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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221440


A well-de?ned and well-planned education policy helps a nation's economy and social position grow. Like that NEP 2020 is a progressive thought of the Indian education system. The policy accords the highest priority to achieving Foundational Literacy and Numeracy by all students by Grade 3. This study only analyses the School and Teacher Education reforms concerning NEP 2020 in India. The policy states, "The highest priority of the education system will be to achieve universal foundational literacy and numeracy in primary school by 2025 and to universalize education from pre-school to secondary level by 2030. It envisions an India-centric education system and the provision of quality education and equitable access to all students in a sustainable manner. The National Education Policy states that by 2030 the minimum educational qualification for teachers would be a four-year duration integrated B.Ed. degree. Though NEP 2020 has new targets to be achieved by 2035.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991276


"Double-driven" teacher professional development is a transformation from a novice teacher to an expert teacher through both internal and external driving pathway based on education ecology and teacher encouragement theory. The internal driving pathway of teacher professional development includes socialist belief, professional conscience, and professional consciousness, while the external driving pathway includes standardized management system, school-based teaching and research activities, medicine-education cooperation, and campus positive culture.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(supl.1): e101, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288317


Resumo: Introdução: Programas de mentoria têm se mostrado estratégias para o aprimoramento da formação dos futuros médicos, com alcance em aspectos pouco contemplados nos currículos formais. Este relato discute a experiência docente do exercício da mentoria para uma turma de graduação em Medicina, durante o período de seis anos (de 2014 a 2020). Relato de experiência: As ações da mentoria foram planejadas semestralmente, em reuniões entre mentor e mentorados. As temáticas elegíveis foram escolhidas por meio de tempestade de ideias para convergir nas principais demandas coletivas. Abordaram-se os seguintes assuntos: visão do paciente ante a interação com estudantes das profissões da saúde, futuro dos médicos recém-formados, matriz de competências essenciais para a formação do médico, entre outros. Utilizaram-se mais frequentemente as seguintes ferramentas: rodas de conversa, atividades baseadas em metodologias ativas em pequenos e grandes grupos, encontros informais com a turma, encontros individuais, e espaços formais e informais de tecnologia da informação. As ações foram realizadas, ao longo dos seis anos, pelo mesmo docente, o que permitiu a construção e consolidação do vínculo entre mentor e mentorados. Discussão: Assim, a mentoria se configurou como uma potente estratégia, conduzida com flexibilidade para permear as necessidades dos educandos, direcionando-as para o desenvolvimento individual e coletivo de profissionalismo. Entre os ganhos paralelos, destaca-se o estímulo ao desenvolvimento docente, condição que exigiu receptividade à interação e reconhecimento dos saberes dos aprendizes. Conclusão: Por meio desta experiência, foi possível compreender que a essência da mentoria está relacionada ao vínculo e ao preparo de seres humanos para lidar com seres humanos, independentemente do papel social que estejam ocupando.

Abstract: Introduction: Mentoring programs have been strategies for improving the training of future doctors, covering aspects rarely contemplated in formal curriculum. This report discusses the teaching experience of mentoring for an undergraduate medicine class over the course of a six-year period (2014 to 2020). Experience report: The mentoring actions were planned every six months in a meeting between mentor and mentees. The eligible themes were chosen through brainstorming to converge on the main collective demands. The topics included, for example: The patient's view of interaction with health students; The future of recently graduated doctors; Core skills of a doctor. The most frequently used tools were: Circle learning; Activities based on methodologies in small and large groups; Informal meetings with the whole class; Individual meetings; Formal and informal digital spaces. The actions were developed, over the six years, by the same teacher, which helped construct and consolidate the bond between mentor and mentees. Discussion: Mentoring was configured as a powerful strategy, conducted with flexibility to permeate the needs of students, directing them towards the individual and collective development of professionalism. Among the secondary gains, the stimulation of teacher development stands out, a condition that required receptivity to interaction and recognition of the learners' experience. Conclusion: This experience demonstrated that the essence of mentoring is related to the connection and the preparation of humans to deal with humans, regardless of the social role they are playing.

Humanos , Educação Médica/métodos , Tutoria , Mentores , Docentes de Medicina
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-875772


@#Introduction: Dyslexia, which is a learning disability that affects many aspects of children’s development, has a prevalence of 5 – 17%, worldwide. There are many negative perceptions towards children with dyslexia, and one of it is when there is lack of teachers’ knowledge about this problem. Aim: The objective of this study is to develop and discuss on a newly developed module on dyslexia, i.e. Dyslexia Health Education Module (DHEM) for preschool teachers, Method: This module is developed using the ADDIE model (A-Analysis, D-De- sign, D-Develop, I- Implement, E-Evaluate). The content of DHEM consists of general information for pre-school teachers about dyslexia, identification and intervention for dyslexia among children as well as its mental health implications. Results: The newly developed module was found to have a good content validity with a score of 0.7 when evaluated by eight expert panels from respective fields. The Cronbach alpha’s value for reliability test was 0.90. These findings suggest that this module is good, reliable and applicable. Discussion: It is hoped that with the development of DHEM, this would increase teachers’ knowledge on dyslexia among children in Malaysia, especially in recognizing at-risk children and consequently may lead to early intervention in managing the problem. This study also suggests that future longitudinal studies should be carried out using this module to ensure its effectiveness in the long run.

Educ. med. super ; 31(1): 89-98, ene.-mar. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-891155


Introducción: la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública centro de referencia para la preparación posgraduada en salud pública cuenta con una estructura departamental que vela por el constante desarrollo profesional y científico de su claustro, para ello requiere de sólidos mecanismos de control. Objetivo: implementar una herramienta para la gestión de información de los jefes de departamentos docentes en base al plan de desarrollo individual del profesor. Métodos: revisión bibliográfica y documental, entrevista a las especialistas del departamento de cuadros y jefes de departamento docente. Como soporte tecnológico se seleccionó el Gestor de Base de Datos Microsoft Office Access, teniéndose en cuenta que genera aplicaciones de escritorio que dan respuesta a la necesidad. Se implementó como prueba para validar y obtener criterios. Resultados: se obtuvo una base de datos relacional con una tabla principal que recoge la información del docente y 14 tablas más relacionadas entre sí. Los datos recogidos fueron: profesión, especialidad, categoría docente, categoría investigativa, grado científico, dominio de idioma, resultado de evaluación docente, condecoraciones y títulos honoríficos y datos personales. Posee formularios de entrada, un sistema de informes que permite el acceso de forma rápida a los datos. La fase de prueba arrojó criterios positivos y propuestas de mejoras. Conclusiones: la herramienta permitirá a los jefes de departamentos llevar a cabo un flujo de información completo de cada profesor para la elaboración de una estrategia departamental evidenciada en la fase de prueba(AU)

Introduction: The National School of Public Health, a reference center for postgraduate training on public health, has a departmental structure that ensures the constant professional and scientific development of its teaching faculty, for which it requires strong control mechanisms. Objective: To implement a tool for information management by the heads of the teaching departments based on the teacher's individual development plan. Methods: Bibliographical and documentary review, interviews with the specialists of the cadres' department and heads of teaching department. As a technological support, the database manager Microsoft Office Access was chosen, taking into account that it generates desktop applications that respond to the need. It was implemented as a test to validate and obtain criteria. Results: A relational database was obtained with a main table that collected the information of the teacher and 14 tables more related to each other. The data collected were: profession, specialty, teaching category, research category, scientific degree, language proficiency, educational evaluation result, decorations and honorary titles, and personal data. It has entry forms, a reporting system that allows quick access to data. The test stage revealed positive criteria and proposed improvements. Conclusions: The tool will allow the heads of departments to carry out a complete information flow of each teacher for the elaboration of a departmental strategy evidenced in the test stage(AU)

Base de Dados , Docentes , Programas de Pós-Graduação em Saúde , Gestão da Informação/métodos , Faculdades de Saúde Pública , Cuba
Comun. ciênc. saúde ; 27(4): 349-350, dez. 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-972627


Este trabalho analisa o desenvolvimento de atividades-chave que traduzem, sob a perspectiva docente e discente, o currículo integrado adotado pelo curso técnico de enfermagem da Escola Técnica de Saúde de Brasília (ETESB), a partir de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica e do uso de abordagens qualiquantitativas, correlacionando o contexto histórico e institucional da Escola com conceitos relacionados a teorias curriculares e à educação profissional de nível técnico no Brasil. De caráter predominantemente qualitativo, essa pesquisa trabalha a análise de conteúdo das entrevistas com os docentes e a posterior triangulação dessas informações com os dados quantitativos obtidos através do processamento das respostas dos estudantes em um questionário semi-estruturado. O resultado dessa análise proporcionou a definição de três categorias: lugar dos sujeitos da aprendizagem, relação teoria -prática e práticas avaliativas. A partir da análise dessas categorias foi observado que os docentes não se veem como sujeitos corresponsáveis pelo planejamento de atividades e outras atribuições previstas pelo currículo, assim como mantém suas práticas escolares de acordo com as representações sociais previstas pela metodologia tradicional, ou seja, nem eles, nem os estudantes trabalham com a problematização, sendo nítida também a ausência de um projeto institucional de avaliação. Ao expor um panorama atual sobre as práticas curriculares nesse curso, este estudo propõe a construção de novos caminhos a partir da participação dos sujeitos no planejamento de atividades e da qualificação docente a partir de cursos que usem metodologias ativas compatíveis com as que esses professores devem usar na Escola.

This paper examines the development of key activities that reflect the perspective of teachers and students about the integrated curriculum adopted by the ETESB’s nursing technical course, using bibliographical and documentary research and qualitative and quantitative approaches as well, correlating historical and institutional context with concepts related to curriculum theories and education of professional technical level in Brazil. Predominantly qualitative in nature, this research works with content analysis of interviews with teachers and posterior triangulation of this information with quantitative data obtained by processing the responses of students in a semi-structured questionnaire. The result of this analysis provided the definition of three categories: place of the subjects of the learning, the link between theory and practice and evaluation practices. From the analysis of these categories was observed that teachers do not see themselves as individuals who share responsibility for planning activities and other duties provided by the curriculum, as well as keeping their school practices in accordance with the social re presentations provided by the traditional method, which means neither they nor students work with the problematization, being clear also the absence of an institutional project of evaluation. By exposing an overview of current curriculum practices in this course, this study proposes the construction of new pathways starting from the subjects’s participation in the planning of activities and also the teaching qualification through the building of courses that use active methods compatible with those that teachers must apply in the School.

Humanos , Currículo , Enfermagem , Educação Profissional em Saúde Pública , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-493206


Objective To verify the effect of English newspaper reading instruction on promoting the development of English teachers.Methods Differences of the two experimental group teachers' teaching effects were evaluated by Teaching Steering Group scoring method,and the statistics was treated by paired t test;questionnaires aimed at finding out thereason for the improvement of teachers' teaching effect,and how English newspaper reading instruction promotes teachers' professional development.Results The differences of the experimental group teachers' teaching evaluation Pre and Post scores were significant in Tracing academic frontier and Knowledge update,Focus on the cultivation of humanistic spirit,Teacher-student interaction,Teaching according to learners' aptitudes,Students' satisfaction,Emphasis on ability cultivation (P=0.000);questionnaire survey results showed that the participants' approval rates of English newspaper reading instruction were more than 90% in the four aspects:helping teachers learn a way to improve the relationship between teachers and students,updating professional knowledge,changing the original fixed mode of teaching method,and broadening teachers' horizons.Conclusion English newspaper reading instruction can broaden English teachers' horizons,make their knowledge keep pace with the times,enhance teacher-student relationship,improve teaching methods,attract teachers' attention to cultivate students' humanistic and scientific spirit,and enable teachers to use professional vocabulary at the right time.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 20(3): 387-404, jul.-set. 2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-725621


O transcorrer habitual das aulas de Educação Física não parece tranquilo quando o professor defronta-se com alunos com deficiência, principalmente no ensino regular. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se identificar as dificuldades encontradas por professores de Educação Física para incluir alunos com deficiência e sugerir ações e conteúdos a partir dessas dificuldades com a intenção de promover a formação dos professores. Participaram da pesquisa 17 professores de Educação Física que atuavam em escolas, do 1° ao 5° ano, divididos em dois grupos: manhã e tarde. Três encontros para cada grupo de professores foram realizados. Em dois encontros foram coletadas informações por meio de Grupo Focal e, no outro encontro, as informações foram apresentadas aos participantes. Realizou-se uma análise de conteúdo do tipo categorial. Dessa análise emergiram oito categorias de dificuldades atribuídas: 1) à Formação; 2) à questão Administrativo-escolar; 3) ao Aluno; 4) ao Diagnóstico; 5) à Família; 6) ao Recurso Pedagógico; 7) à Estratégia de ensino; 8) à Educação Física. Diante dos resultados foram sugeridas ações e conteúdos para promover a formação dos professores. Conclui-se que, ao propor uma formação para professores de Educação Física, com foco na inclusão educacional, é preciso identificar e assumir as dificuldades encontradas, uma vez que os professores relataram que a dificuldade não era, somente, saber o que fazer para incluir, ou qual recurso selecionar, mas que havia outras questões, como, as administrativas, as familiares e as decorrentes da estrutura escolar.

When teachers are faced with students with disabilities in regular schools, their physical education classes do not run smoothly.Thus, this study aimed to identify the difficulties faced by physical education teachers as they include students with disabilities, and suggest actions and content based on these difficulties intending to promote teacher development. Seventeen physical education teachers who worked in schools from 1st to 5th grade participated in the study. They were divided into two groups: morning and afternoon. Three meetings for each group of teachers were conducted. In two of these meetings, information was collected through Focus Groups, and in another meeting, information was presented to the participants. Content analysis of the categorical type was carried out. From this analysis, categories emerged related to difficulties regarding: 1) training, 2) school administration issues, 3) the student 4) diagnosis; 5) family; 6) teaching resources; 7) teaching strategies; 8) Physical Education. Given the results, several proposals were suggested and content to improve the teachers' development. We concluded that when suggesting a program for training teachers of Physical Education focusing on inclusion, one must identify and acknowledge the difficulties that emerge, since the teachers reported that it was not enough to know what to do in order to include or to know what resources to select. There were other issues to consider, such as administrative issues, family issues or aspects related to how the school was structured.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-456406


Based on the study of theory research and teaching practice, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics has tentatively put forward the concept of “teaching force”. At the same time, Nanjing University of Aeronautics&Astronautics has integrated various resources and systemat-ically constructed the teaching force cultivation mechanism focusing on “fanning out from point and line to area, two stage financing, internal and external drive”, which has effectively promoted the all-round development of young teachers in the teaching, personal, professional and organizational aspects.

Psicol. educ ; (35): 171-196, dez. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-692861


Este trabalho é parte de um estudo¹ que analisa a integração de tecnologias de informação e comunicação - TIC na Educação do Brasil e de Portugal a partir da visão dos professores registrada por meio de questionários aplicados em escolas onde se desenvolvem projetos de uso de computadores portáteis. O objetivo é identificar os aspectos relacionados aos usos e à apropriação das TIC pelos professores e oferecer como resultado as convergências, especificidades e contribuições recíprocas, que possam vir a subsidiar a definição de novas iniciativas e ações em cooperação entre esses países no que se refere ao uso de tecnologias na educação.

This paper is part of the study that analyzes the integration of information and communication technology (CIT) at schools in Brazil and Portugal from the teachers' point of view, which was obtained through surveys applied at the schools where there were projects for the use of laptop computers. The aim is to identify the aspects involved in the uses and learning of CIT by the teachers and provide results concerning common points, specificities and reciprocal contributions that can support the design of new initiatives and research in cooperative works between the two countries regarding the use of education technology.

Este trabajo forma parte de un estudio que analiza la integración de tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) en la educación de Brasil y de Portugal, a partir de la visión de los profesores tomada mediante cuestionarios aplicados en escuelas donde se desarrollan proyectos de uso de computadoras portátiles. El objetivo es identificar los aspectos relacionados a los usos y a la apropiación de las TIC por los profesores y ofrecer, como resultado, las convergencias, especificidades y aportes recíprocos que puedan llegar a subsidiar la definición de nuevas iniciativas e investigaciones, en cooperación entre esos países en lo concerniente al uso de tecnologías en la educación.

Humanos , Educação Profissionalizante , Tecnologia Educacional , Docentes , Tecnologia da Informação , Política Pública
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 18(4): 615-628, out.-dez. 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-660829


Tem sido significativo o papel da Educação a Distância (EaD) na formação continuada de docentes. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo levantar e analisar dados em relação à sua utilização para formação continuada de professores quanto ao processo de inclusão da pessoa com deficiência. Construído e aplicado questionário semiestruturado, participaram da pesquisa 182 alunos do Curso a distância da Unesp-Bauru/SP, realizado em parceria com o Ministério da Educação. Os resultados indicam que a flexibilidade de horário e o atendimento a grande número de alunos, em diferentes áreas geográficas, destacam-se como pontos positivos desta modalidade, porém, para seu sucesso, é necessária a formação adequada dos formadores/tutores na utilização das novas ferramentas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, sendo imprescindível que os alunos tenham a sensação de serem assistidos em todos os momentos, contribuindo para a construção da comunidade virtual e efetivando, na Educação a Distância, a formação de qualidade.

Distance Education has had a significant role in further teacher development. The aim of this study was to collect and analyze data related to distance education for the further teacher development related to the inclusion process of people with disability. One hundred and eighty two students from the Distance Training course from Unesp - Bauru / SP participated in the research, constructing and applying a semi-structured questionnaire. The results indicate that scheduling flexibility and attendance of a great number of students in different geographical areas stand out as positive points of this modality, however, for it to be a success, tutors must be adequately prepared to use new tools in the teaching-learning process. It is essential that the students feel they are being assisted in every moment, contributing to the construction of a virtual community and effecting quality development in distance education.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 18(2): 319-336, abr.-jun. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-640828


este estudo teve o objetivo de investigar a eficácia de um programa de formação de professores numa Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental II do Estado do Paraná, com vistas a favorecer o processo de inclusão de alunos com deficiência intelectual (DI). Os pressupostos teóricos se pautaram nos fundamentos do movimento de inclusão educacional, especialmente em relação às práticas pedagógicas inclusivas. O método utilizado seguiu a sistematização da pesquisa colaborativa. Foram participantes duas professoras, cada uma com um aluno com diagnóstico de DI, em uma das turmas em que lecionavam. Os procedimentos para coleta dos dados ocorreram em três fases: 1ª) levantamento junto às professoras participantes sobre seus conhecimentos acerca do processo de inclusão de alunos com DI e observações em sala de aula de suas práticas; 2ª) desenvolvimento de procedimentos de intervenção - ciclos de estudos sobre o processo de inclusão educacional, análises reflexivas sobre as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas durante as aulas e participação da pesquisadora em sala de aula, auxiliando no atendimento aos alunos com DI -, baseados na pesquisa colaborativa; 3ª) entrevista junto às participantes com o objetivo de avaliar os procedimentos desenvolvidos. Os resultados evidenciaram melhoria da qualidade do processo de inclusão dos alunos com DI e ampliação dos conhecimentos teóricos e práticos acerca da educação inclusiva pelos professores. Comprovou-se, também, que o trabalho colaborativo desenvolvido entre professores do ensino regular e professor especialista em Educação Especial é efetivo para favorecer o processo de inclusão de alunos com DI.

This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a training program for teachers in State School of Basic Education II of the State of Paraná, in order to facilitate the process of inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities (ID). Theoretical assumptions were based on the fundamentals of the inclusion movement, especially in relation to inclusive teaching practices. The method was based on the systematization of collaborative research. The participants were two teachers each with a student diagnosed with ID in one of the classes they taught. The procedures for data collection were conducted in three phases: 1) The teachers were asked about their knowledge about the process of including students with ID and observations of classroom practices were performed. 2) Intervention procedures were developed (seminars on the process of educational inclusion; reflexive analysis of pedagogical practices developed during class; and researcher participation in the classroom, helping out with students with ID). 3) An interview with the participants was conducted to evaluate the procedures that had been developed. The results showed improvements in the quality of inclusion of students with ID and expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge about inclusive education for the teachers. It was also shown that collaborative work between regular teachers and specialist teachers in special education is effective in promoting the process of including students with ID.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-426128


Elaboration on the importance of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in promoting the teachers' professional development was conducted based on the concept of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and from the aspects of the external environment,promotion of teachers' independent development as well as changes in teaching philosophy and the teachers' development value.Corresponding measures were proposed according to the reality of higher education of Chinese medicine.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-429943


Teacher's career development in British medical school has experienced a very long process from establish to gradually mature.So far,it has already set up its system and its own characters in strategy and teacher's self-development.By analyzing characters of teacher's career development in British medical school including teacher development center,teacher's self-development and assessment for medical educators,we aimed to raise enlightenments on teacher's career development in China.