e pós chuvoso). Dez réplicas foram coletadas em cada estação por meio do amostrador Gravity corer ou por mergulho livre. Os dados abióticos foram coletados por meio de garrafa oceanográfica do tipo van Dorn (água de fundo) e por busca fundo do tipo Ekman (granulometria). As estações foram agrupadas em setores (Entrada, Intermediária e Interna) baseada nos dados abióticos e localização. A Análise de Redundância (RDA) e RDA Parcimoniosa para todos os anos e em cada ano evidenciou taxa indicadores como elevada dominância em cada setor. A PERMANOVA indicou sazonalidade regular entre as campanhas para o primeiro ciclo anual (p<0.05), padrão atípico para o segundo ano (p> 0.05), possivelmente por causa da baixa pluviosidade observada durante esse período. O mosaico do substrato não consolidado infere que as variáveis estruturais, e os padrões de distribuição temporal foram basicamente influenciadas por parâmetros que indicam poluição e intrusão de ACAS (Água Central do Atlântico Sul), bem como atributos ecológicos entre espécies, tais como: predação, competição, entre outros. Ervilia concentrica e Cypridinidae podem ser utilizados como indicadores de alterações naturais e antrópicos no setor da Entrada da Baía de Guanabara, enquanto Cyprideis salebrosa e Cyprideis sp. para o setor Intermediário e Heleobia australis para o setor Interno.

Animais , Ecossistema , Baías , Brasil , Monitoramento Ambiental , Sedimentos Geológicos , Crustáceos , Invertebrados
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 24(1): e1313, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290438


RESUMEN La Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM) es un importante ecosistema para la biodiversidad del planeta. Las actividades antrópicas generan residuos e incrementan los niveles de contaminantes, afectando la calidad del agua, la salud de la población y del ambiente. Con el objetivo de determinar el contenido de metales pesados y calidad del agua de la CGSM, se analizaron muestras de agua, en nueve sitios para las variables temperatura, sólidos disueltos totales (STD), pH, conductividad eléctrica (CE), salinidad, NO3 -, NH4 + , PO4 3-, Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+, SO4 2-, CO3 2-, HCO3 -, Ni, Cd, Cr, Pb, Coliformes totales y termotolerantes. La concentración de Pb, Cd, Cr y Ni fue más baja que el valor de referencia para agua marina. La máxima concentración de Pb y Cd, se presentó en el sitio 6, con 17,76 y 0,48ppb, respectivamente. La salinidad correlacionó con Ni (r = 0,98), pH con contenidos de Ni y Cr (r = 0,99 y 0,43, respectivamente), OD se asoció con concentración de Cd y Pb (r = 0,72 y 0,67, respectivamente), STD se encuentra asociado con NI y Cr (r = 0,97 y 0,56, respectivamente), DBO con concentración de Cd (r = 0,79). La concentración de metales pesados encontrados constituye una alerta para el ecosistema, debido a la posible biodisponibilidad ante algunas condiciones ambientales y, a la vez, son reflejo de afectación de variables de calidad del agua del estuario, con transporte de materia orgánica, sedimentos y aportes de nutrientes. Los valores elevados de CT y CF afectan la salud del ecosistema.

ABSTRACT The Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM) is an important ecosystem for the planet's biodiversity. Anthropic activities increase levels of pollutants and affect the water quality, the inhabitants' health and the environment. In order to determine the CGSM heavy metal content and water quality, samples were collected from nine sites. Temperature, total dissolved solids, hydrogen potential (pH), electrical conductivity, salinity, NH4 +, PO4 3-, Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+, SO4 2-, N-NO3 -, CO3 2-, HCO3 -, Ni, Cd, Cr, Pb, total coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms were determined. The Pb, Cd, Cr, and Ni concentrations, did not exceed the reference value for seawater. The maximum concentration of Pb and Cd were observed in point 6 with 17.76 ppb and 0.48 ppb, respectively. Salinity correlated with Ni (0.98), pH with Ni and Cr contents (r = 0.99 and 0.43, respectively), OD was associated with Cd and Pb concentration (r = 0.72 and 0.67, respectively), TDS is associated with NI and Cr (r = 0.97 and 0.56, respectively), BOD with Cd concentration (r = 0.79). The heavy metals concentrations found, undoubtedly constitute an alert for the ecosystem due to the possible bioaccumulation in some environmental conditions and, it is reflection of the impact on parameters of water quality in the estuary, with the transport of organic matter, sediments, and nutrients inputs. High CT and CF values, affect ecosystem health.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 25(6): 921-931, nov.-dez. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142915


RESUMO O entendimento do escoamento de sedimentos é fundamental para a adequada gestão e uso dos recursos hídricos. A falta de planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo, marcado por ações antrópicas irracionais, influencia diretamente a dinâmica dos sedimentos nas bacias hidrográficas em todo o território nacional. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo teve como objetivos determinar as descargas de sedimentos, analisar fatores que podem influenciar o carreamento de sedimentos na bacia hidrográfica e construir as curvas-chave que representam a relação entre as descargas sólida e líquida no rio Jordão. O estudo foi realizado na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Jordão, estabelecendo-se quatro estações de amostragem, sendo realizadas nove campanhas de medições de vazões e coletas de água para análise de sedimentos suspensos em épocas secas e chuvosas no período de agosto de 2017 a julho de 2018. As concentrações e descargas de sedimentos apresentaram variações entre as estações e os períodos de amostragem. Na época chuvosa, os valores das descargas e concentrações foram superiores ao período de estiagem. A maior concentração média foi de 101,16 mg.L-1 na estação 3, e a maior descarga sólida total ocorreu na estação 4, com valor médio de 113,83 t.d-1. Além da precipitação, fatores como cobertura vegetal, uso do solo e declividade influenciam o carreamento dos sedimentos no rio Jordão. As curvas-chave de sedimentos em suspensão e totais, para cada estação e para os dados unidos de todas as estações, apresentaram boas correlações.

ABSTRACT Understanding the sediment flow is fundamental for the proper management and use of the water resources. The lack of planning in the use and occupation of land, marked by irrational anthropogenic actions, directly influences the sediment dynamics in river basins throughout the national territory. In this sense, the objectives of this article were to determine sediment discharges, to analyze factors that can influence sediment dynamics in the basin and to construct the key curves that represent the relationship between the solid and liquid flow of the Jordão River. The study was carried out in the Jordão River Basin. Four sampling stations were established, and nine campaigns were carried out to measure flows and water samples for the analysis of suspended sediments during dry and rainy seasons from August 2017 to July 2018. The concentrations and discharges of sediment presented variations between the seasons and sampling periods. In the rainy season, the values of discharges and concentrations were higher than in the dry season. The highest mean concentration was 101.16 mg.L-1at station 3, and the highest total solid discharge occurred at station 4 with a mean value of 113.83 t.d-1. In addition to precipitation, factors such as vegetation cover, land use and slope are influencing the sediment dynamics in the Jordão River. The key curves of suspended and total sediments obtained for each season and the bound data from all stations showed good correlations.

Nucleus (La Habana) ; (67): 28-32, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143356


Abstract Concentrations of nickel, copper, zinc and lead in surface sediments from 16 stations located in Mampostón sub-watershed (Mayabeque, Cuba) were estimated by X-ray fluorescence analysis. The Cu, Zn and Pb contents in sediments shows a different level of contamination across the studied stations. The application of modified degree of contamination (mCd) allowed to classify the metal pollution in Ganuza and Mampostón rivers and in Pedroso reservoir. The comparison with Sediment Quality Guidelines and toxicity mean quotients shows that 100% of the sediments are associated with the occasional presence of possible adverse effects to human health.

Resumen Se determinan, por Fluorescencia de Rayos X, las concentraciones de Níquel, Cobre, Zinc y Plomo en los sedimentos superficiales de 16 estaciones en la subcuenca Mampostón (Mayabeque, Cuba).Los contenidos de Cu, Zn y Pb en los sedimentos muestran diferentes niveles de contaminación en las estaciones estudiadas. La aplicación del grado de contaminación modificado (mCd) permitió clasificar como alta o baja la contaminación de los ríos Ganuza y Mampostón, así como del embalse Pedroso. La comparación con las Guías de Calidad de Sedimentos y del cociente promedio de toxicidad, mostró que el 100% de los sedimentos estudiados están asociados a la presencia ocasional de posibles efectos adversos a la salud humana.

Braz. j. biol ; 80(2): 449-459, Apr.-June 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132390


Abstract Spatial and temporal distribution of two species of adult´s ostracods (Cyprideis sp. and Cyprideis salebrosa) were studied as a function of the rainfall patterns in the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Samples were taken in ten stations, along six surveys representing three periods (Dry, Early and Late Rainy) for two years. Stations were nested in four areas (Outer, Central, EPA Guapimirim and Impacted). The bottom water (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and oxygen saturation) were measured in each area to characterize the influence of seasonal variations by rainfall. Cyprideis sp. and Cyprideis salebrosa showed patterns distribution to seasonality/surveys (p = 0,002 and p <0,001, respectly). The spatial distribution of Cyprideis sp was significantly different areas studied (p <0.001) indicated well defined areas and distribution in along of the surveys. However, C. salebrosa showed homogeneous distribution in along of the areas within of each survey (p <0.001). Redundancy Analysis (RDA) for the two years evidenced environment preference of the Cyprideis sp. for areas with marine conditions (high influence for channel central) and C. salebrosa for brackish water (high influence of the rivers). This observation reinforces of the existence of areas created by the seasonality of pluviometric regime, a possible dispersion of the adult's ostracods and possibility the use with bioindicators.

Resumo A distribuição espacial e temporal de duas espécies de ostracodes adultos (Cyprideis sp. e Cyprideis salebrosa) foi estudada em função do padrão pluviométrico na Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. As amostras foram coletadas em dez estações ao longo de seis campanhas, representando três períodos (Seco, Pré e Pós Chuvoso) por dois anos. As estações foram agrupadas em quatro áreas (Externo, Central, EPA Guapimirim e Impactado). A água do fundo (temperatura, salinidade, oxigênio dissolvido e saturação de oxigênio) foi medida em cada área para caracterizar a influência das variações sazonais pela chuva. Cyprideis sp. e Cyprideis salebrosa mostrou distribuição de padrões para sazonalidade/campanhas (p = 0,002 e p <0,001, respctivamente). A distribuição espacial de Cyprideis sp. foi significativamente diferente das áreas estudadas (p <0,001) indicou áreas bem definidas e distribuição ao longo das campanhas. No entanto, C. salebrosa mostrou distribuição homogênea ao longo das áreas dentro de cada campanha (p <0,001). A Análise de Redundância (RDA) para os dois anos evidenciou a preferência ambiental dos Cyprideis sp. para áreas com condições marinhas (alta influência para o canal central) e C. salebrosa para águas salobras (alta influência dos rios). Essa observação reforça a existência de áreas criadas pela sazonalidade do regime pluviométrico, uma possível dispersão dos adultos de ostracodes e a possibilidade do uso como bioindicadores.

Animais , Estuários , Baías , Brasil , Crustáceos , Rios
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390209


RESUMEN Introducción: las infecciones urinarias constituyen una de las más frecuentes en el ser humano. Objetivos: describir los hallazgos semiológicos, laboratoriales y microbiológicos de las infecciones urinarias, a través de la presentación de una serie de casos. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo, observacional, de corte transversal de las historias clínicas y los urocultivos y análisis del sedimento urinario de pacientes adultos, de ambos sexos, que acudieron a la consulta ambulatoria y/o que permanecieron internados en la Primera Catedra de Clínica Médica del Hospital de Clínicas (San Lorenzo, Paraguay) con el diagnóstico de infección urinaria, en el periodo comprendido entre febrero de 2015 y febrero de 2017. Resultados: en los casos de pielonefritis aguda los síntomas más frecuentes fueron la fiebre (80%) y el dolor lumbar (46%). En los pacientes con cistitis aguda predominó la disuria (93%). En ambos grupos hubo antecedente de antibioticoterapia previa la mayoría de las veces. La diabetes mellitus fue la comorbilidad más prevalente en la pielonefritis aguda (53%). El sedimento urinario presentaba leucocituria menor a 100/campo (66%) y menor a 50/campo en las cistitis agudas (66%), siendo el urocultivo positivo en el 67% de los casos con prevalencia de Escherichia coli (60%). En la cistitis aguda la mayoría tuvo urocultivo negativo (87%). Conclusión: al momento del manejo diagnostico-terapéutico de ambas entidades se destaca el valor de la anamnesis y examen físico en el caso de las cistitis. En las pielonefritis aguda, a más de los datos de la anamnesis y la exploración semiológica, los estudios microbiológiocos y otros juegan un papel importante en el diagnóstico.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Urinary infections are highly frequent in humans. Objectives: To describe the semiological, laboratory and microbiological findings in urinary infections, through the presentation of a series of cases. Material and methods: Retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study of the medical histories, urine culture and analyses of the urinary sediment of male and female adult patients who attended the outpatient clinic and / or who were admitted to the First Service of Medical from the Hospital de Clínicas (San Lorenzo, Paraguay) with the diagnosis of urinary tract infection, in the period between February 2015 and February 2017. Results: In the cases of acute pyelonephritis, the most frequent symptoms were fever (80%) and low back pain (46%). In patients with acute cystitis, dysuria prevailed (93%). In both groups there was a history of previous antibiotic therapy most of the time. Diabetes mellitus was the most prevalent comorbidity in acute pyelonephritis (53%). The urinary sediment presented leukocyturia less than 100/field (66%) and less than 50/field in acute cystitis (66%), with positive urine culture in 67% of cases with prevalence of Escherichia coli (60%). In acute cystitis, the majority had negative urine culture (87%). Conclusion: At the time of the diagnostic-therapeutic management of both entities, the value of the anamnesis and physical examination in the case of cystitis is highlighted. In acute pyelonephritis, in addition to the history and semiological examination data, microbiological and other studies play an important role in the diagnosis.

Rev. biol. trop ; 68(1)mar. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507665


Introducción: Las emisiones de dióxido de carbono de los suelos de manglar tienen un impacto potencial en el balance global de carbono. Objetivo: Investigar la estacionalidad de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono relacionadas con diferentes estratos de la vegetación de manglar, así como las variables físico-químicas del suelo y las ambientales. Métodos: Se demarcaron nueve parcelas de 20 x 20 m (tres para cada estrato de vegetación). Las emisiones de dióxido de carbono fueron monitoreadas durante 88 días a través de la metodología de respiración basal del suelo. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las mayores emisiones de dióxido de carbono se presentaron en la temporada lluviosa 2017 con 21.8 (7.3 ± 3.3) mg/100 cm3 y 15.7 (5.2 ± 1.6) mg/100 cm3 en el período menos lluvioso. En análisis de componentes principales con un 56 % de varianza total, demostró que las mayores correlaciones de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono y las variables físico-químicas se dieron en el estrato adulto; la humedad del suelo, pH, materia orgánica, carbono y nitrógeno microbiano fueron las variables más correlacionadas. La prueba Kruskal-Wallis corroboró estos resultados comprobando diferencias significativas entre los estratos de vegetación y las emisiones de CO2 (P= 0.0170), y la prueba de Tukey confirmó mayor importancia estadística del manglar adulto en relación con los otros estratos (P= 0.0140). Conclusión: En las tres estaciones analizadas, las mayores emisiones acontecieron en el periodo lluvioso con promedio de 14.5 TCO2 ha/año y el estrato adulto fue el responsable de las mayores emisiones, registrando 21 TCO2 ha/año diferencia que fue estadísticamente significativa con los otros estratos (P = 0.0140).

Introduction: Carbon dioxide emissions from mangrove soils have a potential impact on the global carbon balance. They are related to anthropic actions and natural processes with interspecific interactions involving physical-chemical and environmental variables. Objective: In this research, the seasonality of carbon dioxide emissions related to different strata of mangrove vegetation, soil physical-chemical makeup and physical environmental factors were evaluated. Methods: Nine plots of 20 x 20 m were demarcated (three for each of the three vegetation strata) in the Experimental Site of the Federal Rural University of the Amazon and the Federal University of Pará in Cuiarana, Salinópolis, Pará, Brazil. Duplicate soil samples were taken from each plot during three consecutive seasonal periods and analyzed in the laboratory. Carbon dioxide emissions were monitored for 88 days through the basal breathing of the soil methodology; other variables evaluated were soil moisture and temperature, hydrogenic potential, redox potential,carbon and nitrogen of the microbial biomass, organic matter and composition of sand, silt and clay. Precipitation data was obtained from the CMORPH technique of the Climate Forecast Center - NOAA. Information on tides was obtained from the Brazilian Navy's Fundeadouro de Salinópolis. Results: The results showed that the highest carbon dioxide emissions occurred in the rainy season 2017 on average 7.5 (14.5 TCO2 ha/year) mg/100 cm3. With 10.5 mg/100 cm3 (21 TCO2 ha/year), the adult stratum was the largest source of emissions. The highest seasonal correlations of the emissions in relation to the incubation intervals occurred in the rainy season, in the adult stratum the days 1,2,3,4,3,3 and 5. Using principal component analysis (PCA) it was found that the highest correlations of carbon dioxide emissions and physical-chemical variables occurred in the adult stratum with 56 % variance. The highest correlations were found with the variables soil moisture, Ph, organic matter, carbon and microbial nitrogen. The Kruskal-Wallis test corroborated these results, indicating significant differences between vegetation strata and CO2 emissions (P= 0.0170); and the Tukey test confirmed greater statistical importance of the adult mangrove in relation to the other strata (P= 0.0140). Conclusions: In the three analyzed stations, the highest emissions occurred in the rainy period with an average of 14.5 TCO2 ha/year and the adult stratum was responsible for the highest emissions registering 21 TCO2 ha/year difference that was statistically significant with the other strata (P = 0.0140).

Dióxido de Carbono/análise , Ecossistema Amazônico , Áreas Alagadas , Mudança Climática , Brasil
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-862521


Objectives To determine the contents of heavy metals lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, and chromium in water and sediment samples from Luoyang River in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, and to understand the temporal and spatial distribution of heavy metal pollutants. Methods In 2018, 231 water and sediment samples were collected from 43 sampling points in 6 representative areas in Luoyang River during normal, rainy and dry seasons. The presence of heavy metals in the samples was then determined. Results Pb, Cd, Hg, As and Cr6+ were not detected in the water samples. Pb, Cd, Hg, As and Cr were detected in the sediments were 10.33,0.33,0.029,5.18 and 23.3 mg/kg , but the contents were low. Conclusion The water and sediments of Luoyang River in 2018 had good quality, both of which met Class I standards according to the environmental quality standards for surface water and for marine sediment quality, respectively.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(1): 11-23, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041890


Resumen La cuenca del Lago de Tota ha sido modificada por diversas actividades humanas, como deforestación, piscicultura y el monocultivo de cebolla larga (Allium fistulosum) con un elevado uso de agroquímicos y gallinaza cruda, causando deterioro de las características ecológicas del sistema léntico de alta montaña más grande de Colombia. En este trabajo se implementaron pruebas de toxicidad para determinar posibles efectos deletéreos sobre H. attenuata y D. magna. Se aclimataron los organismos y validaron los ensayos de toxicidad en condiciones de laboratorio, posteriormente se realizó la evaluación de agua y sedimentos (elutriados) provenientes de afluentes de la cuenca del lago: Hato Laguna, El Tobal, Los Pozos y Agua Blanca, durante dos periodos hidroclimáticos contrastantes. Se evidenció una mayor sensibilidad con los ensayos en H. attenuata, ya que señalan que aguas y elutriados de Hato Laguna, El Tobal y Los Pozos generaron respuestas de subletalidad (Kruskal-Wallis; P < 0.05) y letalidad. Se registra presencia positiva de al menos cinco plaguicidas no cuantificados antes en la cuenca (clorotalonilo, aldrin, dieldrin, DDT y congéneres). Estos resultados indicarían una potencial influencia negativa de las actividades antropogénicas sobre organismos acuáticos nativos, con posibles consecuencias sobre la composición, estructura y función de las comunidades hidrobiológicas.(AU)

Abstract Lago de Tota basin is currently being impacted by human activities like agriculture, deforestation, large-scale fish farming and monoculture of onion long (Allium fistulosum) with high use of agrochemicals and chicken manure that contaminate runoff to aquatic systems in the largest high mountain lake in Colombia. We implemented toxicity tests to evaluate possible deleterious effects of contaminants on H. attenuata and D. magna, model organisms commonly used in aquatic contamination assessment. Firstly, the organisms were acclimated and toxicity tests were validated in laboratory conditions. Later, water and sediments (elutriates) were evaluated from tributaries of Lago de Tota basin: Hato Laguna, El Tobal, Los Pozos, and Agua Blanca stream, during two contrasting hydroclimatic periods. In addition, pesticides in sediments were evaluated with chromatography, spectrometry and ultraviolet detection techniques. Acute toxicity tests showed that H. attenuata was more sensitive than D. magna, as it showed sublethal (Kruskal-Wallis; P < 0.05) and lethal responses to exposure to waters and elutriates from Hato Laguna, El Tobal, and Los Pozos. At least five pesticides not quantified before in the basin were detected in chemical analyses (chlorothalonil, aldrin, dieldrin, DDT y congeners). These results indicate that anthropogenic activities have a potentially negative influence in aquatic communities composition, structure, and function, it´s demand attention in future research.(AU)

Praguicidas/efeitos adversos , Poluição da Água/análise , Daphnia , Hydra , Colômbia
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187988


The present study aimed to assess the selected trace metal pollutants in the sediments of the Moloundou swamp. Sediments from typical swamp around Moloundou area, southeast Cameroon were collected from various depths of sediment profile (from surface to 120 cm depth). Five sites were chosen for this study, Fe, Co, Ni, Cr, Zn, Cu, and Pb were measured in the sediment. Different trace metals indices (enrichment factor, contamination factor, degree of contamination, ecological risk assessment and geo-accumulation index) were calculated. The results showed that all the swamp is slightly polluted and core 3 is the most polluted. Heavy metal indices give some indication for the pollution of sediments of all cores with Cu. The enrichment factor showed that the source of those metals in Moloundou swamp was from natural (Fe, Ni, Zn and Pb) and anthropogenic sources (Cu, Cr and Co). The degree of contamination and contamination factor showed low values along the cores, like the ecological assessment and pollution load index. The geo-accumulation index showed that sediments are more polluted with Cu, Cr and Co. It is urgent to control anthropogenic waste in order to avoid probable pollution in this zone.

Braz. j. microbiol ; 49(2): 248-257, Apr.-June 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-889237


Abstract In this study for the first-time microbial communities in the caves located in the mountain range of Hindu Kush were evaluated. The samples were analyzed using culture-independent (16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing) and culture-dependent methods. The amplicon sequencing results revealed a broad taxonomic diversity, including 21 phyla and 20 candidate phyla. Proteobacteria were dominant in both caves, followed by Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, Planctomycetes, and the archaeal phylum Euryarchaeota. Representative operational taxonomic units from Koat Maqbari Ghaar and Smasse-Rawo Ghaar were grouped into 235 and 445 different genera, respectively. Comparative analysis of the cultured bacterial isolates revealed distinct bacterial taxonomic profiles in the studied caves dominated by Proteobacteria in Koat Maqbari Ghaar and Firmicutes in Smasse-Rawo Ghaar. Majority of those isolates were associated with the genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus. Thirty strains among the identified isolates from both caves showed antimicrobial activity. Overall, the present study gave insight into the great bacterial taxonomic diversity and antimicrobial potential of the isolates from the previously uncharacterized caves located in the world's highest mountains range in the Indian sub-continent.

Bactérias/isolamento & purificação , Bactérias/classificação , Microbiologia Ambiental , Biota , Antibiose , Paquistão , Filogenia , Bactérias/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bactérias/genética , DNA Bacteriano/genética , DNA Bacteriano/química , DNA Ribossômico/genética , DNA Ribossômico/química , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Análise por Conglomerados , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Euryarchaeota/isolamento & purificação , Euryarchaeota/classificação , Euryarchaeota/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Euryarchaeota/genética , DNA Arqueal/genética , DNA Arqueal/química , Metagenômica
Acta toxicol. argent ; 26(1): 1-11, mayo 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-973611


El hombre ha cambiado el ambiente para sostener la demanda global de recursos naturales como el agua. La gestión de los cuerpos hídricos tiene que ser constante, con el propósito preventivo y correctivo, dependiendo del estado de antropización de cada sistema. El objetivo de este artículo fue analizar la toxicidad del sedimento y los metales Mn, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd y Cu, en el reservorio Paiva Castro, que abastece la Region Metropolitana de São Paulo. Se realizaron 2 muestreos (Mayo 2011, estación seca y Enero de 2012, estación húmeda) y se analizaron 5 puntos próximos a la captación de agua por la Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo. Se realizaron ensayos de toxicidad aguda y crónica en sedimento, a través de ensayos biológicos con el cladócero Daphnia similis y el insecto Chironomus xanthus. El tratamiento de datos se realizó con el test de Fisher (mortalidad). El nivel de asociación entre las variables en sedimento y en los test ecotoxicológicos fueron evaluados por test no-paramétricos, a través del coeficiente de correlación de Spearman's. Los resultados del presente trabajo señalaron bajas concentracones de metales en el sedimento del área de estudio y ausencia de toxicidad en los organismos ensayados. Se puede concluir que área estudiada del reservorio Paiva Castro se encuentra poco impactada por los metales, sin efectos directos sobre la calidad de vida los organismos bentónicos: D. similis y C. xanthus.

Man had changed the natural environment in an attempt trying to supply the global demand for resources. The management of the hydric bodies has to be constant, with preventive and corrective purpose, depending on the eutrophization state of each one. The objective of this article was to analyze the sediment toxicity and the metals Mn, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd and Cu, in the Paiva Castro reservoir, that supply the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. It was made 2 collections (May 2011, dry season and January 2012, wet season). It was analyzed 5 points next to the water captation station by the Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo. The sediment was analyzed as for acute and chronic toxicity through bioassays with the cladocerans Daphnia similis and the insect Chironomus xanthus. Data treatment was done with Fisher Exact Test (mortality). The association level between the variables in sediment and ecotoxicological tests was available in non-parametric tests, through the Spearman's correlation coefficient. Oriented on the results presented in this work, pointing low concentrations of heavy metals in the sediments presented in the collect local, and the absence of toxicity, we can say that at this reservoir, at least in the collect area, it's low impacted, not implicating in direct interferences in the quality of life of benthonic organisms.

Zinco/toxicidade , Cádmio/toxicidade , Reservatórios de Água/prevenção & controle , Sedimentos/análise , Cobre/toxicidade , Chumbo/toxicidade , Manganês/toxicidade , Níquel/toxicidade , Brasil , Metais Pesados/toxicidade , Testes de Toxicidade Aguda/análise , Testes de Toxicidade Aguda/métodos , Testes de Toxicidade Crônica/análise , Testes de Toxicidade Crônica/métodos
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 23(1): 69-75, jan.-fev. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-891633


RESUMO O estudo da descarga de sólidos de uma determinada bacia hidrográfica é importante para que se possam tomar decisões corretas quanto ao planejamento de gestão dos recursos hídricos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar curvas-chave que representam cargas de sedimentos em suspensão no Rio Piranhas. O estudo foi realizado na sub-bacia hidrográfica do Rio Piranhas. Foram realizadas 15 campanhas de medições hidrossedimentométricas, no período de novembro de 2012 a maio de 2013, envolvendo as medições de concentração de sedimentos em suspensão e de descargas líquida e sólida. Foram plotadas curvas-chave de sedimentos em suspensão para os períodos seco e chuvoso, as quais apresentaram bons coeficientes de determinação.

ABSTRACT The study of solid discharge of a hydrographic basin is important for making correct decisions regarding planning the management of water resources. The objective of the present study was to determine key planning curves that represented loads of suspended sediment in the River Piranhas. The study was carried out in the hydrographic sub-basin of Piranhas River. A total of 15 campaigns of hydrosedimentometric measurements was performed, in the period from November 2012 to May 2013, including the measurements of suspended sediment concentration and liquid and solid discharges. Key curves were plotted for sediment in suspension, for the dry and rainy periods, which presented good coefficients of determination.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-692285


Epsilon 3xenergy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (EDXRF) was used to analyze the major and minor elements in marine sediments collected from the Indian Ocean on-site. Results obtained by EDXRF were compared with those by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) in the laboratory A total of 24 elements in marine sediment samples,namely Al2O3,MgO,Fe2O3,Na2O,K2O,CaO,Mn,P,Ti,Ba,Sr,V,Zn, Zr, Co,Ni,Cu,Ga,Rb,Y,Nb,Mo,Nd,Pb and Th were measured,and a good agreement was found for these elements(R2>0.9),except for Al2O3,and Ga,Nb and Th with content lower than 30 μg/g. The mean relative deviations of EDXRF method were less than 10% for all of the above mentioned major elements, except for MgO in low concentration and P in high concentration. The mean relative deviations were less than 25% for all of the above mentioned trace elements,except for Sr(>700 μg/g),Mo(<20 μg/g) and Nb. In general, precision and accuracy of EDXRF method were good enough for detection of marine sediments. Taking into account all these facts, the EDXRF method proposed here was proved to be an effective tool for element determination in marine sediment on-site,and it would provide a new technical support to investigate the spatial distribution of mineral resources in marine geological survey.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-617627


A method was developed for determination of 12 kinds of phosphate compounds in water and sediment by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) coupled with solid phase extraction (SPE) and ultrasonic extraction.The water samples were concentrated by HLB solid-phase extraction (SPE) column and eluted twice with ethyl acetate, ultrasonic solvent extraction for sediment samples and then repeated the operation of water samples after diluted with deionized water.The sample were separated on a ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 (150 mm × 2.1 mm, 3.5 μm) column by a gradient elution with 0.2% formic acid aqueous solution and methanol as the mobile phase.Ion mode analysis was monitored by high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometer (MRM).The target compounds were quantified by external standard method.At the spiked levels (0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 μg/L), the average recoveries of 12 kinds of OPEs in water samples ranged from 66.4% to 115%, except for TMP (28.5%-47.8%) and TEHP (22.4%-73.8%).The relative standard deviation RSD (n=3) was 0.5%-9.09%, and the method quantification (MOQ) was 0.001-0.05 μg/L, However at the spiked levels of 5, 10 and 50 μg/kg, the average recoveries of 12 kinds of OPEs in sediment samples ranged from 65.4% to 120.0%, except for TMP (35.7%-44.9%) and TCEP (31.2%-48.9%).The relative standard deviation RSD (n=3) was 0.01%-9.54%, and the MOQ for sediment was 0.02-2.0 μg/kg dw.Based on the above methods, the detection and analysis of the targets in the water and sediments samples of Taihu Lake were carried out.The results showed that the concentrations of ΣOPEs were 0.1-1.7 μg/L and 8.1-420 μg/(kg dw), respectively.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467314


Abstract Spatial and temporal distribution of two species of adult´s ostracods (Cyprideis sp. and Cyprideis salebrosa) were studied as a function of the rainfall patterns in the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Samples were taken in ten stations, along six surveys representing three periods (Dry, Early and Late Rainy) for two years. Stations were nested in four areas (Outer, Central, EPA Guapimirim and Impacted). The bottom water (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and oxygen saturation) were measured in each area to characterize the influence of seasonal variations by rainfall. Cyprideis sp. and Cyprideis salebrosa showed patterns distribution to seasonality/surveys (p = 0,002 and p 0,001, respectly). The spatial distribution of Cyprideis sp was significantly different areas studied (p 0.001) indicated well defined areas and distribution in along of the surveys. However, C. salebrosa showed homogeneous distribution in along of the areas within of each survey (p 0.001). Redundancy Analysis (RDA) for the two years evidenced environment preference of the Cyprideis sp. for areas with marine conditions (high influence for channel central) and C. salebrosa for brackish water (high influence of the rivers). This observation reinforces of the existence of areas created by the seasonality of pluviometric regime, a possible dispersion of the adults ostracods and possibility the use with bioindicators.

Resumo A distribuição espacial e temporal de duas espécies de ostracodes adultos (Cyprideis sp. e Cyprideis salebrosa) foi estudada em função do padrão pluviométrico na Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. As amostras foram coletadas em dez estações ao longo de seis campanhas, representando três períodos (Seco, Pré e Pós Chuvoso) por dois anos. As estações foram agrupadas em quatro áreas (Externo, Central, EPA Guapimirim e Impactado). A água do fundo (temperatura, salinidade, oxigênio dissolvido e saturação de oxigênio) foi medida em cada área para caracterizar a influência das variações sazonais pela chuva. Cyprideis sp. e Cyprideis salebrosa mostrou distribuição de padrões para sazonalidade/campanhas (p = 0,002 e p 0,001, respctivamente). A distribuição espacial de Cyprideis sp. foi significativamente diferente das áreas estudadas (p 0,001) indicou áreas bem definidas e distribuição ao longo das campanhas. No entanto, C. salebrosa mostrou distribuição homogênea ao longo das áreas dentro de cada campanha (p 0,001). A Análise de Redundância (RDA) para os dois anos evidenciou a preferência ambiental dos Cyprideis sp. para áreas com condições marinhas (alta influência para o canal central) e C. salebrosa para águas salobras (alta influência dos rios). Essa observação reforça a existência de áreas criadas pela sazonalidade do regime pluviométrico, uma possível dispersão dos adultos de ostracodes e a possibilidade do uso como bioindicadores.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467531


Abstract Soft-bottom macrobenthic invertebrates are sensitive to natural or anthropogenic changes in aquatic ecosystems. The distribution patterns of sublittoral macrobenthic species in Guanabara Bay were studied from 2005 to 2007. Samples were collected at ten stations during six surveys throughout the rainfall regime (dry, early and late rainy). Ten replicates were collected at each station by Gravity corer or skin diving. Van Dorn bottles (bottom water) and by Ekman sediment sampler (granulometry) provided material for abiotic data. Stations were grouped into sectors (Entrance, Intermediary and Inner) based on abiotic data and location. The Redundancy Analysis (RDA) and Parsimonious RDA for all years and each annual cycle showed indicator taxa with high dominance in each sector. PERMANOVA indicated a regular seasonality between the surveys for the first annual cycle (p 0.05), and an atypical pattern for the second (p> 0.05), possibly due the low rainfall observed during this period. The mosaic of soft-bottom substrates infers structural variables, and patterns of temporal distribution were basically influenced by parameters those indicating pollution and the SACW (South Atlantic Central Water) intrusion, as well as ecological attributes among species, such as: predation, competition. The Ervilia concentrica and Cypridinidae could be used as indicators for anthropic and natural impacts in the Guanabara Bay for the Entrance sector, while Cyprideis salebrosa and Cyprideis sp. for the Intermediary sector and Heleobia australis for the Inner sector.

Resumo Os invertebrados macrobentônicos são sensíveis as alterações naturais e antrópicas nos ecossistemas aquáticos. O padrão de distribuição das espécies macrobentônicas do infralitoral da Baía de Guanabara foram estudados de 2005 até 2007. Amostras foram coletadas em dez estações durante seis campanhas em todo o regime pluviométrico (seco, pré e pós chuvoso). Dez réplicas foram coletadas em cada estação por meio do amostrador Gravity corer ou por mergulho livre. Os dados abióticos foram coletados por meio de garrafa oceanográfica do tipo van Dorn (água de fundo) e por busca fundo do tipo Ekman (granulometria). As estações foram agrupadas em setores (Entrada, Intermediária e Interna) baseada nos dados abióticos e localização. A Análise de Redundância (RDA) e RDA Parcimoniosa para todos os anos e em cada ano evidenciou taxa indicadores como elevada dominância em cada setor. A PERMANOVA indicou sazonalidade regular entre as campanhas para o primeiro ciclo anual (p 0.05), padrão atípico para o segundo ano (p> 0.05), possivelmente por causa da baixa pluviosidade observada durante esse período. O mosaico do substrato não consolidado infere que as variáveis estruturais, e os padrões de distribuição temporal foram basicamente influenciadas por parâmetros que indicam poluição e intrusão de ACAS (Água Central do Atlântico Sul), bem como atributos ecológicos entre espécies, tais como: predação, competição, entre outros. Ervilia concentrica e Cypridinidae podem ser utilizados como indicadores de alterações naturais e antrópicos no setor da Entrada da Baía de Guanabara, enquanto Cyprideis salebrosa e Cyprideis sp. para o setor Intermediário e Heleobia australis para o setor Interno.

Nucleus (La Habana) ; (60): 35-40, jul.-dic. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-829300


En este trabajo se sistematizan algunos resultados alcanzados en la aplicación de la radiocronología de sedimentos marinos para la reconstrucción de bases de datos y el conocimiento de la evolución de la contaminación ambiental en cuatro ecosistemas costeros de relevancia nacional: las bahías de Cienfuegos y la Habana, así como los estuarios de los ríos Sagua y La Coloma en el Golfo de Batabanó. Se seleccionaron flujos de metales pesados y compuestos orgánicos persistentes que fueron discutidos para estos ecosistemas. Se mostró la eficacia de la radiocronología como herramienta para la gestión ambiental y el conocimiento de los procesos temporales de contaminación en el medio acuático

The results achieved in the implementation of the radiochronology of marine sediments for the reconstruction of databases and knowledge of the evolution of environmental pollution in four coastal ecosystems of national significance are presented in this paper Fluxes of selected heavy metals and persistent organic compounds are discussed for the Cienfuegos and Havana bays and Sagua and La Coloma estuaries. Finally, is showed the effectiveness of radiochronology of sediments as a useful tool for environmental management and knowledge of temporal processes of pollution in the aquatic environment

Rev. biol. trop ; 64(4): 1759-1770, oct.-dic. 2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-958249


Abstract:Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and methanogenic archaea (MA) share common niches in coastal sediments during the terminal phases of the anaerobic mineralization of organic matter. The purpose of this study was to analyze the spatial - temporal variation of SRB and MA in the sediments of a tropical coastal lagoon with ephemeral inlet (La Mancha, Veracruz, Gulf of Mexico) and its relationship with environmental changes. A total of 24 sediment samples were collected during the dry (April, May), rainy (July, September) and Northern (November, February) seasons in the period 2013-2014. Microbiological analyses included the quantification of the viable SRB and MA with different substrates, as well as mineralization experiments to determine the effect of sulfate on acetate oxidation. The analyzed environmental variables in the sediments included: temperature, pH, Eh, salinity, sulfates, H2S, volatile solids, carbohydrates, and granulometric characteristics. Major changes occurred between the dry and rainy seasons. During the dry season, sulfate-reducing abundance was significantly greater with lactate (8.3x105 - 1.2x107 cells / g) and propionate (1.8x105 - 6.6x106 cells / g) as substrates, while the MA that use methanol were dominant (4.2x105 - 9.1x106 cells / g). In contrast, during the rainy season, hydrogenophylic (2.6x105 - 8.3x106 cells/g) and acetoclastic (5.4x105-6.4x106 cells / g) MA increased significantly and SRB decreased in the analyzed substrates. An apparent competition for acetate was observed, with a greater oxidation in the media with sulfates in the dry season (0.06 mM acetate / g sediment / day), and a greater oxidation in the media without sulfates in the rainy season (0.02 mM acetate / g sediment / day). SRB and MA were present throughout the sediment column, however SRB dominated in the first centimeters of the sediment while MA were abundant in deeper layers. In conclusion, SRB and MA together played a role in the mineralization of organic matter in the sediments of La Mancha lagoon, with sulfate-reduction dominating in the dry season (closed inlet) and methanogenesis during the rainy season (open inlet). Changes in rainfall and river input in this lagoon significantly affect salinity and sulfate content, the main factors that regulate the dynamics of SRB and MA in the sediments. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (4): 1759-1770. Epub 2016 December 01.

Resumen:Las bacterias sulfatorreductoras (BSR) y las arqueas metanogénicas (AM) comparten nichos comunes en los sedimentos costeros durante las fases terminales de la mineralización anaerobia de la materia orgánica. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la variación espacio-temporal de las BSR y AM en los sedimentos de una laguna costera tropical con una boca efímera (La Mancha, Veracruz, Golfo de México) y su relación con los cambios ambientales. Un total de 24 muestras de sedimentos fueron recolectadas en las temporadas de secas (abril, mayo), lluvias (julio, septiembre) y nortes (noviembre, febrero) en el periodo 2013 - 2014. Los análisis microbiológicos incluyeron la cuantificación de las BSR y AM viables con diferentes sustratos, así como experimentos de mineralización para determinar el efecto de los sulfatos en la oxidación del acetato. Las variables ambientales analizadas en los sedimentos incluyeron la temperatura, pH, Eh, salinidad, sulfatos, H2S, sólidos volátiles, carbohidratos y las características granulométricas. Los principales cambios se presentaron entre las estaciones de secas y lluvias. En la temporada de secas la abundancia sulfatorreductora fue significativamente superior con lactato (8.3x105 - 1.2x107 células / g) y propionato (1.8x105 - 6.6x106 células / g) como sustratos, mientras que las AM que emplean metanol dominaron (4.2x105 - 9.1x106 células / g). Por el contrario, en la época de lluvias aumentaron significativamente las AM hidrogenofílicas (2.6x105-8.3x106 células / g) y acetoclásticas (5.4x105-6.4x106 células / g), disminuyendo las BSR con los sustratos analizados. Se determinó una competencia aparente por el acetato. Su oxidación fue mayor en los medios con presencia de sulfatos en las temporadas de secas (0.06 mM acetato / g sedimento / día), mientras que aumentó en los medios sin sulfatos en la época de lluvias (0.02 mM acetato / g sedimento / día). Las BSR y las AM estuvieron presentes a lo largo de la columna sedimentaria; sin embargo, las BSR dominaron en los primeros centímetros del sedimento y las AM abundaron a mayor profundidad. En conclusión las BSR y AM participaron de manera conjunta en la mineralización de la materia orgánica en los sedimentos de la laguna de La Mancha, dominando la sulfatorreducción en la temporada de secas (boca cerrada) y la metanogénesis en la época de lluvias (boca abierta). Los cambios en el aporte fluvial y la precipitación en esta laguna afectaron significativamente la salinidad y el contenido de sulfatos, siendo los principales factores que regularon la dinámica de las BSR y AM en los sedimentos.

Bactérias Redutoras de Enxofre/isolamento & purificação , Archaea/isolamento & purificação , Sedimentos Geológicos/microbiologia , Análise Espaço-Temporal , Microbiota , Água Doce/microbiologia , Chuva , Valores de Referência , Temperatura , Fatores de Tempo , Clima Tropical , Análise de Variância , Archaea/metabolismo , Golfo do México , Acetatos/metabolismo