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CienciaUAT ; 18(2): 75-90, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569022


Resumen: México ocupa el primer lugar en obesidad infantil en el mundo, por lo que resulta importante identificar variables asociadas al consumo alimentario. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue establecer si la forma en que el consumo de alimentos se modifica en función de las normas sociales alimentarias y la publicidad alimentaria que recibe la población infantil escolar. Se diseñó un estudio multivariado predictivo utilizando sistemas de lógica difusa tipo dos de intervalo (IT2 FLS), y comparando su ajuste con modelos convencionales, como la regresión lineal múltiple (RLM). Se trabajó con las respuestas emitidas por 196 niños en un estudio previo y almacenadas en una base de datos, seleccionando solo las que correspondieron a las variables de interés para el estudio. Las normas sociales a evitar, el número de comidas y la compra de alimentos por la publicidad alimentaria permitieron predecir el consumo alimentario de los niños mediante IT2 FLS. En RLM las horas de comidas tuvo mayor capacidad predictiva que el número de comidas. El IT2 FLS proporcionó un mayor coeficiente de determinación (R2 = 0.649), que el de la RLM (R2 = 0.370). El consumo alimentario, al ser un fenómeno multicausal y complejo, puede ser mejor predicho al utilizar métodos de análisis que manejen de forma más flexible la incertidumbre, como lo hace la IT2 FLS.

Abstract: Mexico ranks first in childhood obesity in the world, so it is important to identify variables associated with food consumption. The objective of this work was to establish whether the way in which food consumption is modified depending on social food norms and food advertising received by school children. A predictive multivariate study was designed using interval type two fuzzy logic systems (IT2 FLS), and comparing its fit with conventional models, such as multiple linear regression (RLM). We worked with the responses issued by 196 children in a previous study and stored in a database, selecting only those that corresponded to the variables of interest for the study. The social norms to avoid, the number of meals and the purchase of food through food advertising made it possible to predict children's food consumption through IT2 FLS. In RLM, mealtimes had a greater predictive capacity than the number of meals. The IT2 FLS provided a higher coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.649) than that of the RLM (R2 = 0.370). Food consumption, being a multicausal and complex phenomenon, can be better predicted by using analysis methods that manage uncertainty more flexibly, as the IT2 FLS does.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39: e39516, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448917


Abstract Based on the social psychology of development, this study investigated whether differences in moral reasoning would imply differences in prejudice, conforming with an egalitarian norm and in the use of moral justifications for the suppression of prejudice. A total of 555 Brazilians participated in this study, the final sample being composed of 500 Brazilians, who answered an online questionnaire with measurements used to assess the variables of interest in the research. Based on descriptive and inferential statistical analyses, the results indicated a relationship between differences in moral judgment and differences in the level of prejudice, in accordance with the egalitarian norm and the use of moral justifications. The results are discussed from the perspective of social psychology and moral development.

Resumo A partir da psicologia social do desenvolvimento, este estudo investigou se diferenças no raciocínio moral implicariam em diferenças no preconceito, na conformidade com uma norma igualitária e no uso de justificativas morais para supressão do preconceito. Participaram deste estudo um total de 555 brasileiros(as), sendo a amostra final composta por 500 brasileiros(as), que responderam um questionário on-line com medidas utilizadas para avaliar as variáveis de interesse da pesquisa. Baseados em análises estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais, os resultados indicaram uma relação entre diferenças no julgamento moral e diferenças no nível de preconceito, de conformidade com a norma igualitária e com o uso de justificativas morais. Os resultados foram discutidos a partir da psicologia social e do desenvolvimento moral.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e248976, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422410


O objetivo deste artigo é fazer avançar o debate entre a psicanálise e os estudos queer, em especial a partir da interlocução traçada por Judith Butler com os trabalhos de Freud e Lacan. Retomando o modo como Butler articula Foucault, Derrida e a psicanálise para pensar os problemas de gênero, evidenciamos que a teoria psicanalítica permite à filósofa situar, a partir de sua concepção da melancolia de gênero, os pontos de fracasso da norma em função da vida psíquica do poder. Ainda que a cisheterossexualidade normativa imponha um roteiro de identificações e escolhas de objeto a seus sujeitos, há uma imprevisibilidade na maneira pela qual cada um responderá às injunções normativas da cultura, o que aponta para uma falha das normas em determinar completamente a subjetividade. A melancolia de gênero se torna, assim, uma marca da importância da psicanálise no percurso de Butler. Em seguida, discutimos as interpelações da filósofa ao simbólico lacaniano, bem como as nuances progressivamente introduzidas em sua leitura da diferença sexual. Ao longo do percurso de Butler, a diferença sexual deixa de ser considerada uma teoria da heterossexualidade e passa a ser apresentada como um conceito-borda, uma fronteira vacilante, que tomamos aqui como um convite para produzirmos uma releitura não normativa da diferença sexual na psicanálise a partir da teoria lacaniana da sexuação. Finalmente, localizamos a estranheza do gozo e o caráter irredutível da sexualidade às normas sociais como um importante eixo partilhado entre Butler e a psicanálise.(AU)

The aim of this article is to branch out the debate between psychoanalysis and queer studies, focusing on the interlocution drawn by Judith Butler with the works of Freud and Lacan. Returning to the way Butler articulates Foucault, Derrida and psychoanalysis to think about gender trouble, we show that psychoanalytic theory allows the philosopher to situate, from her conception of gender melancholy, the points of failure of the norm in function of the psychic life of power. After all, even though normative cis-heterosexuality imposes a script of identifications and object-choices on its subjects, there is an unpredictability to the way in which each one will respond to the normative injunctions of culture, so that norms fail to fully determine subjectivity. Gender melancholy thus becomes a mark of the importance of psychoanalysis in Butler's path. Then, we discuss the philosopher's interpellations to the Lacanian symbolic order, as well as the nuances progressively introduced in her reading of sexual difference. Along Butler's path, sexual difference is no longer considered a theory of heterosexuality and is presented as a border-concept, a vacillating frontier, which we take here as an invitation to produce a non-normative rereading of sexual difference in psychoanalysis, resorting to the Lacanian theory of sexuation. Finally, we locate the uncanniness of jouissance and the irreducible character of sexuality to social norms as an important shared axis between Butler and psychoanalysis.(AU)

El objetivo de este artículo es hacer avanzar el debate entre el psicoanálisis y los estudios queer, enfatizando la interlocución trazada por Judith Butler con los trabajos de Freud y Lacan. Volviendo a la forma en que Butler articula a Foucault, Derrida y el psicoanálisis para pensar los problemas de género, mostramos que la teoría psicoanalítica permite a la filósofa ubicar, desde su concepción de la melancolía de género, los puntos de falla de la norma en función de la vida psíquica del poder. Aunque la cis-heterosexualidad normativa imponga identificaciones y elecciones de objeto a sus sujetos, hay una imprevisibilidad en la forma en que cada uno responderá a los mandatos normativos de la cultura, lo que apunta a un fracaso de las normas para determinar completamente la subjetividad. La melancolía de género se convierte, entonces, en una marca de la importancia del psicoanálisis en la trayectoria de Butler. En seguida, discutimos las interpelaciones de la filósofa a lo simbólico lacaniano, así como los matices progresivamente introducidos en su lectura de la diferencia sexual. A lo largo de la trayectoria de Butler, la diferencia sexual deja de ser considerada una teoría de la heterosexualidad y pasa a ser presentada como un concepto-borde, um límite vacilante, que tomamos aquí como una invitación para producirmos una relectura no normativa de la diferencia sexual en psicoanálisis a partir de la teoría lacaniana de la sexuación. Finalmente, ubicamos la rareza del goce y el carácter irreductible de la sexualidad a las normas sociales como un importante eje compartido entre Butler y el psicoanálisis.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Caracteres Sexuais , Sexualidade , Prazer , Normas Sociais , Identidade de Gênero , Filosofia , Preconceito , Psicologia , Desenvolvimento Psicossexual , Sexo , Educação Sexual , Ciências do Comportamento , Orquiectomia , Homossexualidade Feminina , Feminismo , Neuropsiquiatria , Sexismo , Pessoas Transgênero , Segregação Social , Diversidade de Gênero , Binarismo de Gênero , Teoria Freudiana , Incesto , Libido , Antropologia Cultural , Complexo de Édipo
Edumecentro ; 152023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448165


La Bioética es la disciplina que estudia los problemas éticos que surgen en relación con la salud. Es el educador quien desempeña el papel principal al analizar los aspectos metodológicos en el proceso de articulación docente-asistencial para lograr una enseñanza con valores éticos en los futuros profesionales, apoya al estudiante con un enfoque personalizado, afectivo, comunicativo y reflexivo, enmarcado en el cumplimiento de la misión social y humana que implica ser un profesional de la Medicina. El objetivo de los autores es socializar elementos del pensamiento bioético relacionados con la formación de valores en los estudiantes, destacando el humanismo y la solidaridad, con una coherente sistematización del conocimiento sobre las diferentes corrientes bioéticas en el proceso formativo en el campo de la salud.

Bioethics is the discipline which studies ethical problems that arise in relation to health. Teachers are the ones who play the main role when analyzing methodological aspects in the teaching-care process to achieve teaching with ethical values in future professionals and support students with a personalized, affective, communicative and reflective approach, framed in the fulfillment of the social and human mission that being a medical professional implies. The objective of the authors is to socialize elements of bioethical thought related to the formation of values in students, highlighting humanism and solidarity, with a coherent systematization of knowledge about the different bioethical currents in the health training process.

Ensino , Educação Médica , Ética Médica , Docentes , Normas Sociais
Rev. salud pública ; 24(5): 1-sep.-oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432116


RESUMEN Objetivo Proponer una herramienta para identificar sectores de población que requieren mayor atención por parte de autoridades locales o gubernamentales en situaciones de crisis biológica, considerando los factores que influyen en la adherencia a las normas de minimización de riesgos. Metodología Se implementó un algoritmo de ordenamiento, tomando como referencia las restricciones de julio del 2021 en Ecuador. El contexto del estudio se resume en siete sectores urbanos de la ciudad de Guayaquil, con una población caracterizada por un nivel de educación promedio por debajo de la educación secundaria superior (70%) y más del 50% entre 20-34 años, con alguna ocupación en el medio de una economía popular debilitada. Siete factores de riesgo fueron identificados después de un análisis estructural de la hipótesis de adherencia (x2/gl=3,6; CFI≥0,91; TLI≥0,90; RMSEA≤0,05), basado en una muestra aleatoria de n=515 adultos viviendo en las áreas afectadas. Resultados El seguimiento de las normas está influenciado por la percepción del clima de seguridad, el riesgo percibido y el entendimiento del riesgo. El umbral de ordenamiento (h) permite establecer relaciones unidireccionales entre variables. Conclusiones Los resultados muestran que Vergeles, Norte y Fertisa representan los sectores con mayor prioridad de atención en materia de salud pública {A4,A5,A6}>{A2}>{A3}>{A1}>{A7}. Se requiere identificar más factores para garantizar una diferenciación óptima.

ABSTRACT Objective To propose a tool to identify local communities that require public health work priority, taking into account factors that influence adherence to risk minimization guidelines, especially in lock-down environments and unconventional workplaces. Methodology An ordering algorithm, based on the theory of uncertainty, was applied to classify population zones exhibiting high levels of infection and non-compliance with regulations in Guayaquil, during the last 'weekend' lockdown episode in July 2021. Seven urban sectors showed the highest number of infections (more than 70% of the local population): Vergeles (A1), Samanes (A2), Socio Vivienda (A3), Guasmo Norte (A4), Fertisa (A5), Alborada (A6), Urdesa (A7). Seven risk factors were identified after a path analysis of compliance hypothesis (x2/gl=3,6; CFI≥0,91; TLI≥0,90, RMSEA≤0,05), based on a random sample of n=515 adults living in the affected areas. Results Adherence to norms is influenced by the safety climate, perceived risk and risk understanding. The ordering threshold (h) leaded unidirectional relationships between variables. Conclusions: Adding more factors are believed to increases the differentiation path. The results showed that Vergeles, Norte and Fertisa were the areas with the highest priority for public health care {A4,A5,A6}>{A2}>{A3}>{A1}>{A7}.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 21(2): 300-307, May.-Aug. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448417


Resumen: Objetivo: Conocer el efecto de los determinantes de la conducta planeada sobre el consumo de tabaco y alcohol en adolescentes de preparatoria. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio correlacional predictivo en 735 adolescentes estudiantes de preparatorias públicas, ubicadas en 14 complementos urbanos pertenecientes al Estado de Nuevo León, México. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante cuestionarios autoadministrados, para variables sociodemográficas, consumo de tabaco y alcohol, actitud, norma subjetiva y control conductual percibido hacia el consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Se realizaron modelos de regresión logística de la actitud, norma subjetiva y control conductual percibido sobre el consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio correlacional predictivo en 735 adolescentes estudiantes de preparatorias públicas, ubicadas en 14 complementos urbanos pertenecientes al Estado de Nuevo León, México. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante cuestionarios autoadministrados, para variables sociodemográficas, consumo de tabaco y alcohol, actitud, norma subjetiva y control conductual percibido hacia el consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Se realizaron modelos de regresión logística de la actitud, norma subjetiva y control conductual percibido sobre el consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Resultados: La norma subjetiva (OR=1.02, p=0.028) y el control conductual percibido (OR=1.084, p=0.001), se mostraron significativos para predecir el consumo de tabaco alguna vez en la vida, mientras que la actitud (OR=0.980, p=0.017), norma subjetiva (OR=1.034, p=0.025) y control conductual percibido (OR=1.080, p=0.001), se mostraron significativos para predecir el consumo de alcohol alguna vez en la vida. Conclusiones: Con base a los resultados se puede determinar la aplicabilidad y pertinencia de la Teoría de la Conducta Planeada para la generación de nuevos conocimientos científicos, que permitan el diseño e implementación de programas específicos para enfrentar las situaciones que los adolescentes perciben como facilitadores para el consumo de tabaco y alcohol.

Abstract: Objective: To know the effect of the determinants of planned behavior on tobacco and alcohol consumption in high school adolescents. Material and Methods: A predictive correlational study was carried out in 735 adolescent students of public high schools, located in 14 urban complements belonging to the State of Nuevo León, Mexico. Data were obtained through self-administered questionnaires for sociodemographic variables, tobacco and alcohol consumption, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control towards tobacco and alcohol consumption. Logistic regression models of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control over tobacco and alcohol consumption were performed. Results: The subjective norm (OR = 1.02, p = .028) and the perceived behavioral control (OR = 1.084, p = .001), were found to be significant in predicting tobacco use sometime in life, while the attitude (OR = .980, p = .017), subjective norm (OR = 1.034, p= .025) and perceived behavioral control (OR = 1.080, p = .001), were found to be significant in predicting alcohol consumption at some time in the life. Conclusions: Based on the results, the applicability and relevance of the Theory of Planned Behavior can be determined for the generation of new scientific knowledge, which allows the design and implementation of specific programs to face the situations that adolescents perceive as facilitators for the tobacco and alcohol consumption.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226533


This research paper analyses infant and maternal deaths, last pregnancy Ante-natal Checkup, distribution of age, availed quality of Ante-natal, availed number of checkups, during pregnancy complications recognition and pregnancy. Location of the village is Taluka in district Thatta with 375 people as its total population. A questionnaire was developed for the completion of household survey. The set criteria were 1 couple 1 households without any discrimination of kitchen utilization. Information of house, education status, WASH facilities, livelihood, skill, expenditure and income was included in the research paper. Data was gathered from the theme of PRA and response of the participants. SPSS and Excel were used for the development of household database, KAP, health facility and LIP. Research aimed at the analysis of the mother’s reproductive health in terms of health availability and affordability to find out attitude, knowledge and practices regarding healthcare services. Instead of recognizing the norms of the culture in most of the social settings of the mother reproductive health, it is observed that less attention is given to the factor of healthcare effectiveness and social norms for the promotion of healthcare facilities of mothers. Findings of the research reflect that financial status and marriage at young age seriously affect the women’s reproductive health. It is further influenced by economic, cultural and social factors in rural communities of Pakistan. Another significant hindrance is the poor state of public hospital quality standards. For the safety of maternal life these barriers need to be removed to assure high level of quality healthcare to the rural areas women.

Afr. J. reprod. Health (online) ; 26(11): 106-118, 2022. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1411898


This qualitative study, conducted in Meru and Kajiado counties in Kenya, explored the perceptions and attitudes of men and women regarding male involvement in FGM in order to inform the design of male involvement strategies in FGM abandonment. We used focus group discussions to collect the data which was then subjected to thematic analysis. Three main themes emerged from the data: i) culture and the role of men; ii) perceived awareness and knowledge of FGM among men, and iii) credible and customised education and engagement. The study found widespread agreement on the importance of male involvement in FGM abandonment. Culture played an important role in determining the extent of involvement, or lack thereof. We conclude that while culture needs to be respected it ought to be challenged to avoid the continued harm to girls. The potential of men as a collective to bring about change was evident, and policy makers and NGOs should utilise the power of male collectives to support efforts to abandon FGM

Humanos , Feminino , Participação do Paciente , Percepção , Poder Psicológico , Circuncisão Feminina , Cultura
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 27(7): 2867-2877, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384455


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é construir e validar um instrumento de medida da intenção de uso de preservativos entre mulheres em contexto de vulnerabilidade social. Pesquisa metodológica cuja etapa de construção envolveu 111 mulheres em estudo prévio e a validação do conteúdo e face contou com 166 participantes, entre usuárias de um serviço de saúde, juízes especialistas e docentes. No processo de validação foram utilizados o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo por Item, Índice de Validade de Conteúdo Geral e Alfa de Cronbach. O instrumento constou de 29 itens, com Índice de Validade de Conteúdo Geral 0,99. A validação semântica resultou na inserção de sinais pictóricos nas escalas de resposta. O estudo piloto gerou Alfa de Cronbach 0,61 (IC: 0,48-0,72). O instrumento validado constitui-se ferramenta que pode auxiliar trabalhadores da saúde e pesquisadores na predição do uso de preservativos, guiando intervenções preventivas na direção de práticas sexuais seguras entre mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade social.

Abstract The scope of this article is to build and validate an instrument to measure the intention to use condoms among women in a context of social vulnerability. It involved methodological research, the elaboration stage of which involved 111 women from a previous study, and the content validation stage had 166 participants, including female frequenters of a healthcare service, specialized referees and teachers. In the validation process, the Content Validity Index per Item, General Content Validity Index and Cronbach's Alpha were used. The instrument included 29 items and had a General Content Validity Index of 0.99. The semantic validation resulted in the insertion of pictorial signs in the response scales. The pilot study generated Cronbach's alpha of 0.61 (CI: 0.48-0.72). The validated instrument is a tool that can assist health workers and researchers in predicting condom use, providing input for preventive interventions towards safe sexual practices among women in situations of social vulnerability.

Psico USF ; 26(2): 345-356, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1287601


This research aimed at investigating whether watching Brazilian advertising pieces that portray a sociocultural behavioral pattern called Brazilian jeitinho would influence participant's subsequent behavior. One carried out an experiment in which 200 subjects watched and assessed three advertisement pieces. Upon recruitment, participants were informed that they would be taking part in a raffle for a gift card. The number of tickets received per participant was defined by a die-under-cup task. The more tickets they obtained, the higher the chance to receive the prize, providing an incentive to cheat. Afterwards, respondents took part in a task that defined the number of tickets that each would receive to participate in the raffle. Independent variables consisted in the manipulation of priming of jeitinho (video content: jeitinho or neutral) and privacy of the task (with or without privacy). On the other hand, the dependent variable consisted in the result obtained when participants rolled the dices that defined the number of tickets. One found a significant difference between the groups in which privacy was manipulated, indicating that the groups that performed the task aimed at measuring dishonesty with privacy actually tended to report lower values than the ones actually obtained, entailing an effect of contrast. This finding suggests that the implementation of public policies that utilize propaganda that portrays Brazilian jeitinho could reduce engagement in dishonest behavior among Brazilians. (AU)

Esta pesquisa objetivou investigar se assistir a peças publicitárias nacionais representativas de um padrão de comportamento sociocultural do Brasil, o jeitinho brasileiro, influenciaria o comportamento subsequente dos participantes. Realizou-se um experimento no qual 200 participantes assistiram e avaliariam três anúncios publicitários. Ao serem recrutados, os participantes foram informados de que estariam concorrendo a um sorteio de um vale-presente. O número de tickets do sorteio foi definido por uma tarefa que consistiu em jogar um dado dentro de um copo. Quanto mais tickets obtivessem, maior a chance de ganhar o prêmio, criando-se um incentivo para trapacear. As variáveis independentes constituíram a manipulação da pré-ativação (priming) de jeitinho (conteúdo das peças: jeitinho ou neutro) e da privacidade da tarefa (com ou sem privacidade). Já a variável dependente consistiu no resultado obtido ao jogar dados para definir o número de tickets. Encontrou-se diferença significativa entre os grupos para manipulação de privacidade, indicando que os participantes que realizaram a tarefa de mensuração de desonestidade com privacidade tenderam a reportar valores menores do que os que realmente obtiveram no sorteio, ocasionando um efeito de contraste. Esse achado sugere que a implementação de políticas públicas utilizando propagandas que retratem o jeitinho brasileiro podem reduzir o engajamento em comportamento desonesto entre os brasileiros. (AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar si ver anuncios publicitarios brasileños que retratan a un patrón de comportamiento sociocultural denominado jeitinho brasileño influiría en el comportamiento posterior de los participantes. Se realizó un experimento donde 200 individuos vieron y evaluaron tres anuncios publicitarios. Al ser reclutados, se les informó a los participantes que se realizaría un sorteo de una tarjeta de regalo. El número de boletos de cada participante fue definido mediante una tarea que consistía en lanzar un dado a una taza. Cuantos más boletos obtuvieron, mayor fue la posibilidad de recibir el premio, lo que ofreció un incentivo para hacer posibles trampas. Posteriormente, los encuestados participaron en una tarea que definió la cantidad de boletos que cada uno recibiría para participar en el sorteo del premio. Las variables independientes consistieron en la manipulación de la preactivación (priming) de jeitinho (contenido de los videos: jeitinho o neutro) y de la privacidad de la tarea (con o sin privacidad). Por otro lado, la variable dependiente consistió en el resultado obtenido cuando los participantes lanzaron los dados que definían el número de boletos. Se encontró una diferencia significativa entre los grupos en los que se manipuló la privacidad, lo que indica que en los grupos que realizaron la tarea dirigida a medir la deshonestidad con privacidad, en realidad tendían a informar valores más bajos que los que realmente obtuvieron, lo que conlleva un efecto de contraste. Este resultado sugiere que la implementación de políticas públicas utilizando propaganda que retrata al jeitinho brasileño podría reducir la participación en conductas deshonestas entre los brasileños. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Publicidade , Características Culturais , Normas Sociais , Princípios Morais , Análise de Variância
Interdisciplinaria ; 37(2): 227-238, dic. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149374


Resumen La exposición prenatal al alcohol puede derivar en un espectro de trastornos congénitos, dentro de los cuales el Síndrome Alcohólico Fetal (SAF) es el más severo. Esto es 100 % prevenible si no se consume alcohol durante la gestación, por lo que conocer los factores que determinan que una mujer consuma alcohol estando embarazada es fundamental. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar si características del entorno (como son las normas sociales prescriptivas o NSP) se relacionan con el consumo de alcohol durante la gestación en mujeres de la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina. Para ello, se realizó un muestro probabilístico de 852 mujeres gestantes durante el año 2016 en los principales centros de atención primaria a la salud de la ciudad. Se evaluó el consumo de alcohol antes y durante la gestación a través del Test de Identificación de Trastornos por Consumo de Alcohol y las NSP con preguntas construidas ad hoc. El 87 % consideró que las otras gestantes consumen alcohol; de ellas, 53 % cree que el consumo es igual, 10 % cree que es mayor y el resto menor. El 90 % reconoció que las personas importantes para ellas desaprobarían el consumo durante la gestación. Las mujeres con un entorno favorable hacia el consumo se correspondieron con ingesta de alcohol en el embarazo, mientras que se observó lo contrario en los casos en los que el entorno era desfavorable. Estos resultados indican que podría ser beneficioso diseñar estrategias preventivas que se focalicen no solo en la gestante, sino en el entorno cercano.

Abstract Prenatal alcohol exposure can lead to a spectrum of congenital disorders for the fetus with permanent consequences, known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), within which Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (SAF) is its most severe extreme. All FASD are 100 % preventable if no alcohol is consumed during pregnancy, so knowing the factors that determine that a woman decides to drink while pregnant is essential to develop effective prevention plans. Among these factors are the phenomena of social influence such as perceived social norms (PSN), both descriptive and prescriptive. The PSN are transmitted by social interaction and produced based on the perception of the beliefs or behaviors of others, beyond their real actions. It has been identified that PSN predict alcohol consumption in various populations, such as university students, but research is almost non-existent with pregnant women. The aim of this study is to assess whether environmental characteristics (such as PSN) are related to alcohol consumption during pregnancy in pregnant women in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina. Method: a probabilistic sample of 852 pregnant women was carried out during 2016 in the main primary health care centers of the city of Mar del Plata. Alcohol consumption was assessed before and during pregnancy through the AUDIT and the PSN was assessed with five questions constructed ad hoc by specialists in the area of alcohol consumption. Descriptive analyses were performed to categorized social norms and the prescriptive ones were re-categorized into four groups: 1. It is bad for the health of the baby or the mother; 2. It is wrong for cultural or moral reasons; 3. consumption is accepted; 4. It does not know/does not matter. To describe them based on alcohol consumption, latent class analyses were performed. Models of two to four classes were estimated, reproduced 50 times to avoid local maximums, with the software R. Results: 87 % of pregnant women believed that others in their same condition consume alcohol. 53 % of them believed they consume the same as before pregnancy, 10 % believed they consume more and the rest that they reduced their consumption. The belief about the average amount that other pregnant women would consume is more than three drinks, the equivalent of one bottle of beer per occasion of consumption. 90 % recognized that people important to them would disapprove consumption during pregnancy because doing so would cause harm to the baby, the mother, pregnancy in general or because alcohol is considered harmful to health. 6 % considered that people important to them would approve consumption because few amounts are tolerated or because alcohol is good for breastfeeding. The latent class analysis indicated a better fit for the two-class model. Class 1 was made up of women who claimed that for their people, alcohol consumption during pregnancy was acceptable and they themselves consumed alcohol during pregnancy. Class 2 conglomerated women who thought that others would see their consumption as bad at this stage and there was a low probability that they themselves consumed during pregnancy. Conclusions: These results indicate that it could be beneficial to design preventive strategies that focus not only on the future mother, but on the nearby environment (couple, family, friends), and even throughout the community, where social norms are established and reproduced.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 52: 235-242, June 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1251898


Resumen La participación cívica es fundamental para abstenerse y sancionar a quienes se benefician de la corrupción. Experimentos muestran que el castigo altruista (pagar para castigar a quienes no cooperan), mantiene cooperando a los transgresores, pero en la vida real se les sanciona poco, siendo necesario identificar los factores que disminuyen esa disposición. Se encuestaron 622 ciudadanos mexicanos, población general, para analizar los efectos de creencias que justifican la corrupción y el apoyo percibido sobre la disposición a actuar contra la corrupción sancionando y absteniéndose de ella. Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales confirma efectos negativos de las creencias de justificación de la corrupción y positivos del apoyo percibido, además de un efecto negativo indirecto de las creencias de justificación de la corrupción a través de un efecto negativo sobre el apoyo percibido, explicando en conjunto el 47% de la varianza de la disposición a actuar contra la corrupción en un modelo que muestra indicadores que reflejan una adecuada bondad de ajuste.

Abstract Civic participation is essential to abstain and punish the corrupt people. Experimental studies that show altruistic punishment, paying for those who do not cooperate to be punished, keep offenders cooperating, but in real life they are little penalized, being necessary to identify the factors that diminish that disposition. 622 Mexican citizens were surveyed to analyze the effects of beliefs that justify corruption and perceived support on willingness to act against cor ruption by sanctioning and abstaining from it. A model of structural equations confirmed negative effects of corruption justification beliefs and positive perceived support effects, in addition to an indirect negative effect of corruption justification beliefs through a negative effect on perceived support, together explaining for 47% of the variance of the willingness to act against corruption in a model that shows indices of adequate goodness of fit.

Altruísmo , Corrupção , Punição , Normas Sociais
Rev. salud pública ; 22(2): e486877, mar.-abr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127225


RESUMEN Objetivo Evaluar el efecto del riesgo y las normas sociales percibidos sobre la COVID-19 y sobre la intención de vacunarse si se contara con una vacuna para prevenir la infección. Métodos Se desarrolló una investigación cuantitativa, explicativa y con diseño transversal. Los datos se recopilaron mediante un cuestionario estructurado aplicado de manera electrónica a habitantes de más de 18 años de edad en el estado de Puebla, en México. Se utilizó un análisis con ecuaciones estructurales para identificar los efectos entre las variables estudiadas. Resultados Tanto la severidad como la susceptibilidad percibidas al contraer COVID-19 tuvieron un efecto positivo sobre las normas sociales percibidas sobre el virus. Mientras la severidad percibida tuvo un efecto positivo sobre la intención de vacunarse, la susceptibilidad percibida resultó no significativa sobre la intención de vacunarse contra COVID-19. Conclusiones La intención de vacunarse contra COVID-19 es afectada por la severidad y las normas sociales percibidas por contraer la infección. Sin embargo, la susceptibilidad percibida ante el virus no tiene un efecto sobre la intención de vacunarse.(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the effect of perceived risk and social norms on COVID-19 and on the intention to be vaccinated if a vaccine were available to prevent infection. Methods A quantitative, explanatory and cross-sectional research was developed. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire applied electronically to inhabitants over 18 years of age in the state of Puebla in Mexico. An analysis with structural equations was used to identify the effects among the constructs studied. Results The results showed that both the perceived severity and susceptibility of contracting COVID-19 had a positive effect on the perceived social norms about the virus. Also, while the perceived severity had a positive effect on the intention to vaccinate, the perceived susceptibility was not significant on the intention to vaccinate against COVID-19. Conclusion Intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 is affected by the severity and perceived social norms of contracting the infection. However, the perceived susceptibility to the virus does not have an effect on the intention to be vaccinated.(AU)

Humanos , Vacinação/normas , Infecções por Coronavirus/prevenção & controle , Normas Sociais , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , México/epidemiologia
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-822604


@#Introduction: The Malaysian society is undergoing rapid modernisation. The emerging middle class in Malaysia is influencing the lifestyles and traditional food habits of the main three ethnics (i.e. Malays, Chinese, and Indians). This article studied the impact of compressed modernisation on food in a multicultural context. The Malaysian Food Barometer (MFB), published in the year 2014, focuses on the socio-cultural determinants of food habits in Malaysia. Methods: The methods applied in the study were qualitative and quantitative surveys of the food barometers developed at the national level to study the transformation of eating habits. The surveys studied the socio-economic, demographic, and cultural determinants of food consumption, as well as identifying their possible influences on health issues. Results: The results showed two major distinguishing characteristics of Malaysian food patterns, i.e. linking with Malaysia’s multi-ethnicity background and the high frequency of foods consumed outside of home by the urban population. Conclusion: The article concluded that like many societies in transition, Malaysia has to face a rise in the prevalence of overweight. However, with its multicultural characteristics, it becomes a privileged empirical field of observation for the analysis of modernisation modalities of diet models among different ethnic groups.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876276


Objective To explore the relationship between social norms and smoking intention, among male smokers in China. Methods A total 3 621 (with 95.8% of effective response rate) male smokers were selected and investigated with questionnaires from August to November in 2013.Univariate logistic regressions and multivariate logistic regressions were conducted to find the associations between social norms, smoking intention and quitting attempts. Results Smokers perceived low pro-quitting social norms from their family members, friends and other people around.With a 1 point increase in pro-quitting social norms score, smokers′ willingness to quit in the next 6 months increased by 69% (OR=1.69, 95%CI:1.48-1.94), and smokers were 86% more likely to quit(OR=1.86, 95%CI:1.66-2.08). Conclusion Pro-quitting social norms is proved to be an independent predictor for smoking intention, quitting attempts among male smokers in China.Therefore, future intervention should aim to establish pro-quitting social norms for smoking cessation.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876294


Objective To explore the relationship between social norms and smoking intention, among male smokers in China. Methods A total 3 621 (with 95.8% of effective response rate) male smokers were selected and investigated with questionnaires from August to November in 2013.Univariate logistic regressions and multivariate logistic regressions were conducted to find the associations between social norms, smoking intention and quitting attempts. Results Smokers perceived low pro-quitting social norms from their family members, friends and other people around.With a 1 point increase in pro-quitting social norms score, smokers′ willingness to quit in the next 6 months increased by 69% (OR=1.69, 95%CI:1.48-1.94), and smokers were 86% more likely to quit(OR=1.86, 95%CI:1.66-2.08). Conclusion Pro-quitting social norms is proved to be an independent predictor for smoking intention, quitting attempts among male smokers in China.Therefore, future intervention should aim to establish pro-quitting social norms for smoking cessation.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 36(10): e00128419, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1132839


El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar si la identificación con grupos de trabajo, con normas desfavorables y favorables de consumo de alcohol del grupo de trabajo, modera la relación entre las demandas del trabajo y el consumo de alcohol en trabajadores. A través de una análisis de regresión, usando la macro de moderación moderada en una muestra de trabajadores de una empresa de telecomunicaciones de Chile (N = 1.143), se presta apoyo a las hipótesis de moderación moderada: la alta identificación con grupos de trabajo con normas desfavorables de consumo de alcohol de ese grupo amortigua la relación entre las demandas del trabajo y el consumo de alcohol en trabajadores (B = -0,080; t = -2,01; p = 0,04; IC95%: -0,1600; -0,0024) y la alta identificación con grupos de trabajo con normas favorables de consumo de alcohol de ese grupo incrementa la relación entre las demandas del trabajo y el consumo de alcohol en trabajadores (B = 0,170; t = 2,36; p = 0,01; IC95%: 0,030; 0,322). Estos resultados sugieren que la alta identificación con grupos de trabajo y sus normas sociales de consumo de alcohol son recursos laborales que, de manera conjunta, pueden afectar o proteger a trabajadores expuestos a altas demandas laborales. Por lo tanto, se recomienda atender a los potenciales efectos positivos, así como también a los efectos perniciosos, de estos recursos laborales.

The current study aimed to determine whether workgroup identification and alcohol consumption social norms of workgroup moderates the relationship between job demands and alcohol consumption in workers. Regression analysis using the moderated moderation macro in a sample of workers from a telecommunications company in Chile (N = 1,143) supports the hypothesis of moderated moderation: high workgroup identification with with unfavorable social norms of alcohol consumption by the group buffered the relationship between job demands and alcohol consumption of workers (B = -0.080; t = -2.01; p = 0.04; 95%CI: -0.1600; -0.0024), and the high workgroup identification with favorable social norms of alcohol consumption by the group increases the relationship between job demands and alcohol consumption of workers (B = 0.170; t = 2.36; p = 0.01; 95%CI: 0.030; 0.322). The results suggest that strong identification with workgroup and their social norms for alcohol consumption are job resources that can jointly affect or protect workers exposed to heavy work demands. Attention should thus be focused on the potential positive versus harmful effects of these work resources.

O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar se a identificação com grupos de trabalho, com normas desfavoráveis e favoráveis de consumo de álcool do grupo de trabalho, medeia a relação entre as exigências do trabalho e o consumo de álcool dos trabalhadores. Uma análise de regressão, usando a macro de mediação moderada numa amostra de trabalhadores de uma empresa de telecomunicações do Chile (N = 1.143), sustenta as hipóteses de mediação moderada: a alta identificação com grupos de trabalho com normas desfavoráveis de consumo de álcool desse grupo mitiga a relação entre as exigências do trabalho e o consumo de álcool nos trabalhadores (B = -0,080; t = -2,01; p = 0,04; IC95%: -0,1600; -0,0024) e a alta identificação com grupos de trabalho com normas favoráveis de consumo de álcool desse grupo incrementa a relação entre as exigências do trabalho e o consumo de álcool nos trabalhadores (B = 0,170; t = 2,36; p = 0,01; IC95%: 0,030; 0,322). Estes resultados sugerem que a alta identificação com grupos de trabalho e suas normas sociais de consumo de álcool são recursos laborais que, de maneira conjunta, podem afetar ou proteger trabalhadores expostos a altas exigências laborais. Portanto, recomendam-se considerar os potenciais efeitos positivos, como também os efeitos perniciosos, desses recursos laborais.

Humanos , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/epidemiologia , Satisfação no Emprego , Brasil , Chile/epidemiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(9): 3495-3506, set. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019659


Resumo Normas sociais de papel de gênero influenciam comportamentos e afirmam identidades e pertencimento a determinados grupos. Mesmo que alterem-se conforme padrões éticos, sociais e culturais, vão existir normativas dominantes. Este estudo validou para a realidade brasileira o Inventário de Conformidade com Normas Masculinas (CMNI-29) e buscou indícios da sua aplicabilidade a fatores específicos do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas de jovens universitários. Foram coletados dados de 341 homens, entre 19 e 25 anos, residentes em Minas Gerais e São Paulo. Os participantes completaram o CMNI-29 e perguntas sobre seu consumo de álcool. Mesmo com as adaptações realizadas para a adequação ao contexto, o inventário foi considerado válido. De maneira geral, os dados de confiabilidade se mostraram satisfatórios e atingiu-se validade convergente e discriminante para todas as dimensões da masculinidade. O CMNI-29 mostrou-se uma medida útil para compreender as múltiplas dimensões da masculinidade no comportamento. Além disso, indícios de influência das normas sobre a frequência de consumo de álcool foram encontrados. O uso da escala amplia o escopo de pesquisa de gênero no país, e possibilita a busca de seu efeito com outras variáveis e comportamentos de saúde que atingem esta população.

Abstract Gender role social norms influence behaviors and affirm identities and belonging to particular groups. Dominant norms will continue to exist even if they change according to ethical, social and cultural norms. This study validated for the Brazilian reality the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (CMNI-29) and searched for evidence of its applicability to specific factors of the consumption of alcoholic beverages of young university students. We collected data from 341 men in the age group 19-25 years living in the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo. Participants completed the CMNI-29 and questions regarding their alcohol consumption. Even with adaptations to fit the context, the inventory was deemed valid. In general, reliability data were satisfactory and convergent and discriminant validity was achieved for all realms of masculinity. The CMNI-29 proved to be a useful measure to understand the multiple realms of masculinity in behavior. In addition, we found evidence of influence of norms on the frequency of alcohol consumption. The use of the scale broadens the scope of gender research in the country and enables search of its effect with other variables and health behaviors that affect this population.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/epidemiologia , Masculinidade , Normas Sociais , Universidades , Brasil , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/psicologia , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Fatores Sexuais , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 46(2): 44-49, Mar.-Apr. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011145


Abstract Background Misperceptions on the higher rates of peer alcohol use are predictive of increased personal use among university students. Objectives This study aims to assess the prevalence, perceived peers' social norms and other predictors of alcohol use in a sample of Turkish university students. Methods This study is established upon the baseline Turkish data on alcohol use of the project Social Norms Intervention for the prevention of Polydrug usE (SNIPE). The data was obtained by a self-reported, online questionnaire from 858 students of Marmara University who were registered to the study web page. Results Alcohol use and drunkenness rates were 62.6%, and 40.9%, respectively. Twenty point two percent of students reported drinking alcohol at least once a week in the last two months. Majority of students (70.4%) reported that religion has an important or very important role in their lives. Perceived higher frequency of peer alcohol use (p<0.000) and drunkenness (p<0.000) were significantly associated with personal alcohol use frequency. Tobacco use rate was 60.2% and positively associated with alcohol use frequency (p<0.000). In all participants, male gender (OR: 1.56; 95% CI: 1.07-2.28), giving less importance to religion (OR: 20.91; 95% CI: 10.95-39.95), tobacco use everyday/almost everyday (OR: 17.88; 95% CI: 9.33-34.29), perceived positive peer attitude towards alcohol use (OR: 2.192; 95% CI: 1.25-3.82) and perceived higher frequency of peer alcohol use (OR: 3.487; 95% CI: 1.66-7.31) were found to be associated risk factors for alcohol use. Age (OR: 1.186, CI 95%: 1.03-1.36) and perceived positive peer attitude towards alcohol use (OR: 3.86, CI 95%: 1.84-8.09) were the additional risk factors among female student whereas perceived positive peer alcohol use frequency (OR: 8.08, CI 95%: 2.40-27.10) among male students. Discussion As the first study conducted in Turkey applying social norms theory, our results indicate the noticeable misperceptions of students regarding their peers' alcohol use. Based on our results, targeting both tobacco and alcohol use, and a gender-sensitive approach employing social norms interventions may enhance the preventive strategies for risky alcohol use among university students.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Fatores de Risco , Normas Sociais , Consumo de Álcool na Faculdade , Turquia , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Inquéritos e Questionários , Intoxicação Alcoólica/epidemiologia , Alcoolismo/epidemiologia , Uso de Tabaco/epidemiologia
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760380


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the impacts of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination-related health belief, attitudes toward HPV vaccination, and subjective norms on HPV vaccination intent targeting mothers of elementary school daughters. METHODS: The study use a correlative survey design. The subjects of the study were 121 mothers of elementary school daughters located in metropolitan city B. All subjects agreed to participate in the study. The data were collected from September 1 to October 18, 2018, and were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Independent t-test, ANOVA with a post hoc Scheffé test, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression. RESULTS: Attitude toward HPV vaccination, subjective norms, vaccination plans for their children, and mother's vaccination status were significant factors influencing HPV vaccination intention. These factors accounted for 72% of the HPV vaccination intention. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that factors affecting the intention of mothers of elementary school daughters to vaccinate against HPV were HPV vaccination attitudes, subjective norms, vaccination plans for their children, and mother's vaccination status. The biggest influencing factor was HPV vaccination attitudes. Therefore, in order to encourage mothers of elementary school daughters to vaccinate against HPVs, national-level policies should be implemented to create a social atmosphere of positive attitudes toward HPV vaccinations that also emphasizes how easy it is to get vaccinated against HPV. Based on this, mothers of elementary school daughters should be encouraged to have them vaccinated against HPV, thus contributing to improving the HPV vaccination rates of elementary school girls.

Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Atmosfera , Intenção , Mães , Núcleo Familiar , Normas Sociais , Vacinação